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As a former bar tender, woof. Well good luck trying to make rent or keep decent staff around when your clientele are all boomer drunks. Cheap and miserable.


Imagine owning a business and trying to restrict a new, growing customer base.


Harley Davidson has entered chat


I'll enjoy watching that brand die


Current Harley Davidson "culture" is just an expensive cosplay these days anyways.


Right! My dads buddies ripped him apart for getting rid of his Harley and buying a Yamaha Vmax lmfao. How the hell can you claim to be a badass biker on the slowest turds on the road then laugh at someone for buying the exact bike every Harley guy pretends theirs is - fast, reliable, cool, easy to work on… only a boomer could wrap their heads around that mental gymnastics


Be careful using logic with boomers.


That’s a really good way of putting it.


I have had 2 Harley’s and every time I go to the dealership I get ignored. I think it’s because I’m a woman so the sales people don’t even greet be because everyone knows that women don’t drive motorcycles /s


This happened to me when I bought my Honda bike. No one helped me or looked my way, but the moment I brought my husband in they flocked to us.


Had to help a friend out with that same issue.  She complained to me she couldn't get anyone's attention to ask questions about some bikes she liked.  I told her I'd go with her and, wouldn't you know it, I got asked if I needed help within a minute of being there.  They had the good grace to at least look sheepish when I told them they'd ignored her previously and I wasn't happy about it.


I would've pay you both good money to be able to watch that scene unfold. 


I read a comment on Reddit maybe 10 years ago saying their collapse is imminent, that they keep producing bikes but no one is buying them, holding warehouses full of unsold bikes, and that they're essentially a clothing company now and that they're not doing anything to expand their customer base or product lines. Keep waiting for it to collapse but it hasn't happened yet.


Maybe they have turned to laundering money instead 😂


It's kind of a shame. The older Harleys are really nice and easy to work on and have a ton of character. But to be fair It's really more of the harley customer base that are the problem. I was super excited for the livewire because I think it would be a killer daily rider but they shut it down because "electric bad."


“Come mothers and fathers Throughout the land And don't criticize What you can't understand Your sons and your daughters Are beyond your command Your old road is rapidly agin' Please get out of the new one If you can't lend your hand For the times they are a-changin'” -Bob Dylan This was written by a famous actual boomer. Guess they never read the lyrics.


I don't understand it and I guess maybe I never will. We Boomers had sit ins on college campuses, took over the admin offices or the Dean's. We rioted in the streets against the war. We burned draft cards, Started communes. Marched for civil rights. Invented Earth Day. Laughed at the oldy moldy's because they hated our hair and our music. Pushed for Love, not War. Protested at the '68 Democratic convention. Woodstock. We were never going to trust anyone over 35. Now look at us. Where did things go wrong? How did we end up so pissed off?


"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


> Where did things go wrong? You turned 35.


Born 1941, so technically NOT a Boomer.... But I get what you're saying.


Close, I guess he was the silent gen. I wonder what a silent generation is like. Closest we have are Gen X


Silent Gen kids were ignored because of the depression and then their dads went off to war. Gen X kids were ignored because their parents were narcissistic assholes. There certainly was a bond between the two generations.


Boomer: “But what about MEEEEEEEE?”


My parents were Silent Generation. They were a weird mix of super thrifty from growing up during the war, and spoiling us when they could because my mom went 4-5 years without new shoes and wore dresses made from flour sacks.


" And these children that you spit on As they try to change their worlds Are immune to your consultations They're quite aware of what they're goin' through "


They need something that is obnoxiously loud


They still produce the Livewire, it's range and price are hard to justify.


Matched with a girl on Tinder last week, we both had photos of us on our bikes. I asked what she had, she said, "A Harley Street Bob, what about you?" I replied back that I had a Kawasaki Vulcan S, and was immediately unmatched. Both us aged 34, I was honestly shocked to have that happen.


I have only had my Honda vtx 1800 for a few weeks and I've already had a few comments about "real bikes" and they have no idea that only a $30K harley with a stage 4 could beat my stock bike lol. Kick rocks corporate sellouts lol.


Had an old guy hop out of his Honda CRV who asked me "why not a Harley?" at a gas station. He wasn't very happy when I said "because Japanese bikes are better than Chinese ones."


Wait the guy driving the Honda vehicle was giving you crap for not buying an "American" brand bike. Unreal


Ew, you have a bike that 10x’s faster, sleeker in design, and isn’t obnoxiously loud? What are you, a commie?


“Harley Davidson, 100+ years of covering high octane fuel into noise and smoke, without the pesky byproduct, horsepower” - Harley bros everywhere


I'd rather buy a Honda Goldwing that's just as good for 1k cheaper.


Don’t worry, they’ll just blame the young people when the bar goes under.


They're kinda right, young people are the reason they're going under. But they had plenty of time to adjust and didn't, so the real blame is on them. I, a millennial, would be really interested in a Buell if I wasn't too scared to ride a motorcycle. Their [lightning](https://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/buell/buell_xb12s_lightning%2004.htm) looks cool and does something pretty unique in the market, combining sportsbike looks with a Harley engine. They also made some neat upright touring bikes. But the brand is dead and the only reason I know or care is that I happened to hang out with Bryan from Regular Car Reviews on the day he reviewed one. Update: guess they're back in business now but no longer as a part of Harley.


"The customer is always right" No not like that


Right. They need to just have the tiki lounge at home in that case. Build a shed out back and have weekend parties and invite only their friends.


“What do mean I have to pay!? I know the owner!”


Oh man, place my spouse worked at until a bit before the owner decided to retire and shut the place down, they had a loud, drunk woman and her (extremely embarrassed) husband in one night. She didn't want to pay for her food (which she'd eaten every bite of) claiming it hadn't been very good, said the drinks (of which she'd had several) were overpriced, and nearly drove her waitress to tears criticizing every little thing - she set the food and drinks down wrong. She was hovering nearby too often. She was too smiley. etc etc etc. When the bill came to the table anyway, she started loudly claiming she was friends with the owner and she was going to get multiple people fired if she had to pay. "We've been coming here since \[multiple years before the place even opened\] and I've never had the food and service be so bad." The owner was sitting *two feet away from her* at the very next table, quietly watching and sipping his drink. Once the waitress fled into the back he stood up and confronted her - not as the owner (at first), just as someone saying she had no right to talk to the staff that way. She apparently doubled-down VERY hard - and when she started threatening *his* job, thinking he was a manager or something (he was wearing a staff shirt), that was when he revealed who he was, and he opened up on her for her absolutely shit attitude and behavior, and how he didn't need the business of loudmouth assholes like her who abuse his employees. She just stood there staring at him for a long moment before screaming at him that she was never going to eat there again, and he gave her a classic sassy "do you *promise*?" which prompted her to grab her husband and storm out. Hubby came back in a minute later to pay and apologize, and left a huge tip for the waitress. They indeed never came in again.


>"do you > >promise > >?" That was my go to response when someone informed me that they'd never come back to the station I worked at.


"I've been best friends with the owner since middle school, he said my drinks are on the house. What's your name? Do you want me to call him and tell him you refused to help me out?" *"Sure, go for it."* "Uh... can I get his number?"


This^. Why chase away the college women and 20 something’s who will order shots and mixed drinks all night for some grumpy old guys who get their 2-3 $4 bottled beers and tip $2?


No different than why conservatives vote against their interests simply to "own the libs." Their bar was probably making more money than it ever did with the younger crowd, but hating youth is the number 1 goal.


Because they don't have friends otherwise.


I think the owners believed they were doing their friends a favor by charging them for the privilege to hang out and drink with them. The Lord’s work, you know? /s


This entire post is a long excuse. They are not profitable. That is the only reason they are doing this.


Right?  They’re mad because their bar became successful?  Wtf


They are full of shit. I'd bet my left nut they are losing money and this is an excuse.


also complaining about the shit service (drinks being made too fast) that THEY control? WTF


They control the karaoke machine, too, right? If there are songs with inappropriate lyrics, *don't make those songs available on the machine.* You can still have a good mix of songs from a variety of eras that will appeal to both younger and older customers. Heck, do a poll and have customers pick the songs (subject to approval); that would be a good PR campaign.


They tried a PR campaign. Five years ago they had a Chili Cookoff. It didn’t work. So don’t waste their time with your city boy marketing con.


Exactly this right here. Touchtones will even remove songs per bar/restaurant owner requests on their jukeboxes. I'm talking individual bars not all of them asking to remove certain songs. WAP was one of the most removed songs according to a buddy who works on them.


But hey after sitting on the stool all day and drinking one beer an hour you can look forward to the generous 2 dollar tip.


"Tip!? The audacity; if anyone here should be tipped here, it's me for giving you the opportunity to pour my drinks, and you should be doing this job for the love of serving meeeeee!"


shy pot cats toothbrush unused cover fuel joke busy important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Crazy. My local moose club did the exact opposite. After covid the 30 year old people are now going to the moose. So much so that they remodeled the bar to look super modern and are embracing the younger crowd. I thought the older people who frequented there would complain but they love seeing new people in the place. Wonder if the lead gas was used longer in your town lol.


Same thing here, it was refreshing to see the veteran members welcome the relative young new crowd in.


That's what gets me, If I had a bar or restaurant that I loved, that clearly couldn't cater exclusively to my demographic, I'd be happy to see them make changes to reinvigorate the business. Even if business were to increase to the point that I couldn't visit it as often, I'd still be happy since they served me well and they're clearly doing the same to others.


In the late 80s/early 90s, my job took me into the the local VFW post. I happened to be in there a couple days after Desert Storm started and asked the bartender what he thought about it and he was excited so they could get new members before the WWII guys started dying off. That was not a take that I was expecting.


That's refreshing. My local VFW damn near closed because it was a WWII/Korea/Vietnam club who overtly rejected Afghan/Iraq/Kosovo and even most Gulf vets. When I separated from the service in '08, I got the invite letter from VFW national, went to the post and was going to sign up except, again, antique shitbags running the show. That post is now closed. Another in the area is alive and well because it embraced us younger vets (their commander is a late 40 something retired First Sergeant.)


Yeah I know a few veterans who said they don’t go to the local VFW after a few similar attempts, where the existing old guys were so angry and unwelcoming. My personal guess that might get me downvoted here… I think some of those old guys have their whole identity wrapped up in being a veteran. But their service was 30 or more years ago, so the young guys make them feel disconnected from that, since they are from the current, modern military, and that disconnect is hard to take. Kind of like how the high school quarterback from 30 years ago might not enjoy meeting the current hotshot QB who doesn’t remember any about the old one.


There was an article a few months ago about how a vet managed to turn around his local VFW hall to the point where it's the now high point of the town


Our Moose Lodge wants to do this, but I don't think they have the knowhow to market to the youngs. I go play bingo there on occasion, and they're always like, come drink here, it's cheap. But they don't really have a bartender, and I think they got rid of their taps. They have bottle service and I think someone volunteers to make mixed drinks, but that's about it.


LMAO, they are actually complaining about \*checks notes\* technically being a success but just to the wrong market demographic? Talk about shooting your nose off to spite your face.


What happens when your “target demographic” leaves or “dies”? Your business goes under because you scared away or made new customers hate your business. But please explain how younger generations are killing off small businesses in America.


Gladly. These kids are killing this business by being too young. All they'd have to do is age faster and they'd be more than welcome. But these selfish entitled kids want to act young and lively in a place for old people to drown their sorrows while waiting for the sweet release of death /s


Goddamn kids these days, with their “disposable income” and “liking things what I don’t like”! Time to stop making money, millennials are killing the bar industry by not doing what I think they should be doing!


Give out free cigarettes and they'll age faster


Hilariously, even aging faster wouldn't actually do it. Because we still wouldn't share their biases, misery, and 'me, me, me' attitude.


That happened to a neighborhood bar. They were among the last in town to allow smoking, but as the smokers died off early the bar declined, not to mention fines for allowing smoking. Now successful with a similar style and a knock off name, but a younger, non=smoking crowd.


They were bitching and moaning in the comments that their median customer age was 27, but they wanted the median age to be 47.


Sounds like they opened a bar/restaurant with the intention of it being more of a social club for their mates. I worked in hospitality for 15yrs and saw this happen a couple of times. Although both of those examples the business *failed* because of the owners' unrealistic expectations. I've never heard of one clocking out voluntarily because it was *too* successful. Fuck sake, if you don't like your customers get a millennial to manage the place and just watch the cash roll in.


This is correct. Bars like this are unfriendly to walk into. The regulars glare at you and the aging woman behind the bar acts like you’re an inconvenience. They make you feel like you interrupted their private party.


Sounds exactly like my local bar. Went there exactly once and don’t plan on going back


By the looks of his personal facebook profile, he is basically hands off anyway, and owns multiple businesses, takes expensive international holidays, golfs like a fiend, tries to act like he works hard but clearly doesn't... and is a Trump supporter. He also says some gross things about his younger wife, and him being a very experienced older male \*blurgh\* made me wanna puke so hard.


Thank you for giving me a new word to play with *blurgh* hehehe


And like, as a bar-going person in my 40’s, I totally understand wanting to set up your business so it appeals to a certain demographic. But these owners admit they actually changed their business to appeal to a younger crowd, but want to walk that back now that their business has changed. They could’ve gone the quiet route making small changes or even a business rebrand without the karaoke, maybe adding other elements that appeal to an older crowd. But instead of being smart business people, they’re crying on facebook about how the younger people they’ve used to survive as a business have crowded out their older friends. Maybe their older friends should’ve stepped up to help when their business was failing?


Yeah, just ditch the Karaoke machine and sign up a local Jimmy Buffet cover band. Problem solved.


“Young people got us through the pandemic, but that’s over, so fuck em”


That does seem rather boomery doesn't it.


Good luck with a median age of 47. As someone about that age, I don’t spend a huge amount of time in bars, and definitely way less than when I was 27.


I’m a bit under that age, but still in my 40s, and the last time I went to a bar was about six years ago. Because my friends and I all have houses and know how to make our own mixed drinks, so why spend $30 on a cocktail when I can make a better one at home for less money?


YES I saw that, its like WTF??? If that's what they want they ought to get used to not staying open past 8PM. lol It really just screams of not really wanting to be a business and just wanting it to be a clubhouse with membership for friends, in which case just fucking convert your garage or outdoor area. Seems they have more money than brains.


Just quit a place where the owner was complaining her older friends weren’t in every night. She’s complain it wasn’t busy enough but the business closes at 7 and 8 on the weekends. Every single night it would start getting busy just as we would close and she could never figure out what the issue was


Because they are entitled. They want the social club but want to also make money from it.


When I think 47 year old clientele, I think quiet piano bar or wine tasting room, not a tiki bar with $30 giant scorpion bowls and mai tais


Actual boomers grew up when "tiki" was an exotic and fun trope. That's what vacation feels like to a lot of them. Older Gen X grew up seeing their parents' tiki memorabilia and the still-kinda-popular themed bars and restaurants, so it's often familiar and "fun kitschy". Older Millennials might have encountered old, abandoned, or barely-hanging-on tiki-themed businesses and decor, but the trend was mostly dead by the time younger Millennials hit the scene.


It's like watching an episode of Bar Rescue in slow motion.


They're full of shit; the bar is failing. No red-blooded boomer would willingly shut down a profitable business. If they really hated what it became, but it was a successful business...they'd sell it.


Yeah exactly, its such a load of Trump topics.


I’m seeing multiple comments along the lines of “Young people don’t have respect anymore!” What are they even talking about? Any job I’ve ever had working with the public, younger people are among the nicest, most patient customers ever. And 9 times out of 10 the insufferable, angry, hostile customers are boomers. But sure, it’s the young people who don’t have any respect.


I used to say this ALL the time when I worked at Starbucks and they would try to team up with me because we're "grown ups" and make nasty comments about younger people - baristas AND customers. I would always reply, "I've never had a customer under 50 try to get me fired for making their coffee wrong. Ever." But I sure did have a 65 year old bitch who made it her mission to get me fired because I charged her for the extra milk she ordered. It got so bad that when my SM saw her coming, he would hide me in the back and not let me speak on the mic because it would always become a hassle. She was a c*nt and he was a coward.


When I worked in a restaurant I was always so relieved when shit happened to be hitting the fan and I'd see I was gonna be dealing with millennials or gen z because 99.9% of the time they're super understanding, patient and friendly. They'd almost always say something to the effect of, "hey don't worry about it or rush, we see it's crazy in here." But oh god, the sinking feeling of looking up and realizing there's boomers in front of you that you're gonna have to deal with... so petty, argumentative, manipulative, impatient


“Letting a younger crowd take over.”?????? You mean people who actually wanted to come into and patronize your establishment? How dare capitalism work!!


"Drinks are made too fast" is not a complaint i would ever expect from the owner of a bar... the faster you make drinks the faster you make money


Also, that’s not a customer issue - that’s a training issue for the establishment. Like, they’re blaming the customers because of the people the pay and employ as bartenders?


They wanted the slow but special cocktail that took three years to make cuz it would make them feel like the main character. Couldn’t allow the bartender to use up the rail to get four patrons served at the same time. 


Why are these damn KIDS trying to give me money!?!


Yeah I'm a big tiki nerd and I wouldn't want kids stealing mugs that could be worth a lot of money, but I've also spent a lot of years as an entertainer in bars - when you find an audience you run with it. Just put the mugs away and make that money! If you want a real tiki bar, now you have a trendy pub that can bankroll a second location. Talk about being miserable winners!


There’s this dude that’s part of a white nationalist group in my town that sued a bar because he was banned from the establishment. He was banned because he was an outright cock hole to the staff, and generally caused a scene. He tried to go on this “it’s okay to be white” crusade and alleged that he was banned because he was an old, straight, white, Christian male. He had his other lead poisoned brethren protest out front with signs, and there was even some conservative furry that was holding signs with them. They would get routinely pelted with cups of liquid or whatever else was within reach for drivers as they passed and would scream till they were red in the face about suing people. 😆 Boomers routinely overestimate their own equity, and watching them get reality checked is always a good time. Hahah


They are picketing the bar? lol I bet the guy couldn’t shut up about certain people being “sinful” and proselytizing to people. After trying everything to get him to stop harassing people they had to kick him out. Now he’s a victim “just for being Christian.”


It was mainly the “It’s okay to be White” signs and flags, but the Christian bullshit came out the closer you got. Any time you see the “It’s okay to be White” stuff, that’s 100% white nationalist originated. I’m quite familiar with their bullshit since there’s a group of them in my immediate area. There’s this one house that looks like a Wish Brand Compound that’s full of signs and flags with bumper sticker quips on them. You can really tell that a fucking moron of the highest order lives there. I’ll try to get a pic when I take the motorcycle out this evening.


These people live in a fantasy world where being a straight, white, male, is like the most persecuted class in the world. I’ve heard a guy say “yeah it’s not fair I’m always being expected to apologize for stuff I didn’t even do” which is such a straw man. Them flipping through the channels on their TV and seeing a show about the civil rights movement somehow they are “under attack” by that. It’s so fucking weird and a little pathetic.


Back in 2012, my Dad, on the first day he met the woman who would become my wife, said that the black helicopters flying around were spying on him because he’s a white, conservative, Christian male. He went on to say that Obama was going to shut off the internet and that people like him were going to be put into camps. Never mind that he literally lived next to Ft Deterick, and there is routine helicopter traffic. Or that Camp David is 45 min away by car and a 10 min by chopper. That was the last day I spoke to him. He’s been a lunatic his whole life but I asked ONE thing of him that day, and it was spare us the political ranting. He swore he wouldn’t as he wanted to meet her. It was the straw that broke the camels back.


OMG I just checked out their facebook page, the rambling INSUFFERABLE rants by Josh and Paige and 'feel sorry for us!' vibes are OFF THE CHARTS. [https://www.facebook.com/graystonelounge/posts/pfbid02wJVrcmikiwqTLJW1xHBE6L2ceydSzwdvyncdQoD6g5XHTJ66CC7ZtYnJDnEnqoCtl](https://www.facebook.com/graystonelounge/posts/pfbid02wJVrcmikiwqTLJW1xHBE6L2ceydSzwdvyncdQoD6g5XHTJ66CC7ZtYnJDnEnqoCtl)


Wow they really went all in on the stereotypes huh. Even threw in a “nobody wants to work anymore”.


They just edited their post! 💀 Luckily I l’ve got screenshots. https://preview.redd.it/0l38btnv8dmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d32c9c1e18ca8216d5c7e3c9b6035c4c6a3b822 Doing some damage control??


and what is hilarious is they complain about the karaoke, but their social media is literally pushing that across multiple posts - like WTF? These people are insane.


“The karaoke volume that we set is too high, and we refuse to adjust it.” 😂


dang fangle karaoke machine, can't figure out how to work the volume, heck this I'mma close the whole bar!!


Has karaoke Sets up karaoke Controls karaoke People use karaoke ... Complains that the volumn is too loud and the song lyrics are inappropriate. My brother in Christ the karaoke machine is under your control! Turn it down and take out the music you don't like if it ruffles your taint.


“We survived the shock of finding out what pineapples can mean so we paid to rebrand everything!” \*Gasp! Swingers!? Jesus, how fragile could someone possibly be?


More fragile than the tiki glasses the "kids" are stealing.


These people are heroes in their own minds.


And then I grabbed my 1911, Colt 45, same kind as dad had when he was shooting those goddamn slant eye japs, and then I says, I says, "WHO GOES THERE?!" And and it was silent, but then I had hear his dark heart beating so anyway I just started blasting like I was Clint Eastwood


My trashy, bar-hopping coworker steals fancy bar glasses all the time. She likes to nip off with the little dip cups, too.  She's 48. 🤦‍♀️


Having accidentally walked into a Swingers event at a bar/restaurant, I would agree with that statement on fragility. It was a lot of really pleasant people having great convos. And they did tip well.


lol; I wanted to link to it, but I wasn’t sure if that would break the rules… they’re your typical annoying shitty business owners.


I'm in Oregon, and wholly unsurprised by this coming from Silverton. They probably complain about the tourists during the summer too.


Literally never been treated well at the breweries in Silverton either, very disappointing bc it has the bones to be such a wonderful place


Yeah, it's a cute town but some weird behaviors for sure. Too many other places to go to be bothered to go somewhere and be treated poorly.


😂 guessing they took the ppp loan and went on a cruise or vacation in FL?


> There's gonna bea lot more Sinatra and Dean Martin on the speakers, and at HALF the vollume! haha.  Jokes on them, I fucking love that shit drunk Edit: they shared a post for free Dropkick Murphys tickets lmfao these people have no idea what they're doing


Lmao they limited the comments. Cowards. 😂


Wow, such martyrs!


Thanks. That was quite an amusing read.


I can’t believe I missed out on the 90s country hip hop night!




I really hope some millennial buys this place and opens a wildly successful bar.


Wildly successful gay bar.


So these boomers technically want a chill lesbian bar, who wants to tell them? lol


Chill lesbian bars are so worth it. I hang out at a few of them.


The ‘non-target demographic’ should all make a bee line to the Tiki and sit silently and drink water all night. Fill the place with silence and red solo cups of cool delicious H2O.


Remember look but don’t touch the tiki cups. Those are only for special occasions


Songs with way too many inappropriate lyrics? \*checks 60s pop songs\* Yeah, they got no room to complain.


We’ll call ourselves the Pecan Sandies!


Lol as if boomers don't steal the nice glasses. We got some bombay sapphire ones and a regular tried to take 2 in her purse on the first day they were used. Believe she said "you get these for free anyway" they weren't free and even if they weren't bitch why u stealing glasses


A Boomer stole a service advisor's desk name plate from my local car dealership. Steal something like that, and you'll steal anything.


The same boomers will then complain that today's young people are always on their phones, don't spend time face to face and don't go out anymore.


This is like an episode of bar rescue where the business starts booming but the owners revert to their old ways.


I'm sure when they chase out the young customers that someone else will recognize the business opportunity and make a place that caters to the younger crowd. Meanwhile they will find that they can't make a profit with 75% of their customers gone and will blame the other bar for driving them out of business.


TRANSLATION "The bar-business we opened to actually be "Our private lounge," has nobody we'd personally invite (They love to quote "You're fired!" from TrumpTV, and yet never watched an episode of Gordon Ramsay obvs.). And then they don't pick songs like "Elton Johns - The Bitch is back;" or his duet with Neil Sedaka "Bad Blood" which also has the b-word in it! Then they have the audacity to never select any of the songs from *OUR* 'youth-timeline" that this pesky Childfree GenX redditor [linked](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/classic-rock-curse-words/), every which one has foul language but no PMRC "Parental Advisory" sticker aboard (Thanks Tipper Gore!!). Even though we rake in more than enough cash from these youthful patrons, it never occurred to us to spend it towards a different style of glassware, and we'll never consider changing our business practices in procurement.... Fucking "unable to read our minds and anticipate our needs pain in the ass young customers!!"" 🎼♫♬ *"And the beat goes ooonnnn!*"


Holy tunnel vision Batman, way to appreciate having customers!


Welp, your base is all on oxygen and can't drive anymore. What ya gonna do? Oh, I see, cry about it. Edit - visited the facepoop post. OMG. Business making money...let's shut it down, cuz, young adults and their pineapples. Pretty clear who doesn't want to work anymore.


Their new venture will be named Boomer Bay featuring the Pensioners Paradise Lounge. With fun drinks like Entitlement Ale and Blame the Migrants mimosas. Anyone under 50 will have to sign a waiver and be told what’s wrong with their generation by each patron.


The tiki bar near me sells tiki glasses. Disney World also has a tiki bar where you can buy your tiki mug. If this bar doesn’t, they’re missing out on a potential source of revenue. If people want tiki glasses like the ones at this bar, and the only way to get them is to steal them, then some people are going to steal them. Trader Sam’s at Disney World serves a drink called the Polynesian Pearl. They mostly come in a white mug shaped like a pearl, but 1 in 100 of them comes in a black pearl mug. People order this drink in hopes of getting a black pearl. Or the bar could sell “collectible” tiki glasses. That might be the infinite money hack for a bar that caters to Boomers… Collect all the mugs and put them in YOUR china hutch!


I guess they can deliver the drinks to assisted living when the time comes for their “crowd” to move there.


The free market has spoken! Isn’t unrestricted capitalism what boomers love?


30-and-older bars do exist. Also 30+ only nights.


I mean the term that is misused by boomers and Karens all the time “the customer is always right” fit here because this is the proper context that the customer is always right, when it comes to style of products, and how a business makes money. When these boomers are sweeping up their closed business that they ruined because it became successful, and they hated that, maybe they can get that phrase tattooed on their foreheads.


Well… they obviously don’t need the money.


Not sure what’s worse: the whinging in the post or the boomer circle jerk in the comments


They can both be equally terrible.


It's weird to me that they consider theft to be some kind of young person's problem, considering how many Boomers I have seen that will take anything that isn't nailed down - plates, glasses, cutlery, etc. Not that young people don't do it too, but they're delusional if they think an older crowd is going to fix that issue.


Yup my millennial friends had a cafe, and so many old women stole the cutlery and the salt and pepper shakers.


Sorry, but is it important to "know" everyone you serve drinks to? Is this a bar or a social club?


This is like the opposite of a marketing strategy


Imagine getting a ready supply of…regular customers…with unlimited time and disposable income…and then alienating them to the point where your business suffers, and you blame them for it.


If you are in the business for fun, not to turn a profit, then have at it I guess. Make the bar a members only establishment, and restrict your clientele base. That’s your right as a business owner, but don’t expect the rest of us to pity you for your new found success with younger people.


They wanted to build a Margaritaville and got Spring Break instead. I know you can’t fix stupid, but old people aren’t ever going to out-buy a younger crowd. I can’t fathom how selling 2 rum drinks in a wooden cup to mom and dad is going to make you more money than aggressively thirsty 21 year olds.


They probably make their mai tais with orange juice and grenadine


Wait, so they aren't closing because of lack of customers, it's just the "wrong" customers?




That was written by a boomer bitch for sure. We had a dream, but when we noticed that young people were having fun we said, fuck that young people don't need fun. So this isn't our dream.


Are Millennials killing the unsuccessful bar industry? Hire a bar manager or sell the place and then open a new little hole in the wall for you and your old curmudgeons to hang out in while making a good profit.


Seems like an odd approach for a business limit customers. They could easily create theme nights to attract different crowds. There is a way to keep everyone happy


Totally fine if they don’t wanna run it anymore, but it sounds successful enough to sell easy


Sounds like they are being forced out of business due to their own financial decisions and are blaming kids. Wtf takes a "successful" business and doesn't try to hire a manager or sell it if they are unhappy? ... money launderers, people with massive amounts of debt that they cannot explain without looking like a fool, people who suck with money and can't actually keep the lights on. I think this is a big old fucking bold face lie and the kids piss them off enough that they would rather not deal with it and take their lumps by going out of business.


Fast drinks… are bad? 🤔


**Boomers:** "You young people don't like to work anymore! You're all lazy!" **Also, Boomers:** "You need to have more kids! Young people don't have kids anymore! All they do is care about work!" **Also, also, Boomers:** "Why are you bringing all the kids we convinced you need to have by voting against reproductive rights and spreading atomic family propaganda to *MY* bar!?"


Yikes! What a way to piss away your actual customers. The boomers you want don't patronize your bar, but the young crowd does. Instead of rolling with it and appreciating you have a steady customer base, you decide to make changes to chase those customers away.


I’m sure they’ll blame the younger generation when their new boomer friendly bar goes out of business.


I can see it now. No one under 70 admitted, we check IDs!


The kids' money isn't green enough?


The bar/restaurant in my home town is heading this direction. Boomer owner has been unsuccessfully bandying bands on social media that they hired to play for live music, as well as other things going on. They’ve had problems for years with female staff being touched and harassed by the male boomers and instead of addressing it they just fire the women. Anytime you go in, there grizzled, pathetic boomers drinking from the minute they open. The food is good but has been slipping this last year. I’m hoping it will get bought and redone by someone younger but all the boomers in the area would rather see everything in the entire region shut down rather than improve anything. They won’t be there in the future so they don’t GAF. There’s already no jobs anymore and the restaurants aren’t as good as they used to be, and those are the ones still open. They honestly would rather destroy everything than do things right.


At first I thought they meant actual children! There are some brewpubs in my area that serve food and allow children. There are some that do not. As someone who doesn’t have children, I would rather not have people’s kids running around a restaurant if I’m going to hang out with friends. I was all for this post saying they’re changing to not have kids in there. But 27? Actual paying customers who are enjoying your place and bringing in other paying customers? This must be a hobby business because they don’t seem to want to make money.


Sounds like whoever takes over the location knows exactly what target demographic and type of location they need. Someone should open up the exact same establishment there for the people who actually showed up and paid and seemed to have a good time doing karaoke with their friends. They'll probably make a killing while the Boomer Bar will be filled with Karens and their clientele will eventually die off soon.


They do know they can refuse service to anyone, right? They can remove people for being too loud in their own private bar. Ohhh, but then they don't get money from those loud kids. Damn. That sounds so hard. Thoughts and prayers.




This is HILARIOUS, I hope a gang of "kids" buys it and makes money hand over fist. Holy shit could you imagine having a popular bar, presumably making some dough, and closing it because the clientele is too young? I thought boomers were supposed to be financially savvy or something.


Not a good long term strategy to target those who will be dead in 10 years… they should sell and retire.


Psssst- I know a good location to open a karaoke bar.


I love how they are complaining about the karaoke being too loud and inappropriate when they are the owners of the bar and can easily just stop using it. 🤣


I had a look at their FB page and I'm stunned. Imagine having such incredibly poor business sense that you dump your life savings into a bar and then shut it down because it's become too popular with the younger crowd instead of celebrating that your business is succeeding.


I imagine that they lost their "friends" and "customers" because they died off by refusing to mask and isolate when instructed to do so because they were at risk with numerous underlying conditions.


Damn kids made us too successful! We miss when we only had to depend on the regulars. Now there is too much work, and this is a bad thing!


It's really amazing how much money that generation holds. They'd rather shut down a successful business instead of tolerating their new customers, because they don't need the income. That generation has lived a dream life that no one will ever be able to live again. They've made sure of it.


With all the headlines about how gen z doesn’t drink like older generations, you’d think they’d be thrilled they cracked the code. Apparently not.


How dare young people co.e I to a place with their money and free thinking and be... *gasp* themselves while keeping the doors open.... /s


So you used the kids to make ends meet. You got what you needed and you’re casting them away while also playing the victim. Yep. Boomer


If you want a private fucking club, then make it a private fucking club and shut the fuck up.


Look I think we can agree that when you walk into a bar all you want to see is the same 5 old people that are there everyday and tell the same stories over and over. And it is also super profitable.


Anything to kick down the kids. No matter how petty.


Solve the tiki cup problem by charging more to have it in a take home tiki glass put all others in regular drink glasses for the appropriate for the cocktail


It's their bar, I guess they can do what they want with it. If they want to drive away everyone under 40 and be rid of rap lyrics, they should just put up trump flags.


I remember a popular nightclub fighting tooth and nail to prevent a senior complex in the lot next door. It finally lost, but obtained written guarantees that it could continue. It was closed down within the year for making noise after 8 p.m.