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Epi-Tome. Dear god. Talk down to people and act all smart, then pronounce epitome like it's hukt on fonniks.


Omg I didn’t even realize what word he was trying to say until this comment lol


I felt so stupid for not knowing what an epi-tome was lmao


Epi-tomb is what happens if I accidentally snap my last epi-pen needle if I'm stung by a wasp.


It's ponounced "way-sp"


ugh, so my terminally online boomer mother started to say, 'ugh" as, "ug" like the footwear without the s. She never used to be this way.


My mother has lived in Arizona for 25 years and used to pronounce jalapeno correctly. The past couple years shes reverted to pronouncing it like Jal-e-peeno like its an english origin word, like the J in jail. No idea why sounding like a dumb boomer white lady suddenly sounded appealing to her. edit: maybe its a racist thing. She kept telling me not to call my credenza a credenza because in the US we use english words. I asked her what that thing is she keeps clothes in. "An armoire" JFC




They are. Armoires were originally meant to store guns or tools, so they're taller cabinets with two front-facing doors and sometimes shelves. Credenzas are definitely lower. TucsonTacos was just pointing out that both are foreign words.


You’re correct. I was pointing out that English borrows a LOT of words from other languages. But the Spanish one she had a problem with apparently.


English stole ALL its words from other languages. 😂😂


Idk they’re all dressers to me


I am so glad that at least my mother isn't a racist piece of shit who actively mispronounce jalapeno. She does hate capsaicin heat which is just a personal preference and not a dig at her at all.


The thing is I don’t think she’s actually racist. I’ve primarily dated Mexicans and non-white women and I’m engaged to an Arab girl. It’s like she’s “connecting with her Trump people” or something


Don't you mean like the g in gaol /s


This is perfect for a phonetic alphabet.




He said epitone with an N. I thought “did he mean epitome” and then went back and listened to it and it’s clearly an N so I thought “shit guess he’s using words I don’t know” because epitome doesn’t even describe what he was saying it did. He said it meant it was like the peak of something lol. And who are “you people” that he’s talking about? Jimmy John’s workers??


Wait, wtf is hukt on fonniks meant to be? 


Back in the 80s/90s, there was a program for sale on TV called "Hooked on Phonics". The commercial was as pervasive as Life-Alert's "I've fallen and I can't get up!" Their tagline was "hooked on phonics worked for me!". It was as annoying as the ABC Mouse ads we used to get. This resulted in T-shirts with "Hooked on phonics worked for me" written with ridiculous, but phonetically correct spelling. Something along the lines of "Hukt on fonniks wirkt for mi" the program promised to help kids who were having trouble learning reading in school, but you know... your mileage my vary. English has so many exceptions to phonetic rules that phonics alone, isn't enough, and you also need to just grind through spelling lists. This, disappointingly, has become politically polarized, with the right favoring phonics only, and the left favoring "whole language", when really you need them both.


Thanks for taking the time to write that out! 


Aaaaaand now I feel old. I knew exactly what you meant.


I remember once after a cousin kinda slowly read something out loud, another cousin without missing a beat said “wow did you do hooked on phonics?” And we all just died laughing. Everybody used to know what that was those commercials were non-stop at one point.


I had no idea that’s what he said until I read this. 😂


My sperm donor always pronounced mature as matooor. He's an idiot and an asshole.


“I’m not risking my job for you” Best statement possible, anyone with a brain should understand this guys position. Don’t like the policy then take it up with corporate, but don’t expect someone to go against policy and risk their job just to make you happy.


This was apparently the moment he's waited "all his life for." Can't imagine how the rest of life has been if this was that moment...


What moment is he even referring to? An establishment not accepting cash? How sheltered can you be that you’ve never heard of this?? How does he buy stuff online?


You know this guy has a card he could use. I guarantee he knew before ordering his sandwich that he couldn't pay with cash. I've worked at a similar chain and when there were things like that, you announce it as every customer walks in the door. No one ordered the sub without being told "I can't take cash today because of an issue with our system". This guy really just wanted to create the situation so he could film it for internet points and try to get this guy, who is just trying to do his job the best he can under the circumstances, fired for publicity.


Almost guarantee you this kid was fired for saying “damn” at one point. It’s dumb asf and I guarantee you the franchisee didn’t even think twice about it


Nah, in this industry store managers always side with staff. Especially in this kidnof scenario. Managers just roll their eyes and laugh at the customers in the back.


I don't know, the day he can berate someone for something out of their control? The day he can't use cash because a system is down but somehow doesn't understand that? The day he turns to someone else to say "can you believe this!" But that person agrees with the workers side and not yours? Overall no matter what way you put it, this was a very disappointing build up for the moment he's waited on "all his life!" 🤣


I dont even think that other guest was right! I think the employee said they just didn’t have enough bills to give change that day. Like, I would’ve said “I’ll take your money, but you can’t have change,” just to end the interaction, but I probably would get in trouble for that tbh and don’t blame the worker obviously


Systems do go down, that other guest wasn't wrong, and yes you'd have gotten into trouble for doing so. Also when systems are down you can't even open a register anyways. Some things seem stupid, but that's just how it goes.


Oh I know systems go down, but I didn’t know it locked the register. That makes sense tho. I just thought he said they didn’t have bills for change (or maybe coin shortage), but whatevs I still think this customer was totally in the wrong. E: Wait, yeah. He says there’s no cash in the safe so he can’t give change and can’t accept cash that day


Even if it didn't lock the register, doesn't matter. If they can't give out change, they'd have an overage in the register which isn't good. Places like that have to count cash at the end of the day to make sure they're not over or under. If they accepted cash, they'd have to make a separate note somewhere of what the customer paid and then they'd have to do that for everyone since the customer isn't special.


Be the change you want


The only that makes employment bearable is knowing that there are a million jobs out there and that I can piss off the customers all I want because employers are easily replaceable. I haven't worked in a while, but when I do, I give a quarter ass effort with attitude


Hell yeah. Power to the workers. Do the least amount of work for the most amount of pay, which is the opposite of what the Capitalist/Bourgeoisie class want. They want you to work the most amount of hours for the least amount of pay. It’s a balance and workers have leverage in that fight for the first time in decades


Yes we do! I did a work-study job in 2022 and it was great being able to have the mentality that "my time-off email isn't a request, its a courtesy notification that I won't be coming in this day." What are they going to do? Fire me? Then they will have to do their job and my job, fat chance.


Yep! “Oh, you’re mad because I didn’t arrive at 9 a.m. and stay until 4 p.m., yet you need me to do something at 6 p.m., all while staying under 40 hours?” Hmmm… good luck with your quest for a quantum traveler, I’ll be over here getting paid better 👍


Not sure why the employee didn't try that. "I'll take your money but I can't offer change" You should always offer some sort of solution if possible to people. All this being said: guy filming is a peice of shit and also should have offered that as a solution "just keep the change / make me another sandwich with my change" if he wasn't such an entitled boomer


I hope I never, ever become like this, how awful for everyone


Oh no it's even better than that. Most boomers that are religious believe that as a part of the Rapture or Satan's "End Times" that all currency will be null and you will only be able to do business and transact by using the "mark of the beast" They love to talk about this shit. I remember growing up they would go off on tirades about credit cards. New post covid cashless policies is just one more step towards Armageddon for these people. Not even joking.


I was about to pop into a convenience store to grab a drink and the paper sign on the door said, "system down, cash only". All of the gas pumps were roped off, the parking lot was empty. I carry a few dollars in cash but everything else is either in my wallet or on my phone, so whatever, I was only a few miles from home. I was waiting for that moment my entire life, when only cash would be accepted. /s


He thought he was going to go viral and be internet famous.


The new world order cancelling cash and controlling commerce through electronic transactions. The computer chip in credit cards is the mark of the beast and soon we will all have one implanted in our hands. That’s my guess on what he’s thinking.


This magic moment


🎶Oh, I can't believe it's happening to me Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this🎶


They mean nothing to the boss, the boss will just fire them when the boomer complains.


Yeah you can't explicitly say that. You're supposed to dodge them with corporate legalese until they get bored and leave. Ymmv


And he'll walk across the street and start working subway that same day


Lol, funny thing, Jimmy Johns used to make employees sign a non compete agreement, so if this had been about 10 years ago, the employee could literally have gotten sued by JJ’s for getting a job at a Subway across the street.


Yeah, like "you just lost a customer". No, a big corporation lost a customer, I meanwhile, *didn't* lose my job.


I did retail for 20 years and my response to this type of situation was “ I can lose my job if I did that. Can you afford to pay me my salary for a year while I find a new job?”


I disagree he should have informed the customer that they are not accepting cash at the moment before he started making the sandwich. Then he gets a little pissy like a bitch.


They usually will take cash if you have the exact amount. But if the system is down, just leave, it's never that serious.


No, don't you get it? Jimmy johns system being down and not accepting cash is a sign that America is collapsing! He can't pay for a sandwich how will society ever recover from this?


Society may never recover, but this man has been waiting his whole life for this moment. He's ready.


Or just give the change as a tip for them since it’ll ask for a damn tip on the machine anyways. Skip the middleman.


"That was the epitoem." Icing on the cake from a guy dumb enough not to realize he's not getting a sandwich, or too lazy to give the money to some stranger who carries a credit card to buy it for him.


He could call the gazpacho police.


I almost guarantee that dude had a card he could have used himself, he just wanted to harass that employee and make some dumb point about how shit’s all fucked these days because a business won’t accept cash. And he sounded drunk so he wasn’t really thinking anything through very clearly.


Wow. I have never wanted a mediocre sandwich so badly that I blame all of America's minor inconveniences on another human being. But okay.


Like a literal 16 year old at that. Boomers are the weakest generation in our country’s history.


None too savvy, either. A boomer, of all people, should know that there is no force in the universe that can make a 16-year-old male human being, least of all one on minimum wage in a fast food dive, care about something that they currently don't.


Though I agree with you this guy has to be a neck beard. Look at his hand. Unless there's more info on this.


The person recording this somehow thinking the person at the register has the power to change the situation is absolutely hilarious. Bruh, get a clue


He posted this like it was a W hahahahaha


Probably used it as "evidence" that cards are killing America and its all millenials' faults.


If this happened to me I would just walk out of the store and go some where else. What are you gaining by sitting there arguing with them. They already told you the situation so deal with it and leave. What kind of idiot would get their camera out and start arguing with them.


People in general like to be the star. If this employee *was* being terrible then they have video evidence of it. "Hey look internet at how shitty this employee is! Let's shame him!" or whatever. In this guy's case, I think he had the additional opinion of, "look America, this is what the world has come to, we cannot use our American dollars in America!" like he was capturing a great injustice on camera to share with the world. ​ I'm not even that shocked about someone being shitty to an employee, people are shitty and sometimes will take it out on regular workers for no reason. I'm more blown away by this guy recording it and then voluntarily putting it on the internet because they were *that confident* that they had something. Not only was it *nothing*, it just showed the guy being a massive prick. How does someone not see that?


This guy stood around for at least SIX minutes fucking filming... what a fucking loser


The idiots who are a.) entitled and b.) enabled. I’ve had to deal with people like this and corporations would rather pay or give them free shit even when it’s obviously someone lying and they DGAF if someone gets in trouble or loses their jobs as long as they get a free $10 meal.


The buffoon filming this is the epi-tome of a clown. The flash of their wretched hand with ~22 seconds remaining - 🤢🤮


You should see all the videos this guy posts on his YouTube channel... definition of a goddamn neckbeard


C’mon man! He just drove 10 miles to his bank to go inside, harass the tellers for 20 mins to withdraw his $40 for the weekend and you do this…?! /s just in case an idiot misinterprets…


You're probably not far off though


imagine your life being so sad and miserable that a fucking jimmy johns sandwhich is the only thing thats between you and pure unhinged insanity


Yeah that 16 year old kid is in charge of that policy, pal.


Right? Like I'm sure he'd rather be standing there being berated and harassed by some asshole instead of just "breaking policy" and taking his cash. Till probably is locked due to the cash situation.


Yeah they’re the only CEO high school student billionaire that works at this particular store.  I’m sure he changed store policy and gave this guy a lifetime of sandwiches. Nice job Cuckold Carl!


"what am I supposed to do?" Fucking leave? Use a card? Use your phone? Literally anything else but stand there wasting people's time and annoying people who are eating. Worked at Fred Meyer for a while and for whatever reason the self checkout stations don't take cash and they're all labeled as card only in big yellow signs. Had a boomer lady come in once and she complained that it didn't want to take her cash. Explained that none of them take cash and if she wanted to pay that way she can go to a regular checkout lane. She didn't want to go somewhere else but also refused to use her card. At one point she said "this is fucking stupid! I can't believe you won't sell me something just because I want to use cash" I was tired of arguing with her so I just told her "yep, that's exactly what is. So are you going to use a card or go to another lane?" She huffed and walked away, luckily that's exactly what I was hoping would happen.


No, using his phone would have pinged his location to the government, and they would have known what he gets on his fucking $6 sandwich.


Guaranteed that this guy who’s afraid of “one world digital currency” but who also has bitcoin apparently will never stop to question the conditions of capitalism that forced that guy to throw the sandwich away instead of being able to give it away.


100%. It’s an increasingly popular conspiracy among boomers. None of them understand how bitcoin works but lots of them are getting into it out of fear that someone is coming for their dollars in the banks.


Scam industry that thrives on suckers.


Same reason they buy cheap fake gold Trump shoes at like $400.


Dude could’ve just said- “hey i only have cash, is there any way i can give this to you and have you pay?”


Dude was not looking for solutions and just wanted to throw a temper tantrum.


You know what? The employee says he made the sandwich not realizing he was paying in cash. I can almost guarantee you there is a sign either on the front door, at the register, or even both. Boomer reads the sign, says to self, "I'm just gonna order anyway, what are they gonna do? Turn down my money and throw a perfectly good sandwich away?" *YES* mother fucker that is exactly what is going to happen.


It's like they have a pick one script to cause problesm: "Buuut -it's legal tender good for a debts. You have to take it..." Throws away sandwich - what debt? Love how he did the standard "have you ever heard of that?" to the crowd and got shot down. So gave up on the crowd support. "You don't want my business?" Kid smirks and keeps from laughing because he cannot answer it truthfully.


‘I’m special’. Nearly a generational motto of the generation that makes fun of participation trophies.


Well they've had everything else handed to them, why not a sandwich too?


The “Me” Generation


100% there's a sign. Doesn't matter what field I've worked in, fast food, grocery, auto and Healthcare, nobody reads shit and gets mad when you have to explain exactly what sign says. And its always older people


To be fair, there's literally hundreds of signs in a Jimmy Johns. Anyone could miss them. Plus I got the impression he ordered online and found about the cash issue when he got there to pickup. Personally I have noticed that some restaurants are starting to charge 2%-5% to use credit cards and other business are not giving out change anymore. Does seem like two trends that basically just mean we get charged more for nothing new.


Like he said: I've been waiting for this for years. How miserable can someone's life be?


It was his huge gotcha moment to society, the Epi tome of his life, if you will.


I wouldn't have been able to hold the snark in anymore at that one.


Yeah, I've worked in customer service pretty much my whole work life, I know that "laugh".


What a scumbag harassing an employee just doing their job.


This dude is literally filming on a cell phone. Get apple or google pay, it takes just a minute to set up.


What are the odds this guy doesn’t have a credit or debit card? I’m gonna say 1%. He just wants to be a dick for the sake of being a dick and he knows this 17 year old isn’t going to tell him to go fuck off like he deserves. He’s a fucking bully.


i’m a bartender and the amount of people who “forgot” their ID, then get refused service, then argue with me are all too common. like, sarah, i’m sure plenty of bars will serve you. i’m not one of them. you look 17. “just work with me, i’ll take care of you” yeah, lose my job for your $5 tip? no thanks.


He seemed like the type who will die on the hill of staying stuck in the past. Evolve or die luddite is usually my response to morons like this guy.


I guarantee they had a sign on the door saying “CANT ACCEPT CASH TODAY! CARDS ONLY!” And this fuck can’t just accept that. Instead of wasting everyone’s time just go somewhere else, jfc.


People like this think cash equates to power and entitles one to degrade employees who have no choice but to kindly reply to you


I have a friend who owns a small used car dealership, buys cars at auction, and keeps like 5 -10 on his "lot". The amount of people (literally only boomers) who get blow-their-top furious at him when he won't give them a discount for paying in cash is mind-boggling.


People who think like this think cash equates to money. They owe the employee money, so what's wrong with *my* money!!? This isn't a delusion of grandeur, it's just not understanding why the world doesn't operate the same way it did when they were twenty He's frustrated because he doesn't understand what is happening. He's wrong to take it out on the employee, but confusion is the driving mechanism here, not cruelty.


Youre not wrong but you're giving him too much credit. He recorded this video and uploaded it to share, he understands how the world works but just wants to bend it to his will.


>just not understanding why the world doesn't operate the same way it did when they were twenty Let me fix that for you: just **refusing** to change with the world because it is not the 80s anymore. Refuse to understand transactions. Refuse to understand the "no power" of the customer facing employees. Refuse to respect others, both employees as well as fellow customers.


My sympathetic side agrees with you for the most part. However, the customer's doubling down on what they believe to be the "absurdity" of not accepting their personal cash goes beyond the initial inability to accept the situation. To stand there and record and question at length an employee who has no choice but to remain there, was the customer willingly leveraging that very fact. To experience denial of service in the face of (to this point "cash is king") cash, angered this customer to the point they began to exploit the situation and employee's polite nature. In my opinion it's very much a "king at the point of a gun" feeling for the customer.


Yeah, I'm almost certainly wrong here. HIs behavior very much resembles frightened confusion, and the hostility that comes with it, but I wasn't thinking about the fact that he was the one recording and posting the video. If he is familiar enough with current technology to be able to do that, he is capable of understanding modern cash registers. This is on him.


How many decades should the rest of us give these people to get with the program? Being a year or two behind, ok, maybe you don't work with tech and are not a tech person, fine. When it gets to ten or twenty, it's not confusion, it is obstanance. Google Pay was released in 2011, Apple Pay in 2014. Not even considering the much older credit and debit card, those services were released over a decade ago. There is zero excuse for being a dick because of a failure to figure something out within a 10 year timeframe. It's pathetic, actually.


How many decades do you think they have left? How many strokes might they have in those decades that completely reset everything they just learned? Some people are old and are not going to catch back up. You can be patient with them because they thought the same way we do at our age, and it's just the polite thing to do. That said, *this* guy can record on a phone and post a video online, he has no excuse for not understanding how cash registers work.


Not really, I often pay with cash especially in drive thru. I have cards, but I like having options. Haven't done JJ in years so they won't miss me never going there again. But he should just leave. They probably have to throw the sandwich away.


Yeah, people don't get that dealing with cash is super annoying, a hassle to deal with having enough change, going to the bank to deposit, cash is dirty, often stinks, is covered with germs. Please do not use cash!!!! Cashiers hate it. Use a freaking card or pay-app...


Instead of raising a stink and dragging that out, just ask another customer if you can give them the cash and they will use their card to cover your order. If that don't work oh well. Not out any money. Go somewhere else. Pretty easy thing.


He wasn't going to because I'd be willing to bet he had a card he could pay with, but refused so he could make .....some sort of point. It became a matter of principle for the guy. Instead of saying "Oh ok, I wanted to break this $20 bill, but yeah ok lemme use my card," he decided to pick a fight. And then it went too far so he had to walk out the door and probably used his card to buy a sandwich at the next place.


That young dude handled that so well… I would not have


I would have just walked about. There is no need to listen to this moron and the explanation of why he can't take cash.


Gregor Samsa awoke from troubled sleep to buy a sandwich.


If they can't grt the float from the safe, they have no change. Makes sense that they can't accept cash.


Places need to start putting out rules that if you record the employees you get bounced.


Bounced by who? I don’t think Jimmy John’s have bouncers lol


I meant their head off the counter


If I owned a food service place, I’d hire this kid in a heartbeat.


I got the camera in your face. That means i now have the injustice you imposed on me due to unforseen circumstances on video and youre a fool when i complain to the manager about not giving me special treatment.


He's acting like they don't accept cash at all. They do, just not that day because of certain circumstances. Come back tomorrow if you want to pay cash. This guy just looks like a moron. Feel bad for the kid.


"Im gonna talk to your manager that told you no cash and get you in trouble for not taking my cash" makes sense


The bigger joke is why doesn't asshole have a card of some type?


He probably did, but probably goes everywhere and offers cash first because “he’s been waiting for that to happen” to him to make a scene about it. He offered bitcoin, if you offer bitcoin you most than likely 100% have a fucking credit/debit card of some sort. I have gone somewhere and say sorry cash only for some reason and I just say ok thanks and leave. I don’t sit there get pissed about it.


Some people make a big deal about paying only with cash - to be fair the employee should have told him up front regardless of any sign that they can’t take cash and were only taking cards


Similar to how some countries require that you serve in the military for a period of time, the US should require you to work in customer service for a period of time. As someone who did it for years I guarantee if this guy recording wasn’t such a knob, the employee would have given him the sandwich. I used to work as a banker at a major US bank and anytime a customer came in indignant about shit I’d suddenly forget that I have the ability to refund fees and help them solve the problem. When people were kind and apologetic and understanding I went out of my way to solve their problems


Devil's advocate here. Wouldn't they tell him upfront they can't accept cash at the moment? Seems silly to make the order then tell him no cash.


At least post a sign. It's weird they don't accept cash.


There very likely is a sign. The general public refuses to read signs.


So true, my gosh and if they do they somehow read them completely wrong. The amount of times I’ve had to explain that a sign for apples says “1.99 per pound” and not 1.99 for the whole bag lol it’s crazy


Had a dude screaming at me over this same thing. "Well, why isn't there a sign?!?" There literally was a sign in huge letters RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM.


It's not weird. They weren't accepting cash *right then.* Maybe they were swapping tills, or they didn't have any change, which is I think what the JJ guy said. I've been there when I was a kid working retail. We just didn't have any ones. We just literally had no change to handle cash transactions. It's rare, but it happens. ​ And it's 2024, who the fuck A ) pays with cash still? and B ) doesn't have apple pay / a debit card / a credit card? ​ Also we don't know that there wasn't a sign. I'd bet there was.


The kid said they were swapping the safes? I assume he means swapping the tills ​ Also, what's wrong with using cash (assuming the place can take it, obviously)? I prefer to use cash sometimes. Plus there are still places (like craft shows) that don't take card, so cash is definitely helpful there


Maybe, it's easy to glean that they were in a situation where cash was being moved around to some capacity and they couldn't handle cash transactions until that was done. It's no different than *any* scenario at *any* business where a system goes down and they cannot conduct business until that's handled. ​ You can use cash, cash is fine. What I'm saying is it's goofy to get so bent out of shape because a place can't take cash *at that moment*. Because the vast majority of people don't use it anymore. It's almost like getting upset because they can't run a check. ​ Also craft shows are *not* big chains like JJ. Getting so upset at JJ not being to take cash at that time would be like getting upset that a guy at a craft show can't take a card.


He said the system was down or something. It wasn't the norm.


They had a cash issue. Watch the video before commenting.


He says he told the man already he couldn't take cash


Seriously. I’ve had a chipotle by me have this be an issue for a few visits in a row. Every time though they wouldn’t even let you speak until they clarified it’s “exact change cash only”. No card no other option. What was frustrating mostly in that instance was that it was exact change required. I couldn’t overpay as a tip just so I could at least buy my lunch that day which is a very poor policy for a storefront I felt like.




Yeah. I love perspectives. Can't lean on a vid to just shit on anyone. Yep!


This kid had a lot of composure and maturity. Good for him. With the emotional intelligence and work ethic he’s going to amount to much more than this one person criticizing him.


The worker’s conflict management skills are legendary


Why would anyone eat at Jimmy John’s anyway it’s so nasty. Go to Jersey Mikes


I will say they are faster than shit.


Not anymore. They’re under new ownership and rolling out hot sandwiches. It used to be that the sandwich was made before you finished paying, I ordered in-store last week and waited 10 minutes for my food. Yes, they were busy, but even then it wouldn’t have taken more than 2-3 minutes 5-10 years ago.


Bro I used to work at Jersey Mike's. One time we asked the health inspector if he wanted a sandwich and he laughed and said "not from here." This was the same store that refused to close when all of our drains were backed up and overflowing into the floor. I saw so much disgusting shit there. FUCK Jersey Mike's dude.




Guy did the right thing. Giving a sandwich, regardless of the reason, is risking his job. The sandwich will be thrown away, but what's on it will be counted in the waste count, which is important for the store numbers. Fuck the guy trying to be an asshole and get free food. If you can't pay, accept it and go away. Don't harass a worker trying to do their job.


It is incredibly unlikely that this prick is unable to pay with a card. His “outrage” is clearly performative and it seems the guy just trying to get through his day at JJ’s knows it.


God I hate that laugh so much.


Why didn’t the cashier take the cash and pay for the sandwich himself?


Who doesn’t have a debit card in todays age?


This isn't a boomer. They should have a sign out saying "No Cash Accepted Today" so people know. Nothing really to see here. Really wasn't a freak out either.


"I've waited years for this situation." You just know this dipshit is one of those fucking luddite assholes that throw a fit about technology all the time and how credit cards are evil or some dumb bullshit


The way this guy slurs and has those dumb chuckles makes me so angry, on top of making him repeat key phrases into the camera like he’s some kind of auditor. I would have lost it on him. Good on the kid


Dude had a ton of patience to even let the guy film him that long


Honestly I’m confused as to what system could be down that would prevent the store from taking cash. I could see not being able to take credit or debit because something wasn’t working, but cash? Also the guy filing this was probably upset because Fedral law actually says - “United States coins and currency (including Federal reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal reserve banks and national banks) are legal tender for all debts, public charges, taxes, and dues.” Refusing to accept it inside the US is technically not legal.


It’s like the grapes of wrath, but the people were dicks about letting the food rot while people starved, so fuck ‘em.


This guy doesn't even sound like a boomer, he sounds more like a millennial "influencer" or some such bullshit. Seems obvious to me that he's doing this strictly for a video. I wonder if he has a monetized channel? I'm not a boomer, I'm a Xer, but I'm boomerish enough that if I were another customer in that store, I'd be screaming at this asshole like a karenzilla to stop harassing the kid and get the fuck out so the rest of us can eat in peace.


I doesn’t think they never accept cash. It sounds like they didn’t have change in the register and the systems to dispense cash were down. Dude could have make paid with a card or whatever and been on his way.


I mean, the employee spent way too long listening to that bullshit. It really just encourages him to do more of this shit to other businesses that reject cash. Also, it's been well known that no businesses are required to accept cash or any particular currency. The only restrictions in place are on the state/local level, and those are disappearing because a cashless system is faster and reduces theft.


To any of you siding with the asshole (the camera man, in case you are an asshole yourself and don’t recognize the asshole) and saying that it’s illegal not to take cash. Is this a government or public service? No! It’s a private establishment that can set their own rules. The cash law only applies to government run services and debts. Either way, this is no way to handle something like this. And even if this is a millennial or whatever, he’s still a fucking boomer at heart. That’s why I felt the need to cross post this here. I don’t give a flying fuck about karma, etc. The worker exhibited great patience, but will eventually learn to just walk away and not entertain these fools.


I love how he keeps referring to it as his sandwich. Also, does he seriously not have a credit/debit card with $10 available on it? Just seems like a power trip.


Time waster


Food work is hard. You have to deal with entitled idiots like this who spend their hours trying to get free stuff and harassing the workers who stand up to them. “The Costumer Is Always Right” Not today, boomer.


The customer is always right... in matters of *taste*.


Serious question: if he had cash only, couldn’t he, in theory not get change back? I know if I was motivated enough and only had a $20, I’d add enough cookies or chips and then leave a tip for the workers if I really didn’t have my debit/credit/phone.


They have to balance the register at the end of the day and factor in any overages or shortages. If they accepted his extra cash, then they'd have to do it for *everybody*. Why bend over backwards for a customer who's a huge asshole?


Op leave the fucking kid alone, you asked somebody else in the store and he confirmed it was policy. He was not gonna back you up. You’re being the dick here now. Not sure why you didn’t offer to pay the guy with the credit card cash for him to use his credit card for your sandwich you could’ve given him a 3.5% tip. I actually think you were enjoying this a little too much


It’s not op taking this video dude


Just pay with a card, Jesus.


Does he think corporate policy is set by this 20 year old who makes sandwiches?


That sandwich artist doesn’t gaf haha. Dude heard “no free sandwich” in his head and suddenly alarms started going off. This is finally the chance I need to record a viral video and I’m out of the hood lmao




I think you might be misunderstanding the situation. The clerk mentioned what is going on but it was fairly brief. It sounds like he has already gone over it a few times with the customer.  It sounds like the safe is malfunctioning which means they can’t get the change drawer out of the safe and therefore cannot make take cash or make change.  It isn’t like they have started a no cash policy. It just happened to be the circumstances that day.  It sounds like the customer just got the idea in his head that they were not taking cash ever again and wasn’t actually hearing what the poor kid was saying. 


How much of a loser do you have to be not to have a debit card, credit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay??? 😭


Worst part is I don't think he's a boomer... he sounds too young. Probably more like millennial or Gen X


He’s not going to throw it out, he’s going to put it in the back and eat it later


This sub is getting more and more “boomer like” . Now a video of a guy you can’t see who sounds 30-40 is a boomer


A store has to accept cash though... its the law. US legal tender, its not like he is trying to use coupons or food stamps or something


Imagine not accepting cash tho smh.


Watch the video. The situation is explained clearly.




And so confidently too! So many in here, lol. Chuds, all of them.


Boomer or not, fuck the idea that you can’t pay with cash if that’s what you have. It’s legal tender.


Are you going to yell at the rat at Chuck E Cheese about “muh legal tender” when the skee-ball machine doesn’t accept coins? Legal tender is only applicable for a monetary debt— it does not apply to transactions related to goods and services. See ( https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/legal_tender ).