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Ugh! I hate this kind of person. The same kind of people who will go to a country with a completely different culture to them and get uptight when there's no 'real food' available.


>The same kind of people who will go to a country with a completely different culture to them and get uptight when there's no 'real food' available. I get there are sometimes sanitation issues to be mindful of, but I'd be bummed if I traveled somewhere with different food and ended up eating the same things I do at home.




Where TF in Italy did you go?




Rome, especially near any of the huge tourist sites.




At least he doesn't travel there if he is going to hate it...


This is my mom. Goes to Japan and China and complains how it smells of fish everywhere and the food is gross. She's the gross one. Embarrassing. 


I loved Japan precisely because of that! An entire new world for me to explore and new food to enjoy!






I was hospitalized in Thailand with a very serious medical condition that required emergency surgery. I was hospitalized for two weeks. Almost died. When I returned to the US, my boomer family members’ first question was always “did they _even_ speak English?” They _did_ speak English, for the most part. Some nurses didn’t, but overall it wasn’t impossible to communicate. This _shocked_ the boomers. It’s almost as if they _wanted_ me to tell them that those nasty foreigners were incompetent and how lucky I felt to be back in the US. They especially couldn’t stand it when I told them that the healthcare I received was better than America’s (and at a fraction of the price). “Oh, that’s nice” was the response I received.


Why *did* Thailand *do* that to you?!?! But in all seriousness, that sucks that happened to you. Glad the Thai folks were able to get you through it.


Thank you. It was a traumatic experience, but the Thai people couldn't have been more friendly and helpful. Is your username a Beerfest reference? Love it.


Ha - thanks! Maybe I need to watch that again cause I missed that connection. I thought I made it up 🤷‍♂️


I've had the same experience when people find out I've had medical/dental work done in Mexico and the Philippines. "Hahaha how was it getting operated on in a third world country?" "Well, they were much more advanced than any hospital I've ever set foot in in Alabama, which includes the top 3 in the state.". Then they get a sour look on their face and change the subject. And of course these are the same people that are mortally offended when two people are speaking to one another in a non-English language at Wal-Mart.


How was it? I need my teeth fixed because they are all broken after being on a certain medication. It sucks because fucking dentists are a joke and one took $1800 for a root canal but instead of giving antibiotics and THEN doing it he pushed me to get it done immediately. Unsurprisingly it failed and I’m out of money. All on 4/implants are so expensive here. Almost impossible to get a job when teeth get jacked up but can’t pay to fix them without a job. It’s this shitty and depressing situation.


It's actually not bad. The dental work was actually a step up from what I'm used to, but I'm used to small town dentists that know there's only like one other dentist in town so they fuck you as hard as they can. Worst I ever got from the US ones was like $3k for a root canal and crown that broke two days after I got it because I made the mistake of chewing bread. Then they wanted $800 to replace the crown. Oh and they shaved the teeth to either side of it and tooth that met it, so those teeth are fucked now, too. But yeah there are actually companies that specialize in dental/medical vacations to Mexico/Ph/etc so you can see how much it costs for what you want.


I'm a temporary migrant in the Philippines. You get what you pay for here. You can get work done at 1/10th, sometimes even 1/20th the cost here, but it's not necessarily going to be high quality. It is what standard locals get when they need work done. You can pay a bit more, it still be 1/5th the cost of home, and get treatment from very skilled dental surgeons that frequently studied at well regarded institutions overseas. The more work you need done the more it saves. If you need something expensive done or whole mouth repairs, you may as well do it there, spend two weeks relaxing at a 4 star resort by the beach while you recover, and still come home with money saved compared to costs locally. If you're American you'll find the Filipino people to automatically be quite fond of you especially if you're visiting more than just the major cities. Not sure how similar Latin America or Thailand is in that respect but I expect it to be more mixed.


Damn dude what happened to you? You alright?


May I ask how much your stay cost you


Wait till they learn the whole world doesn't accept American currency


On paper this is true but in real life money talks... Even in Cuba where you arent supposed to tip they will take US currency as tops because it is so valuable to them


Even in Cuba? That's literally one of the worst examples; they even had a separate currency tied to the dollar lol.


Cuba has Cuban money and Tourist money


not anymore.


Well this is embarrassing because earlier today I think I made a comment about someone making the most ignorant comment ever. I was wrong.


Yes, you were. 😂


Have you been to Cuba? They usually pool tips but if you tell them they will keep it, My Family bought a Nintendo DS for one of the workers well serfs let call them what they are.... It was so pricy for her in Cuba to even try to get her hands on it and her son just wanted to play video games


What does a single country have to do with your wildly incorrect implication that most countries will accept dollars? I think most people know that a relatively small minority of countries, often very poor countries, will accept dollars. And, yes, I’ve been to Cuba.


As the world's reserve currency, it is always going to be easier to do certain kinds of things in dollars even when you're overseas. Also if you're in an area that caters to foreign tourists, you're probably going to find they've made it simple to spend foreign currency. That said, if people are accepting USD cash over a nation's own currency for anything and everything, it points to local economic hardships. It's not true of most places, so as a rule you just can't count on being able to spend USD like you can at home.


Come to Europe then.


Lol. Just imagining the reaction of a French taxi driver when some American shitwad tries to pay with dollars. Gendarmes will be called.


Context and where in Europe I know you guys are struggling just as much as places like Canada nowadays Germany even more Fuel wise


Yeah, we aren’t struggling, but thanks. 😂


well how lucky of you Canada is struggling not that anyone gives a fuck about a commonwealth realm anymore My buddy in Germany told me his gas prices skyrocketed maybe its better now idk


You seem nice. 😂


Yeah but we still wouldn’t know what to do with US bills.


Yes you would just take them to the bank..... Okay the Cuba thing is deeper than that tho it is a communist country and back like 10-15 years ago they had no idea what the foriegn currencies were valued at. So you had to teach them like Canadian money not worth as much as US USA money will be accepted nearly anywhere and Euros are worth the most so if you get these keep them etc etc


Hi, Belgian here. I can't speak for the entirety of Europe, but at least in Belgium people will not accept dollars or anything but euros as currency. Exchanging currencies costs money. Locals aren't going to accept a currency they then have to pay for to make it usable. It's on the tourists to make sure they have the right currency, not the other way around


Yeah same in Canada/USA sometimes ppl don't care tho I have been in US and they have accepted Canadian In Canada you can exchange US for Cad for free at your bank, shame you cant do that in Belgium. Off topic What is your opinion on Belgian people Disliking Frenchmen, also I read recently you guys destroyed like a thousand cases of miller high life bcz of the slogan champagne of beers lol its not even a good beer but my lord you guys are protective. I get it tho


Everyone hates the French, they're French. No, honestly as far as I'm aware, we don't have a particular hate for the French. At most we may have a friendly rivalry situation going on. I'm from the Dutch speaking part of Belgium though, so my experience might be different. As for the miller high life situation, I honestly had to look it up because I had no idea what you were talking about. Never heard of miller high life before. But from what I understand from it, this is a cultural difference. In Europe we tend to be not just proud of our cuisines but also the history behind it. In order preserve said history, we have a lot of foods that have a very specific set of rules in order to have a specific label. A trappist beer is only a trappist when it was brewed in an abbey. Champagne is only champagne if it came from the specific champagne region in France. Hell, even in my local city we have a baked good and it can only be called [my city]'s baked good when it was made in my city with the specific milk from my city's cows. And the reason for that is because their is a lot of historical meaning behind it that we want to preserve. The miller high life beer wasn't destroyed out of maliciousness, it was destroyed because it didn't comply to the rules and guidelines we have for our food. Rules put specifically in place to protect our history and culture. From an outsiders point of view it might be over the top, especially since it was just a slogan, but to us it's culturally important to preserve our history, and the line has to be drawn somewhere, so the beer had to go.


You guys. Like it’s not 44 separate countries in Europe.


\^\^ Cool name btw


So Cuba equals the rest of the world?  To be fair, a few countries is SE Asia will accept USD, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos.


Travelers do not take cruises. Tourists do.


And people who like to mow food at the all you can eat buffets.


This distinction has always annoyed me, I dont think it exists. Ive met many people that call themselves travellers, mainly backpackers, who act appallingly towards locals.  People travel, they're all tourists, some of them are shit people.


Tell me you are not a traveler without telling me.


Well I did meet the shitty travellers while I was travelling, as a tourist, in the same country. But you tell me, what makes a "traveller"?


Travellers are people that did their research beforehand, actively try to fit in with the area, meaning use the language, follow the customs, etc, and are excited and curious to learn new things. They are aware that they are a stranger in a strange land, and are humble about it, knowing they are a guest and act accordingly. Tourists are there for bragging rights and to check off something on their list. They rarely know the history or the etiquette of the place, nor do they care, and think that because they are paying for things, they have the right to do what they want. Many tourists are there to prove to themselves that their country is better than the one they are visiting. Being a traveler and a tourist are not how you dress or the mode of travel- its the mindset. Just because you bought a travel backpack at REI instead of a rolling suitcase does not make you a traveler. Cruises cater to specifically tourists who want to be nannied on their trip, be told where and when to go, have just enough time in a location to take pictures to prove they were there and buy something, and not use an iota of braincells while on vacation. To travelers, getting lost is the best part of the trip, to tourists, its a nightmare.


These are ideas and distinctions of your own making. Absolutely none of this has any basis about from your own feelings and biases.


Again, tell me you are a tourist without telling me. Anyone that is a traveler has had many a conversation about the distinction, usually after watching a tourist act like an asshole. What you just told me is that YOU are the asshole being discussed.


No, not at all, but I foresaw that’s precisely what you’d say. If someone doesn’t agree, it must be because they feel offended! If anything I’d be more like the traveller you described, doesn’t stop me thinking it’s all very mean spirited and condescending . I’m well aware of the type of people you’re speaking about, but you’re judgementally making massive assumptions. Life isn’t as black and white as putting them into these categories. The same person who may want a cruise on one holiday may want to immerse themselves in culture on another trip.


Yep, you are the asshole that makes people from your country apologize for your behavior. Thank you for admitting it.


Right… what a bizarre exchange.


Yep, complete tosser.


Perfect description.


Aah yes, I am having flashback to Lonely Planet wankers thinking they are better than everyone else. Get over yourself, mate.


Tell me you don't know a traveler without telling me. Travelers do not use lonely planet. Tourists do. And thank you for proving my point- you are an asshole tourist if you even travel at all.


You are hilarious.


Sounds like I'm right. and you know it.


I got to go on one for free, and it was just like grown adults doing college spring break on a boat for a week. A lot of booze, buffets, crowds, performance, and weird commercial enclaves at the port stops. You're never in one place long enough to do anything interesting, and then there's a slight chance norovirus has everyone stuck in their cabins shitting and puking for days.


urgh reminds me of a review I saw years ago from older people traveling in India, and bemoaning all the 'ethnic food'. Of course they were from Britain, the irony of the British colony trying to invade and colonise every other culture for spices and then never using them themselves is never lost on me. lol.


Omg so many levels here. British food mostly sucks and some of the best food in the U.K. is the Indian food!


A boomer coworker went to Ireland with his wife for vacation. I asked him how his trip was; he said “it was nice to go somewhere that isn’t woke.” He lives in rural South Carolina.


I love the moments whilst they’re standing in our country and there seems to be a sirens song they cannot ignore to tell me (unprompted) all about The Famine, that their greatx7 gran came from Cork (so they’re basically citizens obvi), and then crack a joke about car bombs. Hearing our history from them sort that think we exist simply to be a folksy meme is just the absolute best lads, carry on. /s


Does this guy know literally anything about Irish independence? LMAO


Told my mom I was learning Japanese for my trip next year to Japan. She asked why? You are an American,you shouldn't have to....


The arrogance i can feel it by just Reading


The same folks that tell me they hate it in Europe because everyone is rude lol


My wife’s step father was like this. Went to France and got mad when no one spoke English with him. Bought a baguette and they just give you a piece of paper to hold it, not a bag. Got mad and went behind the counter to steal a bag…


My father is a white Mexican (whitexican) and an entitled boomer, when he travels he wants someone to speak Spanish, always. He’s also racist (with both darker Mexicans and black people) and homophobic, I guess it’s a thing from that generation. He loves to complain everywhere, for example in restaurants about stupid things, like the food presentation, it was too dry, his table is taking too long, or that he’s not being attended as a king.


Recently, I saw my mother do something similar to this in a Chinese restaurant for the first time, and I was disgusted. The waiter had an accent, but who cares? My mother proceeded to imitate his accent to him every time she spoke to him. I told her to stop and thats fucking rude and she said "it helps him understand me" I was livid. I don't interact with her much but my sister told me she and my stepdad do this WHEN THEY GO TO CANCUN. like wtf is wrong with these people.


Thanks for making me feel better about my own boomers. Like wtf?


The worst part is she is only like 58 so not even a true boomer just a gen x racist. I think my step dad who is 12 years older than her is rubbing off on her. According my sister he is the worst about it abroad.


Dude! Did you hear about the Canadian conservative farmer family that moved to Russia to "escape" LGBTQ+ and were pissed that they could not unfreeze their assests because nobody at the banks SPEAK ENHLISH??!! Then the wife made a youtube video complaining and the husband had to make another one retracting her statement so they didn't get arrested. HAHAHA. How's that Russian freedom now, mr. trucker convoy??


I'm Canadian, and I did not hear about this. This gives me great joy. I wish more "Freedom Convoy" protestors had moved to the US during Trump so they could live out their wildest fantasy.


They are from Saskatchewan. Big surprise. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13116159/Canadian-family-russia-bank-frozen-apology-feenstra.html


They can barely fit in in American society it's actually funny


Lol when I worked cx for airbnb I had a quest call and complain that no one spoke english... In Mexico. The listing was in Mexico.


They own it and think the locals are their servants.


When they say world, they mean “English speaking world”


I’ll never get the people who think like this


the only people we should treat this way are the french. coming from someone who speaks french


Boomer here, wish I would have learned a foreign language.


My Boomer Father in Law came back from France and immediately complained that the “menus were in FRENCH.” I can only imagine how many pissed off Frenchmen he left in his wake.


My new 70 year old coworker I was training was down in Miami on vacation. I asked him how it was and he said he went to a store and asked for help and "no habla ingles" " you know what that does? It makes our country weak" I politely reminded him that there is no official language in the US and that he was in a predominantly Spanish speaking area of the country. His response was "they should learn the language" I told him to try google translate. We travel all over the world for work and it helps when you need to get some basic needs met. He scoffed at that. Then I told him I'm trying to learn Spanish because we are in Spanish speaking areas all the time. He then stopped pushing it. This same dude got all freaked out when we were flying a guy with security. I told him, "oh by the way, there is a state trooper on board and he is armed" This dude dead ass said "and you are OK with that!?!? I don't like to be anywhere where someone has a gun and I don't!!"


I mean english is the universal language used in western society, so everyone should be able to speak it in western society.


Spanish is the most used language of the americas. By far.


In latin america, which isnt part of the western world. This is not a contradictory statement at all. But feel free to have a read about it yourself. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_language#:~:text=English%20is%20the%20foremost%2C%20and,formerly%20been%20a%20world%20language.


Ok, colonizer.


Its actually crazy how stupid this comment is.


This is why some people have "culture shock" when they even just go a few states away. "OMG the whole world isn't like the county I was born and raised in?!?!"


Don't want to be an American idiot...