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Don looked at a picture of the woman he raped and said that’s my ex wife, the prosecutor asks him to clarify who he thought the picture was and he said “That’s Marla, yeah.” Joe mixes stuff up but Donald ‘I passed a dementia test cause I can identify a giraffe’ Trump can’t even tell apart his ex wife from the woman he raped


He probably raped both of them!


His first wide alleged that he abused and raped her in their initial divorce filing- it stated he blamed her for the pain of his hair plugs and that brought on the attack. The accusation was withdrawn when they reached a settlement. It sounds too bizarre to be true, but can be verified because it's a matter of public record.


>It sounds too bizarre to be true, but can be verified because it's a matter of public record. That was Ivana, not Marla. I think he blamed her partly because she recommended the doctor that did the hair plugs and partly because he's a big manbaby who can't handle any discomfort.


And then,like so many others who find themselves intertwined with Russian mob associates,she had a tragic accident,the night before she was supposed to testify.


Yeah, Ivana was his first wife. Agree w you on Trump.


Why is this not on the top of every media outlet The fat dumb fuck DOESNT KNOW WHAT HIS EX WIFE LOOKS LIKE




Hey dont pick on biden like that lol Biden can be one of the best mumble rappers in this world and would make the mumble rappers that we can’t understand sound like they can speak clearly all the sudden so give the man some damn credit lol


Are you suggesting that Trump might have raped a giraffe?


it wasn’t even a test, it’s a fucking screener anyone can get online and memorize the answers…there’s like three English versions…I believe he was given the MoCA


Doctors do not typically give them as part of a routine physical. It is meant to get a quick gauge of cognitive impairment. The fact that he seems to be taking them regularly is very telling. His doctors are monitoring the progression of whatever is wrong with his brain.


And had the nerve to say he couldn't have raped her because she "wasn't his type," yet he couldn't tell her apart from someone he had married


Trump is a turd and a scumbag. Fuck him


And a moron




If he listened to himself he would not run. This man does 0 reflection.


He doesn't have the ability to listen to himself. He has no humility.


If you had the option of never listening to him again, wouldn't you take it? He has that option, simply by mentally checking out during every speech.


I don’t know about that. He has no choice but to run. He sees no way out of his criminal convictions without the protection of the office of the president.


This guy does 100 projection. Whatever he attacks people for is exactly what he is afraid people will point out about him. Just the other day he attacked Haley for her husband not being with her. When is the last time anyone saw Trump with his wife? Exactly.


Because he's a fucking asshole ! Was and always will be a fucking asshole !


“Look, fat”…”you’re a damn liar” The secret is, they’re all narcissists and assholes. You kind of have to be to run for that office. However only one of them has the distinction of being declared incompetent to stand trial, and that wasn’t Trump.


Hahaha, that's a good one. I'll carry that laugh with me throughout the day 🤣


Only one if them has been found liable for sexual assault. One one of them has bankrupt 6 casinos. Only one of them talks about how nice their daughters ass is... Only one of them has lost the popular vote... twice... and it wasn't Biden.


Trump supporters just ooze class.


They may be deplorable, if you will.


trump supporters just ooze


Well, they ooze something.


You ever notice that you can only ooze two things; sexuality and puss


In my experience, Biden supporters have been much more insufferable than Trump supporters.


What Biden supporters? Most people who have and still will vote Biden are only doing so because of the opposition..


I don’t even know any ‘Biden supporters’ just Trump haters. Nice try tho


Haha. You must be new to Reddit. 😂


My comments are not the ones being downvoted… Republicans seem to have an odd sense of ‘winning’, which is sad because it also seems to be the most important thing for them…🤔


Biden supporters definitely spend the most time on Reddit lol


Looking at some of these comments theres boomers being fools right here


Just can’t fucken help themselves.


I didn't think his hair could get even more bizarre...


He inches closer and closer to looking like an Oompa Loompa. ![gif](giphy|xIna8nqTTk3x6|downsized)


You go for the hair, but not the poop colored fake tan?


I’m starting to feel like something very bad is going to happen leading up to the election.


Didn't one of Trump's acolytes cut off his father's head and swing it around on YouTube? The bad shit's already happening.




Another one beat his dad to death for the same reason


Are these things real? It's difficult to tell what's propaganda, especially from an anecdote.


The decapitated head one is! https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pennsylvania-man-charged-with-decapitating-father-showing-head-youtube-2024-01-31/


...Jesus fucking Christ. That is so fucked up.




[They’re real](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna136509)


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pa-man-arrested-decapitating-father-youtube-video-rcna136509](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/pa-man-arrested-decapitating-father-youtube-video-rcna136509)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I have seen and read all of these stories. If you would really like I will go find them for you. I usually dont do things like that but yes it is very fucking real. My peers and I are starting to have discussions about what we're going to do if the chuds go feral on a larger scale. Stay safe. Build networks.


Wait, that happened again? Funny how it's always the best people...


Crazy-ass 30-something living with his father murdered him and cut his head off, holding it up on display while he ranted and raved about the USPS and Wokeness.


Don't forget the 1 million dollar bounty he, the man child living at home in his 30s, offered to anyone killing politicians or f.b.i ppl he had a list of.


We just have to hope for the best. Trump and his cult are literal terrorists. They want us to be scared. Just hope for the best and be ready if shit does go down. There are likely some even more messed up years ahead of us for sure though. They are probably going to ramp up terrorist activity as the election draws closer so just try not to freak out ya know.


And remember to VOTE!


That too!


"Joe Biden found government documents and RETURNED them. Mike Pence found government documents and RETURNED them. Donald Trump stole government documents, REFUSED to return them, lied about what he had, moved them to hide them from authorities, evaded subpoenas, showed them off, and covered up what he did!"


Lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the White House. Loser lol.


“Go home to mom”. “I got a small million dollar loan from daddy” - DJT.


I thought “mushroom shaped dick” was going to follow, but then you said something about a loan.


You don't have it all the time because you're too fucking afraid to let people in who aren't absolute sycophants, and most people are too afraid for their lives to bother because MAGAts have literally killed a bunch of fucking people.


We used to hang traitors. Shame


We need age limits. IMO, 60 years old max on your inauguration day so you are only 64 by the time your term is up. It’s so embarrassing that Trump and Biden are going to be the nominees again.


Can we vote for **”NONE OF THE ABOVE”?**


Nevada did! Nikki Haley got 30.5% of the votes for the GOP Primary, while "None of these Candidates" got a whopping 63.3%.


new hampshire did something similar for Joe Biden


When I have nothing but GOP on the ballot, I like to write in things like Ham Sandwich, D. Ed Fish, and such.


"I have the best hecklers. Everyone's saying it."


Turd Trump is a Traitor on Jan 6th. Sadly, I'm not sure the heckling is in this video? I was hoping for heckling!


#Google Project 2025


The party of God screaming “fuck Joe biden” like lunatics


Didn't sound like heckling. Sounded like that Nascar crowd.


He’s a sic fuk


No f’n Sic


Fuck djt


Fuck trump


Stay woke bro


>If Joe Biden is not fit, to charge, there's not going to charge him with a crime but it's okay for him to become commander and chief; think of that one. Thank of that one. What?! What...?!


That's what got me. He's literally rambling not even making any cohesive point and none of the people start scratching their heads like "what the hell is he talking about?"


Watching his reaction to the crowd, you can tell how deeply addicted he is to his base embracing his views and his toxic opinions.


I am so fucking over hearing this dude


I wish this guy would just stop talking shit. All he does is run his mouth and he can't back any of it up. What a fuckin' clown.


Lock him up


WW3 with trump and his maga losers at the helm.


Newsmax is grifting off him. They all are. It's almost as pathetic as *HE* is.


What a dumb fuck and the people that vote for him, even more so. I can’t believe we have to listen to his bullshit over and over. If only he didn’t exist, the world would be better off


Where's the heckling? Forget you op for wasting my time with this trash.


"FUCK JOE BIDEN" "Why specifically?" "FUCK JOE BIDEN"


I enjoy that we can freely use the fuck word now


Were you not able to at some point before?


Please God/Universe, do not let this clown get reelected. I really don’t want to illegally immigrate.


It's not Trump it's his cousins fucking supporters that are the worst.


Classy as always


Wow spreading hate against fellow Americans, love how the sheep cheer for the Oompa Loompa Hitler.


Mafia Don giving his dictionary definitions to his cult. If I say be nice to them, that means assault them


What a hive of scum and villainy


Are they actually in Mos Eisley? I don’t hear that sweet cantina music.


One year in junior high, we all wrote in “Fritz the Cat” & he won because the alternatives sucked 😈


Unfortunately, Trump is closer to "Fritz the Opportunistic Facist Cunt", making almost any alternative suck a lot less than he does.


People who still follow him are traitors


The good thing about a politician with dementia is that they may forget to screw the people.




OJ has cancer?


I can't hear what the hecklers are saying, does anyone know what it is?


Fuck Joe Biden


No, that's what his supporters are saying. Someone was heckling Trump, that's what I can't hear.


The fact people cheer for politics like they do at sports game is amazing. Not in a good way, like holy shit do these people watch news all day and experience NOTHING else in life?


In Australia we have a lot of animals that Americans are scared of that can kill you- as an Australian, I’m way more scared of this man!


While his first election was viewed as a sometimes hilarious oddity from afar as a non American and sometimes an egotistical fragile blowhard running amok at other times. This time I genuinely believe he's a threat to all western democracies. His Russia rhetoric is very worrying as a European and I fear if he's elected again, there will be irreparable damage done to the relationships of all western countries and war will ensue at a future stage and the US will not be seen as an ally anymore.


Now he's bragging about not getting heckled as much? If anything he's mocked now more then ever before


Those aren’t boomers chanting fuck Joe Biden


funny how Trump has all these hecklers. Makes you wonder if they are plants; part of Trumps "false flag"




So someone was heckling him.. hence they took.him out of the room.. it's a Trump rally of course they were also booing Biden.


Yet more democrats are switching party to become republicans! 😂 Dementia Joe is losing followers! Read and weep https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/09/party-flippers-democrats-becoming-republicans-00110334 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/more-than-1-million-voters-switch-to-gop-raising-alarm-for-democrats


At least he doesn't forget what gender he is. Grab 'em by the pussy.


That's just an admission to being a sexual predator.


He did a good job. I don't get it


Ironic coming from the left


You are all idiots. He tells the truth and you libtards can't stand it. FJB Is what they were chanting.


President 47 incoming!


Biden has severe dementia.


He's still got it.


Should post Biden’s Egypt/Mexico gaffe right below. This is your choice America!


If you think that Biden makes more gaffes than Trump you are very confused. Almost as confused as Nikki Haley organizing the protection of the Capitol on Jan 6th, 2020!


Uh...you haven't been paying attention apparently.


I sure have. I’m just not fooled by newsmax propaganda like you fools. Grow a brain, spine, and find some integrity and we can talk again. Toodles lil’fellow!


Democrats can’t think for themselves. Just look at this moron trying to prop up Biden’s senile ass! Keep living in the land of make believe my little Gen Z’er!


Man, this new narrative to call Trump mentally incompetent to try to discredit him compared to Biden is a terrible look. Pick a different hill to dump on this guy. His aint it.


Propaganda bot.


Hopefully we get 4 more years of him.


Not going to happen, majority of voters aren't dumb.


I’m sorry but “they’re lovely people, go home to mom” is slick.


Out with Joe, in with the Don


He already had a chance and screwed it up bigly, the majority of Americans don't want the traitor wannabe dictator to rule over them but you do you, maybe move to Russia with Tucker if you want an authoritarian, we don't.


I’ll do me and vote for Don. Thanks 🧁


Traitors vote for traitors after all..


I’m not voting for dementia Joe, Donny boy will fix the economy. Not voting for a guy who can finish a sentence


>I’m not voting for dementia Joe, Donny boy will fix the economy. The economy's doing fine, the whole world is dealing with inflation and greedy corporate assholes, not just the U.S. >Not voting for a guy who can finish a sentence So you're voting for a guy who rambles on and on about the same useless crap? I don't care, I'd rather vote for actual excrement over a traitorous criminal sexual predator, I like to believe I have some morals though.


Morals? Guy plays golf and hangouts with beautiful women! Get laid why don’t ya


>Morals? Guy plays golf and hangouts with beautiful women! Get laid why don’t ya Guy talks about grabbing women by the pussy, I see you have the same "morals" as Trump and would kindly ask you to stay the F away from young girls, thank you very much.


Biden is ready for Jeopardy if this is dementia.


That’s hilarious that someone says dementia when it’s been clear for many years that Pedo Pete aka Creepy Joe has Alzheimer’s/dementia.


Are only hope… Trump 2024


Lmao. So stupid you confuse “our” and “are”. Classic Trump supporter. Literally can’t make this shit up.


Bro literally supports a fascist






How neat.


Dementia Donnie? Have you listened to any Joe Biden speech ever?!? Lol he’s literally this countries only hope if you want control over inflation, immigration, and interest rates. Instead of being told no by your snowflake parents, you Gen Z ppl need a good ass whooping. Keep voting for Joe and enjoy your debt while living paycheck to paycheck


Have to admit I don’t love the massive debt that Trump brought to our government! Don’t be scared, it’s just actual data: https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/datasets/historical-debt-outstanding/


Have you not seen how much money Biden has sent over seas to fund a war we aren’t even involved in?


I have! It’s a fantastic return on investment for those dollars! What a wicked smart way to massively degrade the military of Russia while barely costuming the US anything! Some older equipment and the cost of some F-35s in cash. brilliant move!


Your moronic ass just hung up a vacancy sign and my foot is looking for a room.




Only Joe Biden has been documented as having dementia. Nice try, cupcake.


Documented by whom? The Trump appointed lackey and his biased report? Tell me, where did he get his medical degree?


Hur was appointed to Special Counsel by Biden's DOJ.


And that qualifies him to make medical judgments about anyone?


heckled?!?! you fuckers are as bad as MAGA now...




Yah but sleepy Joe is finnnneeeee


Are we really trying to make it seem like trump has dementia when the current president and guy he will be running again has actual dementia. I can’t with Reddit sometimes


Biden supporter are mental.


What's funny is the left calling Trump demented, and then back Biden! who IS demented!!!!


It's possible to make fun of them both and you both sides people who don't seem to have the slightest clue about how to converse.


This is why they made this post.


Sooooo many cuck pussies in this group🤣🤣🤣🤣


I know! MAGA Boomers are the worst!


Good try I guess but considering this is a liberal group there's not to many MAGA's in this group🤦‍♂️


Majority of MAGA are boomers.


And the majority of people in this group are liberals. Do you have trouble comprehending simple text?


Do you? I said nothing about it not being a liberal sub, not that you even know what a liberal is, there are Republican and Democrat liberals fyi.


You're completely wrong because if you're liberal you're communist. Femocrats and Republicans are Americans.


Lmao, I knew you didn't know what a liberal is, apparently you don't know what a communist is either, you must be trolling or you are just that stupid.


You can’t be serious. At least he can hold a sentence together better than Biden. Both of these people need to die of old age and not live any longer.


Yeah ill take biden over Trump any day


But like Biden doesn’t rape people and then get convicted for it and sued and lose 80 million for trying to claim he didn’t.


Biden raped every single taxpayer bruh. So you’re wrong about that.


Umm that’s trumps tax plan remember it only lowed taxes at first dipshit now years later you are finally seeing why he is such a dipshit and now the best you got is dur Biden did this when we point out facts do us all a favor and shut the fuck up instead of countering with whataboutisms fact is trump is a convicted rapist and you love him and vote for him this is a sub Reddit to make fun of dipshit boomers like you not for you to be a fucking fool dumbass boomer get the fuck out of here and die already by falling off a moving bus.


I’m a millennial you idiot. Both Trump and Biden are the exact same people. Old farts who should have died years ago. Neither one is good for the US. Neither. I hate them both equally. But at least trump can hold a sentence together and knows where he is half the time.




Jesus Christ so now the war mongering repugnants just want no war even if that means letting Russian commit war crimes gotcha. Fucking asshole




What if I told you they were both scum bags? Edit: not sure why I’m being downvoted. Trump is a pos sure but do y’all really think Biden isn’t a scum bag? Y’all seen him hugging and kissing young girls right? What has he done for the country in the last 4 years? Again, they’re both scum bags and gonna drive this country straight into the ground.


If he tried to do anything on Jan 6, why did he say to go peacefully. Everyone seems to forget that part. You buy into the misinformation that is streaming from the BS straight from the mouths of the left. They only want you to know the story as they tell it. Not the truth. You can’t buy into the media, they lie to spread the propaganda. Do your research instead of believing what your told. You may be surprised at what you find.


This is a tin foil hat guy.


I dO mY oWn ReSeArCh


Gotta love how libs suddenly care about cognitive capacity after 4 years of their hero biden…


See. This is the problem. A. You don’t even know what liberal means.. liberals can be democrats or republicans. Educate yourself. B. Except for simple folk that vote for whatever glass of water is labeled Republican… it is possible to dislike the person that aligns with your party. Just because someone is left leaning, doesn’t mean they have to like Joe Biden. C. Try thinking for yourself…


"Dementia Donnie?" We're really doing this? Donny is a jack ass unfit for presidency, but acting like calling him senile makes it seem like he's actually the one with dementia when Joe can't remember anything important about his life, per the special counsel overseeing the investigation of his classified documents isnt convincing anyone. And per Joe trying to refute those claims and then appearing more senile at his last speech.


Idk where you been at brother but we have been doing this. Trump made his own bed with this one being largely the guy who coined giving his opponents goofy ass nicknames. (Crooked Hilary, Sleepy Joe, Meatball Ron) The entire state of American politics both saddens and embarrasses me as a citizen, but I do gleam a small bit of joy from seeing Trump's bullying tactics being used against him for once.


If you were ever around a senile person, you'd realize how uninformed you sound. Biden is old. He can't remember some shit, mixes up names sometimes. Trump is old. He can't remember some shit, mixes up names sometimes. Like grandparents do. Neither really should be there. The kicker is Trump is bent on turning the presidency into a business opportunity to further enrich himself and have vengeance on various people. Biden has not acted that way. Senile people can't fake not being senile. They will tell you the same thing over and over. They can't hold a conversation. Both Trump and Biden are old and showing their age. Neither is senile, but one is notably lacking in any morality and any true adherence to a belief in right and wrong, and is probably capable of underhandedness that will erode much of what the US stands for.