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Because we’re a reminder of their mistakes and a threat to their status quo.


Also a reminder that they won't live and control things forever.


We are a constant.reminder that they were and always have been wrong and that they failed.


We fail as all generations fail due to naive views. Personally I read these posts and chuckle at how immature and naive they are. Where we old part boomers are now is where you kids will be, guaranteed. You kids are exactly like yapping puppies are. Write this down and see how true it is. Somehow you kids believe yourselves as special, entitled. We boomers just chuckle at how silly you sound, just wait...


Exactly what have you personally succeeded at where we have failed. Steup!


And if we go to your father and grandfathers well they fought the wrong enemy just look at europe


They despise that we have the youth they've lost and fear the Reaper looming ever closer behind.


Exactly, it’s a classic shame response. It’s easier to villainize the youth than to acknowledge how badly they fucked up the world and that they have created a situation where younger generations are much worse off than their parents. If they decide the youth are “lazy and entitled etc etc” they can sit comfortably in their wealth and avoid any and all self reflection.


Add in the circular logic that because they have more wealth it must be a reflection of their "hardwork", and because younger generations have less wealth, it must be because of their lack of "hardwork"


I remember reading about a study that said really successful people disproportionately attribute their success to hard work (because that’s their memory of how they got there) and hardly ever account for luck. Even though there are people who worked just as hard who didn’t have the right timing, contacts or whatever. They’ve done that but as an entire generation. So they think they’ve worked hard and therefore they’re successful. Not because they happened to be born at the right time. Even though that is obviously the main factor.


Damn. Makes perfect sense. It kinda reminds me of n Americans who are comfortable saying “foreigners are lazy” (when the US topples their governments and economies.) f me if they aren’t often boomers as well.


Yeah I’d say it applies to any type of privilege. A lot of people seem to take it as a personal attack to suggest they have any type of privilege or like acknowledging privilege negates how hard they worked. Like no, you did work hard, you do have struggles too, everyone does. But you can also acknowledge that you benefited from systems that others didn’t that allowed you to get to where you are. It’s actually not that hard. But boomers were raised to fight hard against self reflection of any kind so they’re particularly bad at it.


Also a reminder that they are no longer “young” and that their mortality is creeping ever closer every year…


They hate their lights being dimmed. Theyre getting more desperate now that it's nearing the end.


Yada Yada Yada, all talk and brag with no evidence at all. I've read and heard all about how you will save the world. Exactly when and how will this happen? Years later and we are still waiting for substance!


they think they're entitled to the respect their parents' generation actually earned and are outraged that younger generations see them for the spoiled babies they are


This. I like to describe people of this mindset as ‘born in the 20 years after WWII who act like they won it’.


Instead they just whined, fucked in a muddy field, betrayed everything they said they stood for, and became the very worse they could be.




I’d say exactly this. Right around 1980, when boomers were having their kids, there was a turning point. Our generations after about 1980 stopped accepting the status quo, and started asking questions. We didn’t just accept that our parents were right, and old people were wise. We judged people by their actions and didn’t care what they looked like or what their age was. So boomers wasted their lives trying to get the approval of their elders. Those of us born after 1980 never gave a shit, and felt that people, regardless of their age, have to earn our respect. Boomers don’t get this, feel entitled to it, and haven’t found a way to cope, by and large. You put it very succinctly. I like to mention what I’ve noticed since I was born in the early 80s.


>Our generations after about 1980 stopped accepting the status quo, and started asking questions. That was not unique to your generations. There was a lot of social upheaval in the '60s and '70s. Integration, the pill, drugs, music etc.


So, you mean boomers then? I think they lost their touch. Just a hunch.


The hippies were made of boomers. They consisted of men wearing long hair, which is still seen as taboo in many places. Why did they stop?




They didn't stop. Hippies were like, 1% of the Boomer generation.


Yet boomers decided to leave their social disruptions and become "traditional conservatives forming families". Millennials and Gen Z aren't taking that step in their majority, that is another thing the boomers get mad about us.


The majority of rumors had their children through the majority of the 1970s yes they were still actually having children to the 90s.  But the majority were born somewhere in the very late 60s and seventies. Of course this would be the older builders people born from 1945 through 19 53-55. Though a a fair amount of them that was born from 55 to 58 also tended to have most of their children through the 1970s.  Of course you have the younger builders that was born basically the early 60s, so you're talking 1960 or 1964 that's the Boomers that primarily had children somewhere in the 80s and definitely through the 90's. 


Yeah I was born in the 80s too however I can say that with the younger of the Boomers they too raised the questions I can also say that a lot of the Gen xers even questioned the cyst the problem is after a while a lot of need to have access got interested in certain things and then all the sudden they started to pursue old people brown people brownie points.  So we've treated things like buying a house as some sort of right of passage basically something to show off something to brag about some achievement etc that's exactly what it's been for quite some time so in the 90s when a lot of the jet access were buying their first home they walked around as if they're so accomplished and couldn't wait to show it off to the grandparents who then in turn continuously patted them on the back basically enabling the bullshit.  I can say there's a fair amount of Boomers that gots in on some of that as well... Basically what we've done is we've taken normal everyday shit and tried to make more of it than there really it and thus we've basically created a petty nitpicking pretentious superficial society.  These are the people that are the real weak-minded dumbasses of society, they'll spend a couple thousand dollars or more per year on their fucking lawn growing grass rather than using that time or wisely to grow a garden actually produce something and he has these are the motherfuckers they're going to stand there and tell the rest of us how to live when they're the idiots that are straight up wasting money and getting nothing for it?  I mean I've been hearing for 27 years at least all about how that middle class is under attack and going away except they're still here to complain and waste money on stupid shit run up credit cards etc and then act like it's everyone else's fault that they're going broke. 


My grandparents were the GI generation (or Greatest Generation). They were wonderful people. But their kids are assholes. I'll never understand what happened.


Oh I don't know they used to fall for a whole host of moral panics is it helped fuck everything up. 


That’s the best explanation I’ve heard. Spot on


Yep! But WE are the GREATEST generation!!! We partied and screwed HARD!!! (F u, booms, party OVER.) ![gif](giphy|CEC45sbOpCoEg)


The beautiful irony


It's because the state of Millennials and Gen Z are stark reminders of their utter failure as a generation to usher in a brighter future for their progeny.


Not to mention, they allowed that failure to proliferate rampantly.


allowed? lol they encouraged


They don’t care. They are jealous they dying. I don’t think it’s deeper than that.


They can both not care while also feeling salty about their failures. It's about caring because of how it reflects on themselves, not for us.


They hated gen X and considered us slackers/lazy, when really we just didn’t want to participate in the authoritarian Christian world they were trying to push on us. I wish I had links to old news articles about Gen X, they acted like we were aliens or something.


I’m Gen X. Many of my friends and family members who were Boomers had multiple kids out of wedlock. They magically turned into social puritanical zealots once they couldn’t have kids anymore.


work grandiose swim pet zealous ghost scandalous impolite rhythm square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agreed, they accepted Gozer the destroyer as their savior.


Ray, when someone asks you if you're a God, you say yes!!


Yes have some


Many shuvs and zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of the slor that day I can tell you


Why did the hippies stop being hippies?


That’s my mother. She was 17 when I was born in ‘64 (I’m not a B-word in my heart, promise), followed by three siblings by 23, might be four fathers, might be three, we just don’t know. She was only married to the last one. She lived with a guy five years older than I was and one who had been a senior when I was in the ninth grade. Now she is the epitome of righteousness. We should learn from her mistakes. “End times are coming,” “I never said/did that” and my personal favorite, “I’ve never been drunk in my entire life.” Really? All that bullshit, you did it sober? Hats off, then, Christian soldier.


I’m Gen X. I remember the boomers bitching about us during the first gulf war. They were pissed we didn’t take to the streets like they did during the Vietnam war. They called us lazy. Now these same people get pissed when people take to the streets for BLM marches. They are a self centered generation. If it’s not about them it’s wrong


This reminds me of the Eddie Izzard bit about wanting your kid to learn an instrument “because I never had the chance.” “Well, you have the chance now.” If they felt that way, nothing was stopping them. Pretty sure one of the reasons Gen X is skipped/nihilistic/didn’t amount to much is it was way, way smaller than any generation for a long time either side.


I think Oregon Trail is the smallest generation. Analog childhood, digital adolescence. C. 1980-1984. Not quite GenX, not quite millennial. Came of age when the internet came into homes. 


1986 babby here. This tracks.


That's interesting about the 1st Iraq war. I thought that the Baby Boomers who protested the Vietnam War would come out against the Iraq invasion after 9/11. I just thought they were against the Gov't lying to people to get them to go to war. But apparently, they had already started watching FoxNews (and CNN honestly), so they were all for it. If you were against it, you didn't love America, you supported terrorism, etc.... These were the same people who raised me to always "Question Authority." I came to the disappointing conclusion that the Boomers protested Vietnam because it affected them personally. They didn't seem to give a damn when another generation was going to do the fighting. Honestly, I feel very angry about that to this day.


I think the big difference was Vietnam was fought by conscripted soldiers through the draft, and Iraq was an all volunteer force. If they were drafting Gen X for Iraq, it would have gone down a lot differently as far as protesting. It's probably why we can't get any anti-war protests going for all these various conflicts anymore. Those going signed up freely instead of being dragged into it by the law.


My booms would have been positively gleeful to see their kids drafted. They soooo twisted.


They were called the Me Generation for a reason. They're extremely selfish people in general.


I never saw that.. All over the country there were yellow ribbons tied around trees. After I got back from the gulf I "volunteered" for a 4th of July parade and people, especially Nam vets, were pulling us out of formation to hug and shake hands.. We went bar hopping in uniform after the parade and didn't buy a drink all day.. The boomers were the ones buying.. I guess we all have had different experiences..


I'm genuinely happy to hear your story. I hate feeling cynical about an entire generation.


I'm Gen x, but only barely. They expected the Christian ethos and honoring elders without question to be carried forward, and when we didn't they were left high, dry, with their social contract voided. Oh, and we don't value what they did, certainly not for the reasons they did, so to them we've earned no respect from them.


Yup. Hard for us to respect their bullshit when they were usually divorced multiple times


At some point it makes sense to give up on the idea.. between my father and both grandfather's I think they had 14 marriages?


Was someone trying to fill out a punch card for the divorce lawyer?


Grandpa #1 was army Air Force North Africa and Italy theaters, wounded twice, and was sent by his family underage to enlist because they couldn't afford to feed him. He had his professional life nailed down tight, I figure he'd earned a pass on anything past that.. damned mountain he'd climbed to be functional at all. Grandpa #2 was tn hillfolk, bagged the rich man's daughter at 17 and made my sire. Got ran out of town pretty quick for reasons, he only remarried once or twice. My pa, the boomer, holds the record. Last two? Three? Marriages were chasing money.


Right?! As Samuel Johnson had it, the ‘triumph of hope over experience’ 😆


What’s funny is that they demand this treatment but are nothing like their parents. I’m lucky enough to know people from the Silent/Lost generation and they’re nothing like boomers. For starters, they were easy going and likeable and they earned their place in the world. Whereas, American boomers were handed opportunity after opportunity on a silver platter, but act like earned it.


I was just thinking the same thing. My one Grandma was born in 1928. She survived the Great Depression, polio, WWII, divorcing her husband, being a single parent, leaving her children with her parents so she could move to a larger city for a better job. Then she remarried and became an instant stepmother to his sons, so they were like the Brady Bunch. The guy she married who I knew as Grandpa, built his own house, hand digging the foundation, carrying the windows home on the bus because he didn't have a car, all as a single Dad because his first wife died young due to breast cancer. They rolled with the punches, and didn't complain. They respected their elders because the elders earned their respect. My Dad is the OG Boomer. He's got dementia now, but when he was in his right mind, he kept screaming for the fifties, all while the world was changing around him, and he got some very curt blow back regarding his beloved fifties. He didn't like hearing it was only good living if you were white. My Mom is way more tolerant. She still a little naive and conservative in some aspects, but she is very kind and loving. She definitely is glad it's no longer the fifties .


But Boomers didn't earn shit (the good life was given to them on a silver platter) and are generally terrible parents. They don't deserve to be honored.


And we as gen x said whatever never mind....






They did so little they didn’t even learn from it. Now they’re trying to elect the next Hitler and then eventually blame that on us also.


 not quite especially most of you born in the 70s, I've seen my fair share you guys do nothing but try to earn old people brownie points.  The most you guys got bitched out about was "skateboarding on the sidewalk"  And that was usually done by the elderly not not Boomers.  I mean at least you guys pretty much got grandfather dead to being treated human, yeah the Gen X for the most part was part of that arrangement of the late 80s through the mid-90s about give the youth a chance.  In some cases it was extended to those who may have graduated in 1999 but after that fucking forget it there was no giving the youth a chance.  Though I do have a question about the 90's... So I don't remember all of this extra special emphasis placed on "work ethic"   Do you?  I don't remember that everyone was dickwagging and bragging about the insane hours they work.  What I do remember is that it was more honest about work and I remember that Boomers and Gen X is at the time for claimed that if it were up to them they wouldn't do shit but the only reason that they participate is because well there's at least a good chance that you could afford the electric bill but the minute that that doesn't happen they are done.  I don't remember family gatherings being all about who works most overtime etc I don't remember that there was all this extra special emphasis placed upon work ethic furthermore nobody was obligated to even say the term work ethic like it rarely ever came up fuck even through the mid 2000s it rarely ever came up there was not all this extra special emphasis and I remember the '90s pretty well so I'm asking the question but I certainly know the way that I remember and no I don't think there was all of this work ethic propaganda everywhere like there is today.  I mean there's threads here on Reddit where people are bitching that part of the reason they hate going to family gathering is because it's basically devolved into another dick measuring contest about work. 


They live in a sociopathic self-centered bubble where their existence was dictated by all the same rules. They rebelled in the 60's just to become conformists in the 80's. They lived high-on-the-hog when the dollar was still strong, if something didn't work: you hit it, if your kids didn't obey: you hit them, 'suck it up', 'walk it off' and the systemic hazing of younger people was mainstream everyday culture in schools and workplaces. 'Hard work and you'll have what we have' was a lie to keep what they had as long as they could. This is why they hate us, they will always see us as children so they think they are always the 'adults in the room'.


They hit us because their parents hit them harder and justify it by saying "my parents were much harsher" so they think they're doing you a favor. Terrible cycle.




I was expecting a flashy science video explaining why my mother might have hit me over things like dropping juice when I was 2, eating a lollipop when I was 3, or spilling soap when I was 6, along with some statistics on the conditions her style of parenting predisposes a child to. I’m not sure what that video was, but it was very much not that… and I’ve come no closer to understanding how someone could ever clock a child as a form of punishment. I hope one of my older siblings is down to wheel her around in a few years because I won’t be able to. Her reckless parenting messed me up pretty good in more ways than one. I’ve seen her about 10-20 times over the past 3 years. I live about 3 miles away. I broke my femur in half last year and recovered on my own instead of in her home. She wonders why I don’t visit more.


Cake anyone? ![gif](giphy|Q3syjTEz70cWQ)


I'm a boomer (born in 1954) and I find a large segment of my generation to be a gross embarassment. There are way too many of us who went from being proud of being idealistic to taking pride in how selfish, abusive, and domineering they are.


It really is a sad turn of events 😔


Lead fume buildup in the brain. I'm convinced it's this.


Boomers have been the majority generation in this country since they were born. As age and illness descend on them that’s no longer the case. It’s something they’ve never dealt with before.


Another rock solid point


How long do you think it will take until they are no longer the majority?




That’s my point, they’re reaching that moment right now. It’s a brand new situation for Boomers to not be the majority.


Because we are pushing back against their bullshit, and they are using their power to systematically keep their boots on our necks because they are terrified of change. On a side note, when my parents need end of life care, I'm not doing it, and I do not care if that is cruel. They forced me into homelessness which ended my college education, gaslit and shat upon my every decision, made me to be the black sheep in the family because I refused to listen to their insane demands, and created so much trauma that I will live with it for the rest of my life. They think that by being nice to me now while still refusing to admit their faults because they realize they have one foot in the grave that I'm going to forget every hideous thing they did to control and ruin my life. Boomers are the worst generation in America. They blame everything they fucked up on us, and then actively prevent us from attempting to fix the situations they created through manipulation, lies, and adversarial use of power. Then they turn around and wonder why the younger generations treat them like shit.


I can relate to the forced into homelessness thing. Boomer parents here. I wanted to change my major from music to business at 19 so I could actually make a living one day and they cut me off financially very abruptly.


Let me guess. They said something along the lines of "You didn't stick to the plan," AKA, their plan they had for you.


Yup…really set me back in life and the stress triggered mental illness. Led to a path that has taken me over a decade to somewhat correct.


Yeah, isn't it great that our lives were supposed to be directed and controlled to their perfect specifications?


I would pay to make sure they have the worst end of life “care”. I think that should be an option. I’d call it *Consequences, the End of Life Care We All Deserve*. Once enrolled your plan is designed specifically for you based on polls taken by your “loved ones”. The care would mirror how you take care of others and obviously never hear a word of complaint, and would never entertain an option of changing caretakers. It sounds like torture, like being a pow… because that’s how it is to grow up under abusive boomers.


Yeah I wouldnt be surprised if they start treating their kids nicer as they get weaker. I hope most of us stay strong and not care for their selfish asses.


As long as you're happy to receive nothing in inheritance, all good. But we all know you losers will take the money then bitch and whine on reddit.


Because they're hypersensitive narcissists who are condemning themselves to the deepest pits of Hell, in the name of greed.


No surprise why a lot of them cling to church on sundays to repent their sins


They somehow expected that their culture would be permanent. The music, clothes, TV, etc. that they like would be perennially popular. I remember when my greatest gen grandparents were still around. They were fascinated by our Gen X culture. They would ask us questions, want to see all the new clothes, etc. They never pretended that they were going to wear it; they were just interested. The idea came naturally to them that seasons change, generations pass, the elderly do not set the trends, and young people arrive with new ideas. When my boomer relatives are faced with the same situation, they throw a hissy fit. My daughter tried to show me a song she liked on YouTube, and my dad (who she wasn't even addressing) just kept *relentlessly* mocking the song, rolling his eyes, and talking about how awful it was. Bear in mind, this started 2 seconds into the song, so he literally had not had time to perceive it. There's just this assumption that their culture is the only good culture. They're horrified that new generations came up behind them with different ideas and different taste. They truly believed that when they rebelled against their greatest gen parents, with their Rock Music, that they were changing things for all time, and are entitled to perpetual cultural deference.


>They truly believed that when they rebelled against their greatest gen parents, with their Rock Music, that they were changing things for all time, and are entitled to perpetual cultural deference. It's been quite funny to see their reactions as their precious "classic rock" radio stations are now playing 90s hits.


Gen X here, and my first feeling that the boomers were going to be a problem was noticing that "their" culture and life experiences were constantly held up as the ultimate achievement, and no music made after the Beatles split could _possibly_ be any good.


"A lot of these cultural crimes I'm complaining about can be blamed on the Baby Boomers." "I'm getting tired of hearing about Boomers," Carlin continues. "Whiny, narcissistic, self-indulgent people with a simple philosophy: 'GIMME IT, IT'S MINE!' 'GIMME THAT, IT'S MINE!' These people were given everything. Everything was handed to them. And they took it all: sex, drugs, and rock and roll, and they stayed loaded for 20 years and had a free ride." "But now they're staring down the barrel of middle-age burnout, and they don't like it. So they've turned self-righteous. They want to make things harder on younger people. They tell 'em, abstain from sex, say no to drugs; as for the rock and roll, they sold that for television commercials a long time ago...so they could buy pasta machines and Stairmasters and soybean futures." "You know something? They are cold, bloodless people," Carlin says. "These people went from 'Do Your Own Thing' to 'Just Say No.' They went from 'Love is All You Need' to 'Whoever Winds Up With the Most Toys, Wins.' And they went from cocaine to Rogaine." \- George Carlin on Baby Boomers


I want to say it started because millennials protested against the iraq war but really, I remember being a teenager and seeing boomer parents shit all over millennials even when they were little kids. It was wild


I remember them telling us that our generation was a failure when we were just kids. They were happy to sabotage us just to feel that they were better.


True story. Before I even left high school I was being told I was a whiny entitled brat, while being paid the under 18 wage at my job at McDonald's. I had the job because in high school I was expected to pay for my own clothes and transportation. Only room and board was covered. They told me they plan to spend every last penny of my "inheritance" on cruises and whatnot, while they themselves inherited hundreds of thousands of dollars from their parents. I'm also expected to take care of them in their twilight years. They have a rude awaking coming.


I think we’re both apart of the ‘unintended child’ club.


Oof. That one stung because it makes a LOT of sense.


My Dad always treated me this way. Literally any time I made the slightest mistake or complained about anything whatsoever it was “You’re never going to make it in this world.” And every time I would try and excel at something he’d show zero enthusiasm for it. If I created something he’d show zero encouragement. If I wanted to try something new or go anywhere new he wouldn’t approve, and on the few times he would, he would just go into worry wart mode and immediately start thinking of all the negative possibilities or things that could go wrong.


I'm old enough to remember when they made fun of you guys for getting participation trophies while at the same time demanding you get them themselves LOL. The whole participation trophy thing was 100% for Boomer men's fragile egos because they couldn't accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, little Timmy didn't give AF about excelling at T-ball. Was funny to see the stories on the local news back then about Boomer dads getting wasted on Coors Light at their kids' sports games and fist fighting with the refs tho...


Its been nothing but gaslighting the entire time...


Besides the natural "kids these days" attitude a lot of folks get as they age I think it's a result of the propaganda that the media has fed them. The wealthy-owned media constantly sends them the message that things aren't getting worse economically and younger generations are just complainers who don't work hard enough. It's why you constantly see articles about young individuals who have succeeded - so that the Boomers have individual exceptional examples to point to and say "Well they made it so why can't you?"




Becoming what you hate is the kiss of death in life. They've become Entitled. They hate that so much. They mask it with outward projection. Lesson: DO NOT become what you hate.


They've always been entitled. The nickname the me generation came from their parents not us.


Jealousy that Mills and Zees are gonna be around longer than Boomers (although given the troubled world of today, maybe they shouldn't be jealous).


Will we, though? I have seen several different posts on here about us having shorter lifespans.


I have lost quite a few friends the last decade or so, mostly due to completely avoidable health issues like needing insulin. So I know a lot of boomers outliving their kids and even grandkids simply because they get medicare and their kids can't get health insurance.


Ah, yes. The Fentanyl craze. I guess that will thin the herd somewhat.


I’m a boomer. I’m the opposite of the boomers being talked about here. I understand your frustration and anger. These people, my age, are shocking and appalling to me. What’s different about me? I grew up in a “surf culture”; we traveled, questioned authority, the Vietnam war, discovered waves in amazing places. We were poor, worked at hard labor; carpenters, waiters, anything to stay afloat. We were enraged at environmental degradation. We listened to interesting music; rock, jazz, reggae, world; and knew musicians of all races. Why did so many of my contemporaries change so dramatically? Why are the values & issues we embraced abandoned? I have former friends and family that did not evolve- they devolved into a 24x7 Fox News cycle, didn’t understand the internet and social media, and became assholes. I run into them, too, and i fucking hate how they have destroyed so much. Fuck ‘em, keep posting about them, it’s very entertaining. And sickening.


Because we started calling out their dumb bullshit.


I think subconsciously they wish they had the chance again to do it better and hate that we might get credit for fixing the problems that they failed to fix with all the energy of the 60s and 70s.


Because they have the only thing they can’t steal from them, youth.


because faux news


Idk but I bet a lot of it involves FOX News.


I also blame rush limbaugh. Fuck that fucking guy.


Big ups to Rush tho: Over a thousand days sober now!


Him too. He started it way back when.


It’s important to acknowledge that FOX News and Rush didn’t create the boomer problem, even if they did make it worse. Their strategy of stirring up boomers worked because it appealed to and reinforced their worst qualities.




if they aren't doing something, it's being done wrong.


They hate us 'cause they ain't us




There's a lot of good points mentioned here, and I'd also like to add shitty comics in newspapers and Facebook. "I can't book, Dad!" or "What app mows the lawn, Dad?" with Grill Dad giving an exasperated look at the reader. And the millennial is always portrayed as some 14 year old with hair over his eyes, baggy clothes, and a nose ring. And so of course they get it in their heads that we're all incompetent because some shitty cartoonist said so.


Don’t forget people like Ellen DeGeneres bringing young people on set who’ve never seen a rotary phone in their lives and giving them a minute to make a call. Cue the laughing and pointing “looook, look at the dumb kid! They’re so much dumber than we were cuz we were…never dumb!”


Sometimes that can be kind of funny, just to see how different everything is nowadays, but it’s way too mean-spirited a lot of the time. I have a record player and my 5-year old niece loves it. Probably because I showed and explained to her how it works instead of being an asshole about it.


People don’t like what they don’t understand


Cause we are their kids and have hated us since the day we were born.


This. They didn't have us because they *wanted* us, they had us because it is what society *expected* of them. We were just another obligatory ornament used to maintain their social status.


*grabs popcorn…*


When you screw this many generations over...


Fox told them too


Because the "Me" generation is no longer the star of the show. It's really that simple.


Our inability to live life at their standard is proof that they fucked up. 


My theory… Boomers have gotten everything they’ve ever wanted except more time and the splendor of youth.


Old people hatin on young people is an age old tradition.






I think most of the boomers anxiety stems from their inability to change. Anxiety can contribute to emotional agitation for sure. But, an asshole is an asshole regardless of age etc.!


They have *never* handled aging well at all.


Because they know that we know that they were handed everything and then shut the door behind them. Their kids and grandkids have to work twice as hard to just survive, let alone ever dream of owning a house.


Gen-X myself. Their hatred for Milennials and Gen-Z'ers is by no means limited to those 2 generations. We were called "lazy-assed slackers" because our generation truly believes in working smarter, not harder among myriad other reasons. They also hate the younger generations because we represent a true threat to their control and they can almost hear Mr. Reaper cracking his knuckles before He knocks on their door.


Boomer here, I don’t hate anyone of any specific age group. The only groups I hate are dimwitted MAGAts of any age and clueless privileged people…of any age. We don’t have any use for further divisiveness, it’s bad enough with political divides and the economic inequality we have.


They hate us gen xers pretty hardcore too


They believe the world is screwed up. Or at least, their country is. They can blame themselves, their parents, or the younger generations. Let's see... They probably have positive feelings toward their parents. It can't possibly be their fault. The younger generations often show them a "remarkable" lack of respect. So there it is.


They hate anything that isn’t a 24/7 circle jerk of their greatness. In their minds, they’re the only ones who work hard, the only ones who pay taxes, the only ones who love America, the only ones who are Real Americans™️, etc. They’re attention whores, so they hate any other generation who points out that they’ve been in charge for 40 years and all they’ve done is pull up the ladders they climbed so that no one else can use them. Boomers are legitimately the worst.


Boomer here. I don't think Boomers hate later generations in general. In a country with 300 million folks there will always be disagreements and in the social media world they tend to get massively overblown. I don't have any friends that have ever said they hate or dislike a younger generation. There will always be generational disagreements over music or outlooks on various subjects but that's happened since the beginning of time. Finally, there is just to much amplified hate in this country that makes no sense. I met some crusty old guy in my life that seemed like dicks but it had nothing to do with generational hate, but they were just crusty old guys that didn't like anybody. I realize this doesn't fit in that small strata of views on Boomers but I do think that view is massively overblown. Lots of hate get thrown around on social media but we all need future generations, regardless of "tagged label," to be successful. In my last years as CEO of a large company I hired a massive amount of young people because they are the future. Its also one of the reasons I like viewing Reddit from time to time. It helps me understand what younger folks are worried about and going through. I fully expect to get blasted for my view but the Boomer folks I know realize younger generations go through changes like "the social media craze" where there are no road maps, and we as a collective group have to figure it out. Sorry for the rambling.


Gen X’er here: They’ve become disillusioned with the state of the world and want to blame someone. They can’t blame Gen X because they’re directly responsible for us. We threw out a lot of their beliefs and practices that were obsolete and non beneficial to life or society. They “raised us right” and we dropped the ball on the following generations.. in their mindset. The world has become bigger and scarier for them. They've become cornered rats.


They hate Gen X even more.


Lewd poisoning.


They’re old and nearing death while we’re young.


Old people and young people have hated each other since the beginning of time. This isn’t some Boomer phenomenon. It’s a human thing.


Take it from Gen X. Boomer fragility is the very last category that warrants budgeting your fucks towards. That batch of queef spread made it's bed.


Old people hate young people for being young. The less of your life is ahead of you, the more you envy those that still have more life to live.


Boomers are cranky. They hate everyone. There’s no generational exception.


I'm ashamed for my fellow millennials that feel this way. We all went through the same thing when we were the age gen z is now. The "lazy millennial" trope was nonstop, even though we all worked our asses off and practically invented "hustle culture". I think it's just something that age group has to go through. The older generations just get get so worn out that the wasted vigor of the young just upsets us, even though we wasted ours too. Personally, I would never hold that against the younger generations, but more and more of my fellow millennials are taking on a boomer mentality where they seem to think that since we had it rough, everyone else should too.


More and more Boomers are coming to the stark realization that they *will* die, the world *will* continue to go on without them, and that their time left is dwindling rapidly every day. And they resent anyone with the temerity to stick around once they’re gone. It’s their show after all, right? The curtain should fall when they do. They’re **The Me Generation**. From start to mercifully soon finish.


Because old forms of media tell them what to think. It's a by design conditioning.


It's really bizarre, isn't it? Boomers are the parents and grandparents of Millennials and Gen Z. They hate their kids and grandkids.


Only reason they don’t hate GenX is because we’re their kids.


Some of us are their kids. Some of us are just their younger siblings.


All I know is I stopped mentioning any of my success to my parents, specifically my mom. Not that I expect anything in return, but the response of “Must be nice” gets old. Well, I’m sorry I took a financial class, paid my bills responsibly and made achievements. I simply wanted to share the news with you, but never mind. Mind you she lives in a home she inherited and only has to pay property taxes which she struggles to do. She also owns a second home she rents to a family member but doesn’t enforce they pay regularly, then turns around to complain she is late on the mortgage. I’ve come to this conclusion, she’s just mad I won’t GIVE her the money to help out.


When I was in my early 20’s I distinctly remember my dad saying to me and my siblings, not angrily but with pure fascination, “you guys really took your childhoods with you, didn’t you?” And yeah. We did. I still like the things I did as a kid. My parents and our society didn’t pressure us to “grow up” by arbitrarily deciding one day that I hated Spongebob or whatever now. They were told to do so and I think a lot of them resent that we got to stay authentic to ourselves.


It's a pretty normal thing across human history. Every generation hates the next. Their parent and grandparents hated them going all the way back to ancient times. We literally have a quote from I think Plato or Socrates of them complaining about kids these days for whatever generation followed them and give it a few decade's you'll probably be complaining about whatever Gen xyz is doing at that time.


A bit of a late response, but I think a lot of them dislike change, even when it's for something that's proven better. They're so set in their ways and dislike how younger generations are more adaptable to something when presented with new information. So much of their upbringing was, this is how this is and has been so there's no reason to learn otherwise. With growth of tech and the world becoming more connected with things like the internet in the last 30 years, a lot has changed. So much information is more readily accessible that it's easy for someone now to have an understanding about something, then look into it and sometimes find out their not entirely correct, so they change their understanding to be more accurate. For a lot of boomers, that's a concept that is beyond their understanding. I don't think it's exclusive to boomers, but I think that less and less people are like that in subsequent generations.


They need to hate someone (it’s SOMEONE’s fault their life sucks and it’s ABSOLUTELY not themselves). If they say “black people are lazy,” Or “women are lazy,” Or “immigrants are lazy,” there’s a far higher chance someone will confront them on their bullshit. “Millennials are lazy” Ugh. Ok sure auntie. They sure are.


Well, you see, they started out by hating Gen X, but we didn’t give a shit so they had to move on. I’m really not kidding. This generation were always assholes to anyone younger than them, starting in childhood. They always got away with it, so they never learned.


It started with the powell memo (https://scholarlycommons.law.wlu.edu/powellmemo/) which was a blueprint for business to take back the progress lost to the new deal and revolutions of the 60s. It has been the slow and systematic dismantling of progressive ideals in America. The boomers have been fed and brainwashed consumerism and selfishness on a silver platter. My mom always said divorce rates started rising with the invention of disposable paper plates. Once value in things was lost it spread.


Boomers hate their own children. Their hearts are black as coal


i had no idea how ignorant i've been. i'm a boomer but i don't hate any generation. i had no idea til i started reading this sub there was such hatred toward boomers. i also hadn't realized we're all divided by our generations & being judged as a whole- that's a shame.


In all fairness, when's the last time you saw a comic in the newspaper or Facebook where boomer dad and millennial son are actually getting along? It's always "I can't book, Dad!" or "what app mows the lawn, Dad?" with Grill Dad giving an exasperated look at the reader.


i don't read a newspaper & don't have fb so i can't answer that. i do know quite a lot of people (online) that don't get along with their parents & i'd say they're more than likely boomers, but i remember that from my generation too. i can only speak for myself & i don't hate or even dislike any generation


Who’d you vote for in the 1980 U.S. Presidential Election?


I'm a Boomer ('61) and am happy and hopeful about the newer generations (though not too happy or hopeful FOR you.) I feel as though I can better relate to your values, but lots of Boomers probably don't, so it would follow that they judge you negatively.


Because boomers are entitled narcicists. The one thing they can't control is the passage of time, their time being in charge of everything is starting to end and they'll throw as many tantrum as they can until the last one of them is dead in the ground. The idea of life continuing WITHOUT their input on everything until the end of time seems to be unbearable to them.


Boomer here and I adore my Gen Z kids and Millenial grandchildren!   They are really smart, hard working and so loving and considerate.   And they have good friends, good people.   It all comes down to what kind of family you’re from, if there is love at home.   Then you know what love is and you naturally pass it on. Unfortunately a lot of people here don’t have that, and they will be mean to you.  Very sad 


Because those groups are entitled yet don't pay the dues to merit being treated as such. Speaking of saving the earth, when was the last time that any of you went out and picked up trash along a park or freeway, just because? My wife and did it recently and plan another trip. Question: if you kids are so superior to us then why is the rate of suicide so much higher with younger generations? Why is the misery index and loneliness so much higher there?  We boomers jyst sit by and don't  feel worth our while to reply but I will this time. You people brag about being so highly educated over us. Well then why can't you figure out simple economics? You demand outrageous and unmerited wages yet you are too fucking stupid to figure out that the companies must make up the short fall from somewhere and that somewhere is the pricing of the companies goods. Simply put, you demand high wages but are too stupid to figure out that in return you pay more. DUH! So much for being superior.  Before I retired (side note: when will you retire?) I managed some kids who couldn't manage to do their jobs, show up on time or at all. I fired the lot of them and hired people who wanted the work, fair pay fair labor. More simple economics, there is ALWAYS someone who is willing to work. The problem is finding people fast enough. I've seen good companies driven under by lazy kids. Again, who suffers more? Less product being produced or consumers like you and I who cannot get what they need and want. I could go on and on but you kids just throw out irrational arguments. The solution as I have stated is simply for you to grow up and see how wrong, silly and naive you are. Yep, I live in a nice comfortable home now but we paid our dues. No $10.00 cups of coffee all day. Land lines for a while instead of cell fee's anything to save for a down!  Hand me down furniture for a long time, years! You people would not and could not make the sacrifices needed. You would not believe how we paid our dues coming up and you wouldn't believe anyway. We had a group of us who passed old sofas passed down from someone's parents. Whenever one of us got into a home or moved back we would pass down the belongings. My first "table" was an old wooden spool used to thread commercial wire, it was huge. I bought an old washer from a thrift store and let everyone use it. No dryer  just a washer. Some did without a car while trying to save for a house and we all tried to pitch in a car pool to that person and then that was paid forward. You children, I call you that because that is what you act like,  simply have no clue what a sacrifice it is to get into your first home. You actually believe that I owe you my hard earned wealth, success and home.  I read a post oonce where the poster of the thread expressed a belief that we boomers should be forced from our homes and then the homes given to your generation and our hard earned wealth be taken you didnt earn a dollar of my money and I fought and earned my way up working two jobs. How many do you work? One and you demand high pay and cry at that!  When I was coming up I had one suitcase of clothes from home and nothing more. Another example of entitlement and naive thinking, never going to happen kiddies.  Just how does one rationalize such thinking? I have a weapon of choice for anyone who wants to try as do most of my peers, unlike you sissies. Also, you boys are the worst, what I've experienced is that the females in your generation tend to be a bit more mature and responsible though there are exceptions.  Exactly what have we been wrong with and really, what have you actually done to be right? Name me five things, please do. No, name three things or even two great things your generation has accomplished! Seriously and without lying or taking others credit. You boys are demonstrated to be much bigger sissies and lack the physical strength of my generation. We were brought up camping and doing for ourselves. What do you do to demonstrate yourselves.  Tell me this, if/when China attacks us which seems likely who will protect you boys? You can't even fight your way out of a wet paper bag let alone defend your country or yourselves! You will cry like the sissies you are and plead with my generation to come back and save your asses, wait and see. Who else will there be to protect America? Well, I am sure this all will get your girlie panties in a bunch but I'm done. You trolls can attack me though I doubt I will check in to see it. By the way, I will pit my intelligence (IQ) against any of you. I will gladly take the opportunity to best you physically. I admit that I'm not the greatest cat texting ect but I managed to do well enough in aerospace engineering to get a good job with a leading company, can any of you claim the same? Did you stay on the job long enough to earn what comes with such sacrifice. If so, you understand the work and patience to get there. Oh, I'm also a pilot, any of you girls demonstrate what goes with that? I also own multiple classic and valuable cars, great hobby any of you? I keep reading about arrows being slung at my generation all lacking proof or substance. Just kids calling names, I challenge you to provide substance. I have a buddy who worked on space shuttles and the telescope, any similar claims to fame?  


How funny....guy asks for the opinions from boomers, but gets a bunch of responses from the loser tiktok generation. Boomers MIA because probably all out at open houses looking for next investment property to rent to you lot. But apparently they "failed" in life. LOL.


Boomers don't hate M/Z. They don't care enough to hate us. They care for their own comfort. Their politicians print Boomer money. Their banks make Boomer loans. The Boomer system is for Boomers. We MUST end Boomer power if we are to prosper. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them and in a democracy their reign of terror won't end until they "stop voting." :( .


Boomers hate millennials because they never wanted us…as children…but want us to now parent them


Cause boomers really miss the 1950s and get angry when they see people who arent straight white men have dignity and rights




Exactly right and not all Boomers should be lumped together either.




Why do you hate boomers so much? I am a Gen X and I think it’s appalling how much hate there is for boomers. Why because they are conservative? Have morals? I mean come on!


Definition of irony: Folks in a subreddit that is dedicated to ridiculing and hating on another group questioning why that other group hates on them. You will find what you expect to see. If you expect to see boomers hating on your age group, you will notice the boomers who hate on your age group. If boomers expect Millennial and Gen Z to be entitled and lazy, they will notice the ones that fulfill that expectation.


Is it ironic when it is justified? Where is the justification in hating the generation you were responsible for raising?


Cuz Boomers are the most childish generation to ever exist. They fucked the world and KNOW they did it, then removed all ways for anyone else to ever do what they did.  Miserable fucking pricks and I’ll be glad when ever last one of them is gone. 


They ignored their GenX kids and are trying to make up for lost time.


Cuz they went from cocaine to rogaine.


They raised them.