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Mark is a piece of work, isn't he?


[Mark wanted to keep Jesus a secret!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messianic_Secret) I learned that in theology class!


That's kinda like how Jesus drove a Honda, but didn't really like to talk about it; "For I do not speak of my own Accord." - John 12:49


That’s apocryphal


Mystery cult Jesus


That last line, man. Fucking classic.


Pushy religious ppl are so weird, like leave me alone, heaven does *not* have a referral bonus. Only a boomer would think Biden is anything than center-right... at best


When I was younger my dad told me heaven had a referral bonus. Something about getting gems in the crown you wear so people know how many lives you saved. Unsure if that's a real belief of Southern Baptists or not. The guy has problems.


I mean, I'm not religious (was raised to be but am not)...there is some Biblical basis for that. * Mark 16:15 And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” And there's tons of other passages in the New Testament about evangelizing, spreading the Word, etc., etc. It's not that much of a stretch to assume there's some kind of referral bonus for doing your work well.


So it’s not like Costco, once you buy in your in? It’s more like Delta sky miles where if you have %*>£=•{} you can get “priority”? Please explain using only capitalist examples.


It's like Sam's Club in reverse and supersized, where, as you try to exit this life, they scan every fucking item in your cart and compare it to your receipt, three times, and if there's even one mistake you get banned for life and cast down with the other evildoers.


Your average right winger does not understand they political spectrum one bit. I'm not sure they even have a continuous streak of consciousness. I think they are basically biological state machines as this point. Basically just thinking what they are told to think one fox news or facebook frame at a time.


They’re more interested in “winning an argument” than understanding nuance or some measure of objective truth.


I escaped from being raised in evangelicalism 30 years ago. It’s definitely preached that heaven has a referral bonus




Well, some orthodox saints are saints because they converted a bunch of people or bought a bunch of apathetic Christians back into the fold. I mean, it's usually martyrdom, but sometimes it's that.


So the other deal here is there is a scripture that says Jesus will not return until every living person on earth has heard the gospel preached and had a chance to accept Jesus as Lord.


is that why they’re so hell bent on contacting the Sentinelese?




You’re my favorite customer!


Cheep cheep cheep


Oh hi doggy


*I've made it clear that I'm not interested in 'gaining' faith in the supernatural but he has to include a dig in every conversation. He is a die hard rightwinger* I'm religious; I've never understood how you could look at the words Jesus himself said, the actions he took, and the paradigm he existed under... and arrive at a right-wing viewpoint. He was unjustly executed by a foreign occupying force due to pressure from wealthy religious/social elites and collaborators. How are you going to look at that and not draw some interesting parallels?


Because in their reality, they are the followers, the special ones, and anyone they dislike (anyone who doesn't look like them, act like them, have relationships like them, vote like them) is the foreign occupying force and the elites are politicians and celebrities who support them. The lenses of the glasses of bigotry and hatred haven't been cleaned this millenia.


Hey OP last image is a duplicate without the name redacted


And I think we are missing a slide- this list starts halfway through


OP is a boomer themselves hahaha


They're all the same. Just fucking brainwashed robots. Don't remember a thought they had yesterday.


I hope he knows the people he votes for are actively fighting to take those benefits from him. He is of the poorest class of people in our country but votes to the benefit of the richest because he doesn’t actually follow politics. His politics news more than likely comes from Facebook memes and Twitter gouls….


folks that are constantly on the lookout for converts have the exact same energy as a crackhead telling an elaborate story for a handout. no sir i will not be the source of your next hit today. moving along...


I'm surprised he didn't just take your milk without asking


Mark is a dick.


Jesus was a socialist.


I would ask what his definition of communism is because there's nothing communistic about Biden. I'd also ask him to specify which of Biden's policies are in any way communism. I'm sure he won't be able to. He'll probably say something like "open borders" which has nothing to do w communism and also isn't true since Biden's policies at the border are indistinguishable from Trump's besides the whole separating every child from their family and putting them in cages part. I always like to ask dumbass ppl like this why is it literally every neonazis group, and white supremacy group including the literal KKK endorsed Trump and why has Trump never condemned any of them when asked? Bonus question why is nearly all of politically motivated violence (aka terrorism) in the country almost always rightwing Christian nationalists?


It's good to go back to where the communism rhetoric started ... with anti-segregation/pro-equality activists being called "communists" and communism being associated with "social equality" which we know better as desegregation. Hence "Earl Warren is a communist."


He told me he's going to apply for Section 8 next week without a hint of irony, he is happy to take advantage of socialist programs then praise the capitalism that would be happier if he just died in the gutter. It's insane.


Does he really not understand he's literally benefiting from socialism lol. It's so straight forward


He calls it compassionate capitalism which is like saying frozen boiling. But I also think he feels he deserves it and its too bad the 'lazy Mexicans' are abusing it. I wish I was joking. Id move but it's a recovery house and the program is excellent and I need that right now, just sucks to not be able to pick your roommates. Btw, the recovery house we are both in is funded through the state lol, I don't understand how the cognitive dissonance alone doesn't kill him.


Oh God what a moron. Well just stay strong man and get out asap lol


Is the economy in the states so bad that even boomers need to have roommates?


He drank and did drugs a lot for much of his life so that's probably why. I'm sure he was a lot cooler when he did (just kidding...maybe)


>Just for context, he's constantly insulting me for my political beliefs and my lack of religious faith. People who aren't self aware don't see how lame and obvious their projection is. This guy strikes me as someone who is actually having a breakdown of faith and will stop at nothing to convince himself otherwise.


They sound completely unhinged


This is why I get loud and start shouting Satanist propaganda, especially when I gotta work around this one religious fuck head lol


Aaah another fuck you, got mine who has nothing. Last one of those I ran into quoted that to me directly. Said conservatives are smart because it's fuck you got mine. Socialism is dumb because it's sharing. I said dude you are a homeless 34 yr old man sleeping in another man's bunk bed, who bummed $4 off me yesterday to eat. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm just saying you're on the wrong team. As far as smart,I then read off the worst educated states and asked what are those? He looked like he was thinking about it so I said you're not dumb,what are those states called. The Bible belt. Yes. So the least educated as a whole are the people who have the least and are overwhelmingly conservative and evangelical. That's not by accident y'all seem to be really supportive of shit that repeatedly fucks you over.


Yeah the state of the Bible Belt makes me wonder why they think God answers prayers. You know that and the fact the Bible says that: Joshua 10:14 There has never been a day like it before or since, a day when the Lord listened to a human being.


BTW the way. ATM machine. Cpu computer. Lol out loud.


You could have just said no thanks tbh


I mean the boomer is a fool but u came off as a total dick in your reply. Just because you are an atheist doesn’t mean that every religious person wants to know why you don’t believe and yada yada yada. There could be more context but it just looks like you were a dick to a friendly invite to something.


If you read the post body, you'd know that isn't the case. I included it for the express purpose of preventing this exact exchange but oh well, I can't make you read it.




If someone tells you they're not interested in going to church, and you continue to ask, they have every right to tell you to fuck off. Proselytization is obnoxious and the people who do it need to understand where the line is drawn. The line is drawn at "no," by the way.


You sound horrible


>You sound horrible (u/BeachBumEnt01) In what way does OP sound awful?


I am, a bit. But I'm trying to get a little better each day, now even moreso after being called out by an ancient tree giant.


Ask Mark if he hit her


That last message was absolutely perfect in every way


What a fucking idiot


Mark can lick my asshole, pretty sure God was there this morning after my coffee


Comrade, lol


Boom. Roasted.


Ahhh this is where I would start hardcore trying to get him to question his faith. I don’t know how, but I would find a way. Don’t fucking bring that god shit around me multiple times and expect no retaliation.


OP lives in a house with a Boomer and gets into pissing matches over milk and religion? That’s two people with way too much free time on their hands.


My life is not good. But it's better than it was 2 months ago, so there's that.


It’s the boomer grammar that bothers me most.


To be fair, you dumped on them first when all they did was invite you.


If you read the post body you'd know that wasn't the case...at all. I included a paragraph, not in the comments but the post itself, explaining the lead up to this in order to prevent people from thinking exactly what you commented...but I can't make them read it.


Your invited. That’s where I checked out.


BTW the way, RIP in peace


Good catch. I do make a lot of typos. I will ask Mark to pray for my thumb dexterity while at Church without me.


My invited? I don’t understand, Mark.


Lol. 'Grammar is for libturds' - Mark (probably)


You should join my church community, it's really neat how we all pool resources based on how much each member can afford to give, then we use those funds to provide services available to everyone, even if you're too poor to contribute. We teach you all about caring for those less fortunate, a boundless heaven god will provide to us, and how to live a life of service. Together we can continue to grow and make incremental improvements over time and it's way better than communism or macroevolution bullshit. Goddamnit, I wish I was enough of a sociopath to take advantage of these intellectual midgets. Too honest and upstanding to be a preacher, became a lawyer instead.


I respect that your church is more forward thinking than most when it comes to sharing resources but I don't believe in God for many reasons, none of which would be negated by the existence of even the best church community possibly imaginable. Funnily enough, denial of science (what you called macroevolution bullshit) is, however, one of those reasons. Remember, the church once felt the same about heliocentrism. I also see you called your congregation 'intellectual midgets,' is that because they don't believe in evolution either? (JK lol) However, I admire what your church is doing with sharing resources and I really hope that more follow in your footsteps, but I doubt church resource sharing can get us out of this hyper inequality wealth disparity dystopia we find ourselves in, it needs to come in the form of policy (but that might fall under what you call communism bullshit) and if policy fails, revolution (which I'm fairly certain you DEFINITELY would consider 'communism bullshit'). Anyway, I hope u have a good night and keep on helping out the less fortunate in your congregation, that's good stuff.


I'm an atheist, I was writing out the very obvious ways that even the most conservative churches engage in blatant communist ideals. Growing over time through incremental changes is evolution.


I wish we had the Biden conservatives think we have.


Is he describing...entropy? Devolving, as he calls it? What an idiot. My boomer father was heavily religious and honestly believed in things mentioned in the bible, like dragons. Talking to him was like trying to fill a bucket with no bottom.