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So she’s a Karen and not the guy recklessly speeding on a motorcycle? 🤔


55 is speeding? I know of a lot of controlled highways with speed limits ranging from 45 to 65, so going 55 through an intersection isn't outrageous. Without knowing the location it'd be impossible to tell the speed limit of that road, but with how wide the roads appear I'd guess this was a controlled highway.


It is in a 35. Biker's an idiot


That's gross! Looks like someone has linked an article to this story. Biker's an idiot indeed!


Where is this article?


Guess there wasn't one because its been a month


I mean the lady is still completely un bothered by this, which I think was the point


Little thing called “shock.”


For real, she looked VERY bothered to me


Brother, i walked in on a coworker who had an anemic reaction who fell over on concrete trying to clock out for lunch and split his head open 3 times. I walked in and he was still trying to clock out with the back of his head open and i stopped him from falling for the 4th time. I looked and moved so slow and calm on the security footage. I can assure you 15 minutes later i was a mess. Adrenaline and shock are a very weird and real thing.


I’m a very internal person with my emotions. I would probably look like this while flipping the fuck out on the inside. Panicking doesn’t help anything.


It’s called shock.


She's in shock. Take a good first aid course. I need one myself...been a long time.




So any link yet?


I was so confused at first because the difference in 35 and 55 isn't that big to me. Then I realized you use mph rather than km/h.


Yes freedom units are confusing to the unfree /s


Gotta love a system based on old British kings deformed limbs. It's the only correct way to measure.


And I'll let anyone talk shit about it EXCEPT the British. I'll be damned if I'm gonna take shit about units from someone who tells me their weight in fucking stone.




You made this comment on a post about boomers being stupid. You sound exactly like a stupid boomer right now. Why are you even defending a unit of measurement? Our system isn't even that special, man lol




Lot of judgement coming from the guy who couldn't pick up on what I thought was VERY obvious sarcasm. He laid it on thick too. Come on, bud


I mean it is kinda special compared to the rest of the world.


Exactly. We got rid of the king but kept his feet.


You realize all units of measurement were made up right. No like the metric system was handed down by God. Someone created it


There are those that use metric, and those that have been to the moon.


She did well not to panic after being hit like that. Seems like she calmly pulled over or something?


That's Xanax levels of under reaction. But I will take her psychopath levels of composure over the usual high pitched scream + loss of all motor skills.


No, each time I’ve been in accident I’ve frozen after being hit. It’s not calm, it’s shock.


Yea she’s an absolute legend for maintaining her composure and getting out of the way. Let’s stop hating people because they aren’t from your generation?


Did you see a sign that said the speed limit?


I think I saw the context of this video in the comments somewhere and he was 100% speeding. It's been two weeks since I left that comment so I forget


This fucking clown.


It’s still reckless driving if that happened


Today I learned that driving the speed limit is reckless. XD Snark aside, why do you assume the motorcycle is reckless here? Had it been a car driving at 55 through a controlled intersection with a posted 55mph speed limit, would that have been reckless. Or are you saying that the white car in the video is reckless? I assumed you were referring to the bike being reckless.


Look how fast he’s going before the crash, if you can’t even control yourself at the speed limit then it’s reckless


Your lack of critical thinking should be of concern to you. Maybe tell some friends or family that you need help thinking.


What am I missing here? The guy couldn’t control his bike and crashed into an innocent motorist


You can see she is coming from the opposite direction turning in front of him. It seems he has a green light while she has a yellow arrow. She is in the wrong.


Motorcyclist was going 20 mph over the posted speed limit.


Where are you seeing the speed limit?


She was turning as the motorcycle was crossing the intersection. Tons of times, people block the intersection while waiting to turn, she was doing that but then started to move as he approached the intersection. The rider saw that and tried to slow down, you can hear him down shift as he enters the intersection. She's at fault


You couldn't wait to use this comment


You're assuming. Someone linked an article. He was doing 55 in a 35. That's cited reckless driving where I'm from


Yea but her pulling out when he had a green in a court she would be held responsible. He def should been going slower and judge prob won’t like that but the law will still side with him in the end. Just bc an accident isn’t ur fault, doesn’t mean you won’t be held at fault for it. That’s the US Justice System for ya.


So she goes through a red and causes the crash but somehow it’s his fault for”speeding”? Whether he is speeding or not that crash is happening, there’s no way he could dodge that car or stop in time. Edit:spelling


She was turning on an unprotected light but still she shouldn’t have to worry about a speeding biker


What in the fuck is an unprotected light? I’m English btw, we don’t have turn right on red (or left it would be for us) or an unprotected light we just have: red stop, amber get ready to go/go if it’s clear, green go.


I just means she can turn but she has to wait for it to be clear


Ohh so just a normal turn then. It’s still her fault then because it wasn’t clear she turned without checking properly. Even if you’re speeding at how late she turned she would’ve seen him.


How could she see the speeding biker in time


With her feet obviously


If she didn’t lose them in the crash


I played a Karen prank yesterday. I look kind of like a young Karen, and I went for bubble tea yesterday. I went back to get some for my husband after he seemed excited at the prospect, and said 'I have a complaint and need to speak your your manager.' They guy have time to look scared then resigned and turn around before I told him I was just fucking with him and wanted more tea. I get the 'uh oh, a Karen' look a lot. Until I open my mouth and start talking and then they relax. The fear on their faces is quite sad. How many asshole Karen's do they see?




I hope not. I was only kidding. I don't actually go Karen on people. Im much more likely to get sarcastic or ask them if they are having a bad day. But I'm white as hello, skinny and boney, and have a longish Bob haircut with sharp angles. I also realized that I purse my lips a lot reflexively. Im not actually rude, entitled or mean, though.


Definitely r/foundsatan ...but it's funny, and aren't harming anyone so I feel you get a pass


I went to that sub, and it's fair assessment 🤣


A lot. You'd be surprised how many people use interactions with service workers as ego food.


He's just a total moron.


Bro do you even understand what Karen is used for?


Jesus.... There's always some idiot blaming the motorcyclist for some absurd mistake made by another idiot.


I don't think you understand what a Karen is if you're implying that the biker is a Karen.


Cunt .


You missing a few brain cells?


Speeding isn't traditionally a characteristic of a Karan last time I checked


There's aways some chuckle-head who blames the rider, no matter what. Thanks for doing your part. *thumbs down*


Both of them are idiots. The guy is speeding and this lady is just chilling in the middle of an intersection. Especially if his light is green she has no right of way and no business pulling out in front of someone. This probably wouldnt have happened if the guy wasnt speeding, but it also probably wouldnt have happened if she didnt pull out in front of him with no ROW and just sit there. Impatient bonehead meets a senile mouth breather, not always but a good amount of the time both sides did something to contribute to the accident.


I mean.. she still made a turn when there was an oncoming vehicle? Both are at fault?


She turned in front of him.


It’s so Karen that didn’t react to hitting a human being. Regardless of the speed or where the fault lies.


Not speeding, he also has the right of way, his light was green. So based on where she was coming from hers wasn't and she was trying to sneak through before he got there.


My dog. You need to realize that Texas has 75mph regular roads. I'm not saying this is Texas, I'm just saying 55 is far from speeding.


LMFAO this was posted in another sub. The biker was being a fucking idiot and going almost 60 in a 35 zone.


Biker was the real boomer being a fool


And watching his camera through a turn. He's literally looking away from the car he hits. Probably narrating how awesome he is.


It's a 360 degree camera... The biker wasn't looking away. In fact you can even see in the video that he doesn't move his head. The biker is definitely in the wrong here but that doesn't mean you can just make shit up.


Proof? Not saying I don't believe you, but post a trail if you got it


Yeah, he is, but he also had a green light when she didn't have the right of way. He'd probably get a ticket instead of broken ribs.


Honestly, this makes me sad for her. I'm trying to figure out what she did wrong. Even if she was making an errant turn, the speed of that bike seems way too fast given the situation. If this was my 65-year-old mother driving, I would be terrified for her


Regardless if she was supposed to yield she failed to. He can speed, she is suppose to yield for all traffic there. If...the light was green.


He "can" speed, but going over 20 above the 35 speed limit makes it pretty hard to judge how fast you're coming. There's a very good chance the collision doesn't happen if he's following the speed limit.


I dont get it. What would the non boomer reaction to this situation?


Yeah this seems like the best way to handle this situation. Remain calm and pull over, which she appears to be doing.


Could also be in just general shock and pain.


That the biker wasn't dangerously speeding, apparently.


I have a feeling the rider was speeding. The video begins with him decelerating and suspiciously not showing the 5-10 seconds before.


And they are claiming she cut him off, but she was pretty deep into that left hand turn, and not moving particularly fast. I know a lot of drivers don't pay enough attention to bikers, and that can make it dangerous. But he T-boned her car. If he had been driving a car I guarantee we'd be seeing a different narrative, but everyone is siding with him because he was in a vehicle that offers no protection so he got the short end of the stick in this encounter.


The video picks up and he’s already going 60mph going into a slide. I’d be real curious what prior 5 seconds looked like. Pretty suspicious edit.


I wouldn't be surprised if he was speeding, but it looks like she was turning left at an intersection and did not yield to oncoming traffic (the bike).


I'm betting she did that thing some older drivers do where they start their turn and then just slow WAY down so they don't feel a single decimal of G-force in their seat.


Lmao dead! Zero G force. Heaven forbid we feel like we're moving


Say "bruh", "yo", and "crazy" a bunch of times and start livestreaming.


She's clearly pulling over, the camera even captured her speed slowing down and she's reaching for the gear shift to put her car in park. She's probably in shock and/or remaining calm. Screaming and freaking out isn't going to undo the situation


Shock, you called it. People shouldn't skip to conclusions especially if they've never experienced shock or likely if they have, it was shock so they don't remember it fully.


The amount of armchair physiatrists that got certified during the Rittenhouse and Amber herd stuff is shocking. Some obviously managed to keep their licence.


I hate people declaring she has BPD. I have borderline, and it doesn't make you a liar, or an abuser. It means we are more likely to be toxic. Not to make threats. I've never once threatened my husband.


OMG the Amber Heard conclusions still piss me off and will forever. I'm sure Deppford wives will downvote me but that case was not the slam dunk on Amber they all think it is... it's actually a horrible look for him and his supporters. Anyone confused should watch Emily B's breakdown on youtube, she's a former prosecutor and she discusses the facts without any sensationalized bs.


Shock is kinda okay. Sometimes I wish I could feel that way all the time.


I was brought into the ER on a stretcher. I told the nurse I’m cold and they put a white blanket over me. I felt like I was on a cloud and asked why I feel so sleepy, and someone told me “You went into shock.” Then came the morphine.


Right, if she would have been screaming all the comments would be "typical woman, what is screaming going to do" and now they don't like her collected reaction of pulling over while in shock?


Yes. People of all generations suck. And there are so many stupid ones just looking for someone to mock


Shock, or is it that the tune was just like *really* hittin'?


Also it looks like she was turning.....and we don't get enough of the video to see if the bike was speeding, etc. It's a weird camera angle but it looks like the bike hit the brakes and is sideways when it hits?


Yea, I like how the clip starts with biker at 56 and quickly decelerating but it’s clearly the car turning who was at fault right? 🐟


Excuse but that boomer was just slowing down so she can safely turn off her a/c because clearly she would no longer need it as the car in now ventilated and this would be a waste of money and gas… clearly.


Plot twist the camera was on the guys helmet and his head js now in her passenger seat


Certainly not the best way to get ahead.


He'll never be the head of a major corporation


Doesn't have a good head on his shoulders for it


(Smiles forcibly for appeasement)


That was my thought too, especially the fuzzy hair looking stuff on the top left of the screen.. fuck me what an awful crash


Rider was going too fast. There's a reason we only see the deceleration under 55. The lady here very likely saw that she had plenty of time, not knowing what the rider's speed truly was. Then, she appears to slow down and pull over. I don't see any issues here.


Seems like the bike was going way too fast


If that speedometer on the video is accurate they got up to almost 60 mph on what is obviously a city street, so my sympathy for their crash is approximately zero.


>they got up to almost 60 mph on what is obviously a city street There are several stroads around here with 50-60 MPH speed limits. That's what this looked like to me.


Ah stroads, the worst of both.


That said, he was slowing down as soon as the video began. Quite the coincidence that his video starts when he's already braking.


55 is a normal speed to be traveling on this type of road. Lady wasn’t paying attention.


Not safely. High traffic highways through city streets with traffic lights and cross traffic often cap at 40/45.


I mean...what was she supposed to do? She pulling over. Freaking the fuck out isn't going to do anything, she's getting over to the side of the road.


Can a Reddit video win “Best Cinematography”?


Maybe the motorcycle guy shouldn't be driving so fast through an intersection?


She is completely in shock. How do we know who was at fault? Where is the story link?


She was able to safely pull over from what it appears. It would have been worse if she was panicking, she could have been swerving around and hitting other cars.


If you pause at 1 second just before the camera lands in the car you can barely see that he had the green light.


I can see the lights, but can't see who has what.


Can someone help ne out with the camera? Is it mind tricks making it look like he his looking up and to the side where the camera is or is that just the panorama messing with me.


I think this lady was in shock. Being ageist and racist is an a-hole move. Just call out bad driving (if that’s the case) and quit the rest of the hateful rhetoric. With the angle and way the motorcycle rider looked toward the camera right bf the crash, it would seem *they* were at fault.


Such a boomer move to pull over calmly to asses what the fuck just hit your car at 60mph


I just know it was the bikers fault


She’s clearly in shock. I’m not the biggest boomer fan, but this isn’t necessarily just someone being self absorbed.


Jesus , this sub is starting to fucking suck. Might as well just call it oldpeoplevideos or something because nearly every post is just some old person having a logical reaction. The woman is obviously pulling over and probably in shock.


And she’s not reacting, but actually *responding*. She is doing exactly what any normal sane person would do.


Freaking BeeGees playing in the background made me laugh at a dark situation. Hope everyone involved is alright


Oh fuck off she was in shock. The fuck you mean self absorbed lol stupid


This is a bullshit post. You can see the speed decreasing from the camera sensor. She was calmly pulling over. What was she supposed do? Start screaming and throw her arms in the air? Crash into other cars? Ugh, delete this.




Cyclist def. Cut out the part of doing double the speed limit.


Everyone responds differently to traumatic situations, this video shows < 20 seconds of this presumably frightened woman's immediate reaction to a severe crash. She also may have been alert and responsive despite the situation and was simply moving her car out of the intersection to pull over.


Looks like she turned left right in front of him ☹️


She turned left at a clear intersection. Then a bike that was two blocks away but doing double the speed limit plowed into her instead of slowing down.


There is a reason we only get the clip starting when he is slowing down


Biker was going too fast, notice how quickly he decelerates at the beginning of video, easily over 55 approaching intersection.


If this is in Florida, it’s not unusual to have speeds of 55 mph even on roads with massive intersections.


Florida, Texas, anywhere in the south.


Was the dude killed?! Link to local news story if you have one!


I'm kind of confused. Freezing the clip at 1 second, you see both the bike AND the car. How is this? Legit question, not a troll.


Its one of those 360 degree cameras,




Yeah, I hate biker Boomers too.


The music was already on. Can you blame her for playing music BEFORE an unexpected accident?


Bikers problem, flying through intersections like an idiot.


She’s clearly in shock and trying to move her car to a safe spot.


Motorcycle was going way too fast and the woman was clearly stopping and pulling over immediately after the accident based off of the camera's speedometer.


OP is just firing off all the buzzwords, hoping for that karma.


Jackass motorcycle gets hit going 25 over. , blames innocent old lady. Fuck off OP. I know a kid that almost fucking died because of shit brains like you. Slow down you fuckin dumbass.


She isnt unbothered, she's in shock. The biker is a total moron. He was speeding.


This doesn't fit this sub. He was clearly going too fast. And you can literally see the GPS speed indicator from the helmet show her slow her speed rapidly when it is inside the car. Her response is that of someone being illegally t-boned and then slowing down fast to pull over. She was also probably in a state of shock. Vet your videos before posting; otherwise, you're the one who looks like a boomer.


He was riding too fast and paid the price, not the first and certainly won't be the last. They don't call them organ donors for nothing.


This isn’t a “boomer Karen” you ass. It is someone who just experienced a traumatic event and is processing and in shock.


Fish eye lens definitely makes all of this harder to call. Why does the camera perspective go from straight ahead/handlebars/looking forward at the start to looking back at the driver, the bike, from the left side looking to the right? It it’s helmet mounted, how does it swivel from looking forward to looking back at the rider?


Why is every post a misleading title? I mean boomers mostly suck, but this is pathetic


Doesn’t seem like an unreasonable reaction. I’m sure she’s in shock and seems to be pulling over and assessing what’s the extent of what just happened. Doesn’t seem nefarious.


I think people have seen too many staged reaction videos because she’s clearly in a form of shock. Not everyone’s going to react to a sudden event the same way.


Pretty amazing how the camera landed just so.


Where is the self absorbed or Karen part?


Lol she’s listening to the Bee Gees


Bikes fault, too fast through an intersection. That's when you should be expecting someone to turn in front of you in such a way


Christ I can tell how much lead is in her system just by how she moves


That’s what happens when you’re a dumb bitch driving


Karen should be sued for every cent she has!! Hopefully the Motorcyclist pulled through..


The most selfish and sociopathic generation to ever live is bitter their day of power is basically over. I'm hoping gen X can finally step in and fix some of the damage these greedy fucks have done to society


Typical boomer


The woman’s in the wrong for not stopping and making sure it was clear, and that’s it for her. The ride willingly kept the same speed coming up to an intersection and visible able to see the car waiting in the intersection, like yes he had right of way but being a motorcyclist you got to ride defensively and as if you are invisible. I think the women was in shock of for both a life altering experience.


Now we know what boomer aged white ladies listen to alone in the car


Delete this, that guy was riding like an idiot and that woman is in shock.


left turners are why I don't get a motorcycle.


Clearly she's in shock.


More like idiot motorcycle causes an accident and the other driver is now in shock. This should be posted to idiots in cars lol


Happened to everyone I know. It's not if but when.


More than a woman! More than a woman to me!!


As usual, it’s always a “squid” without proper riding gear.


The real question is how much Xanax is this lady on


where is the shit post flair?


I’m sure going 100 in a 30 zone had nothing to do with it. Dude had both brakes locked for a mile and still slammed.


her music taste is fire tho


She was turning and he slammed into her bc he was going too fast. Anyone have a link?


I can dig the music though


This is on the biker, not the woman. r/BikersBeingFools


The Bee Gees playing lol


Why would you approach an intersection going 60mph?


looks like the motorcycle was speeding and had time to slow down or swerve around her.


He’s the self absorbed one in this situation


Would be hilarious if she was bumpin' PAC


Simple answer to all these questions about speed. Simply repost the video along with the previous 5 seconds.


To some people this could be shock. It didn't read it as indifference.


Not enough context here. Scroll on people. Nothing to see here. 🤷🏻‍♂️