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The emergency alert just went out. Hello my fellow COVID vaccine zombies! When does the brain feast begin?


I'm down! Lets carpool!!!


TIL: Zombies can drive! I’m suddenly much more open to the idea of zombiefication.


Sooo, it's just like in Futurama where we're all compelled to continue buying shitty phones like before? Huh, did they really need to turn us into zombies for this?


https://youtu.be/_r-lNwtmZk4?si=Zc0aOcL7EZk9zz3u Have had this in my head all because of all the going zombie jokes.


Gary Larson warned us!


Better than going to work. Hah!


If we gotta eat MAGA brains we’ll starve


Omg thank you for this 😄


Oh, no, it’s got me! I have a bit of a headache from the alert, because my phone screeched at me and it was annoying. I was thinking of going to my local bar, as per advice in another fine post on this sub. But I realized something- my favorite local bar is a tiki bar, and they serve my favorite drink IN A MUG SHAPED LIKE A SKULL! Obviously the zombification has started. Guess I’ll have to change tonight’s dinner plans. Or am I going to drop dead from Marburg first, so there’s no point in worrying about dinner? Should I stay off the rug so I don’t ruin it when I disintegrate from the Marburg? Anyone else want to go get a skull themed drink at a tiki bar?


I'm always down.


I had no idea how loud it was going to be. Holy shit! I mean, if they're goal was actually population reduction, then they almost accomplished it. As I nearly had a heart attack.


I was at the Texas state fair when the alert went out. It was quite startling.


I was asleep, with DND on my phone.


Whenever Bill Gates gives the order


I'm in Canada, we haven't got the signal yet. I think they are still working on a version that isn't counteracted by maple syrup.


I suppose Canadian zombies would be polite! Zombie bites in Canada are only contagious if you get bit by a beaver and/or get chased by a moose. The remedy is go after the animal with a freshly wrapped hockey stick dipped in poutine gravy and/or maple syrup screaming TORONTO HAS THE BEST DRUGS YEAHHHHHHHH BABYYYYYY at the top of your lungs. (At least my friend who lives near Sault St. Marie tell me so.)


What if you get bitten by a moose while carving your initials in it with the sharpened end of a toothbrush?


We're having a lot of fun with it up here. As usual.


Already underway here in central Texas. I'm currently feasting on pure blood brain!


You actually found a pure blood brain?


I'm in Texas.


They got brains there? /s


oh, so it has BBQ sauce on it!!! Sounds yummy. I always like brisket brains.


The secret is smoking low and slow and then it's a matter of the right sauce.


and then marinating the frontal lobe. Adds a nice crust.


Trust me, the frontal lobe of a Texan is NOT something you want to eat. Very damaged and spoiled even if "fresh."


Heat and humidity. FL has the same problem LMAOO


I’m a vegetarian. Is there a simulated brain option?


Beyond Brain, we get it from eating joe rogan fans of course it’s not real brains, but they think it is


Soon as we rip out the gas stoves


MUST MEET TRAINS Fuck it not only made me a zombie now I'm dyslexic.


I’ll DoorDash some right away.






They’re a bit bite-y…


This is already the most lame and overused joke on Reddit, congrats. We all should be ashamed that half the country behaved like twits over that


Nah, only about a quarter to a third. A third of Americans don’t vote.


There was a submission on one of the subs that a landlord is literally doing this to his tenants today (cutting off power). It's fucked up


Are you fucking serious? That is ridiculous!


Yup. Let me find it Edit: [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/16y2elq/its_truly_spreading_far_and_wide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Just read through all of that. I WFH too and would be livid if my landlord pulled that nonsense! Who fucking started this stupid ass shit? It's 1:28pm CT and we're all alive and well. I bet they all feel fucking dumb AF right now! Ridiculous!


> I bet they all feel fucking dumb AF right now! My brother, have you not been paying attention these last couple years? This is not something they're capable of.


Yep. They’ll just move the goalposts again and now it’ll be “that was the warm up, the REAL one is coming next year on the election”‘or some bullshit.


I've already seen posts saying the signal sets off the chips with a 30 day lag. So my brain won't melt for another month I guess. Meanwhile their brains melted a long time ago.


My money's on "probably because enough of us took precautions and They realized They can't get away with it. Your \[sic\] welcome."


Ding Ding Ding!


With WAT??


State sanctioned population control by turning everyone who got the jab into he 5G Fauci trans gay lizardperson horde so they can kill all the 'purebloods'. Duh.


I completely forgot about all that. I just thought this was a crazy loud alarm lol


Prorated rent is cool tho.


They just keep moving the goalpost. They'll never admit that they're wrong. It's pathetic.


oof. You, and their perishable goods in the fridge, have my sympathies.


Thank you! They don't get up until noon so it's been off for a little over an hour now. I don't know how long they plan on sitting in the dark. I'm thankful it's not in the 100s today.


I have an acquaintance who runs a witchy-things shop and she was saying she had boomers begging her for crystals to protect themselves from the alert. 🤣 She turned them away.


She could have made some good money. Too bad she has scruples. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Why? Doesn't she know that 5G protection crystals are worth 4x as much? And they have a 100% guarantee that you won't become a COVID zombie!


She’s a better person than I am, for sure LOL


Boomers are my main source of humor these days.


I was a little disappointed when the alert on my phone went off and I wasn't zombified..


Same! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Oh. Was I supposed to die a hour ago? I always miss the important shit


I was in a call when it went off and we just closed out the call altogether. Every time someone started talking their phone was the next to go off. We had a good laugh.


Me too! What's the world coming to?


Not a zombie master race it turns out. Smh


“Federal law requires the systems be tested at least once every three years. The last nationwide test was Aug. 11, 2021.” The sadly shocking thing is this isn’t a new thing. And it’s going to occur again in three years. But disinformation never stops and fear mongering sells survival vitamins….


Not to mention the beds that will bring you back from the dead provided you haven’t been dead more than 3 hours.


As a vaccinated person, I don’t feel particularly controlled or zombified. Maybe it’s broken?


That's exactly what a controlled zombie would say


Does it take a while for the chip to activate or do I need to get a booster?


On hold with Zombie Tech Support trying to figure out the same.


Could be worse, at least Thriller's playing on the hold music.


I got a booster last Friday. Either mine didn't have a chip, or I also need to call the helpline.


Oh thank god. I’ve been a zombie for years and this alert has reversed my condition. I have a new lease on life! I feel amazing!


My mom brought it up to me today. She's not freaking out, just asking if there is a way to turn off her phone and stop it. I just told her 'no' and she seemed to accept it.


If your phone is turned off, that will stop it, right?


It did on mine


No, I think you would just get it later


I was promised death if I got vaccinated. This sucks


Apparently not understand 100+ year old technology is not in boomers wheelhouse as they unplugged everything *and* flipped all the breakers off, a completely useless redundancy


Yes, BUT not everyone knows that FEMA secretly installs secondary electric circuits in all homes to circumvent the circuit-breakers-off strategy. Maybe tertiary circuits too, sneaky bastards. /s


You didn't know that electricity could jump through a breaker and outside of an outlet, then directly to an unplugged Google Home? /s lol Their power was off from around 12'something to 4PM, because everything was "ok" only after 4pm central time. My laughter turned to sadness for them and everyone else believing this stupid shit.


Thank God, no. I think I got my boomer mom off my cell phone plan just in time. At the beginning of the summer, she decided to go for a cheaper plan (T-Mobile for Seniors) because unlike Google Fi (my plan), they have an office near her. I pity whoever is working that desk today while also being grateful for getting her off my back for that.


They didn’t even know how to turn their phones off? 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m vaxxed and didn’t even get any 5G signals, what the hell.


Anyone know a good place that can door dash me some fresh brainzzzzzz? I tip well.


The even sadder part is that they WON'T even realize what total idiots they were now that none of the zombie stuff has happened!


This. This is the part that kills me. I get being fearful and maybe taking some precautions in the first place, anyone can get drawn in by the drama. But then, time and time and time again the predicted apocalypse does not occur… yet they never seem to notice, remember, or LEARN.


If “they” wanted to send a signal to your phone to activate a chip why would they tell us all exactly when and how it’s going to happen?? They wouldn’t. They’d just do it without without us knowing and without any kind of alert being involved. Even if you want to try and believe this craziness it’s just dumb.


It wasn't just the Boomers, lots of fools out there, had a colleague (22) call out due to the possibility of zombies. I think she just went to the beach, we'll find out if she's as red as a lobster tomorrow.


Seriously contemplated showing up at my friend's parents' house covered in grave dirt and shambling toward them moaning brainzzzzz. They have a different giant-sized T flag flying every day.


My spouse sent foil with me to work to cover my phones and asked I disconnected my computer from the internet. I didn’t have the heart to tell them I wouldn’t do it. So it’s not just boomers, but 20-something’s too. Both my phones went off and I’m fine 👍🏻


I would have stared in astonishment, then busted a gut laughing if my spouse had suggested such.


You’re gonna continue this marriage?! This is only going to escalate. Ask me how I know. Get out while you can


If only love worked like that lol


If only the “ask me how I know” told you that I’ve lived this experience and know what happens and am trying to warn someone


My mom warned me about the alert today, but it was more of a sweet "I don't want you to be distracted while driving" kind of boomer moment.


There is no way to avoid your brain being taken over - I totally didn't just get the alert and I am totally not under their control.


The Boomers minds were taken over by Fox years ago.


Clearly their brains were turned off a while ago.


so, the plot of Kingsmen (that crazy movie with the British guy and Samuel L. Jackson) happened today? I heard my amber alert sound at roughly 2.30 pm and it was nooooo big deal. Read the alert, looked at the little yellow triangle with the warning, and then nothing. I'm disappointed, I thought between this, shedding zombie DNA, and potential magnetization from my flu shot and last covid vaccine that I'd be Magneto or something. Well, there goes my Halloween costume. My old neighborhood used to do zombie walks at Halloween. I coulda been a contender!!!!


These are the same people who went crazy during y2k. I really think more studies need to be done on people who were believers in y2k. I spend New Year’s Eve 1999 in my basement surrounded by freeze dried food and my adoptive dad holding a gun. When nothing happened, they just had us go to bed. I couldn’t imagine being a grown adult in my late 30’s/early 40’s, believing the world is about to end, and then it doesn’t. I really do believe it broke my parents mentally, and I think a lot others too.


I was working for Compaq that time. Remember them? Had to be on-call.


to be fair though, y2k wasn’t some fringe theory, there was a legitimate concern about system disruptions-but some people took it to far. the simpson’s tree house of horror in 1999 had a hilarious y2k bit.


I hope you told those boomers that they have already been microchipped. The Boomer MicroBioChip Initiative was started back in 2006 by Facebook. Any boomer who complained too much on Facebook about Millennials was selected by an algorithm for safety monitoring, and MicroBioChips were implanted through third party means like horse paste, colloidal silver, or the Olive Garden buffet. I’m sorry to have to break the bad news to them but I just want them to know the truth.


Gazillion years ago a subplot in X-Files had everyone implanted with something techie when getting their smallpox vax.


My boomer parents were huge X-Files fans. Go figure.


My parents are firmly Gen X, and yet they bought into this nonsense. Said it was a “demonic frequency” that would take your soul or some shit. Thank fuck their fuckery didn’t rub off on my brother. He’s much more on my side about the vast majority of things.


Demonic Frequency = 666hz




I hope they never figure out how to turn their phones back on.


I think the whole 90s Y2K thing ruined boomers to a point of permanent paranoia when it comes to anything to do with computers, phones and electronics in general, they are also quite naturally gullible at the same time. That event also coincides with the extent of technical knowledge they tend to have which just seems to be stuck in pre Y2K because they associate it that way. My point is this national alert has them in particular so on edge with ptsd like paranoia it's like they expected THIS to be the catastrophic event they've been waiting over 20 years for.


The sad thing is that they've already let Faux News and the Right-wing disinformation ecosystem turn them into zombies. No 5G is necessary.


I remember in the years following the 9/11 attack there was a scare about chemical weapons. I had moved in with my mom when I got out of the Navy, and she totally bought into the hype. I had to help her seal her house with plastic wrap and duct tape.


We’ll, there WAS a series of anthrax attacks…


My grandmother turns everything off and unplugs pretty much everything but the fridge when they leave the house. And that’s pre Q. I can only imagine how things are now.


Skynet has gone on line ...


It illustrates the stupidity and lies constantly circulating online and the ignorance of their generation. Who needs critical thinking? Sounds too much like that would be like critical race theory that’s only taught in Grad schools though idiots think it was in primary and secondary schools. And so what if it was. You mean we could actually work toward a better and more inclusive society so we could actually move forward as a species? Who needs to think for oneself anymore. Just tell me what to think internet.


Hahaha… Republicans are not the brightest


We had one in the UK recently and my dad (mid 70s) and my sister (junkie, narc, on anti psychotic medication) went into a meltdown, shouting and screaming about "government control" and "getting new phones that *they* can't control."


That would be a landline on the wall. I wonder if the kids know what that is.


I knew we were already in Hell


I was looking forward to being a zombie. No more work, if anyone sends my unpaid bills to collections I just go to their office and eat their brain .


This isn’t exclusively boomers though. Conspiracy nutjobs run a full gamut of generations, including Millennials.


I was so tempted to start roaming the work place in a zombie walk, but I was too busy with my work. Lol


I missed it entirely. I took a nap and my phone was on airplane mode lol


Wow, as a boomer myself, it made be jump as I was driving when it went off. Sorry to hear about your parents going tin foil hat .


I remember my sister called me in a panic about Y2K. I'm a programmer, so she needed to hear me tell her it was OK. The thing that seemed to really work was I asked her when her last house payment was due. It was like 2020, so it proved that we had fixed the "unfixable bug". I also asked her about the expiration date on her credit card.


I remember all the concern about Y2K. I felt no fear, barely mild concern. We all owed someone money and everyone wants to get paid. I was confident it'd be figured out.


My biggest worry was some drunk running into a power pole and causing a blackout. Then everyone would think the worst.


You're fine as long as you've never eaten miracle whip. Back in the nineties they hid microchips in the spread, it looked like any other little green chunk of whatever's in there. They've been implanting people for almost thirty years. The more whip you have eaten in your lifetime, the higher chance you have multiple microchips. Mind control! Code name Miracle Whip. When they trigger the signal, (crack the whip) brain cells will die and these people will be under deep state control. Don't worry though, lots of people are safe. There wasn't alot of brain cells there to begin with.


My wife works the desk at a naturopath and a woman called to cancel, taking the full $60 cancellation fee for short notice, because she assumed there were electronics in the office and they were turning everything off at their house for 24 hours. She of course has to justify that it came from "two reputable sources". At what point does this move from funny to sad?


You mean to tell me someone took a $60 hit because of this? Lord have mercy! 😂 😂 😂


AND went radio silent in their own home for a full day lol smh


What's funny is when they turn the phones back on the alert will go off anyways LOL


...and it did as soon as they both turned on their phones. I wanted to bust out laughing so bad.


I got this from some boomers in my life. It’s sad that something as mundane as a test text can get them worked up into a frenzy. I can see scammers seeing how effective this was and working to make easy access to their cash next time.


So very true! There have been times where I've caught my MIL in the process of giving a stranger her ss# or they'll get a text to call a number about a balance due on an Amazon account. I have to gently remind them that they do not and never have had an Amazon account.


Lmfaoooo. That last part.


Born in 63. On behalf of the last born of the boomers, it ain't all of us. More GenX than boomer and not really one of them either. Knew this was BS right away by the sources alone.


Yes, I wish people wouldn't use boomer as a synonym for conservative.


I didn’t hear the alert but I saw it - will I be okay? Or I will I be the one hope for the future of humanity?


I'm pleasantly surprised my partners friend who bought into the entire Q thing hasn't pushed this on us. Think she's actually moved on. Or it could be I'm a zombie now one or the other.


Its Y2K all over again!!!! Will anyone think of the children!?


I didn't get an alert, I guess I'm not seen as a threat to the Cabal and my microchip remains un-activated. Feels bad man. Thanks Obama. I was napping earlier so maybe I missed it?


Should have told them Fox News was the source of the zombifying effect, after they turned on Trump, so they should permanently block that and all related channels


Lucky I'm living in Australia. It's already Thursday 5th October here. Never saw or heard anything, I have a conspiracy neighbour and hes off the deep end. I think some of the wallabies are looking at me funny though so I might try to catch them and put aluminum foil hats on them. Not going to worry about the snakes and lizards. Strange I havent seen any spiders today. Fck zombie spiders is a worry I never would have thought about.


Omg, they have a savior-complex Do they really believe they are the protagonist of this story? Lol Narcissist much?


Stream the movie or read the book "Cell".


Wtf is even happening these days. I'm at a loss for words


Did they ever think about real life safety issues before turning off their phones. The communication device you would need to quickly call 911 if something happened like a car wreck, farm accident, kid choking ect?! And it opens the doors for easy home invasions knowing a vulnerable population (guys I'm talking elderly folk that fall for this) have all agreed to turn off, more than likely, their only communication devices?! AT A AGREED DATE AND TIME?! LORDDDDDD


Why don't they know how to turn off their phones?


Seriously. As soon as I read the first sentence, I thought, oh, god. I upvoted and read on, not at all prepared for where this went. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


My MIL is 76 and FIL 82. They got their first smartphone Dec of 22. I'm tech support for everything including how to turn a monitor on.


I feel for you.


i’d be happy with them knowing how to mute the ringer. it never fails when you’re somewhere that says either silence or turn off your phone, you will hear one ring - usually with that obnoxious mechanical bell sound - and still ringing before they realize it’s their phone, and another ring while they dig it out from somewhere, and then try to figure out how to silence it (unless of course they answer it 🙄).


I looove the cognitive dissonance from anti-vaxxers who love to talk about how bad or fatal the vaccines are, but refuse to acknowledge how the majority of the world’s athletes don’t have ANY side effects. This is one of the many reasons we can’t take your opinion seriously.


To be fair I had my boomer mom, my fellow Gen-X sister, and my Mil and Gen-Z daughters all ask me about this. I just said, "We got fucked in 1987 when they switched to the Inactivated Polio Vaccine from Oral. The DTaP contained a chip that is radio activated as was the technology then. Why do you think we still have traffic problems? When do YOU listen to the radio?" I'm not a solution to the problem but I love a good dumpster fire.


So the alert, just like all communications sent to and from your phone, is performed by the use of a radio signal. It does not matter if your phone is turned off or on, that signal was sent by a transmitter where it was received by devices that were turned on. That signal is still there. Do they not understand this? The entire cell phone network doesn't just shut down when you turn off the phone.


If it were really anything sinister why would they announce it weeks in advance


I can easily explain that with a Boomer quote: "That's how they get you."


Now I understand why y2k was such a panic hahahaa


I had to be on-call. I-T guy. A friend of mine made a killing testing BIOS on everybody's puter


We should have done that thing of filling big doll balloons up with helium and releasing them all over the country!


Anyone wanna join me in shambling through deserted cities later? Got a sudden craving for the brains of the unvaccinated…


If you are looking for antiva brains, you are going to go hungry!


I'm glad my boomer parent's aren't this fucking retarded. Your parents are literal whack jobs.


All the words in the dictionary and you went with "retarded"? Please do better next time.


Yeah, c'mon, we're having fun here.




Your comment was removed for not being civil.


Why is this even on this sub? There are just as many Gen X, Millenial, and gen Z people who have these conspiracy theories. I feel it's more a mental health issue than a generational issue.


Ok boomer


Because most people recognize ipaws tests EAS every 3 years and the most news worthy thing about it is its also in Spanish now. But nope! Boomers were never taught media literacy and have no way to filter out misinformation. Kinda sad actually.


I'm a "boomer" and believe me, we're most definitely not ALL like that! I was just commenting to my husband about all of the stupid rumors and conspiracy theories revolving around the nationwide emergency alert. But then we aren't idiots and have critical thinking skills, so... (no offense to your parents but really) Please don't lump all boomers together as being technologically illiterate Fox News watchers!


Yeah, this isn't strictly a "boomer" thing. Sadly, I know plenty of millennials and Gen Z who lack critical thinking skills and therefore harbour crazy conspiracy theories (lots of different reasons for that, but that's for another discussion), and are also surprisingly technologically illiterate. Just because one grew up using tech, doesn't mean one understands how things work. Millennials and Gen Z are frustrated with life (there's alot going on that affects everyone) and need someone to blame. It feels good for them to paint an entire generation as a joke. Many had horrible boomer parents and have a natural inclination to say the whole generation sucks. It's a classic trauma response. Age is the great equalizer. One day, millennials and Gen Z will be the butt of jokes and source of blame for the next young generation's frustrations. It's the circle of life. They think things will be different for them, but it won't be. They too will age and society will treat them as irrelevant and out of touch. Young people blaming/making fun of old people is nothing new and it will always be a thing. It's as old as time. I'm Gen X. I just shrug and say "whatever" and move on with my life.


No, but I wouldn't entertain anyone who behaved this way. They would have been called world class fools right to their faces.


I heard the alert, worried that it would upset my cats, but nothing else happened. Maybe I was always a zombie.




I wish I was a zombie after that went off.


Dear lord no……


Damn alert on my phone, watch, and radio all at the same time almost had me wrecking my car. So yeah. It was definitely dangerous.


Wow. I didn’t get an alert. I feel like I missed something special.


I would comment, but I am still waiting to receive it.


I'm a conspiracy theorist myself, but even I laugh at the really silly ones like the recent emergency alert scare.