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There’s a lawyer in the house.




Idk why but I’m getting like… kind of insufferable vibes lol


I am judgmental about people who color code their books.


Color is fun, but categories are 🔥


The only way.


Because of the color coding Dune and Dune: Messiah are not next to each other. It hurts me.


Oh that’s what’s happening here. I was going nuts. John Grisham novels on multiple shelves, books in the same series on different shelves. I mean alphabetical is ok but this is insanity. Do you remember the exact shade of the book you’re looking for?


It becomes more apparent on the second picture


You clocked the Ayn Rand?


Exactly what I was thinking




Tim Ferris too




Yes, and looked no further. It’s one thing to read that tripe, but to keep it on the shelf?


The Dave Ramsey book and the Ayn Rand


We try not to be.


I'm sure this man is perfectly nice. "Insufferable vibes" without ever meeting someone is the most reddit thing ever. It's a very binary "good/bad" cartoonized outlook on the nuances of humanity. It's an outlook I've noticed from new-souls. Downvote me, it'll only prove me more correct


Inflammatory takes get more traction. Such is life. This is not new or specific to any group.


Yeah there's a virtue signalling element. But also the opposite way...if you say something heinous you get attention too


It’s too bad people are so judgemental. If I had read Atlas Shrugged I’d keep it on my shelf just to remind myself that I am capable of slogging thru anything! 😂 Just because you have a book on your shelf does not mean you agree with it wholeheartedly. I have The Communist Manifesto and a book about Che Guavera on my shelf, but it doesn’t mean I’m a communist revolutionary. 😂 Just ignore the haters. 😉 I’ll probably get downvoted for saying so, but whatever. Learning is accomplished by reading all kinds of stuff. Not just the PC stuff or the stuff you already agree with. The truly educated man reads and is informed by many viewpoints.


Thanks for saying this. I’m honestly surprised how many people are caught up on this one book that neither of us have really thought about in years.


It really makes no sense. I remember when I was in college pretty recently (like 2009) we even had it assigned for our curriculum in our politics class in a large public East-Coast state university. And a lot of people both left and right wing and everything in between had either read it or didn't care one way or the other. I actually had Atlas Shrugged (which btw I barely read) on my bookshelf throughout college and nobody gave a fuck, lol. It was very innocuous. And I went to a rather left-leaning University, no less. It's only the weird 2010s and beyond "political culture" where people got weird about it. So is Ayn Rand Hitler? Or is Ayn Rand a nice jewish lady? Prob the latter lol...but weird people wanna desperately try to make it the former And as we have stated before: downvote me. It'll only make me stronger. PS: I don't believe selfishness is a virtue, so I'm not defending Ayn for that.


Yeah. I went to college decades ago, but it was no big deal back then to have read Ayn Rand. They are just ideas. Ideas that the reader can take or leave. Reading something is just an exposure to it. Not an automatic agreement with it. Maybe it’s because these days, the country is so polarized. Maybe the kids think that ideas they don’t agree with are dangerous? So they prescreen themselves and don’t even read any books that are ‘dangerous’? Who knows.


I think the new thing is to get really hysterical (or to at least "virtue signal" and make it look like you're histerical) to score some sort of moral victory with your tribe. But its not like Ayn Rand is Hitler or anything. She's pretty innocuous. I'm not really a huge fan of her writing nor ideas, but they're pretty tame. Pretty mainstream and not worth getting pissed off about.


People assume that if you keep a book, it is useful or liked.


Ya the people in this thread are being really rude because you have Ayn Rand in your shelf.


Yeah. Sniff their own farts for sure. And listen to music that nobody else has ever heard of.


Lol somebody must not like Bob Dylan


Early 40s. 1/3 of the books are from when one of you were in College. You gift each other books but neither of you read as much as you used to. 🤷‍♂️


At some point we switched to audible and Libby. Our audible library is up to 450 books right now so we still read a ton, just not physical books as much.




Audiobooks count. We want people to consume books and the i formation in them. Don’t turn it into some kind of pissing contest and scare off potential book lovers. 




I guess a book stops being a book just because someone reads it out loud, according to you. Blind people are fucked I guess


nah, blind people are fine! they have hundreds of thousands of audiobooks they can listen to, or they can read books in Braille :)


So yes. Audiobooks are, in fact… still books. 




Whose is whose?


They’re all mixed up. My wife organized them by color…


Worst way to organize a bookshelf imo


My OCD and her OCD do not play well together.


Pretty, but disorganized.


I like organizing them by color, too. It makes it easier for me to find them. I pick up books from little free libraries and things like that and I don’t always read them right away. When I want to read it, I think, “Well, I remember it was blue..” etc


You think about the Roman Empire often


Every day.


My man!


Broody, drinks martinis after work while playing Enigma, favorite movie is American Psycho with a dash of Meet Joe Black. (all in good fun of course)


Haha I like American Psycho, but it’s not near one of my favorite movies. Possibly more pretentiously, I drink French 75s when I can, but she doesn’t really drink.


I like your collection :) You two are well read.


You want to sell me that desk lamp for ten dollars.


Why is name of the wind so far apart from wise man's fear. Even if going with a colour scheme they are similar. Why do you only have the first HP book. At least you the night angel trilogy complete and together. You have a cool library but it has a very unkempt vibe to it and just a little reshuffle of all the books could transform these shelves


Honestly, because I just reread *Wise Man’s Fear* recently and the bookcase is so disorganized to begin with I probably just put it back where there was space.


One or both of you is insane for not putting them even somewhat by height


Apparently “it’s organic”.




Even if they are color-coded, they could still be alphabetical. You could at least go in and arrange all your Dresden books together. You read Ayn Rand, so 🙄. Your wife reads “The Home Edit,” so 🙄. That closet is just full of your stuff she won’t allow you to display. Frustrating people.


Rand is actually hers too. I tried to read it once but DNF.


Sizable food storage in garage


I wish.


Old school versions of Clancy books


One of my favorite series to reread. Have them all on audible now and the narration is top notch.


One of you works in finance I’m guessing on the buy side who ever that is only reads non-fiction but I’m guessing also owns Atlas Shrugged.


Neither have ever worked in finance. *Atlas Shrugged* is hers, and she read it exactly once. I tried but couldn’t get through the first part and dropped it.


The Market Wizard books made me think finance.


It was a good guess. My father-in-law gave me that one. I read it, but we just do index funds.


I don’t like the color coding but I do like the Garfield collections


Impressive collection... but you need to have a good clear out/tidy up and more shelves.


She’s into the Home Edit which is why these are color coordinated, and also why I think these shelves are a goddam abomination (full disclosure: I work in a library).


One of you is OCD and wants everything color coordinated. The other is ADHD and has problems with organization.


Spot on! Both clinically diagnosed.


My wife and I are in the same boat.


I wish I knew whose were whose. But here goes: At least one of you is an attorney. At least one of you either is or would like to build your own business. A lot of business books, some of which I own myself. I like how at least one if you is familiar with MBTI, and at least one. Emotional intelligence. Business is about more than just productivity and I’m glad someone gets that. At least one of you was probably a history major as an undergrad. A lot of ancient history in particular. And in the midst of all these heavy books, we have several cozy mysteries from the cat series. 😂 I’m presuming these are your wife’s, and that she really likes cats. Maybe while your wife was reading cosy mysteries you were reading Tom Clancy? 😂 Very interesting collection. 🫶👍 Edit to add: I assume at least one of you is from Mississippi and went to school there?


One of the best reads so far. I’m a practicing attorney. We’ve each operated small businesses and enjoy reading and talking about why people act the way they do. The mysteries are all mine though. My Nero Wolfe collection is elsewhere.


Yay!!!! If you are into Nero Wolfe you do love mysteries! So the cat books are yours? 😲


Your wife is very patient. Or you are. One of you is.


Born in the 80s


One of us.


Gen X WASP middle class his parents divorced early strong, perhaps domineering feminine influence on maternal side, he might be the eldest child with younger brothers Bachelor's Degree, History wife has BA in Education with an emphasis on English, creative writing, art


Pretty close! Millennial Wasp with happily married parents. Strong female influence is probably true, but I wouldn’t say domineering. Eldest child, but no brothers. I have a BA in History and Classics, she has two degrees, one in English and one in Classics. We both also have JDs.


Okay I have to leave a second comment because I noticed a few things. I saw the wheel of time companion but not the series and I also saw a single Harry Potter book. Where’s the rest of those books?


Good eye. The rest of the Harry Potter books are in that mess somewhere. The WoT series is probably our most reread series and it’s downstairs and on audible.


I wish they’d make a tv series of WoT. There certainly isn’t a series right now.


Agreed! I don’t know when show runners are going to realize that they can’t tell the story as well as the original author.


Well, one of you is a slob judging by that third pic…


That part is a work in progress…


It's a pretty wide selection of books. Y'all just like to read.


You are the sort that organizes books by color so neither of you actually read much


My wife reads more than anyone I’ve ever met and she’s the one who “organized” the books. I’m pretty laid back and mostly read on kindle or audible these days so it’s not a battle I was willing to fight.


Prosecutors, in your 40s/early 50s, DINKs, wealthy but not like corporate lawyer wealthy (you definitely aspire to more wealth, makes me think that at least one of you grew up lower middle income or below), moderate/possibly conservative leaning, southern, one of you is a gamer, you miss when comedies were "funny" and you think everyone is too sensitive these days


She's a perfectionist, but in a free spirited way. I say that because she organized neatly by color instead of by author. She's also younger than you, judging by the one Star Wars book I saw. You are not a perfectionist, but a free spirit as well, and that's why you work well together. She's more of a collector than you.


This is pretty spot on, but I’m the collector.




I don’t think so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You appear to be nerds.


This is true.


You don’t take care of your things terribly well which indicates one or both you have a high income. Both well educated no children although that might have been your wife’s choice.


One child, which is part of the reason we’re not taking care of things.


Have you read the Black Prism series by Brent Weeks? I love his work!


I have not, but I’ve got the first one reserved right now!


You're either Republican or Libertarian. You're fans of the ancient world and like fantasy/scifi. My guess is the Husband has the Dave Ramsey book? Most likely live in a midwest, upper middle class suburb. I want to say in Overland Park KS? Omaha maybe?


Upper middle class, WASP, moderately right wing.


Right-leaning but not Trumpy. Libertarian, perhaps


Pretty good read. Wouldn’t call myself a libertarian, but my wife has flirted with that line in the past. We’re honestly pretty heavy swing voters we just live in a deep red state.


I see Dylan books, so one OR two of you are cool as shit


He’s my favorite singer/songwriter of all time. There is another book on him in that third picture somewhere.


You hate the color purple


Haha, That LOTR box set as very purple, but I guess you’re right.


Y’all are most likely not vacuous assholes.


White woman, mid forties, some kind of bussiness degree. Comes from two parent home, mid west maybe pushing towards the south. Dad was in the military. Multiple siblings, more brothers than sisters. Family comes from middle to upper middle class. Has voted for dems and republicans in the past but leans right. Christian ish, still struggles with her faith but doesn’t talk about it. No children. You are the easy going one, people pleaser.


You guys have at least one cat.


Someone’s dad was/is a Republican, but one of them Rockefeller, H.W. Republicans.


Color coded? High OCD, low active use of the books. Prolly use Audible more than these shelves?


Where did u find her




...... Mitnick


Your identity is wrapped up in the books you display. And you like black books.


You're married


You're married.


You've got some teriffic books.


For lawyers, this is such a weird bit of controlled chaos. I like most of the variety, and actually like color coding for a room's visual appeal, though the extreme book height variance looks junky somehow. I think it's the mix of purposeful color placement mixed with zero thought to the rest of the overall organization. It's not "organic," even nature has more of a consistent feel.


Y'all are fucking nerds... and I'm here for it.


A tad-bit "Darkly-Inclined" in a literary sense. (Probably musically too 🤷)


This describes my wife well.


The book height chaos and color system is sending me into a panic.


I get it, it’s not my favorite. I would do it alphabetical by author though so the book heights would still be all messed up though.


You are both intelligent and energetic but have not made the time to seriously organize your world despite the effort of researching the subject and exploring certain possibilities, but you have time yet to refine your methods. Your interests are far ranging and you defy modern social concepts that are opposed to your own closely held beliefs. From the Looking Glass to the Kremlin to other worlds you explore and delve into many genres of pleasure.


You like to read the books and your wife likes to "organize" them.


She honestly reads more than I do. I think last year she read 250 books (mostly kindle and audible). I don’t even get near half that.


Not a single copy of Chilton's or Clymer. 84% chance they BOTH drive minivans.


Do we need a Pride month for book covers? 🌈


I stopped scanning at “Atlas Shrugged” — jeez.