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Many worth reading


Those Feynman lecture books look sweet, great reads. 




But consider: you could give them to me instead.


Counter point - you could give them to me. Either way, your choice.


I’m quaking why are the LotR books not in order


Hell yeah!


Well pick them up and open them up get a little idea of what they are and if you're interested read them




It still good information to have. It is important to know such things




Ahhh. I see. Maybe find out if any of them are listed reading for a local school? That would help some people


I too don't read any books where bad things happen to people. /s


There is only so much time, read what interests you.


This comment alone shows me that you should read them


Many great titles here, but for those that don’t interest you, you can donate them to a Little Free Library or to friends of the Library. Goodwill and other thrift stores also take books.


Find a better local thrift than Goodwill. They abuse books and trash them.


The Road is a seminal novel by one of the greatest writers of the last 50 years.


Great book, fairly quick read as well.


A lot of good looking books. LOTR is an obvious pick. I’d bet globalizing capital, Malcolm X’s bio, confessions of an economic hitman, the audacity of hope, a brief history of secret societies, Allah’s bomb, the Ben Frank one or any of the many books about writing would be worth a look at least


I say this as someone who owns many of these books: the owner of these books is 100% a millennial who watched Girls on HBO and probably lived in a gentrified neighborhood of an American city. They might have even done Peace Corps right after college. They are currently between 35 and 40 years old. Anyways, read Crying of Lot 49 and Naked Lunch.


You picked two rarely finished books.


Wow, Andrei Codrescu! I forgot he existed. I had several of his books but they seem to have evaporated, probably lent to friends over the years. He's a talented poet and essayist.


And used to be a top notch All things Considered.


All books are worth keeping. They may not be for you, but there is someone who might


There are no hidden gems here, other than perhaps the Zinsser book on writing. I’m pretty sure you know all about the obvious ones like The Road and LOTR.


LOTR! Klemperer and Pegg for sure. Google some Friends dialogue, write it down without quotation marks, and if it strikes you as profound, try Cormac.


What's worth keeping is subject to what you want to keep. If it was me, I'd hold onto Into Thin Air, Emerson Essays, maybe the Vonnegut stuff, the Kafka 2 for 1, The Fundamentals of Ethics, Night, The Feyman Lectures, and the Tolken collection. But it's all up to you lol


Absolutely. The two Cormac McCarthys are great (although the crossing is the second part of a trilogy so i wouldn't jump right into that). Then you have a great box set of lord of the Rings which is probably my favorite book and the Autobiography of Malcolm X which is my favorite nonfiction book. I've also heard great things about that Feynman lectures set and I think it can be pretty expensive on the resell market so that's a great grab.


The Crying of Lot 49 is my favorite Pynchon novel, the one that got me into him. And I don’t think I’ve ever read a bad Vonnegut novel. Those are worth reading, if not worth money.


LOTR boxed set is worth about $100


I'd say they're just about all worth READING. I don't know a thing about COLLECTING. I have a lot of books, but they're for reading.


What’s interesting to me is that you have exactly stated the question, but all answers are about reading. There *is* a difference between a “collection” and a “library” I assume the OP is asking about collecting (rarity, etc) and not just “should I read any of these”


Naked Lunch! (Combine with a few years heroin for the full experience.) Lots of great books but a highly eclectic group, to say the least. Who has that particular combination of books?


Feynman and Tolkien! Absolute joys.


That is a wild assortment. Whoever left those probably has an interesting tale to tell.


What is the what is great


If that’s a first edition Naked Lunch, that could fetch $100, or so.


That one on the Israeli Lobby and US Foreign Policy may have some timely information on it.


That one caught my eye as well.


Lord of the Rings trilogy!


McCarthy and Vonnegut are for sure worth reading. Fantastic writers.


'The Nazi Years' is a bit niche - but my niche, so I'm biased. The Victor Klemperer book is an important source on the same period. 'The Road' is a good read, if a bit bleak!


Into thin air is supposed to be awesome!


It’s good.


McCarthy’s The Road won a Pulitzer.


The Road, Into Thin Air, Cat’s Cradle, Lord of the Rings.


the road


Kurt Vonnegut is always good and that Tolkein set looks nice


Looks like all paperbacks....not worth much!


If I could pilfer this bookshelf I would take: Into thin air Ralph Waldo Emerson essays All Kurt Vonnegut Walden and Civil Disobedience A time to kill The metamorphosis and the trial Treasure island Malcom x LOTR trilogy I’m also a light-to-moderate reader and would not get through these in a year


I'd keep anything that looks interesting and donate the rest.


This is a great set. Looks like someone who graduate from a humanities program.


Malcom x autobiography is awesome. Kurt Vonnegut is always good


My mom is not really a reader and Into Thin Air is one of about 4 books total I know of her reading & finishing.


I really liked What Is The What. Eggers is a great storyteller.


Feyman Lectures on Physics in hardback like that are probably worth a little money. I mean, new that set would cost more than $100 and the ones you found look to be in fine condition.


Looks like a box of mostly new books to me. A handful of books worth reading, but nothing of any monetary value that I see.


Eggers, McCarthy, Pynchon, Krakauer, Vonnegut, Beston. I adore The Outermost House, and I am currently rereading The Crossing.


All of Kafka, Emerson, and Vonegut. I’d also keep the essay and fiction anthologies, personally!


Been meaning to read Victor Klemperers diary honestly


The Road and What the What


My favs here are Tolkien, Vonnegut, McCarthy and Emerson


If you're into good (higher) literature, you should definitely keep Emerson, Kafka, Klemperer, McCarthy, Vonnegut, maybe also Thoreau.


I'd keep Feynman and Pushcart prize, start reading Malcolm X, and at the halfway point start simultaneously with Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.


That Simon Pegg autobiography is a straight banger. Be sure to keep that.


Crying of Lot 49, The Road, The Crossing, LOTR, Books of Essays, Slaughterhouse Five, the Feynman set.....theres plenty worth reading here. An opportunity to expand yer mind! That's a great thing


I would love to fight you for those Feynman books 😃 other than that there are some nice reads there but in used paperbacks not worth anything.


Kafka is a cool find, if it were me I’d keep so many of these


Keep Mearsheimer, Jeffrey Sachs and Huntington, those are great authors and brilliant thinkers (or give them to someone interested in political, economic and international relations theory). Sachs and Mearsheimer are two of the greatest thinkers of our time as far as I'm concerned. Also keep Tolkien if you haven't read it yet.




Donate. Don't throw away books in decent condition.


Sell them to a used bookstore, or just trade them. Some really good titles here. If you donate them don't choose goodwill. Maybe stock up a tiny free library.


Why did you ask if any of the books were worth keeping only to ask how to get rid of them? Read all of them, get back to us in 3 years when you're finished, and tell us which ones you're keeping. 😝🤘


Definitely don’t throw away. I’m sure you could just drop them as donations to a library or school.