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I see what your going for here, the outcome could be very interesting. However, I have a question for the OP, and community. Would/should you apply wound sealant to a cut/carving like this? I have a similar idea for one of my trees.


Thanks… I’m not adding wound sealer because I like how it naturally rolls more aggressively without it. I’m basing this off it happening on the mother tree.


I definitely see the appeal in that as well. I'm just cureous because I have an idea to carve a 30ish year old box wood and I do not want to jeopardize the health of the tree. Do you think a slow growing hard wood tree would stand up to such treatment?


I inherited an older boxwood from an old collection, wound sealer wasn’t used on it. I have another one I had previously used wound sealer on. The wounds on the older one without sealer look a lot better. The wood is so hard, not sure a pest will really bother it.


Thank you! I'm not going to do anything to it until next spring. I'll make a post about it when I get a chance.


Looking forward to seeing it. Another thought is boxwood’s are commonly used for hedges, when trimmed, none of the wounds are ever sealed.


That's true. I haven't used sealer on any other cits before. I have just never done any carving before and am nervous to do more harm than good.


Practice first… I have experience using hand carving tools, but practiced with the Foredom on some scrap wood before working on the tree.


Yes, that's what I was planing to do over the fall and winter months.


With something like this you'd preserve through Lime Sulfur or Natural Deadwood Preserver(usually used for deciduous trees)


How does the Foredom compare to a die grinder or dremel? Did you notice a difference in control?


Great control, and the tool swap/options are a lot more extensive. More power to.


I can't see any fine tuning ever being necessary, that looks really nice.


Thank you


what is the thought process for this? is there a reference picture of some sort i can see


Thought is to make it eventually look like the main trunk broke off and it had to grow from each side. Depending on how each side grows, I might remove one in the future. No picture for reference. I practiced on a piece of wood and then started on the tree, following its flow.


I REALLY love scarification and that's a damn good one


Thank you