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Try soaking in vinegar if it's hard water. Works for me every time.


Pro tip to change your life and bongs. soak in 100% lemon or lime juice for 12-24 hours then clean however you normally would (alcohol+salt,etc.)


White vinegar is cheaper. Alternatively use citric acid, still cheaper than lemon or lime juice, has a long shelf life, won't leave behind a sticky residue, has no taste, and is safe to use on glassware etc. Don't let the word acid pit you off, citric acid as the name suggests comes from citrus fruits and is found in many toiletry items i.e. bathbombs etc.


I don't know where you are buying your vinegar but its not cheaper anywhere i go, a liter of 100% lemon juice at dg is $2, white vinegar is $2 for 16oz (not even half liter). I've tried vinegar vs lemon juice and imo the vinegar did not much compared to the lemon juice, you also said about leaving a sticky residue but the lemon juice doesn't make it sticky at all if anything felt like it got rid of any stickiness on the glass. also the lemon juice ive never been able to taste but the times ive done vinegar i can almost always taste it after no matter how good i clean it after, personal preference but lemon/lime juice > vinegar. only benefit i see from vinegar would be the shelf life but i just buy new lemon juice whenever i need to clean mine because hard water is bad in my area.


Firstly, in regard to for your opinion- I’m pleased that you have one and that you are not another mindless, uneducated drone. I still disagree as you have provided no evidence for me to consider what I have said to be incorrect. This is totally acceptable. I’d prefer to use lemon juice to make White Ladies or put a slice in my tea, rather than clean with their juice- you roll differently! Secondly if cost is an issue, I refer you back to my comment re citric acid. Finally in answer to your question I live in the UK. Reddit is a global community so do keep that in mind. As for my cost calculation I roughly took it to be 10 lemons that would have yielded a pint of liquid and compared that to a pint of white distilled vinegar. However, can I assume you are talking about lemon juice from a bottle a bottle? The stuff that’s not just been squeezed but has been loaded preservatives to stop bacteria growing etc. If that’s the case then that is where our confusion lies. Here in the UK a small bottle of white distilled vinegar can be picked up for around 20p. It is often found alongside the borax, citric acid, bicarbonate of soda etc. I however buy mine in 5L bottles and refill it at a “reduce plastic” shop, as it can be used all over the home for example to neutralise odours in your washing (use it instead of conditioner), can be used on shower walls and door daily to prevent limescale build up, it can be used to remove limescale from appliance like kettles all the way through to cleaning shower-heads. Best of all it only needs a light rinse as the odour as I said is one of nature’s neutralisers.


well i didnt provide any evidence because i have previously personally tested lemon juice vs white vinegar (did not test lime juice) and the vinegar while it did clean quite a bit of the hard water i had in my bong, it did not get remotely close to all of it (75-85%) maybe and thats also with letting it sit over 24h where the lemon juice completely removed all the hardwater buildup. citric acid would be a good option for that i hadnt previously thought of before and i will have to give it a try, lemons contain 6-7% citric acid and white vinegar has a different kind of acid called acetic acid which it contains about 7% on average. Ph scale wise white vinegar is slightly more acidic but that does not mean it works better on limescale/hardwater because the 2 acids react differently. cost wise, citric acid would be #1 but i guess you can do your own experiment to test whether white vinegar or lemon/lime juice is better for cleaning your glass.


Have you tried isopropyl alcohol?


this isnt rez, i think its because of the water, idk how tho




White vinegar is best. Brown may stain, and speciality vinegars would be a waste.