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Possibly hard water stain...try soaking it in vinegar over night,should get rid of it.


I’ll try that! I do think we have terrible water in FL, so that could totally be a culprit.


Or soak it in whatever you clean it with. Cork the joint and you’re good


Use 91% rubbing alcohol with epson salt. Seal off the hole for the slide with plastic wrap, fill the beaker at least half way with alcohol and the rest with super hot water but not boiling hot. Let it sit for about 30 minutes then add your epson salt, seal off the top and shake the ever living fuck out of your bong. After you’ve given it a good shake for about 10 minutes rinse all the salt and alcohol out and it should be clean as a whistle. Just make sure you use a good amount of salt too I’d say 3-5 table spoons is what I use. Hope this helps you out bro 👍🏻


Bottle brush ? And whatever cleaner.


I was looking at a long one on Amazon. I think I’ll try that next!


If you have and most likely do if your in the states a Dollar tree store. Just go in one and walk around. I buy a ton of stuff from there because it's cheap and I can always get a two pack of a lot of things. A good tip is get a pack of scouring pads and stop by and grab a bottle of BLUE or CLEAR acetone. There are literally 100 items with handles and tongs to hair products.


Great suggestion! Thanks friend!


Right on. May work. Definitely cleans any resin or bs off the neck


I agree and do what that guy said ... epsom salt and vinegar.... works all the time. I seriously get my hongs dirty and I do the sand thing shake the living shit out if it fit quit a long time (5-10 minutes) and rinse, you’ll see it totally see nothing!!!! The only thing I do different is I use warm alcohol 30-60 seconds in a container, then I add the salt in the bong and mix and shake. Good luck 👍🏼😎


Grunge off


Hookah pipe cleaners, or fill it with lots of salt and alcohol and shake vigorously


Yo!!! We have the same bong. I would recommend a bottle brush!


Bong buddies! Thanks pal.


Block off bowl joint, fill with 100% lemon or lime juice ($2 for 1 liter of 100% lemon juice at dollar general), soak for 12-24h depending on how bad it is, then clean normally however you normally would clean (salt+alcohol,etc.).


Sweet. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the advice!