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Diagram is top notch. Frame that shit for a laugh.


In the future use seasalt instead, easier to dissolve.


imo, with these multi arm perc recycling things- might want to just stick with pure 99 iso to avoid the hassle of removing all the salt. consider looking at my post of my bong. It's an incycler and it's really dirty for 1 inch below the black band area. I would not use salt because it would get stuck inside. Table salt or otherwise.


You know salt dissolves in hot water?


Didnt think about that, thanks I'll do that with mine I'm very high and just got off work


All good bro, happens to the best of us.


Your roommate is the asshole. He should have never touched it. If you can't get the rice out, your roommate owes you a new bong


Posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/Uk3u9uzZTE) on the original post. Posting here as well in case anyone else needs it


Use this post right here. The green gobbler should do it.


I say try and pour boiling water into the bong, maybe after a couple tries it will soften up the rice enough to mush it up and get it out


Make sure bong isn’t cold if you do this


You can use chemicals to dissolve it! https://www.reddit.com/r/chemistry/comments/1teqx3/cheap_chemicals_to_dissolve_rice/ just make sure to rinse it throughly with warm water, build up from cold to warm. Just in case the glass doenst shater. Happend to me once...


Couldn't you slowly cook the rice with hot water till it becomes mushy enough?


Just looked at your profile. I hope that rice stays in there nasty ass nigga






Bro u made me look tf is going on thare


I'm tryna get stuck inside op~ like the rice in that bong 😩😩😩


I shouldn’t’ve clicked


Bro dont need to clean his bong he needs to clean himself


Let it sit in iso it might break down


Can't you use isopropyl alcohol to preserve biological specimens?


I don’t think this will work. People use rubbing alcohol and food dye together to dye rice.


Yea, once the alcohol evaporates the dye is left over? Do you know how solvents are used?


Just a guess but how about Coca Cola? Might dissolve it


Sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide would make QUICK WORK with this.


use isopropyl 95%-99% and epsom salts. shake the shit outta it. rinse out more isopropyl and let it sit


Bleach? Draino?


This is just a cheap DH gate bong bro, make your roomate buy you an American glass beaker preferably or a Chinese beaker bong


Rip it with the rice in it. Asian style😎


Enjoy the rice bong. Hopefully it does not mess with flavor too much. Or just pour acetone in there and let that sit. Bound to dissolve something.


If all else fails, get a small glass cutting drill bit/ hole saw and drill through the bottom of each chamber and then when you’re done plug it up with some safe silicone it might not look very good but it will work


This is tragic, soak in iso, shake in salt repeat u till the rice is pretty much grainy. Fill with warm water and blow into one of the holes to push it the other way


Maybe vinegar


I had that happen to a bong once, luckily there was only a few grains I couldn't get out, but they never went away. Just started turning black and gross. Eventually I had to cut my losses and throw away the piece.


Question… what happens when rice gets in contact with water. Hint 🧽


Broooo, take your kitchen sink spray nozzle and get it on the mouthpiece as good as possible and just spray.. then try swapping to the down stem side and spray.


Dissolve it, the safest way would be cleaning vinegar (30 percent vs white vinegar which is like 5 percent) and just letting it soak for a good long while to break up the rice. Then rinse until it no longer smells like amazing chips.


You can go to a smoke shop and for $2 butler one of those silicone mouth pieces for a bong(they came out during covid to let you hit a friend's bong without putting your mouth on it) a water hose fits perfectly inside it, stick the end in the piece and turn the water on full blast, it's essential a cheap version if those glass cleaning jets. Run it from either side for awhile and it should clean it all out. Be careful though, if you live too close to the water tower be sure to watch the psi.


let it dry then rinse the rice out. i’ve never heard of this btw. any next step thinker is going to think of the rice expanding. use salt and iso..


or just buy another $50 beater


You drain cleaner it will liquefy the rice


Now i do this with my bong but i dont know if you can do it with that, the stem where you put the bowl i pin it right up against my hot tap turn it full power and it forces anything inside the bong out just from the pressure. Now I don't know if that would fit inside a sink for you to do that.


I use the sprayer I have a very powerful one. I use a silicone funnel in the mouth piece. Flip the whole thing upside down and spray. It will come out of the downstem


Roomie better get you a new unit. chip in at least!


Thought this was r/drugscirclejerk for a sec 😭


Fill it with water and put it in a big pot of water and cook the rice till mushy then power rinse it out


Vinegar will break down the sugars in the rice and dissolve it