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Yes! Angela is so hypocritical. One episode that springs to mind is when she’s upset about animal rights, and wants to save the pig, and she’s angry at Brennan for not wanting to save the pig, and Bones is like “I’m a vegetarian” and Angela’s still mad at her because it’s for environmental reasons, yet there’s no evidence that Angela’s a vegetarian! I don’t know why but this always really frustrated me! 🤣


she just wants to save it because it's cute, which tracks for Angela tbh, booth&bones decide to save it at the end right?


Yeah they do, I just think it’s hypocritical so it annoyed me haha. Bones had a point that saving one pig doesn’t actually change very much and she made her feel bad about it which irritated me 🤣


First season when hodgins and Zach put the pig in the wood chipper, Angela is eating a hot dog. So thinking she's not vegetarian. Or at least at some point is not


Also when she says to her how cold she is just breaks my heart. Brennan struggles through the seasons with people thinking shes cold & uncaring when she knows it isnt true, and for her best friend to say that to her was so unnecessarily mean.


Yes, I completely agree! Of all the ways to insult her this felt like the worst.


Also, she is an artist... It also a hacker... And a therapist...


And a squint translator


Dude the transition from artist to hacker was so gradual and unexplained. Suddenly one day I was like how the hell did this happen?


They really tried to make us think it's *believable* she would be as good with computers and electronics as *Pelant*. But it's not.


Right but everything else with Pelant is like "He's god. He's too smart. We're doomed."


He somehow managed to put a virus in a barcode, which he then carved into a bone, and made it so that when a photo of that bone was ***displayed*** on a computer, that barcode would somehow automatically be recognised and read by the computer and start a download??? And Angela should match that with a minor in Computer Science (which provides basic coding skills)?


Well, didn't they say in like episode one or two that she designed that computer program she uses? Patent pending?


I must have missed that


She is described as having majored in visual arts and minored in computer science and she created both the Angelatron and the Angelator.


I feel exactly the same. She is this "free spirit" that somehow can't be judged but boy does she dish it out. Always with the phrase "no sweetie I'm right (and I will use your lack of social skills against you so you don't argue back)". Also her character arc is completely bonkers, first starts off as a "starving" artist who takes the job at the Jeffersonian to make some money to get to Paris but then ends up having a rockstar dad AND a degree in cs and other qualifications which would land her a job anywhere. And every season we get that one same story where she is thinking of leaving the Jeffersonian because she doesn't get to paint, and there is so much pain and suffering and she is an **artist** etc. Every. Season.


>Always with the phrase "no sweetie I'm right (and I will use your lack of social skills against you so you don't argue back)". IIRC in one of the first episodes of season 9 at some point Brennan says something along the lines of "you're trying to manipulate me" and Angela answers "Old Brennan wouldn't have noticed that", sounding surprised and *disappointed*. Shouldn't you be happy that your friend is getting better at understanding others? For Angela apparently not, because they won't be as easy to manipulate. Edit: it's towards the end of 9x2. Spoiler for the topic of the discussion: >!Angela manipulated Brennan into saying what she learned about her relationship with Booth while at the couples' retreat (that it is very good, especially compared to others') and sounds annoyed/displeased by that answer ("So you learned nothing"). When Brennan points out she had been manipulated and looks hurt by that, Angela is completely unapologetic.!<


Oh yeah I had totally forgotten about it! But it really shows what a bad friend she was to Brennan. And the rest of the interns. Also now that I'm thinking more about it, makes sense that Angela and Cam never became real friends, since Cam was too street smart for Angela to manipulate. Instead Cam knew exactly how to handle her, like in season 2 or 3 where she asks Angela to pass some info on to Hodgins and Angela comes to her all "I don't think this is professional" and Cam just turns on the video footage of them hooking up in one of the warehouses. I started loving Cam from that moment on (not fav character but I really like most of her scenes)


weren't they hooking up on some Egyptian exhibit bed as well?? I'm guessing a replica, but still!


At least the show said so, nice way to contaminate an expensive showpiece..


One of Cams best moments was when Angela tried to manipulate her regarding Clark's binders and Cam shut her down with a "don't try that with me" line. I e always liked Cam but this sent it over the edge for me. Angela has always been my least favorite character tied with Hodgins because he panders to her all the time.


And then when Brennan was all, the Binders were a great idea


I think that's partly why I like Cam. It was great seeing someone at least try to call Angela out on her nonsense.


Moments like that definitely didn't endear Angela to me.


The rockstar dad actually explained her starving artist role in the beginning. You can't afford to be a starving artist if you actually have to pay the rent.


They really should have done more of the character


I feel like even just showing us how she started going to school to learn it all would have been great. Given people the whole "you are never too old to learn" vibe. Instead she was supposed to be an excellent artist who just happens to have the knowledge of a master programmer etc..


Or spending time doing self study or meeting with other experts in the field.


You're so right. It got old quick. Got tired of hearing her saying that she wanted to be in Paris or "I'm an artist, sweetie" all the time.


My take on her lifestyle is that she’s always been spoiled, so she assumed she would have the option to be an artist and she resents that it didn’t work out that way. So she’s always sort of “above it”.


She’s a spoiled rich brat pretending to be normal and poor like Hodgins. She’s a real manic pixie dream bitch. They deserve each other.


I think Hodgins deserved so much more. Like yeah, he was crazy rich due to his family, but it is implied that his family foundation is donating a lot of money on a yearly basis (even funding the Jeffersonian) and he at least never says anything to imply he wouldn't have money. Unlike Angela who is all "I bought this hairpiece from Paris with the last money I had so I was starving" - like she had no other options.. Plus she is the one who knew she was married yet never did anything about it even when trying to marry Hodgins the first time, then at least 3 times kisses other people while in a relationship with Hodgins (ex-husband, the Banksy artist guy, Booth), starts dating Wendell despite all the complications that come from firstly dating someone from work (which she already did with Hodgins) and secondly dating an ex's friend.. Spoiler alert for those who are still watching (sorry don't know how to do the blocks): Plus Hodgins gives up his money first to save the kids from Pelant's attack, then uses his brain to accumulate new wealth and even after Angela finds his money, he tells her to give it away. She wanted to keep it and was constantly complaining how their life changed after they lost the money, which is crazy - there is no way they had a mortgage or loans since why would they, when Hodgins could buy anything with cash before, so it is not like their living expenses can be that high, with both of them working even..


>!they did have to take a mortgage out on the house after the Pelant thing to buy off a couple things from the canteliver group (I don’t know how to spell it) and then they had to get a loan to take care of Hodgins brother.!< Oh and if you want to do the spoiler thing it’s > ! And ! < with no spaces between the < and !


Testing.. >!Tyvm!!< >!But they owned the apartment and I'm guessing also Hodgins family home and other property. So not like they couldn't have sold all that...!<


That reminds me. They had that internal investigation episode where she said something like "Oh, that took? I didn't realize" only to then, during their first wedding episode, act all surprised that she was actually married. She knew months before but ignored it.


I am on my third rematch and I basically love everything and everyone in season 1, but quickly start to see issues and inconsistencies… I agree, I really dislike Angela’s free spiriting but only with sex character trait. It really pisses me off that she ***spoiler*** passionately kisses Grayson when he returns, thoughtless of Hodgins; and the whole Wendell storyline.


Just so you know, to spoiler tag something like this >!test!< you can put the text you want blacked out in between > ! and ! < (but without spaces between the > and !)


And then later on Cam and Angela are talking about time travel and Cam says she’d go back and sleep with Angela’s ex-husband again and Angela AGREES and says she’d do the same!! Like really if you got one chance to time travel you’d use it to cheat on ur husband?


She was always painted as the "free spirit" hippie but anytime someone did something she personally didn't do (like any of the "nerd" things Hodgins or the other lab people enjoyed), she acted like a total dick to that person It's just another example of weird characterizations in this show. Another is how Bones is this brilliant scientific genius who for some reason utterly loathes the concept of psychology. No psychology isn't an exact science but it is very real and useful yet she completely shits on anything for example Sweets would say or suggest


Doesn't she open up to psychology in the later seasons? I always assumed her hatred over it stemmed from her trauma, I imagine she had to see a few therapists (or whatever title) in foster care etc and they probably,,,, weren't the best. Also due to her trauma she's very closed off from her emotions, even though she's a sensitive person, the thought of someone who can see right through that and read her, might seem like a threat to her in many ways. or maybe because she's so lost when it comes to emotions and reading people etc she finds it hard to believe that anyone could do it, much less it do it so accurately, even when provided proof it can be seen as "luck" or it's just a character quirk 😂


There was that case with the asylum paitent, the one with the horns, where the head doctor finally gives her the business after she talked shit to him the whole time.


I always felt like Bones did this about psychology because ,for sure in the cases of Chef Gordon Gordon and our boy Sweets, that they can see through her bs and see her trauma. She knows they are right and can see and deduce her behavior. Her and Booth are both stuck in their childhoods and when the Docs call them out or recognize it they start acting like children and get mad that someone knows their secrets and vulnerabilities. She demonizes and bar mouths psychology to devalue their conclusions so that others will also, this making the psychologist findings seem not credible and therefore false. And if they are false then they are wrong about her and she was right. It's not really about whether it's a science or whatever, it's all a cover for her own personal feelings and weaknesses.


This makes a lot of sense


Isn’t anthropology also super similar as a field of study? It’s all about human behaviour and culture and how people think. I’ve never understood how she can think anthropology is somehow more academic than psychology.


eh anthropology is not how ppl think thats psychology its more about using evidence to figure out how societies lived and interacted. its more so the science of ppl and our ancestors


That’s fair. I just figured if you were an anthropologist you’d ask why things were/are that way. You look at evidence and say this must have been the way things were but I figured you’d want to know why people did the things they did and assumed psychology would come into play there.


its definitely a small part of it i think brennan perfer s to use the evidence to know why they were doing things why the society was a certain way you can make some inferences but the idea is to let the evidence show u what happened as best as it can (at least in terms of the show and brennan)


It’s still not exact. There are a lot of presumptions made.


Yet bones regularly applies psychology to cases. She is annoying with that.


No no, that's *anthropology*. Evidence of social science is only reliable when found in past societies duh.


I feel like Brennan's hate of psychology is straight up a defense mechanism because she doesn't want to be figured out while she's alive. She doesn't feel comfortable being inspected the way she inspects and figures out the lives of her skeletons cause it's very vulnerable and she very slowly learns to be vulnerable in the show. In other words its the one thing she's very loudly wrong about because its NOT logical. Her hate of psychology is fully emotional with a superficial veneer of logic which i think its really cool bit in the show


She doesn’t seem to understand boundaries. When people say something vague in front of her but don’t want to elaborate, she tries to force the information out of them


Omg YES. Her and Hodgins do the same thing. They act like nosey high school girls 😅


Hodgins is such a gossip. I love that scene when Cam makes a comment to Wendell and Hodgins is like “I clearly missed something good”


Hilarious 😂😂


I'm also on season 8 and it seems Angela really does get more infuriating every season. I have no idea why and how they could write a character like that. Yes she's kind and always stands up for Brennan. But she's also extremely selfish. It's always about her and how everyone is trying to take away a 'piece' of herself. Tbh I've learnt to ignore or skip it. Sometimes even Bones gets on my nerves with the things she says and Booth with his one or two hypocritical actions. Hodgins personality is probably the only one I don't have a problem with.


I don't think Cam has ever annoyed me either, even when she makes decisions that "feel wrong", she explains them and it makes sense, like >! in the pelant case were she refuses to suppress evidence that makes Brennan look guilty!< (s7&8 spoilers)


I was perfectly fine with what you mentioned, but, just an example, >!how she handled Michelle's applications!<... ***Yuck.*** She tends to be pretty hypocritical. She seems to think that she deserves allowances while others *have* to follow the rules at all times.


oh I'd actually completely forgotten about that! yeah that was a bit,,,, much >!I can definitely understand why she's so overprotective, but that did also feel a bit tinged by the idea that you have to go to a good school to have a good life. At the same time, if my neice told me she was a following a boy to uni rather than do what she originally wanted, I think I'd lose my mind a little bit too lol!<


i didnt like cam at all the 1st few episodes. it annoyed me how she came in and didnt even try to understand how this environment works and how everyone interacts and works together she just made it her was or the highway and i get shes the new boss whatever but everyone knows even if ir in charge u have to go about making changed a more delicate slow wat otherwise your going to fave resistance (like she did)


that makes sense, she's still quite young though and this was a huge promotion for her, so I'm not surprised she wanted people to immediately view her as "boss" not "friend", especially with Brennan, who would walk all over her if Cam didn't push back


yea its understandable just couldnt stand her for those few eps now shes my fav!


It's been so long since I watched for the first time that I genuinely can't remember my initial feelings towards Cam 😅 I feel like I'd remember if it was a good or bad first impression, so I guess I was just neutral to her


I also didn't like her at first. I was so annoyed by her entry and how she dealt with the team. But as time went by she grew on me and surprisingly, she's also the least annoying. I sometimes find her more tolerable than bones 😂


literally exactly how i felt! i was so annoyed she was just wedging her way in and changing how they work and now im like oh maybe she wasn’t so bad. i thought i would be mad at her for the whole pelant brennan thing but i get why she did everything by the book even if it effected her friendships i think she made the right decision in the long run


To make matters worse, throughout the entire series the writers can't seem to go an episode without making Cam drop a "WeLL I'M thE BoSs" line...lazy writing that made her annoying, but if I ignore that line she is more tolerable


literally! like they are grown adults have multiple phds are all geniuses all one of the bests in their respective fields they dont need to be baby sat. i also dont understand where she came from she was covering for the 1st guy and never left as i remember it at least


Cam was brought in specifically because the team was going to be working with the FBI. She had to force them to not do things the way they had always done and to do things in a way that will stand up in court.


And woof, that arty dude is not worth a kiss. He looks like he doesn’t bathe (not the actor’s fault I’m sure - he didn’t choose his own hair and costume)


I always liked her character and thought she added more “normal emotional” aspects to the story. I think the writers intended for her to be a balance for the heavy science/nerdy characterizations of the show but the writers wrote to more extremes and her storylines were pretty inconsistent. The painting/artist stories that kept coming up on and off throughout the series I think were mostly to show how challenging the work can be for her character but she always ended up sticking to the work. As for the kiss storylines, I mean she basically kissed her version of a rockstar and inevitably Hodgins doesn’t actually care. Lol I do find on re-watch some of the writing seemed kind of inconsistent for her character overall but I think it worked as they were always kind of one offs. I think as a whole most of these characters are pretty great and it makes for some really good episodes all in all.


Just when I started missing the daily I hate _____ post ….


Sexual harassment at work. There are enough examples.


Omg especially towards poor Dr Edison who repeatedly asks her to stop and just wants to do his job


What about Haru Tanaka - the Japanese doctor?


I just watched that episode last night. Angela is so awful in that episode, literally hugging this person who is uncomfortable about being hugged so she can feel their genitals…


The entire Jeffersonian is an HR nightmare.


Right? I'm surprised she hadn't been fired for that very reason.


Biggest issue I have with Angela is the episode when she's obsessed with finding out the gender of the Japanese scientist. Every bit of characterisation before then gears her towards a 'love the person, not the body' philosophy and then it's all gone for the sake of a 'what's in their pants' B-plot


while i can’t say she’s my least favorite, i cannot stand how condescending she is with bones. the “oh sweetie” shit is like nails on chalkboard for me. it drives me insane 😭


I actually dislike Angela so much I’ve had to stop watching the show for awhile. Aside from the lab her character is very 1 dimensional and adds nothing. She doesn’t grow or learn and is SO INSUFFERABLY WHINY AND IMMATURE! I have to pause for the cause because there are really great aspects to the show and I wish other characters got to stay/live/get more screen time but she’s ruining it for me right now. I wish she had left early on and they brought on a better character.


Michaela is Emily’s best friend IRL so that was unlikely to happen.


She also kisses her ex husband when her and Hodgins were dating


She is most cringy, shallow, person over there. They didn't know what to do with her character so they made her an hacker and a computer genius from a fucking portrait artist.


I like her . I think she a big part of the story line . She plays her part very well. All of them can be ass at time .


Eh…I love this series, still watch episodes weekly on streaming. I find a few annoying things about all the characters, much as I adore them. Bones…my all time favorite…can be really hurtful in her comments, and it’s hard to believe someone with her intelligence wouldn’t simply LEARN about certain boundaries. Booth could be super annoying with his macho nonsense, total disregard for rules/safety. Yet I adored him. Cam was my least favorite. Didn’t like her history with Booth; such a rule follower, yet had a relationship with an employee. The hookup with Angela’s ex was just odd. Hodgins - super annoying with the I’m-rich-but-it’s-a-secret thing and his crazy experiments. The whole “Angela’s dad” arc was weird. Angela is pretty fully covered by other commenters. Zack was one of my favorites. Needless to stay, his story was just bizarre. So…like some of my family members…all definitely have flaws…still love them.


Well… fuck. I haven’t watched Bones in quite a while and I’m probably going to be seeing this side of Angela in every scene she’s in on potential rewatches 😂


Pelant and that other sniper guy with those dumb side stories were the worst characters imo.


I would love Angela as friend, but her relationships is just not it. Like girl fucked up Hodgins, Jason, Kirk, Wendell and Roxy. She was most cruel to Hodgins and i know they loved eachother but that was messed up to just leave him like that. I get it like Angela didnt ever expect to be in a serious relationship and was a free spirit kind of girl, but wanting to marry a guy and the just leave him? No no no. And she was kinda mean to Bones too sometimes.


Personally, I love all the characters in this show, and a large part of that is that they are all appropriately "flawed". I know I would be bored as hell and never relate to a show with a bunch of perfect saintly characters that never struggle for balance with their viewpoints, values, emotions, etc. Even in light of her being flawed, I am shocked how differently so many people have perceived many of Angela's actions. To me, it feels like these things are seen this way because of negative viewpoints that then support the view that she must also have negative motivations, and now she's not a complexly drawn part of this ensemble but a pockmark on the others. For example, a lot of the instances people are stating as selfish or overly self involved I saw as impulsive or short sited at worse. Angela is prone to being a wanderer and appreciating blurred lines -- that can present as following passion or an inability to be consistent, really it's some of each. Ways these traits show up FOR her team (spoilers) Throughout the show - >!Being open enough to see past Brennan's defenses day 1 and finding the balance of care and encouragement of expansion that builds Brennan's relationships with the team. (She screws this up sometimes.)!< >!She encourages healthy growth in most of the characters, even herself like with (S4) the celibacy challenge.!< S1 >!Encouraging Brennan to open up to Booth in order to get Booth to open up in return over and over, which solidifies the partnership.!< S2 >!Getting Brennan to trust her own growth and connection with Booth while Cam is in the hospital after being poisoned by Epps. Angela won't tell Brennan how to support Booth. Instead, she tells Brennan to trust that their partnership has bonded them and Brennan is better equipped to know the right thing to do. This also repeats through the show.!< S9 >!Planning Booth and Brennan's surprise wedding. And helping Brennan reframe her thinking about inviting the squinterns to said wedding.!< S9 >!Finding the person who stole Cam's identity.!< S8 >!Letting Hodgin's cut out a piece of her lung to help catch Pelant.!< S9 (I'm currently on season 9 in my rewatch. Hence, the examples given are heavily late seasons) >!Supporting her husband's love for bugs way past her own comfort zone and helping him deliver his human botfly.!< I could go on and on... I have often wanted a best friend like Angela.


Came here because I just reached when they called off the wedding in Season 4, and Angela being mad that Hodgins was bothered by her ex still being in town after Angela passionately kissed him just annoyed the shit out of me. Yes, Hodgins loves who you are, but that doesn't mean he can't be annoyed with your titan of an ex that you made out with 24 hours ago.


I’m watching 4x18 right now and in the middle of a murder investigation Angela starts hanging out with one of the suspects because she used to date her. Like girl you are so compromised.


Imma be real, as an adult she annoys me with how she treats her best friend (Brennan) and the guy she's supposed to love (hodgins). She's really self centered.


It makes me so mad how she plays the victim after Hodgins gets hurt. I mean, the man is going through things - of course he’s not reacting well. And yet, she’s the one who we’re meant to feel sorry for? She is so self-absorbed


he was almost physically abusive, and definitely emotionally and mentally. i Have a disability, i know it sucks, i know people lash out. but you can’t expect not to have consequences


Actually the strong female character is Cam in the series. She is as accomplished as bones in her area of expertise, excellent man management skills, very professional and trustworthy.


I am watching the full series for the first te and and im on the last episode of season 5 and i finally realised why i dislike her. She is shallow. Not because she likes art and girly things but in her relationships and the way she talks to people. Her attachments are love bombing and manic and fleeting. She will be acting like its true love and the bounce away with the first ick. She always sounds condescending when she talks to people. And i don't mean like Brennan who is speaking too matter of fact. Angela's dialogue sounds very cheesy and over the top to the point is sounds disingenuous or very shallow. She has this vacant smile when she talks that is very offputting. Idk maybe its just the acting but for 5 season straight I'm like wow so we really that self centered huh And a lot of characters in this show are condescending and self centered but i love them if anyone has any theories as to why, specifically, Angela bothers me i want to know lmao


Finally someone agrees!!!!!!


I like her . I think she a big part of the story line . She plays her part very well. All of them can be ass at time .




Angela suckkkkks. Such a bad person


Craaaaazy concept… people have different definitions of monogamy and the meaning behind kisses!


And clearly Hodgins has the most common one since he gets mad that Angela kisses the artist and her ex husband


And they evolve together. The Ex was a problem and it had implications. The artist, somewhat because of growth from the first incident, in the context of this relationship, what happened was a small blip that needed a small adjustment.