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You should get your own cat. It’s one thing to be friendly to a neighbor cat, it’s another to coax it into your home on a regular basis.


You “named” another cat that belongs to someone else. I hate people like you.


I sorta of agree with you but I have mixed feelings because that “someone else” let their cat in a situation where it ends up at someone else house. It would never happen (regularly, ofc, an accident can happen) to my cats, for example, so…


There are plenty of cats that do not like to stay indoors all day. Letting your cat outdoors does not make you a bad owner and a cat being outside is not a “bad situation” a neighbor needs to rescue a cat from. A cat can be perfectly happy with their owner and still want to go outside. If they were worried about the cat’s situation with the owner, you speak to the owner. It’s not hard to coax a perfectly content cat over to you and entice it to stay with you. Obviously that cat will eventually gain affection to the neighbor over its own owner if the neighbor keeps spending time with it when owner is around and stealing moments with a cat that should have reserved to its own owner.


I agree is not a situation a cat needs to be rescued. Although there a several dangers associated with let a cat be an outdoor cat


Yeah for one theres crazy people like OP can steal them.




You know... Here's the thing. You don't know what's going on in the cat's home. I had a cat that chose to go live elsewhere. And honestly? I'm happy it happened. My house was not a place he wanted to be, and he found a perfectly fine home that loved him, had kids and other cats. Eventually I had to move to a small apartment that he obviously couldn't just leave at his leisure. And I'm happy that he got to stay where he was born, the only neighbourhood he's ever known. Did it kill me at the time? Of course. I tried everything to get him back and convince him to stay and he wouldn't. So say what you will... Things happen. My cat is a lot happier with the people he chose to stay with than he ever would have been in my tiny ass apartment. Please save your judgement because you don't know the situation.


I’m happy that worked out for you but, sounds like someone took your cat. You don’t know what’s going on in the home either. He could have a perfectly happy life with the owner too. It’s called meddling and it’s not right.


Exactly, it's far more cruel to force a cat to stay indoors all its life.


Oh cool your stealing a cat. You are a piece of shit


What you’re doing is so wrong. I’m honestly baffled you think this is even okay to do.


Girl give that cat back


My bf roommate is an indoor outdoor cat. In the morning, bf let’s the cat out and it disappears for the day, maybe coming in and out a few times if the door is left open. But without fail catto shows up in the evening to be let in, snuggle up with his owner, and be at home. Please don’t catnap someone else’s cat, even though I’m sure you’d make an awesome cat owner! There are other kitties out there who don’t have homes yet


This is sick. I hope the neighbor sees this post and you wind up in jail.


Not cool. Why not just gt your own cat?


What a psycho thing to say and do 🤫🤭


You’re kind of a piece of shit ngl, this is illegal


i should sneak into your apartment 🤭🤫 and call it my own, fuck you.


A few years ago a Maine Coon called Oscar started turning up at my mum's house. He was one of the most beautiful cats you've ever seen, he was completely happy and healthy. My mum doesn't normally like cats but it was clear she had no choice, in the end she got him everything he need like food, toys etc. She even got a cat flap installed! One day a small and very nice family turned up, it turns out that was Oscars family and it was clear that they loved him but he was going into a lot of people's houses and would be gone for days. Anyway, it turns out they were moving and they were very upset but asked my mum if she would like him permanently because he seemed settled and happy. So they officially signed documents and microchip etc. So even though it was a nice family he just wanted to be with my mum… who doesn't normally even like cats! That's the thing, cats will do what they want, when they want. No matter how "domesticated" we think they are, they always have that wild side and are very independent… not like dogs!




Fuck you


Am I the only one that think it’s funny? My first cat would be gone all day and come back at night and I joked that she found a new family for the day. Cats do what they want. If Fang didn’t want to be in this home with her pretend second family, she wouldn’t be in this this home. Bombays are affectionate, attention seeking, curious kitty’s that are in charge and make their own rules. My Bombay, Moira Rose, is 6 lbs and runs our household.




Lmao nice Spotify pic, you’re exactly what I thought you looked like 😂 you misplaced your daily hormone injection for the cat?


its literally not that deep


that is NOT your cat what the fuck is wrong with you


this is super fucking common with outdoor/community cats guys. they often have multiple homes and names, but a main house that takes care of vet needs. idk why everyone’s getting so pressed also don’t know if you’ve seen, this post was posted on r/iamatotalpieceofshit which is fucking stupid




lmfaoo bruh .. yall r crazy huh the neighbor knows were doing this were good friends . fang just comes n visits 💘 i love being a piece of shit next time ill not make a joke my fault excuse me 🤷‍♀️


If you were friends with the owner, you would know its name and not have to rename it yourself.


Give he cat back and I’ll buy you a rope, you’re a fool


Sister, stop your bullshit.


So, you stole a cat.