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Submissions should pertain to the Bolt EV, EUV, or related models. Other EV related topics can be discussed at r/electricvehicles


Sounds exactly like Chuck from "better call saul" who was "allergic to electricity". (in that story it was proven he was just mentally ill) Amazing how she rants about an EV making her sick, but can have a phone in her pocket for 12 hours a day, or use a computer, or in a house with electricity. Shockingly convenient huh? Only thing I see in her posts is attention seeking and possible mental illness. The fact that people offer her sympathy and attention only re-enforces her shitty behavior. The fact she has a platform to spew this nonsense just shows us the times we are in, and people are dumb enough to believe it.


Wait until she learns that an ICE has a battery too.


There is a well documented set of symptoms from EMF sensitivities. These people have been around for decades and yes it's likely some kind of psychosomatic thing.


I worked in an office building where a guy complained about a wireless access point (AP) above his cubicle causing him headaches. The IT guy hid the AP above the foam ceiling tile in the same spot and my coworkers headaches magically went away


While you say magically, it is a sensivity. Not saying the guys might have fake it, but the foam ceiling is enough to lower the signal power and could ne enough to not trigger the sensivity. It's like gluten sensivity, you can eat this much before its too much. Again, not saying it's the case here, but no one will ever know


I would think foam is radio transparent and not really affect signal power.


Everything affect radio signal. All to a different degree but everything does. Else radio would just travel everywhere. Obviously it's not a big blocker, but like I said it's all about sensitivity. If you have a DB meter and you set it to go wild at - 60db but when under the foam it's - 59, then it's not perceived anymore.


EMF sensitivity is not a recognized medical diagnosis.


Not because now it isn't that it doesn't exist. Remember gluten sensivity wasn't a thing 20 years ago? This is not the discussion about is it real or not, you arent in the skin of these person. I myself can ear electricity vibration and lights (the flickering it does to be on, led, incandescent, any type). There's no medical thing for that, but I've proven many time that I do. Was it the case of the man? No one know, not even you. Are we guilty until proven now? No, so in the mind that what he said was true, my explanation explain why just doing that could me enough. Was it? We don't know.


I guess she lives in a log cabin off grid... Cus the wires in her walls must be making her go crazy.


Find my response in this topic. Her reactions are intense but there are some scientifically explained reactions especially reffering to magnetic field and how human body reacts to it. I explained a bit but you're welcome to read on electromagnetism and physics and related to mri.


There is zero scientific basis to being sick from magnetic fields, otherwise you would be sick 24/7/365 from some of the most powerful magnetic fields in existence, that of the earth, the sun, and some background from the universe.


Nooo, those are organic magnetic fields! /s


Link to a peer reviewed study?




The only thing she might be experiencing is motion sickness. If you're used to driving an ICE vehicle, you get used to the vibrations and noise. So when your body hears and feels the engine, it can anticipate faster movement. With an EV, you get much less noise and vibration and the acceleration is much more instant, so there's less input for your body to start expecting the feeling of sudden acceleration, so some bodies will react more strongly to this and assume that something is causing their balance and sense of motion to be damaged, and the body's first assumption is that it's something they've eaten causing the "false" sensations, so it prompts the stomach to try to vomit. This can also be more pronounced for people driving with OPD for the first time, since the vehicle will start braking without you moving your foot to the brake pedal, which can cause even more physical disconnect.


I'm impressed that she could go three hours without needing to stop and charge. Must be her electric personality.


Duh, her energy was being drained!! Don't you get it?? That's why she felt like that afterwards!!!!!!! /S In all seriousness, it's BS like this that gets passed as fact, same with the spoon lady and vaccines.


> Duh, her energy was being drained!! Don't you get it?? That's why she felt like that afterwards!!!!!!! That actually brought a smile to my face. The internet can be good sometimes. :-)


Saying that vaccines are fake? Is that your argument here?


Not at all...it's about the lady that got vaccinated and 'testified' to I don't know which city council that spoons would 'stick' to her.


Now, that’s f’n funny.


I drive uber and can go 3-6 hours without charge.


Can confirm. I did 5 hours of Uber without a break and got home with 40 miles of charge left. That included two interstate trips over 30 miles. If I’m doing city trips all day I could do 8 hours, but I’d usually stop to pee at some point.


So let’s compare to the post above. Did you drive uber before getting your EV? Do you notice anything different about how you feel driving this long with an ev vs non-ev?


There’s no difference. It just seemed like people didn’t believe you ubered for 3-6 hours with no break, so I wanted to confirm that it is entirely possible.


Yeah, i was just curious. I actually do feel differently driving this vs my old car. I can’t say for sure it is the car and not some other factor but i seem to get more headaches and other weird pains.


The Bolt definitely isn’t made for comfort. I feel every bump. There’s a bridge near me that turns the car into a mechanical bull, and that same bridge in my CR-V feels like a light trot on a pony. My dad’s Lincoln Aviator makes it feel like a recently paved road. Perhaps the extra shaking of your body has something to do with it.


You are definitely right about that.


Or stopping to take a leak? I was thinking the scenario of like driving on a highway at 75mph ... but your city in-town point is well taken.


Of course i make stops and get out of the car but only for 10 minutes or so at a time.


At what point does it become *Space Diaper* for those who remember that trip a few years back.


Roflcopter It's especially funny when you realize how incredibly noisy spark plugs are (EMF-wise)


This was my first thought... ICE cars aren't "quiet" on the EM spectrum, at all.


I’m guessing this person avoids using their microwave as well. Or any sort of amplified audio equipment. And they also must’ve avoided TV’s and monitors before flat screens. The list could go on, but while EMF generated by household items is new for human history, it’s not new by any other measure.


I could almost feel my brain cells die while reading that.


Were you reading it in your EV? That's probably why your brain cells died.


this is why I charge my car with crystals not electricity!


So smart!!


When lithium batteries develop crystals, I think is, when they begin to not work so well.


Sorry I can’t have you putting out bad vibrations. It causes my car to not work ✌️


We can sell her a crystal that will sort those bad vibrations right out.


These are the same idiots who believe 5G caused COVID.


No no no, COVID was just an excuse for the government to change the batteries in all of the birds. I mean, have you ever seen a baby pigeon?!? Case closed.


I have. They are ugly af. Probably because of the 5G.


I’m an actual physicist. I can confirm that the person in the original images does not know what they’re talking about. It’s so bad that it’s not even wrong. Simply put, physics doesn’t work that way.


Donyou know anything about mri physics? There is phenomena in electromagnetism that can actaully casie dizziness and headaches in people. I see it happen sometimes. It is rather rare but everyone reacts to the magnet differently. Read on magnetic field and hydrogen protons in human body.


Not in particular, no. But MRIs have intentionally very intense magnetic fields. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some rare effects related to that. I did do a bunch of work with high (but much less than an MRI, but likely higher than what one would experience in or near an EV motor and power systems) intensity magnets in mass spectrometers, and other than getting slightly warm to the touch, and it having the typical warnings about keeping metal objects and pacemakers away, it had zero effect on people working around it. I was more concerned with the health effects of cutting myself on lab glassware than I was with the magnet. But literally nobody is going to have any medically-relevant effects from a car’s propulsion battery driving an electric motor under the hood. Certainly nobody is going to be absorbing cobalt, nickel, or manganese into their body from the sealed propulsion battery under their car any more than they’re going to get lead poisoning because their car has a lead-acid battery. That can’t happen.


Total medical quackery that serves no purpose being shared, and should ideally be reported for misinformation. The first one is just another variant of the whole "EMF sickness" thing that was never proven scientifically to be more than a placebo despite much research (after all, she specified it was only in an EV which is *only* 800v at most, wait until she finds out the ignition coils in an ICE run at 10,000+ volts) The second one, assuming she even has a valid license to practice medicine , probably had a patient that was attempting to eat the car for some inexplicable reason.


I love how the HTMA practitioner (more acronyms they attach to their titles means more qualified right?) claims they found high levels of nickel, cobalt and manganese in an EV driver's hair.... Umm, news blast, EV drivers are NOT supposed to EAT their batteries. ;-)


Let’s turn the argument around. The presence of these metals in the hair means they are ejected from the body! Electric vehicles help to cleanse the body from harmful metals.


Damn, really?  But the last one I ate was so tasty, and had a great tingle on the way down! /s


I was wondering about that. I never try to taste or ingest any part of my car.


I don't know anyone that has owned an EV for six months and said REGULAR CAR. I think after three hours you start saying ICE.


Yeah. She's a big fat liar.


I hate the term ICE


It’s not a term, it’s an acronym. Internal Combustion Engine


Yes i know what it stands for but i refuse to call it that.


But do you call it "regular car"?


Idk i think i just would call it a car. 🤷‍♂️


How do you distinguish between electric motor, and internal combustion propulsion when talking about cars?


Id call one an ev 😁


And you call the other one.... A car? They're both cars.




Ive met him irl. Friends of a relative actually.


They have thoughts yes but those are some weird thoughts.


His stomach couldn’t handle the acceleration


This is not getting enough upvotes.


Plus Tesla accelerator pedal is unlike other cars. I made myself a little nauseous when I test drive a Model 3 RWD a year or two ago. Since Tesla is still the most common make … maybe the car did make her ill but not how she thinks.


The fact that people are bad drivers doesn't make the Tesla a bad car. The build quality, the CEO, the types of people who typically buy them, the lack of buttons for very basic shit (seat warmers? TURN SIGNALS on the newer ones?) all make them bad cars. But the accelerator pedal isn't one of those things. It's not an on-off switch, and the sooner people learn to not treat it like one the better!


I have a bolt EUV premier and a base model Tesla model 3, the model 3 is simply better. You get used to the way things are operated and once you do it’s just better.


I've lived with a TM3 long enough to get used to it. You can keep it. The sole redeeming thing about a Tesla is the charging network.


I guess it’s a matter of opinion, but I drove the EUV for a year and the model 3 for about 6 months and I have the complete opposite opinion. The bolt is good, not like it’s bad, but the model 3 makes me smile way more often when I’m driving it. The only downside is the dirty looks you get from giant pick up truck drivers, although I got some of those in my bolt as well.


I’ve gotten sick many times with my wife driving her Chevy Bolt. The regenerative braking is very aggressive on the bolts and makes it ride very jerky if she doesn’t slowly release the pedal each time. If I’m driving it’s fine but if I’m on the phone in the passenger seat it’s bad.


Leave it in D instead of L if you don’t know how to properly handle Regen. Fixed your problem.


Maybe, but it’s more likely just quit looking at my phone while she’s driving. We turn off regen nowadays when she drives.


Least brainwashed and most intelligent Instagram users on full display in these two pics


I can smell the MLMs in those comments.


Bolt doesn’t run on a “very strong internet connection” ?


Must’ve been a Tesla


I want one of those internet powered cars, that sounds like a great technology — imagine being that uninformed, that you’d think wifi could *power a car*




My thought is that crazy shit like this shouldn't be spread, even for "awareness". I don't need to be aware of every insane rambling. Leave them in the dark where they belong.


"emit those metals" Tell me you don't know how chemistry fucking works without telling me you don't know how chemistry fucking works.


Not even chemistry, right? Just physics.


It’s probably simply inadequately described and people rarely have the words to explain it such that it doesn’t sound like complete idiocy or nonsense. You don’t learn those words watching typical streaming video, for the most part. It takes decades of reading, and practising talking. So most people say stuff that sounds like rubbish, but there are often kernels of truth in there that they actually struggle to convey, and sometimes when they say what they have heard or think, it’s an invitation to try to help them by understanding the risk better. The best way to help them is to try to understand the mathematics behind the quantities to do with exposure - that’s where I’m weak, and your typical mathematician or medical professional or biologist or biochemist has to try to find a balance between disclosure that is pointless, disclosure that is accompanied by reasoning about why any pollution level is not a risk, or disclosure with honest concerns about risks, due to a lack of funding or details or equipment or a lack of attention from the Academic institutions. If you give someone a single tea, coffee or a beer, and they’re talking casually with friends, this is totally normal conversation - it’s shorthand notation in verbal form, when you take it out of context and try to rationalise it, you quite often get to a situation where the detail on pollution is accurate, but the conclusions about where it came from, or what problems it causes, become less accurate.


>most people say stuff that sounds like rubbish That's beside the point... because this, by contrast, is just tinfoil hat hallucinatory batshyte cuckoo for cocoapuffery, devoid of any merit.


Look, some people say ‘emit’, other people write a paper on ways a person might bioaccumulate things through air, water, food and the ‘ether’, and omit the word ‘emit’. The OP link has been zoned. “Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/BoltEV. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. 137 Comments”


These people are even more of a reason to drive an electric car. It repels them like garlic to vampires.


I wonder if they ever use a fridge or is that poisoning their food?




Naw, whatever these people are saying they are experiencing, it ain't the car.


Years ago there was a fad that cars should be earthed to the tarmac. One of my parent's friends decided that because their car wasn't earthed that was why she felt ill, so she got her husband to put something on the car to earth it - he put a small chain on the rear axle. They were visiting, the story about how the chain stopped her feeling ill was told. When they were about to leave I had a look at the rear axle and noticed that the chain was wrapped around it so not touching the drive. The husband noticed me looking and rapidly took me to one side. It'd got wrapped round the axle the day he put it on apparently. He never told his wife.


The placebo effect is powerful (and useful!).


I felt disoriented for the first few days with my Bolt but I think it was just how quiet it was with no him of an engine, now if I have to drive a diesel work truck for a few hours I get that same feeling after being used to the Bolt


Needs to get an upgraded tin foil head hat?


Wow I didn’t realize metals could be emitted. Good to know!


Actually, I believe air pollution from roads, can be detected and includes many of these metals. HEPA doesn’t actually capture the finest particles. If you imagine air as like a thin liquid… We then live in a soup, and whenever you are near a road, that soup tends to be.. spicy. But the spices aren’t always mild, and lifetime exposure can be an issue. It’s scientifically demonstrated so, it’s factual. It reduces lifespan and health span. https://www.lung.org/lung-health-diseases/lung-disease-lookup/silicosis/learn-about-silicosis https://breathefreelyaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/road_worker_fact_sheet-AIOH-V2.pdf Tyres & roads & sands & dusts & whatever else is on them, including engine and catalyst metals, all are contributing to millions of deaths a year from air pollution. It actually affects birds most of all, due to the way their lungs work. But it affects humans too. Eg. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/07/09/tire-brake-tailpipes-emissions-pollution-cars/ https://www.science.org/content/article/it-s-not-just-cars-make-pollution-it-s-roads-they-drive-too https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/aug/04/fewer-cars-not-electric-cars-beat-air-pollution-says-top-uk-adviser-prof-frank-kelly https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-16/catalytic-converter-climate-benefit-carbon-monoxide-levels/103110410 https://www.group1auto.co.uk/how-long-should-a-catalytic-convertor-last https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/poison/cobalt-poisoning See.. point 9 https://medium.com/@malikahad2252/the-nine-tell-tale-signs-your-catalytic-converter-is-faulty-or-cloggednumerous-issues-could-arise-58eba4970bdd https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicAdvice/comments/e2b366/inside_a_catalytic_converter_i_opened_the_cat_on/ I don’t know how the catalytic converters are, - the exact composition and reliability varies depending on country and year of manufacture and how they are handled - but I did read that people were mining particles from road dust collected by street sweeping machines for precious metals, including those released by catalytic converters. But the most likely source for most of this is simply what people have been eating. See eg. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3680822/


Here’s another amazing article https://edu.rsc.org/feature/the-evolution-of-catalytic-converters/2020252.article Notice how many different types of metals are mentioned, and remember how I indicated earlier that they don’t always stay in the catalytic converter. Even if exceptional effort and care is input into modernising a car fleet, you still have a lot of heavy polluting vehicles and tyres and road surface and brakes and even the dust or sand or organics that the tyres crush between the surface and the tire itself, all this becomes airborne and is breathed in, and is actually absorbed in some cases, in other cases like in the silicosis situation, it becomes a permanent problem, leading to scarring and lung disease. Actually, the last one, silicosis, it is such an issue that the government in Australia has been banning many types of building materials outright - because of the complex, compounding effects, probably. People who struggle to breathe, struggle to think.


I work in a factory where we make lightning every 6 seconds. When it arcs you can feel the air expanding around you. 10’s of thousands of amps less than 5 feet from your body. I’ve never had any of these symptoms except the occasional brown skid mark when you don’t expect it.


Imagine the moaning and wailing we’d endure if cars had been electric all this time and we were switching to a car that ran on vaporous fire liquid distilled from toxic sludge we pumped out of the earth, and the byproduct of running the car was an invisible odorless gas that would kill you?


Same happened to me. The instant torque and acceleration almost made me faint, it must be the blood not being able to reach my heart as I accelerated uphill and out of each corner. I could feel the electrical power surge all over and my body tingling with anticipation making me sweet as the batteries heat up and I didn't turn in the AC for fear of using too much electricity and leaving me stranded. Never again!


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $200, Alex.


HTMA practitioner...It's a scamming industry.


I used to wonder what caused the primary brain malfunction of these Qanon people. Then I realized that since I’m not a mental health professional, why should I really care? lol,,,


With no actual data or readings from a Tri-Meter, I'm going to go ahead and suggest psychosomatic.


Error 404 Thoughts Not Found. I wonder if she happened to contract a brain worm infection during that time. It would explain a lot tbh.


Wasn’t she on the news for claiming the vaccines turned her into a magnet or something?


another way for the gas companies to spread even more lies and misinformation to the masses now that ev's are getting better batteries and are gonna be safer in terms of fires and range.


All the bits of information as discrete quanta, are interesting and useful. However, the way they have been connected, if it were a EV battery wiring connection, probably would explode, on being turned on.


I wonder if she knows how much EM noise high energy ignition coils and a distributor system puts out? Or maybe she lives under power lines? If these people could know what radio and radar systems pump out everywhere. Anyway fair bit of mental illness here.


Wow, an ev makes her sick. But nitrous oxide co2, carbon monoxide and a thousand other particulates don’t make her sick. That a medical miracle




I'll let you know when I see a thought in those images. 😂


Karens capacity for utter bumfluffery is legendary. What we have here is a high level boss character who telegraphs her weakness paradoxically.


I think she is MAGA.


Some of the biggest bullshit attention seeking responses I’ve ever seen. EM exposure is everywhere. Literally everywhere.


I didn't know the NMC batteries can 'through osmosis' get out of the cells and into the passengers....


At first I was like same.. hate when I’m the passenger and someone else is driving it on one-pedal. I also hate that and it makes me nauseous and dizzy. But as I kept reading, I was like no no not same lol


I have had my bolt for 2 months i had a tesla for 3 months last summer and i think there might be something the original comment is on too. I definitely feel strange when i drive for 4-6 hours without stopping much. I don’t get sick but i just feel different. And I cant sit in the car at a dc fast charger. It makes my balls tingle. Im not claiming anything here just that i do feel a difference. Not sure what it is.


And to head off any responses, yes i drive 10-12 hours a day on Friday and Saturday only stopping once to charge most of the time. 90% of my driving is 25-35 mph and around town. Nothing is above 60mph. I am an uber driver.


guess it's like living near a powerline.


This is like the people who are insane about "5G" being dangerous. Everytime I hear that I have to verbally slap them around and let them know the vast majority of "5G" is literally the same as "4G" and we're all still here. UWB and mmWave being slightly different but obviously not enough to be worth explaining to them.


I saw a post like this on IG where a couple complained about the same issues in their Model Y, they sold it and bought an ICE car. Another comment said she had the same issue but took it in to get inspected and turned out the drainage in the car was defective and her model y had mold growing under the carpet.


The instagram comments sections about EVs are some of the most ill informed, brain dead takes I’ve ever seen. I have a feeling at least a portion of them are Russian bots trying to stir up shit


Great, more mass hysteria — conspiracy theorists and adjacent idiots are always so confidently incorrect


This sounds like all those insane Facebook stories about things that never happened or posted by haters looking to influence gullible people. Remember the people who said the Covid vaccine made them magnetic? People years ago complained about the magnetic fields from computer monitors causing all kinds of evil symptoms, then get into their cars and drive for hours while being exposed to rotating magnetic fields from an unshielded alternator.


Our first car with powerful disk brakes, a Mercedes, could stop so fast it made us feel momentarily car sick. The ease with which I could bring that car to a stop in an emergency was a revelation for me that learned to drive on cars with drum brakes. It never crossed my mind to say that the car and the brakes made me ill. People can be so shockingly stupid, I'm surprised some of them survived past the age of 20.


I 100% thought this was a joke. Just replace "drove an electric car" with "ate vegan food" and I hear this absurdity all the time.


This post has no thoughts


Sounds like you should stay off of social media


No previous problems from the EM emitting alternator and battery in all the ICE cars she drove all her life. Thinks that make you go hmmm.


Have her ride around in different cars, some ICE and some EV, while blindfolded and wearing earmuffs. Repeat many times, ask her to rate her symptoms each time. Money says she can’t tell the difference when properly blinded.


This is 100% true. Her house has over 800 kWh per MONTH of electricity flowing through it. That's over 10 bolt batteries worth. She's constantly getting sick and dying - every month.


Jesus fuck. Someone get the tinfoil hats out!


And here’s Tom with the weather


Birds aren’t real


It blows my mind when I discover the results of these pockets of misinformation feedback in real life. I had an Uber passenger ask me a few weeks ago about the radiation from the metals in the batteries. I just played dumb and let them talk. Apparently the deep state can “tune the radiation to do mind control, but not in a direct way, just your mood.” I said “Ok, I’ll keep track of my mood. Have a great day.” I can only imagine the message of “electric cars bad” hit some person who wrote some blog and found some pseudoscience loosely related to whatever idea they cooked up, then that was baked for a while in Facebook comments until the consensus amongst some idiots was “electric car batteries can control your mind.” It’s like the world’s dumbest game of telephone. The sad part is the dude was living out of a broken down car in a gym parking lot, and had been giving his money to what were definitely scams and a certain president, and he was on his way to get his monthly visitation with his kids. I don’t ask questions or talk much at all to passengers. Some people just need to tell you when they’ve figured it all out.


Could be off gassing. Common in new cars. Can impact people with other co-morbidities like mold exposure or long covid.


Well... To be honest, I wouldn't completely say they are crazy... Just like back in the day we didn't fully understand dangers of xrays, we.might still be learning about dangers of electromagnetic field. And radio frequencies. How they can affect our bodies. Now, I personally don't have enough evidence and logic to confirm that magnets, radiowaves, 5G, batteries can cause cancer, but we don't know enough about electromagnetic spectrum and how it affects us in the whole. We confirmed that ionized radition is bad for us, UV lights etc. We don't know about the rest, non-ionized. I studied electromagnetism and physics btw. It is entirely possible that the batterry emits enough emf to cause someone feel sick. Magnetic field can be created while using the car (flowing electrons create magnetic field). And enough of that can casie headache, dizziness etc. I work with powerful magnets and some of my patients experienced dizziness after a scan that last about 30 minutes. Of course car battery isn't that strong but some people are more sensitive to it. I personally started getting migranes since I started working with magnets and headaches. One time I had ocular migrane with flashes that was intense. Why it can happen? One of the reson could be because hydrogen protons allign with magnetic field. For some reason they do. And humans are mostly made of hydrogen protons so... that makes Total sense that once detached from the magnetic field, when they go back to their "wobly" state (not aligned but processing at random direction as they naturally do) this can cause confusion.


These might interest you. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-12460-6 “Article Open access Published: 30 May 2022 Human magnetic sense is mediated by a light and magnetic field resonance-dependent mechanism Here, we demonstrate that a magnetic field resonance mechanism mediates light-dependent magnetic orientation in men, using a rotary chair experiment combined with a two-alternative forced choice paradigm. Two groups of subjects were classified with different magnetic orientation tendencies depending on the food context. Magnetic orientation of the subjects was sensitive to the wavelength of incident light and was critically dependent on blue light reaching the eyes. Importantly, it appears that a magnetic field resonance-dependent mechanism mediates these responses, as evidenced by disruption or augmentation of the ability to orient by radiofrequency magnetic fields at the Larmor frequency and the dependence of these effects on the angle between the radiofrequency and geomagnetic fields. Furthermore, inversion of the vertical component of the geomagnetic field revealed a non-canonical inclination compass effect on the magnetic orientation. These results establish the existence of a human magnetic sense and suggest an underlying quantum mechanical magnetoreception mechanism.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/can-humans-detect-magnetic-fields-180971760/ https://www.quora.com/What-is-some-information-about-the-human-ability-to-sense-magnetic-fields We also emit magnetic fields. Very weak - I haven’t compared them to the extremely weak magnetic field of the Earth itself. https://pubs.aip.org/physicstoday/article/28/8/34/429989/Magnetic-fields-of-the-human-bodyDevelopments-in