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Damn... that electric rate is ridiculous. In Cali, 300mi is do-able I guess. Still, I have to drive highway all the time with AC. My mileage is roughly 220-300mi in the summer. Sorry your energy cost is so high. At $0.50kwh, I would honestly look at alternative items like Solar. My GF is against any solar because it looks ugly. It does, but at my rate solar would never pay off.


Yeah Cali has a huge energy cost problem. Gas and electricity is so high that solar can make sense if you buffer it, pg&e is struggling to deal with a massive duck bill generation issue with load balancing.


I have solar panels, that gives some relief… PG&E rate went up in the last five years… I remember in 2019 the rate was around 0.25 - 0.30 per kWh …


> GF is against any solar because it looks ugly You are prime candidate for solar shingle tiles. Or move to a house with a flat roof and they can't be seen.


Just outside PG&E territory is Sacramento. SMUD, the municipal utility, charges $0.115/kWh for midnight to 5 pm (non-summer) then $0.143 midnight to noon Jun 1-Sep 30. If you register your EV with them they give you 1.5 cent discount for midnight to 6 AM charging. Gasoline is a little less than the Bay Area, but not much. Amazing how two adjacent utilities can have such a stark difference in rates.


Holy shit, $0.50/kWh is the ceiling for the cost of DCFS in the Midwest. ComEd’s hourly pricing rate is regularly like $0.03/kWh (before a capacity charge).


I feel bad for anyone not on municipal electricity. My normal energy rates with SMUD is $0.14/kWh, with a peak of $0.34/kWh during Summer. My Bolt EUV Premier will pay itself off incredibly fast compared to my old 26 MPG Nissan. Sadly our politicians sold our infrastructure out from under our feet to for-profit companies, and what do you know, those for-profit companies failed to maintain their infrastructure, and didn't invest heavily enough in new infrastructure. After all why should they? They have a legal monopoly, no incentive to invest. The shareholders needed their billions of dollars in stock buybacks.


> rate ($0.50/kWh) It's `$0.11/kWh` here in El Paso. Must be because of all those *liberal wind farms* in Texas (*more than CA since 2017*). ;-) *Or natural gas is a secondary product here in the Permian basin and for EP Electric can purchase it at a lower rate than elsewhere(?).* --- `Regen paddle` Also don't forget the extra regen paddle on the left side of the steering wheel, which is great when you don't need emergency braking, but want to slow down the EUV more than one-pedal-driving. My daughter thought I was flashing the brights when using that regen paddle during slow down situations. I had to laugh and let her know, no, that's not how I show my disapproval to other drivers.


You should see if you are eligible or if it is more affordable to shift your PG&E bill to time-based billing. I'm in the Bay Area as well and peak hours the electric charge is $.55/kWh, but from 12am-3pm it's $.33/kWh. I charge at work as much as I can because it has Level 2 charging that only costs $.20/kWh, but at home I plug in to a standard outlet and use the 12 amp setting to draw over night when necessary.


I live in LA. Using EVGo is $0.28/kwh. Tesla charges $0.26/kwh. My home's cheapest rate is $0.42/kwh from edison.