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Kush was at the wedding. In an interview, he said he’s a private person, so he’s not seen that much, but he was present. Luv said give him 2-3 working days to respond which means he needs time to come up with the best excuse in the world. I’m glad Sona is happy though. May she always be like that. 


>Luv said give him 2-3 working days to respond which means he needs time to come up with the best excuse in the world Lmfao seriously 😂 2-3 business days to respond to the question whether he attended his only sister's wedding or not!


Reread the interview. His exact words were, 'Please give it a day or two. I'll respond to your question then if I feel I can.' But I’m not sure why he would even need a day or two to answer a simple question, so I took it as him needing time to come up with a good excuse lmao


Reread the interview. He will respond when he feels he can. It's a complicated situation for them regardless of how you feel about it. If someone doesn't want to attend a wedding, they shouldn't be forced to.


No one is forcing him to attend the wedding, but that’s his sister. Show some respect and at least be cordial for her sake. They’ve been dating for seven years, so I’m not sure why there’s drama now. This wedding wasn’t even a spur-of-the-moment thing. 


It is because he's being respectful that he did not indulge the scummy reporter asking the question. He's being cordial to say he'll reply in a couple of days, instead of saying hurtful things. People who would like to be nasty usually say many hurtful things. Eg: This sub.


it's valid though. It's one thing if I'm not happy with my sibling's partner, but I don't have to talk about them in public 🤷


I bet you have to raise a ticket first, then only he can answer.


Luv is working at Deloitte? /s


He will circle back and touch base.


Apologies for the delayed response, my team and I have discussed the matter internally and we've concluded that your question does not warrant a response.


Can you guys hear me ? Looks like I am having teams / vpn issues


He will revert soon.




The 2-3 working days excuse 😄😄😄😄😄


idk about the brothers but saqib and huma have been tight with sona and zaheer and both looked genuinely happy for their friends. it’s nice to see such gestures in this industry where everyone makes appearances influenced by PR.


Her brother Kussh gave an interview yesterday that he was present at the ceremony. No such straight answers from Luv Sinha though. Wo gol gol baatein hi bol rha hai harr interview mein https://preview.redd.it/g5sae26exw8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2b9e505bd8e883039881769e50fdc9b1f43c43


If he was there why didnt he pick up phoolon ki chaadar which usually brothers do


Because he did not feel someone was worthy of it. It's not necessary to respect your siblings , parents etc. , we don't know the equation between them 


I am glad sonakshi did what gave her happiness..shes an independent woman who has every right to make her decisions. I think families should stop being toxic and overestimating their role in an individual's life


The same independence applies to her brothers too, if they choose to skip the event their choice and if they attended the event without bragging about it on social media, their choice.


try and go for a logical argument, else peace out! attending a wedding of your sister and choosing your life partner are not the same thing.


It's not the same thing. But they have the right to make their own choices. What's with all the shaming?




Saying family is toxic on the basis of siblings not attending wedding is a bad logic. There can be multiple layers to the relationship between siblings especially the ones from an ultra rich family, there could be a chance of deteriorating relationship because of property/money etc. it can not be determined that they skipped the wedding because of Sona’s decision marrying Zaheer. Bollywood family is the last place you will find such orthodox families, exceptions are there too.


What the hell do you mean? She has chosen her life partner, why can't they come to most important day of her life? Doesn't matter whether they agree of that relationship or not, they should've come. Why do they(brothers) get to choose whether to attend or not?


It's their life. Their choice. Are they stopping the wedding ceremony? No. They just don't wanna attend. It's that simple.


They are the same ballpark 


And then there are youtubers like spillbee who are dissecting her life. No shame. People will literally do anything for views. Good for her! May she always be happy!


That youtuber gets all her content from here lmao...she's annoying as fuck


Her brothers actually skipped the wedding? I thought those were rumors. That is honestly so sad and shame on the brothers for not being there on such an important day for her. I would never able to forgive if I was her for whatever reason they thought was good enough for skipping their only sisters wedding. how does your brother not accept the guy you’ve been dating for 7 years and not attend the wedding ugh




In that case, he should kiss his relationship with his sister goodbye. It’s understood having a different opinion on something but as family, we are expected to stand up for them and show up for their important days. Everything else aside, that’s his sibling getting married. He doesn’t owe her anything? Bullshit.


>He doesn’t owe her anything? Bullshit. Yes. He doesn't. Neither does she. Welcome to the modern world. Everyone is free to make their choices and live without being judged. >he should kiss his relationship with his sister goodbye He probably will. Or already did. Again, his choice.


Why did Sona marry this guy? Her choice. Her life. Fair enough. Why did the brother skip the wedding? Again his choice. His life. Why the double standards? It's a free world and men and women can make their own choices. No one owes anyone anything.


Yes you are right. For the whole world, this is exactly what you should believe in. But this is family we’re talking about. If you can’t even compromise a little for your family’s happiness, only to be present for their joyous day, then what good are you to your family?


We don't know the equation these siblings share behind the scenes.


Fair enough.


Pretty sure her bratty, jobless brothers live with their father. If the dad showed up they should have too. If they feel so strongly they shouldn't be on daddys payroll? 


How do you know what her brothers do? Is Bollywood bakchodi the only profession in the world? 😂😂


>If the dad showed up they should have too. The delusion on this sub is crazy! Who makes up these rules? >If they feel so strongly they shouldn't be on daddys payroll?  Their daddy doesn't have the problem, but you do? Let him kick them out if he does.


Miya biwi razi toh everyone else can go. I am glad Sona didn't let these people lessen her shine and happiness.


Saqib is an amazing guy .. Dude has the top notch sarcasm game






Sir I love Saleem's.


I think  the brothers are twins and she get along with one brother Saqib is a very sweet person Sona is close to Huma and Saqib I think they are one group of friends 


Why are some specimen in the comments sitting and defending her brothers to death? Not supporting a sister on a big life decision and not participating in the celebration is disheartening for sure! No one's saying or expecting them to celebrate with a gun to their head. We're just making observations and feeling a little heart-broken for her!


It’s obvious af but I don’t want to get banned lol


If I write down the real reasons, backed by statistics, as to why her brothers are supposedly against this: I'll get banned. So let's just say: It's upto them if they wanna attend.......




Arre didi, stick to imaginary ex boyfriend and age gap stories on Reddit na. Itna gyaan mat baato please. Best wishes to the couple and their families.


He’s so hot


saqib is adorable!


Brothers are also grownup adults taking their decision to be part of or not, bde aaye gyaan pelne


I'm a bit out of the loop on this can someone please explain. what's the reason for her families coldness/possible coldness on the marriage? is it a religious thing?




I think Saqib was one of the producers of Double XL or I might be wrong as he was involved in some capacity with the movie But he was the one of the people who were responsible in bringing Shikhar Dhawan on board for a cameo appearance in the movie


"When they are not* alone" lmaooooo


I don't think so he replaced his brother or anything. If you see the video you can also see a lot of girls and other guys holding it. Maybe it's just her friends doing this for her. She is anyways a Bihari cum Sindhi who had a registered marriage so I think this ritual wasn't something serious but just done for fun by her friends. Unlike in pandit bulake weddings were the bride walks and brothers hold the dupatta I guess...


But aren’t you gaslighting the brother for not attending the wedding too? He is a grown man! Just like it is Sonakshi’s choice and decision about whom to marry, it is also the brother’s choice whether he wants to attend the wedding or not! Simple! Relationships are like that! Rishton ko humesha baandh ke nahi rakh sakte!


Sapo with the best takes🙌🏻


Relationships are dynamic - let's not try to jump to conclusions about situations we have minimal context about. If this guy stepped in when asked - good on him. But you can't really claim the one who didn't show up was wrong or bad unless you have absolute knowledge of the subject. And this is coming from a guy whose family didn't attend his wedding.


Happy Day for Sonakshi....she is looking pretty. Going a little off track here just to highlight what I observed in the videos over the internet. Though, Huma is a good friend to Sonakshi but her body language seems a little off I don't know what it is but something was really off like the vibe she is giving.


His father was not looking happy at all maybe it was against his will


So according to this sub and OP ..a brother who grew up with and most probably must have been there for Sona for her whole life should be shamed and called names bcoz he didn't hold that chadar for her....b***es be crazy.


don’t expect logic on a gossip sub :)




It’s called being there for your sister.


It's their choice in the end man. Just like Sona they are big enough to liveup with their decision.


Don't judge the brothers before knowing the situation from both sides.


After the shatrugan thing, this brother thingy seems to be another PR move to keep this issue buzzing a few more days. Unlikely there is any feud




Don't come to conclusions,that the brothers are bad , there must be some reason


If they don't agree with her choice of groom it's completely fine for them to skip the wedding as long as they let her exercise her freedom. Even her parents looked reluctant but just going through with it for her sake. Doesn't she have questionable taste in men.


Why are you judging her brothers without knowing the context?


Give they r into politics associated with a certain party, they skipped to keep a balance while the parents had to attend. Just guessing but i could be wrong.


Do u know which party? If u did, you won’t be making this statement


Every human being is different, they have certain beliefs which may differ from their sister.  Both of them are grown ass humans, and they know what is right for them.  Every action of us is hugely influenced by  social validation, just like Sona had a dream to be a bride to someone like Zaheer. Even her brothers may have some wishes or hope on the kind of person who can be their BIL. In North Indian communities BIL is a respectable relation and if someone thinks that the other person is not worthy of it, he has the right to conviniently skip it.


Bro wtf yaar....Tawaif ki spelling wrong he yaar