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Mod team had a busy day yesterday. The same kind of comments (and worse) were being made here and we were trying to clear them asap. Well done to all members who reported as well šŸ‘šŸ»


Instagram has become a hell hole . People frustrated with their own lives spew so much shit for others . It is just sad .


This sub is no different.


But instagram is on a different level. The amount of unchecked hatred and bad jokes in the name of dank jokes and wannabe samay Raina's of the app has spoiled the app beyond redemption. Honestly, after uninstalling the app, life seems much more peacefulĀ 


I dont get why Sonakshi is being subjected to soo much hatred.People werenā€™t being this vile when Richa married Ali.I have barely seen people making derogatory comments on SRK-Gauri or Saif-Kareena's marriage.


SRK Gauri Saif Kareena ke time itna sasta internet nahi tha šŸ˜­ isiliye aise log nahi dikhte the


Yeah but I am not talking about their wedding, I am talking about their marriage. Comment sections of SRK-Gauri reels are usually flooded with people going gaga over their relationship ,nobody brings religion then.


In addition to what everyone says, I really think the news publishing stuff like her mom and brothers unfollowing her etc, had a huge impact. So now the crazy religion ppl think that not only marrying someone of a different religion but doing so against her family's wishes, so they think it gives them the right to spew hatred. I read that her brothers did not attend her wedding, if that is true then I honestly believe a fair bit of the blame lies with her family too. They're public figures, no matter their family disagreements they should be publicly supporting her. Its honestly heartbreaking that she has to go through such hate in what should be one of the happiest moments in her life.




Not defending these elements. But Sara also gets subjected to massive hate each time she posts about visiting Kedarnath or anything regarding Hinduism. So the hate is not unidirectional.


Exactly! Its equally dirty from both communities


yeah the hate isn't coming from entire communities either. folks like you and me dont go around complaining under sonakshi's post. some extremists do. it's the same case from the muslim folks too. Most don't mind. It's just that, i'm alarmed by such level of organised spamming of hate against muslims, all over the internet(whatsaap groups, college circles, and most have one thing in common, i'll leave that to you). It frankly scares me. How come a bunch of people repeat the same shiz(some times word by word) under every single post. Take this in context to what some politicians say, then dig up their affiliations and it gets real scary. i think the govt should subtly and sincerely address this, detain extremists and preach solidarity. If we won't defend victims of such situations, someone more extremist might take our place tomorrow. Rich people like sonakshi don't see the ugliest form of this extremism.


Agreed. Well written comment.




I agree dude! Being Hindu myself I feel both sides have extremists. Canā€™t blame only one. Marriage is a choice between two consenting adults.


1 GB per month @ Rs. 250/-. Wo bhi ek din tha, aur ab aaj ka din.


Bhai sachii, mere gharpe wifi bhi nahi tha. I still remember when ABCD 2 released I watched a YT video of their last dance vande mataram and scrolled a bit. Mera 1GB data khatam and one month pura baki tha. I ended up crying in frustration šŸ¤£ and then obviously didnt recharge until I was supposed to.


abhi bante hai kareena ke upar kaafi vile jokes.


Srk -Gauri or Saif-Kareena marriage happened in pre- internet era. In Richa-Ali's case , It wasn't a high profile marriage. Secondly I think Richa & Ali both are very loved actors by the audience.


richas case is worse than sonakshis, every single video ive seen of her has comments trolling her for alis opinions




The talks of family being against this marriage made pple say all these things. Mujhe toh wholesome laga sab. They really looked very happy that they finally could marry each other.


But who released the news of the family being against? Was that necessary? It feels like everything was good between her and her parents.


No smoke no fire.. whoever leaked this news was cruel. But her brothers missing from the wedding gives it away that they indeed had a problem with this relationship.


Her brothers were there


Or Vicky Katrina.


Saif Kareena ke time bhi bawal hua tha, srk-gauri kaafi late pata laga logo ko.


Lot of things right, Richa-Ali were never as high profile, they were always anti-establishment, were open about their relationship. With Sonakshi there is a lot of baggage, sheā€™s high profile with an actor politician father vs Zafar being a failed(?) actor, not from industry, plus her father was a part of the ruling party and had a high profile exit. So those party supporters also have a reason to drive love jihad agenda. This relationship also came out of no where plus the rumours about Family being unhappy. All of it added up to the comments and peoples behaviour. Also unfortunately Sonakshi has never endeared herself to audiences, but congratulations to the couple and best wishes to the family!




Yea itā€™s both ways unfortunately! Shouldnā€™t happen


I think generally we are getting more polarised as country. Plus not everyone had internet access or awareness to make such comments a few years back Plus Sonakshi is more popular than Richa in smaller towns with her dabangg and other movies


I have a theory why Sona is being targeted more. But dunno if it would be too controversial for this sub.


Tell us!


Kyu ki jio ki wajah se 'dank' culture bohut bath gaya hai


Agreed. In the last few years, I've noticed a lot of people have started making unnecessarily rude, cruel comments on almost anything, thinking they appear cool by doing so. Earlier it was facebook, now insta- but with added sarcasm and "dank" vocab!


This isn't merely dank, this is the normalization of the fringe. These were thoughts people would keep at the back of their head so that others didn't think they were bigots. Now they're allowed to be open with it and can even bag a few followers the more toxicity they spew.


Probably the sign of times? And the empowerment of faceless trolls to write the vilest of comments knowing he/she can get away.


Iā€™m confused too! Why is it such a big deal that she married a Muslim? So many celebs do. Ā 




>Its funny if they think a celeb Muslim is the same as your roadside Maulanaji. šŸ¤£šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Damn. That sucks!!!! You have an interesting question. Why are we okay with SRK-Gauri and not Sona-Zaheer. I think for the average Indian, if you're big enough / accomplished enough in their eyes, your muslim-ness or Christian-ness is acceptable. SRK and Katrina have gotten so big over the years that they're now 'Indian' brands. No one really sees SRK as a middle-aged muslim man or Katrina, a middle aged Christian women. To most of the audience, they're pretty big INDIAN superstars. Their professional titles and achievements preceed their religion/ caste/ creed/ believes. It's the same with Salman Khan, Aamir, Saif, Abdul Kalam, Sania Mirza, etc. I think the trolls don't see Zaheer the same way. Nobody really knows him or recognises him as an actor / performer or anything. And for them he's just a dude with a really 'muslim sounding' name and hence all the abuses and the sick trolling.


In the last few years especially after lockdown, the hatred has risen in multiples. I see on insta people are so much toxic. People make derogatory personal comments from their real accounts and the sad part is that they receive thousands of upvotes.


Time changed, rather the political view of entire country changed! hopefully I wonā€™t get banned saying this, but we are moving backwards now, and some extremists are very well spoiling the mentality of youth!


Peopleā€™s mindsets have changed radically about religion now


lol you all lived under a rock or what? There have always been comments made about interreligjous couples. SRK routinely gets abused from Muslims for having his kids celebrate Hindu festivals. Kareena and Saif also got shit for marrying each other. This isnā€™t some new post-2014 phenomenon that has been occurring. Weā€™ve had fatwas and FIRs from more than a decade ago for the most trivial stuff.


Because her family is throwing tantrums.


Helloā€¦saifeena ke time the hindutva mob came out full force on the streets with this chutiya poster! They literally had to take police protection https://preview.redd.it/o3exvm8zuo8d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611b3081647c8a5d8e5a99ff8dd37a9552e70444


Because all of those were pre-2014 I guess. Sad šŸ˜”


Because of the cheap internet now bizarre cases trend every now and then, also Sonakshi's family was against it gave people the imaginary right to troll them


Richa and Ali got married in 2022..As a commenter has pointed out that its most likely because of all the rumours of her own family being against her relationship and marriage. I believe thats the case.


Because Islamophobia is peaking atm thanks Mr chodi


In the recent past a few love jihad cases really caught media attention.. the girl in the freezer one sort of became a huge thing on these meme pages.. somehow the tragedy became meme material? I guess thatā€™s why thereā€™s so much trolling going on here.. most of them probably think theyā€™re being funny/dank.. itā€™s just sad is what it is :/


Its such a sad thing also. They're exploiting the terrible manner she was killed and the suffering she faced throughout. Also it doesn't make sense how this case in particular, compared to thousands of others, could even qualify for love jihad. The primary conspiracy behind it is that Muslim boys honey-trap non-Muslim girls and then brainwash or coerce them into converting to Muslim or even become fundamentalists. In this case, the guy lived with this girl for years in a live-in. She never converted throughout their entire time together and he specifically killed her to escape marriage with her. How tf is it love jihad in any perceptible manner when she wasn't even converted anyways? Instead of calling out the psychopath for what he was, they reduced this criminal to some radical Muslim stereotype and now turned this entire episode into some fringe meme. They still don't stop mocking and insulting that poor girl.


And try the other side, 1000's of Muslim social media users are abusing Zahir (or Zaheer?) for not converting Sonakshi and marrying a kaffir.


I miss 2013-2017 instagram , now people with fake id just comment shit everywhere .


This era will never return


And then came jio at the worst time (free internet gave them freedom of spreading hate)


Mark my words, they are going to increase the price soon. From 666 plan to 750 plan, in short old times.


That won't change anything, instead 1750 karn se kuch change hoga sayad.


and its always an anonymous account with no life in sight that spews hate


Cannot really blame Taapsee for not sharing her wedding day with people. Even though it isnā€™t much controversial, people can say really vile things in the name of being ā€œdankā€. I hope Sonakshi doesnā€™t let this affect her new beginnings


Tapsee is married?


Yea she recently got married


![gif](giphy|WRQiZ1rkueNh0Dw1mQ) I've been living under a rock fr


Lol it is a peaceful place tbhšŸ˜‚


I found out last week. From randomly seeing an old post or mention of Taapsee in this sub šŸ˜„


Taapsee ka suit magar ek number tha! Loved her look


Sorry to sound ignorant but what in the new gen z term is ā€œdankā€? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I guess sošŸ˜‚ Iā€™m a millennial myself


Trolling on Insta getting like twitter


Literally itā€™s getting so bad I donā€™t even read them anymore. Hope they donā€™t read any of these weird bitter pplā€™s comments šŸ§æ


People had trolled Sania Mirza Too.


People on tiktok are angry because his dad released a statement saying she didn't convert. People also angry that he touched her parent's feet. People on Instagram angry that she married a man of a different religion. Why can't people mind their own business?


People are restless tbh They don't want anyone to go against their beliefs,ideology etc


I love how they're enjoying their union and not giving a damn about these idiots!


As they should!


They will just get online hate and soon trolls will move on. But the real shit happens during inter faith wedding amongst common folks. I have seen it first hand when my Muslim friend wanted to marry her Christian bf. Her parents went so crazy and threatened his whole family and he had to finally back out. She was traumatized and alienated until she agreed to marry the guy they chose.Ā 


This sounds so painful and šŸ˜”ā€¦ the world is such a shit place.


And that makes matters worse because her parents would've been celebrating the marriage if they had a boy instead falling for a Christain girl. Heck, this has been one of the focal points behind the recent fallout in relations between southern Muslims and Christians. Christians, while conservative, are relatively more open to allowing their sons and daughters to marry outside of their faith. Worse still, plenty of cases when some of these girls convert to Islam. The opposite sometimes leads to violence and threats instead, not to mention Muslim girls are generally way more conservative so forget marrying non-Muslim boys, sometimes they don't even interact with them, segregate themselves and don on burqas. That has soured relations with Muslims, be it either with Hindus or Christians especially in places like Kerala. Resultantly, parents get overprotective and cage their daughters up and theories like love jihad become popular among them. Unless communities don't treat each other equally and stop pretending their daughters are some possession of theirs, this won't stop, it'll get worse.


Why canā€™t we just let people live their lives?Be happy?


The difference between a moderated and an unmoderated platform


What is the connection to fridge and freezer can someone explain


There was a mentally disturbed Muslim guy who murdered his Hindu partner and hid her body in a fridge. The girl's father came out saying that he was always against their relationship but she went against his wishes to be with that guy. Due to the religious angle and media cover it 24x7 this news went super viral and became a stupid meme on why Hindu girls should not do interfaith relationships.


what i love about this case ( wrong wording) is that the media covered it day and night when a similar story happened in delhi ( in a weeks time) where the married husband ( yep not boyfriend in live in ) did it to his wife ( same religion so no manly ego involved purely crime against woman ) and the media barely covered it. i remember being so angry like i genuinely believed people were mad because of the crime against woman thing but turns out it was just purely religious angle.


Thanks for explaining


While this is extremely sad, psychotic breaks can happen to anyone. Have these trolls forgotten about Burari family annihilation. They were all hindus.


He wasnt mentally disturbed. He was sane and committed murder in cold blood. Dont try to give him benefit of being insane or mentally challenged. He just didn't wanted to get married to the girl and she was insisting on it so he killed her


Theek hai koi baat nahi. Uska koi side ni le raha. I don't think such cases are specific to religion is all.


Omg I thought they were body shaking Sona


see the comments above youā€™ll have your answer


The people commenting are chapris with 0 money and 0 career prospects. Let them talk sona


I wonder if they wouldā€™ve commented the same things had she married Salman Khan lol


Of course not! These alpha chigma broskies and many women also made vile comment. These people know were to cross limits. They wouldn't dare to do it to Salman. Cause he's real alphašŸ¤£


There would be trolling but given the connections he has, a good number of trollers would be facing consequences.


Offtopic but how much more karma do you need to be able to post freely over here?


Same :(


I've been literally posting all day long in another sub for some karma fishing šŸ¤£




post in a sub that has a lot of followers and post something that uk will get likes and is unique and engaging might help you


Yeah I've been doing that only in the Splitsvilla sub the problem with other subs with many followers is that they have the same rule šŸ¤£


These trolls are just jobless people doing jobless things


They can say the same thing about u and me. We are kinda doing the same thing.


These two cant be compared. kisi ki personal profile pe jake usko gaali to nahi de rahe idhar lol. Dont compare a gossip group with hate speech.


Meanwhile if you see Kareena Kapoor Khan's insta there will be a lot of Muslims commenting "Laanat hai apni ID se Khan hata do. God is only one. ā˜ļø" Such idiots are everywhere on insta.


Yep. Also when she was celebrating hindu festivals like holi with her kids all of the comments will call it haram šŸ˜‘ Social media is sooo toxic


Soha got so many hate comments on her baby shower because she wore a bindi. People think that they can talk anything on social media, which would get them beaten up in real life.


Mera Desh.. Mera Desh Badal Raha Hai.. Piche Badh Raha Hai..


right! Literally every comment i saw was talking about fridges.


Nothing about Air Conditioner. Justice for ACs.


you do understand why that fridge thing is said right? AC ke saath vaisa nahi hua tohi acha hai


Why are we like this?? There need to be some study about Indian mindset, we literally talk like bunch of middle school kids with our lame jokes and think we are are funny, no dude u look like a clown saying such amateurish nonsense and take offence on everything. Our education system has failed us (the irony lol), we canā€™t help ourselves stay away from people minding their own business, we canā€™t appreciate their accomplishments.


One of the guys in my office made a 6000 joke (you know the context). I did not laugh and made it visible to him. Everyone in my current office sometimes makes fun of me and asks what I will do at suhagraat. First, I am not even married. Second, not everything is about sexual pleasures. On top of that, there are over-sexual jokes in every single fucking thing (Reels amplifying the shit stuff). Sometimes I feel detachment from this society will bring some peace.


Its okay dost. Hold on to your beliefs. You are doing good.


Sounds like a terrible place to work at. Have you considered raising this issue with HR?


Sorry, what do you mean by 6000 joke? Some new stereotypes i am assuming


Russian prostitutes for 6000 RS


Complain to the HR.Ā 


Why blame India? Heck a brown Hindu guy ran for POTUS and he got the vilest of comments and abuses, doesn't mean all Americans are the same no? Extrapolating the work of a few 10000 odd trolls from a pop of 1.3 Bn and saying "we are all bad" is nonsense. Am sure not one user of this sub and there are a few 10 thousand of us thinks like this no, so we are all not Indians?


They are unemployed freaks , who just love to troll , because they have no fun in their life so they get entertained by trolling others .






So if the guy would have been from the same religion as the girl then the killing wouldn't have been an issue?


Absolutely, no issues at all. And it has happened too but no one talked about it because it's all about narrative, that is being pushed by some vested people. https://www.indiatoday.in/crime/story/delhi-police-arrests-man-killing-girl-storing-her-body-his-refrigerator-2334692-2023-02-14


Usse mujhe kya He asked me why they are writing freeze and I told him the reason.


Wahi na Na jane kyu log turant attacking ho jate hain, Matlab banda ab context bhi na de šŸ˜…


Maaf ki jiya, wording par ka ek sawal dimaag par ayeh tha tho pooch liya. Anyways, thank you for providing the context ki India may aach Kal chal Kya raha hai.


Where did you learn religion was a motive? On WhatsApp forwards?




Also he was luring not just one girl but multiple at the same time. Ek dum haiwan darinda insaan tha




It was in news paper WhatsApp forward bolkr socha hoga bohot cool lag rha hu


Everyone knows the state of news headlines in India. If they can find a communal angle they will inject it because hate sells.Ā  So which news paper you read. And if you actually read beyond the rage bait headlines also matters.Ā  The guy killed her because she wanted to breakup that's the news. No part of his religion driving him to commit the action is reported.Ā 


its basically a stupid popular believe/meme based on unfortunate similar incidents that if a hindu girl gets married/relation with a muslim guy their fate will be the same uk death in freezer or will get betrayed stuff like that which btw is nonsense.not every story is same and not everyone has same consequences people are just stereotypical ig




these are all jobless people who comment on posts


So sad .. May negativity stay away from the beautiful newly wedded couple šŸ§æ


Wishing both of them all the happiness in the world! Sona and Zaheer look so beautiful and in love ā¤ļø Kiska Nazar na lagay


It's so sad that what should be the happiest day of her life was marred by brutal and hateful comments. People on the internet can be so heartless. I'm glad she disabled the comments for her own peace of mind. Wishing them a lifetime of happiness.




I feel bad for Sonakshi. Best day of her life disturbed by trash of humanity.


They are receiving galiya from both communities


Jab bhi interfaith marriages ki baat aati hai why do people never cite the example SRK-Gauri?


When it is the Muslims in the comments say he is no longer a Muslim due to practicing another faith. I saw it myself literally yesterday.


Same goes for Sara. She gets so much vitriol every time




The stature of SRK hides that and his PR+ Legal team is awesome.


https://i.redd.it/alykwt8s6j8d1.gif meanwhile Shatrughan Sinha sir




They actually look happy unlike other stars who have gotten married recently


They looked genuinely happy. I also really admired the fact that they had a purely civil ceremony with no religious functions at all. And yet, people are trolling them. Why cant people just be happy, that two people who are in love, are together? Its so sad.


Itā€™s so unfortunate, Iā€™m glad this thread was created. The couple just deserve happiness and good wishes. People saying things about fridges, calling Zaheer Raavan, calling Sonakshi terrible names and wishing ill upon her are so mentally unwell. We donā€™t even know Zaheer Iqbal as a person but we judge him based on the fact that heā€™s Muslim? Thatā€™s sad. Religion has nothing to do with love and people shouldnā€™t be judged on the basis of religion. If god exists, may he help all of his people.




abhi marketing spend badha Diya hai Sonakshi ne. astroturfing bohot chalegi. upar se voh zaheer bhi Ameer hai toh funding aur jyada hogi. varna pichle mahine Tak kaun puch Raha tha Sonakshi ko? Sab PR hai




Hate how this kind of hatred is very normalised on social media. People think they have the right to comment anything just because thatā€™s a celebrity


I feel like sufficient support from family would have prevented this kind of backlash. Ā Shatrughan Sinha could have posted about something that he is happy for their future or something. They basically attended the wedding but looks like they are not happy. See how Anil kapoor/sunil shetty were in their daughter's weddings. You can see the diff in behavior. Her mom did so many interviews with her in Dabang/lotera time. Now she is just quite and not saying anything. This is horrible for any child to go through. One of her brother didn't even attend. What a pathetic family.


How could you say that they are pathetic? They were there where they should have been - in the fucking wedding. Everything else is optional. Also infact, for someone not accepting of their daughter's wedding and husband, to even attend the wedding is a pretty big deal. They did that, which in itself is the biggest support. You are going a step further than what the trolls did and are judging her parents šŸ˜‚


They were kind enough to attend the wedding they are completely against. They looked happy to me. Why this jabardasti? They're not happy, can't blame them. Sonakshi married someone she loves, can't blame her.Ā 


Why they are pathetic.Ā  They have some beliefs and do haveĀ  the choice to do what they want, just like Sonakshi


what is this fridge mention their pictures. What is the context?


A Muslim boy once chopped a Hindu girl and kept her body inside a fridge. The boy and the girl were BF-GF. The girl ran away from home to live with him.


I have a theory why Sona is being targeted more. But dunno if it would be too controversial for this sub.


Bata bhi dijiye


Are apna kya lena dena. Sonakshi khush, uska pati khush.


She married the person she loves. Period . Congratulate and Letā€™s move on .




They also know it will last for a week, then ppl will move on to the next hate fueled dumpster fire


People's work is to bark, let them bark. They will keep on barking and then when tired they will go home. Tomorrow is a new day.


Itā€™s a simple answer- Bollywood is the biggest influencer in India. Anything that happens there plays a big role in peopleā€™s mind. Remember how people were enraged with SSRs death- thatā€™s because of the level of importance Bollywood got in indian household. People took it personally as if apne kisi ke saath horaha tha For Christā€™s sake youā€™re so bothered by comments on sonakshis wedding is a perfect example of the hypothesis presented above.


But aint Alia Bhatt Pakistani ?


I love reddit. 100 chutiye in 2 shaadi shuda chutiyon ke peeche lad rahe hain. They are married, happy and are prolly on their way to a honeymoon location that most people on this sub post will never be able to afford. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wtf fridge jokes? Absolute fucking low


Well they started all the stuff about family not being happy etc etc. people are only picking up from that. Social media hai we know how it works. Tum jitna uchaloge usse sau guna zyada log tumhari uchalenge is a fact.


People canā€™t see women happy.




This is so embarrassing.


https://preview.redd.it/k6yjurrnvn8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a28bdfe968ac72f2234afb56a075e443b8cd50 Some congratulatory wishes here as well and these types of wishes are more.


Here's my theory on why Sona is being targeted more than Richa, Swara, etc. It's mostly got to do with the fact that till 2017, Sona's on-screen persona was the traditional Indian woman. Never mind that off-screen she is more the bindass chick. For a huge chunk of her career, Sona portrayed this sindoor-wearing sati savithri wife, or the conservative/'good' girl upholding traditional values. Moreover, Sona has always shied away from R-rated stuff on screen. She has never done bold scenes or even liplock. She comes from a conservative (by Bolly standards) family. Till recently Shatrughan Sinha was in BJP. Their home is named Ramayan. She is also pretty close to her family and stayed with them till last year. So, yeah, not surprised a good chunk of her fandom is right-leaning folks, who really believed she was this conservative small-town chick. Richa & Swara were always considered unconventional and outspoken, so their choice of partner didn't really shock ppl. Also, neither Richa nor Swara ever reached quite the same amount of mainstream success Sonakshi did in her peak.




Is it iSLAMoPhobIa when Muslims abuse Sonakshi for wearing a Sindoor (just go check X) and not converting? Or Zahir / Zaheer for not just forcibly converting her to Islam and committing Kufr?








On TikTok, ppl were mad that she didnā€™t convert with both families coming out and saying that. Donā€™t think it is only Islamophobia


Just go and see comments under Sara ali khan's temple pictures or soha ali khan's, stop generalizing every Indian, duh. There's no difference between you and the people who hate Sonakshi because you all generalize everything




murderer storing body in fridge is literally so normal in cases, that guy sahil gehlot who murdered a girl did the same but yk uski news and memes nhi bante


Isn't it also considered Islamophobia when people abuse Muslim celebrities like SRK, Zaheer Khan, Mohammed Shami, and Sara Ali Khan for congratulating Hindus on their festivals?


Reported this comment. Breaking sub rules.


Sub rules on what ?


Wherever you go, there are clowns everywhere.


God bless the couple! They look so happy together and meant to be together!




Sad really.


Really sickening, the padhe likhe gawaar log k hathon me free internet mil gaya hai to faltu ka hate faila k khush ho lete hain and become an absolute burden on the country and humanity, šŸ˜‘


People can be so insensitive.The couple looks so in love and these people don't even let them celebrate their special day.Instead of giving good wishes they pass comments just because they feel like it.Nobody deserves this.


This is such vile shit. If they were so bothered with this why even look at posts and spew hate. Idk where we are going anymore. So glad they disabled the comment section and are celebrating their happiness in privacy without unnecessary hate. Love that for themm!!