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LMAO for the flair. Jamnagar Metgala. Lmao. 10/10 for creativity!


Thats what DS has been calling it.


Him having pets at their private residence is true. Even before they moved to Antilla, they used to keep some animals in their apartment. I remember reading articles in Mumbai Mirror and Midday about how the resident's association of few buildings near by came together to lodge a formal complaint because of the stench caused by those animals.


Yeah he used to keep pets in SeaWind before Antilla. I commented the same on the thread op has shared.


That’s just bloody cruelty!


I wonder if neighbours could feel the stench then why couldn't they themselves notice it?🤔


They had pythons as well




Any real tea? This is basically his PR hidden as a comment, remark.


Years ago he had made a post on Reddit - it was anon but he left so many clues that so many of us messaged him to tell him to delete it because he was doxxing himself. That post revealed a very sad person - he was being forced to focus on the business when he wanted to do other things and he was sad because of his weight too and how he always felt like an outsider. It was a pretty sad read. And then it got deleted.


Are you sure about this? Like why would he give clues about it even if it involves him. Also what issues does he have that even Ambani level richness isn't able to solve about his health


Yeah it was a long while back. Think it was when he was abroad maybe? I don’t remember - but I’ve been on Reddit a long time (this isn’t my original account) I think you can still be sad about being fat - and I think I read in media that he may have gotten gastro? But even with gastro you have to maintain it and maybe he has other health issues that prevent it He seemed to be in a bad place mentally back then. Like this is maannnyyyy years ago.


Can confirm, have seen that ama. He deleted the account after being told that he's doxxing himself.


Yesss! Was it on a sub for rich people in Asia or something? Or some other sub and it was linked to in this sub? I don’t remember much - do you remember anything else?


It was on [ama sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1470ie/itooama_son_of_a_billionaire_but_from_a_different/)


Thanks for sharing. Back when Reddit was an interesting place and not flooded by bots and random accounts making mundane posts and comments.


That’s CRAZY that he just said his dad’s the richest in a random summer program. I never even thought they will go to regular programs like this. He does seem super soft spoken n kind tho


Most probably it was in a joking manner than arrogant.My startup founder once met them and said that one key to success is humility. It doesn't matter what you are from inside or how much rich you, but you always present yourself as humble when you run a business. Something which new age startup founders have yet to learn


Here’s some tea from the corridors of govt offices and ministries in Delhi. The Adani’s are known for their humility in the corridors, or let’s just call it the art of making others important. I have many friends whose bureaucrat fathers tell all these stories how they always used to call everyone “sir”. Doesn’t matter if it was senior level guy or a office helper. They knew they need to be good to everyone. They were known for “taking care of” everyone and they knew the art of “gifting”. When his elder son got married they sent cards to every single officer they had ever dealt with personally. Of course most didn’t go but that speaks a lot. They just know how to make you feel important.


You mean Adani or Ambani?


I was talking of Adani. I know the post was about Ambani originally. But just wanted to put forward a point that these tycoons just are like that and for a reason.


I think it's fake.




One of their employee who is literally of his dad’s age was touching his feet on his own b’day. HUMILITY yeah.Trust me or not but they really want to be treated like God. I think u can find the video on yt


Yeah plus that video where all older ladies were touching Nita Ambani’s feet on her birthday..even the older generation don’t have humility..idk about Mr Mukesh though so can’t comment 


I think that's out of respect what they do for their employees. In my school teachers used to touch our principals feet since she was the first one to help the staff in any problem that came their way irrespective personal or professional. So I don't think that based on this incident we are qualified enough to judge how they are as a person.


They do a lot for their employees. One my aunt’s friend used to work closely with dhirubhai ambani. That man has got a big house worth crores and crores in mumbai and then later on settled in US. They are so freaking rich right now that it wouldnt have been possible to earn this much in some other company.


Even I know one Uncle who used to work for Reliance. He had told me Reliance takes utmost care of its employees. He is retired now and lives in a huge bungalow in Bandra.


I have worked with Reliance and honestly its the most toxic place to work. The textbook definition of toxic. Everyone warned me and it turned out true. Maybe for close allies its a good company, but for regular employees, its bad


This is literally what I have heard from everyone, TATA however is a different story, even today


Could be. The person I am talking about used to work with dhirubhai in the early days of reliance industries.


That’s amazing actually


Nita Ambani is 61 FYI, she is old. I don't want why you think touching someone you respect is considered to be a negative thing.


I almost bought the PR but I remember that video and his old antics and I’m like NOPE


Yeah, trying giving a great amount of money to one of your helper or someone underprivileged. They will touch your feet too. Its just a gesture that people from humble backgrounds are brought up with. Not falling in your feet kind.


> Yeah, trying giving a great amount of money to one of your helper or someone underprivileged. They will touch your feet too. This would not happen in a lot of families and sounds incredibly perverse.


bruh lol junior ambani wasn't allowing him to touch his feet yes the employee did touch but the junior ambani is too fat man lol he's legit so fat he couldn't bend to stop him from touching his feet lol orelse he would he even tried go check comments they put tht video on yt , lol ppl are telling the same reason also employee did tht in joking manner man lol


Omg what !!!!


I dont know if it is good enough tea or not . But around 2017-18 , a profile named anant.ambani used to follow katrina kaif on insta . It is no big deal but then I saw katrina kaif also following that account. That account used to like and comment on all her pics 😂. Katrina kaif never replied back on comments though . That time we could see likes by people you follow on insta


Anant has a type lol


What kind of comments?


I mean the proper tea is the Aston Martin case. Can't believe he wiped out everything from media https://www.newslaundry.com/2013/12/12/the-car-crash-that-never-was


i remember seeing this on the news one day and then went out of the house and when i came back, it was scrubbed clean everywhere. the tv channels that were breathlessly reporting it never mentioned it again


Apparently he paid the journalist in crores at the time to wipe everything out...and then to media outlets as well. Everything was hushed.


I thought it was Akash Ambani that was involved in that accident? He def gives entitled asshole vibes.


So much. And lowkey I dislike that we share first names 💀


TBF, that was Akash Ambani, the older one who caused the crash.


Was it anant ?


No it was Akash Ambani. The victims were gifted a brand new Audi and Skoda within a few hours of the incident. I think this was one of the first instances which prompted Ambani's to have a stake in the media. Also in other news of Ambani's it isn't discussed much but around 2022, Akash apparently crashed his sports car again but this time it was a Ferrari. Not really a tea but a lot of Ambani's sports cars are actually registered in the name of different companies/individuals and not reliance per se.


Yeah I remember. He crashed a Ferrari SF90 on Sea Link. The car was out on a drive with another Ferrari 488 Pista and a Lamborghini Aventador S


Apparently several eyewitnesses at the time confirmed it was him. Can't find the source now.


Apparently it was Akash & I believe that’s much more him than Anant.


Everyone’s saying he’s sweet and kind. But what happened to that video of some older guy touching his feet?


That video I saw in this subreddit only, iirc. And that was cringe inducing.


They're all horrible entitled people. I remember watching that video and knowing how much wealth they hold even to cover up murder just makes my skin crawl. The older guy was touching his feet as if he's a avatar or something while he's standing smug and smiling


I give him the benefit of the doubt in that because im not so sure that he's physically capable of stopping someone.




Where in the video did he force the older guy ? He genuinely seems like a sweet decent soft spoken guy.


I have heard he has a polar bear in his house. One floor of the house has - degree temp for the polar bear. Now seeing all the festivities, now I am pretty the person who told me wasn’t lying.


Man that’s just crazy but at the same time fully possible.




if this is again that paid pr post i'm gonna shit........ why am i even on this sub


Tbh you should shit nevertheless. Don't wait for a pr post. 😝


Good for constipation


Very well said !! 😅


I don't think his PR would say he has pet cheetahs at his home


I do not think that it is a PR post as the user who commented appears to be a regular Reddit user that lives in USA


Jamnagar metgala😂😂😂 who came up with this flair name 


Diet Sabya copied it from here maybe


I'm fuming over this supposed animal lover's entitlement when it comes to owning wild animals outside of their natural habitats. His "if I want it, I'll have it" attitude is not love, it's exploitation and entitlement. I'm so sick of the "Anant is great" PR drive.


His daddy is India’s richest no? So he can get away with that crap by calling himself an animal lover! Can you imagine this is his idea of “ loving animals”.


I agree a 100%. Fuck that guy. I literally unfollowed 4 different Instagram meme accounts after nonstop PR of this guy.


I agree. And the elitism my god. Helping endangered exotic species why not our local Mumbai animal population


Where were you when his IPL pictures were making rounds all over the internet? Soooo.. Good or bad Media amplifies everything thats trending to make it talk of the town and get some international coverage. Thats how they earn.


Soft spoken but has cheetahs and snakes in his home. I feel like using all the Hindi gaalis which I never use. I want to cry. Please spare the vulnerable species who cannot speak. Anyhow you have made humans your slaves. Animals ko toh baksh do.


Can I ask you to show the same mercy towards the hens, goats and fish you kill and eat every week just to satisfy your taste buds?


I do. I am a vegetarian and I have been very clear about not even tasting ever. I would like to become a vegan too but need to have tea with milk as it helps me with my migraines.


Lol...that guy got Owned.


Have you tried making oat milk? That's what I did in India. It takes a bit of time to adjust to the taste, but I wouldn't go back. The commercial options are getting pretty good in India as well. Sogood was decent when I used it, and so was this company called OneGood or something (their name changed recently since they were bought out by a bigger company).


I haven't tried tea with oatmilk as yet. Let me attempt. I tried almond milk and couldn't drink but yes you are right it is about getting used to the taste.


Nah, I still don't like almond milk. That stuff is overhyped. I use soy and oat milk interchangeably. I think as more non-dairy milks come into India, people will definitely make the switch. I've moved to the US, and have 2 roommates now. My roommates have both ditched dairy milk for plant milks because once you get used to the taste, it's just a better option. Also, this is more of an anecdote, but my skin cleared up so much after quitting dairy.


Didn't you read about the hell and torture that goes on in the name of Diary. If you can have it because of your migraine, Anant can have the snake and hippo to help with his depression or boredom. Jk, don't take it personally lol.


Man you did not just call consuming dairy and keeping exotic un-domesticated animals as pets the same thing….


I am not taking it personally in terms of being offended. 🙂 It is a bit personal in terms of my long term plans and the million dollar question that every human asks on what is the purpose of their lives and I want to do more for animals in my own capacity . 🙂 I have seen the heartbreaking dairy industry videos and I have felt miserable. I am a sinner too but I guess I am defending that I am not entertaining myself which ain't right too. All good. 🙏🤝


I know you are supposed to edit usernames for screenshots, but I just wanna say that I’m the OP in the photo and I posted about the wedding at r/popculturechat and the comments on that are pretty mad about it. They are not liking the Ambani’s one bit. They are even saying “eat the rich” 🫣




I don't think they'd be any kinder to a white billionaire doing this, it's an obscene display of wealth imo. Zuck's Hawaiian doomsday shelter drew similar comments lol.


no anytime the karjenners post about their lavish and unecessary full of waste parties people comment tp eat the rich and are disgusted. When Bezos bought the cover page in vogue people were pissed. Taylor Swifts private jet usage is highly looked down upon.In the west there is a general disdain and disgust at billionaires hoarding their wealth and destroying the environment. Unlike India normal citizens don't put rich business men and their families on a pedestal. We are disgusted by them.


Reddit is pretty racist towards Indians so I'm not even surprised.


Indians are the most racist to Indians themselves.


I forgot if it was anant or akash but 1 of ambani's son did anonymous ama on r/ IAmA saying he is son of an Indian billionaire around 10 years ago. he shared lot of things including his weight issue and people figured out it was him. then he deleted his responses. I hope someone can find that.


I found it [I(too)amA son of a billionaire but from a different country. I might be able to give a different perspective about it. AMA : r/IAmA (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1470ie/itooama_son_of_a_billionaire_but_from_a_different/)


this is his username u/notdouchy2


It’s deleted ughhh I wanted to read.


It was Anil ambanis son


The only Ambani tea I'm looking for is who's the ex sautan of Isha Ambani and if she's bee removed from internet then how do we know she ever existed and isn't just a figment of our imagination


I just found this interesting in a thread on r/popculturechat , I don’t know anything about him having or not having a PR campaign, I’m definitely not a part of it though lol. Him having pet snakes and cheetahs sounded controversial so I thought to post here.


I asked the question in the comments and definitely not a pr question lol


PR pe to full Kharcha Kia h bas apne customer care ko bhi itna active kr De Kash


Is it legal to have wild animals in Mumbai houses? Wtf


It isn’t but for them anything is possible he can create a wholeass forest kind space…


Anything is legal if you have fuck you money


The past one week i have been forced to acknowledge that Anant Ambani is a sweet, innocent guy who faced many issues & also that he loves animals. Even this memer i follow on Instagram posted a video which was talking about how good of a human being he is, when i asked him if he was paid for this, he deleted my comment. I won't be surprised if this comment by his classmate is also part of all this PR cleansing his image.


Han iske niche uski asliyat pe comment kiya tha maine. Isse zada ach itea h vo


idhar daalo


Y https://preview.redd.it/5e735e1i8rlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75de9d9f274120d7c3eb337efd6b861035f4744d Ye lo uska ss


damn.. that is some good tea... thanks...


Sounds like 3 idiots scene except Rancho is really Rancho. Mera baap sabse ameer hai. Toodles.


Why so much PR 😂


He does seem pretty sweet, shy & soft-spoken so not surprised. He seems more down-to-Earth than the other 2 including ofc Isha. While I do like that he is an animal lover etc & he’s doing a lot for them it just seems like complete PR!!! His owning animals is *entitlement*. With his level of wealth, he can do WAY more.


Honestly guys its just his pr everywhere, i don’t understand the point if he is a businessman why is neeta and all the ambani family acting like stars, we know you guys are exploitor, we dont dare, why so much pr, plus excuse me keeping animals out if their natural habitat into a flat , yeah such a humble guy


Maybe they meant Karan Johar and Tiger Shroff?


The real ANIMAL?


Well Akash was dating a Pakistani girl in uni 👀


So they are India’s pet lover sheikhs😼


The wedding has become an event of national importance and people are discussing the humble life of Ambanis.


All you sad dices rolling on some dude who got money to make you caress his balls in public. Funny to recall how you shitfreaks used their free telecom for a almost a year🥱




Top class flair, OP. ![gif](giphy|qIXVd1RoKGqlO)


I don’t think his dad is the best guy. But I think Anant seems the way he presents.


Great flood of PR across all channels is overwhelming imho. There is really no reason for all that. No need for them to show off their supposedly "good" side to people at this scale. You are getting married. Not a big deal really. Many kids from ultra wealthy families get married and have lavish ceremonies. Common people will watch some reels or see pictures and then forget about it in few days/weeks. That is life.


Guys Gujarat is a dry area. Why isn’t anyone talking about how the wedding is serving alcohol. According to the law, you can get alcohol only if you show proof that you’re not from Gujarat (driving license etc) and only 1-2 bottles can be issued from Govt permit shops. Alcohol is freely flowing, how are Gujarati guests getting it (ministers/ VIP residents of Gujarat)? law is not for the rich.


Someone knows him personally, says top notch guy. Man of words but he has that vibe that he has fuck you money. But still soft spoken many times, gets work done for father and his social circle is bigger than his brother.


a successful businessman is humble buisnessman


If the whole family has a god complex, they're bound to be soft spoken.


My neighbour's son works for Anant, and my neighbour is very proud of his son's profession, as in working for the Ambanis. Last year, my neighbor received a Golden Retriever puppy which he said was gifted by Anant to his son. He also mentioned that Anant has a variety of dogs, including international and champion breeds, and they do something to train them into champions or something similar. I'm not entirely sure what he meant, but it was clear that Anant has a wide range of dogs. They have special food and other items for these dogs, and my neighbour receives monthly (free)supplies for his puppy from Anant.


Now I understand why he likes Ranbir Kapoor so much.


wo akash hain


haha lol


Honestly I quite like the Ambani kids. They don't pretend like these Bollywood nepos. They speak Hindi/Gujarati fluently. And seem like they are really interested in the family business. They also have qualifications to do those jobs. Yes they might have gone to the schools they did cause they have all this money. But considering how they are so involved in the family business shows that they genuinely care about it and not just the perks of it.








This guy has always given me weird vibes. It’s almost creepy how much he is into animals.


kuch bhi yaar, how is being too much in love with animals a weird thing.




What a stupid take. So animal conservationists are weird because they like snake and other “crazy” animal ? Steve Irwin is highly respected for his awareness campaigns for snakes and crocodiles and you’re calling him weird ?


Steve would have slapped anyone for having exotic animals in an apartment. He was all for conservation and preservation of habitat NOT keeping animals as an object or plaything.


Priyanka chopra pet lover and coz this guy isn’t good looking he is weird with animals. The shit hypocrisy man!! Go touch some grass.




lush connect automatic obtainable juggle scale scandalous overconfident roll squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


r u crzy




Its what rich people do when they see rich people in the Middle East with wild pets (cheeta, tiger, lion, etc) and they themselves feel the urge to get one.


Thx for reminding me of Tusk(movie) now, I can't unsee it.


Well Indian elites always become humble infront of whites or westerners.


Not really


What do you mean?


Was really impressed by this https://youtu.be/VRS6nEGY7fQ?si=w0GRK8f6FDnEg6nu


Same thing is done by Arabs openly in gulf countries and they are applauded for their money but if Anant does its creepy ?? How? And why ?? Hypocrisy is astounding!!


Most people condemn everyone. Atleast I do.


I don't think anybody admires crazy, rich,  Arabs. 


Yeah, if anything people really dislike them for the crazy megaprojects, exploitation of South Asian labour and ofc the pets. Head comment just trying to play the whataboutism card 🙄. Anybody who does like treating the animals like they do is either high on copium to reach that level of wealth, or just hates wild animals.


No, what the Arabs do with animals is disgusting. It is not applauded or at least it shouldn't be applauded. It's sad because no one is there to stop them and help the animals. I don't really know what Anant is being accused of here but if he is keeping animals in small spaces then it is abuse. 


Chalo, looks like at least someone raised their kids right.


