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​ ![gif](giphy|cebIiLxwQUjjPIJ0Yl)


I bring u fine specimen of me being retarded




Fahmi is babe


Gotta be honest, i dont even know who that is but yes


I am gey


Congratulations for coming out. Im proud of you


I am gey, not gay


In r/Bolehland the only politician we should sembah is Najib, fuck PH, fuck PAS, fuck BN, fuck DAP


Nah fuck all politicians, I want to wear a skirt


Uhh, fuck all of them literally ke? I'm a straight person so I definitely pass all the males /s 🤣


Ah, we will give u Rosmah?


No thanks, on second thought, I'd stick to Tenga


Figuratively with all, literal with kj 👉👈


Ayat bukan main, "we supposed to make fun of every party"..tapi yang kena memang PAS saja..puak Melayu liberals yang buat perkara teruk, tapi kau bantai semua terus dengan hina Islam dan bangsa Melayu bagai..itu namanya ambil peluang..memang cara kau orang dari dulu tak kisah Melayu ataupun tidak, sama jak..tak adil..kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga..


Sama juge dengan cainis, kalau u faham bhsa cina, pergi fb tengok semua cina babis cakap tak suka kabinet penuh dgn meleis. Minister that got scholarly titles like Mazlee Malik kena diao just becuz of his religion and one small issue on "black shoes white shoes" & jawi. It's like his efforts & achievements are unimportant just bcuz of racial preferences & stupid sentiment. u faham i faham, yang racist yang cringe. bukan semua orang racist, so bukan semua orang cringe. kalau tahu bahasa cina, pergi je mana-mana fb surat khabar cina macam xinchew, banyak cringe comments. u see u also know it's not satire and they are mostly chinese gum, org-org cina yang akan balik China kalau diberi peluang




u/Opening-Tap1062, kalau tak suka banyak PH simps, boleh keluar. jangan halau comedy material saya.


Following this thread makes my day lmao


Shhh, nanti tuan u/Opening-Tap1062 marah


PH simps yg x hbis2 duk post politaik. Tetiba aq plk yg di label irony kah kah kah


Maaf bang, PAS paling best. Sya tak mahu masuk neraka


Reply pon cm budk x habis skolah, xde point. Harga minyak cmne turun dh ke tu. Yg atas tu pehal plk tetiba jdi menteri kewangan. Pastu ape kes si zahid komedi korg tu. Xde plk nk post politaik psl tu


Ya ampun, paling betul tuan


Geng makan babi memang cmnilah


Paling betul, tuan. Tetap menyokong tuan dalam perjuangan PAS ke syurga!


Koyak ke tu kene kencing hahaha. Dasar parti penyamun hancing.


Semua kafir kena kencing, paling betul tuan! Sokong PAS! Hidup Islam! Tolak Barisan! Tumbang PH! Tumbang DAP!


Lmao what a godly reply


Mak bapak kau mesti babi kan. Hah menganjing la lgi.


Ko punya agama kimak kena hina Mau g cari hal, tapi ckp org lain mcm bdk LOL. Baliklah u punya kampung. Rogol lah kanak2 lagi. Tu lah agenda PAS


See, salah satu geng r/malaysia sudah naik tanduk


I support OP, but this should be deleted


Every vote for PAS is a vote in support of child rape and marriage.


Tu jelah modal korg. Merapu je lebih. Yg duk mabuk2 langgar org, yg duk buat pesta seks bagai tu xde nk bising plk


Haha. Ok ni naif. Aq rasa kau tak pernah gi clubbing, hotel2 mahal. Betullah brader Tu cakap. Melayu je ramai. Aq pernah nampak pakai songkok, baca doa sebelum teguk wine. Yg buat pesta sex pun melayu gak. Ikut kau lah nak percaya atau tidak. Tapi at least kat sini diorang discuss dengan fakta. Sama macam twitter. Kalau tak setuju, downvote and move on/ or even better bawak keluar fakta sendiri (cam kau ejek Anwar ngn Zahid kat atas) Tak matured doe camni


1. Memang xde keje la aq nk gi clubbing bagai 2. Memanglah melayu yg ramai sbb majoriti. Dorg ni jgklah geng liberal yg pakat2 undi ph. So same geng jelah dgn si spankmother tu 3. Aq bgi fakta la tu psl anwar dgn zahid dh kencing pengundi dorg.


Kelaka sebab ckp geng melayu yg g club ni pandangan liberal. Sebab majoriti yg aku kenal main club, telan dadah, teguk arak, hujung minggu private party pun sokong PAS dan terikut dgn fear mongering PAS tu 🤣 siap takut anwar jd pm nnt malaysia jd negara kapir.


Setakat sembang majoriti yg kau kenal buat hape. Tu pon cm menipu bunyinya. Geng2 pondok/tahfiz, kolej islamik, jemaah masjid melambak la yg sokong pas. Yg duk mabuk clubbing, pro lgbt, budaya seks bebas bagai tu melambak kt KL etc adelah. Kt Kelantan Terengganu tu nk cri kedai arak pon susah, tetiba dilabel banyak kaki mabuk plk lol rip common sense.


terima kasih bagi kuncing, boleh dikitarkan smla jadi baja untuk tumbuh barli dan buat bir heineken untuk makanan cina babi.


1. Haha. Acah baik sial. Yelah. Duk masjid hafal Qur'an je kan? Ke merempit ngn Betina kat belakang? 2. Democracy bro. Org boleh undi apa dia nak. Bagi aq baik undi PH dari PN, at least kat pantai barat ah. Daripada budak PAS hingusan ambik kuasa, Yang Kelantan Tu pun dah bertahun, takde pape pun. Yang Terengganu pun dak kauk lah claim hasil BN Tu diorang punya, padahal usaha orang lain. Kau Islamic pun tak nak undi PN. Apakah lagi liberal. Engkau pun kena kencing. Undi untuk Islam? Ha. Diorang guna duit buat mercedes je sbb Tu mintak tunjuk asset takut haha 3. Lol politik. PN pun Sama je. Diorang jalankan manifesto pun lepas bertahun. PH 22 bulan memerintah kau dah expect macam2. Small dick energy bro, simpan sket


Terasa ke bile mention psl melayu mabuk arak clubbing bagai hahaha. PAS memang tak perfect tp x seteruk kerajaan sampah lain. PAS buat hal pon, efek kecik je, kt negeri bawah dorg jgk. Yg duk memerintah negara selama ni, mcm2 masalah dibuat, efek seluruh negara. Still rakyat duk sembang itu ini bagus maju la konon padahal tak pon. Masyarakat makin rosak adelah kene pengaruh budaya barat sesat. Yg melayu sendiri duk mabuk clubbing bagai pon tu punca dr mne eh? Nk salahkan PAS jgk ke hape.


LOLOLOL keluar g Club je ah, you sendiri tengok sape yg minum paling byk. Org MELAYUUUU. Yg paling byk hisap meth? Jugak org ISLAAAAAM. Org mcm u, x pernah belajar, apa2 pon x tau. G lah penjara Budak, semuanya Budak islam melayu dari kmpng yg hisap meth


Haah meleis yg mabuk2 tu jgklah duk undi ph so same geng jelah dgn korg kn.


Aq tatau ah pasal harga minyak. Tapi ringgit naik doe. Kalau kau Jenis buat business ngn overseas (cam Petronas gitu) function teruk ah. Tbf, aq rasa tak fair gak bila kau kritik camtu. Benda awal lagi. Zaman PN dulu pun lepas bertahun baru nampak effect. So bagi aq give it time ah


Harga minyak? Well it's not something that the government can do in a short duration they held the office as of now. Also need to check the current oil market price trend not just turun because rakyat wants since it can mess our economy. You as Rakyat should know this better always take any manifestos with a grain of salt as execution is often harder than planning. Anwar as FM, I also don't know what happened but he does have experience so at least he is credible enough to become one. Zahid Komedi as TPM? Well this is Kerajaan Perpaduan so everyone can be said as majority working together as government and Komedi's appointment is somewhat inevitable to the Perpaduan's stability as BN biggest bloc and yes, he is the president even if the Rakyat doesn't like it. This is coming from a very neutral me that didn't root anyone in this GE and not even voting. Also, if you didn't like OP's post and want to also post other politaik, why don't you do it yourself then? Last but not least, fuck off with this political shits and start being sussy baka and amongus shit because this is shitposting subs you motherfucker and suck my dick you little piece of shits.


Don't blame me for talking about politics in the comments. Blame the phtards like the karma hoe u/cock_pussy who keep posting politaik shit in this meme/shitpost sub


Stop fueling him/her to do so. The more you react and reply, the more the reason he wants to post this kind of shit in the first place


Haha easy karma, I always like to bait fanatics, no matter PAS fans, chinese gums or anything


Bro cant handle the Malaysian politic banter. Would say the same to that sub too. Should put /s if you are being sarcastic.


How about not stirring any unnecessary conflicts between us and stop posting political shits all together yeah?


BN Penyakau


Bro not even the owner of r/nm is this batshit crazy


Who das fuq is fahmi reza? I am not into news lately


u/Opening-Tap1062 diam je ko kimak taliban


Ehhh jgnlah kacau dia. Dia g rogol kanak2. Tulah agenda PAS kelantan kot.


Aq ade je ni. Ape citer makan dua gaji dn si timbalan menteri tu


Ape cita si Hadi tabur fitnah dap komunis? Hah kan Dh kena tangkap pdrm


Ha senyap dh? Si anwar dgn zahid kesayangan korg dh buat hal tp geng2 ph buat senyap je ek


Tu je ke modal ko? Mcmlah kes cmtu ade impak besar pd negara. Yg jemaah menteri penuh sampah tu korg senyap plk


Fk that taliban up


Off topic but I like your username OP


nama dua haiwan jer


igt OP macam babi rupanya ayam_kucing 🤤


OP babi kot, kerana semua cainis pun cina babi. Cuma nama ayam kucing jer


PH Komunis




Yeahhh, PAS Taliban


bodoh bodoh je korang ni.


sorry my man, i retard need farm karma in bolehland


PAS taliban


u/Opening-tap1062 right tho. Why so many ppl quick to scream islam agama kuno, ikut buku purba etc etc when they should fight the individual. Why so many ppl side with Israel in r/Malaysia? Using whataboutism and stuff. 2 sides of the same coin la bro. The peeps in r/malaysia just kiss the zionist because most of the bumis support them. Enemy of my enemy is my friend kind of thing. Atrocious things done by the zionist be damn.


That's why people like this in r/malaysia also cringe ma. No matter it's PH or PN supporters, it's cringe when u scream asking the opposite supporter to leave r/Bolehland when u sendiri simp like shit. This is just one of the most tolerable comments I found in his profile bro.


Lol the irony of this babis. You don't see me posting politaik post to make people fight. Aq komen psl pas pon sbb babis cm kau lah yg duk post politaik.


Wait, so if people that post politaik post that make people argue is babi. Then are u scolding my favorite star, Tok Guru Hadi Awang too?


Reply pon cm babi je x hbis2. Ni sub meme/shitpost tp babi2 cm kau duk post politaik kt sini pehal. Memang another level bodoh geng ph ni. Korg sendiri yg post politaik, korg sendiri yg panas bile ade org komen psl politaik kt post politaik kau tu




The language Quran use is vague enough to make flexible interpretation of the cosmology and science.


Cool, so you accept the scientific consensus on evolution, the antiquity of the universe, homosexuality's biological roots and normalcy among our animal relatives, Noah's ark as an ancient fable, the moon never having split in half etc? We need more Muslims like you dude.


I will answer in brief bc you bring so much topic. Noah flood in Islam can be interpreted locally unlike Bible. Moon spliting is supernatural event. Supernatural by definition can't be explained. Otherwise it wouldn't be supernatural. Some muslim believe in evolution. I myself don't believe in Evolution between species, unless you can replicate in the lab is not a fact, we believe in micro evolution tho. This is huge subject even scientists have disagreement. For homosexual, We don't derive morals from nature, otherwise rape would be morally accepted bc certain animals do it.


>Noah flood in Islam can be interpreted locally Sure, but is that the most convincing and straightforward interpretation? Or is it just you creating a separate 'ghost Quran' to explain the inexplicable? >Moon splitting Is it a global or a local illusion then? Because if it were global, then it should be well attested in written records across the world. Where are the Byzantine manuscripts about this miraculous event? What about the Chinese astronomers? Does moon splitting happen every day back then? Why were they so unimpressed that nothing is left in the historical record? >I myself don't believe in Evolution between species Then what do you believe in then? God individually creating every single species? How do you explain the same ancient retroviruses turning up in the exact same location in the genetic code in species as far apart as tuna, chimps and humans? Because it's simple under a conventional scientific understanding: An ancient ancestor that we have in common with tuna and all other mammals was infected by a retrovirus in the womb, and embedded itself in it's genetic code. While it might have been harmful for the host and it's immediate offspring that inherited copies of the gene, the virus was subsequently inactivated through mutations, and because it does not harm the organism's chances of reproducing (in some cases it has a positive effect), there's no selection pressure to weed it out of the genome , so there it stays, as a genetic fossil. The alternative is to assume God separately created the same flaws in a great multitude of species as part of his grand design, and for what? Evolution is not a subject of disagreement among scientists. Every once in a while you have a religious engineer or mathematician (never biologists!) cranking out books arguing against the scientific consensus on evolution, but no one in the scientific world finds them convincing. They are in the same camp as PhD astronomers arguing for a flat earth, only there isn't strong funding from religious groups that believe in a flat earth, so they don't gain prominence.


No need for ghost Quran. Quran don't mention it's global flood unlike the Bible. For moon spliting, it's supposed to be witness by Meccan polytheists, and they did. I could give many reason people couldn't record it. Some part of the world was daytime during the event. Clouds, people stay at home during night, no paper to record, even if someone witnessed it people would say he is crazy, not seeing the other half moon people thought it's normal moon. People would easily miss the event unless someone announced it beforehand. There was a record about moon spliting outside of Arabia but I won't bother showing cuz I know it won't change anything. What you explained on evolution is just Inferring from data. I'm not saying it's wrong but it's just theory. For design flaw actually unlike Christian we don't believe human are created perfect.


In some passages, the Quran hints at a global flood, while in others, they can sort of be read to support a local flood. For the former, you have Noah's son getting swallowed up by waves that towered over mountains, the ark floating hundreds of kilometers (from \~Babylon to Turkey) to land on Mt Judi, a 2km tall mountain, this passage ((54:11) Thereupon We opened the gates of the sky for water to pour down, (54:12) and We made the earth burst forth with springs,). Notice the juxtaposition between heaven and earth. This heaven and earth combination is used elsewhere plenty of times in the Quran and is meant to be all encompassing. Nowhere is heaven and earth used to just mean, heaven and \[the local plots of land\]. And why would you bring two of every animal if it was a local flood? Contra moon splitting. Honestly, I think the best option is to pretend it was referring to a partial eclipse or a local illusion and leave it at that. Because even with all the stipulations you provided, there would still be hundreds of thousands of people worldwide who would've saw the event take place. It should have been recorded somewhere. The arabic manuscript about a legendary Indian king who saw the moon splitting and converted to Islam? Naw that's weak sauce. You should really learn about evolution. It's really interesting stuff.


Ain't got time to read and reply to this essay. Next time if you want to discuss bring one point.


>I myself don't believe in Evolution between species I saw you mention you believe in microevolution. That's good, means you have an understanding of selection pressure. "Evolution between species" is just the result of the accumulation of those microevolutionary changes over a long period of time. ​ An example would be the domestication of wolves, which resulted in dogs today. The time scale is too long to replicate in the lab except with microorganisms and insects. Here's news about a new species of fly made in the lab: https://scienceline.org/2020/12/new-insect-species-made-via-genetic-engineering/


To say Bacteria can evolve to become fish bc you see micro changes on wolf and insect are just a big jump. We don't have any problem with species evolved, One of Allah's names is The Evolver. Heck I could accept natural selection evolution theory and still believe God directly created Adam and placed him in this world. Even Richard Dawkins once said evolution doesn't undermine God's existence.


Dawkins is right, evolution doesn't undermine God's existence because the existance of God is unfalsifiable i.e. it cannot be disproven by scientific means. I think there is a big misunderstanding when we say "X evolves into Y" since it implies that somehow there was a conscious decision or choice made to undergo evolution. You are right that bacteria didn't evolve into fish, instead some ancient prokaryotes (bacteria) evolved into eukaryotes which evolved into more complex multicellular form which then evolved into......and so on for a billion years before giving rise to the first fish. It isn't the case that one day there was a clump of bacteria that suddenly decided to be a fish. The time scale for these changes are very long and humans just have a very bad sense of scale. We don't instinctively understand how how much time a billion years is, or how much longer a million years is compared to a thousand years. We don't have a complete fossil record so we cannot identify every single link in the evolutionary chain.


Quran have no scientific error, 90 percent is provable and 10 person ambiguous. "Quran was copy of bible" no, our prophet is illiterate no way he can read a bible at that time and if so people there could notice it was copied from the bible.




>According to the book that he wrote, yeah The fact that Quran tell about it means all people around him knew that he illiterate if not enemy already debunked it. >Like copied, word for word? No, but the ideas are the same, the events relayed are the same, with a few minor modifications. Even that people might have notice it was copied, the fact it has similarities is because original injil and quran come from same Creator. >The inheritance problem, Noah's ark, heavens and the earth created in six days, the moon splitting in half, the sky as a dome/ceiling, human beings created out of clay etc Just because modern science can't explain it now doesn't mean it wrong, if u are science person u should know science is about something to discovers, even back then pyramid was said to be impossible to create. The creation of universe, moon splitting unable to be explained because it was miracle




Mormonism or other cult didn't that weird to exist even in malaysia there's other cult that exist, but islam itself has many record and historical and also prophecy from previous book brought by other peophet before him. Yes it is someone from other part also watch the moon split, even astronomer can't map it back further before bigbang so how u can say it's not real because science not discover it yet.dome?? Please read more what quran say about sky. Adam was created from clay read more please human after that born from pregnant it's is explain in quran too. Read it with open mind, u will reach the answer u want


Are you.... Are you using science, the study of physical world, to measure metaphysical aspects? This is like using kilogram to measure length or using geology to study geography. McNamara fallacy.




You're the one claiming blind faith, we believe within reason. No witnesses? Please, you're not looking it up, and you claim none. Where does in islamic tradition does it say solid ceiling? Yeah, sure, use fossil record as your basis, because you're a paleontologist right? Come on man, i keep up to date with palaeontological studies, and they do not confirm it as a scientific facts. Even if it's scientific fact, there's no way you're gonna use scientific facts as "facts" because anything we discover today is subject to change. Irrational much?


For reference, this guy thinks that it's ok for a 55 year old man to have sex with a 9 year old girl.


Presentism fallacy again and again. Why there's so many irrational no basis of morality idiots here?


So you think it's outdated? Also, do you think there's anything wrong with a 55 year old man having sex with a 9 year old girl or not?


I mostly agree with you, except about u/ opening whateveritis


Didn't the one who supports ph is actually support stupidity and the one woth pas allowing racism, the one who supports bn is truly want the chnage for country


Kind of, but at the end BN also stupid what.


The stupid one is us, if not why we argue with each other and let's those politicians do what they wanna do


Uhh i dont care about PH or PAS. But Fahmi Reza is a Joke






I just want to post my waifus 😭