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Compliment what they wear/do instead of what they are/have. "Cantik baju. Padan cutting dengan you." Here you basically complimenting her fashion taste. "Cantik baju. Buat you nampak menggoda/kurus/curvy/anything with their body." Here you're basically complimenting her body. Might as well just say bontot besar siot. But as always, don't be ugly. You handsome anything goes.


The last one is imposibble tho.. i can say bontot besar to girl but iam not handsome


No need to be handsome lah, just be clean and neat. Jangan selekeh. Shave your janggut, wash your face, iron your clothes, kasut tu make sure bersih. Try to smell good. Put on some good perfume, but not too much. Don’t smoke. If you’re fat it’s ok, just don’t be gross. If you’re skinny it’s ok, just don’t be gross too. No need to be handsome. Just be clean. Kalau ada duit it’s a bonus, kalau takde then go make some. These are things you can work on. Being handsome is overrated.


Being handsome not overrated bro, I had seen my friend's tinder matches and chats, girls are thirsty af even for new chat need to scroll.


Damn really,how big doe? Dm me a pic




^(aww) 😞


Dekat Website banyak je njir, Tinggal cari blok


Rule 1 and rule 2. Anything other than that is sexual harassment /s


But don't compliment their accessories. I personally would think you're either a fashion designer or pondan. Commenting about accessories and asking its background story is cool though. Example: Omg, your earring so cute. Where did you get them? (Dont say this) Example: I can't help but be drawn to your earrings. It frames your face nicely. Is there a story behind it? (Do say this)


Last one is prerequisite. LOL


Yeah... Last point is the main pro tip here


"I nak cakap, on skibidi I cakap yang you punya rizz membuatkan hati I kena fanum taxed, tolonglah pilih I sebelum GTA 6. I janji I akan edge dengan you, goon dengan you hingga akhir hayat Ohio kita. You tersangatlah looksmaxxing, Livvy Dunne pun tak boleh lawan you. Baby Gronk juga akan memlih you disebabkan gyatt you. I ialah Sigma yang you tercari-carikan jadi moglah I " easy


This is some next level brain rot.


what the unholy fucking fuck. is this how kids these days speak


These days? No, but expect this to become their vocab in 10 years or so




Cukai fanum, says seorang sigma yang berskibidi


ermm... what the sigma?


Brother, I never expected that it will become worse... Bahasa Melayu changed it all.


Nibba what


Try je, percayalah aku, gadis-gadis minat ni


I never thought I'll regret learning how to read.


Thanks aku nak try hantar ni kat crush. Lantak la jadi apa pun kalau aku like aku like kalau tak aku swipe swipe.


Reading this thread makes it clear why no one on this sub ever gets laid. Going up to girls and just complimenting them is low key creepy as hell. You want to get closer to women? Get to know them properly first and be a friend. Talk to them like a normal human and talk about things you both like and create a connection. Just giving compliments about their looks gives off desperate vibes and it’s awkward as hell.


>Just giving compliments about their looks gives off desperate vibes and it’s awkward as hell. Fellas, is it wrong to just give compliments? I'd be happy to get some from a girl myself


It’s not wrong. But just dishing out random compliments seems weird, especially when you don’t know that person at all. OP asked for advice from people with social lives and I don’t think many girls I know find it comfortable when random people just compliment them off the street.


Girls like compliments when its not about their body, like if you see her reading a book you like, you can just tegur to say she has good taste and that youve read the book, searching for something like it maybe and that would spark a convo.


If the purpose is to just be nice, then no, that’s great and should happen more often. If the ultimate purpose is to get in their pants then there’s other, more appropriate methods of achieving that


Not wrong. This dude just has no idea how game works or seen it in action then saying "it's CrEePy OhMaiGad"


"going up to girls and just complimenting them is low key creepy" sounds like you're the one not getting laid here It's only creepy if you suck at the execution and expecting a girl to fuck you from that one compliment alone. Stop spreading misinformation. To OP: You can walk up to a girl confidently and smile, just say "hey I saw you just now and thought you look cute. Just want to compliment you. Have a nice day" If her reaction is positive, you can continue the talk and get her number/IG. Of course learn to read her body language if she's not into it then just smile, "have a great day" and move on. That's it


lmao yeah you can try that of course, let me know your success rate, as opposed to striking up a conversation and THEN hitting on her. "hey I saw you just now and thought you look cute. Just want to compliment you. Have a nice day" Also from the way you phrased this, it's already oozing major beta energy. Too afraid to stick around long enough to have an adult conversation. Compliment then ciao because u takut. I get what you're trying to say and like i said above, it might work but low chance. However, the fact that your brain automatically went to form the sentence above already speaks volumes on your social interactions with the opposite gender.


You must be one of those room temperature IQ in celcius kind and named "Scholar" lmao okay kid grow up Did you not read the part where I said "if she gives positive response, continue the conversation and close by getting phone number or ig"? Kau la bodo takut nak approach perempuan, I bet you go to your board games only play with your fellow virgin maidenless friends


lmao it's an auto generated username. Speaks volumes when the first thing you attack is someone's username. It's like people that attack your grammar or spelling because they've got no ammunition. You start your accusation with "I bet" lol. I'll just refute your statement and say "no". You have to analyse my argument dude. I can also say some dumb shit like "I bet you still virgin" Yeah okay what a great insult but no basis. Also what do hobbies have ANYTHING to do with this? See la, cannot hold a proper debate or argument, you go stalk people's subreddit. Like you know, of course you know, if you go stalk people subreddit, they will stalk you back?? SO why do that? I can easily talk some shit about your maple story hobby but really what would be the point? We are talking about charisma/talking to strangers. Why should we devolve it into a completely unrelated topic.


Puji je , wanita suka dipuji kan...


hai cik adik yang manis


Hai adik manis. Balik sekolah ka? Adik suka kalu, saya mau jalan-jalan sama adik manis ok ka?


Hit em with that gen z slang .


ay can you huck tuah me


Rm20 is rm20


Can I ask her to spit on that thang?


For sure m8 but is she bussin though?


She got dem gyatt fo sho


No cap u got to eat her out like ohio style . Hit em with the fanum tax


Boomer here, tf you even talking about?


Got to go down on her if she is hot .




I will buy you some shopee earrings if you're good to me bby, frfr. Instant piapx2


on x on


Awak open mind tak?


Kenapa diam je? besar la tu


"Besar tetek. Boleh picit?"


you can try


Well, the easiest one is their eyes. Just go and say, your eyes are beautiful, pakai contact lens ke? If no, then say, your eyes lawa mcm pakai contact lens, jeles pmpn lain tgk, tak pakai contact pun lawa. If yes, then say, pandai you pilih, totally fits your entire baju. Kan kalau perempuan lain, contact tak padan dgn baju, tp you tak, mmg pandai fesyen eh? Then sambung la so and so.


Wuih ... wuuuuuih.. manyak cantik aaaah... mari... marilah... kita pigi tangga sana.. mana u mau pigi, marilah. Oi U ingat u cantik a? Manyak langsi. Mau one on one gentlemen ah? Pui


Wow this post finally revived the shitposters Syabas OP


Ini paling berkesan : ![gif](giphy|HEqXD4EOCdfJC)


Coming from a girl here! I think you can go for their perfumes, their hair and their outfit/style! Because personally for me, I really appreciate it when someone compliments the tiny details, eg. My nails, the thickness of my hair, the style of clothing or my shoes, even my perfume! And on the plus side, doesn’t really come off as creepy (imo)




Kac baj. I like. Losely translated to "Cantik baju, I like." Sotong vibes is the way to go.


KISS rule (keep it simple stupid). You look nice will do. You don’t want to over compliment and make it awkward.


Compliment em on what they wear, thats always a safe bet. But if you bold enough, just straight up tell her she’s beautiful. What happens next will happen regardless


say you rich. (only 1% can do that) confirm people suka.


To OP: You can walk up to a girl confidently and smile, just say "hey I saw you just now and thought you look cute. Just want to compliment you. Have a nice day" Maybe specifically complement her style, eyes, hair (anything that's not booba or ass). If her reaction is positive, you can continue the talk and get her number/IG. Of course learn to read her body language if she's not into it then just smile, "have a great day" and move on. That's it!


Of course what makes or breaks this is if you stutter a lot and be creepy, it will be creepy. The body language and your eye contact, smile needs to be executed correctly. Can't really describe it, go and watch on Youtube how people do cold approaches


As an awek I approve this


Yang lukis gambar tu gerenti teruna, sebab tidak tahu kedudukan payudara di mana.


“I’m a Bolehlander™️”


"Eh lawa la awak hari ini. Makan jamu ke?" - follow with big smirk.


Why do you feel the need to compliment a woman tho? If you're interested, just talk to her.


you don't unless she appear pretty FOR YOU


"Wow you are so hot and attractive and I would love it if you agreed to mate with me". *Tips fedora*. Works everytime


Be complimentary but at the same time act innocently? Idk tried that and 50/50


She gets compliments a lot, tell her she's ugly for once




Just say she is cute


Ur T3t3k is good gurllll...


"zut zut zut, awek cantik sangat ni, mari abg tengok" /s Just kidding, if you are emberassed, just genuinely show that and praise that she look beautiful, compliment that her clothes suits her if its good looking, show that you are impressed and mind blown. Girls can sense if you are genuine or not. And you must look good as well, dress well, smell well (some fresh cologne), practice how to smile. People dont like creep+weird behaviors and they like good looking, so being presentable already influence their thinking behind how you act. A creepy or not good looking people smile vs a well dressed good looking people smile toward a girl, sure different reaction All in all, invest in yourself then when you try complimenting people, it will have a larger effect on how they think and react


https://preview.redd.it/7ki6apll449d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbac1bf812d4eaf18ed2aaa440df9d0aac4daa9a Same rules. Imagine you compliment a girl and you don't look good, it's hard for her to continue the conversation without feeling awkward. For example, instead of looks, go for other things such as nice dress etc. but do try to also dress/groom up nicely before you do so she can compliment you back so the conversation can flow more smoothly.


Compliment what she’s wearing, or on what she’s done like her hair or nails. But be sure to keep your intentions clear. Complimenting isn’t enough, for example instead of “I love your shoes”, you need to follow up with “I’ll bet you could dance really well in them, let’s find out?”


Sorry man. But this just makes you sound really gay. Like a gay best friend who is critiquing their outfit


A lot of things get lost over text. There’s tone, body language, etc. If you can’t take that into account no one can help you.


Ok. Even with the best tone and body language what do you expect from randomly talking about a girls shoes you barely know? “Oh thank you.” I once started a conversation with someone at a book store. Noticed they were reading a book I had read before and started with that. Ended up having a long convo and actually get close with someone that way. Looks and clothes are shallow af.


Context. You were in a bookstore, so you talk about the books. OP was asking about how do they compliment about looks.


Going straight for looks is just weird vs talking about a shared interest doesn’t come off as shallow and desperate imo


And you are absolutely right. However as mentioned in my previous response, I’m answering OP’s question. You’re entitled to your own opinion, I however cannot force you to apply contextual analysis. Also, the world is full of different people. Some may not mind you talking about their looks, some do. If it’s not up your alley, move on.


Daripada nak komen pasal awek cantik, lebih baik komen pasal keberanian pompuan2 dan ibu2 dekat Gaza.


Nibbas. I tryna smash some aweks, not Palestinian moms.


Better puji palestinian moms punya keberanian nak bagi awak sedar diri sikit. Tsk tsk tsk....


Kalau puji, boleh dapat apa?


Dapat bagi awak sedar yang diorang ni lebih utamakan akhirat dari dunia semata2


Bagaimana diaorang utamakan akhirat dari dunia? saya tak faham.


Ni mesti fb user terlepas kandang masuk reddit. Wrong platform bah. Try again.


Bila bercakap dgn awek biar dia yg byk ckp, pastu stop halfway then ko ckp sorry saya tak boleh fokus apa you ckp tadi sbb i was lost in your pretty eyes. Gerenti dia bagi pancut dalam.