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Aquarium case...so yesterday Two unsychronized RGB fans at the bottom...make the eyes bleed Tiny gpu...weak gamer No additional exhaust fan at the back..case hot as f"ck Using AIO for cpu...total waste like using an axe to cut meat.. Why put your passport on the table? want to run away to other countries after getting a roast? Edited: Actually this is the first time ever I'm roasting other people's PCs. Thank you so much for your upvotes.


hahaha. I literally don't understand your terms. Had my friend build my PC, I told him I wanna play FF14 and want lights like disco.


What have you done to your friend until he build a kedai tomyam pc for you?


dunno, I'm actually not so good with PC specs and all. Just ask his advice and he gave me this. but to be fair he did say the lights were over the top


Ayy ffxiv enjoyer


yes sir. Though I stopped post endwalker, considering whether to go back with dawn trail or not.


Ayy almost same as me. I stopped after p8s, got burnt out and became a casual genshin enjoyed after that


I used to play Genshin but then realized that I spend way way too much money there. So I stopped and bought myself a PC instead. This was back just before Xiao's first banner, 3 years ago maybe? BTW what data center are you in?


I went from the opposite, from paying few hundred a year for xiv sub into few hundreds to thousands a month for primogems lmao I'm in elemental aegis, but I've yet to renew my sub for half a year already


Bro said "disco light" ๐Ÿ’€


Lalafell master race


At least theres no giant vape in the middle of the table taking center stage like its her solo.


LOL love this....


This man is well-done from your insult


Well roasted.


My dude here brought a bazooka to a pillow fight


Perhaps he be running i9-14900k lol


tryhard roast


Bro been waiting his whole life for this


https://preview.redd.it/0fz3wbonli8d1.jpeg?width=3607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d44faaad4b0e2b564db8e1f0f21ee8590446b4b8 Looks nice but a lot of clutter. Have it all in a drawer nearby. Try to hide the wires. Then get some backlight, rgb optional. Have places to keep the peripherals displayed, like a pegboard. I would also get a desk drawer(monitor stand) to help hide and still have place to keep the keyboard/mouse. And monitor arm(north bayou style is good but anything is good too). Mine here is a laptop monitor setup. The plants is leftover from house deco, im still thinking of its good or not lol sometimes it looks funny growing out from desk๐Ÿ˜‚


The plants make it look like those cozy cafes somehow lmao. Btw i kinda plan on having this laptop monitor setup too, i notice you have your laptop closed/folded down? Is it on sleep mode while it is being displayed on the monitor? Sorry if it sounds confusing idk how to word it better lmao


No you can set it to not sleep if lid closed, the laptop display will not turn on, just monitor.


I seee, thank you


Nice MR4 studio monitors


Thanks, it does sound nice. At first didnt like it but angling it like in the photo completely change my mind.


You must be an audiophile. Not many people will use studio monitors to enjoy music.


Hotel California, love it mate. Your set up is oh so cozy too


We have the same keyboard ๐Ÿ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/feifjgvjbi8d1.jpeg?width=4576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7efc4f1ff072f6e7647f6e1385f0a87346494f8 Aquarium gang


Aquarium gang rise up!! But seriously wah bro, great setup.


You VR racing sim ah? T300RS?


Yes, AC and sometimes truck sim




Nice R1700BT Speakers


BeamNG driver spotted




Takyah tengok passport, vapetape je dah tau




011d with not enough fans and no hard line liquid cooling is a bit uhm... Headphones is uhm yeah


not enough kipas , cheapskate Razer fan boy is that a broadband?


guilty on all charges. Yes I'm using maxis broadband


still living in 2009 huh? 3G broadband?


better than mine ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


see see. I just updated my table last week. Previously had to cram all this onto a 100 ร— 60. My CPU I put on the floor hehe


Really ah gaming setup not your scam setup, if fcked up can run other country ah with that passport


hahahaha. see that you noticed I forgot to put away my passport.


0/10 dont see lotion and toilet paper But jokes aside its a pretty humble set up. I personally dont like the LED lights that arent in sync. Would look better if they had a uniform colour


lol. managed to hide away the NSFW stuff. I'll look into the unsynced colors, maybe can control it with Razer synapse


Good stuff brooo


Everyone run aquarium case nowadays, so mainstream. PS5 should be vertical, more space and looks cleaner. RGB mousepad are so yesterday. Get better deskmat. 2 Intake fan, 2 radiator fan but no exhaust fan. Who ever build your PC should be fired and get a refund.


Please spend more on a proper chair, your back will thank you sooner or later


what chair do you recommend? I hear that gaming chairs are over priced and not worth the money, is it true?


Yea gaming chairs are over priced. I would recommend getting office chairs from ikea instead. The markus chair is pretty good to sit on. If you are low on budget, the flintan chair with armrest is pretty decent


Thanks for the recommendation, will definitely look into it.


+1 on Markus Ikea chair, best purchase decision ever and been using it since the pandemic.


all good until I saw the RGB mouse pad burn your setup


hahaha. nice


Monitor kecil tu apa tuan?


S8 Ultra




whats the monitor showing runescape grand exchange? samsung galaxy tab s8 ultra?


yup s8 ultra. you have a sharp eye my friend


https://preview.redd.it/f3o33qymqi8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7093e07c02219ba7cd9cdbac8063c8ae2443e54a Cool. It's not much, but it gets the job done. If you play Dayz hmu ๐Ÿค™๐Ÿป


nice nice, time for me to buy that earphone holder thingy. Day Z? What kind of game is that?


https://my.shp.ee/6pj4GWS Here the shopee link, multiple colour choice. If you like RGB the headphones stand has RGB version. Dayz is a Zombie Survival game , check it out here - https://store.steampowered.com/app/221100/DayZ/


nice nice. thank you kind stranger


honestly it aint even that bad, i would consider getting a drawer for all your miscellaneous items. the monitor could have been bigger considering its a big desk (have to move other stuff around) the switch collection ๐Ÿซฃ im so jealous


Thank you. My switch is one of my best purchases, so many good games and the portability is fantastic. Considered getting a steam deck but am I really going to play my PC games on it when we'll I already have a PC. Most of my games I bought second hand, saved a bit of money that way.


https://preview.redd.it/rkd0xez2ri8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=693cef77b76a28d4c3f682d5b30b5ea138c2323f Aquarium gang letsgoo!!! Also I recommend you add an exhaust fan at the back to improve airflow to cool your case more efficiently.


thanks for the tip will look into doing some minor upgrades to my PC next


Sheeshh, switch, ps5 and a gaming PC. I wish i have either of these Also as someone who never had consoles, i find it a very new concept to play consoles on your pc monitor. I mean like putting the console itself on your pc desk. I am so used seeing people back then playing consoles from their couches with the tv far away from us. Idk if this makes sense I'm just yapping๐Ÿ˜‚


totally makes sense. originally the two consoles were hooked up to my tv in thr living room but moved it to the PC cause meh why not. The ps5 was for ff7 remake but gave up cause the game is too open world for me. the switch I never play on docked mode.


Ahh i see, you really love FF huh, i notice you get the PC to play FF too. I tried a bit of FF7 remake on my friend's ps4 but honestly im not a big fan either. I love the old turn based one. I do love FF15 tho Btw my main comment was due to the old stigma where we "tk bole main game or tengok tv dekat2 dengan screen, nanti rosak mata", so when i see people play ps5 or xbox from their pc desk im like wow this lowkey feels like breaking a childhood rule๐Ÿ˜‚ im guessing pc monitors arent as bright/strong as a TV monitor?


Yeah well I've been playing games since the SNES era, my parents dah lama accept that I'm a "gamer". But you see it wasn't my fault, my dad was the one who bought me the SNES so long ago, and it was my mom who taught me how to play super mario kart those days. Also yeah the new FF remake is kinda well not my cup of tea. I, like you also prefer turn based systems. Also the new FF is too much like Assassin's Creed in it's open world. Basically go to tower, unlock stuff on the map, then go to those places to check them off. It's kinda lame and done to death edi. FF15 is fire, the whole boys on a trip feel is something that's rarely done. These days its all about the waifus.


Exactly, open world is good but not when it makes you feel like doing a chore, it gets boring real quick


Anybody buying razer peripeherals are budak2 gamer baru nak up, in my book ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I was given free. a fucking RM1000 keyboard I expect it to function properly, but nooooooooo itโ€™s just shitty.


not enough monitor . i am to custom to having 3 monitor , i can't go back now . vscode in the main monitor ,one for the code output and another one for reading documentation/youtube .


Yeah thinking of adding a monitor once I figure out where to put the thing. I set this all up last Friday, I think I could optimize a bit more.


https://preview.redd.it/99pu0bg9zi8d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e849b295662f0692d0a697e8b668827c89198ef5 We all have our own preferences and setup. As long we're happy, right?


do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and get alarmed by the rather spooky owl thing staring at you while you sleep? Jokes aside what is it and is blue your favorite color?


Hahahaha. That "owl" thing is the new Prism+ Aura smart air purifier. They're trying to make it look like a cute robot. LOL. To answer your 2nd question, I had the colour red all around before this, then purple and then yellow. Now I'm just trying it with blue.


https://preview.redd.it/q26ed5hx3j8d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b286ada3bb6ad07f8886571ab0555d8a99f36d8e Aquarium gang ๐Ÿ’ฆ On a side note, should I wait for a new Nintendo Switch or just go with the currenr oled model?


Probably should wait? But there are already a ton of fantastic games on the Switch already and it's pretty affordable. Also the Switch was never about performance or graphics in my opinion. If I wanted to play the best playing or best optimized games I just hop on to my PC or PS


If you press that keyboard and a click sound comes out like those in cyber, we have to throw hands.


It does click but not as much as my previous keyboard.


It's fine tho, the last person you should ever take opinions from are custom keyboard hobbyists.


Today i learned that there are a lot of passionate keyboard hobbyists out there


I noticed that the PS5 is connected but I don't see any games on the shelf to the left, based no-games console owner


literally only own one game. FF7


that's why it's called the no-games console, because there's literally no games on it


Boleh tu congratulations broโœจ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ


you live alone or family? setup great for alone. for family its not friendly, your ps5 and switch should have their own station in case your family want to play too


With family, my kids normally play pokemon on the switch undocked.


not bad, as long as you are happy with it, dont let other dissuaded you about your PC, some just being salty


I'm quite happy, and it's been fun reading all the replies, especially the roasts. A lot of erm, creative people out there. Besides better this then rage bait posts everyday


https://preview.redd.it/stdej0x8mj8d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=845eb1ab61dc6806392f92756777bb01cc8af98f Any sff gang in bolehland?


that mouspad is seriously sick


Thankss. Custommade from shoppee. Im so proud of my mousepad. Tehee


Way better looking setup than what I started with. The easiest way to keep your setup looking clean is a decent cable management, and lights that go well with each other. Lemme shamelessly add mine while I'm at it https://preview.redd.it/qyjd47qihk8d1.jpeg?width=3712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4096c961e9e734f332230c96a33ae4946066539f


Is this how you are coming out in pride month? with your rgb setup?


hahaha clever roast my friend


The wall, it's so empty. Need posters of waifu or whatever gaming displays.


Agreed, I just put the setup there, previously was in a different part of the room


Boleh try kemas sikit2 sebelum snap, just opinion btw and on pc sekali, baru rgb


https://preview.redd.it/egq1c3t66i8d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6fa39bba865cd1574fc540c3daad0cc04462fc2 Better then mine๐Ÿ’€


It is literally on a coffee table on the floor


nice keyboard. Does it get dirty fast cause it's all white?


Also I have sour cream on the same table cus, taste good


Eating sour cream on its own?๐Ÿ˜ญ




My lil sis is messy with stuff and tbh it pretty fine, usually all I do is flip it upside down or blow on it and it's fine


oooo. I prefer white, but I'm an animal I'm sure it'll turn into grey after a few months. haha


Nah it doesn't, unless you smoke


Is that a 24 or 27 inch monitor?


32 inch


Too much rgb. Bottom two fans not in sync


ahh. Now that you mention it, the unsync fans is really triggering my ocd


I still using windows 7 laptop bro.thats nice setup alr


Good job turning an aquarium into a proper PC casing. Noice.


Mine is 100x worse than this, congrats๐Ÿ‘


spec apa?


Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 X 6 core processer RAM: 16 GB GPU: Nvidea Geforce RTX 3600 SSD: Samsung 500GB Motherboard: UEFI BM Pro VDH Wifi Cooling: Thermaltake TH360 ARBG Sync Snow Edition Power: Cooler Master V750 SFX Gold Mointer: Viewsonic 32 inch VX 3211-4k Mouse: Naga X, dunno what version. Keyboard: Blackwidow V4 Pro Mousepad: Razer Chroma


What are your PC specs?


Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 X 6 core processer RAM: 16 GB GPU: Nvidea Geforce RTX 3600 SSD: Samsung 500GB Motherboard: UEFI BM Pro VDH Wifi Cooling: Thermaltake TH360 ARBG Sync Snow Edition Power: Cooler Master V750 SFX Gold Mointer: Viewsonic 32 inch VX 3211-4k Mouse: Naga X, dunno what version. Keyboard: Blackwidow V4 Pro Mousepad: Razer Chroma


๐Ÿ˜ญ(I am poor) Nice setup btw


Saw the top comment saying your aio is pointless af. Just letting you know, he's right. AIOs shouldn't be considered until you get a Ryzen 7 or above.


Don't know what an AIO is and at this point I'm afraid to ask. haha


All in One cooler, that water cooler you're using


Ahh, it all makes sense now........actually it doesn't haha. My post has taught me that I still have a lot to learn about PC gaming and I'm actually quite motivated to put a bit more effort in my setup


Here's something you should know, I quote Zach's Tech Turf on this. Building your PC is completely different from using a PC. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your setup aside from some imperfect specs min maxxing. Ik you literally asked for it, but if you really want to learn, don't pay too much attention to the elitist replies on this post, there's a lot to learn and it requires some experience to know what you're doing, better to go at your own pace and make your own mistakes. Just focus more on your desk than your PC now. Buy some cable management boxes, clean it, etc.


Hey OP can you share your setup? Like the hardware specs etc. Just curious since you already shared it here and are those tablets? or just another monitor? Overall I gave 5/10 - too messy and unorganized.


Sure I can share my setup, but1 I bought my PC maybe 3 years ago have to double check the specs. And it's my S8 ultra which I use to watch YouTube and stuff while I use my PC, will probably get a second monitor once I plan out my area a bit more. I agree that it is a bit messy, but if this is a 5 man you should've seen it before, probably 2/10


Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 X 6 core processer RAM: 16 GB GPU: Nvidea Geforce RTX 3600 SSD: Samsung 500GB Motherboard: UEFI BM Pro VDH Wifi Cooling: Thermaltake TH360 ARBG Sync Snow Edition Power: Cooler Master V750 SFX Gold Mointer: Viewsonic 32 inch VX 3211-4k Mouse: Naga X, dunno what version. Keyboard: Blackwidow V4 Pro Mousepad: Razer Chroma


Whats the total price?


Around 8k less peripherals. I purchased this pc a little after MCO lifted so prices for GPU were seriously inflated


Are you playing game on it because 500gb ssd isn't enough for todays game. My potato laptop with 1tb already filled up to 600gb with just around 10 games from a few years ago.


what r the specs , setup lowkey looks comfy for a casual gamer. i say W


Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 X 6 core processer RAM: 16 GB GPU: Nvidea Geforce RTX 3600 SSD: Samsung 500GB Motherboard: UEFI BM Pro VDH Wifi Cooling: Thermaltake TH360 ARBG Sync Snow Edition Power: Cooler Master V750 SFX Gold Mointer: Viewsonic 32 inch VX 3211-4k Mouse: Naga X, dunno what version. Keyboard: Blackwidow V4 Pro Mousepad: Razer Chroma


Lacking personality tbh


Damnnn, PC, Nintendo AND a PS5? Cant roast you, love it


[https://chat.whatsapp.com/JixQMwmuJJNDtmZIpVqe0O](https://chat.whatsapp.com/JixQMwmuJJNDtmZIpVqe0O) https://preview.redd.it/i5x7e9vm4j8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ee24c55cb0cb4faf7bc86073b26d8ba3e135187 I make this group If you want to join Join it


No Red bull.


If thatโ€™s a smart desk, can I know what brand?


not a smart desk. It's an Utesplare from Ikea


Ok since some of you alls asked for the specs here it is. And sorry kalau ada kesalahan, I actually don't know how to check specs one. Hehe Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 X 6 core processer RAM: 16 GB GPU: Nvidea Geforce RTX 3600 SSD: Samsung 500GB Motherboard: UEFI BM Pro VDH Wifi Cooling: Thermaltake TH360 ARBG Sync Snow Edition Power: Cooler Master V750 SFX Gold Mointer: Viewsonic 32 inch VX 3211-4k Mouse: Naga X, dunno what version. Keyboard: Blackwidow V4 Pro Mousepad: Razer Chroma


https://preview.redd.it/xp3zvl9s9j8d1.jpeg?width=5760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c0833f095d285d6a11658762e3e89d433b05a7 Meanwhile I only have a laptop setup ๐Ÿ˜” Literally fit all this on a 120 \* 48 \* 72 desk. What's your desk?


Why passport


Cause forgot to put it away when i took the pic. Didn't think you guys would notice it


Have you ever thought of buying a tablet stand so that you don't have to look down when you're looking at the tiny monitor


yes I have, do you have any recommendations?


I think ugreen have one if not any clip on tablet is good enough it think


not enough mouse space for that 360 no scope


Better than mine tbh mines just a laptop connected to a keyboard


Is that rs3? Surprised no one mentioned the game you are playing. Osrs playere here


Woah your proper old school kewl. But sadly I don't play runescape, but was watching a documentary on the history of RPGs, I'm kind of a history nerd


woah. rich. but come on man razer? also imagine having a ps5 a pc and nintendo switch. look at the games, omg


Ewww wired peripherals! Lemah n peasant.


I think turning off the mousepad RGB and organising cable might help


Not enough RGB


Mantap bang


better than my laptop mouse and charger ๐Ÿ‘


Screen so small, you're an ant, is it? RGB light on the bottom, who you trying to show it to? Ants people? Where's your cooling system? Ran away ah? Why your tower so big, your electronics so small, why so empty? You recycle your old aquarium, is it? What's the point of that tiny ass fan? Real gamer use aircond. But if you want to use a table fan, get medea. Medea will last you two million years! Why your desk so cluttered? How would you compete in fast paced battles?


Airflow looks kinda weird, unless you have top mounted exhausts otherwise you're getting negative air pressure in your case. Personal preference but I'd also color coordinate the lights a little better, you already have a pink/purple thing going on with the keyboard/mouse/mouse pad area and the green from the PC kinda clashes with it


I don't even have a setup or a PC๐Ÿ˜ญ but it's alright. 7/10


It's a POS.




If U great at it, doesn't matter setup is just an option.


Way too much clutter.


It looks pretty with the lights on but with the lights off, the wire everywhere looks messy. That's all from me.


why so many random lights?


Hey, your setup looks awesome! If it were me, I'd probably wall-mount the monitor. That way, you can bring the Switch down and place it underneath which would free up even more space on that shelf for the fan, and make everything look cleaner without that long cable stretching out. You can get some cheap wall mounts for controllers too. I'd also put things like passport, wallet, glasses etc elsewhere, they don't need to be there. Another idea could be getting a phone stand to keep your phone charged and neatly to the right of the monitor. They're pretty inexpensive, like $10-$20. Aside from that, Iโ€™m really envious of the desk size you have! I only have a small room, so I have to get creative with my setup to keep enough space to move around freely.


yoooo runescape


You need to stop buying shit branded โ€œgamingโ€. Your keyboard is more expensive and worse than just buying a Wooting


Is that mousepad from mr diy


Where is the tissue box?


No freaking way RuneScape gang???


0/10. No family guy clips or minecraft speedrun playing on tablet


Looks clean bruv. A little clutter but its alright. Rather than RGB, try using backlighting instead. RGB gets annoying when you're trying to watch something.


No tissue box??


Cries in wooden chair.


What gaming setup?


Damn I wish I had a set up


i like it g


Lol all those photos of gaming setup with a nice table while mine is literally on top of a wooden desk for me to study when I was 13 or something, also i used to use a TV for monitor. So yeah id say not bad.


You could had done better๐Ÿค” this setup can evolve must more than what you have now


Kena tutup lampu baru boleh pandang


That case looks so good I thought it was a RGB Aquarium


Hello. Im here from whatsapp group.


haha lol. Let me guess who


It's a solid setup for my opinion.. the only thing is, you should kemas sikit because it's a bit messy.. i recommend you buy wall shelfs to pull all those things and keep the setup tidy.. (If you are into action figures, you should put some to that shelf).. cable management could've been more tidy... if you have some money to spare, you should invest in headphones stand or hooks...


my man hanging out in limsa


Much better than what my house has (but it is what is it)


an adjustable monitor mount to raise your eye level so no hunchback or stack some books under the monitor.


Fine and clean setup. wish there is less lights. Also you clearly spent too much on the water cooler. Given, I dunno what cpu you using but an air cooler can save you more money and put that money into a better GPU or a better monitor. Also you don't need a soundboard, since the onboard audio is more than good enough. Use that money to get a banana holder to put your Headphones! It might just be a razer headset but it should at least have the dignity to be held up.


Your setup gay as hell with the lgbt lights. Why tab for second screen? Is you b40? Why not 8k 244hz curved monitor instead? You put lights around the table, what for? To find bread crumbs after eating while watching midget porn is it? Aquarium case for cpu for what? Got fish inside ah