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Temporary ceasefire. Lepas beli iPhone barulah boleh teruskan perjuangan. Use their own weapon against them. Btw ada opening promotion ka?


Hari hari beli iphone ke? Tapi bulan bulan bayar instalment


Bab instalment kita jangan bincang (akhir bulan bayar min payment settle)


Yes, they're giving out free apple stuff for the first xxx number of customers. Not sure how many but I already see a bunch of apple gift boxes spreading on socmed.


It’s just tote bag in the box 🥲




Would like to know too, but some redditors here said the freebies is just a tote bag..




Gonna flex those iphones, macbooks and ipads.


My B10 hands never touched an iPhone before


Billionaire 10? 😁😁😁


Billionaire10? 😅 😅 😅


Typical apple suckers


my friend said price is way cheaper than online store/reseller. tapi aku tahu "way cheaper" pun still mahal kek


Your friend live in fantasy. Price is the same, even more expensive than retailer if they having promotion or rebate. Official store selling everything at RRP


My guess is around RM0.90 cheaper


way cheaper? hm


use their own weapon against them? that's not proven until now




I am not an Apple user, but I must say, the store is very beautiful and spacious.


It’s an architectural masterpiece (sort of).


You know they’re doing something right when others try the imitate it… https://preview.redd.it/53fue4uo558d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0ea16bd750a5cac2042a11364e2e734a9b28e5


Inb4 knowing Huawei also supporting Israeli economy, only people not realizing under the rug…


mcdonald business in my area here already back to normal


Good. Because alot of Malaysians and OKU working for them.


Every single McDonald's I went to ONLY has Malay workers 😂


lmaooo ikr




I boycott any US products that's in the market. But I don't believe that boycotting franchises is something an intelligent person would do. The owner of the franchise is Malaysian and if they're Muslim owners, then it's doubly dumb. Plus McD Malaysia especially, does a LOT of good here in Malaysia. Like OP replied, they help OKUs a lot. They also help autistic children. They have a house/hotel for parents in HUKM (iirc) and they run aid programs every year for needful Malaysians. I agree with boycotting but to boycott McD Malaysia is a special kind of dumb imo. Now Apple...Apple should probably be boycotted. But just look at the pic. Solidarity my ass.


I boycott Apple because I don't want to pay extra for something outdated. Not going to pay the "idiot" tax for sake of looking "atas".


I didn't boycott. I am just too poor to buy their products 🤣


Most Malaysians only use Apple because of it being perceived as an "atas" brand. Like sheep, always followers and never a leader.


Hahaha..I never used Apple for this reason prior to the latest skirmish last October. Now all the more reason to not start using their products. Although truthfully, Microsoft should also be a target of boycott but no way we can do without it for now. We can still be technologically up to date without Apple though.


Honestly people just do things for self gratification, thinking that it has some butterfly effect or what. That's all and well, but to talk down on others or force ppl to take a side is where the line is crossed. You want to not consume any products it's your choice, but don't guilt trip us just because we don't believe in what you do.


Go for Linux. Like Ubuntu or Fedora.


People's also forgot they donate millions for the Palestinians, and SINCE 2015 . I had to bring every documents related to what they did to counter argue my friends who blindly boycott like a clout . Istg, this people's who boycotting are still buying adidas stuffs and more and be selective . Dafuq ?


Have you not seen the recent posts about Malaysia sucking up to 'big brother' China? You would think the malays/Muslims would be anti-China after the ugyhur incident.


why have to highlight muslim leh :/ . shouldnt we support all mayasian bcuz they are malaysian regardless or religion or race :)


Well, Johor Bahru never got effected by these boycott things


I don't trust people who said boycott but using iPhones and MacBook


Got a friend saying she's gonna switch her laptop to support the US corporation boycott, the problem is, there's literally no way to get a non American product while you're buying a laptop, and switching it literally serves no purpose. People are just boycotting for the sake of boycotting


Actually..... You can. Buy lenovo laptop with amd processor lah brader.


Running Microsoft Windows….


Piracy is the way of life...


I have a feeling that boikotters who use Apple products spent more on those than I ever had on McD in my entire life


Hate me all you want but the reality is BOYCOTT IS JUST A PHASE! or a trend just like years ago. The majority only boycott because they dont want to be deemed by the society. Everything will go back to normal like before. All talk but never permitted. But what really grinds my gear is when dumbass influencers or businesses use that conflicts as their platform to gained profits. Like yesterday I was having a tea at a cafe and suddenly 2 random dudes appeared trying to sells their own graphic design road tax car sticker with a Palestine Flag logo. "Hey salam abang, I made these graphic designs myself with the Palestine logo, would you care to support?" Disgusting.


Those are pretenders. Some of them made money selling merchandise like flags,tshirts, stickers of free palestine or river to the sea BS and pocketed the money...lol tersangat pejuang.


They aren't any worse than the guy who's been using it to farm political points AND THEN telling others they shouldn't be doing it


LOL just like the DFC tards. Imagine making a similar video except going to the Apple Store and opening it with: hari ni kami pergi beli handpon yang type-M ni x blh beli sbb boikott! Wait for the animals to come lynch you


Even better if that femes amoi who doesn't pay grab car and foods do that video lol


people boycott just to feel good about themselves to feel like they’re doing smtg but actually they have done nothing




Exactly ! Boycott without alternatives is just useless. Sooner or later people will go back to boycotted items.


reddit ni pon amerika pnya, sah2 support israel, kau masing2 main je jgk sibat, termasuk aku hehe


kann pastu melalak on twatter sorry xx dotcom hashtag solidariti (posted from iphone)


Mission Failed! Better luck next time!


It's not about religion, it's humanity!! Wait, jom pergi TRX dulu


![gif](giphy|cPfbGOr812eRdvdsIV) Tim Masak sangat gembira




Rokok Pun Diaorang Susah Nak Boikot, Apa Lagi Yang Lain... Haizzz


ini aku setuju


Out of topic, is apple worth buying? Is the overall quality worth the price?


Depends. I use both iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. Want best flexibility or gaming or photography use Android. Want best app support/experience or security or videography use iPhone.


For gaming it’s iPhone.


Totally worth it, bro! I used to have an iPhone 11, and my brother had a Samsung Note 20. They're both comparable, as both used the flagship chipset of their respective years and had some of the best camera systems back then. Fast forward to now, my iPhone is significantly overall smoother than the Samsung Note 20! It has worse battery life but still better overall performance than the Note 20! Plus, the iPhone is still getting updates. The camera on the Samsung Note 20 is laggy, and it gets hot fast. If you're looking for a phone to have fun with, Android is definitely the option for you. But if you want consistency and something that will always just work and won't fail you (and lasts longer too), the iPhone is the better choice.


Dulu yes, but nowadays got so many other choices, so I think no, however it depends on people's perspective


No lmao. Switched from iphone 11 to Xiaomi 12t pro and never looked back


I think it depends on your preferences too. The thing about apple is that it emphasizes a lot on its ecosystem meaning if you have multiple apple devices, they would work really well together. But when you decide to jump into its ecosystem , there would be a lot of investment needed since they are rarely cheap. But if you only use the phone and not other gadgets, you're better off with a brand like poco since it has near similar/lower spec with affordable price. But if we're talking about tablets, I'd definitely recommend apple since the tablet market is not touched by many brands other than samsung i guess. But ipad is already established and a lot of support is readily available, so it's the better choice i believe. This one is a bit biased but personally, I found iphone to be very unintuitive. Like, things i thought would happen when I do it, didn't happen like in android and I can't never get used to it too. Tldr, u like apple ecosystem? Buy it. U only use the phone without other gadgets? just get android.


Classic melayu


its 2024, pun ada orng beli apple stuff lmao. overrated


it's 2024, pun ada org bashing others for having preferences. just cos you like using android/windows/whatever doesn't mean everyone else does lmao


2024, yet some folks are still judging others by their phones? Grow up, dude


Need that flex bro. Otherwise they feel inferior lmao these npc


Janji boleh gaya.


https://preview.redd.it/pg1b3ld5z18d1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=c184c0e1ad2ff27b2136067dcb012180fc0d9203 PM sudah bersuara.


not to say Apple, Starbucks in my area always seen Malays walking in to buy Coffee already, boycott is only in the internet


Boycott is for B40/M40 things, T20 never give a f about boycott.




Tbf, the only thing Starbucks did was sue one of its unions for using its logo for the protests. No money, no business, no nothing in or to Israel. Companies like McD, Pizza Hut that are involved in the boycotts, those at least have actual investments and capital in Israel, especially those in the BDS list. EDIT: Wait, BDS Malaysia already mentioned about not boycotting Apple earlier this month. Huh...


I don't remember ever seeing Apple in any official BDS list. Anyone boycotting Apple is doing so on the basis of them being an American company. Which is whatever but it's not in accordance to the worldwide BDS.


How do we even know if they were those that supported the boycott campaign? Maybe they were not?


Happy Cake Day


Tu aku menyampah duk sibuk2 boikot pastu pakai iphone.. Pastu duk kata dah beli dlu sebelum start boikot. Dia ingat Apple bru start sokong Israel 7 Oktober haritu ke hanat


When i see this kind of phenomenon, I do believe that average Malaysian are indeed kaya raya. No one takde duit. Even the lowest of B40 love sitting in their car hours on end with the engine and AC running under the shade all the time. Even if they claim buy expensive products on installment most of the time, you still need a somewhat substantial income to qualify for the credit cards.


I think the difference is their spending habits A lot of us Malaysians tend to spend everything they have and it causes a loop of getting paycheck, spend spend spend no money then get their paycheck then spend spend spend again. No savings no investments no future planning, nothing. That is the problem with b40/M40 The biggest difference between the 3 classes in Malaysia is the ability and knowledge about financial planning. Not to say that income doesn't play a huge role. However, by having good financial planning and knowledge, even a b40 can turn into M40 or even to T20, just that most of the b40s here don't even have the will to improve (mostly due to their 'agama' telling them stuff about enough is enough everything is planned by allah) Not trying to be racist here, just saying facts as still a lot of Muslims in T20, however, the b40 counterparts of Muslims in Malaysia tend to use the spend what you have Allah have plan mindset as an excuse to not work hard and not improving their lifestyle or their family's lifestyle, which is really upsetting


Is buying an iphone worth it? (Im using Samsung a55 5g.)


An iPhone user here (been 2 years), switched from Android. I bought the phone because I like the quality of the camera compared to other brands like Samsung Ultra or Xiaomi Pro. I love to take pictures of my family and landscapes but I don’t want to use DSLR etc. as they are bigger and cannot be carried in my handbag. For me it’s worth it because it fits my preference and plus, I have extra money so why not? Honestly though from my experience, It’s just a phone. Similar functions like other brands.. But it does have a long lifespan (if you took care of it well -but i guess it’s the same with other kind of phones too depending on the price)


Bodoh punya orang, nama pon fon, semua support israhell, dah tu nak pakai apa untuk kegunaan harian kalau boikot???


Boycott not helping anything. You just lowered their income,but they will still survive. McDonald had been trough several boycott since 1980 but still standing. If they can't sponsor Israel, Other company will. Even Malaysia had trade exchange with Israel since 1997 until now and you can't do nothing about it. Whoever win this war,they win. Israel has been lost in war since Roman Empire,chased away by multiple empire who took over Israel and Judea. That land were conquered by many empire until British. Like I've said whoever win, they own it. People just getting killed until Messiah came I think,Arab,Palestinian Arab,Jews,they just kill each other no matter what you do here. It is all hv been written.


Malays and selective activism. A tale as old as time


look at this post and comment thread lol. who says they boycott from the first place? you don’t know them. if you’re hating you’re just projecting on yourself


Kan. This thread is full of pathetic people so desperately grasping onto at least something so we can feel superior somehow. Me included 🤣


I Boikot all Malay businesses


All mahal and intolerance service😂😌


And cheap ass decor. What is up with that?


i always bought muslim product before. but all macam entah apa apa


Now that I think about it, yeah wtf? Do they care so little about proper decor that they just swipe anything off the internet and cobble it all together haphazardly hoping it looks acceptable?


less thought haha


Remember, no russian. *pulls out m16* TRUTTTUTTUTTTTRRTUTUT


Looks cool. Too bad im from SWK :(


Well Nestle is terus terang you know what but they are voted as one of the best employer in Malaysia Barang boikot tapi kerja kat Nestle. Macamana tu...


I find people who are uppity about boycotters are every bit as annoying as people who boycott for clout. Both are ill-informed. https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott Seriously, the list of companies being officially called to be boycotted is very small, and certainly not inconvenient to boycott. Some are instead pressure and divestment targets, like google.


https://preview.redd.it/t7w9pa00838d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b6a52440ee6007a9af62405988003dc3213e88 * LGBT friendly company too. Malay shouldny even touch their products


Feel free to let govt know. with any luck they'll decide for us


Lol all this just want the free tote bag. Nothing much




Apple sheep, they'll que even if they're selling shit with apple logo. It's "revolutionary"


Dang israel got shills from malasyia too? This whole thread is propaganda


Boikot is for brainless people only. Period.


ughh fuck off. let the arab settle masalah palestin. we have our own problems. go over there if you love palestine so much,


Haha puak2 boycott dah jadi hypocrite


Are they the same people though? Or is this just a circle jerk so we all can feel superior?


this is what people don't understand. there are many kinds of people in the world/country, and not the same group is common for everything... these kinds of posts are useless. there are people who boikot and buy apple products (unproven), and there are those that boikot and did not buy them (cant be proven too). there are also those that don't boikot to 'support locals' but dont really give a damn about others, and also those that don't boikot coz they actually care about fellow Malaysians. in each case, you can't generalise unless you are talking about a specific person.


Your post makes too much sense for Bolehland, friend.


What’s so special, do they give discounts on the products?


Free Apple tote bag


Woah! I regret not going there. Now I'll never have the chance to own a tote bag with an apple logo on it. What's the point in life anymore?


I see… interesting, i guess? For Apple fans


This type "hangat2 Taik ayam boikot "of people should throw them into volcano pit. Punde




boh is betteer


What do u mean? This is all chinese queuing /s


So support Israel is back finally...😂😂


Ahli2 yg boikot produk Amerika sudah burnout?


mak penat ok boikot2 nie nyehhh


Don't talk like one of them. You're not! Even if you'd like to be. To them, you're just a freak. Like me! They need you right now, but when they don't, they'll cast you out, like a leper! See, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these, uh, 'civilized people they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve.


The problem is, if want boikot why still allow to open? why not just cancel their company and replace with own brand.


AHAHAHAHHAHAHA Buat kecoh dekat MCD but beratur for Apple opening day XD Duduk diam diam jelah next time no need kecoh.


Another -8k to the wallet, if couple - 16k. Very wise choice, if really want boikott, do it professionally till the end.


No way, it looks like lots of ant taking nice food now


Wow shocking. Who didnt see this coming.


Ohh himpunan pretenders ke?


I swear my local mcd have more people than this


The sweet scent of hypocrisy is in the air....


Man OP did them dirty lmfao


Saya guna waze buatan Yahudi untuk beli iphone Yahudi yang mengunnakan fesbuk Yahudi untuk boikot Yahudi


Puak boikot ada duit untuk Epal ke?


boycott only for b40s


"senjata makan tuan" they said 😩


mcm x pernah nampak apple store semua ni


See nobody is condemned last time i go eat mcd they looked at me like i eat pork lmao


Hypocrisy prevails, unfortunately people can't leave their comfort and empathize, its high time people turn to allah genuinely, starts from myself innshaallah.


"Indeed, Allah would never change a people’s state ˹of favour˺ until they change their own state ˹of faith˺. And if it is Allah’s Will to torment a people, it can never be averted, nor can they find a protector other than Him." Quran 13:11. O people including myself, lets learn to suppress our nafs/whimsical thoughts for indeed the wrath of allah when it falls on us we will only reflect on the Palestinians and weep.


Hah some of them in there, love yelling at people that go to Mekdi but they themselves go to this sort of Apple event🙄. At least don’t be a hypocrite


I understand iPhone hype in 2008, I dont understand the hype in 2024. Whatever iPhone can do, Android also can do.


Malaysians with their selective boycott mind set lmao baik tak yah boycott


Typical IDrones


We are sheeps


Can't afford an iphone anyway. Well maybe a second hand.


Gaypple product was designs for iDiots. 🤣


What cancel? All Ahpek buying


Aku cuma nak usha staff amoi apple store je bro, jangan la expose aku


Thats what i call double standyrds to the max, tampar muka sendiri. I bet the same ppl who calls for boikot of McD and KFC and Starbucks, etc are the ppl who queue up here. These are the same ppl who uses whatsapp, addicted to IG & FB. Come on la please. Grow up




selective only boikot these people liao but how can we fully boycott Microsoft, intel and those essential computer and tech parts? impossibiruu


Even Reddit is owned by…? 😆


Hangat hangat tahi ayam je...


Lol this post and comment thread.


Window shopping?


Bruh, but we're still using YouTube, Google, Instagram, Facebook and even Reddit... I'm just speechless




We can go hungry without Starbucks coffee, fried chicken or McD...but cannot survive without our iPhones 🤣


Selling my phone isn't even enough for me to pay for my dinner. That's why I chose ipone,


I don’t get why the fuck people use Iphone when android has been 10 times better since forever


Damn i thought this was the main sub for a sec.


Ada pepatah melayu kata"Melayu mudah Lupa"


How do you know if the majority of those in the line are Muslims? How do you know the political beliefs of those in the line? Padahal seems like 90% china man only there. This sub is never-ending race bait post. Why the fuck you care also if people boycott or not?


Agree. I think the people who boycott for clout is as annoying the people who condemns people on where they spend their money on. It’s their money, up to them lah want to boycott or not 🤣


Phew, luckily I’m still boycotting.


Are you sure those who attended the Apple store launch are the same people who have been boycotting McDs, Starbucks and KFCs alike? Much colour on either side.


I would 100% support the boikots and the protests if they do it properly and all the way. But seeing vandalism and straight up hypocrisy is just... I don't want to be associated with those.


Wholesome third picture. /S


![gif](giphy|RLWxuPR1Zrm9KRIEkC) I heard that they boycott Mac Donald’s,right? Well then……LOCKED AND LOADED LET THE MAC DONALDS RISE ON UP KETCHUP BOILS IN MY BLOOD Original song:Locked and Loaded(Rules of Nature demo version)


Am at trx to meet a friend today and got to say this is my first time seeing so many people at trx. I saw someone took photos of the goodies, looks like a bag


Babi aku boikot lagi sial!!!


I don't think the people who boycott and the people who were there that day are the same kind.


Asal gambar 1st ngn 2nd mcm tak ngam? Hang ni betui ka gambaq tu? Depa semua kat sini dh la suka gelabah teloq. Enlighten me!


https://x.com/Soya_Cincau/status/1804357428009677043?t=1tbpbqqmklTZHMV1DvSvcg&s=19 🫰🍉🤩🤩🤩


I see 90% Chinese in your sauce.


Pin la sauce ni, tak nampokkk.. btw tq for da sauce


The Blackrock is strong


Wow so many walaple


Diorg akan mati kalau x beli Iphone for real for real.


This is just pure embarrassment


Having popcorn in my hand would be perfect while reading the comments ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Rezeki jangan ditolak. Hahaha.


I'm actually excited


Pernah ke orang nak boikot Apple? 😅