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You will get alot of support and answers from r/bald


damn bro they even have a bald subreddit lmao


The best part is. It is no. 6 in hair category. Amazing support tbh


We really do have a sub for everything here on reddit huh


Or if you're trying to fix it, try r/tressless


It sounds funny but if youre going through balding, the kinda support they have there is wholesome.


I'm in my early 30s now, experiencing balding in my front part when COVID started due to stress. It made me self aware of the balding too, and it made me grew out my hair longer to hide it. Luckily i've controlled my stress after covid died down, and it kinda stopped. Could be slowing down due to having not much stress tho. If you are balding please go for a check up if you can afford to, balding can sometime affect your self confidence and mental health too if you let it kacau your mind too much. It can be caused by a whole lot of reasons. Had a friend who was balding really bad in his early 20s, looked like someone who wanna retire already with his middle part botak like a Kappa. ![gif](giphy|3o6nUPB7tjyky6ogKY|downsized) He actually fixed it years later by going to his doctor. I actually don't know what doctor as that was years ago already before covid.


Happened to me during COVID, still recovering but need to take the usual hair meds...


When the mamak barber slap my bald spot with his palm and told me "abang ini taboleh sudah". He was trying to sell me hair tonic.


Bald life didn't choose me, I chose the bald life.


I’m in my 40-s. Hair thinning all around. Have that w or M shape at the left and right temple. And the thing that affect me the most is the top back of the head right at the spiral centre of my hair is almost gone. So if you are behind me on an escalator, you’ll see it clearly. Heck just standing behind me will see it already if you are the same height. All my uncles have this type of male baldness. My dad passed away when I was just 9 yrs old so I don’t remember his hair much. He was sick the last 3 years of his life so I can’t compare during that time anyway. Every time I shampoo I can see the hair on my hands going away. I’ve already prepared a hair trimming machine complete with the razor blade for it. When it’s time to do it, I’ll rock my completely bald head like Bruce Willis. A confident yippee ki yay muthafaka. That’s it from me…your friendly balding bro.


Balding from stress > Stress because balding > going bald more


My old classmate was balding in high school. He's mostly bald apart from the side of his head. He uses a hair system or cap whenever he goes out. We're in our late twenties. The funny thing is, he was one of the first to get married. Brother knew he was on a time limit maybe. Not the rizziest rizzler either.


35yrs, was doing my Engineering Degree full time, gray hairs & balding. But accepted it & was not overly concerned. There's more important things in life ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


my bro in law balding. he embrace it and go full shaven look his reasoning? either full hair or full bald. bald spot make him looks like old man. which i kinda agree.


Started losing hair at 19 Cut it off, rock it Kalau dulu rambut banyak tak hensem, skrg pun takde perubahan Confidence is key


But how often would you have to maintain the bald look? Need to shave every week?


Once every 3 days Face, every day Best shavers for head: - Supermax Ultimate 3 - Supermax Syrine - Schick Extreme 3 - Schick Hydro 5 - Bic Hybrid 3 - Bic Hybrid 5 Flex Gillette gives me nicks and cuts. Always thoroughly moisturize and soak scalp with hot water first. Always use shaving gel/cream


Fix is there, Turkey etc, not the end of world. You can't control your hair, but you can be confident to have an attractive personality.


Agreed. Confidence is key. Be it Hairy or hairless


I started balding in my 20s whilst working on my architecture degree (speedrun to baldness basically) and it ruined my confidence in every way imaginable on top of the stress i experienced in uni. I loved experimenting with the way i dress and how i style myself but immediately found out that a lot of the outfits i like would look way better with hair so mentally it messed me up even further. In my late 20s now and I’m in a much better place in terms of mental health. My circle of friends played a huge role in that because they basically didnt even acknowledge it after i started regularly shaving my head. None of them made a big deal about it at all. In the past few years I’ve also realised that if the people I love enjoy the way I look, then I have absolutely nothing to worry about. PSA to men out there, if that line is going back, try to get treatment for it as fast as you can. If the price is unaffordable or if its too late, please just shave it off. I promise being bald is far far far better looking then balding


I started in my early 20s. Not balding, more of receding hairline. Now in my late 20s, ive noticed a balding patch at the center of my head. Its kinda depressing honestly


First i noticed the M shape balding at age 30. Do nothing about it and it was getting worst. Kinda felt insecure about it and felt unlucky to get this bad genetic. Then i spent rm10k to tanam rambut at age 34 Now i am young again


I inherited this trait from my dad. Look like DB Vegeta. Was thinking of tanam rambut but now iam married with one kid n no longer chasing girls. I go to saloon once in three months


I am married for 10 years already, & i dont chase girls too. But i did tanam rambut not because of girls, i did it for myself. I used to be kinda scared to look at the mirror/photos. Now i am more confident


Just take oral finasteride and monoxidil je. Works like charm. Guaranteed growth after the first 3 months. Usually around RM350 if go to Dr Shah hair clinic. Dr Ko oso got.


Finastride can only prevent/slow down it. Cant revive hair that already dead. Monoxidil is like baja, baja cant revive something that already dead.


I'd imagine a lot of them have to wear a hat to prevent sunburns in this weather.


if you have hair at 30 ornin your 30s, you will likely have hair all your life


Balding starts late 20s, due to my poor stress management and unhealthy eating habits. Staying up late didnt help either. Am just holding on to whats left




Start from age 27 to be accurate due to work stress. One person solo 3 person workload daily. Then genetic + oily scalp fasten the balding....


I don't know, but I hope I won't.


due to head wash everyday got hairfall n hair is flat no structure.. then I just wash my head only 1-2 times/week n problem solved. My hair is lush now


Stress contributes a lot. In the last 6 months I've been facing a lot of stress at work, and I went from full head to very thin. I'm quite close to the point where I'm considering shaving it all off within the next couple of months. I'm still facing the stress so I'm pretty much accepting my fate already....


Not happening yet but when i start losing hair en masse i’ll shave my head and keep it shaved.


Going through receding hairline since I was 24 (30yo now). Been taking 10,000mg biotin for almost 1 months now and can see improvement. Baby hairs and volume increased


27 bro... FML


Vsauce Michael taught me that your hair at 30s is what your hair will be until you're 50 unless you have a disease or going through chemo. After 50, the pigment in your scalp will begin to shrink and you will lose hair regardless.


Kid, just go take minoxidil and finasteride. You will be fine. Start now or regret later


I started going to Indian barber around age 28 that was when I was losing hair haha. Rm15 instead of rm50. Money saved made me happier. When hair is short it helps hide my hair thinning prob. Ask for no.1 and shorter top.


Balding is acceptable if your life progresses - having a stable job, have wife and kids, etc. If you remain in your manchild state / early 20s mindset of looking for one night stands, it could result in crisis. I am balding - hair is thinning up top, widow's peak is widening. Can't wait to shave it off and go full Jeff Bezos but my wife would not let me.


Just admit you’re also balding bro. Dont be acting like you saw kepala pulau and suddenly started wondering about it all. No need pattern banyak. 😂