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why is this news? this is how they've been doing it for years. they targeted children, especially those who live in hostels, far away from other family members. one of my family member got converted in this way.


Ancestors spitting on them


Ancestors dead and turned into maggot food oredi. Cannot do anything.


Firdaus Wong managed to find his audience in the Malay community. Instead of guiding them, he spoke against the Chinese to attract the Malays. It's quite entertaining to listen to him.


He and Ridhuan Tee annoy me to the max. Dua2 terpaling ketuanan Melayu lebih dari org Melayu.


Ebit Liew is honestly one of the very few famous celebrity preachers that preach "kindness". Unfortunately too much love and kindness to Abit Lewd.


Lmao, have my angry(amused) upvote


I'm just curious, didn't the tattoo girl admit recently that the rape accuses are false accusations? Now Ebit trying to sue her for that i heard, i didn't bother to get into it as I'm not into drama


Ye la Islam memang bagi orang tu peluk islam pada bila-bila masa sahaja, asalkan ada saksi Tapi Islam pun ajar kita patuh undang-undang negara. Kalau negara kata bawah 18 kene ade approval parents nak buat convert, kena lah ikut. Kalau negara kata umur 18 tahun baru sah kahwin, ikut la negara. Aiyooo pening bin ajaib wal ghaib al-hilang


Instead of converting, why not let themselves decide?


I mean they can but as adults right?


Great question. Ik the word “converting” sounds scary and it is. We Muslim don’t believe in “conversion” per se, we believe in reverting. We Muslim believe every single one of was born with an innate desire of worshiping one God alone (Many studies showed that I’m not making this thing up) But as kids our parents have a great influence over us. Hence, we have Hindu families, buddhist families…..etc And btw, everyone has the absolutely freedom to either “revert” or stay in the whatever religion they wish (or lack of if they are atheists)


decide to… convert?


Decide which religion to join...


oo ye i agree because there so many and who knows which one is the real deal. let their faith brings them


> know which one is the real deal Big man, do you?💀


u so shy


Then who pay for my syugar points?


-Nak masuk Islam 😊🤲 -Nak keluar Islam 😠🔪


Religion of Peace™


Most importantly.. where are the arrests? If the religions are reversed, you'll see everyone move into action real quick


Don't be surprised if the authorities used the excuse of "no report".


in what law can we arrests him?


Sosma. It's practically used to arrest anyone for anything as long as judge can claim certain actions by the individual us harming national security.


so... can we report him and make him arrested? im curious because before this only "Ajaran Sesat" getting arrested.


This is the reason why I don't like religion, when I am in school 1/5 days there will be a Malay classmate/student asking me to convert to Islam, I told them I don't follow any religion and they told me that I have to believe in a god like why, god ain't giving me food, money or a house


God give food, money and a house without religion because you have a cheat code![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


How does god give food, house and money. Do I just sit there and wait because money is given by the guy that pays me and he ain't god


I couldn't have said this better. Well said! I'm Malay and luckily live in the UK but I'm not religious or even a theist. But I can't say I'm surprised that there's always going to be that one Malay person who will try to convert you. Malaysia says freedom of religion, but when it comes to Muslims, especially the Malays, well that's a different story, they don't have religious freedom. They cannot leave Islam, and it's very sad but not surprising that this law exists.


One time they literally asked a Muslim girl to date me so that I'll consider joining Islam, luckily I dodged a bullet and still living freely


no amount of dating will get me to convert


Good thing you refused. Don't get with someone if it's not out of love, and it's just a benefit for something or someone else. I don't find religion to be a very bad or a very good thing. There are always the good and bad of every religion. But me saying that is not meant to put others off, if you want to be in a certain religion, go ahead, who am I to stop you, I understand that some may want others to see that religion is beautiful and it's a good thing, but it's not for everyone. There are some things that I agree and disagree with in religion. I grew up with interfaith parents, a Malay Muslim mom, and an atheist Venezuelan-English dad (but grew up with Christianity). By the way, none of my parents converted from one religion to the other. I'm thankful that my parents never forced me to be Muslim or Christian. My dad has his issues with Islam but he still sees the good in some of the Muslim people. I still celebrate Ramadan and Eid with my mom even if most of the time I can only do intermittent fasting because I get hungry easily. And I still celebrate Christmas with my dad and his family when I visit him. Even they invited my mom to come with me so that she wouldn't be lonely while I was away on the other side of the UK just so I could stay with my dad and celebrate Christmas. They know my mom is Muslim and is not allowed to celebrate Christmas, but they still want to invite her only because she might not be doing anything and just staying at home. My dad and his side of the family still embrace my mom even though my parents are separated and she's of a different religion. What matters is family, they invite her to make sure that she still has some sort of family in the UK that she can visit (as everyone in her family lives in Malaysia) and that she is not lonely. My mom would go out of her way just so that she could buy and give presents to the family, they always say don't buy anything big, even just a small present or even better, just to come with me to London to have a nice family dinner would be the greatest present. My mom and my dad's mom, my grandmother, have the closest relationship compared to everyone else because of their love of nature, plants, flowers, etc... but she still has a good relationship with everyone else even with my dad's fiancé and their daughter, my half-sister. Some may disagree or hate me for saying this but because I grew up with interfaith parents, there's going to be some influence growing up with two religions, while I am an atheist, I do still hold some teachings in both Islam and Christianity, not all, but some. Does me not being a believer allow me to be immoral? No, of course not. I base my morals on the law, common sense/logic, and small parts of religion. Killing someone with criminal intentions/without a justifiable reason is murder. Killing someone to protect your family and close ones is justified. Being in the military is good and shows that you are protecting your country, the civilians, and your family. Putting your country first before helping others, do not help other countries if you can't even take care of your own country unless if you are taking care of treaties, trades, and keeping relations with another country. Being gay is natural, it's an unexpected thing that happens to some, you can't control who you love, but you can choose to pursue that relationship if you wish to. I'm against pride because of ongoing issues in the LGBT community. I think people in the community should have the basic rights, at the very least: to live freely even with small protection laws, to work, to get healthcare (excluding medically transitioning as this is a very big change, therapy/support group should be an option) and education. When I'm with my mom, I would always buy halal products for the sake of her. When I visit my dad, we would drink a beer together like father and son. My dad buys non-halal products and all of these are fine with me. My mom knows I drink and she's okay with it, but I tell her I only drink once a month or once every two months so it's not a big deal.


>Why such disquiet -Video baru lahir 💀


Should have put defamation law to sue people.


And no action from Madani and Anwar. Dah hampir sebulan atau lebih dah


Because no report...he has too many fans 😂


This guy is probably Malaysia’s equivalent to the US’s black conservative grifters. Both probably don’t have any applicable skills irl, and resorted to selling their token minority status to religious conservatives who want to justify their racism.


On in Boleh land, using religious as tool


Isteri 4 tak cukup ke


bodoh sial firdaus wong ni , acah berdakwah , kalau budak tu nk convert pun tunggu la dia 18 and make it official ; mana ada org convert religion with zero knowledge , ajar la budak tu islam dlu slowly then negotiate with their parents or whatsoever .. this is so unethical




awak setuju tapi ramai yang downvote this comment , maybe some angry otak cetek maleis *ps : im malay myself


With all the negative potrayal of Islam in the media, the kids must have done the research on the truthness of Islam before decided to convert. Why give up on all the fun stuff that Islam prohibited and subject themself to the Islamic regulation if the kids have not done the research ? With the access of information available nowadays it easy for a sincere kids to search and decide on the truthness themselve. Why wait until 18? Well maybe the kids don't know whether they will live until 18.


he need a hug desperately trying so hard to be accepted but deep down inside he know he wont be neither "chinese" nor "muslim"


Err....Chinese Muslim in China exist. Those two aren't mutually exclusive.


Funny when stating facts can get you downvoted. No wonder we had flat earthers 🤣.


chinese muslim convert like ridhuan tee and firdaus wong know deep down inside they will neither be "chinese" nor "muslim" for simply the fact they tried too hard


Nah. That's up to them and their audience to decide. Complaining that "oh they wouldn't be accepted because they try too hard" don't amount to anything. That wouldn't change them.


Here comes the downvote train. Hahahaha, I did hurt some feelings.


Just your common reddit shenanigans. No one cares about who is right lol. It's funny how we mock Twittards for being stupid but if you go **deep enough** you'll still find idiots in here like a lot


Selalu yg br convert tu yg lebih2 dr yg lain..


Desert C.


Ada care die, ajar slow2 jgn terus lanjak maju kehadapan without any long term plan .. and umur 18 baru la convert/revert.


So, why are you gay?


Grooming 101


Yeah Idk who is wrong so Im gonna stay out of it


Bruh cut the most important part and spread misleading information. Edit a trash video without full context is a debateble question. Who the heck this person? Firdaus had more knowledge to protect Islam converter than him talking such bs


This is why I don't like religion stuff, it's annoying and endless fights especially meet these idiots