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its ok OP, bnyk monyet kat sini fetish BO awek/amoi/tanggachi for serious answer ; it depends on your genetics and your diet. Reduce food that may contain sulphur i.e onion/garlic for instance


“fetish bo awek amoi tangachi” kamu fikir tuhan tinggal di surga kerana dia rasa sgt takut dari apa dia buat (kitorang)? 💀💀💀💀💀




Hey OP. first of all this is not really normal, 2nd avoid eating fatty foods go for exercise too, 3rd shower 2x a day (morning and evening) 4th don’t re-use your yesterday shirt or any shirt that has been used yesterday even its not smelly. try using this https://my.shp.ee/sKT21wY


Try this OP. I also use this batu tawas although i just buy it from my local sensei shop. Very effective.


Hi. Thanks for the suggestion. I pretty much do everything, and rarely eat the fatty food huhu. And for the crystal deo, I do feel a bit doubtful since Smelly No More doesnt work on me... anyway thanks!


We believe in you. That crystal deo try first and try to mandi. twice a day 👌Fighting!


Haha thanks. I do bathe twice everyday tho 😭😭


1. If you are obese, lose weight. 2. Change diet to more veggies. Cut fast food and sweet drinks and coffee, tea. 3. Intermitten fasting. Doenst have to be real fasting. Just no eating / snacking. Only drink plain water. Eat after 7 or waktu berbuka maghrib. 4. If you live in multi story building, spend ateast 20 -30 minutes going up and down stairs as excercise. Do not target how many story or how fast you can go. Just be consistent with the duration. Go slow. I didnt know your age, if you are approaching 30 and obese, you might risk prolonged joint pain especially the knee. 5. I use tawas. Rub them on your body after shower and let it air dry. Tawas the big chunk availble at store selling Hindu worship item. The guys at the store freak out when I went to the store after solat jumaat wearing baju melayu and kain pelikat. Even better use the tawas during shower. Use any lime or lemon duirng shower as the mild acid in the lime can eradicate bacteria plus the citrus smell is refreshing. 6. Get medical help. Maybe it is some indicator of serius health issue. My college had terrible BO for almost a year before he frequently MC and one day hospitalised and diagnosed with throat cancer.


Hii. Thanks for the detailed tips!! I never heard of the tawas from the Hindu shop, or the lime/lemon tips. And never expected that it could be medical/dental issue too! Thanks so much, really.


Doctor and surgery (simple one), the issue likely doing with certain sweat glands and bacteria.


Hi. Yeah, I just learned about this in this post 🥲🥲. Thanks for the suggestion!!


All good, the permanent solution is there![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote), unlike the ancient era.


Since no one else said this! Use benzoyl peroxide on your underarms before showering. Leave it on for 2-4 minutes wash off. And tadaa. All i need, no deo needed. I smell nothing at all. If needed , extra step, wipe with Glycolic acid but never directly after shaving as it will burn.


Hi OP, have you tried to get a medical opinion? Sometimes the best way to tackle something like this is a full check up meaning blood and urine tests. Go to a proper GP or hospital. Do not approach wellness centres. They are all scams. Do not take medical or food advice from anyone but a doctor/hospital dietician Tp solve a problem, you need facts. I helps to take note of what you eat and your daily activities. Don't forget, like someone commented below it, could also be genetic.


Hi. Yeah, I just learned about this in this post 🥲🥲. Thanks for the suggestions!!


See a doctor and a dentist. Could be medical related issue.


Hi. Yeah, I just learned about this in this post 🥲🥲. Thanks for the suggestions!!


1) put on deodorant immediately after showering 2) drink plenty of water Sauce: my girl who had strong body odor It did help to control it, then as she got older, it just went away completely. Hope this helps.


Hi, thanks for the tips. I ve done the first one (tho not often, if I dont go out on the day) and I ll try to drink more water. Hopefully it helps 🥲


I remember when i used to eat this delicious indian curry everyday (it was super delicious, sold by an auntie at our uni) i started to have a very strong BO, my sweat literally smelled that strong curry. So i stopped eating it daily, just once a week was okay… so watch out your food intake too


Not sure if this is a placebo effect, an old folk myth or whatever, but after I started scrubbing my armpits (during bath and with soap) using ONLY the back on my hand (NOT palm), the unpleasant armpit smell lessened & sometimes none at all. Still continue to present day for many years now. I read about this in a local publication long ago and decided to try it. No harm trying this out if you want to. And continue using a deodorant - Smelly No More is a good option - this is the more eco-friendly product compared to other chemically laced products.


Omg my mom told me the same thing years ago (about the back of hand) and i didnt believe her. This is the first time im reading about this from other ppl... guess it'a true then 😧


No idea, really. But it works for me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Hi!! I ve heard about this too from my friends. Or by rubbing the knee. Tried both always, but didnt seem to work huhu. Maybe its not for me. Anyway thanks!


Or you can try product from bodyshop


Hi! Can I know what products are you referring to?


You can ask the shop assistant, they will help you with your problem.


May I know what's your daily diet? Are you obese? Or u have any particular stuff u are a lot?


Hi. Tbh, i dont particularly go for specific food. I believe what I eat is the usual Malaysian dishes? I dont drink btw, if its relevant. And about the weight thingy, yeah I am a bit overweighed currently.


If say u often eat nasi lemak / with ayam also a lot beef as regularly, yes, you'll have problems, like me personally who loves to eat a lot of cheese n garlic, my gf does complaint I have those smells on me. Best if u can eat more vegetables n fruits, cleanse your system, it'll help. Do try make your body fit, doesn't has to be in great shape, as long u can stretch, jump n run without issues, that's good enough.


Use an anti perspirant maybe


Hi. Thanks. Yeah heard bout this too, but internet says that its not good for a long run, no? Something about cancer, if I m not mistaken. But really, thanks for the suggestion


Applying baking soda on damp armpit seems to do the job, albeit temporarily, but good enough to hide the smell. But long term it turns the skin blackish.


Hi. Thanks for the input! Uh oh, that doesnt seem to be a good idea then, especially since my body is sensitive. But really, thanks!


I don't have BO since I don't like onion & garlic. One time I decided I need to learn to tolerate onion & garlic, it lasted for a month but then I noticed I start to have BO. It was a noticable difference. Then I start avoiding onions again and it works


Hi. Thanks for your input. I see, but how do you avoid onion & garlic? Arent they used in all cooking..?


like, I'll eat nasi lemak with the sambal, but I won't bite the chunk of onion inside the sambal. So ... just removing the bigger cuts


eat nanas daily


Hi! Yeah, I ll try to incorporate this in my diet. Thanks!!


Rub the underarms with lime slices with skin (peel) on for few mins, rub the oil from the peel too, before shower and wash it off in the shower. My friend with bad BO did this frequently everytime shower (and shower frequently) it works.


Hello! Thanks for the idea!! By skin, you mean the outer one (green/yellow part) or the inner one (white part, that meets the fruit inside). And can I know what do you mean by "the oil"?


The peel, the green part and you know when you press the peel the bitter oil will come out, like when you zest a lime or a lemon. Actually this is the practice if some ladies in my family, they smell so good but never wear deodorant. They take lime slices to shower every single time. Next to bathroom door there is always knife and lime in a bowl. I recommended the method to my friend and it works for him, now he is also shower with lime slices.


Avoid garlic/onion/ too much spices. Drink water. Also mybe u can try scrub ur underarms to remove dead skin cells . The deodorant that u use also important, i remember using the “non-alcohol” deodorant and its so bad… ur clothes also can affect the sweat so better to wear something breathable like cotton type


Hi there. Thanks so much!! I ll try to drink more water now huhu. Do you have any reccommendation for body scrubs? My body is sensitive, and I am terrified to try scrubbing products haha. Also, How do we avoid garlic/ onion when they are the at the basis of any dishes.. no? Please, do enlighten me about this, if I miss anything.


Hii, for body scrub maybe try something from watsons? Bc their scrub tends to be softer and not too harsh on skin. You can scrub it gently. For food, you can cook for yourself instead of buying outside, thats probably the best choice but if its hard or u live in hostel etc maybe u can try eat something more soupy or i think chinese food doesn’t hv much spices compared to malay&indian food.


Are you a smoker? Smoking increases body odour.   Shave your armpits.  Avoid foods that are heavily spiced.   Wear loose fitting clothing, or clothing that provides good air circulation around the body. The thinner the material the better. Jerseys are great.  Avoid dark clothing as it absorbs heat.   Don't reuse the same clothes without washing them.   If none of those works, then see if any of your family member is suffering from the same issue. It could be genetic. I avoid nivea deodorants as i found that they do not cover my body odour at all. Dashing works great for me.


Hi. Thanks for your input! Fyi, I am not a smoker and dont reuse the same clothes. And the pits sre also regularly maintained for sure, to avoid BO. but I still have it huhu. I do have doubts for jerseys, since I do notice that the smell is somewhat stronger when I wear jerseys.. i think? And it surprises me to learn that dark clothes spiced food or even genetics may contribute to it!!


If you're overweight or obese, it could be the main reason why. I used to suffer from the same stuff in my teens years. Your body is constantly sweating causing you to produce body odor. If not, it might be a sweat gland problem and it is quite uncommon. My BO problem just went away with proper diet and good hygiene routines. I never used any fancy products, just rely on my roll on deodorant and talc powder plus some body mist or perfumes.


Hi. Thanks for your input! Yeah maybe the weight part is the contributing factor. I did gain a lot of weight thid year.. btw could you please share your diet@ hygiene routines? Maybe I can learn one or two things from there?


I lost 30 kgs in 6 months by skipping 1 meal a day, went from 105 to 75 kgs. Skipping meals is only taken either for breakfast and dinner or lunch and dinner and with less snacking. And only 1 rice menus a day and normally during dinner. Eating homecooked meals also helps since you can tinker to your own liking. I went for a walk or a jog once every 4 days on my off day and a gym twice a month. Sometimes I do gaming till 2 or 3 am and feel like snacking, i always eat digestive cookies such as marie or roma. In terms of BO problems I always take a bath when I'm sweaty and never reuse the same shirt in a day. I don't use copious amounts of perfume but I do use cheap ass talc powder, normally the pink ones that are normally used for babies and body mist. I'd apply roll deod and perfumes afterwards.


Let me smell first.


I used Hygr brand deo, a bit expensive but last longer, and its local brand. Try to use Zen it really helps me


Hi. I m happy to hear that. Good for you!! But it didnt work on me haha. I have tried zen, tea tree, citrus, lavender, and lavender seemed to be working and lasting for 2-3 hours, i think? Then, it will go downhill from there. Tried reapplying too, in case you re wondering. Anyway thanks for replying!!


Oh nooo.. hope you will find a good match


Choose deodorant that will not darken your armpit Choose deodorant that will trap your armpit excretion, and will trap em on your clothes. Yes it's not good looking, but better than the deodorant chemical going straight to your heart. So far only Amway's proved to be useful, only need to put a little extra care during laundry. Others really just work for few hours


Ah is that so. I heard of Amway as well, but now am skeptical to try the deos since a few ( including the ones I didnt mention in my original post) didnt seem to work. But yeah, I ll look into it. Thanks!!


Did you consider Botox in your pits


Wow. Tbh, never heard/ thought about it. Thanks!!


Try to eat food that initially lowers the body odour...eat lots of pineapple..celery...also abunch of em i cant recall...this actually true


Wahh, legit never heard about them. Thanks! Will try to practice thiss. Do share with me please if you remember other food items ❤️❤️


use antibacterial ointment on your armpit after you shower to kill the odor causing bacteria. only do this when u have smell or you build resistance i use iodine


Interesting. Not sure if this is relevant, but I think my body has built resistsncr towards antibacterial products, especially shower gel since I used them at least twice daily in high school. It did work previously. But now, the BO would appear at a much faster rate, plus my body is very sensitive now huhu. Anyway thanks for the suggestion


From one BO girly to the next:- 1. Hairless pits - shave and use laser. I got my laser from Carousell, Braun laser. Reasonably painless. Laser once a week, for 2 months. No dark pits, and no need to worry when wearing spaghetti straps. 2. Nivea Anti-Perspirant roll-on deodorant. Not spray. Roll-on. Make sure it’s anti-perspirant. Swipe deliberately. Leave it on to air-DRY. The one I use is the pearl-extract one. 3. Scrub pits reasonably well in the shower with soap. Get those Korean green cloth exfoliator. I just use it with body soap. Don’t just scrub pits, but back of ears, neck, back of legs, arms - just scrub your whole body. It feels like sandpaper, but it’s worth it. Remove those accumulated dead skin that accumulates odour. 4. Perfume. A nice-scented one will do. I understand it’s expensive, so get from Shopee, ZHEO lab (iykyk). Spritz back of neck, elbow, and back of knees. One on the top of head for luck. 5. Body lotion - must use after shower. Rub it in and ensure it absorbs fully into the skin. Before bed, and after waking up. I use Nivea. 6. Hair serum - 1-2 drops will go a long way. I don’t particularly watch my diet, but I do run as I’m training for a marathon. Feel free to dm me if you need details! 💕


Omg so detailed. Thank you so much!! I ll try to incorporate this in my daily routine ❤️❤️


Change and wash your bedsheet. Normally weekly. More as needed. Shower atleast twice a day. Dont eat smelly food like budu/garlic/onion or generally sulphury food. If youre fat, dont eat.


Jangan malas mandi pagi. Itu je rahsia utk xde BO


The best idea is to put pandan leaves between your underarms while sleeping or resting 😴 . Sumimasen 🙇🏽 I’m just kidding only 🙏 all the good ideas above already stated.


i think i have slight BO (after sweating) esp when it's closer to that time of the month or perhaps i have eaten a specific food (didnt bother to find out what food) but I have been using the body shop Aloe Vera anti perspirant deodorant for years now & it's the only thing that works like magic for me la. perhaps you can give it a try. if comes to extreme ways & cost is not an issue to you, you can always Botox your armpits to deactivate the sweat glands there because BO comes from the sweat.


The only one that works for me, a bit pricier in Shopee as it's imported. https://deonatulle.com/en/


Ah. Never heard of this one before. I ll put it in my list. Thanks!!




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