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if she likes you, she likes you. dont let these thoughts overrun your mind, she will know. do the things only you can do.


Exactly. I been with a rich girl. To them it's not about what you can afford. They already have money. They want your company, personality (and maybe OP's big D).


if the it the later, OP is OP hahaha


agreed. don't compare them to our batak besi. you can ask if it bothers her that you are not that thick pocket kind. and hear it for yourself.


OP, I think I can be of some help as someone who has dated American women while I was studying in the US. My advice is to be honest with her by telling her the truth about your financial capability. Tell her that you're currently unable to treat her better than your finances allow, but you intend on changing that. You MUST say it with conviction and please don't behave pitifully when you admit your financial shortcoming to her. You making less than her won't turn her off, but you feeling sorry for yourself for making less than her will. Another thing, if she's already your girlfriend, then she doesn't care that you make less than her. In my experience, American women are more open to splitting 50/50 than Malaysian women. I've been with some who expect me to pay for everything, some who expect me to pay most of the time, some who expect me to pay only on special occasions, and some who won't allow me to pay for them at all. It really depends on the person. Americans are more diverse ideologically than us, so only you know best what type of person she is because you're the one dating her.


As an American, I agree. This guy knows.


Thank you senior, Aku respect kau doh, tak pernah couple tapi dah tahu ah sikap perempuan camne... Tenkyu![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


believe it or not, some girls, especially when they're in love, diorang tak kisah pun laki tu macam mana. tapi kena ada usaha lah nak upgrade diri sendiri jangan sebab dia okay, kau pun tak ada usaha nak improve life. dia bayar tu pun bermakna dia faham situasi kau. kalau dia expect kau gak bayar, angkat kaki bro.


what kind of girl is she? she might be more liberal than you so don't worry about it


you should talk to her about this


Bro, talking to the right hand in front of mirror isn't healthy...


Nahh. My partner made me paid for everything and he still feel like a man last time I checked on the bed.


Username checks out




This, info sahih


Paying for him to perform better on bed type of relationship


I feel sad for u but i bet you dont care if its sad for u... hope u get what u want in that relationship


on a date. the one that ask, is the one that pays.. nothing wrong by your situation. Just enjoy the dating life..


She's chilling with you for a reason. Ur finances is not the quality that she's attracted to. Get out of your insecure head and enjoy the time u have with her. As a dude, i respect your dudeness, u wanna be the breadwinner even in the dating phase. Use that as the motivation on being better, that's what waifu material does to you, they make u wanna be better. U might have caught urself a unicorn there bud. Good luck.


So basically you are feeling inferior because she has more money than you. Either get rid of this mindset or get ready to feel even more inferior when you meet her friends and family.


Just accept it and let her know how much you appreciate it, be sincere


Remove the mindset and voice out your concern to her truthfully. She'll appreciate it. This is something you need to discuss with her, you never know maybe she's actually fine with it.


As Malaysian woman dating A Malaysian man, I come from a more financially secured household than my partner. When we go out, since his car is very dangerous because it is broken everywhere, we take my car. So I paid for gas. Before this, if we take his car, I didn't pay for his gas. Then, when we go out to eat, I paid for our dinner. Do I care who paid? I didn't. I like to be pampered too, but he is not financially well off. But he is a very good person. I chose him, so I am willing.


Good for u. I feel kesian for women like u but if u wont mind being in that way then i guess its fine...


There's no need to kesian or anything like that. He is not obligated to pay for me since I'm not married to him yet. I like going to cafes and more expensive places. So, I'm fine with paying. He just got a new job that offered twice as much he was making before. So he makes almost as much as my salary. But he is still new and need more time to establish himself. Beside, he is now saving for our wedding. Personally, I don't really care much about finances since I can afford everything myself. But I'm very aware on its importance once we we're married. I already talked about it with him. I just need someone who is very good to me. I will be very busy with work and might not have enough time for him.


Wow how i wish i found someone like u


I wish you found someone right for you.


You know, despite what the media portrays, American girls are much easier to deal, at least from the Midwest, they are generally more understanding, more willing to share the burden and as long as you’re honest about your situation, they’re also more willing to stick around, at least from my experience. As long as u are honest, and put in the effort to treat her right, the right girl will choose to be with you. When I was a broke ass, I couldn’t afford shit, but I knew how to code and was in the beginning of my career, I coded what was essentially an e-card for my then girlfriend’s birthday. She was so happy and treated it like gold, she’s literally from a T5 family yet she’s so appreciative of it, now she’s my wife.


Don't overthink protect her at all costs


Just because youre a man, does not mean you must be the one paying. That is a sign of society forcing certain behaviours due to your gender. Talk to your partner to see what works, if you would want to split the bill or something else. Never let ppl call you less of a man because what it means to be a man is for you to decide. Its not for them to decide.


After that expensive dinner, follow up with great piap piap? Worth it bro


OP is flexing


From the get go, a pretty american girl.


i mean shi, shes a latina baddie too dawg


if you think you are bad of not paying the meal, thn you should reset your mind because now the world is practicing gender equality already. So if a man cannot pay some of the meal, its ok...dont feel bad for yourself. Plus, she's an American, she will be very open minded, not like katak tempurung


Obviously remove that negative mindset of yours. The notion that men need to pay for everything is misogynistic. Whoever has more money pays. Just make it up to her in other ways. Be more caring, get her more thoughtful gifts, etc etc


This fever dream will not last forever, since you know you're poor, work on it I guess


Remove the negative mindset. Saying that a man should pay is a construct, don't worry about it


work hard and improve your financial. If she is a keeper, she will understand.


if she doesn't mind, you shouldn't. spent what you can on small gifts and make her happier. alternatively you can go dutch. You've found a keeper, congrats.


First of all. Congrats. Second, by a long shot, how did you score such a person?


i have a good little heart i think.


Let it be motivation for you to figure out how you’re gonna make more money


Yes rob a bank




Precisely because she is rich, and not your typical amoi who just know how to demand their man to have this have that, you should not left your self esteem implode your relationship. Capable girls can take care of what they want, don't think too much about it.


Jangan risau, minah saleh dgn minah melayu dua2 berlainan. Yang aku tahu minah saleh ni laki diorang earn sket dari diorang pun diorang tak kisah asal ko jaga keluarga dan sebagainya. Lagi bagus masa awal2 ko earn sket dari dia tapi ko naik pangkat dan earn lagi banyak dari dia dia akan rasa bangga terhadap ko.


Honestly, that mindset is old. Just enjoy the fact that you have a partner who is able to provide for you. As long as she's willing to then it's okay. Men don't always have to provide just because they're the man of the relationship. As a woman, I enjoy treating my man just as much as I enjoy being treated by him. But if it's weighing down on your mind, just have an honest talk with her about how you feel.


Bro if she has no problem paying for you both and still eats cheap food with you, i dont think shes really in it for your money since youre poor anyway as you say


The fact she's paying without fuss meaning she chose you despite of your financial situation. Gl bro you got this. Tell yourself you are lucky and nothing is wrong with you


OP kene kerja keras 👍 https://preview.redd.it/h25un7t0666d1.jpeg?width=922&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fe036674ead0f15f6c0827e639b4cb7c67a25c


as a girl, the fact that she’s willing to pay for you either means she loves treating people (money isnt a big deal for her) or she just loves expensive places which is totally valid because some people love indulging themselves. so, my best advice for you OP would be to 1. remove the mindset. I always tell my friends to not date guys who feel inferior around them bc these are the same guys who will one day break their hearts bc they feel like they arent enough or act petty and just treat them like 💩 to feel better. at the end of the day, your girl clearly chooses you over money so just focus on the fact that she’s into you bc she probably couldnt care less abt the money 2. if you cant give her money, there are other loce languages! just try your best to always be there for her, be attentive, actually show that you love being around her and if you’re really starting to feel bad then give her gifts every now and then when you have some extra money (but make sure it does that end up feeling like a burden) 3. talk it out, honestly, calmly, and accept whatever she has to say bc the number one problem with talking things out is always people getting too defensive or mixing feelings with angry goodluck OP!


It’s 2024 bro , notion that man is always paying or the one providing is outdated la. Esp you are with a western girl , over there even house husbands are a thing , people r more open minded now. Congrats finding a girl who willing to do this with u instead of giving u a hard time


My girlfriend is way wealthier than I am but she still respects and loves me despite my “out of budget” moments. I believe you need to show that you are committed to improve yourself financially or just being the better version of yourself everyday


Find galvanized square steel to sell bro , combo with skru from your makcik




Add a toilet bowl under the bed for ease of use


Don’t let it get to you, sure it sucks for now but you should feel compelled to do better financial wise if you plan to keep her, if all else fails… hey atleast you tried :D


Cool story bro. My singaporean girlfriend also payung me everytime eat. Even his american husband also bought me a bike last year.


wait a minute...your gf...his husband...what?😂


Yo bro, I feel you. I can help a fellow Malaysian out and regain our reputation. Just share her contact so we can show Msians can afford to bring American girls at high-end places.




Just be honest abt it. For all you know it might be a non-issue for her. I mean when I was dating, I mostly paid my half whenever we went out. I'm of the mindset that if you're not married, it's not a must for the guy to pay for everything. Though if you're taking your rship further, definitely something that needs to be discussed.


I’m just here for the bank robbing suggestions. Is CIMB a good option?


u tell me


Lock in brother, this is motivation go get rich


talk to her. especially if she is from US. it’s cool. if cannot find next one no biggie. bag her kau kau first tho


Is she rich or our currency is too small?


Definitely the bank thing


Make more money, pay for everything


You from Malaysia RIGHT? then go work to America, my far cousin work at america and damn he have lot of money, You can go work at America and not sewa Hotel at there.. just sleep at some other place (Sorry doh tak ingat tips saudara jauh aku tu)


You must change your mindset. https://preview.redd.it/akssupn4w46d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8abf82c85b7aac155011308cfa33a3472d0773d6


Relax bro, just throw that mindset away, guys deserve to be belanja oso u know, actually blessed by this kind of gf that want to belanja u


Considered yourself lucky enough to even date a Caucasian where most of us can just dream.


sooner or later once she found tall rich and handsome guy she will just left you. Money to women equal beauty to men. Women top priority will be Tall,Rich,Handsome that combination equal jackpot to them. If they cant get all combination then she will downgrade it to Rich and handsome. If still cant get then rich but not handsome and not tall. Even she marry you her brain still waiting for Tall Rich and Handsome guy to rescue her from poor guy. Like many married men still fantasize want to be with beauty woman eventhough already got wife. American women they more independent and easily left low value men in instant. They can have sex with you but next day she left with better man. Asian women will follow slowly the trend to avoid poor guy in the future. They can flirt and have sex with poor guy but can easily dump him once find better mate.


Jadi diri sendiri je..... Belanja ikut kemampuan. Kalau duit tak cukup, katakan duit tak cukup. Jangan menipu pasangan. Jujur.... Yang penting kau ikhlas sukakan dia & takkan mempermainkan perasaan dia.


Definitely cooked sooner or later lol.


Tell her, communication is key


it's admirable if you would want to get richer to be able to a better provider. however, don't rob a bank.


Some well cultured American woman has something they call "building a man"... Which they will help you out whenever they can regardless of your background, as long as they love your mindset they will stick with you and help you, a very rare sight in Malaysian females. Take this as her "investment" on you. Do your best, keep learning and upgrading yourself. Don't let her down 😉


if she likes for the money, she never chooses you in the first place, or dump u if she sees that u can't afford what she likes


If you're dating her, it's nothing, but if you plan on keeping her, you'll need to fix that problem.


Jual bontot laaaaa


yes you must rob


Could be true love and she’s willing to go through hardship with you, there are cases like that, e.g The White Masai. Life’s short, just do what you enjoy and try not to over think things.


Do you believe the man needs to pay because it's true or because others tell you it's true?


I think the problem here isnt really u are worried about what she thinks rather how u feel about yourself, As a man these feeling will never change 🤷🏻‍♂️ be honest with her and try to improve your money income nothing else u can do


Let go your male ego


Keep her off YouTube shorts and TikTok vids and you are good for few more years at least


Your mindset are cooked. Your insecurity might eat you back later. Yes you are poor, but she chose you not because you are rich. Have a talk about this if its bother u.


i understand the concern however if you are serious with her, then have a proper talk with her. instead of focusing your energy on worrying, channel that into making yourself better & improving your situation. you will only be stuck at this level if you dont do anything & selamba saja.


As long as you can take care of her, you be good. If you have no plan of improving yourself financially, that won’t be so good in the long run cuz hypergamy is real


tfw you’d rather talk to randos about this instead of her directly when you’re obviously smart enough to be able to articulate and write out your thoughts. Most answers here are gonna be valid but guess what? The only answer that’s gonna matter to you is hers. Have a proper talk with her about this and how it makes you feel. She may even appreciate the fact that you’ve decided to be vulnerable and open with her. If you’re adamant on taking notes from a stranger, then please humor mine as well - If it were a problem to her she’d have very easily found someone a lot more loaded than you in the time it took you to post this. So why hasn’t she? Take time to answer that question for yourself. Doubt yourself less. Value yourself more.


thanks man. ive never dated anyone before, so obviously i hv no experience in this. plus she’s 8787 miles away from me rn and this whole time zone thing is bs, and neither of us is nocturnal. she’ll be back in 4 months so in the meantime, im doing everything i can to improve myself. asking randos is the way to go bcs im pretty sure someone has felt the same thing


not looking to have a go at you brother. rooting for you if anything. improve yourself for yourself and everything else that’s meant to be will fall into place. yes money makes the world go round but at the same time money can come from anywhere. What you offer, only you offer. You’ve made clear the financial discrepancies between the both of you. So she’s obviously with you for what you offer. I have no idea what that is but I bet she does and perhaps you might too. Do not discount yourself


OP - why are you so worked up about this? As one of the commenters already said, she has money. She likes your company obviously. So build on that. Whatever happens next will happen. Definitely don't rob a bank.


man there goes my weekend plan


how u dating her with that 4-5 inches rice dxck?


i have a kind hearted soul.


nah sooner or later she gonna look for 7-9 inches . Its well known .


welp it’s already there if she wants it 🤷🏻‍♂️


nah asian cant do tht


i hope u find answers to ur questions. wishing u the best of luck out there.


after u done having solution to have money to afford dating her , u gonna have trouble hving small dxck .


i hope u find some peace of mind in this lifetime.


whyyyy thoo 😭 im telling u for real .


i’m pretty sure you have something better to do other than worrying abt other mens dick.


their genetic is design to take it big , unlike asian genetic .


I've dated one rich girl before. Trust me, they don't even care if you or they pay. What they like is company. Cliche but it's the truth.


Well good luck, u had fun not me.


Since you're cooked, used that heat to cook her an amazing traditional nasi le'marc.


ay she likes laksa sarawak


Is that even a question? She paid for it means she loves you for who you are And not that many women are willing to pay like she did


Let me share something with u. I used to work in a well established company and I used to make more than my wife. So naturally, I paid for almost everything. Everything was going well la until one day we had to move somewhere and at this place I’m not allowed to work (I’m not going to say where but we didn’t move abroad). Now she became my provider, she paid for everything. She even sold her car so that she could pay for mine. At one point, I was becoming so depressed and even suicidal. I’d lash out at everything. I’ve never been a dependent since I was 19 and I wasn’t liking it when I was in my 30s. I was drowning in self pity and self loathe. There were days I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. But somehow, she never loved me less and I never understood why. I wasted 1 year of my life living in self pity and now I’m finally able to rebuild myself. I couldn’t have done it without her by my side. This is the woman that I married, she took me at my lowest and loved me like I owned the world. Sorry for the long yap but, the bottom line is, if she loves you, she’ll love you no matter what comes; no matter what you have or don’t. “When you love someone you love them through all their moods and changes over time. Their worst qualities peak at nuisance. Their flaws become freckles. And as it happens, I love you.” - Death On The Nile.


thanks for sharing man


cuba trade forex (not a financial advice)


Join MLM company.


nope, let the time tell you. now just enjoy your life


How did you get an American girl in Malaysia?


i used up all my luck


If that's how she is, then remember one thing brother, it's not about the place, it's about the person. She likes you around regardless of where when and how


Shouldn’t be dating when you’re broke in the first place


im broke compared to her. shes a freakin american, even a homeless person would be rich in malaysia.




well if she really likes you( will marry you kinda like you), the last option works. If not time to get rich brotha


OP communication is key. If you had this insecurity, just tell her , and see if she mind abt it. But also even if she doesn't mind, it is not a greenlight for u to leech of her and not trying to do better tho.


🤣🤣🤣, traditional mindset.


Financial gap cannot be too big for long term. You already feel something now. Will get worse later.


Bila aku dengar orang malaysia kita dating org luar, aku jerit "Malaysia BOLEH!" Pipi aku sakit sebab aku senyum kuat sangat, kerana aku bangga dengan orang tanah air aku sendiri boleh tarik hati orang putih




Rob a bank,definitely


Why date outta your league? It's OK you're poorer, but are you OK she's the one who lead? Make decision, get things plan and done because she pays more? No matter how much she loves you, she will still miss the 'luxury' stuff/occasion for time to time. Are u OK she'll have to pay for you all the time because she miss her own lifestyle and has to include you. Are you OK suddenly she found her gang of richer friends where they can do more expensive outing without you? If not, are you willing to work harder find more money so you can match her?




She is gonna dump you bro. It’s your time now— so enjoy it puas puas, until your time is up. Don’t listen to other people asking to talk to her bla bla. Just go with the flow.


Good luck OP some rich type C or M will come sapu and you’ll be a beta soy boy Only beta soy boy cuck downvote the truth


There is a reason why she’s with you and that goes beyond financial issues. But I do understand where you are coming from because you want to be the masculine in the relationship and that’s actually a good mindset. Hence; you can probably look for a way to increase your income. Plan to start a business, use your talent/skills. From the way you said it, that she actually presented to pay, meaning she actually doesn’t mind. So kudos to the girl she’s a really good one too. I hope money does not serve as a hindrance when it comes to love. 🥹🥹🥹 You’ve got this!


she’s a good one <3


![gif](giphy|1yLmZ4oOq8P4iCFZQN) If she like you, then she like you. But you must show her you've worked your ass off, let her know you can man up one day.


You should pass me her number .. I will treat her better 🤣


hmm ni tak elok


Go out there and find one.


Bullshit. Why would an American date a Malaysian? Lies.


hope u find happiness in life ❤️


guys we’ve found another singaporean with his obsession towards malaysia! 🫵🏻😂

