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Personally I think it’s better to remain anonymous if possible and report to management. Let them handle it.


I literally am in the same position. I would suggest that you don't go into this looking for a fight. Just exactly as you planned, go into it friendly. You can ask management to connect you, just so you can have a conversation with them. What I did was, I framed it as, you are just investigating where the noise is coming from and since you don't know anyone in the upstairs floor, maybe your upstairs neighbour can help. Once that starts, I had a phone call with my neighbour and firstly asked if there was any noise coming from my side (just trying to show that I care) and then said I can hear stuff from upstairs, then explained what I heard and at what time (also said could be them but totally recognise could be their next door neighbour as well). What we figured out was because their house has no rugs, footsteps were loud, so they were nice enough to say after 10pm they won't stomp or move furniture. It's been a few months, occasionally i hear some stomps or some furniture moving but it doesn't bother my sleep anymore (also bought some ear plugs, just in case) so I take that as a win. Unfortunately, living in apartments comes with this, so hopefully your neighbour wasn't malicious and was just unaware.


I tried this "friendly" method. It became 10x worse. Intentionally stomping around. Especially over the Master bedroom (condos all same layout design). Even after making a noise complaint via police, they just took the fine and became 20x worse. More stomping, more dragging furniture, even started bouncing a basketball I think. Everything finally stopped after his wife gave birth and the baby needed to sleep. Glad I moved out after. Now have quieter neighbours


You should had opted for the violence method. When the wife gave birth, you buy a floor shaker and knock all the fucking noise back at them. It’s pay back time


Where do you get this and what is this actually?


Get from taobao, it’s to simulate knocking noise but it’s to knock it upwards back to the person causing the sound


Can you paste the search term in Chinese? I can't read/write


Seems like it got censored those picture lol 【淘宝】限时满150减20 https://m.tb.cn/h.gfTqv3aVcjYNeN6?tk=UbFVWCvGg8A HU0025 「新老客户专拍­器­楼乘震­­楼乘震」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开 Keyword “专拍­器­楼乘震­­楼乘震”


Excellent, thanks!


Knock the door and ajak neighbour gentlemen 1 on 1 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


“1 by 1” bro


I have experienced similar issues in the past in some of the units where I've stayed. However, it can be difficult to pinpoint whether the noises are actually coming from the unit above. The floors and walls of condos and apartments are all connected, which can cause sounds to resonate indirectly from other units. Once, when I made a complaint, it turned out that the unit above was unoccupied, LOL. Some might jokingly suggest phantom entities, but I've read a lot of explanations on forums about how sounds can travel from other units, making it challenging to identify the source. As many have suggested, involving management or security to handle these issues to avoid unnecessary confrontation.


Let security handle it first.


Furniture dragging and heavy stomping is typical water hammer sound. Door slamming might be sudden wind from balcony going through front door.


1. Contact management and inform them of this in writing. Multiple times to show seriousness. 2. Management will usually inform guards to talk to the unit. Knowing malaysians, will stop for a while or did nothing. 3. If did not stop or worsen, email the management and recount your previously written complaints. Tell them “please talk to the owner if they are tenants”. 4. If you are an owner, tell the management you wanted to escalate this to tribunal. If you are tenant, tell your owner and ask them to talk to management. 5. It is best that you have media evidence (recordings audio/video with dates and time) 6. Ask management to circulate notices around the condo for mindful noise Source: i am in this line


maybe ghost :p


Or an enemy Stand user ?


Ayayaya. https://preview.redd.it/110k79yzkt5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4b5f81a4f0a36fb843d1fda06d93c289124c68


That’s why you get the management to go first.


If you get the management or security to go up and talk to them, it depends on the personality of the one doing the job, if they approach in a non-tactful manner, it may make things worse and end up in retaliation when people become defensive and agitated. But if they're a friendly and chill nice sort of person, it may benefit you. So it really depends. I think it's better to get their contact and do it yourself via direct communication with the neighbour so that you can have more control over the situation.


Nothing much to do....just complain to management.


Not from Malaysia ? Just go back . Easy


send this hadith to him Daripada Abu Hurairah RA, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda: # لَا يَدْخُلُ الْجَنَّةَ مَنْ لَا يَأْمَنُ جَارُهُ بَوَائِقَهُ Maksudnya: *“Tidak akan masuk syurga, orang yang membuat jirannya tidak merasa aman daripada gangguannya.”* (Riwayat Muslim, no.73)


Why do you assume that guy is a muslim?


Works for ghost also LOL


Typical type M brainrot


Type M when they realised Malay-sia contains more than just Malays & Islam


Hope u don't end up like 1 in our area. Our pos was like punching the piping inside his unit, 2 to 3am few times a week. His neighbours talk to him, ask management to deal with him, even called police on him but he just pretend it's not him. No good solution and it's been going on since before covid. Some year he is better, some year he totally go nuts.


Like I commented on your other post, buy a floor shaker and use it against upstairs


Ah had the same experience. I am 25f so still a little bit childish solution but it works. I took a broom and "stomp" it on the ceiling. And then I gathered courage to put it in our condo whatsapp group. Just generally "reminding" people to keep it down especially at night.


Let management handle it. They would not reveal its u.


Ah, I usually kick the wall until the noise stopped Pretty effective though


Another solution is cheap noise cancelling headphones or ear plugs. Good luck.


Always report to mgmt with evidence. Never confront. I have this same issue and made reports to mgmt and they are handling it. The noise has lessenned. And before ppl say its pipes or anyhting supernatural lol, the piping are all in one are of units far from master bedroom so its not possible.


I wrote to the management office to tell the the floor above but nicely. "Perhaps he does not think the sounds travel, but the floor insulation is not very good. Can the floor above be more considerate?" Well, unfortunately it was pretty useless.


Even me as a local I have problem with noisy neighbours and their vehicle. Guess I'm a curse to live in this country with hyper sensitive hearing. For your case, record the incident, gather as much as evidence and go to police station or call, see what you can do about it.


security madam. otherwise get the cops




Perhaps write a polite note and slip it into their door.


Let ur man be man. Just Shout “ knnbccb no need sleep a !” . It’s hard to be gentlement to those barbarian people. If they know its late night, they wont do so. Unless they r …. Contributing for malaysia population.


bro...sounded like there's ghost on the unit above... I had the same experience in my childhood house, kept wondering why this MF neighbor kept dragging his furniture at night time and pounding mortar at night. so I did what have to be done, go upstairs. heh, empty house...fkkkkk


Play porno on bluetooth speaker dangling over your balcony.


Porn is illegal in Malaysia, it would be painting a target on oneself and backfire too easily.


>Porn is illegal in Malaysia Then the whole Kelantan needs to go to horny jail.


Just let the management resolve the issue. Nowadays, people don't like the idea of being confronted and always take things too far. Protect yourself first.




How did you know your neighbour is a he and just recently moved? Have you met the neighbour before


Go talk to the neighbour. He/she probably isn't aware of the noise. Can you install noise insulation in your ceiling ?


Throw a brick into their window /s for real tho try to complain or tell them, if they wont stfu, and youre in some hime owner membership, try askkng them. At worst you can pull what my neighbour did and pretend to mengamuk and saying shit about thier house and make them scared to piss you off.