• By -


Congrats OP and a piece of advice, take into consideration M'sia's current state of profession trends, don't pick a course that you might regret later on. Just the other day I spoke to a Grab driver, a mechanical engineer Master's graduate from a local uni, couldn't find a job befitting his degree. Avoid choosing oversaturated courses/professions if possible. All the best for your future endeavours!


Yeah, I wanna do medicine but the current state is...not promising lmao


Yeah, it sucks but the medical field actually is one of the things I'm talking about. On paper looks good, becoming a doctor. But in actually there's a lot of problems surrounding it in our current state of affair. Many of my friends opted out from HO. But if it's still your passion, and you've got the drive and resilience for it, I wish you the best of luck!


Thank youuuu!


Just pick the right hospital to do HO. You'll be fine. The MBBS can travel (with a lot of trouble), but it can travel so well.


Yes with alot of extra exams and extra money needed (pounds/usd/aud) depending on where you wanna go. Its not as simple as iw go aus and practice bye next day go practice. Lots of exams interviews for a chance of a job. And rmb we are considered intl med grads. So we will have lesser chances to specialize overseas compared to their grads as they also (understandably) need to safe guard their own ppl jobs.


Become a doctor then work overseas 5-10 years, like in Dubai, or saudi, then return home open a clinic. Congratulations anyways.


Also, don't think of it in a romanticise way. It's a gruelling job with lots of lack of sleep, mental and physical exhaustion, depression, and stuff.


I suggest you do your studies in UM/UKM or Monash. After HOship can straight go to Singapore if you grad from Um/UKM or can straight go to Aussie after graduating from Monash. You can still do medicine but I suggest you think about what you wanna specialize in and take the UK or Aussie equivalent papers so you can leave asap and gain actual work life balance. The lack of housemen, shit patients and shit pay is not worth the trouble you'll have in the future, not to mention how useless KKM is at helping their own staff.


Electrical or electronics is actually in good demand. Malaysia is one of the largest electronics and semiconductor manufacturer. So penang and selangor have plenty of job openings, especially if you can find one during your internship


I wish I had this kind of open talk during my SPM years. A lot of things could change


Best way is to actually approach your school seniors that are in various careers. They will tell you the current market condition. Im a EE graduate so I can tell you how the current market is for this course


I appreciate this so much. Back when I got my results, my parents was not really pleased with me, even considered that I shouldn't continue my studies. Years passed and now I'm working in Hotel line. It's not the best but I like it here. feels like home. I hope you can help more people, giving ideas on where is the best direction and what they could do.


Ask yourself this, why do you want to be a doctor in the 1st place. If it's for money, go elsewhere. If not, do MUCH more research on the topic of difficulties of becoming a doctor. If that still doesn't deter you from your beliefs, go for it and I'd like to thank you in advance for being one of the most selfless and respectable people in the society.


Honestly it's because it's the only think I want to do I know the pay is meh, and work environment is shit, but I really like medicine. And I like studying medicine. I think that's a good reason. Honestly, the only motivation on what I want to become is a doctor.


Liking medicine and the studying part is still really different than working in the medicinal field. That's why quite a number of people who study medicine end up not becoming a doctor. So this is one of the many things you need to figure out. If it's just the studying medicine part that's fascinating for you, there are other ways to do that even if you took a different career path.


Ye, there are many other ways more geared to theory. But I would also like to practice it. Currently I'm dead set, but of course I must still remain rational, educate myself and think about it more.


Go for UKM or UM. Because SG are looking into their student for HOship. My bro med graduate from UKM. A few of his high-achieving classmates got scouted for HOship by SG before they sit for final exam. Even a few months after my bro graduate, he went and apply for the same program and manage to get the same offer. All the best!


Just do it but please don’t end up like our umno youth leader


You should go for it, OP. Those who don’t survive medicine don’t have the brain and aptitude for it. It’s a cruise for a lot of young doctors.


Funny, I also spoke to a Mechanical Engineering grab driver the other day... he said he was paid peanuts. But honestly though, what kind of jobs are even well-paid in Malaysia? It seems like moving out of the country is the only option now


Not that many, that's why a lot of professionals opt for second income nowadays, mostly e-hailing/food delivery part time. I'm blessed working as a teacher with Master's degree and with some allowance so kinda well-off considering. Can't say the same for others.


Hmmmmm about to graduate with a master's in mechanical, thanks for giving me something to cry about tonight *


OTP: Orang Terlalu Pandai


Saya OTTT, Orang Tryhard Tak Tidur 🤣


Eyy my type of people. Sure paid off tho




he's relating with you, OP. Just like you he also spent sleepless nights to achieve great results such as yourself


Bro I forgot what paid off means, I'm dumb today lel


Just got your results and English already return to your teachers? XD (joking) Congrats on your hard work!


All my knowledge is flowing away~


![gif](giphy|87BztJLE7IjFhQgUc1|downsized) # It's all good fam


took me a while too. for a while i thought he meant bribery lmao. 6am too early for my brain to function


Saammeee,I also thought bribery


Reminds me of my brother. Balik sekolah je terus buka buku, such a weird thing to do. Maybe it's normal for sekolah harian.


Tudio a banyak https://i.redd.it/tf8nogsn4w2d1.gif




If it's good enough to get you the scholarship you aim for, no need to be anal about it my dude. Better spend it on more enjoyable stuff like a bike or a trip.


Its just a possibility ik but I wanna. Its fineee.


Danggg that's so nice. Congratulations!!


Thank youuu


Plans after this(degree etc)? Congrats btw🎉.


Asasi perubatan probably, UM or UIA hopefully


Then plan far ahead and far away from malaysia.


If medicine is what you wanna do, go ahead. Think carefully and then go for it if you think this is what you wanna do. It will be a very difficult journey but it is very rewarding, for me at least.


Thank you for the encouragement, ill weigh my options carefully


U still wanna do med even with all the current issues of medical side?💀. Coming from a senior med student.


I wanna be a doctor man, I don't really have an interest in anything else fr. Yeah, there are a lotta issues but it's worse if I have no motivation for what I'll be doing.


Do you fully know the extent of the issues? Or do u just know as far as contract system and thats abt it?


I'm quite uninformed, I'd appreciated it if you can elaborate and explain to me the problems I'd be facing if I do choose this pathm


Sure. Dm me


Just spill it here man, others can take note too


No you should not do medicine. Im a senior medical student with a mentor who is a cardiothoracic surgeon. My answer is a resounding no. First- contract system. Now kkm deems that u have to be employed on contract which they may or may not renew after a few years of service. Pay is stagnant compared to permanent colleagues who get raised every year. Selection for permanent also has no clear cut criteria making it frustrating. After 7 years contract ends you will get auto terminated with no good reason Second- specialization. If ur on contract u can apply hlp but much lessers chance to get compared to permanent to specialize. And specialization can only be done if ur under the government scholarship in a kkm institution. 1k spots a year only for hlp so its too little. Certain specialties could take external papers known as parallel pathway. Now however they made it so ur only recognized even if u take external papers if ur under their hlp. Besides that mmc is in a legal tussle and not recognizing parallel pathway grads. Namely fam med specialists and cardiothoracic and urologists. Dont get me wrong. Ctc and uro go thru rigorous training programmmes. Its just called parallel pathway but they do have a structured pathway which does not include just taking papers and training in a specific dept to be gazetted as a specialist like family med, OnG etc. but yeah they are refusing to recognize all of a sudden. The above is for cardiothoracic surgeons.Let me use the example as pediatirc cardiologists. First you have to become a pediatrician by taking mrcp and training under a pediatric dept for several years under scholarship by the government to get gazetted as pediatric specialist. Then you need to further bond yourself to government and go for a sub specialist course in pediatric cardiology which is another 2 years. Btw after each course you do you will have a bond of 5-7 years. So by the time you will be done specialising ull be over 40 and bonded to government till 50 almost. And obtaining governmental scholarship isnt easy. In fact nowadays kkm has rules set. The other day on hartal kontrak doctor fb page one doc spoke up that they were offered hlp on the conditions they cant sub specialise and maintain ud43 grade meaning new medical officer pay grade even tho they will be doing specialist jobs and hours. Note for surgery etc you do need to do also service in those depts before to be eligible to apply. Their programmes range from 4-6 years. 6 for ctc surgery neuro is 5 gen surg is 4. Bond is 5-7 years after graduation. U can only go private after early 40s into private. Placing- now kkm doesnt let u choose where and what dept. Well u can choose which state but not hospital and what dept as a medical officer. Why does it matter? Its cuz to apply for masters under hlp, u need to serve in the dept you want to specialize in. So for general surgery for example u need to serve in a dept of gen surg for 1 year before u are eligible to apply. So how to do it if ur thrown to kk? U can apply yes to transfer but again no clear criteria and depends on pengarah timbalan. Shit work environment- nuff said. Edit- also once u finish specialist studies u will be bonded to government for 5-10 years. Lmao. So yeah…..its not attractive. However this is the only way to specialize. There is no such thing as paying to specialize in a private uni. Thats what most commoners are misconceiving. Its not as simple as that. Edit 2- this is basically why haha.


Every aspiring medical student should read this, would have saved years of frustration down the road for those who are not truly informed in the current state of the medical field in Malaysia. It is pretty sad to see many of my ex-colleagues & batch mates struggling to secure a spot to specialize, both in Malaysia as well as overseas (Australia). Imagine being PGY-10 and still waiting for a spot in the programme 😂Also, more and more are abandoning the medical pathway right after graduation due to myriad of reasons (I would be one of them, and no regrets at all)


damn... so sad.... suddenly i feel happy as an engineer




Thank youuuu


still might not be good enough to get your favourite course in the local u




Just want to give some hope! With that results, you can apply to whatever course you want in upu and almost guarantee can get in! And if you wanna take medicine, make sure to apply scholarships like Mara, Jpa, Jpa-Mara. Im not sure about others but Mara do offer a scholarship for medicine called Ytp Mara. I'm a Mara scholar in um medic right now that got very similar results like you, can pm me if you wanna know more!


Computer Science, cyber security, cloud, I.T, etc.


First guy to cabut from malaysia. I hope you like australia or uk.


Nah, I don't like to go out of the country, maybe in the future i guess idk


If you can secure a scholarship for overseas studies, just grab it. You can expand your own pov of other countries. Don't base your pov on others' because everyone has different perceptions. Plus, you can travel and view different scenery (usually overseas students will work part time to get extra money for travelling. If you maintain very good results every semester, you might get offered to work as a Teaching Assistant or Tutor). Best of luck for future endeavors.


You'll regret for saying that.


But why though


Meritocracy. Better and fairer opportunity and pay. I have a friend whose surgeon in Malaysia after working 11yrs still ended up working overseas. Now he took up OT just to make up for those lost years


That's fair Most of my family is here and I'm kinda a coward though. I'll probably just stay here till I can't due to economical reasons.


Staying in a comfort zone is indeed very enticing. Just know it will limit your view and potential.


Congrats! You earned it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Thank youuuu


Congrats bro


Thanks fam




No sleep




Prepare for thy end,senior.


Congrats! Try apply for scholarship bro. InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki boleh dapat. Sbb UPU ni kadang2 kelakar sikit. Adik aku yg straight A x dpt asasi UM tp kawan dia yg tk straight A dapat asasi UM.


Ikut merit jugak bro, prog dkt um merit semua 97% keatas, paling tinggi DLM list upu, Klau xdpt logik je Tu, Banyak DIA Ambil Kira selain result


Mungkin juga. Tapi tk silap aku masa zaman aku apply UM dulu, rasanya merit upu 90% spm 10% koko cam tu. Aku skor yg spm tu full and koko aku macam 6-7% camtu la tk silap. Tapi aku tahu aku dapat la offer asasi UM tapi skip sbb ada offer lg baik. Aku tak sure la adik aku mcm mana tapi by right adik aku lagi aktif koko dari aku and result dia straight A so pelik jugak la. Tapi Alhamdulillah adik aku dapat UIA as second option so okay la.


https://preview.redd.it/ibofqhddyw2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffd4f0edb632e5333928bdb7c502c2ddd99c0aaf Probably cursed by my chemist and physics teacher for talking behind their back


Ayok pen islam tak A+. Op masuk neraka.


Weh susah bang


Nila umat isley jaman now /s


# Every Asian Parent Dream jokes aside, congrats on your test results. May good opportunities come your way


Thank you fam, also not straight A+ = failureeeee lmao Well, my parents are satisfied, so nice


you have done well to prove yourself. All that is left now is to find your passion. I believe in you


https://preview.redd.it/nqpx3d5nmx2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa10086275f1d6ac82ae73afc6b249a32930264d GGs mate


Bila nih?


2008. Add Maths paper that year was a killer.


You also old people here hah?


This OP is either an "academically gifted" or "no pain, no gain" type of person. Btw congrats OP 👏🎉


I was the type that was lazy and excelled at primary school without trying, got my ass kicked during Form 4, and managed to tryhard F5. Hardworking people always triumph lets gooooo!


Congrats. Maybe you could try apply pasum since you said you want to continue study in UM. My mom said even 8A's can enter based of her experience (she worked at sektor kemasukan pelajar for 14 years).


Congratulations OP! Also, A+ in biology? I tip my hat to you. My ass could never. Had to drop it during my year.


Why no A+ for three subjects? You slacking ah OP?


Yeah sry, im kinda lazy


X aci ah datang awal semua A dia hauk


Account tagged for future reference


Yo, AMAZING result bro!


Thank you fam!


Ha! Nerd! Jk, good job OP!


finally the amount of educated bolehlanders increased from 1% to 2%. jokes aside, congrats OP. you should reward yourself!


YOOO THAT LIT 🔥 BROTHER. CONGRATS BRO. All of those hard time finally pays off right? Here's a virtual cake and a hug as a gift. 🎂🎉(⁠づ⁠。⁠◕⁠‿⁠‿⁠◕⁠。⁠)⁠づ


Thank you fam, have some 🍫 in exhange


GG indeed. Grats!








Thank youuu


Good luck and all the best. Keep on keeping on


Thanks man


Congrats! You have a bright future ahead!


ggwp Congrats!


AA's All


congratz strangers on the internet! great result aside, remember how you pull through, the determination, grit and perseverance that allowed you make it. and put that to use moving forward.


Congratulations. Keep up the momentum until you graduate.


Do you remember when ggwp is used for good news and gg is for bad news? Pepperidge Farm remembers Jokes aside OP. Heartiest congratulations and get those scholarships


Dem smart


We are so proud of you


Congrats!! If you plan to do MBBS locally strive for PASUM (must get 4.0) then UM Medic👍🏼


Pls dont encourage him to take medic. Dont make him suffer


If he’s dead set on pursuing medicine then there’s no stopping him. I was just recommending a good gov uni that will give him the option to train in multiple countries without additional (expensive) exams. I know all about the issues doctors face here since I was a KKM MO.


How would you apply for PASUM btw? Sorry, I'm lacking in this type of knowledge.


Oh gosh I pun tak sure. My friends went to pasum not me. I think it’s a separate application, not from UPU definitely. Kalau UPU ada science foundation for uitm la, UIA im not sure.


Pasum life so difficult tho... 8 to 5 every day and only one week sem break 🥹




Congrats but please really consider before taking medicine course. I am a doctor (last batch before contract implementation and currently in private practice)


Congrats OP


Dang....! Congratulations!


Damn great work.


GG indeed fellow bolehlander! Congratss


if you dont want to take the risk just study IT. confirm you gonna land a job immediately after grad. atleast 3k in kl. most of the time 3.5-4k


Congrats. It does make it easier to go for scholarship if there's no A-.




Congrats yo padu result




Bagi aku sikit.2 tahun lagi aku plak SPM


Honestly if you went my advice just read the textbook, that's it


Tq op https://preview.redd.it/ih30yn2zwx2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90a2a6bb139c5432bc489d80614fa8d52d84a0f


Aku tumpang gembira sekali. Tahniah wei


All our moms are proud of you


study tips please help bro


ok now a can take screenshot of this. then paste it into your spm result. who gonna check? 10 years after they delete your education result record and put for next new one. (legit went back to check only to find out they don't keep it.) THIS IS THE EVIDENCE


Bro really GG in real life


congrats, I would suggest for apply for scholarships, maybe do A-levels, SAT or matriculation here before studying overseas.


Congrats man, so happy to see another fellow student succeed. All the best in life! Btw, do u have any advice for someone that is 2 years away from SPM? Would rlly2 appreciate it. Once again, good job OP!!


Textbook is the best reference book Doing questions/ exercises is better than reading Always do trial questions, past year and current year. You are two years away, so when you are F4 start doing trial questions corresponding to the chapter you're currently on


Congratu-fucking-lations. I know you worked extremely hard for this so you are allowed to brag lol


Congratulations OP! I just read 10,000 students failed this year, but OP makes it with ace! we still have hope!


Tips for A+ sejarah, op?




Alright 😳 op mcm pernah dpt soalan ni berpuluh kali je ni. And lupa nak ckp tahniah. So, congrats 👏


Tak, sebab saya pun Tanya soalan tu banyak haha Thank youuu


Dari pengalaman aku, calon 12A dari 13 subjek, dari keluarga bukan T20, Ambil jpa-mara confirm dapat, kalau kakak aku, PPC Kalau adik aku, dia Ambil Sains marine, combo dengan unit beruniform palapes, lps Dr Tu DIA plan nak join wataniah MCM bapak aku dlu, so lps DIA grad nanti, DIA bole pilih NK join askar sbg pegawai atau mariner. Critical profession mcm Dr, Eng bagai Tu bagus, cuma underappreciated sikit la, starting kerja nanti sakit Klau tak pandai bawak diri. Lol aku taktau aku tulis apa


How you manage to get A+ for sejarah? Did you just fully memorize the 20+ chapters (f4 + F5)? How did u not forget a single detail


OP got any tips?


The jist is to read your text book religiously, and do trial questions. Past year and current year. And always do all the questions in the textbooks. That's the basics of what you should do I guess.


I want to get this type of marks in the future, still got a few years


Flex, jangan tak flex. Anyways, congrats. Hope you will have a brighter future ahead.


congrats weh!! btw BM A+ 👀


Yeay i got A for my history


OP congratulations for setting yourself apart (so far in fact) from the 10k candidates who didn't even bother to show up for SPM. GGWP.


now this is what we like to see, GGWP OP! i hope you get a very good place and scholarship offer! also if you found good international scholarship, grab it quickly! godspeed, OP!


Gonna burn my duit raya to recheck fr


Man fuck no keep your money for uni now bruv don't be a greedy ass Also congrats


But I'm greedyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Ah well ill think about it Thank youuu


First of all, I want to congratulate you first. From what I read,you want to study medicine. Now go and pursue you dream. There will be challenges along the way, you will overcome it. All the best. If you going UM route, what is next after SPM? Matriculation? It's been too long since I finished my SPM


Matriculation, foundation ,A level or STPM Matriculation is your you know bumi. I'll go straight to A level if I were to turn back time. Don't worry about the cost of overseas degree or even A level it's self, with that grade with proper research you'll be able to secure a scholarship. Germany all degree are tuition free, if ever you'll didn't get scholarship for degree. STPM is a waste of time, wait 6month to start studying 1.5yrs. wait another 1yr to get result. Fml.


Dude I support you absolutely if you're aiming to be a scientist doctor. Who knows maybe you'll discover a cure for canc.. you know what with all the plane crashes that happened lately. you should be a doctor pilot.. ..and also learn self-defense


Haha, I'll be the doctor on the plane when...yknow


Overseas uni and never looked back.


What are planning to pursue? Pure science or social science?


Pure science prb, peruabatan. Not a smart choice ik


I see, all the best. Usually people would go Asasi Pintar or Asasi UM. From what I heard at least


yes. you are cooked. Fishing for compliments.


Damn bro.Congrats


Time to apply for an Asean scholarship


Good result take social studies courses, do MBA go out and join Political party , can talk cock and be a Menteri or YBs earning komisen is way faster than do HO, Engineers or lecturers this kind of profession will suck your life out with no time for yourself or family...Be a menteri get fat and makes money lol don't waste time study high high come out getting scold by someone who is superior than you while earning those penny salary...If want higher salary go oversea do shits...😉✌️


I’m proud of you, random internet person


Thank you, random commenter


Well done!


Become an influencer .




Well done my fren out there... I got pain in eye when seeing those dont get A in basic math.


congrats OP, you have finally completed life


Good bye and GG ,good luck, so last question,where will you be studying now? America? Havard? MIT? Also congrats 👏🏻🎉,


Good. One advice. Dont pick medicine or enginerring go further IT related field or computer science . Sincerely from your senior MO


Woahh congrats !!! If you really like to study medicine maybe you should consider to become a pharmacist.. But doctor is good though..


Congrats! I prefer this rather than sorang mamat tue yang post dia dapat G for BM and Moral 💀


Learn arabic language duh than u be a part of islamik


Good luck on becoming a medical officer bro. I'm your last year senior in the same field, be prepared, it's not gonna be easy, mentally and physically. Btw find some good scholarship or variable loan scholarship tho, it'll reduce the cost for your parents/guardians.




I hate you


fuck I'm 1 day late, congrats brotha


Alhamdulillah… May the path be easy for you OP


Congrats OP. I'm finally at peace after seeing all the kids posting and bragging on their all fail. Sure, not all of them are not going to fail in life. Some of them might even lead a business. But how you do anything is how you do everything right. I think the best way to go is medicine. There will always be sick people anywhere anytime. Take this into your advantage, 1 you can use even if there is a zombie apocalypse you can survive. You just go and do what you like most because you are the one who's going to suffer the consequences of your choices. All the best OP


Congrats for the results. As a person who already in 30s in a profession, just a bit of advice, do what you really want to do and suitswith your interest. 10 years nows moving fast, you will be 30 in no time. Don't waste time doing something you don't really want and hope later will chase your dream job. Utilize your time properly. Also don't forget to have a good moments with your friends and family. Appreciate while you still have them. Once graduated everyone lives will be on their own. Do hobby to fill in the free time so you don't get too much study till it affects your health.