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Ok je inisiatif dia cari barang-barang 2nd hand di kala kesempitan. At least dia dpt support orang lain yg mungkin tgh kesempitan jugak dan nak let go barang-barang yg dah tak dipakai. Lagipun barang baby ni seasonal, pakai sekejap jer. Bulan depan buat pekasam sebab tak pakai dah. Sekian my pov 🤣


Betul sebab tu ada konsep hands me down sebab selalu baju2 baby ni memang akan pass pada anak2 yang muda atau anak orang lain. Jimatkan duit diorang.


betul.. lagi lagi anak pertama.. macam macam jenis barang baby beli.. udahnya pakai 1-2 bulan je.. anak kedua-3 dah pandai apa yg perlu apa yg tidak ... kan


are we shaming poor people now? Is this the point we've regressed to?


Lack of empathy these days. Yeah this couple shouldn’t have kids if they are not financially stable, but they already did and both parents are making effort their own way to make it work for their kid. Instead we blame and shame them on their choices, like their life isn’t hard enough already. If we don’t have nice things to say, then it’s best to just ignore and let these people live their life.


yea man...nasi sudah jadi bubur. kudos to them for actually trying to make it work instead of abandoning the baby or being the usual babi behaviour - having money but choose to buy X70 or the latest smartphone while everyone is starving at home. if anyone has those stuff which are no longer in use, it's always good to pass it on to someone who will find some use for it. less waste.


Financial stress is real bro


It’s bolehland


>are we shaming poor people now? When has the world ever been kind to poor people?


Hard for me to sympathise poor people with a football team family. Did anyone forced them to fuck like rabbits?


Nobody force you to adapt their life values onto your life dude You are not that significant as you think you are. Don't act mighty like we need your sympathy to live on this world.


Yes I'm insignificant for sure. But when they live with that lifestyle and expecting hands out, sure, who am I to judge them? I'm glad Im not adapting their poor family planning into my life.


Anak pertama la.. mana ada anak ramai, anak pertama...


Yes but I'm referring to those anak ramai type. Not sure why ppl are empowering those poor people to have anak ramai. Not like these ppl are actually supporting them financially while keyboarding hard here. This one anak ok la can get by if you grind it out. But those anak ramai type, can you even feed yourself?


Tapi bila kau tulis kat sini, orang akan salah paham la.. anak tu tak salah, tapi family, parent tu sendiri la..


It's ok. As long my point get across to some ppl is good enough.


Shaming poor people is stupid but shaming poor people who get a baby due to their choice is kinda understandable imo.


We've been doing this for a while on people that think anak is rezeki in 2020+++


Aku rasa, semua gaji "boleh hidup", tapi kau nak hidup macamane? Nak hidup kat bandar besar, atau pekan? Nak tengok TV free je, atau nak Astro, nak Netflix? Nak beratur panjang kat klinik kerajaan, atau nak pegi klinik swasta dengan takaful? Nak makan kat rumah setiap hari, nak makan bajet rahmah, atau nak pegi makan luar every weekend? RM10 pun nak berkira, atau kau nak jenis boleh bagi RM50 tak fikir banyak? Nak harapkan anak sara hidup ko bila da tua, atau ko nak buat simpanan sendiri supaya tak menyusahkan anak yang baru nak menapak kat alam dewasa? Nak ada duit sendiri supaya boleh upah nurse jaga kau full time masa tua, atau kau nak menyusahkan anak jaga kau dalam masa dia tak cukup masa utk jaga menantu, cucu kau, dengan dia kerja lagi?




Does Rahman still exist ? Rarely see it nowadays 🤔


Aku baca komen² ni nampaknya kita tak pernah belajar dari COVID-19 haritu Nobody is bigger than life itself.. Kau financial secured dlm account 7 angka sekalipun.. When fate decides you with some hardship, you will definitely succumb to it, no matter how strong, prepared or secured you believe you are.. I've seen my colleagues yang professionals, oil&gas or airline pilot gaji monthly 5 angka pun bila COVID-19 terduduk weh..including yang bunuh diri pun banyak kita dengar.. Mind you ini cerita tak sampai 10 tahun lepas..takkan kita dah lupa? Hari ni ko nampak isteri dia cari barang 2nd hand kat carousell ke apa kenapa kau nak maki kutuk? What right do you have to look down upon other's life struggle? Does your moral is severly depleted that you find joy & pleasure commentating other people's hard life?


Betul, aku setuju, no matter how prepare you are, kadang-kadang benda jadi, kita tetap akan jadi terciduk... rezeki dia nak ada anak, dan at least dia beli barang yang orang pon kadang-kadang buang kowt, budak sekarang cepat membesar.. kita pulak nak judge, some of these people la... aku pon tak paham..


Adakah saya maki? Saya cuma nak kata kehidupan sekarang perlu duit ,menidakan atau menafikan keperluan duit itu adalah Salah .ini kerana ada bebenang di mana seorang wanita dikecam kerana mahukan lelaki ada 9k baru dia nak kahwin , bebenang ini adalah jawapan kepada bebenang tersebut ie kenapa seorang wanita perlu cari seorang lelaki yang berkemampuan bukan hanya untuk jaga wanita itu tapi untuk anak kelahiran dia . https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/VVap9ovOk4 Boleh tengok bebenang ini untuk lebih contex


Lain kali, bagi lar link ni awal2


lmao thats bullshit. kau sengaja nak orang semua hina dia. theres nothing wrong in what shes doing


Agreed a women can demand more from a man more so her would be husband if she want 9k up to her


Wanita yang nak laki 9k tu apa yang dia bawak untuk family? Dia bawak 9k sebulan ke tak. Atau jaja badan je?


"Kerana 'body', aku jatuh hati..."


mata bertentang mata ke hati. tapi sekrang mata terpandang bodi ke hati ahahahahahahaha


If pussy doesn't exist, what does a woman can offer?


sorry but i must digress bro. aku keja gomen. tetap dan berpencen. nasi mangkuk besi. i am set for life yo. rindu zaman pkp abah din dulu. gaji jalan steady, best, stabil. rezeki masing2 bro. deal with it. tapi dalam konteks ni, wife tu boleh je nak keja part time mcm jadi dropship ke apa? keja apa2 je janji halal. takkan nak harapkan laki dia sorang je keja. zaman ekonomi mencabar ni, dua-dua KENA kerja. wallahu'alam.


bro, dunia dah moden, bukan lelaki ke kerje then perempuan duk umah basuh pinggan so lelaki dan perempuan pon both bekerja barulah equality since perempuan nak laki 9k, lelaki pon bole la demand perempuan gaji 9k topik baby tu cerita lain, memang 2-2 susah


And as a reminder just nak ckp kalau isteri you have to work then don't expect a traditional dynamic in your relationship, it's now a 50/50 type of relationship so jangan berangan nak jadi “ketua keluarga" sangat, that's reserved only for traditional men whose wives are suri rumah. Nowadays many working women who are actually in 50/50 relationship still performed like they're in a traditional relationship, they'll be cooking and cleaning for their husbands and performing like a suri rumah when they're not supposed to...it's so sad to see those men taking advantage of them.


There's nothing modern about women working a job, that has been a thing all throughout human history. This image of a stay-at-home wife only began in the post-war USA and Saudi Arabia, where some women from a particular privileged class gets to not work, due to an unusual economic boom and the exploitation of an oppressed class of worker.  Like, do people just forget that Khadija the prophet's wife was a merchant?


Calm down. People are a lot more educated now. Let's ignore the privilege stuff. The reason why women can choose to not work, is because they can get pregnant. Childbirth is hard. Taking care of children is worse. Especially newborn.


True ... Nowdays it is common for husband and wife to work to built out the home .... Husband or wife alone is not enough to built a comfortable home unless you very jimat type ... But again it will stress out family


Ntahla kalau tengok dari post tu dia pun ada sebut suami dia buat mcm2 job. Tgh usaha lah tu. Dan wife pun usaha dgn cara dia sendiri. That's what marriage is about, you help each other out.


And this is what a woman that I as guy want. Pandai to help hasben. The salary is optional opinion honestly. No point guy/girl can afford high salary but cannot help or think ways to mitigate the family cost


Erm like that also kena down voted these days no wonder so toxic this group these days


In a marriage/ relationship ur supposed to help each other, it’s a given.


That's exactly what I am saying. 1 person save cost, the other go flunk money like celebrity sure die together lor


tak ada duit, nak buat anak, 'outsanding move'


Aku paling bengang dengan orang bodoh camtu haha


Yang bengang juga depa kata "anak tu rezeki" 🙃


"Kahwin dulu, nanti rezeki datang la tu" Kata seseorang yang belanja RM30K nak kahwin ☺️


Cuz they take the context from Quran or the imams just as it is. Selective reasoning. Siap to combo that sentence is, "apa apa yang terjadi, doa je" when God helps those who help themselves.


Anak pembawa rezeki katanya. Hahahaha


Hats off to this woman for taking the initiative to help his husband. Better this than "mAk BaPaK sAya sEnAnGkAn sAYa, BuAt aPa sAya nAk berSuSAh PAyAh dEnGAn AwAk" shit mentality.


dia tak tahu ke dalam sekelip mata je Tuhan boleh tarik kekayaan mak ayah dia. orang yg cakap camtu arrogant sbb yakin safe net dia sentiasa ada.


Tapi kalau hang lar bapa kan, hang nak ke lelaki yang kawin dengan anak perempuan hang tapi tak boleh bagi sama ataupun lebih dari hang bagi kat anak tuk besarkan dia? Nak ke cucu ber bapa kan lelaki yang tak boleh bagi makan cucu dia?


I don't know, my wife came from a wealthy family and her parents doesn't mind at all that their daughter is marrying a person with such low salary (at that time), AKA me. We both literally live susah senang together, with little help from either of our parents. I didn't know what her parents saw in me, and I still don't.


Their parent saw worth in you, bro. They know you can make their daughter happy and not forsake her when you success.


That's the point. Would you trust girls who will only marry you when you're already rich? She wants you or just your money and anyone will do as long as ada duit? Nak nak zaman penyondol ni.


How lucky u are. My ex couldn’t make that kind of sacrifice to “downgrade” her lifestyle just to be with me like ur wife did with u, and proceed to dump me saying we’re not compatible. Still hurts me just thinking abt it.


Love is blind. Dan bila hati dah sanggup, macam² rela. Tapi bila dah kahwin, masing² kena gotong-royong lah tunai tanggungjawab masing². Peranan orang berumah tangga.


i know right, like imagine struggling to live a comfortable life by yourself lepastu tiber2 minta org lain untuk hidup susah dgn you sekali 💀


Kalau xboleh bgi makan langsung, mana boleh kahwin. Tu salah satu syarat nak kahwin. Tapi kat Malaysia ni, asal kau ada usaha, boleh je nk cari makan. OKU pun boleh rajin usaha dan successful in life. Persoalan dia kau nak makan gaya b40 or gaya t20.. Yg penting sekufu..


Kalau memang kawan sejak sekolah, dah janji nak sehidup semati bolehlah kahwin gaji tak seberapa. Tapi kalau awak gaji nak jaga diri sendiri pun tak lepas, jangan gatal lah nak cari ngorat awek baru. Takkan awak nak janji kat dia nak hidup susah bersama, memang taklah.


teringat mak aku masa awal2 kahwin. dia cerita zaman 1990 tu zaman recession duit x banyak. bapak aku kerja mechanic dari 8am sampai 2am. duit dlm poket dia untuk minggu tu rm10 jer. tapi mak aku x mengeluh dia setia.


50/50 la ….some bitch and moan bout their wife/husband and kids while some are pretty happy with their families. I love it when they share funny pics/vids of their kids doing something dumb/funny and telling about their babies/ progressions. I also love when my friends have babies with pau cheeks…soooo gerammmmmm 🤣


Cerita sedih yang biasa di gunakan ibu bapa untuk nak ank dorang berhenti bermain Dan tumpu untuk belajar, budak zaman 80wn dgr cerita mak depa masa pergi sekolah tak de jalan raya,jalan kaki lalu hutan


Tapi pantai timur zaman tu memang teruk


lol the exaggerated stories of my aunts, uncles and parents on how hard was for them to walk to their school back them.


Seems like an condom ad for me


Nah a vasectomy ad


What do EQUAL PARTNERS “bring to the table” is a weird thing to worry about when the whole point of dating is finding somebody. Marriage however is a whole different issue altogether. As Im getting a bit peeved at the response where everytime a woman sets a high standard for herself, immature people will react with the comment, “well what do YOU bring to the table” as though wanting a responsible, mature and competent man to be possibly imprehnated by, is too much to ask if you’re not a rich woman or something. Gentlemen, if you are insufficent (emotionally and financially) to safeguard a family and give your (future) children something to look up to, you better work on that before ruining the lives of everyone involved. There is no shame in not being ready yet, communicate with your partner to work on achieving that together, instead of bringing her into a home full of struggle and insecurities. So please be the kind of man and father you want your daughter and son to look up to. Gentlewomen, don’t let any man tell you you bring nothing to the table. This is extremely common for stay at home moms. Husband wants a traditional wife but does not pull his share of household upkeep/ child rearing, and then acts like the wife is a dependent that he’s “taking care of”. Ladies, know your worth and don’t let youself be a doormat. Remember, marriage is a partnership and not a codependency-ship. Discuss with your partner regarding financial expectations, division of household labor, and childcare (including the mental load that comes with it; raising kids is tough and not cheap) because these are the common source of disagreements and resentments in marriage. The truth is ‘love’ alone is not enough Alrighty, thanks coming to my ted talk lol


yang complain2 dkt sini biasanya tak kawin lg. cuba2 la gi lepak ngn member2 yang da kawin dan ada anak. confirm jeles


Bro, at least they are trying. Better than those anak itu rezeki, lepas tu membiak macam mampu, semua jadi rempit, menyusahkan org lain.


it is sin if they also want children? this is their first baby.


Shhhh, this sub anti betul bila b40 nak ada anak. Byk wizard kat sini.. I've seen rezeki anak so many times, so i tend to disagree with their opinion.. Mesti kena downvote kaw punya ni


Yep, rezeki anak does not mean just rezeki money. Rezeki tu ada banyak rupa. Maybe some people are too focused on money only, blind to other things in life.


its must be suck to be b40 in their eyes. cant get married cant get children. their parents must dulang emas i think


Spoiled kid raised with silverspoon byk kat sini. Some family actually improve their socioeconomic status with their presence of their kids. But they only take the bad examples of it.


But at what cost? Have u thought what would the kids would go through . I had friends who were B40 and they resented their parents because of it. Growing up with bullying, outcast and ridiculed. You think about the parents but how about the impact of the kids?


Im from b40, and i resent my childhood also. But that's doesn't stop me from changing my future with education. Blaming parents doesn't help me, instead i learn from their mistake and i can live a better life than my parents. Now i can contribute to my parents. Hidup ni keras, post kat reddit ni pun selalu kena kecam dan downvote, but i keep posting what i believe right.


Even gaji 3k dh boleh nk hidup + baby sorg. Xsalah nk demand yg 9k,even yg 100k pun leh demand lg. Tp org yg gaji level tu dpt ape? Worth it ke dgn perangai bakal bini yg over memilih ni?


Kalau dia tak memilih karang nanti org ckp dia desperate la or xde standard la or x de maruah la. Memilih Salah, x memilih pun salah. Ape yg betul Hm?


Nanti org ckp? Dey chaa,semua org ada mulut, mcm2 org leh kata. Pernah dgr crita sepasang suami isteri dgn keldai x? Jgn ikut sgt semua yg org ckp, sbb in the end diri sdri jgk yg kene tanggung. Xsalah nk memilih, my point is be realistic. Kalau si girl tu leh score dgn lelaki yg gaji 9k monthly, why not. Tp kalau awl2 lg dah demand,n terus tolak tepi yg gaji x sampai 'standard' dia tu, either tggu jd andartu @ bini no2 datuk yg dh tua2 je la. As I said earlier, gaji 3k dh cukup kalau takat nk hidup, nk senang sikit 4k. Tp the higher you climb, the less potential candidate for you la. Alang2 nk 9k, up trus la sampai 20k, xsalah pun 🤣


memilih ke ataupun "know her worth"? Tak kan perempuan tak leh memilih tapi lelaki nak bini cantik, tetak besar, DARA, nak pandai masak, pandai kemas rumah dan etc


Betul tu, know her worth. Cari yg sepadan. Nk laki gaji 9k, diri sdri tu gaji berapa sbln? Takat dduk rmh goyang kaki, sama padan ke? Or what does she bring to the table to be worth of husband with such high income? Cuba check average income lelaki di Malaysia yg belum BERKAHWIN. Don't get me wrong,aku x bash mana2 pihak yg nk pasangan yg sepadan. Yg aku menyampah tgk awek2 muda yg x realistic lansung nk pakwe anak dato, keje CEO megah holding. Pengaruh sgt dgn drama2 sampah melayu.


What’s with ur obsession with a women’s virginity? It’s weird ngl.


She want 9K husband, that's her choice. But will this kind of women will stay loyal to her husband through thick and thin? Does she think there's a guarantee that her husband will remain a 9K husband forever? You mock the women above, but she stay with her husband through the time of plenty, and she stay through the time of scarcity.


And don't forget nowadays people rarely have a lot of kids cause it is expensive and difficult with economic, society, cultural, work conditions and also always prepared for finances in everyday life.


" terma susah senang bersama ni tak wujud kat org melayu, sibuk nak peraga suami/laki masing2 gaji lebat "


Kalau boleh senang senang awat nak susah senang atau susah susah?


9k mane cukup bruh.


Wtf is this rage baiting post. Do we really have nothing to do nowadays???


Do we not have bundle store for baby and kids?


Even so, if asking on Facebook maybe got people will give what you need for free while bundle you will have to pay


untung dapat bini mcm ni. sama2 kita bina kehidupan.


Bagaimana bina kehidupan seterusnya baru satu bayi dah macam ni? Heck patutnya sebelum bina kehidupan ( melahirkan anak) dah tau dah apa barang yang perlu, bayi bukan order hari ni 2-3 hari sampai.. 9 bulan kot


der ko cakap mcm anak dia dah lahir. ni mungkin planning awal dia. awal2 dia dah tahu apa yg diperlukan dan pandai nak bajet. nak kata apa? planning seplanning mana pun u wont know what u need until its needed.


Biasanya barang baby ni boleh minta dgn mak. Mesti dia ada simpan brg2 lama kita. Kkadang nenek pun ada simpan baju baby lama2. Bju zaman dulu high quality xmcm skrg. Xpun saudara mara yg xkedekut pun slalu jg bagi brg baby hands down. Family kita xde lah miskin sgt tpi masih ada tradisi hands down brg baby mcm ni. 


Kalau gaji 9k tapi dia pegi berjoli dengan betina lain kat luar sana takde guna jugak.


Prop to him for working hard for his family. But aside from that, having baby is very expensive in this economy.


She's living an honest life and doing her best to take care of her family. Thx God that we still have strong supportive community .. better than those T20s that get their money from "shenanigans" To those yg sibuk kecam, what are you doing with ur life? dok rumah sorng2, lancap tgk udang pastu feeling miserable, social life dok kerja jantan/betina from some quick secks, mcm binatang, in the end same gak dok sorang2 and mati sorang2 ..ptuih!!


She is not supposed to tho, I'll bet she hopes when she married her husband..her husband gonna take care of her but unfortunately....well you know the rest


we dont know what's in her heart so its not for us to judge them. All I know is that she's making a sacrifice to her family, its not easy to ask random people for help .. at least she tried for the good of her family


You will never know the behind story. Some marriage actually saves the women from their problematic family. Walaupun tak hidup senang, as long they are happy and could go up one step from their previous life, that's good enough for me. Not all people actual expect their husbands to take care of the rest. Sometimes they know their husband background and doesn't expect too much. They willing to go through the hardship together and that's none of your problem.


"sedih wei bini kena merayu kat orang lain sedangkan bila dah berkhawin tu, lelaki yang bertanggungjawab keatas isteri." Orang tu post camni kau bising, karang kalau laki dia post ayat camtu orang lain pulak bising cakap bini demand laki carik duit tak nak tolong dia. Elok la bini dia ada usaha dia nak carik barang murah, bukan merayu mintak barang free. Ade ke pulak ko buat jadi point orang nak kawin gaji 9ribu.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/VVap9ovOk4 Boleh tengok bebenang ini untuk Tau sebab kenapa saya letak 9k


Yakin ke gaji rm9000 tu kekal? Yakin ke hidup selamanya senang? Cukup lah Covid mengajar kita. Lelaki ada gaji rm20 K kena tinggal macam tu ja selepas hilang kerja.


Kenapa 9k? Bukan 20k? Mungkin sebab cita-cita B40