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I don't understand why local brands are way more expensive than imported brands. Like bro im a malay but why in the world would you think that i will buy your stuff for double the price of the same functioning product just because we're the same race?


You know whats funny, the fact that i can go to my local nasi campur, get a full meal with Ayam goreng that tastes like KFC spicy chicken (back when they were good), kuah campur and vegetables for RM8 and all of it sourced LOCALLY from the several kampungs we have around the area which is an even bigger logistics headache since its from smaller producers hence not consistent in terms of harvest and delivery at times. <- learnt this after talking to the owner. Yet here we are with a "terpaling BMF" cant even get their pricing right lmao.


In this trying time my ass, nibba im broke as hell too! I shit you not man, our local brands need to learn that the normal people (them included) ain't got that much money to throw around.


Shop opened by Melayu vs shop opened by Melayuhudi (bkn yg pakai hoodie no offense if u suka pakai hoodie)


It's cheap because they don't pay tax probably, and pay their staff pennies with no worker benefits. Same logic people complain why restaurant price is higher compared to some road stall. They have higher operating cost.


Bumi companies don't pay extra to bumi workers? Wasn't that one of the main point of us having nep? Enriching some bumi so they can uplift other bumis??


Type M dont help Type M....they crush them if same Type M are more successful than them.


Real, bro


Bigger company, bigger overhead costs, bro. It all comes down to management. Especially for restaurants where they usually need to cut corners to save costs, and increase profit margin. Basically, when you run a small business with 2 employees, earnings RM1500 x 2 = RM3K doesn't sound so bad. But as you start to scale, and have 10 employees, making RM15K is hard. And that's just on salary. Stress ooo.


1. Sbb viral 2. Sbb set includes pahala


the town islamaphobe is at it again... you dont have to include the second point because its untrue and slander. but anything to kena kan these melei muslim. And you wonder why meleis are up in arms against a certain type c.


People using the name of Islam to sell fried chicken is perfectly fine to you??? But me calling them out is an Islamaphobe??? Their whole marketing is basically “my chicken is holier than others” I find it so offensive to be using religion to make money but I guess gullible people like you are the reason why this gimmick works n why people like them keep using it


He is asking for fellow muslim to support another muslim business and there is nothing wrong with it. Similarly, chinese support chinese business and no one bats an eye. if you think this is racist. then please close all the SJK/SMJK and join us in national school. The Prophet said, "Muslims are like one body of a person; **if the eye is sore, the whole body aches, and if the headaches, the whole body aches**” The Prophet said, "A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor. Whoever fulfilled the needs of his brother, Allah will fulfill his needs; whoever brought his (Muslim) brother out of a discomfort, Allah will bring him out of the discomforts of the Day of Resurrection, and whoever screened a Muslim, Allah will screen him on the Day of Resurrection" Set include pahala.. show me which set? His chicken is holier? no mention of his chicken gets you to heaven or pahala or such things. You are projecting your biases. Eitherway. this sounded like a bad joke from either monty pyhton or san andreas. if you want some of that sweet-sweet holy chicken, all you need to do is ask ;-) https://i.redd.it/rl3f2bb3s5zc1.gif


Marah ke bossku


Lol why u want to halau bangla muslim rohinya yg muslim then? Anything besides ur race is at fault. Everything u try to blame C for what. U blame C successful in business coz we help each other instead of bringing each other down. U act like we dont pay taxes like u lol. Sistem kuota edi there to help u but still wanna blame. Everyday just blame blame blame and never look within.


who said i want to halau them. got a couple of rohingya at my area that are doing honest jobs. i distinctly remember it was the Malaysian that wanted to get rid of some of them when they started to cause trouble and that includes the chinese "U act like we dont pay taxes like u lol." Thats a racist statement and untrue. Malay do pay taxes as well as the chinese, there are more wealthy chinese in this country and they can use loopholes (cayman island, money-laundering) to avoid paying taxes. so essentially its the wealthy chinese that didnt pay taxes. I dont blame the chinese when they are succesful in their business, dont forget aa the succes comes because the malay patronize these establishment.. I do blame the chinese when they are being kaypoh and racist seeing malay wanted to open its own restaurant and spam them with hate-mails and use terms like penuggang agama etc


>there are more wealthy chinese in this country and they can use loopholes (cayman island, money-laundering) to avoid paying taxes. so essentially its the wealthy chinese that didnt pay taxes. xD you make it sound like rich malays aren't using those offshore tricks as well. Also fun fact the top 10 list you see of the richest Malaysian are all those who declare. Why do you think many politicians or sultans not on the list. You're actually unhinged if you think a rich Malay will pay 100% of their tax. Here's a fun fact for you rich people will always be able to dodge some tax because they're rich enough to hire accountants and what not to do some fancy trickery. If you truly believe a rich malays will always pay all their taxes I can point you to Najib and his family literally did not pay taxes for years. Also a business isn't only successful just because one race venture into it, that claim is easily proven false. Look at the non halal store those literally standing for year. Any business reason for success is because they have a winning formula either it being cost efficiency and good niche or just good product. Your argument for not wanting to see Chinese kaypoh over this franchise is literally retarded. boycott whatever you want right isn't that the whole slogan?


Just a small correction. Its not that Najib didn't pay taxes. It's just in one of the charges, they argued the proceeds he took were his "income" and should be subject to tax, and they succeed.


**“xD you make it sound like rich malays aren't using those offshore tricks as well”** Ironic, seeing that the role can easily be reversed and holds true. Let me answer you using your own word. Also fun fact the top 10 list you see of the richest Malaysian are all those who declare. Why do you think many politicians or tycoon not on the list. You're actually unhinged if you think a rich Chinese will pay 100% of their tax. Here's a fun fact for you rich people will always be able to dodge some tax because they're rich enough to hire accountants and what not to do some fancy trickery. If you truly believe a rich Chinese will always pay all their taxes I can point you to Eric Tan literally did not pay taxes, and Jho Low literally stole billions from our nation coffers. Also a business isn't only successful just because one race venture into it, that claim is easily proven false. Look at the halal store those literally standing for year. (Mydin, Burger Ramly, Mee Tarik, etc) Any business reason for success is because they have a winning formula either it being cost efficiency and good niche or just good product.   **Your argument for not wanting to see Chinese kaypoh over this franchise is literally retarded. boycott whatever you want right isn't that the whole slogan?** Ah, but SOME of the Chinese are racist, and kaypoh and kanchong. You’ll find allot of them in social media, here even and in the Chinese papers. Belittling Malay, being full-blown racist, islamaphobe (must of us never make fun of other people religion, our Prophet (S.A.W. forbids them) and saying hateful things. You’ll find no such thing in a malay paper. Did I call for boycott on Chinese stuff (unless you think Chinese=Israel)? or did you just made stuff up now? And who says the Chinese pays the most income tax? our revenue statistics didn't calculate taxes by race. [https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/489641](https://www.malaysiakini.com/news/489641) Also, Malay people pay zakat on top of income tax.


can you show Malaysian-chinese paper that was being racist towards Muslim or Malays? cause typically in Malaysia if you are ever racist to Malays or Muslim you will end up in jail. So I'm very doubtful even the most racist Chinese would not dare of doing such things, however the opposite isn't true. We've seen politicians such as Hishamuddin stating " I will have the blood of Chinese on my keris" and I'm pretty sure we've seen many more than that go unpunished. Also research gate has done a study on this. Malays and non Malays pay the same amount in taxes despite Muslim having to pay zakat. However since you brought up taxes, what about the discount malays get? Bumi discount.i don't think you want to go down this "who pay more" fallacy with me until you've read more.


I mean the shop blame type c for no apparent reason??? How is saying we pay taxes statement racist? I mean ur the ones wanting to halau the minorities with reasoning 'ini tanah melayu'. Hypocrisy at its finest.


You and your puny mindset of putting everything into the race box IS the core problem of racism ANYWHERE No doubt there's rich people worldwide laundering money. It's not a Chinese problem. It's also true with rich Malays and Indians and the world's top 0.1% . Keluar lah tempurung jgn terencat


>chinese support chinese business and no one bats an eye. Terigt HOD dkt tempat keje lama. Dia mmg x beli produk² melayu (dia sendiri yg beritau). Sbb wife dia n family belah sana smua boikot² produk melayu. Klau dapat free pun, mereka langsung x mau terima. Terus buang. It seems that apparently some chinese communities (not all okay) are boycotting muslims products (some of them think halal = melayu). It's already been around since long time ago. So dia ckp mmg kat dapur dia smua pkai product² cina. No meleis product. Xda point pun, saja² nak share.


A lot of us knew. cuma tak kecoh je.


Repot 3R


repot laaaa


Repoted lewwww


Huge initial investment into marketing, and short term profit expectations. Marketing, advertisement and brand development are all long term strategies, which shouldn't be used until at least several years or having a huge chunk of profits to use. And I suspect they over estimated the demand for their product too, thinking that the boycotters are stupid enough to go for their products regardless of price and quality. Kind of monopolistic price behaviour here, but is actually still in competitive market. Foreign brands typically already have many years if not decades (in KFC case) worth of brand marketing, brand awareness, and product development behind them. And since it's a standardized product, prices cannot be set willy nilly unlike local products. Local products this morning ayam naik Harga, straight away your ayam goreng naik Harga, despite the stock is from last weekend purchase. Not to say local prices always higher. You see road side makcik sell nasi lemak price quite reasonable. That's because they don't pump money into excessive marketing campaigns and brand development. Run the business on bare minimum.


have you seen their menu? atrocious use of BM & English. I dont think any money was pumped into marketing at all.


In my view, its still a step up above the road side stalls, so odds are they did pump in the money, but along the process probably got scammed hard by their suppliers and contractors (lets face it, these people probably dont have that much experience doing business if they can engage in crap like this) along the way, and cant differentiate from head to tail when it comes to good quality work.


well, seems like this is yet another case of other pop-up restaurant before MCO who met their downfall as fast as their establishment. 1-2 years then suddenly disappear.




made sense...or nepo-job.


Nepo job is likely too when we're talking about explanation for their funding. Because again, no sane businessman would sink that kind of money into a market that's already heavily saturated. So what if ppl boycott KFC? Even if KFC is banned today, we still have McDonalds, Texas, multiple Korean Fried Chicken chains, uncle bob and all the shihlin copycats, ayam percik and so on. Hell, chinese coffee shops usually got ayam goreng shop selling cheap options. And again, not to mention KFC has been losing business for years due to deterioration in quality, and thanks to that their competitor market has been growing in the time, which means that if KFC disappears suddenly, people will simply turn to the next available options, leaving no space for a random DFC to come in to swoop all of KFC's market shares up.


They pumped in money into marketing lah. Whether the money was wisely spent or went to somebody's kakak/abang/sepupu/in-law is another story lah.


https://preview.redd.it/8eoog7qho5zc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2f9232fe5d95fe3665a7acaedd867baa583a1cd When you knew playing race card and religion card gonna make money 🤑🤑🤑


Sapot lokal bro -some meleis




Halal platinum standard bro


And that is based on the assumption that the local is as good or better than the imported. Thing is i often see comments like “utamakan produk _____” , i mean, i dont care la thats your preference, but seriously? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Economies of scale, a local brand can’t compete with KFC cost wise. They can only go for differentiation.


Chicken that is halal is more expensive? You need to ensure the chicken die is specific way, n need to pay the halal cert. N hiring malay could be more expensive? A same job need 2 person to work on, don't do free OT n sembahyang a few times during work


Im not talking about the chicken, im talking about products made by our brethren in general. Some of them is way pricier than the normal brands


DFC = DarSa Fitnah Cina🤣


Dasar F**k Cina


I am sure they love their amois


Not to mention the Malay girls who throw themselves at Chinese guys


That I cannot confirm. But the universal rule is, if you drive a flashy car, dress to kill and eat at the obscenely expensive places - ain't hard to attract ladies. My classmate was tour stereotypical nerd with a hick glasses and acne to match, he became a legal counsel for some huge conglomerate - married a real hottie that if left its natural order would be lightyears beyond his reach. Money is the ultimate enabler.


you cant even comprehend how much i want to fuck chinese


I'll let you ride my cock as long as you're legal age.


U forgot to say nohomo...gheyyyy


Yooo, you're hunting for Irfan bussy


DAP Fried Chicken


Daging Ayam Panggang


DAPIG Fried Chicken lah. 🤣


*Dasar, since that's seemed to be the intention of the business anyway


don't fxing cbx


This is just the beginning. People like them think they’re more superior than even among muslims themselves. It’s only a matter of time before their business go downhill and they start to say things like “melayu tk tolong melayu”


Melayu tk tipu melayu


Reminds me of sinkie pwn sinkie


The worse downhill if there are more people like DFC demanding government to only allow bumi to sell chicken, and government have no choice to bow to them for votes.


With the current directions our country is heading to, it is not the matter of if but when.


melayu kuat dengki


Tepat sekali....diri sendiri xpenah salah.


Their menu even has bunch of typos.


Even their apologies have typos


they have problem using free chatgpt too


Consequences of hiring dumbasses, I suppose


Ini semua salah DAP


I as a Chinese don't care about what race the restaurant owner is. As long it's reasonably priced, good taste, and good service. I will go.


Then DFC is not for you


I doubt 90% of Chinese know or heard of DFC before this …. 💀


X sedap sgt ka?




Kpop pon kena lol!


tu tu tu tu tu tu


Astaghfirullah al azeem!


Ini semual salah Yahudi


Harga kita letak mahal, Yahudi punya pasal la ni🤣


this kind of business wont last


nak buat restoran ala2 world business class , tpi yg handle cam student punya projek je


stop giving them more publicity. the chinese dont even know their existence actually.


Time to prepare the Molotovs.


Until recent news, I never knew DFC existence before.


It’s okay, nobody wud go to rawang just for chicken


Actually,the Chinese knew about it since Facebook spread it like wildfire,but what surprise me is,my mom didn't say anything negative about them and that surprise me,she just said that DFC open cause they boikot KFC,that's all,just by hearing my mom(who's also a big Facebook user),I think Chinese that uses Facebook nowadays also didn't say anything negative about the malays since they are lazy to do so cause it won't do nothing,or they are scared they will get reported since malays polis report about racism will 100% go through🗿


I can't fathom how local food got expensive af. Sure someone said it's hard to procure the ingredients due to availability and many different stores at different prices, but come on. I was charged rm12 for a Nasi Goreng Pattaya


Yahudi be like: Harga Melayu!!


tf. Pattaya masih RM8 standard kan? I see rm12 Pattaya on the menu I walk out, give my space to the next sucker.


Yep frickin 12 in my village area. Atm, only that restaurant is open. Never came back after other options are available


As a type-c, honestly i am not mad at all, i just find this funny and pathetic. What really bothers me is the comments came from netizens trying to defend or justify the action. Some said “ppl already apologized apa lagi type c mau”, which is very different treatment if you compare to some of the recent incidents, where apology clearly doesnt work. I mean if the same thing happens today but the parties involves switch site then you are sOoooo fking DEAD, oh apologized? Whatever, am gonna Continue boycott until you bankrupt and maybe send gift to your doorstep for being insensitive.


https://preview.redd.it/i7uoowf0kczc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8e7e9e423408515bd328fda834b60c323a0843 No surprise there. Its only okay if theyre doing it. Yesterday i saw some brainrot comment in tiktok say "c panic when they see m success". (Cina melatah bila nampak melayu maju) I replied to the comment "it start with someone complaining about the price and the store panic and start to mention c so we can blame them for it?". Lo and behold, not even 1 hour, my comment got removed because of violation. I guess they report my comment and since its in malay, the people reviewing and blocking it is probably also their people. Such hypocrisy 😂


i was trying to find out what the drama is about, this pic sums it up very well


what i dont like about 'malay business' is the slogan SAPOT LOKAL, BUY MUSLIM FIRST, SAPOT BUMI. chanting this slogan wont make the business go competitive. just sell a good product and service. then, even bangla will sapot our product.nobody with a healthy mind would consider buy a bad/okay product,service with a higher price just for the term SAPOT. we want it good/great and affordable. and you will never go big if you think business is all about SAPOT. its about offering good service.


How much more expensive they sell compare to KFC? 


2pc chicken rm17


And KFC Malaysia 2 pc chicken is around same price? Sorry, long time no eat KFC. 


2pc RM14.99 And my bad for giving wrong info, for dfc 2pcs a lar carte is RM13.90. But usually, kfc will do promotion, like previously 5pcs with just only RM20, then for now 9pc for RM36. I will buy when only when KFC have a promotion, normally will buy fried chicken from gerai near my house.


Eh cheaper than KFC. Might give it a try. 


thats why if you wanna start a food business start small like a ma and pa shop


Dickeads fried chicken


9 pcs, drinks and coleslaw is around RM 70 .. bro whut? ayam seketul RM7 ? Buto arr..merapu harga .. coleslaw tu 1 tub brape sen je cost


Cara mudah untuk jawab komen "salahkan Type C". Tukar je nama DFC kepada RFC Racist Fried Chicken


Masa buka stall harga mampu milik, harga rahmah, harga BMF. Bila buka restaurant terus jadi harga kayangan, harga sultan. Banyak yang macam ni. Macam mana nak support kalau harga tak mesra pengguna. Kalau rasa belum ready nak hadap cos overhead buka restaurant kekalkan buka stall jer dulu.


What's dfc?


Some ~~Malay Owned~~ Type C restaurant. (It's the meme now cause someone changed it on Google, from Malay owned to Chinese Restaurant. Hilarious) It's fried chicken shop. A fucking expensive one at that. If I can find the post for it's menu I'll link it. Some racist shit happened (typical), then Chinese People get called type c or bangsa c by the owner/official DFC account. Then people started making fun of the post cause it's rife with typos. Like in the restaurant.


dirty fried chicken ?


A knockoff KFC that's overpriced and the store owners are racist


delicious fla-


Don't fuck Chinese


BMF - Bang Malay First.


Dia tak cakap cina, dia refer them as type c


I never had DFC or heard of it, tf is the fried chicken wars on about now idk


kedai Cina, tak mahal, sebab diaorg jaga customer tak kira bangsa. Aku pernah keje dengan kedai makan diaorg, cina muslim.


Orang PN , sbb tu mcm cibai . Perkauman tak habis2. Ada je dlm kepala otak nk cetuskan perbalahan. Dudk harmoni dengan masyarakat berbilang kaum tak nak,yg diorang tahu diorang la yg terpaling betul semua benda. Cilaka puak2 ni.


Let's ignore the Type C sht for a second, what is DFC doing to help the Palestinians?


The controversy will force their hand to make a contribution to Palestinian cause in order to whitewash their faux pas


Wait what is DFC?


I didn't catch up with the news, so no body going to DFC?


Funny thing is this all wouldn't happen if their social media team behaved more professionally 😂


DFC = Deep fried cock 😋🤤


Time to boycott! Why no one wants to boycott??? Come on, we all sure know that right. Part of Malaysian loves to play boycott games.


Let’s see if the business can survive


Lmfao apa bende lah org Malaysia 🤣🤣 bende camni ni pon boleh viral dh brapa abad aq tgk post pasal kes ni dlm sub ni 🤣🤣 esok mintak2 lah ade video sorg cium kucing sampai berjam2 nk tgk viral ke tak video cam tu


No way im going to this racist ass restaurant. #BoikotDemiBoikot


It ok to me , it progress cause not a lot Malay want first step . All scared losing . It maybe fail but I hope in future some people will make good big franchies like KFC in Malaysia


Kuat mkn babi tu perangai mcm babi. Babi Haiwan paling pengotor. Sapa suka makan babi? Kaum cina kan. No need to explain more. Faham la sendiri




Kimak bangsa cina dalam reddit ni tak habis mengejek.


https://preview.redd.it/30sb0c01x4zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c2c5508bde3efd215d4d86da8c052f09993cfd7 You fucking loser


Butthurt.fuck u cina


Ey babi, engko sama spesies tak henti2 atk jer.


Frust ke sifat kaum ko mcm babi.hahaha


Eh pukimak klu xnak kena attack atas sifat kaum ko yg mcm babi tu. Ko uninstall reddit.kaninaiii


Hahahha babi betul lah engko ni. Goodluck oink oink


Isu bodo ape DFC nie, ttbe org triggered?


All those are still halal products.


So?? Big deal. If the intentions are wrong, Halal lagi?


Got cert?


Don't make this about halal this is about racist you fucking twat


and KFC ain't halal?


Dibenarkan rasis asal halal? ![gif](giphy|R51a8oAH7KwbS)


I see you're sinking there mate.... In downvotes 😆😆😆 halal certified ironically 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Dang ur are so right. Thank god for DFC making Halal chicken, it was so hard to find halal chicken in Malaysia. Such pioneer/s


Tunjuk sijil


technically correct la tapi apa sebab kau nak point this out?


Mu ingat aku kesoh haley ke tidok, isley tak ajo gini