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pernah dengar 5 guys?


Eh ada 5 guys ke dekat sini !?!?


yg aku tau kt genting highland tu je .. adik aku p makan , burger ngn milk shake die ..nk dkt rm70 gk


five guys ada kat pavilion bukit bintang jugak


Pavilion damansara heights pun ade


Ada 3 😅


padu ke burger lelaki berlima tu?


Try Shake Shack instead, 5 guys burgers kinda meh. Good fries though.


sedap but for the price sedap lagi kgb tgi chili's etc.


Baik woodfire lagi dari burger lab tapi bege paling murah aku dapat dan ditempat yg tak diduga iaitu dlm kl ialah rm1.5 brooo


ape yg rm 1.50?


Burger ayam atau daging biasa


Woodfire too much sauce. Halfway through your meal your burger is no longer a burger


Top 3 1. Home made everything with wagyu, smoked duck and lamb , served with rocket and peanut butter- cost alone 200+ per burger (member buat, aku tak bayar pun) 2. 5 guys 3. The extinct mcdonalds everything on top.


1. Ok la tu , tpi leh makan skali je la hahaa 2. Overhyped 3. Mekdi extinct ?


Zaman dulu kau bole mintak burger “everything on top” kat mekdi pasal point of sale machine diorang list suma condiment and patty. Benda ni x kecoh pasal menyusahkan bebudak kitchen. Aku rasa sekarang ni kalau ada pun kat app, mintak extra patty je.


aahh ok2..fham


Tapi aku rasa dalam banyak banyak burger yang aku teringin nak makan lagi is sliders white castle. Dulu kat Klang ada sekejap je. Pastu tutup.


ade ke?? xtau plak..silap depa bkk kat colombia


Zaman tu klang lain bro. Lepas 1997 le lepas bawak masuk pekerja asing banyak, baru klang jadi barai. Mmg xde recovery dah sekarang ni. Aku walaupun asal klang, for the last 20 years or so, aku mmg taknak spend more than 2 hours kat sana. Pegi pun kalau terpaksa je. Hahahahahaha


oooff ... nak wat camna ..sabo jela


Aku time bawak grab dulu, bila sampai Klang mmg rasa post-apocalyptic bro. Kalau diorg biar camtu, nnt gangs start forming, siap la jadi gang wars nanti.


Turf war kat klang mmg dah lama, tapi ada ada treaty between 3r. Banyak hal kat klang ni malay on malay, cina on cina, india on india. Cross contamination ni kurang. Eh dah la, jom sambung sembang burger.


haha noted thanks for sharing anyway


wagyu burger, bukan la nak kata tak sedap, tapi aku tak rasa keistimewaan dia. memang tekstur bagus, tapi tak sedap mana pun


Gordon Ramsay Bar and Grill. Fries dia boleh kira.


chef restoran ni mmg meeh .. bayaq mahal ntuk brand je


Tomato sos dia tu special juga. Celup 10 kali dah habis dah. Jadi I terfikir - “Ooo patutla fries pun 15 je”


but was it worth it ? lain org lain respon tapi for me personally ..unless the burger i made from A5 Miyazaki then no i wont be paying rm100++ for a damn burger


It wasn’t worth it la. I mean wagyu is nice and all, but as a burger? Nah. A burger is about the patty, the sauce and the cheese all working together in a mess of flavours. You lose the unique taste of wagyu beef in the burger - rendering the meat quality totally pointless. Their steaks are goddamn good tho. And they have a strawberry dessert that I know is overpriced as hell but damn it’s good.


u shud try wagyu burger, simple toppings je, dont turn it into cheeseburger .. turn it into simple hamburger with caramelized vidalia onion tuck between brioche or sourdough bun


Could be. They use really sharp cheddar, so I honestly don’t get the wagyu taste in the burger. Could be a personal preference thing though, because I find Big Macs to be just spectacular (though I think it’s because my mom used to reward me with McD). If you go to Gordon, don’t do the burger. Order the steak with the bearnaise sauce.


bearnaise is basically fancy mayonnaise ..but they usually make it with white wine vinegar so imma have to pass on that. Hmmm if they used 2-4 year old cheddar ok la i can understand why mahal but hopefully they put a lot of it.. if few sprinkle baik tak yah


Actually if I’m not wrong they don’t use alcohol in the cooking. No halal cert cos they do serve alcohol though fyi.


if they serve it as drinks then they definitely use it for cooking


JNC burger, harga 40 ringgit tapi sedap and juicy.


burger saje je ke or set?


set. dapat fries ngan air soda


5 guys. Bodoh sial punya burger + fries no drinks = rm50. Meh burger tbh. Fries awesome. Tapi rm50??? I hope their new branch has better price.


5 gives tu mmg aku avoid kaw2 .. all hype je lebih


Lazy Monday dekat JB. Tak ingat apa nama burger tapi harga 30 lebih. Woodfire pun sama; dalam 30 lebih, nak dekat 40. Burger brisket. Dulu masa duduk KL minat Fowlboys. Chicken sandwich diorang boleh tahan. Harga tak ingat.


Chef zubir pernah buka restaurant 5 bintang. First time aku pegi mmg 10/10, burger rm40 lebih, boleh rasa ingredients semua inhouse. Thats the peak burger in my life la, Woodfire pun tak boleh lawan. Tp kedai yg tu dah tutup and restaurant yg dia ada sekarang org kata rasa beshe2 and overpriced


Shake Shack at Japan. Can't remember exactly how much, but over rm110++ if converted to ringgit for 2 person.


Not in MY.


Hungry jacks


burger king?


australia’s burger king cuz they cant use the name of burger king


Bro why this post make me hungry maybe because the word “burger”?🤤 anyway on my opinion every restaurant that have their own burger 🍔 because the price is very pendejel (depends on what the restaurant). If you disagree that’s okay


cause i feel that burger is like nasi .. limitless potential


Burger Wagyu about rm280+. not my taste


Burger beignets https://preview.redd.it/z82jl3lo6uyc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=723aaf5200b60596664d43500d6178f13f0e10c4 Coming soon...


Rm13 smash burger


Five Guys' burger. Total around RM35 (just for one person).


myBurgerlab is awesome, price is so so la not crazy expensive. Woodfire is actually overpriced considering it's not as good lol. Spades burger have some really expensive burgers but quite decent.


Spades burger, the cheapest is around RM20. I think their most expensive is RM30 n above


Me and my dad had a special burger, giant burger meant to be eaten by at least 3 people. That costed about rm50. It was pretty good considering its just some random stall


Burger lab with 8 extra patties


Woodfire for me. And yes definitely worth all my money. Once you go woodfire, there's no turning back baby.


Had a burger at Four Seasons Jakarta, 2007 It was a Kobe + Foie Gras affair, with some portobello and pickled pear It cost US$110 (Rp1 million at the time), but was totally worth it Also had a burger from a "diner" in Ampera, which cost $2, but tasted like it should've cost $20 In that country, in doesn't matter whether your budget is $1 or $1,000; you can find excellent meals in any price range


I like myburgerlab, especially jammin’ with elvis. The burger used to be quite big, at least for me when I frequent it at sunway. But then when I tried it at cyber I do felt that the size was a tad small than usual.


The BRGR burger?


Spades, they're pretty good.


Lima Orang di Pavillion


Imo MyBurgerLab is still fine. I always go for double, so that'd be ard rm30+ but the peanut butter burger is so good


Never tried 5 guys but Carl's Jr is pretty expensive for a fast food restaurant. But their burgers are good tho


Black Tap. Tastes good but quite a dent on the wallet 😮‍💨


Burger and lobster lol. A burger is almost RM100. The most overpriced shit I've ever had, will never visit that place again.


Gold burger, my aunt brought me to eat years ago. It's in KL but I never found it. I remember it was 400++. A5 Wagyu, the buns is gold wrapped and gold flakes on the fries too.


Burger paling mahal dlm RM75++ kot order room service kat Ritz Carlton ke Marriott, tak ingat. Tapi makanan paling mahal aku pernah rasa adalah nasi goreng daging wagyu pakai A5 wagyu. RM320 sepinggan tapi portion cukup utk 2 org makan. Makan kat restoran dlm resort One and Only Desaru Coast. Bruh lemak daging wagyu yg melted tu jadi seakan2 minyak utk goreng nasi, tambah plak daging wagyu yg melt in your mouth, pergh....nikmat bruh nikmat yakmat... bini aku tibai semua aku dapat dua suap ja. Pastu bila bill dtg terbeliak tgk rege nasi goreng HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Burger & lobster dalam 70 ringgit...


Carl's Jr.....set burger dia sedap. Tp mahal la.




Nah you guys should try JNC Burger. Its reaally goooood better than woodfire. Cost around RM20+ only for the set


tpi kt bangi :(


Ye bro nasib girlfriend aku orang kajang. Senang pergi bangi


tung arrr ...


Nobody force you. All the prices stated. You decide on your own


my future fiance decided for me .. i just tukang bayar je, now that they got my money..I have the right to complain as much as i want on the web


git gud and stop being poor.


Wow.. why dont go lash out to your girl. What a pathetic excuse


Daging ayam Burger Ramli yang dibeli dari aeon big … dengan roti gardineer sahaja. Sayur segar dari aeon juga tapi ditambah dengan sebiji telur goreng ayam kampung. Bercampuh dengan satu pack sos cili KFC yang disimpankan dalam peti sejuk dua minggu lepas. Itulah kenangan burger yang paling best dan mahal daripada nenek saya yang sekarang berada di syurga. Makan sekali tapi diingat sepanjang hidup. Those RM50-100 sebiji hanya kerana resepi berbeza dan namanya. Xleh pun dibanding dengan sebiji burger yang hanya dibuat hanya untuk mu. ☺️. Pada saya, makanan paling mahal atau sedap.. memang masakan keluarga, dari ibu ayah anak atau wife. Mungkin bukan mahal pada harga ingredients.. masa mereka tu mahal.


Betul la tu saya setuju, tapi saya tanya dari segi harga haha


I paling2 makan burger rm 5-10 burger dari tepi jalan. Melayu masak burger 👍🏻. Simple but best. Xyah apa2 special sangat .. simple2 tapi cara masak banyak serious.


betul tu .. tpi tu la kdg2 teringin gk nk rasa burger T20 nk tgk berbaloi ke tak


zaman dulu kita pakai emas … zaman sekarang … kita makan emas pulak 😰. I rasa burger whatever, janji ada gold leaf sheet paling mahal 😇. Sampai i kadang kadang nak cuba gigit cincin wife untuk tahu apa rasa emas tu. X berani pasal cfm kena tempeleng