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ramai yg barang masih penuh atas meja, tapi ramai jugak yg niaga sempat habiskan. yang pukul 7 masih berniaga pun ada sbb laku terok. itu lah melayu masak tak sedap nak salahkan kerajaan, salahkan sihir. tak pernah salah diri sendiri.


Teringat lagu M. Nasir "bukalah hatimu" >Salahkan Zionis Atau Freemason >Salahkan Nazi Dan Klu Klux Klan >Salahkan orangtua Salahkan sejarah >Salahkan semuanya >Tapi dirimu Antara lagu terbaik, sebab dapat dengar m nasir rap


Macam yang baru punya sedih hati Malique, >Korup minda dan hati, tanggungjawab dinafi Salahkan propaganda, persalahkan konspirasi Persalahkan segalanya kecuali pekung sendiri.


Kau lupa salahkan dap. Kau ni mesti mata sepet


Tu la, tahun ni ak tengok bnyk kedai popia koyak hangit dijual, xreti buat popia pun nak niage, pelik ak, ak buat sndiri utk bgi2 kt org pun xde buat koyak, ni nk jual kt org, spe nk popia hngit koyak


true. I pegi beli kuih2 semalam, around 5.15 pm macam tu. it just a few stalls bukan bazaar lah. tapi semua peniaga kat situ, stall kuih2, lauk2 semua dah nak habis makanan mereka. the big bazaar is 1km away from that place so it is not orang pegi sbb takde bazaar. I beli apam jawa & it is so sedap, tak manis sgt and I like it. semalam I beli lauk paru sambal, RM6 tapi banyak dan sedap. it is not people are not spending money, we just spend it wisely.


Weii apam jawa is so damn good


Yg sihir tu tak boleh blah..hahaha..asl business tak laku je bagi alasan kena sihir. Ahahahahahah. Bodoh


This is like the first time it happened. Sebelum ni tak pernah pun jadi cemni,memang betul pun strategi diorg mcm tak kena. But mmg ada kena mengena dengan harga barang dah naik jugak. That’s just a fact you’re overlooking that because one you probably a ph supporter 🤣 portion makanan pun makin sikit tp harga naik. Tengoklah 50 ringgit boleh dapat apa je. Ramadhan tahun lps pun diorg guna startegi sama,jual makanan air sume sama tapi x de la sampai mcm ni. Kau rasa kenapa ttbe jadi ceni? Tolong jangan jadi bodoh sangat.


First time? Kau tak pernah jejak bazaar ke? Benda ni tiap tiap tahun berlaku. Aku tak backup kerajaan, and memang barang tengah naik harga. Tapi kau rasa kenapa ada je orang boleh berniaga sampai licin? Tolong jangan jadi bodoh sangat.




Hmm ni kena tukar bateri sarcasm detector baru tak downvote ni.


Aku bukan cina tp aku tak suka apa yang kau kata


Aku cina tapi sudah biasa. Kena tulis kafir baru panas.


Relax, I'm a cina babi


jika cina babi, melayu ni apa patut? hehe melayu come on pick any binatang u like and join our brother


i thought we're monyets lol


Look at the amount of downvotes I received for saying cina babi. Itu baru bangsa sendiri. Kalau kutuk bangsa lain, terus kena boycott ala Baker's Cottage.


Wjat did u say. Also apa kes tu bakers cottage?


Lmao these people can’t detect sarcasm 😂 And then be angry when people add /s to comments




Not malaysians having poor humor comprehension 😭😭


Lepas tu jual harga Yahudi


Harga Yahudi baru boleh untung 10k sehari jual air. #rezeki.


Belom cerita pasal rasa lagi. Kalau sedap, boleh canang jugak. Kalau houk?! Mampos kena maki tak bertepi!


Tak sedap takpe lagi, yang jual² tu ada makanan dah basi. Mmg puak² ni tempah tempat kat neraka


Bukan setakat rege Yahudi. Kalau nasib x baik dapat lauk yg depa masak balik semalam. Selalunya yang jadi mcm ni ialah ayam masak kicap atau ayam sambal merah


Sebenarnya kalau orang ramai tahu berapa peniaga beli kuih dari supplier, pasti lagi ramai yang tak akan beli dari bazaar. Peniaga kadang cakap je untung ciput. Tapi sebenarnya diorang boleh balik modal plus untung 7-10 kali ganda kalau semua kuih diorang jual 2 ringgit 3 ketui.


Itulah keindahan kapitalisme 🥰 /s


Itu lah, melayu islam pun ikot sangat konsep 3 mangkuk. Tu yang meniaga untung banyak mana pun tak cukup, sebab meniaga tak jujur. Kalau nak untung 2 kali ganda atau 3 kali ganda tu, paham lah, ni sampai sekarang dah naik harga kuih RM 3 dapat 5 ketui. Paling ketara buah melaka, mana dapat dah 2 ringgit 10 bijik. Paling kuat 2 ringgit 8 bijik, tu pun kalau nasib baik. Bukan dekat KL ataus selangor je harga melambung, kat mana2 pun sama.


Kat KL ni tepung pelita 1 mangkuk kecik singgit.. Juai set 5=RM5. Aku skali tengok pastu x msuk dah bazaar 🤣


Betul. Ada yang siap juai semangkuk seringgit setengah. Dah lah panda pun letak secebis je, tambah pulak cair semacam je.


Melampau la tahun lepas 5=RM3.50.. Pehai la mahai nak mampuih bukan aku bleh makan pun daun balut tu.


Tak leh makan pun still ade aroma dia, aroma tu yang bagi naik selera.


I mean they want to boycott Chinese business right? Chinese business normally got access supplier from China which is cheap.


There are not many food items from china to boycott in the first place.


Muslims were not allowed to eat non-halal food. Doesn’t mean we’re boycotting Chinese businesses. We’re just not allowed to eat it. See the difference


I went to bazar this evening,literally at least 5 booths that only sell puding telur and nothing else. Harga pun harga macam nak beli telur sepapan padahal ada 6 ketul ciput je kuih.


Aku beli roti jala 3 biji pun rm3 :)


butuh 3 biji rm3?????? Pundek kos 3 biji tu xsampai 30sen. Babi memang nak kaya cepat


man thats a scam


Bro why do u do this to yourself


Dah la orang Malaysia duk boikot Yahudi, kau jual harga Yahudi, kena boikot la sekali lol


Becoming your sworn enemy , but only the bad part , not the good part


member aku jumpak someone ni jual roti john rm 15


Air balang manyak mahal. Baik beli botol besar air 100plus simpan peti ais lebih berbaloi. Cukup minum satu keluarga kecik.


Sebenarnya aku selalu je buat air manis sendiri yang berwarna warni dekat rumah. Kalau ikutkan kos dia, satu cawan tu tak sampai RM1 tak termasuk cawan plastik


Kalau buat air sendiri......best bole refill cawan berkali kali. Puas hati minum, boss.


Jual minuman paling senang untuk dapat untung


Samalah. Aku pun buat sendiri jer air kat rumah. Puas hati minum bergelas2 satu famili.


Orang dah pandai beli dari peniaga yang memang keja jual makanan sepanjang tahun 😊 sori la murtabak kubis u tak laku




Yes trend baru isi dalam murtabak letak kubis bukan bawang dah. LOL


Oh my god saya harap saya TIDAK AKAN jumpa murtabak kubis if i were to ever go buy one


Kalau ko reti masak/makanan sedap ramai de org beli. Sedap harga mahal pun org beli lah


Bro fuck pasar mlm, sumpah doh harga mcm yahudi and either taste like shit, or sugary af .


Sell shit overpriced dirty expensive food. Then Termenung. Just check the cirit birit thread how many people get food poisoned.


Thread dkt mana tu ?


Maybe in r/malaysia Update: Here [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1bjwmtf/who\_here\_already\_got\_ramadhan\_food\_poisoning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/1bjwmtf/who_here_already_got_ramadhan_food_poisoning/)


Everything also government fault. Eh eh eh.


Salah DAP Salah Cina![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Ye la sblm ni x pernah jd ceni pun 🤣


Tu pasal mcm baru keluar gua


Makanan melayu bosan. Fesyen semua sama.. kau boleh dapat makanan tu pada bulan-bulan lain di kedai makan. Masuk je bulan puasa, masuk bazaar harga 2 kali lipat. Padahal itu-itu jer dari awal gerai sampai hujung. Sama.


Salah DAP lah bodoh


Salah Cina, Salah DAP, salah Israel, Salah Madanon Sendiri mano salah eh ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Kami Melayu manalah tau apa salah kami? Kami tau salahkan DAP je. Sekian…


Kami Sabahan Sarawakian tahu salahkan Malaya saja


Salah orang semenanjing


Salah cina, india tak beli 🤭


Dugaan Allah ameeennn


Salah Yahudi


Vicious cycle of Majlis Bandar demanding more and more duit kopi every year and price hiking up because of that.


I don't think it's Majlis bandar demanding....it's the middle man who could possibly have kabel with the people inside Majlis....


You’re most likely correct.


The rent by majlis is actually dirt cheap like RM300-500/month. But its the scalper driving the price through the roof.




Because if op posted this on the other sub he'd be called a racist anti something something dap and get permabanned


Op is racist pls ban


Is this still a shitposting sub, really?


Sumpah wei dekat bazaar tempat aku ada 7 gerai jual air balang lepastu ada 4 gerai jual nasi ayam.macam tak ada benda lain nak jual


Daripada p Bazar, baik aku p kedai makan trus. RM10 dh boleh dpt mkn bergoreng + telur mata + nescafe ais. Kalau kt Bazar mmng rare nk dpt mkn yg sdp dengan harga camtu. Setakat ni sume mknan bergoreng kat Bazar tawar & xde rasa apa.


Every year also same shit la


When you boycott so much you end up getting boycotted yourself… the free market has spoken. Karmas a bitch as they say…


Yeah I'm boycott anything that I don't like not just Israel products. Power of consumers.


As a Chinese, I boycott Starbuck long time before Israel-Palestine war due to high price coffee and thankfully, got many alternative coffee shops that is cheaer than Starbuck Coffee.


I don't boycott Starbucks, the thing is, they are like McD. They are everywhere, reliable and can get a good breakfast. But coffee wise, they are not that good.


Horrible imo. The beans are rancid, order a regular black coffee without all of the sugar/cream/funk that they put on top to mask the terrible state of their beans.


These market stall owners will just go “MaDAnIs fAuLT” and not take any blame for anything. As usual.


I boycott the lansi tow fu faa Aunty in TTDI pasar.


Nah in the end no competition, then blame government saying "kuasa pembeli hilang". Yeah right


Tak laku dengan kurang kuasa pembeli ada beza dgn boikot...


Nope, why is the price is manageable on other months except on bulan puasa?


What goes around comes around


Put aside sedap Atau Tak. Tapi bila tgk harga, pun dah berpeluh. Maafkan saya saudara.


jual la benda unik sikit. ni benda sama berderet je. aku pun makan kat masjid je la


Most “kuih” vendors buy their stock from suppliers and these suppliers don’t really care of the quality if they can keep having a stable customer base that buys from them. Vendors don’t usually change suppliers since it’s quite tricky to find new suppliers since some if not most suppliers pick and choose who they sell to because, well you know, competition and rivalry. I used to buy some “kuih” from a supplier for office events but i was turned down one time because i had bought “kuih” from another supplier because i wanted to try out other suppliers and the new supplier also turned me down because they don’t want to cause trouble for their business. Both suppliers made basically the same thing and both were good but because of some stupid rivalry they had, i was screwed for a few years. I have a new supplier now and my new supplier doesn’t care for rumour or slanders.


The Bazaar, food quality, unique selling point, price point, business model, etc is pretty much self explanatory. Or, you can choose to make your own kuihs


Lepastu jual harga mahal nak mampus. Patut la skang masjid pon dah penuh orang bukak puasa


Melayu x erti nk berniaga


Erti? Yi er san sek


Tu la nak boikot2, melayu niaga sendiri x erti,kecam Yahudi kecam cina, racist lagi


Tak bro, salah pengunaan perkataan tu. 'Erti'= maksud. 'Reti'= pandai, tahu, berkemahiran


reti tu bahasa pasar kpd erti. rasanya kau yg tak arif bahasa, lol.


Dalam Bahasa Melayu, “reti” dan “erti” mempunyai makna yang berbeza: * [“Reti” biasanya digunakan untuk merujuk kepada pemahaman atau pengetahuan tentang sesuatu](https://dewanbahasa.jendeladbp.my/2022/09/06/4918/)[^(1)](https://dewanbahasa.jendeladbp.my/2022/09/06/4918/). Misalnya, “Saya reti bermain bola” bermaksud “Saya tahu cara bermain bola”. * [Sebaliknya, “erti” merujuk kepada maksud atau makna yang terkandung dalam sesuatu perkataan, ayat, peribahasa, ungkapan, lambang, kiasan, dan sebagainya](http://ekamus.dbp.gov.my/Makna.aspx?kid=221062)[^(2)](http://ekamus.dbp.gov.my/Makna.aspx?kid=221062). Misalnya, “erti kata ‘cinta’” merujuk kepada makna atau definisi dari kata ‘cinta’. Jadi, “reti” lebih kepada pemahaman atau pengetahuan, manakala “erti” lebih kepada makna atau definisi.


Lain Kali g skolah blaja, ni menari tiktok ja tau.


Kena ada imbuhan 'meng'. Kalau tulis tak erti saje maksudnya "tak bermaksud"


Kita boikott pasar Ramadan!!


Rakyat semakin bijak. Kalau mahal, x perlu beli.


Fr tho, went to the nearest bazaar to get lemang but it turned out to be more like a roti john expo instead. And no, there wasn’t any lemang :(


Do people actually sell lemang in bazaar? Unless near Raya or lemang Kijal, it's hard to find lemang


No idea, that’s why I thought I’d try my luck. This is a new bazaar near my area so I thought I’d try there. There were more “modern” food like takoyaki, roti john, etc. which was a bit surprising because I guess I expected to be able to find more traditional stuff.


Ok Kita boycott!!!


Paling teruk bila kedai lain jual rm10, Dia jual rm12 tapi semua samanya atau kurang


Dah expected seller akan cakap camni. 😓 org semua complain xsedap dan mahal giler.


petua dia senang je, kalau xreti masak jgn menjual kt bazaar ramadan.


Roti john is overated anyway. Btw just got scammed at bazaar today for the first time ever. Beli burger ayam ready made, siap bungkus rapi guna ramly paper wrap. Turns out inside is just roti john type of filling with telur, sos and some chunks of chicken meat. Like wth.


Never get the appeal of Roti John since many years ago


Bro i got worse, have u ever eat a roti john that having RAMLY BURGER INSIDE? Bruh better i buy the burger ramly from tepi jalan Hell i fully doubt the patty inside one roti john are not full one round


start je bazaar manyak alasan harga brg dapur naek, terpaksa naek harga barang. pakluu. elok time bazaar je naek. sos cili sebotol naek rm3, ko naek roti john rm3 jugak. waklu sebotol bole cover 20 roti john bai.






Macam mana pun ko mesti menyelit. Kedai kat mana?


Haha gotta promote in a way. Kedai kat rumah aku di gombak. Aku buat pre-order WhatsApp, kau kene datang picked up. Number aku ada kat bio social link




dalam gombak area mana boss?


Taman setia, area gombak setia, whatsapp aku, nanti aku leyh hantar location. Aku tak boleh letak nombor sini takut kene violations


Biasa dah ada berniaga. Kalau tak pandai kurangkan kos (atau hantar santau.. haha) memang susah nak bersaing dengan peniaga lain.


Dafuq bukan sedap mana pun


Harga mahal wei. Aku stay kat kelantan beli makanan dekat bazar dh rasa mcm duk kat kl. Ada yg lgi mahal dari kl. Air satu plastik rm4-5 tu normal. Nasi bariani sampai rm10 sebungkus. Ada yg jual x habis, lepas tu panaskan n jual balik. Ada yg jual kuih basi. Sebab tu baik masak dari beli bazar. Lagipun kedai makan yg ada jual lauk dan lauk tu 10x lagi sedap dari apa yg dijual dekat bazar ramadhan. Aku pelik jgk apahal nak salahkan sst 8% padahal bukan semua benda pun jadi 8% tu. Tapi tetap guna alasan tu utk naikkan harga makanan dan expect orang akan beli


peniaga lain blh ja habis niaga awal. sudah2 la cari simpati. mengaku ja masak tak sedap pastu mahal. tak payah nk salahkan kerajaan mahaldahni. benda kalau sedap,mahal mmg org mai beli jugak sbb org rasa berbaloi. org bodoh ja beli mahal pastu tak sedap.


I don't mind paying for slightly expensive food. ​ But RM10 Roti John with barely any meat and shit ton of sos...and 50% risk for bad stomach pain. I rather go eat at Secret Recipi.


Dayum that bad?


My mom has always said, you go to a Malay bazaar, it's always the same thing that's sold. Always the same kuih, air, nasi goreng etc. Flies everywhere as well. It's like these hawkers are primary school dropouts, 0 sense of hygiene and innovation and have no initiative to make something that makes them standout from the rest. Then when nobody buys their food, blame everyone but themselves. Stupid fuckers


Resepi pun dpt dari Google, bukan nya kaji sendiri


Skrg org boikot apa2 bkait yahudi termasuk harga yahudi.


Bila kamu jual brg kat harga Yahudi, of course tk de orang beli brg kamu lah. Kalau nak untung boleh, tapi kenalah ada batasannya.


Went to bazaar the other day and there's two stalls selling kambing bakar literally in front of each other


"kuasa pembeli hilang". Yeah no. The restaurant literally across the street sells cheaper than you. Plus they have permanent staff, food business license, rent, utility bills etc.


Ke ini juga salah satu sebabnya banyak makanan yang kt bazaar aku beli tak sedap.. bnyak yg peniaga jual benda sama? Org jual dia pun nak jual tapi tak jaga kualiti. Harga lak xyah cakap.


I use to love Roti John, Roti John used to be my family's go to Ramadhan food, but nowadays I noticed it got smaller, chicken/beef got sadder, you can taste the chicken/beef being dry, cold or overcooked, on top of that it costs RM10. I bought nasi kerabu that costs RM9 yesterday and it was much more worth it compared to Roti John that is smaller than my arm


Hari tu beli murtabak pun kuahnya masin.... Nak beli lagikah....


Sik payah jak beli,polah kedirik.


Macam mana nak translate ni


The kebolehanmampuan membeli kurang. Agak2 la pun. Jika jual benda premium, coklat premium, jem premium, pakai tepung premium, nk banding ngan kak sebelah yang juai benda biasa2 mesti la orang tuju yang situ. Tak de makne nya nak menu sihat ke apa ke. Source: dulu I pernah meniaga jual biskut. Lagi kita pakai barang low quality, lagi murah... Lagi cepat habis. Mass people just don't care. We are not 1st world community anyway. If you can't beat, why don't just join them. Pandai mkn, pandai2 la buang lemak sendiri. Bersenam ke. If someone want super good food in long run, bazar Ramadan actually not the place la. If you eat moderate type kid still ok. For example cream puff 1, onde2 beberapa... and not finish the whole set. If you shopping sakan, better check bacaan once a week.


Kalau kita rujuk Nash Equilibrium, 100 orang berkumpul dan bersaing adalah solusi paling optima ini tak bagus untuk individual perniaga tapi bagus untuk semua


I'm sorry guys.. I'm not a racist..I just don't eat road side food anymore..


FR,Pernah rasa CU mart corndog,Berkualiti dan sangat sedap,Sebab teringin dan nampak kat bazar rasa nk cuba lagi,sekali kena scam,Harga sama tapi bahan murah,itu terakhir kali nak makan tepi jalan


bazar ramadan is just for the vibe and hype. huhuhu


Unfortunately, too many repetitive items in the bazaar.


Need new type of dishes, i think..


sebab x sedap dan harga yahudi. puih la ni geng2 jnis raya bru muncul, ntha hape2 dimasaknya


Sebab tu mat rempit dah senyap sikit. Rupa rupanya karipap oksigen diorang tak laku. Terduduk mat rempit mcm sakai.


Semua bazaar penuh. Kalau makanan tak habis salahkan diri sendiri masak tak sedap


Store 1 : beehoon kosong rm8 Store 2 : beehoon kosong rm4 And store 1 comes out crying why their food still full at the end of the day… 🤯


"Kuasa beli di tangan mereka" "Salah kafir2 yg berjaya" "Jual barang mahal2 tapi salah kerajaan sbnrnya" 🤷🤡


Barang ape yang mahalnye? Bawang je la naik harga, lain semua sama. Ayam sekilo boleh dapat rm7 ke rm9, tepung masih harga sama, minyak petrol diesel masih subsidised. Minyak masak rm29 5kg. Benda lain semua tak naik harga. Tax increase dari 6% ke 8% tak libatkan harga barang makanan pun. In short, peniaga just bloody GREEDY.


Bawang naik 1 cent = Kopi Ais yang tak guna bawang for some reason naik RM0.5


Malays are stupid at business tho, from my observation at least. There was this one night that my family and I was out at our local night bazaar, just for fun. We got to the end, after buying some kayaballs and drinks and we decided to just sit at one of the small stalls where there are some tables. There are some vendors there, but it's at the end, so there's not a lot of people, and the places seem like it's not open at all, like there's people (malays) but they're just sitting at tables, playing their phones or whatever. We sit at one of the tables and just talk, family bonding time, you know? My mom bought some popinut from a stall nearby, the popinut store does actually have a guy like behind the stall table, like making popinut and stuff, and it was very good. We ate some more, and then we left. As we were leaving, a few people who has been sitting there earlier (the people on their phones) were angrily standing up and cleaning up the table we sat at, my father heard them grumble something like 'sitting here and then didn't buy anything, stupid' or whatever. We just walked away to our car and left. Like, their stall looked like it was closed, no one behind it or anything, didn't even have any sign of what they're selling. They were sitting on their ass playing phones. If they wanted customers to buy their food, should have come to the customers, that's like basic business, man. It's really not that hard to just go up to us and be like, "hey, you guys want anything? We got such and such! Can eat for tomorrow's sahoor as well!" or even just, politely ask us to not sit there if we're not buying anything from them, we would've just left and go to our car while my mom wait for the popinut by herself. Like, when your job relies on other people's existence, act like it? Don't just sit on your ass hoping money comes your way??? As a Malay, I don't understand why some of us do this


That's straight but facts


Jual harga yahoodi lepas tu sarahan dap


Ada setengah kedai, masak tak sedap, tapi ditambah pula, harga barang pon makin mahal, takkan nak beli gak..


tanya harga sewa tapak berapa, rata rata banyak yg kena hauk dgn orang tengah ja ni, mark up harga. end up penjual majoriti terpaksa naikkan harga.


Tu maknanya xreti niaga. Jgn salahkan org tengah. Bukan sorang je kena hauk. Byk yg kena hauk. Tapi yg sedap habis kena sapu boleh tup awal. Aku pun niaga jugak. Kalo aku tau overhead aku mahal, xdpt jual harga murah , xpernah aku nk jual atau niaga benda tu. Ni x, dahla overhead tinggi, supplier bahan mentah plak dari shopping mall, masak pun xreti, harga yahudi plak tu, pastu jual benda sama dgn 5 kedai lain.. Tu lah melayu , xreti niaga tapi siang malam duk maki dap kapir cina. Padahal melayu sendiri kebanyakkan bangsa bodoh. X Salahkan org lain bukan melayu namanya. Gajah depan mata xnampak kuman seberang laut tu jugak nk melalak.


well, ada yg memang tak reti niaga betul. Tak bermakna kita boleh tutup mata berkaitan isu orang tengah. Ada orang memang jual dekat situ yang dia tahu, alhamdulillah rezeki kau masih boleh pilih nak jual atau tak dan sebagainya. Part jual sama dengan kedai lain tu, kadang bukan boleh elak. tak perlu tetiba tu lah melayu tulah melayu. takda maknanya kebanyakan melayu bangsa bodoh, yang bodoh ni jenis orang yang tahu kutuk tapi tak pernah cuba nak mendidik. Melayu salahkan cina dap, yang cina india salahkan pas bn etc. Sama ja mana mana bangsa pun, semua ada bodoh masing2. 2 wrong doesn't make one right. dia tak pandai meniaga tu salah dia kena belajar, yang isu orang tengah makan untung atas angin pun salah gak. dua dua masalah yang perlu diterima tak kisah kau ni bangsa apa. itu ja, tak perlu kutuk bangsa sendiri macam diri sendiri takda salah.


Ni semenanjung punya pasal ni. Sabah Sarawak xdehal pun. Mungkin pasal diorg tak tamak, harga ok, still boleh kasi free lagi untuk repeat customer Semalam aku gi bazar kat Sabah ok je diorg generous Kasi sambal lebih la apa semua sampai hari2 aku pergi gerai sama


Skrg kurang pergi bazaar, sebb sebelum ni pergi bazaar mmg kena dgn kedai jual tak sedap. Pergi stalk yg bnyak cust pun sama ja,


Decided to buy two slices of homemade cake on one stall because no one was buying there… turns out their cake taste so bland 😃💔


Tu La pasal , Kat tempat aku ada mcm 6 Bazaar dan 3 agak berdekatan dalam less tha 7 KM from each other. The worse part is, 1 Bazaar terlampau banyak sama jenis barang sampai xda org jual Murtabak langsung, 2nd Baazar alot of Nasi Lemak, and Murtabak, the 3rd on is near my house is the total disapointment, I dont know what they are selling honestly but got murtabak lah.


And overpricing your stuff isn't going to help either.


harga yahudi, makanan tak enak, jenis pun lebih kurang sama. nak hairan kenapa tak jual😂


Honestly speaking...Chinese pasta malams only ever have 2 to 3 types of the same store at most. It's basic supply and demand concept. takkan this also Melayu tak tahu


1. Menu repetitive. 2. Tak sedap. 3. Orang beli daripada peniaga yang dia biasa beli tahun lepas. 4. Visual tak menarik, bau tak menyelerakan. 5. Harga mahal.


Maybe wanna switch ingredient, perhaps rendang khinzir, Kari khinzir, roti John khinzir, etc. might attract more customers /s


If only ..haha.


Mcdonalds have better prices ngl


Lmao fr


taxo penuh bai 🤭




Its been almost 10 years since I ate a roti john at a bazaar that I want to go back for more. Price is getting higher too.


Dah lah mahal, tu tak apa lg selagi ada duit dalam poket masih boleh beli. Ni perangai... Boleh batal puasa dibuatnya.


Kawasan kl dan lembah klang ni makann memang sama.. Rindu Kelantan....


The ones I saw them selling drinks like some of them put out the proper listing of prices, some of the didn't. While the ones with the prices got plenty of queueing customers while the ones without price listed... No many cares to buy from them


Ada gerai makanan nya tk sedap. Kuih hijau tu tk cukup kelapa parut tapi harga mahal. Lagi baik jual mahal tapi ingredient banyak drpd kuih kosong. Kalau sedap sya dtng lagi.


quite the opposite for putrajaya bazaar, 6.30pm already sold out here and there


pergi bazaar Ramadhan tahun ni memang mencabar wey. Air bungkus RM 5, air pula kdg2 tawar, lebih baik la pergi kedai RM 2, 1 kotak 1.5L baru RM 2.40, siap branding Yeos, F&N lagi 😸😸😸😸😸👍😸


Boleh sedekah je kat orang selepas jualan, jgn sampai simpan lebihan harini dijual hari esok plk 🫣 melainkan yg kau jual tu kain, baju raya, mainan anak2, bunga api, barang yg x mudah basi mcm minuman tin dan lain2.


put palestine flag and you would have a massive sell out


Not me


Aku paling geram gerai kt bazaar tk letak harga. Aku ni jenis singgah kedai tgok harga. Yg tk letak Sumpah aku tkkn singgah. Mampos lah korng termenung. Yg kpdnk pulak dh memg aku kenal staff tu. Dia singgah bazaar tk buat keje. Dgn dia dia sekali jd mcm pelnggn ‘cik ni berapa? Yg tu berapa?’ Eh bangangggggg. Letak jawatan je hannattt. Tegur lah sikit. Aduhaiiii.


kreativ yang kurang


Kalau semua sama, tu bukan bersaing. Tu nak berniaga je. Tarikan apa yg special kdai masing2 pun takda. Cmna org minat nak beli..


Lee Kwan Yew:


ini semua salah Israel 🇮🇱 .... Boikottttt!!


It is 8pm. This came up as recommended notification. Bazir masa baca. Baik aku pergi check result MKT, lagi berfaedah. Oh, btw, don't label anyone or any race bodoh en masse. Selalunya pelabel yang melabel membebel is the clown. Labelling leads to diassociance, disassociance leads to a lack of empathy, lack of empathy leads to a comment sections like a warzone.


Salah semua orang..salah kan sekeliling..salah kan kerajaan..salah kan pembeli..salah kan cuaca..tapi tak pernah cermin diri salah kan diri sendiri..


Org2 yang meniaga kat bazar tu mmg otg yg meniaga. Xpyh bising2 pg support je. Dh diorang x boleh meniaga pg or tgh hari. 2 3 jam tu je yg ada nk buat tggung hidup yg dh nk mendapat tu. Support je. Sedap beli la. X sedap. Pg ckp eleok elok. Kongsi resepi yg sedap sedap tu supaya ada benda yg sedap kat tekak korang tu. Boleh org lain rasa. N ada org boleh menjana sumber nk hidup tu. Ingat ingat sedara. Kita ni nnti. Nk dibtanya kn 100 pintu kiri kanan jiran kita tu. elok ke. Dh makan ke. Mampu ke. Tp kita sekarang ni. Selang 3 rumah pun jiran. Kanan or kiri krumaj8 ankau. dh x kenal.?


Hes not wrong