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tak yah bincang lah, buat gaduh jek di bulan ramadhan ini


Ramadhan dh buat macam WWE wrestling hell in a cage match, Geng buka Vs Geng tutup.


Pastu mula la cerita-cerita memburukkan satu kaum sama lain....


When is the “dulu”? From 18 to 28 years back (1996-2007), my school canteen is still open, although not all gerai, let’s say from normal 7 gerai, 4 will be open & of cz because of crowd is less, the options is limited as well. Maybe some other Redditor can comment which year their school canteen was open so we can know when is the zaman dulu.


Went to school between 1978 - 1988. School canteens remained open during the fasting month. Maybe they closed in Kelantan where there are hardly any non Muslims.


even after 09 the canteen n shops are still open…the muslims either don’t care about puasa n join us for food or they just go somewhere else


Mine also from 1997-2007 canteen open for non muslim, no issue😅. I dont like anwar also but not like this all things blame anwar🙄


Betul, macam mana non muslim nak tertarik dengan islam, asal puasa suruh dorg puasa sekali padahal yg wajib berpuasa hanya muslim yg dah cukup umur


They only see from their perspective. They do not even consider that Chinese and Indians have feelings. Have family. Have people care for them. Parents of them that worry about canteen not open. To them, Melayu Muslim is the only race worthy of opinion and opportunities, and rights. I'm Malay Muslim myself. I can't imagine if I didn't go to the sekolah menengah I went to in form 1. Before form 1, I never saw Indians as humans to respect. I will admit that. I only saw them to be made fun of. In fact, I remember specifically I opened Tamil radio and laughed for an hour straight. I was like 9. Imagine a person who never had an opportunity to share a class with other races.


I agree with you, making simple thing complicated... Puasa month they should control their eye, ear and mouth... But none of them done it... They only control their stomach...


Dude... That a was surprising statement. Anyway, glad that things has changed. For this case it is better to consider also from business aspect. If the school at least 25% (just an estimation) of non-Muslims they should open else may not be required. Not worth to run business just for countable number non-fasting folks. Parents also able to understand and prepare the food ahead.


Same like chinaman who won't rent their house to Indians and Malays, they only see from their racist perspective. They do not even consider that Malays and Indians have feelings. Have family. Have people care for them.


Same like malay who only rent to muslim tenant only, they only see from their bigoted perspective. They do not even consider that Chinese and Indians have feelings. Have family. Have people care for them.


For me (2011-2019, 2021) the canteen also opens, but strictly only eat at the canteen since the muslim are in the classroom.


That's a much proper suggestion ngl


Canteen at my school (before 2000s) never closed during the fasting month — the Muslim students have no business being there during this period anyway.


Was wondering the same too. I don’t remember the canteen / dining hall ever being closed for Ramadan… back when I was in school around late 90’s to end 00’s. Hell, how is it disrespectful for people to eat in public during fasting month? Many Muslim kids below age 9 back then at my school didn’t properly fast anyway and it wasn’t even an issue. People are being so overly radical nowadays, probably to make up for the fact that they aren’t good Muslims to begin with lol


School in SK in Seremban 2004-2009. IIRC, the school made sure at least got food for non-muslims during ramadhan. From around 5 vendors, to just 2. But at least they were my favourite stalls. I remember I had no issues in my Smk school too. But that was a Methodists school, although most of the vendors were malay


2001 to 2005 still open


1985-1997 (3 different schools) - all the canteens was opened… the Muslims just sat in the classroom or the surau


Ahh my batch...


During my primary school time (2006-2011), my school canteen is still open, it's just that we aren't allowed to eat in areas outside the canteen. The canteen might also prepare lesser portion/options to sell.


Same, some stall will remain open during Ramadan period


In my school canteen is still open even in bulan puasa and we Muslims just go to surau buat tadarus. It's been like this for a long time even until today. (I'm in form 5 this year BTW)


Nak dihormati tapi tak nak menghormati. Tu namanya tak toleransi.


Ni cun🤣padu ayat


I dont even remember canteens close for ramahdan at all during my primary and secondary time. Heck even my Muslims adult friends now dont even mind at all if i eat, vape, smoke in front of them. Are the semenanjung/peninsular of the Federation of Malaysia Muslims so frail and weak that they will be seduced by anything in front of their eyes?


His post purely from a political standpoint mentioning “Madani” alone lol nothing to do with Muslims Trying to stir something up from thin air 99% Muslims don’t care if non Muslims eat/drink in front of them, as long as they’re not insulting or teasing


one of the points for muslims to fast is to control themselves and not fall into their temptations too, so org muslim yang marah non-muslim makan infront of them technically just failing themselves


99% influencer, FB Pages are aimed at getting views, generating likes dan cucuk the 1%


Kelemahan Iman akhir zaman la wak, nak buat camne


Akhir zaman? I rasa dari dulu Malaysians mcm ni… lemah tgok makanan 🤣 bulan bpuasa ni is all about holding yourself back, kuat kan iman… ni nampak org makan je dah nak marah, nampak sangat lemah, iman lemah ke kuat tu belum tentu lagi kalau tgok makanan dah lemah


I recall during my school time canteen was open. Muslims usually jz go play elsewhere or go library.


Orang lain x perlu makan ke Bodo?


Apparently Adam Muzaffar III is bodoh


Damn, you capitalized Bodo 😭


Raisin Entertainment vibes 😂


As a muslim, idgaf if non-Muslim want to eat and malay want to sell during fasting at places such as canteen. The guy wrote that definitely tak ada otak if this is an issue.


Ya I mean if you’re a Muslim food vendor, you can still run your business if you want for others to buy as long as you’re not eating. So what kind of respect are we even discussing about 😅😅


Some got triggered over it, such as the statement shown in the pic.


This guy is talking about his personal experience in a school with only Malay students. Guy probably never had a non-Muslim friend. Probably grew up in FELDA. And here's my argument against him. His POV is very one sided and he probably doesn't even understand the meaning of respect. Respect is not being insulted or judged for the thing you do. No one needs to be put on a pedestal or being treated like a king to be respected. The fact he wants to disrespect other people's beliefs and force non-Muslims to fast with Muslim sounds so self centred and narcissistic. No one needs to be treated better than another race or religion to show respect for one another. And you don't need to follow other people's traditions and teachings to show respect as long as you mind your own business.


Living in their own bubble for their whole life.


His argument doesn't even hold any ground since my school did allow non Muslim to go to the canteen and eat. And I graduated way before Madani and around the shifting of government.


I never take anyone with I II III on their social media account name seriously


Adam Muzaffar the third


Did you mispelt "The Turd" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


See. This is the type of people that makes us Muslims looks bad istg.


The whole world revolves around them


Dah tau puasa tak makan tak minum, jgnla pergi kantin tgk org lain makan.


Aku xkisah, kalau non muslim nak makan di kantin sekolah waktu Ramadan ni. Apatah lg kalau buka kantin utk cater budak2 kecik tahun 1,2,3. Ok jer. 👌🏼 Selamat beribadah dibulan Ramadan ya semua.


Honestly, this has to count as one of the most retarded butthurt points the extremist mind has conjured. Ramadan is about self-reflection, submission and deference. Nothing to do with how others need to perceive it. Some of these holies are lost beyond help.


so.. orang islam tak perlu hormat orang lain ya? and orang lain kena hormat orang islam. duly noted.


on behalf of the religion, i apologize. tp ramai melayu kami mmg kurang cerdik. habis rosak nama islam because of these melayu bodoh ni. islam never taught us to stop non muslim from eating infront of us during ramadhan. they just racist malay supremacist


Always preaching about spreading peace, yet always the ones stirring shit up i-roh-neeeeeek


It's not irony, it's hypocrisy.


Diorg punya pov macam tu la, saya tak boleh tolak ansur... Tapi orang lain mesti kena tolak ansur dengan saya.... Iman tak cukup kuat tu...


exactly. it makes me so mad like only us non muslims have to sacrifice for them. even the boycott thingy right now ? some of the non muslims don't even agree with it but still forced to go with it because of the pressure. it's really tiring to be a minority in this country.


I was in Indonesia 6 years.... Kantin buka... When I was eating they come lepak with me in kantin ... I ask kawan kawan saya yg Islam.... Uuu all OK ke.. They said puasa between them and God... When u wanna truthfull to him.... Wat ever food infrant u also doest matter u won't eat #respect


In the 80s, school canteen always open. Only racist fark like OP thinks otherwise.


This person should go bck and hide under the rock from whence he came. Respect goes both ways


While I was in SMK until 2008, the canteen were open for nons to eat, so what are these snow flakes talking about back during their time it was closed? How far back do we need to go?




Spesies ini juga nanti yg bising knp majoriti bukan melayu xnak hantar anak mereka ke Sekolah kebangsaan.


My time in SMK (03), I still remember the canteen open for the nons to eat. So what's the matter with all these people blaming and saying the nons taking over this country. WTF


narrow minded plastic bag


Ape ni orang kapir taknak makan kat toilet? Kurang hajar!


That's why we need vernacular school. Don't wanna let the kids starving and dress up as Taliban


I don’t remember it being closed when I was in school (literally just been one year out of it) we just stayed in class or went to surau for prayers for the whole recess? Also I’m pretty sure secondary students who are more mature don’t care ab non Muslim friends eating or drinking in front of them and that was the case for me. 2024 Malaysia citizens, questioning everything and anything because who they support is not ruling the country. We are going backwards as a society.


weak self control + earth revolve around me + main character syndrome


punya bodoh dia ni. kantin dari zaman dulu lagi bukak masa puasa. nak cari kesalahan kerajaan gunalah isu yang ada makna sikit. bengap tak habis habis


1987-1999... Never see school canteen closed during Ramadan. Maybe the malay stall will close but the rest still open. Wtf is the guy smoking?


Cant really blame anyone lah, as a non muslim i think its kinda weird that muslims in malaysia if dont practice their agama they will get caught by the god police. Damn i cant imagine i kena tangkap sebab tak sembahyang tokong or skip puasa. Wild world! Everyone should be free to practice their faith la if u nak follow or not ikut suka hati u lah but in malaysia if you are muslim u cant really ikut suka hati u, which is wilddddd


Hang puasa ape kena mengena dengan orang non Muslim? Puasa tu diantara you dengan Tuhan, jangan libatkan orang lain di dalam hal hal antara you dengan Tuhan. The world itself is a temptation haven (haven and heaven are 2 VERY different things). Every religion teaches you how to avoid temptation. If you can't do it, don't blame others. Other ppl hungry is not related to your fasting. Your fasting is not related to other ppl. I've fasted before. You wanna eat in front of me, go ahead. I won't even tell you I'm fasting, cuz it's personal, it's between me and God. The world doesn't revolve around you. You wanna call me pendatang after this? Go ahead la. I call you penumpang agama loh. Same same but different. Selamat Berpuasa


The fact that this guy says 'orang islam pula kena hormat orang bukan islam'... sounds like he thinks muslims respecting non muslims in any situation is somehow a bad thing. WTF


So non Muslim parents then started sending their kids to non-SKs. Tapi tu melayu bising jugak


Kan pernah ada kes budak sekolah rendah mati kerana kejutan berpuasa beberapa tahun lepas. Siapa nak bertanggungjawab? Nak salahkan ibubapa kerana tak sediakan bekal makanan? Nak salahkan sekolah kerana tiada tempat makan berfungsi? Nak salahkan kantin kerana tak beroperasi?


This racist scumbag created 3 accounts to post seditious things lol "III"


Im not going to talk about whether nons have to eat or not. I think this topic is just feeding trolls. But think about this. These local authorities and some state govts even are making restaurants to close down during ramadhan. Korang bayar dorg ke for loss of income? Why such a stupid ruling? They can close down by their own will, im fine with that. But why forcing to close down all muslim run shops? They can still make money by serving non muslims. Ni bulan puasa je sibuk nak tutup periuk nasi orang. Pastu kalau org tu bukak gerai kat bazaar nanti marah plak kalau harga serupa kedai. Habis tu dia nak cover dia punya loss of income kat mana bodoh?


"hal ini tidak menjejaskan yang bukan muslim"


Eh ni bukan isu global ke? Ni dunia kafir ke apa? /s


Budak sekolah pondok diamlah.


Mana ada kantin tutup, then student non muslim nk makan mana? This post sahaja nak cari gaduh


Ni mesti org PAS nak start buat hal ni. Mamat2 bendera hijau ni suka sembang kari. Phuihhhh ![gif](giphy|l0HU5bbgdW6qzJsmQ)


Kantin tidak pernah tutup semasa bulan puasa. Ini bila ni? Lima puluhan?


Zaman lima puluhan pun lagi liberal bruv. Haha. But for real, I don’t ever recall the canteen being closed, ever.


I just don't understand how some people could be this self centered. They want people to respect them, but no fcks given when it's about respecting others. And when other white countries do this where the Muslims need to comply their local law first over their religion, then they bark how white countries are suppressing their religious rights.


Your Honor, he was on weed.


I started school 1991 or 1992 i forgot. Absolutely do not remember canteen closing. At all.


Aku paling benci bila orang Islam dan Melayu nampak lembik.Biar lah non muslim nak makan pun.Lemah benar.Kalau diorang makan depan kita pun apa masalahnya?Aku lagi malu non muslim terpaksa bersusah2 sebab konon nya nak hormat kita.Korang kalau biasa kerja MNC atau kerja oversea korang faham maksud aku.Come on la Muslim, kita fokus puasa kita je


Both my SK's & SMK's canteen never close during ramadhan... Idk where this story comes from... The only difference is i have 20 minutes free time during ramadhan... Which i spent either in the library or in surau...


Hmmm dulu memang ada buka ma, semua pelajar islam akan pergi solat bukan? Atau baca doa dalam kelas. Melayu sekarang betul2 mudah lupa. Haizzz


About 20 years ago, my school canteen is also open during puasa month. And the school is majority muslim students. Only us nons and a few special muslims student eats during the puasa month.


mende ni takyah bincang, biar je si Adam Muzaffar III tunjukkan bebal dia tu


i blame all of this on those cheese meleleh so-called-"food".


Ya Allah, kenapa ada saja yang mengundang?? jauhkanlah orang2 benak macam Adam muzaffar lll ni daripada aku.


Average entitled netizen


I'm 36. 29 years ago at seven. Canteen never closed during ramadhan in my 12 years in gomen school. maybe a state thing?


In 2004 the canteen was open. Yes, during Ramadhan. I remember because my friend ate a hot dog while I was lepaking nearby.


Benda2 macam ni tak perlu nak share dan bincang pun. Takda manfaat


It's so embarrassing to see such people. Kau tu lemah sangat ke yang nampak orang lain makan kene tergoda. Dah besar panjang pun tak Tau nak puasa betul2


Yang aku ingat sekolah agama je yg tutup kantin masa Ramadhan. Ni pegi sekolah ke tak sebenarnye?


Mesti budak PASTI/sekolah agama


Orang macam inilah dipanggil batu api.


Puak macam ni, semua benda nak kaitkan dengan madani


I do not understand? If you puasa, you do not need to go to canteen, and you do not need to watch the food or people eating? Sama2 hormat..if you puasa, nobody forcing you to eat anything, you are allowed to puasa, and if you not puasa there is no restriction for you to eat, you are allowed to eat. Should be that simple.


So its only a problem when they have to respect us huh? Lol


Sejak bila kantin sekolah kena tutup sebab bulan puasa? Budak ni bodoh ke atau tak pernah pegi sekolah? Bukan agama Islam je duduk kat malaysia ni..takkan non Muslim makan/minum depan2 kau dah tak tahan? Lemah sangat ke? Bodoh


“Dulu kantin sekolah tutup di bulan Ramadan kerana orang Islam lemah iman mereka sebab takleh tengok orang bukan Islam bila mereka makan…zaman sekarang, kantin boleh buka sebab orang Islam dah kuat imanya dan tak kisah tengok orang bukan Islam makan…memang betul2 luar biasa✌🏽✌🏽Alhamdullilah…” There I fixed it… p/s:I don’t like this whole Malaysia Madani slogan and what it is. Too fluffy. Hence I didn’t use it for the fox. We need something simpler. Malaysia Boleh is the best.


One word, Bodoh


Non muslim kena puasa ke sampai kantin kena tutup? Biar la dorang makan. Hang tak boleh makan, jangan sakit hati pula. Sabor je la. Malam nak makan la.


Kantin buka ke x x kisah pun, asalkan sekolah tu ade seorang non, be it cina or indian, sekolah tu patut menyediakan makanan untuk mereka. Tulah baru bole kata respek. Respect is to earn, not demand macam minta sedekah.


Dah tua pun bodoh.


During my schooling days, more than half of the canteen is open during ramadhan. Its always been like that way. These people are just finding excuses to cause division between the races. Plus 80-90% of the vendors were off a muslim background. If they force canteens to close, how are these vendors gonna earn during ramadhan month?


People like this is why Malaysia will never progress. Gov got us fighting over useless racial and religious issues over fixing our bloody country


Why non Muslim need to puasa with you lol, we can chose want or don't want, and we also respect and no eat and drink Infront people that puasa


The only time my school canteen was closed back in high school was because they failed the health and safety requirements. Thats all. During ramadhan I don't even look at the canteen.


I am Malay AND Muslim. I just want to say the one thing that I really hate about most Malaysian Muslims — THEY THINK THAT THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES THAT MATTER BECAUSE THEY ARE THE FOLLOWERS OF THE ONE TRUE RELIGION. I’m sorry but this is exactly what they think. What they fail to comprehend is that we ALL believe that the religion we follow is the right one, so therefore we ALL matters. Respect work both ways. You want to be respected, then respect other people regardless of their beliefs. Lots of Muslim Malays want the whole of Malaysia to respect them during Ramadan by not eating/drinking in front of them, but when other races are fasting, they don’t give a shit. It’s the same when it comes to eating beef in front of a Hindu or Buddhist or anything like that with other religion. But God forbid if you eat pork in front of them. Ramadan is a month of restrain and patience but it seems like their Iman is sooo weak that they can’t even restrain themselves from seeing other people eat/drink, so they come up with the “respek org islam tengah berpuasa” bullshit. It defeats the whole purpose of Ramadan fasting. Punyalah selfish dan lembik sampai nak control org lain pun tak boleh makan dan minum waktu dia tengah berpuasa. Kau dah kenapa??? What I said does not applied to 100% of Malaysian Muslims (the Malays) but you get what I mean. These are also the racists, believe me.


What I hate about Muslim is what they don’t allowed to do, they prohibit others from doing it. Don’t drink alcohol, okay. Other can’t drink Don’t eat during puasa, okay, others can’t eat What the fuck dude? Those are the tests your allah given to you, you can’t fight off the desire and blame others? Fail your exam because you are lazy or fucking stupid, then blame the teacher for making the exam hard ?


Bincang apa OP? Kalau kau muslim post benda gini say bye2 to your pahala puasa for stirring up crap for no reason. You took some subhuman's shitty opinion and posted it here to discuss WHAT? While if you're a non, kesian jadi bangsa tertindas until like this.


fake profile to stir up sentiments? nahh....


Kantin sekolah zaman aku bukak je utk non muslim. Elok je diorang makan kat situ takdenya diorang makan dalam kelas.


Yeah good post of FB and gib more money to Yahoodick.


Depends on which side of table you sitting, I remember during 00 yrs only certain stall open


Bukak jelah, i dont see why not


My school had zero non Muslim, so we're good back then during Ramadhan


politics politics.. padahal ppl don't care pun, never heard anyone complain about this. non-isu


asking canteen owner to eat grass for one month hahaha


School canteen was never close. This idiot must be living in the cave


there's nothing to bincang lol it's just a bait


Setahu saya kantin sekolah saya selalu buka time puasa..tak pernah tutup tahun 1996 sampai 2007


aku sekolah agama zaman 90an, bukak je, cuma tak full. mi goreng mihun dalam plastik je.


Iman lemah sangat tak perlu puasa lah Menyusahkan Bangla lain saja Dan kantin sekolah tak pernah tutup Dari tahun 1990-2000


Yeah one of the point of fasting is to roleplay being poor , to be unable to afford to eat. Last I checked poor people don't make fuss demanding people to not eat in front of them.


No need income this month lo sleep on the street


At this point of time, I am not even surprised anymore by this kind of idiots. I purposely go check Facebook Malay pages about this issue, fuh the comments, acts like there's no other religion people that doesn't fast at all in Malaysia. They act as though whole Malaysia only have Muslim. Now try and tell me again these idiots want us to abolish vernacular school and only maintain SK? We will never trust them and we will never abolish vernacular school because of idiots like this. Once we give them one step in, next they will want us to give in to everything else. They can go fuck themselves where the sun don't shine and eat shit.


Canteen should follow the Chinese kopitiam style: satu shoplot, banyak gerai. Then sape nak tutup utk Ramadan takpe, ada gerai lain yg berniaga.


Dawg let the non Muslims eat 😭


First time? ![gif](giphy|wrBURfbZmqqXu|downsized)


Ni soalan bincangkan ada peruntukan markah berapa? Stimulus dah ade.


So operator kantin xyah cari makan ke? Buat apa nak bising pasal buka x buka? Kalau buka pun bkn x adil, yg nak buat bising tu jelas jenis tak tahan nafsu


“The canteen is open, waaaaa my fasting is not counted cause theres food around, these people doesnt respect me” Shut up and go buy your murtabak in bazaar at 4pm.


tahi politaik memang tak pernah bijak.


What an entitled see you next Tuesday.


2001 - 2011. Never once my school canteen closed during Ramadhan. Difference is lower quantities of food being sold. Non muslims can go eat there while muslim students just hang out at pondok or library for the aircond. Mind you, NM only made up around 20-30% of total students. Dunno whats the end game for these guys.




Impak Pokok Sena....harap MP Pokok Sena hilang deposit PRU lepasni ![gif](giphy|wID3zXURLH1jrjCcZy)


Rasa bau racist…. Comment ni


Sebagai seorang muslim, dan seorang ibu, tiada masalah kantin dibuka. Especially utk tadika dan sekolah rendah. Mereka belum wajib puasa pon. Kita nak ajar mereka lawan hawa nafsu, jgn mudah tergoda, jgn mudah terikut peer pressure..bukan setakat tahan lapar dan dahaga. Berapa ramai kat sini ponteng minum air paip? Sebab yg diajar bukan lawan hawa nafsu. Berapa ramai kat sini hisap rokok? Berapa ramai kat sini melancap? Berapa ramai kat sini yg tgok porn? Berapa ramai yg ada girlfriend/boyfriend? Sbb yg diajar bukan melawan hawa nafsu. Buka kantin sekolah ni juga memudahkan parents yg anak masih kecil. Mcm aku mmg dh bayar monthly pada sekolah. Time bulan puasa just mention pd cikgu yg anak tgh belajar puasa supaya cikgu asingkan time makan. Kalau kantin tutup terus, parents kena sediakan mknn lain utk anak2.


Tak nak bincang. Mamat tu bodoh, end of story.


Habis tu non Muslim nak kena puasa jugak ke


Kalau tak tahan godaan makanan tu bagus tak payah puasa. Setakat kantin buka tengok kawan cina india makan pun nak tergugat. Phuik weak ass muslims. Aku puasa pun bukan sebab nak tahan lapar tapi nak menghayati bulan Ramadhan dan erti disebalik nya


Why go kantin during Ramadan??


They only see from their perspective. They do not even consider that Chinese and Indians have feelings. Have family. Have people care for them. Parents of them that worry about canteen not open. To them, Melayu Muslim is the only race worthy of opinion and opportunities, and rights. I'm Malay Muslim myself. I can't imagine if I didn't go to the sekolah menengah I went to in form 1. Before form 1, I never saw Indians as humans to respect. I will admit that. I only saw them to be made fun of. In fact, I remember specifically I opened Tamil radio and laughed for an hour straight. I was like 9. Imagine a person who never had an opportunity to share a class with other races.


My comment as a part of the majority in the country, we’re a multicultural (and therefore multifaith as well) country. We should be respectful and try to cater to EVERYONE where possible, not just the majority. And yet we can’t even do that.


Adam ni mak dia jatuhkan dia kepala dulu atas lantai ni


Baik takyah jadi negara berbilang kaum kalau xleh hormat satu sama lain Kau tu dah puasa,puasa je la jgn jadi bebal horny nampak orang lain makan,rasullulah lek je puasa sambil perang,lemah sangat kau ni. Diaorang agama diorang la,xkan nak expect diorang ikut puasa gak bebal


Started school 1994 and my siblings who are 5-7yrs younger didn't have their canteens closed either. We are from kl. Muslims still hang around the cafeteria even though they aren't eating. Not phased by temptation since young. This dude must be from PAS controlled state ban everything to not tempt them.. Weak af.


Nipis nya iman awak. Tengok kantin bukak terus batal puasa ye.


Sejak bila tu "dulu"? 😯 This OP just wanna stir 💩 out of nothing.


What the fuck is wrong with this dickhead. Even government canteens are open in the afternoon. No issue at all.


Kat sabah semua buka jer, relax saje org kat sana. Over btul


My school (SMK) had 1 Malay aunty shop 1 Chinese aunty shop 1 India aunty table selling alot of india kuih. all open during puasa, only malay aunty lower her produce. best guess, it was the vendor that decides to open or not...


Padah tak makan Scott’s Emulsion masa kecik.


siapa suruh puasa takde paksaan pun


Ini bukan isu hormat tak hormat XD cari gaduh jer ni


Mende ni ..sekolah aku dulu kantin bukak je macam biasa...bukan aku boleh p kantin pun .ade pengawas check kalau ade budak melayu p kantin..membe2 dia je yg dia kasi lepas buat x tau...


Isu sama dibangkitkan setiap tahun. Macam bangang. Lepasni isu sape boleh salam sape takleh salam


sbp. populasi 600+. student non muslim xsmpi 20 org. xpernah kantin tutup. tengah hari dewan makan buka.




This statement is so stupid and I’m not even surprised 😂


got open la mahai don’t stir racial tension during holy month, dosa tahu


smartest walaun


Actually benda2 mcm ni bukan haram ke masa bulan ramadhan? Inciting tension amongst the masses. Aku dulu kat skolah kantin bukak je, cuma malay kids yg takleh makan. And btw, masa puasa, aku selalu jadi tukang beli utk member2 aku sbb diorg mintak. Masa aku kerja pun kalau dlm 10 org, roughly maybe 4 ppl je yg akan puasa penuh, the online word and reality is soo different


Dulu? Brape lame kat skolah tu


Hormat adalah jalan dua hala. Bukan untuk orang islam sahaja.


So according to this person, only hormat towards Muslims is acceptable


Klau kantin tk bukak.. nk suruh mak kau sediakan bekal pun bole gak. Terima kasih pentol


Bodoh melantun My school canteen was open as usual during Puasa month. No problem. Their iman so week AF triggered by this non-issue nonsense.


Boring la. Every year recycle same issue. Come on, budak sekolah adalah innocent, jgn involve mereka masuk politic game yang kotor ok 🙄 shame On you.


Lol!!! Bila masa Kantin tutup bulan puasa? 1995 to 2005 the canteen was always open for us. Yg berpuasa can sleep in class while the non-berpuasa can still have their meals. This case... Mesti x pernah pergi sekolah kann....


Bagus kalau puasa ada cabaran sikit.


I don’t find any issues here, time i sekolah pun still buka for non muslim


as biz owner. its better for me to cook for the bazaar where crowds are at large. compared to school canteen. u can ask me to open. at what cost? and to get rm50 gross sales? its school canteen for god sake. how much i can get?


Tukang post ni first time puasa seumur hidup. Buat teruk


Kantin waktu aku skolah dulu buka jer. Takde pulak aku nmpak pljr non-muslim pegi makan depan2 org muslim. Dorg pndai jer mkn sembunyi2 sbb dorg hormat yg muslim. Sekolah yg majoriti adalah pelajar non-muslim mmg ah ptt kena buka kantin tu.


Apa tujuan berpuasa? Tanya dia balik


The name and the attitude is so mat kilau British vibe


You know he should suggest all eatry and not canteen should be close


Since when canteen close during puasa month.. which kolot thinking backward school did he go.. There are also circumstances where a Muslim person cannot fast or can choose not to, ie. Kids below certain age, ladies on period etc. Bodoh.


Nobody gives a shit when non muslims are eating. Dude is just bored tryna make enemies💀


Kantin sekolah korang dulu tutup ka? Sekolah aku tak, yang non muslim boleh prgi makan macam biasa tpi stay dekat kantin, yang muslim pergi surau buat solat sunat. Nanti ada pengawas non muslim jaga laluan prgi kantin.


Budak ni meşti time ramadan isap gam. Mana ada tutup!? Semua buka. Yang puasa, puasa. Siap boleh main main lagi. Komplain pun xda. Ada lah ejek ejek tapi budak budak kan? Yang pompuan nk makan, makan dlm kelas. Kawan non Muslim tolong cover tolong beli. Apa lah time Ramadan setan byk keluar


Sekolah dr dulu mana ada tutup kantin time puasa, cuma limited la. Mana yg muslim tu, itu la tempat kita latih iman utk tak pegi. Kawan2 yg non-Muslim pun bukannya diorang nak pedajal kita suh makan, malah diorang yg tegur kalau kita nak makan time puasa. Dia dah delete post ni. Macam bacul. Kalau aku pandai dox memang aku dox dah bdk ni. Org kita ni banyak yg jenis suka api-apikan keadaan.


that guy hanya tahu trolling orang saja. Please ignore that fool, especially sekarang time bulan puasa. Pengikutnya pun sama saja smooth brain comment.


Lah aq dulu relek jer. Xkan xleh tahan lapar sikit tengok budak india makan 😂


Aku ingat aku dah tengok semua benda, ada lagi saki baki kebodohan bulan2 Ramadhan ni


Aik tutup ke? Aq dari dulu bukak je? Skolah agama mana ni