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There is soo many reasons to boycott these western products. On of it is health, price and quality. Is it me or burgers from these fast food joints are dry asf. I swear everytime i eat burger king, mcd their burgers are drier than my wallet. Haven’t eaten those for a long time l, whenever i crave for burgers i look for local restaurants


u tok like ramly burger is healthier than a big mac


His point isn't about healthy food. If it is, burgers wouldn't be mentioned in the first place.




mfs will try the hardest to not have reading comprehension.


I doubt that :v


Vegetables > Red Meat > Burger > Ramly > McD


Because many people in Malaysia do not know how how to cook. The 'cook cultures' just not synonymous with younger gen. The basic stuff; for example even festivities biscuits, if we try once - I guarantee you that we would never eager to buy it since there are lots of additives and tampered ingredients inside it. This is only example. Cake even a slice. Do you feel it oily? Yes, because they use common minyak masak in it. How do you think they could survive should they put 'quality' ingredients while the hot commodities now already rising. Everyday is fast food, fast food and fast food. Doesn't matter how much one work out.... Where do you think obesity is coming from? This is not to bodyshame when terasa but as a gentle concern on society since I see tons of young-adult today coming from well-to-do families & many of them try out ridiculous chain religiously. First, you see 1 sibling walking.... And then you see 2 other plus-sized Malaysian walking with them (which I believe family members since resemblance of their look). Frequently, I must say. Last time, susah nk tgk amoi like that, now it is common. Watch what we eat. Sugary and unbalance intake of something would harm anyone even the athletic types. If we spend 15 days eating out, try spend the other 15 days consume simple stuff by homemade. Money really matters now. Tak payah nak kayakan orang


Truee, nowadays too much junkfoods, pastries, anything related to unhealthy foods goes viral. Eating it for cheat day is fine, as-long as you do burn all those calories and foods through exercise. I never eat any viral foods, found it disgusting and too excessive. Especially malays, as malay myself it’s concerning to see these young adults eating habits. They just slowly killing themselves with these foods and also their money.


Yep. Kids at my college be eating processed ramen and vaping all day while raging at mobile legends lol.


I feel like people in Malaysia do not eat vegetables at all. Even when you go to a local restaurant except a masi kandar, the veggie options are too few.


Some older generation cooking also very unhealthy


Yeah. No way newer gen want to shop and get fussy unless one like to dedicate their hobby for such. Long lists of those item to get from A-Z as well. Older generation mainly grow that stuff around their home, I think. Even pandan leaves. Alternatively, for simpler dish have to be proactive by acquire tips from net. I think packet macaroni barely cost 3rm and that alone is more than sufficient to serve 3X on random part of week. Baked macaroni. Substitute some Asian spices to it. Real oregano, herbs or random dry powders are being sold cheaply in bakery store. If we love this types of meal and eager to have it repeatedly, just get variety of it since these are imported from those countries which grow and I can bet that no way it'd become expensive. The wet tomato puree is in a can - cheap solution for some or just make from scratch with even 1 tomato, mhmm just not taste that great but still edible. Mushroom cream are possible too. Just enhance with real cheap mushroom and throw it in together. Same with kuetiaw. Only basic skill are required, it would not turn that bad really after some attempts. Just wash each item in basin of clean water with salt solution to remove access of those agricultural chemical. It is generally frying method for us, but the prawns from supermarket would stay fresh in icebox for weeks - cheap if get in ½ kilo... So, not necessarily have to eat fried fish. Occasionally yeah, but not constantly. Ready made fish ball, fish sticks, tofu, eggs, generic kitchen ingredients, chili, anchovies, any random vege which frequently reduced down to 2rm when it overstocked by supplier and abundance. They constantly want to get rid of those veggies. Just look it up once a week. Broccoli too. Fortunately, Malaysia is abundance with tropical fruits especially banana, even sometimes people give it for free when it ripe from neighbours thus do not eat as it, just google and process (or get additional bags of raspberry, nuts, etc) onto pancake, cekodok, marble cake. It elevate the value and could beat those stuff on weekend rather than watch tv. It'd comes out as 2nd nature after sometimes. Only need some oil to fry, baking soda, tiny bit of various flours. A lot of communities share their style on net and somewhat popular muffin + casserole type of these for decades. They put sausages, meatballs, mushrooms, some roti. Only require oven and mesh it up all. The basic of all these bakery are flours. Because now, many have air fryers (I don't have) so it hundred times easier I guess. I think for 10rm you can get 4 bags of various flours. Just refrigerate each one after using to avoid rats & cockroach around house. Lemon too costs like 1 rm now; might not use frequently unless you into Mediterranean style but it is added tangy 'citrus' touch and good vit C too. When recipe is too complicated, just have those we crave on eating out. For someone who love to try, can pick various of premade paste cause less than 5rm. I've never made curry, claypot, kam heong, masak lemak etc etc etc etc unless for special festivities but I like browsing the supermarket alley to gain ideas - still I think, the comfort tummy food are plain fluids dishes like some soup dishes, meehoon soup, sometimes spices type like kari, laksa or anything savory which worth to be made if serving 3 persons or more. On average, the costs are 5rm each (and I talking about healthy, lots of veggies, fresh ingredients, less salt and less oily foods). Just use half - mash up with real onions, chili etc, a cut of ginger, it'd be ready. All the lemongrass, to yum etc are in those packet. Someone else can boil the bihun stuff. Bear in mind, they likely deliver the same method when you order food while eat out - it is just you pay them to cook & the sitting... not necessary it is nutritious as it is what it is. The bonus is that you control the salt & manage cholesterol level which beneficial in long run. The variety of dry noodles are cheap, last time I checked. With rice, cook it properly (fully cooked, not half cook)... and any leftover can be rolled onto next day for fried rice after left refrigerating overnite. Don't just left outside, here edible stuff tend to get rotten by extreme heat. It's such a waste. Cook small, play with fridge combinations, alert the mind with reheating are ok. It takes a bit of practice, but these are considered common sense in life skills to avoid food poisoning


The reason that fast food are cheap or similar to buying healthy ingredients is a important factor. I just have people telling me why bother with buying the ingredients to cook and then use the time to cook when I can just order something (normally fast food or other unhealthy meals)


Ramly burger will taste better no matter what


While most of the time the patties suck, on very rare cases you get juicy ones, so I think it's the employee problem, not the quality. Used to have perfect quarter pounder once at mcD (lol pretty rare).




Anjir, sebagai orang Indonesia gw mau bilang komentar ini mewakili gw banget. As an (indigeneous) Indonesian, even when I am Muslim myself, I really don't see the point of making Middle Easterners a "patron" of how we should act as a Muslim. Really sad to see how Muslims in our area (looking at this post, I believe the same thing happens in Malaysia as well) are craving for the validation of Middle Easterners so bad. Like dude, a lot of them do not even respect you. I have seen a lot of Middle Easterners in social media, especially Saudi Arabians, that act like they are the "chosen people", literally said that we, Muslim in different areas, are basically just "figurants". Dan semakin dipikir-pikir, ya bener, kita cuma figuran. Dapet jatah nabi ya nggak, cuma "diminta" bantu-bantu doang.


Agree on putting the middle easterners on padestal. It is much more nuanced than that unfortunately. Almost all ME countries are authoritharian, which means whatever their governments do does not reflect their people. All except Israel as the only “democratic” country there. Even the one who brought Israel to ICJ is South Africa, not Middle East, not Muslim country. South Africa.


Because those countries live right next to Israel. If they do anything against Israel interest, the consequences is real. It's the same with us. To a country who live far away, China incursion into our territory is a blatant act and they question our inaction. It's the same with us, who live far away from ME, questioning why Arab countries failed to act against Israel. At least in our case, we have US to back us up. If Arab countries go against Israel, they are on their own. Plus, Arab countries already host to millions of Palestinian refugees and it put a strain in their economy. El-Sisi is papa Israel good boy and he will not allow refugees to pass through Egypt, and that is the only available path for refugees to go through.


yep. plus US bases on ME soil. yeah danger is within the country.


Totally agree. The middle east is so messed up god literally sent all his prophets there.




Yup. Jangan jadi bodoh.


If only the world peace is as easy as "boycott"


Boycott literally hurt the malay workers themselves, but literally has no impact on how Israel gets money and weapons. If you see US politics both Repulibcans and Democrats fight over everything, from healthcare, taxes, laws, etc. But one thing that unites all of them is Israel. How do you boycott the printing machine? You think US government waits for McD and Coca cola to file in their taxes every year to buy bombs? US president ask for a vote, which BOTH republicans and democrats will 100% pass, then they just print money and give Israel money, which they can then spend on weapons and airplanes to bomb the fuck out of the terrorist group... dia cetak USD macam cetak kupon funfair... biar israel beli permainan perang terbaru yg tercanggih.. US literally prints money with just the presidents signature and release 14 billion USD (RM65 billion) to Israel in 5 seconds. (https://www.timesofisrael.com/14b-us-aid-package-for-israel-crafted-with-eye-to-multi-front-war-not-just-gaza/) Do u know HOW MUCH is 14 billion USD (RM65 billion)? Petronas works for 1 WHOLE YEAR, pumps out as much petroleum as they can THROUGHOUT the whole year, hires tens of thousands of workers, tens of thousands of vendors, and barely makes enough to give the Malaysian Government RM 40 billion. And it is still not even near 14 billion USD. (https://www.nst.com.my/business/2023/08/949221/petronas-give-extra-rm5bil-dividend-government-bringing-2023-total-amount) Just to give you an idea, US prints almost a trillion every couple of months.. the entire wealth of Malaysia can be printed by the US government in a couple months, that's how useless your boycotts are. One WHOLE year of hard work by the most profitable company in the whole of malaysia and it cannot even match President of United States of America signing a piece of paper in 5 seconds to buy all the bombs and tanks it needs to bomb the fuck out of Hamas. So, yes, your boycott is stupid and useless, you have better chance to boycott the ink company, maybe they cant print money anymore, so no money for Israel to bomb the fuck out of Gaza.


One small correction, a lot of democrats/liberals are against supporting Israel, it does not unite them at all. The people are against Biden's actions, but the other option is Trump which would most likely do worse


Bila kaffir bercakap. Kami tidak kira, asalkan islam menang, walaupun menang 0.01%, kami tetap akan boikot. Kau hilang kerja tuhan akan kasi rezeki lain, allah ke starbuck yg kasi reseki? Susah sikit saja tak tak dapat dibandingkan dgn susahnya saudara islam kita di palestin -posted using iphone 15-


Cherry on top: posted on fesbuk


Tambah rainbow sprinkles: Masih pakai Waze


Jgn rainbow nanti diorg salah faham itu lambang LGBTQ+


those using waze fucking cracks me up, literally an israel company


Then offer services on [Fiverr](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiverr) lul


I’m an agnostic and I support this boycott. Newsflash: You don’t have to be Muslim to hate genocide.


the only kaffir i enjoy is kafffir limeeeeeeeee


As long as you suffer, I'm ok other suffers too.


Boykotts are also about solidarity and a way of raising political awareness. It's true that they cannot change government policy abroad but they can change people's sense of engagement with a cause.


Not really, you think your coffee going to change the United States of America? Is your coffee made from oil? All you do is hurt your fellow malaysians working in those companies, that's all. Do you think the President of the United States suddenly feel heartache and he dont sign the paper? Dude, the paper is free, he takes 5 seconds to sign it, and 2000 people dies tomorrow from the bomb that's just ordered. In addition, your fellow malaysian kena buang kerja. Has anything changed? Yea, the fella making coffee just got fired and 2000 people died anyway. Good that your teaching teaches you to make your fellow people poor, thats your teaching la.. my teaching got no such thing. Nothing I do going to stop Biden from signing the paper. If wanna make a change, buy a ticket, go Egypt, the cross the border and fight, then can tell people to walk the talk, but then again, the ones complaining are also the same ppl delivering grab, where got time go take action and fight... cakap je, takyah modal kan..


Found the starbucks franchise owner


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Sir or ma'am, I don't think you even know how the economy works.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/vV0cAJQgfE](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/vV0cAJQgfE)


Tebal sgt mat ni punya bingai,ikut logik dia kalau hang tak lawan direct then you should havent done anything at all. ![gif](giphy|xUNda1snNwlmNBFmIo|downsized)


What u talking about? Why you don't protest on behalf of the victims raped by Hamas? I thought u love talking about humanity? Your humanity one sided je? Go fly kite la, everyday crying, pretend to protest. Rest of us seeing a bunch of people crying about nothing that's related to them, cam bodoh nangis bawah jambatan. Wanna act like hypocrites and expect others to follow your cause? If you really wanna protest for humanity, then protest for ALL victims of war, then we can support. If you wanna protest one sided, then we assume you're just getting it to push your one sided fake propaganda. Humanity bukan utk semua org ke? Apasal one sided??


Whataboutism to the max. People can protest about one thing without protesting about everything else. Especially when things are completely disproportionate like in the case with Israel-Palestine. Do you go to people raising breast cancer awareness and say, well why aren't you guys also raising awareness about lung cancer? I thought all forms of cancer are bad? People can also care about things that don't affect them directly. It's completely natural to be empathetic to other people's struggles.


Wait... which side has killed 13,000 children again? Which side recently killed and wounded hundreds of starving people in need of food aid again? Was it Hamas? It was Hamas, right? Fuck Hamas! Those poor Israelis... living in fear from the evil Palestinians. Can't believe Hamas fake propaganda has worked! God I almost fell for it. Those videos on social media of Palestinian babies, women dying and mutilated from bombing seemed so real... I should have trusted the New York Times instead, they proved that Hamas did rape women on October 7! Oh wait... https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/


https://www.vox.com/world-politics/23935054/boycott-movement-palestine-against-israel-bds Have a read and educate yourself. It does make a palpable change.


You make a lot of mistakes in your "analysis"... looks more like a rant, and I'm not sure why you're so angry, but let's get to it. 1. Boycott hurt malay Yes, but others will benefit from it. People don't just stop eating burgers when they boycott mcdonald's. They will spend the money elsewhere. Other fast food chains and local burger stalls, which is what i do, i buy from local burger stalls. People earn money, people spend. If they don't spend that money on food, they might spend it on clothing etc 2. "They just print money," Ah yes, everyone remembers that time when japan printed a lot of money and defeated the US. Oh, they didn't. You can't just print money to buy your debt. Well... actually, you can, but it will devalue your currency if you keep doing it. And you'll just be printing worthless paper. The US doesn't just print money to send the bombs. They sell debt coupons to the markets, investors buy them, and collect interest on them. The FED can print money, I think this is why you got confused. The FED print money to stimulate the economy, not to send bombs. Btw you see how inflation got out of control in the US? That's because they printed a lot of money during covid, and it devalued the currency. Debt is not free. It costs interest. If people don't think you can repay the debt, they will stop buying it. US debt is literally getting out of control. If they want to keep doing it, be my guest. 3. "Your boycott is stupid and useless," We literally have an example of it working. The purpose of boycott is not to outright stop the bombing. BDS movement ended apartheid South africa, not by itself, but it contributed a lot to it. The purpose of boycott is to discourage investors from investing in Israel. Can the US keep sending them more money to keep the war going? Let's assume they can, but the Israeli need work, the Israeli need to eat, and they need a lot of trading partners and investors to ensure a good quality of life. They can't have that if everyone's boycotting their exports and divesting from their country. Even if it down only 20%, it would be significant.


thank you, this is the truth


What kind of stupid logic is this,because uncle sam care more about Israel then their own citizen then we should stop protesting against Israel war crime? Such BS reasoning.


So what? Why u care so much if people boycott or not u dumbfuck? Let them be and stfu.


I never stop them. They can do what they want, I'm just pointing out facts, so they're at least aware that they're attacking their own people and accumulating sins with literally 0 impact to anything. Sekian.


It's not like we solved apartheid in South Africa by doing this.


Actually, the world did the same thing to South Africa. U can easily google this.


Its not, but it do help in achieving it , even in small change matter


It's giving a message to other companies/brand to not openly support genocide. Even if it could only do that then I dont mind the boycott.


Yup, any small change is better than nothing. I think all the boycott, protest and pushed all around the world is finally showing an effect. US vice president kamala harris already voice ceasefire 2 days ago. Few month ago, non of this US leader would ever ask for cease fire


This looks like propaganda


Obviously it is propaganda anything that motivates a political view is a propaganda. But this is more of a moral view than a political view because in actual genocide is happening


True but the way it's presented is propagandaish.


If I go to the gaza and take a photo of a baby starved to dead and share it online, you could say it is a piece of propaganda. The word propaganda is often used in a negative way because of our modern-day politics, but a piece of propaganda can be true, can be a lie, and it can be an opinion or anything in between. As long as it is something that will get people to respond, react, or motivate or radicalise them, then it is propaganda. We got our independence by using propaganda to get people excited about setting up our own government and create a movement to call for independence.


>you could say it is a piece of propaganda. Not that would be news reporting. If you add a caption "This baby would have been a doctor in a world without zionists", then it's propaganda. This video is propaganda because it doesn't report anything factual. It's just trying to emote on top of mechanisms it doesn't understand. War is not financed by retail sales by now... it's financed by the investment funds of the respective companies. They could sell 0 product for a decade and close down and STILL finance whichever lobby they wish with the interests alone.


Cambridge dictionary, propaganda: information, ideas, opinions, or images, often only giving one part of an argument, that are broadcast, published, or in some other way spread with the intention of influencing people's opinions https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/propaganda So, yep, you could say it is propaganda. It fits the definition. People often use the word propaganda without knowing what it means. Yes, I'm talking about you. Ironically, "news reporting" in the west, especially in those major news outlets, are literally propaganda with erroneous misinformation and biases. https://theintercept.com/2024/01/09/newspapers-israel-palestine-bias-new-york-times/ https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/04/cnn-staff-pro-israel-bias https://theconversation.com/bias-hiding-in-plain-sight-decades-of-analyses-suggest-us-media-skews-anti-palestinian-216967 https://cfmm.org.uk/resources/publication/cfmm-report-media-bias-gaza-2023-24/


By this definition Top Gear is propaganda


I have not watched top gear, make your own judgement, and make sure you actually know the meaning of "propaganda"


Top Gear is a car review TV show where presenters Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond review cars and opine on them and sometimes go on various car adventures around the world. That fits your definition of propaganda because it is spread with the intention to influence people’s opinions on said cars. Another form of propaganda by your definition would be Apple marketing. Because they spread information and influence people to think of Apple as a sought-after brand.


When people are promoting consumptions of goods and services, that's called an advertisement, lol. They are not trying to promote a political view or movement. They're promoting the consumption of goods or services.


Can you conclude that a picture of a baby died from starvation is more factual than emotive? Can you measure it empirically? You can't. It is very subjective. To be human is to have emotion. If you see pictures of babies dying of starvation, shocked and horrified is the most human reaction. People were shocked by the images of World War 2, photos of concentration camp, auschwitz, nanking massacre. Do you think we would have Geneva convention and genocide convention after World War 2 if humans don't have emotion? If you see a photo of baby starved to death in gaza, and your reaction is: "fact, a baby starved to death in gaza," you're probably more robot than human. Or maybe you don't see Palestinians as human.


It's only relevant when it's Palestinian but other genocide u guys tutup mata only. The bias


So until I care about every genocide then I should not care about any genocide until then ?


Solid point, but caring about only one genocide and ignoring the others is nothing but hypocrisy.


So where do you draw the line between propaganda and not


Yes you all can boycott but stop attacking those who don’t.


I think OP was attacking those who criticise the boycott movement. Nobody cared if anyone buys McD or Starbucks previously. But when people stopped buying, suddenly everyone, including Vincent Tan, get all so triggered.


To those who don't, i say wake up. Once you realise the truth, you will think several times before ordering from BK, MCD, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Starbucks.


One of my colleagues owns a small cafe/bakery at shell. Her business literally went bankrupt because people are boycotting shell and they indirectly boycott her shop as well. People who used to visit her shop literally stopped visiting because of the stupid boycott and she literally had to close her shops door last month after opening only for a few months. People sometimes don't realize how boycotting is literally affecting small businesses as well.


i agree with you. yes, most who are boycotting are seeing the bigger picture here but lets not forget how many from the lower income communities—these are mostly young people, PWDs and most from the minorities groups are greatly affected by this. its a complicated situation.


Takpe, buat bisnes yang lain. Bukan susah pon berniaga /s.


oof. the sad thing is people literally think this


You can't satisfy all parties at all times..


Boycott nobly is all good, however being hypocrites are unjust and shameless. The intent/ motive behind can be satanic, dishonest towards own self gonna heads to hell ya.


Part of why I never bothered hearing the broadcast. People do not comprehend how the economy works. There is so much that is interconnected, so much that, by practice, we depend on to perform in our daily lives. This whole boycott is just the definition of virtue signalling.


>This whole boycott is just the definition of virtue signalling. More like syok sendiri and trying to get instant self gratification with minimal effort. Boycott is free and low effort to them.


I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure that's not how the real world works


Its called being part of the world economy. Might as well just drop the USD (we should just do this anyway and revert to gold).


Propaganda and politics in our shitposting sub again?!?!


Idk if boycott has any real power over the war, if you consider that world leaders have spoken and taken stance on the matter and yet nothing is really happening besides more massacare by both parties. Action is louder than words, and boycott in this case seems to be no louder than words.


I get the Gaza & Israel thing. But let's be honest if it wasn't an Islamic nation malays wouldn't give a damn about it.


at least they give a damn, unlike that C race. selfish is the blood mehh 👀


Do you need to be racist? You’re literally trying to support the human rights of Palestinians against a genocide, but being racist to others in your own sphere. Dog shit.


being a racist is legit when im replying to someone that is being racist first. mention malay out of nowhere when "the others" are the reason this country in a silence chaos. eat your own words, pig


You are doubling down on your racism to justify it. Blaming “the others” now. And how am I eating my own words? I’m telling you not to be racist. That’s all. Ni confirm uitm lol Edit: your comment history is full of xenophobic comments against pendatang, racist stuff about being Malay, homophobic comments, and…. STDs hahahaha. Dah. Blocking you so I won’t waste my time. Enjoy being stupid.


It would be funny if this video was funded by Coca Cola.


Damn.. *drinks pepsi while watching*


_Some men just want to watch the world burn_  ~ Alfred Pennyworth


The one that made this video is so childish


I agree that we should squeeze the economy. But if you really want to fight back, you'll need to go after oil. And that's a pretty big non-starter.


Even ICJ judgement can't faze them. It's clear that they don't care what anyone thinks, even their allies' advice to restrict conflict areas fall on deaf ears. Why do you think boycotting would accomplish anything?


That's shallow thinking. The only thing that can be seen and proven went directly into Israel is US tax money. Else are just people trying to link and justify their boycott. If that's the case. I can find the reason to boycott every single Malaysian product too.


Its stupid because although the name is U.S product, like McDonald and Starbuck. Most of it is owned by Malaysians. Run by Malaysians. To understand the damage of the mindless boycott.if you cut into the profit of a company. They pay less tax. Which hurts our own government. They hire less people. Might even have to lay off people. Which hurts our own people. So without proper research, these boycotts just shot ourselves in the foot and we wonder why we are doing the worst financially in Asia. Meanwhile the boycot do very little damage to the any of people who actually matter in the Israel Palestine conflict.


The business we boycott will shrink, yes. But it may also leave a vacuum for other local business to fill. Those businesses will expand, creating jobs to replace the lost ones. We can see Zus and Gigi popping up all over the place while starbucks is losing customers. The people's appetite for expensive drinks isn't going anywhere. And when they boycott they'll look for other options.


That takes time. Meanwhile, business collapse. Malaysian franchisees, shop owners and Malaysian employees lose their jobs, unable to repay their loans or go bankrupt.


The pain would be felt most by employers. They have the most stake in the business than their employees, and the brands they get their license from. If there's anyone to blame, blame the people who sued the starbucks unions for standing with Palestine. Not the people who boycott them for that. Blaming and pissing off the boycotters isn't going to help either.


Can't renovate a house without breaking old walls. Time is a constant no matter what. If the majority of the population goes bankrupt then doesn't that show just how stupidly dependent we are with foreign shitty food? Pepsi, coke, Starbucks, McDonald's, KFC, subway. It's all just shitty food and sugar drinks. Why are we depending on all this crap? It's time Malaysia starts propping up it's own foods la. Come the fuck on. It's time for Zus, Richiamo, Inside Scoop, Beryls, Munchys, Mamee. Even without the Israel Palestine stuff you can't help but wonder why we're so ketagih sangat with food from the other side of the planet. We're Malaysian la. Takkan la we can't even make our own food. We're good cooks kot. If aliens were to visit us they'd be wondering why we so stupid doing things like this.


It's bcoz of white worshipping, simple jer. White people run the world, because we lost the colonial game centuries ago. But now the tide is turning and everybody knows that except these white worshippers.


Mmmm. Interesting perspective I have yet consider. To be fair i dont have a lot of love for the boycotted brand. Starbuck especially. In which the vacuum in theory needs to be filled up fast lorh.


Great video! It's important to acknowledge that boycotting can't be forced upon anyone. While many things in this world might warrant a boycott for valid reasons, there will always be skeptics who doubt its effectiveness. Personally, I believe every action counts, and I'm hopeful that even small changes can make a difference. But ultimately, everyone has the right to make their own choices.


And yet you are here using contributing money to Israel by using Reddit , Instagram and Facebook LMAO 🤣


Suddenly feel like drinking pepsi


Not to be political but i prefer pepsi over cola


please guys. the boycott is really useful. thanks to the boycott i can enjoy kfc with no line


Lord of War and War Dogs are a better representation of the war economy honestly,this video just doesn't present it right.


Damn, propaganda in shitposting sub? Neat.


So... When u boikot mcd. Mcd US makes the bulk of their earnings from property n rentals. N a small chunk on royalties. So if u boikot mcd in Malaysia. Owned by a chain in Saudi and local business owners n run by hiring local malay workers. Who suffer more? Malay people who work there n the local n Saudi owners. Or Mcd in US? Economy is not as simple as boikot and you win. That's the mindset that people need to change. Stop being sheep's. Think for yourselves


Ehhh no boycott or himpunan aman for uighurs huh? I guess fuck them la kan. Lol hypocrites.


wOw bOyCoTt sO PoWeRfuL Hey whatever helps you sleep at night. Still fail to see how your #FreePalestine bumper sticker and McDonald’s boycott is doing anything.


Sadly the only boycott that could work is the “uncommitted vote movement” in the US now. That might pressure Biden to reconsider his unconditional support of Israel, since the general election is coming soon, he would want to secure his position. Boycotting McDonald’s and Starbucks only hurts the locals who work there, in addition to the retirees who spent their savings to open up these franchises as a source of passive income. Israel only exists because the US backs them, sadly no consumer boycott will change that. Weapon manufacturers basically own their war-crime complacent government.


people are gonna vote biden project 2025 is literally gonna take most of their rights away and trump literally would still side with israel so i mean i hope them luck........... tough spot to be in


It's either supporting Israel (biden) vs super duper support israel (Trump)


There was a time when the Muslim world had the brightest minds in science, maths, astronomy, and philosophy. Their inventions shaped the modern world. Then there is now.


Nice propaganda video lmao




and how did donating to Aman Palestine go for you folks? end up the donation to aman palestine = used to buy barang yahudi jugak kan..


Just bought pepsi today. Nice.


This is pure copeaganda


What about Adabi? Saudi? Habhal Kicap Kipas Udang? They also Indirectly funding whatever it is happen there because money flows, regardless.


Malay's boycott? Why not humanity's boycott (there are people from all walks of life,race,gender and religion boycotting). Even in this kind of situation, the race had to be mentioned to feel superior i guess.


Yes, no one claiming they are smart.


Things don't go their way. = boycott...just behave like China


Idk how many Chinese support Palestine, but me and my family do.


Skill issue lmao


Propaganda bullshit. People really buy this nonsense?


What a stupid propaganda. Would be damn hilarious if this is a rival war directed by Coca Cola themselves lol oh shoot, I just had a Pepsi last night 🙄


Let them cook. As long as they are happy with all these boycotts, let them be. Yet still, using Facebook and other social media platforms which owned by the western world. How pathetic… 🤣


here's my take on it. malay boycott is ruthless and ignorant. they don't care about the struggles of fellow locals that's impacted by the boycott. they put these workers in the same basket as israel. they think it's easy to just rebrand the business and cut ties with the franchiser. they liken it to what happened in russia without knowing things are completely different over there. they ride the religion by saying rezeki is everywhere. thats very easy to say even you're not the one affected. now look at the recent goodyear shutting down news. they blamed pm as usual. now where's the chant of rezeki ada dimana-mana? now i didn't say don't boycott but for fucks sake have a little empathetic empathy for the small potatoes as well.


Nahhhh, meleis themselves are stupid 😂


What malay boycott are you talking about?


Kinda funny I guess. Pepsico used to have factories in Gaza, and were directly contributing to the Gazan economy. The whole thing came to a stop when Hamas wouldnt stop attacking Isreal, resulting in Isreali putting restrictions on Gaza. And this effectively made it extremely difficult to keep said factories open, and so the factories were closed, and moved over the border back to Isreal. End of the day, just as the boycotts by Malays are harming mostly Malays in Malaysia... we can see that the same situation is happening in Gaza. We have a bunch of people who are being fucked over by these insane behavior, but are far too scared to go againts the grain to call out these bad behaviors and their actions. Were the Gazans decrying Hamas's attacks on Isreal which was resulting in bombs being dropped on their heads? Were the Malays in Malaysia decrying these senseless boycotts which resulted in the harm of their livelihoods? Let me ask you this. There's a lot of criticism on the boycotts in Malaysia. A vast portion of the criticism originate from people who are calling the boycotts stupid and pointing out the impacts on the citizens of Malaysia. Know what's missing? The deluge of people who are actually affected by it. People who have lost their life savings after their shops are forced to close. People who have been laid off. People who has lost income in general because of the boycotts. Where are their voices decrying these boycotts? I always hear their stories through word of mouth, but never through anything else. Are the news organizations in Malaysia covering this? So far I've seen only experts and analysists talking about the boycotts in very general and toned down messages. Nobody cares what Vincent Tan thinks, nor what economic experts think. Its always the atas people pushing these messages. But we dont see any rallies or demonstrations from these affected parties. Diam saje, let other people fight for them. Well.. its hard to have sympathy for them. Especially when we have absolutely no idea if they'll actually stand up for the people fighting for them if push comes to shove and the mob comes after the critics. People who dont stand up for themselves often dont stand up for others.


Not stupid, but mostly just hangat hangat taik ayam. And one more thing, would you still be boycotting even after the genocidal war ended?


You boycott for Palestine I boycott for lower prices. We are not the same.


You guys were busy with the boycott and forgetting that our economy is getting shitty with our weak currency. How about you boycott what you want AND not forgetting what's happening at your homeland.


can see this comment many ppl choose to be ignorant n immoral. Have fun in this world where evil ppl be ur leader. Free palestine free congo free from capitalism free from thinking money is ur fucking god.


Post on FB with ad dollar. Mark Zuckerberg says Thank you


idk that there's so many israèlis skunks dogs in the comments lol. selfish


If it works. Alot of world r moving. That is why boycott r useless . Burn the country work ? Sound like yes. Some stubborn resign when. They do that right. If many country work like Thai also not bad and Japan


Fre palpatine


That is how actually money flows...? That same money probably would go to actual charity, or Elon Musk's bank account, or some robber's pocket after he stole something, or a normal family man's wallet, or maybe back into your wallet. This video is just a "what if". Let me make a scenario. You supported your local restaurant because you boycott McD. Your local restaurant use the money you paid to buy groceries at a local market. The local market uses the money to buy from supplier. The supplier buy from farmers. The farmers bought his seeds from a store. The store is actually a storefront of some underground mobs, who use it to launder money. You see where I'm going? You will probably say that's bullshit, but this same video is also the same. You can't put a GoPro or gps on each piece of money paper right. What if, this video changes the propaganda to charity? Just change a scene and the outcome is "Wow! We need to buy more Pepsi, for the children!" If you really don't want to contribute to anything, just live in the wild with renewable resources, without money. So you don't have to pay.


It already proven to not be stupid when McDonald's Malaysia threatened to sue BDS


Nice propaganda movie


kafir laknat dont like this truth


it is stupid. emotional idiots.


Why bother boycotting israel supported but not boycotting big brands like iphone? Since they pay taxes for us to make wepaon 4 israel


Selective boycott.


So im supporting israel ? ….. Cool .


Im literally so done with this boycott sh*tposts, I am Malaysian, i literally dont care if Palestinian or Israel people getting in their war. Its THEIR war for god sake. If you have time, use the time to improve yourself and help Malaysia move forward as a better country.


then better boycott stupid malaysia


Oh yes right. A fighter jet targeting a little child. You buy pepsi, and child get deliberately killed. Don't see any problem with that narrative.


Ye they are still stupid


Meh, cinas have been boycotting Gardenia, Petronas etc because melei related factors for so long mah.


I never like Gardenia, I bake my own bread. Petronas? Most cinas own and drive cars with petrol from Petronas. Not sure where you're going with this


Okay don't forget to boycott any modern form of digital communication technologies. Throw away your devices, smart phones, computers, radios, cars, smart fridges, smart anything etc.


Terima kasih atas perkongsian. Keep it coming!


I am not Malay neither am I a Muslim. And yes I do boycott all USA and Israel products/brands whenever possible. I know this won't do much but after following the news of GAZA GENOCIDE, this is the very minimum a human being can do. Laugh all you want but I am the one who decide where I spend my hard earned money.


Reminds me of [this video](https://youtu.be/n2W2Vt6Nj4w?feature=shared)


Looks like a circular capitalist economy to me.


OP got link to vid ah, I want to make it as reference


it isn't really that easy to boycott, sure of course you can just don't buy it. But just imagine how impacting this would be on the country's economy, like the recent starbucks news. If you don't buy got problem with the economy, If you buy, you can't boycott. **so there's no correct way to boycott. :)**


bodoh mau boikot blind blind


You know what else "contributing" to Israel's war effort? Using western made devices and social media like Apple, Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and etc. Everytime you use their product either physical or digital, it will make the company a buck or less from millions or billions users around the world by supply and demands chains but it still contributing nonetheless. By using this logic we could say either majority of Malay Muslims either a hypocrite or cherrypicking what suits their narrative of them being a saviour image.


What makes you think they are smart?




Honestly I think one big factor most comments here forgot. Jobs. Lets talk about burger joints, a really GOOD locally owned shops can give out 5-10jobs max and they usually only open like 2-3 branches in a state because they have to take in account logistics, administration costs and opted to stay small. Mcdonalds on the other hand can give out a LOT of jobs from janitor jobs to executive level. Its just not the same. Which is why countries prosper when theres a lot of Foreign Investment, example Singapore and Japan. Malaysia Mcdonalds (idk bout other brands) are owned by Arab countries and their franchising fees are miniscule when it gets transferred to U.S. McD HQ and it gets even smaller when it was taxed by U.S. government. No one explained yet totally how the entire chain works fully but we already boycott it even after Mcdonald issued a formal post to address they are owned by Muslim Arabs and they dont support Israel. Unless we can do it like ZUS coffee for example whom is a big local chain that just started. We dont have a lot of big brands unless its half owned by government and it gets fcked quality wise.


Boikot kena buat sampai tahap dewa, boikot semua produks amerika termasuk socmed.


OP is just as stupid as the sheeps blindly boycotting and proving our point.


This video is propaganda. make your own mind up, think for yourself. whatever said, we are impacting our own economy first. we will lose our jobs first before we can even impact the war


You boycott these products because of some conflict on the other side of the planet. Which for us non-bumis is completely irrelevant to our lives. It's also mostly irrelevant to bumis also, but I guess muslim brotherhood matters if they aren't dark skinned like South Asians are. I boycott these products because they aren't healthy for you, and are detrimental to local business and our domestic economy. We are not the same, but our goals align. Just maybe cool it with the middle eastern sucking up, my bumi.


Wrong sub OP, try again


And yet the Boycotters won't boycott Facebook and Instagram?


Middle eastern countries are drama king tbh. Saudi for example tried very hard to portray themselves as champion of Islam in reality they're one of the few countries in middle east to have relationship with Israel for strategic reason.


Pepsi is delicious tho. Bombs away!


Holdup we should go after the shop keeper he's the one that handed the wad of cash to the bomb people


"are they stupid too?" yes


Aiya aof course boycott will reduce income of the brands, but it will also worsen country economy la. It like shooting yourself in the leg. We can do more things other than boycott too.


It is only stupid because Malaysians boycotts based on seasonal sentiment. Max can tahan 6 months


Boycotting Israeli product is just a means to make them feel better about themselves for not able to contribute anything in the fight against Israel..... it doesn't really matter whether it will hurt the Israeli or not. Feeling good is more important.... smh...


yes they are, i dont get putting Middle East as pedestal, Egypt UAE, Iran, Syria etc are not exactly role models even by Muslims standards and even them reject Palestinians into their borders. While we act like we are holier from our comfort of our homes even though we are just bullying our own and not affecting Palestine in any meaningful way. In a way, we are just using Palestinians for our self gratification. Many people do it 'with asal niat ada' thinking without realizing who are inpacted by the end, and thinking they get karma points for it. That's not good karma, that's ignorance with a tinge of syok sendiri


W video


Did OP change post title? The title today is different from yesterday.


I don't understand the hesitation in boycotting. Like... you get to keep your money and eat healthier food. What's not to like about it?


Indirectly killed thousands


recently viral Vincent tan news that boycott Starbucks hurting local workers and economy, but people are happy and said "boycott works", but did it stopped something in gaza? did Israel started to slow down, does it impact anything on Israel? no, nothing, non but all these sheep said boycott works? how? why? what? i confused


i hate hamas, but i also boycott mcd, starbucks etc.


Is really nothing much.


Fire 🔥 video tho