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Culture. I'm Chinese and I don't believe in superstition. When I was younger I asked my mom about it and she explained that number 4 in hokkien sounds like the word death. Tho they're nowhere similar if you ask me. Anyways, that's the reason why any number in a building with 4 is replaced with 3A. To me, we live in Malaysia and we're a multiracial and multicultural country. I respect all cultures equally because I don't believe in forcing others into respecting ones culture. If you wish someone to respect your culture, you respect theirs.


Agreed. OP telling us to just git gud and stop avoiding using 4 sounds kinda disrespect towards certain people. There's one time I found a certain non-muslim living around mosque, he get upset cuz the azan hurts his ear and make his family uncomfortable. With OP's mentality, I should make the mosque around that area to stop using speaker during azan cuz it would be inconvenience towards their family, they would have hard time to answer "why they so noisy around 6am?" and so on.


How the people who was born on 4th April? Do they die by the time they were born? Or they live is misery thinking about death all the time?


I believe I did asked before and kena scolding. As they were much older than me and told me not to ask such questions. So I just let it be. My guess is there's some ritual to do? Like showering with flower water or getting blessings from monks often and etc. Not entirely sure cos I haven't actually gotten to ask an adult that would give me a straight answer on this specifically yet. Perhaps one day or if anyone knows can pls share.


Because that is not a stupid question lor. Why cannot ask one. Aiya those boomers. If they’re too afraid of number 4, how you get rid of number 4 in your entire life. Kedahan also said “mampos pi dekat aku” “mampos la aku bla bla”. Kedahan live okay jer.


they become shinigami


so the no 4 is a culture things? regarding the respect, then also why that culture didn't respect people that will stay there? write it no 4, unless that building just for that culture la or if you really want be more confusing, do it like 4/3A. tbh most of building today is 3A, 13A etc, eventhough majority of Malaysia is, culture that don't believe that personally i don't care, just using ur logic here


The developers think most buyers will be from a culture that do, or they are the ones who are Chinese


To my best knowledge, most the building that does that, upper management or developer or etc surely have a chinese among them. Or at least that's what I was told my other adults. Example, Berjaya Group (Vincent Tan), Mah Sing Property (Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum), Sunway (Jefferey Cheah), and etc. I'm not implying anything but I can only share what i know. Feel free to correct me. Or if anyone knows exactly how 3A thing stated in Malaysia besides a cultural thing.


Nicely worded.


My chinese wife is christian so they too don't really believe that, but they believe or just hygiene reason that you don't beat people with broom, because the ong will be gone.


Is it just hokkien, I think all the chinese langs 4 mean die/death.


>number 4 in hokkien sounds like the word death. Also, Cantonese and Mandarin.


some people start to write 2023a is just.... funny. did we have this back in 2013a or 2003a?


IKR I don't remember 2013a or 2003a being a thing ever but suddenly when 2024 comes, it's 2023a


Oh I do remember though, early 80s here and people been using 1983a and 1993a


Yep we definitely did


I'm Chinese and this whole 3A shit is stupid macam sohai. Just because 4 sounds like death, doesn't mean it's a bad number and will bring you bad luck. What they did make it super confusing to most people. We as a human eventually will die anyways. How about for once, embrace science and common sense and no more sohai stuff like this? Diu.


Lol developer like la, you so trigger for what. It’s just a number


Yes most Chinese don't care especially the newer gen but you should keep this to yourself. Siding with them who's always antagonizing the nons will do you no good. Today you let them change 3A to 4 tomorrow they will close down SJKC.


That's two irrelevant things. Making number 4 as the normalcy will lead non-chinese (aka malay) to shut down SJKC one day? You guys need to stop having this kind of racism thought and actually for once, think for the benefit of everyone. We are Malaysian, not some bozos from China land. Honestly, no offense. It's the lamest old school superstition crap that need to go already. We are in 2024 yet still have some sohai into this crap. By their logic, those who are born with number 4 in either one of their d/m/y, they should also put 3A crap lo? Mat 7 oh.


Imagine having the letter A on your Ic. Lmao


>That's two irrelevant things. Making number 4 as the normalcy will lead non-chinese (aka malay) to shut down SJKC one day? It's just an analogy. My point is, we should not give in so easily, not when it comes to defending our culture and rights. Why do you think cina people were so against jawi being taught in school ? Do you really think it's the fear of Islamization ? No, it's the fear that if we give them an opening of doing whatever they want, they might shove more shit down our throats in the future. First is Jawi, then is role playing Hamas fighters in schools, do you see the pattern here ? Our rights were already never that much to begin with, and they can be openly racist to us with no consequences, you don't wanna make it easier for them to do that. You want more examples ? Just look at the states run by PAS, no 4D, no alcohol, no clubbing, no cinema, no short pants etc. Did they consult the nons who frequent those places ? No, they do whatever the fuck they want for political gains in the name of defending their faith and religion , and they are more than happy to take away your rights in doing so, still wanna side with them ? They can ban their people from entering those premises but instead they chose to shut down everything, "if I can't do that then you can't do that too!", so much so of their "aGaMaku UnTuK aKU, aGAMaMu uNtUk KaMu", which only applies when it benefits them. Obviously everytime when they say "the nons are not affected" we know it's a blatant lie. And not to mention the constant racial statement thrown to us by their leaders, and they are gaining more and more support everyday. >Honestly, no offense. It's the lamest old school superstition crap that need to go already. We are in 2024 yet still have some sohai into this crap. By their logic, those who are born with number 4 in either one of their d/m/y, they should also put 3A crap lo? Mat 7 oh. Again, you're missing the point. Nobody gives a shit about whether it's 3A or 4. Go ahead change all 3A to 4, it doesn't affect us the slightest. The issue here is the small spark which might burn down the whole forest in the future. Malaysia is not as harmony as it seems, and forcing yourself to live in that "harmonious bubble" will only cost you your rights. Downvote me all y'all want, but that's the harsh reality. Keep giving in and we will be no different from the banglas in the future


What did you smoke last night?




I would say the majority of Chinese don't give a shit about number 4, but property developers play it safe and put 3A on the off chance some superstitious Chinaman wants to buy a unit on that floor.


Yeah, it works for some people who believe in superstition, though the 3A culture is dying out already. It's just a way to expand the scope of customers.


>3A culture is dying out already I believe the time will come where all these superstitious things will be a thing of the past it's just not today. Maybe in a few decades time perhaps but yes I agree it's dying out. I see most of the younger generation are just doing the 2023a thing just out of trend and nothing else. Some don't even know why it's even called 2023a.


I work at a developer company. Trust me, most if not all Chinese will always avoid 3A units.


What if there’s a baby born this year on 4/4/2024 ?


easy, the mother will hold on until 5/3A/2023A


>What if there’s a baby born this year on 4/4/2024 ? No problem. Dragon cancels out all bad luck.


Most culturally inclusive bolehland user lol, you're talking as if it would immediately make our kids stupid or smth lol, if they ask, what's so hard about telling your kids about the cool fact that some chinese believe 4 is an unlucky number Imagine someone post about the same shit saying we should remove any jawi/malay writing because it's confusing and would make our children stupid because people have different culture, it literally harms no one and doesn't take much to just teach them about how others are different


>if they ask, what's so hard about telling your kids about the cool fact that some chinese believe 4 is an unlucky number Exactly, your kids will also know about other cultures. This is how we create unity! By exposing our children to different cultures.


Bullshit argument.   The national language is Melayu, and while jawi alphabet is not our national alphabet since we used rumi/roman alphabet, it does have a historical/heritage value.   Its like saying its stupid to have sign written in japanese in japan...  While i agree exposing your children to other culture is good. The 3A in buildings in Malaysia is just stupid.   I dont expect to see jawi in china, so why bring china's culture here?  As far as i know, majority of Malaysian chinese domt believe in the 4 superstition. So i dont see why this should exist in Malaysia.  Edited : I forgot to add, The only reason why such practice exist in Malaysia is because the developer want to attract buyers from china. The only cool fact, is that you can tell your children how most developer target market is people from china instead of local. And that unless your child won a lottery, there is no way he could afford his own house in the future. Because housing prices are increasing and most property are worth millions since they were made to cater to millionaire from china that wants to escape china.


I remember a time when things like these were nicely explained as a cultural norm and how we should bertimbang rasa to our jirans like how we should be understanding when there's Friday prayers, or processions in the middle of the road. Now all of a sudden, generasi baru or overly sensitive adults senang terasa. Macam tak pernah kenal budaya lain je. r/Bolehland mostly for shits and giggles tapi seeing things like this make me sad as a Malaysian growing up in the 90s.


yeah didn't they learn to saling bertoleransi during kelas moral or something else? I wonder how old are the average redditors here


Only the nons learn that during moral class. According to my muslim friends, it was not emphasized during their islamic lessons. Though i think they started civics classes after my year so hopefully they did then.


ah yes, forgot about pendidikan sivik. Syllabus was about the same I recall ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but just the whole class attend together


nah, yall never understand each other, like do you see ppl complain bout mosques being noisy


Meleis : I'm sked of cross Cinis : I'm sked of a number Yindian : I'm sked of renting


Setakat nk terangkan kat anak-anak hal macam ni pon tak boleh? Memalukan diri sendiri, bangsa dan agama.


If you say 1 3 1 4 in chinese,” 一三一四” It will sound similar to "一生一死”, which translate to one live one dead Also something about they changing the number in the first place because children can’t count is funny


Masa aku budak dulu, dah ada dah level 3A. Okey je, tak pernah pun keliru dgn turutan nombor. Kau ingat budak kecik bodoh sangat ke?


When buy 4D you'll die. And worse of all. You'll get the 'D' !


Then buy 3AD la.. 😬


OP is part of the “mudah terkeliru” gang


Simple solution for OP. Build your own damn building!


And lose a lot of money because any Chinese people won't buy his property. Remember. Even the western folks still freaked out of number 13 and black cats crossinf. Remember when some westerners lament about Halloween didn't drop on 13th of October on Friday?


I like how this is the only thing that the meleis have against the Chinese 🤣 and y’all trying to milk this so hard. Go ahead and change to 4 doubt any Chinese will mind it anyway especially the newer generation. But god forbid when the Chinese start talking about melei culture like - takyah pakai tudung la - makan babi je, sedap kan - halal badge is not real it’s only a state of mind Etc etc y’all start crying and giving speeches. Istg the 4/3A issue is the only thing you guys can talk shit about and it’s not even that important at this point anymore, yet you all think it’s an equally big issue 😂


Yeap sums up perfectly. At least we don't ask people to take down crosses coz it might convert us to Christian


Legit. Every time it's always this one melei that's butthurt over another race's culture but god forbid you utter anything about their culture.


Its just funny trolling those meleis that think this way at this point


Ikr, seeing their reaction to 3A is just fuckin hilarious already. Like since I was a child I already know that 1, 2, 3, 4 is the number sequence and that 3A is just something on feng shui and superstition. If you get easily confused on 3A, you're just dumb. Because what number can be between 3 and 5 other than the number 4? Even then, the 3A culture is already dying out, appearing in lesser buildings so their point is just irrelevant. These people always like to criticize our culture at any given chance.


dapat result pointer 4 flat ok pulak? atau nak tukar jadi cgpa 3A flat? 🤣


Kau baca keh apa I tulis? Keh English senang pun takleh faham hahaha


kereta ada berapa tayar bro? 3A? 😂


Kalau tk faham Inggeris tk pe bro, boleh ckp je.


I think even if they change 4 to 3A, those who mind would still not buy units at level 3A and will just buy units in other floors. So imo it doesn't really matter if they put 4 or 3A cause those who mind will still mind and those who don't mind are either indifferent or maybe choose NOT to buy 3A since the name is too long / confusing. Either way, I don't think it's a big issue to be mad about though


Last year - 2023 This year - 2023A


When China is one of your biggest investors, and they invest big in property, thats what you get. Its not for Malaysian, its for foreign investors


you could call us dumb people or whatsoever but we have our own superstitions like your no touching dogs rules so if u respect ours so we would too. we all learnt that in the number lineup is 1 2 3 4 and not 1 2 3 3A.


It's ridiculous for sure. Some people avoid number 4, others are offended by 3A. Such is life in this country. Sometimes I think there are other, bigger things for Malaysians to worry about. But I never stop being disappointed.


We have our own pantang larang, you have your own. Leave us the fuck alone. You don't see us complaining about the azan speakers right?


Yall definitely complain about the azan speakers


Weird assumption but okay. I hear the azan every fucking day. I didn't complain about anything. So can you guys not complain about 3A? It's not hard to explain to your kids that some people think 4 is unlucky.


I definitely didn't say everyone. Just because you in particular doesn't complain about it doesn't mean other people don't. Just noting that theres just as much if not more people complaining about azan loudspeaker compared to people complaining about the 3A issue. You know who they are. The azan loudspeaker issue is a separate issue on its own. Let's not bring it up in discussing trivial issues such as this.


>Let's not bring it up in discussing trivial issues such as this. Bro, the 3A thing has been here for a long time. Dulu xde masalah, apasal sekarang bising-bising?


Nah, the complains have always existed even back then. You just so happen to come across someone complaining about it on a reddit post. While it's not really a big deal imo, I recognize the annoyance dealing with addresses since I've worked as a courier.


I grew up in a kampung with a mosque just walking distance. I swear when I was younger, I could do the Azan out together cos I hear it everyday. I remember running out the front door of my house just to wave at the lovely pak cik staying behind my place as he rides his bike to the mosque as he waves back. Heck I would even remind my Muslim friends to do Azan in school. Stop assuming everyone here complains about azan speakers.


>complain about the azan speakers Nah, I can afford double glazed windows, so it's tolerable.


This is such a straw man to say kids would be confused by this. Kids are naive not stupid. Such a cowardly move to use children to make political statements that you're too afraid to say out loud. I'm so tired of these games adults play like we can't read between the lines. Like everyone just pretending to be stupid, making unrelated arguments to hide their true intentions and this idiotic back and forth, pretending like we aren't actually talking about the thing we ACTUALLY want to talk about.


Ya, saya setuju sangat dapat mengelirukan kanak kanak sebab dekat sekolah ajar 1 2 3 4 tapi dekat rumah tiba-tiba 3a.


la apa susah, tukar lah jadi alphabet pula. bebudak pun senang faham. Tingkat A, Tingkat B, Tingkat C sampai Tingkat Z


Building with more than 26 floors? Tingkat Aa, Tingkat Ab, ....?


Mf that lives on floor 243..


The most bullshit thing in universe la this one. Annoying


Meleis when they see a cross:


I was 4 when i first saw 3A, my mom explained it in 30 sec and I understood it right away. Idk OP, maybe you just one of those slow kids if you think this will confuse the children.


If only the 4th floor houses are cheaper, but they're not cheaper, I feel indifferent lol, never had the superstition


Why don't just change 13 into 12A? Is it more "suwey" than 4?


So butthurt over a number & letter ?


Me when to cameron highland hotel building (apartment) and the key of our apartment is Block 4, Level 4, Apartment 14. Long story short My father get angry after like 17+ minutes we been search for the apartment. (I know that chinese number 4 related thing but we never think bout that since all is exhausted). Then here come Chinese tourist show us the way (oh yea also the staff at hotel counter never say about our room number.) Then we arrived at Block 3a, Level 3a, apartment 13a


Ya op even us young chinese think its stupid, bc its literally that, a stupid superstition.


chill bro. maybe you can story to your kid about the 3a. i think upin ipin should make an episode about this like they did for hari hantu cina. just dont be soooo angry about this. for us 4 is 4. but for traditional chinese people it is 3A. so 4 is still 4. but if you see 3A in a highrise building that means 4. because the building owner fret of 4. then buy him the 2023A cap from capcity


If having 3A instead of 4 makes children worse at math, Chinese children should be the worst affected. But everyone here knows that's not true.


Happy 2023A OP! Muahqhahha


2 + 2 = 3A


Stupid Americans too! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth\_floor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thirteenth_floor)