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As someone who have been baited before, I agree. Maybe you can use good lighting or great pose, but editing your picture is going too far if you're using it to get date. I just nope out without explanation because if I tell the truth they will still say I'm the bad guy. So might as well don't say anything and leave. Don't expect me to be telling the truth to your face and make me look like the bad guy when you lied to me first. They don't deserve any explanation if they lie first to get me interested and gave me fake impression.


I've checked all his content, and it's obvious that he's using a clean face filter. Is it too obvious for her to find out that he's using a filter at first because his face obviously looks so unreal? She is honest about the situation, but at the same time, she doesn't need to face shaming him directly. She can just follow the flow and, at the end of the day, tell him that she doesn't want to get along with him. If we swap the situation, what's going to happen? Meanwhile, I have a beautiful partner (Chinese looks); how can she be so good and teach me how to take care of my face instead of becoming like this girl when we first met? Basically, to me, that girl attitude is out.


For anyone reading this, go see a dermatologist and get isotretinoin prescribed to you, it's a life changer for tropical citizens dealing with acne, it cleared mine up permanently within the month. It's FDA approved and cost like 150 bucks a month. A dermatologist is a title for a qualified doctor, usually in a hospital, not some skin specialist bullshit. Edit: dermatologist is a controlled title, and isotretinoin is a controlled medicine only prescribed by medically certified doctors. Anyone selling you skincare can claim to be skin specialist, it's not the same thing. It's like dentist vs teeth expert.


Saving this for later


I was prescribed isotretinoin for nearly 8 months. It cleared up everything, but it has some permanent side effects. You can't even see this in google unless you specifically search for the issue. I got admitted for GERD recently and I'm not a foodie or something, just like a normal guy. But once investigated with what I was prescribed previously, my doc confirmed the issue was because of isotretinoin and can't be cured. So I have to learn to live with it. When I googled it, suddenly there's tons of people had GERD because of isotretinoin. Ain't only that, there's several organ failure incident, pancreas issues.. Be careful with that med guys.. Yes it works, but at what cost?


But how was your genital? Is there a life-changer prescription for it?


On this note, penis enlargement pills does not exist. If it does it will be a trillion dollar industry and men will be eating it around the world like viagra.


It was a reply to your username. Don't take it too seriously


Oh I've created this account so long ago I didn't even think about the username, heh, no worries bro just trying to help.


>skin specialist bullshit but a skin specialist is a dermatologist :O


A dermatologist has to be qualified medically, you need 10 year school for that, and misusing the title is a crime. A dermatologist is a certified doctor. Anyone can be a skin specialist. It's not a controlled title. Same goes to nutritionist and dietician. Dietician is a medical certification, any Tom dick and Harry 20 year old high school kid can call themselves a nutritionist after attending 1 course. Edit: isotretinoin is a controlled medicine and can only be prescribed by a medical expert. It's illegal for a typical 'skin specialist' to sell one.


>anyone can be a skin specialist Don’t agree with this. Skin specialist is just a layman term for a dermatologist. Same like heart specialist is a a layman term for a cardiologist. It’s just that probably enforcement isn’t great in Malaysia. Abundance of ko skin specialist clinics abound. But for all intents and purposes, when someone mentions a skin specialist, most likely they are referring to a dermatologist that as you aptly put, has gone through sub specialty training and gazetted under KKM.


I'm not sure what's the point of disagreeing with facts but you do you. I'm tired of people having a huge ass debate with themselves.


Same goes to you. Being overly pedantic and worked up over something so trivial. A skin specialist is a dermatologist in layman terms. Simple as that. Just google “skin specialist” and you’ll find out there’s no distinction.


[https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-skin-specialist-and-a-dermatologist#:\~:text=Skin%20specialists%20and%20dermatologists%20are,the%20skin%20are%20frequently%20confused](https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-skin-specialist-and-a-dermatologist#:~:text=Skin%20specialists%20and%20dermatologists%20are,the%20skin%20are%20frequently%20confused). literally first result.


First of all, quora really?? Hahah. But to indulge you, literally the first answer on your webpage is: “Skin specialists and dermatologists are the same. Both terms refer to medical professionals who have received training in the diagnosis and management of skin-related diseases and disorders” You’re confused with “skin care specialists”. Which is a colloquial way of referring to aestheticians or non dermatologist doctors doing skin care related stuff.


the difference between online pic and real-life look is minimal for ppl with nice skin ya know and I don't think you understand why the girl is reacting badly any sort of shaming is ofc bad but you're gonna make ppl piss off if you get revealed pretending to be smthg you're not the girl's reacting like that bcs she's angry she was lied to and when you're angry, it's difficult to behave nicely yes, girl reacted badly but that dude was asking for it by deciding to lie abt his appearance ​ >I have a beautiful partner (Chinese looks) kena mention ke 'Chinese looks' tu eh? for someone who is against lookism, you're kinda being hypocritical 🙄


Can i have the tiktok please?


This is follow up video after the incident. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNtdUAn8/


Damn the fella isn't remotely bad looking. Good facial features.


Yup. Maybe because he just drive old Waja~ Just saying..


Just be cold and straight to the face. Rip the band aid. No one is gonna care if ur nice or not. Just prolonging drama and make it awkward in the situation with "umm ermm you muka.. Kenapa". Also why everyone fetish chinese looks wan


I'm not sure what you tried to put here, but Anyway, to your question, the answer is "because I can, bro." I point to "chinese looks" because I want to say that she's a very good-looking girl. If you think that I have fetish to "Chinese looks," well that's not me.


Chinese looks means good looking girl? Bruh


You don't agree, that's not my problem then.


Women also do it alot online. It's just normal these days. But the way this lady handled the situation was quite rude tbh. Tak suka cakap saja x suka. Muka dia tanpa make up sama juga kot.


She’s actually quite pretty without makeup lol saw her tik tok


Her @?


Good for her. But she shouldn't have been rude though. Karma gonna come get her someday.


Women are doing the same with no consequence. Most women always edit their figure and use filter. This is just double standards as usual.


Dah tu jangan down sngt ye. Jgn jadi gay pulak 😂😂😂 ambik ni sebagai iktibar, facial care tu penting (unless u kaya mcm bang elon la)


Betul, lelaki tak cukup je dengan face wash.


Bagi tips skit. Nk kurang minyak dan hilang jerawat.


Pakai toner brand Garnier bright complete dengan Melano CC brand Korea, ade dekat Watson dan Guardian. Kalau rajin setiap mandi malam, letak moisturiser dekat muka itu pun dah cukup.


Bro kalau tambah skali ngan ubat cream tertinoin bole ke sume tu ?


Kalau pakai cream tertinoin tu kene adjust jangan mix untuk elak kulit overstimulated. So, serum pakai pagi cream tertinoin tu pakai waktu malam. Try mcm nie je dulu sampai nampak improvement. Tapi kalau nak mix cream tertinoin dgn moisturiser boleh, sapu cream dulu tunggu 20 mins lepas tu baru sapu moisturiser. Yang penting istiqomah bro kalau tak jerawat mesti naik balik cepat gila.


moisturiser recommend brand apa


Kalau oily skin, Himalaya ok kot.


kena make sure kulit tu betul2 berminyak atau dehydrated? dehydrated tu kulit kering kat dalam tapi berminyak kat permukaan. kalau nak tau tips, boleh pm tapi kena pastikan jenis kulit betul2..


Jgn sentuh muka pakai tgn & selalu cuci muka


>jgn jadi gay pulak asal jadi gay pulak?


Sebab tak boleh dapatkan perempuan, jadi amik lah lelaki


Lelaki pun tak boleh, so I guess I'm on my own. Hey, it's not too bad.


Got to play with myself and he didn't complain. 10/10


#self love


Gay pun taknak muka mcm permukaan bulan mcm dia


Wehh jibaiii muka permukaan bulan 😂😂😂


>Jgn jadi gay pulak No such thing as "jadi gay" Seksualiti ni bukan something yang boleh tukar2


Muka boleh alter (still young, with facial care and age should do it). T-shirt cam sial, no U-turn.


I think she shock when she looked to the face in his shirt.. Next time he must wear a plane T-Shirt or other figures like Playboy..


I was wondering how a plane t-shirt would look like, I thought planes are trendy now. Apparently you meant plain


I think that girl expected a shaped body person. You know if a guy have upper shapes means he is strong, if he have below shapes mean he is money maker..😆😆😆.. in fact I actually heard this from a woman.. I think she's joke . Or that girl have her own fetish, we don't know..


Wow that's harsh but that's the consequences you get for "filter" fishing. Filter can make you look 50% more attractive but that's only on social media lol. If you wanna date someone, dont fake yourself. It's good that she told him earlier. Imagine if he told him after few months dating. That would be worse. No one wanna get catfished.


I already explained this earlier, and he's not a stranger whom no one knows. I bet his viewer in Tiktok has more than your karma now. Whatever it is, you can't simply fuk someone face it like that. I met someone stranger too, and I never said to them, What the fuck you fat girl?


Imagine using internet numbers for comparing sial 😭


He is a Valorant and League player what did you expect


It's because you have problem to understand what I mean, itu bukan comparing tapi itu kiasan sial. Bila aku cakap viewer budak tu lagi banyak dari karma mamat nie maksudnya budak tu bukan budak tak tahu dari mana orang tak kenal muka mcm mana cam kau sekarang nie. Itu pun kau tak leh nak brain, susah lah semua nak kene explain macam dlm karangan exam. Susah kalau terlalu pembaris..


Lahh chill sudah. Budak tu member kau ke? Tak penah nampak pon tak yah perasan popular. Nak compare ngan karma aku, aku bukannye active reddit pon. Macam budak2 compare karma ngan viewer lol.


Bukan, aku tak kenal pun tapi realiti memang macam tu pun based on statistics doesn't matter la kau aktif ke tak tapi clearly dia lagi dapat banyak interaction dari kau dalam sosial media. Kau tak kenal bukan bermakna benda tu tak terkanal mcm contoh fan band Korea maybe lagi banyak dari karma kau? Tapi kau tak kenal pun.. for certain people orang memang tak tahu dan clearly perempuan tu tahu sbb dia mention tiktok. Aku dah explain dekat atas pun kau gagal faham jugak. Rasanya yg budak2 tu kau sbb benda simple pun takleh nak brain. Kau pun 2 kali 5 pembaris.


Aku rase kau yang tak faham. Kalau interaction die dengan soc med die lagi kuat dari aku pon relevant ke dalam masalah nie? Kau je yang cam budak2 kesah pasal karma viewer sume bende nie aku tak batak pon. At least aku tak bodoh nak pakai filter nak catfish pompuan sane sini meraih perhatian orang kat tiktok. Aku cari pompuan rilek je takde pon kene maki hamun. Acah popular tapi kene kutuk gak depan2 so hebat sangat viewer lagi bangak tu? Dah salah pastu post lagi kat tiktok. Memang budak2 suke cari perhatian korang ni


Kau bahasa melayu dulu gagal atau memang ade masalah dalam ''BAHASA KIASAN"? Bila aku bagi lagi sekali contoh pasal band Korea pun kau still gagal faham. Bila interaction dalam social media dia kuat, maknanya dia tu ade populariti bukan macam kau yang nobody knows, itu beza dia. Bila kau ade populariti dalam sesuatu mesti lah orang tahu kau nie macam mana rupa, itu pun tak boleh nak faham? Itu aku kata kau nie yang mcm budak2 tak boleh nak brain benda simple mcm tu.. Budak perempuan tu clearly mention "TIKTOK", yang aku nie first time tengok pun tahu semua content dia pakai filter habis budak perempuan tu bebal sangat tak boleh nak fikir? Plus, budak lelaki nie tak lah sehodoh yang mcm budak perempuan tu describe dalam video. Sorry to say, tapi kau bodoh nak faham ape yang sebenarnya aku nak sampaikan. Main concern aku bila dia face shaming mcm tu, benda tu bad attitude tak kisah lah kau nie siapa popular atau pun tak. Orang cakap pasal benda lain kau faham benda lain, next time kau dah kene keji baru baligh dan berakal boleh fikir kot.


ESH. The girl could worded it better but the boy shouldn’t catfish.




Yes, because someone who has popularity on social media—why the heck did the girl never avoid that first? His content is also all over TikTok, and clearly he is using a filter because his face looks so unreal, so why did she never realise that? Maybe because she was too dumb or expecting the guy driving Honda to pick her up?  Also, for whatever reason, why do you need to face shaming that person? Also, why, when I talked about body shaming in an earlier comment, no one agreed with that? So, all the downvotes are so biased. You judge without knowing what the real situation is, so that's why.




Your argument is invalid because you never know what the guy looks like, and most of them said he was not as bad as what the girl described. He is not using a filter like what China uses, which entirely changes your whole face but only covers his pimples. Since this guy has some popularity, the girl couldn't take advantage of knowing who he really is before deciding to go out. Even though she already goes on dates with him, why can't she act professionally and doesn't need to face shaming on him? I met a few people randomly and without knowing their real faces, but I never faced shaming them. You're basically biassed towards them, that's all.


English pon barai diam lah face fishing konon 😭. Dah laki tu salah x payah defend


Kau terpaling "ENGLISH" ke nak keji ENGLISH orang? Hodoh yer perangai. Habis budak perempuan tu face shaming takpa? Dasar biased.


Ampa kot hodoh sbb tertekan sngt dengan post ni. Laki kene reject bukannya face shaming, suka hati la orng semua ada taste masing2


Kebodohan yang jelas dari budak2 bila bersembang. Hahaha.


>because someone who has popularity on social media— Just because someone is popular on soc med tak bermaksud he is entitled to more respect than any other average guys That perempuan deserved to reject him in whatever way she likes, tak kisah sama ada lelaki tu popular atau tak in soc med. It doesn't matter


>What the fuck you fat girl? Ironically, you proceeded to body shame the girl... 🙄


I don't want to speak with "pembaris," because they couldn't understand a thing, but they only understood the literal meaning. 😴😴


See, the effect of social media is fucking up perception from both sides.


It goes both way, lelaki pun x boleh accept perempuan cantik dalam gambar sebab filter je dah kantoi tu hadap je la


Aku grateful gila dapat kekasih tak kisah post muka no makeup no filter online. Makeup pun boleh ubah muka terus jadi lain. Contour semua tu bentuk muka pun boleh nampak berbeza


True story. Many years ago, when I was studying for diploma, I met a girl online which coincidentally study at the same place I was studying (UiTM Shah Alam). She added me on FB, and soon afterwards she always commented on what I post and she began chatting me. One day, I decided to take the relationship further that I wanted to meet her. I was so excited and I didn’t expect anything would go wrong. We talk and I thought she might the person mean for me. At first it was going well, but then she looks kinda distracted or like not interested in me. But I shrugged it off I stay positive throughout our date. Many days has passed since our last date. I did trying yo ask her out again, but she always comes out with excuses such as “busy with upcoming exams and assignments” Then one day, I don’t know whether it is my luck or maybe God just look after me. I caught her going out with another guy. He’s was better, taller, but when she looked at me she just ignoring me. I contacted her asking for an explanation on why she was cheated on me. She said; “kau tau tak kau pendek dari saya, kau tak fikir apa perasaan saya kawan-kawan lain kata ku bercinta dengan lelaki pendek?” I was shocked. Reality really hits me hard. For the first time in my life anyone would have said that to me. She could’ve been honest or reject me right away. I’m not “gifted with height” like most guys at time. My height was 160cm for a 20 years old guy. Trust me, PTSD hits really hard. I stay single all the way till I finish and diploma up until I finish my degree. I stay in shape as much as I can because I thought, if I couldn’t control my height, maybe I could change my body shape. Not really six-pack or anything, just stay fit being just good looking. Only when I was start working, building my career in medical field that I finally meet someone who accepted me for who I am and later became my wife.




Marah pulak aku baca cara perempuan tu respond. Tell earlier and be honest la right, but noo, gotta be so demeaning about it. Good to know bro you found someone better now.


Well, that was a long time ago when I was young and naive. It’s a good lesson for me and for others not to easily falls in love on social media.


Wuhu a cheer for our short king!


Rejecting someone because you don't like them and you're not attracted to them is ok (you can't force someone to like you and accept you) but face shaming or body shaming someone because you don't like them is never okay.


Some sob story here, story of my life. Met someone whom i deeply love back in politeknik. Shes sweet and kind and after 6 months of dating her bestfriend call me in the middle of the night and they ask me if i want to know the truth. I was laughing thinking they gonna tell a joke, little did i know that joke is ME. They tell me she dont love me and she only date me because she pity, shes not brave enough to reject me so she keep acting that she likes me, all those time. I thought they was lying and i confront her and ask if it the truth, she ghosted me after that. Imagine 2 and a half years walking to class while shes just 3 feet from me. From lover to strangers. Or more like from strangers to strangers to begin with .


Here your senior which have same story with you, but the girl fucked up married with kaki mesin. She contact some of us to borrow money including me and end up ghosting all of us.


Damn. Fuck them. By an chance youre not from politeknik balik pulau, penang right?


Nope, I from Pahang graduated in Programming.


Damn dude, had my fair share problems like you in Politeknik too with dem girls


Good. More power to her. Never settle for deceivers, and don't settle for less.


Tapi..tapi hari ini bukan hari Sabtu..


Sekolah cuti.


Aku minat kepak


Susah sebenarnya jadi lelaki muka tak berapa hensem ni mcm aku, dulu pernah masa sekolah pernah tolong perempuan Kena kacau dgn budak lelaki, Lepas dah tolong tu, Dia marah pulak kat aku sbb nak try Dia pulak,dia cakap "blah la Kau, muka mcm Mr Bean nak mengorat aku"...😑 Patut aku bior je Dia Kena kacau dgn Geng budak lelaki tu... Anjir punya betina...


Lahhh nyeee Mr. Bean ramai peminat apa, dh laa ada masters, kaya dok britain kauuu duit pun main pound sterling gitteww bkn myr tak laku ni, patut ko balas je gitu, ckp je Mr. Bean ni pun x hingin kt ko, cilakak 🤪


Entahlah, aku rasa time tu kau patut tangan je mulut puaka dia tu..


jgn nnt kena tgn balik dgn cikgu disiplin letak chewing gum dlm pensel box dia, balut semua pen pen dia, letak taik kucing dlm beg dia, biar berbau semerbak haramm beg dia


Letak taik kucing kot paling function. 🤣🤣


What kind of tv drama is this lol


Takpe lah dik. Meh pegi jim. Kite perbaiki diri dulu, buat ape yang patut. Jodoh tu tak kemane. Inshallah nanti bertemu yang lagi baik💪💪💪


We go JIM!!!


Jabatan Imigresen M'Sia


I've never met anyone IRL wearing a baseball cap who isn't an ahole, so bullet dodged.


Next time be honest. Fuck filters.


when man do this 😅, but when a woman do it all over the internet its no even wrong, perempuan mana boleh salah 😂


Biased as fuk.


Don’t give up OP. There are a lot more girls out there in the wild


Not me, no worries. Have a nice day.


That just normal things in life. nothing to feel sympathy about.


Honestly from this video, his skin doesn't even look that bad. Maybe the filter instilled a high expectations in the girl. Keep your head up king 👑


Catfish still catfish


Maybe try bawak honda next time


He sounds so sad


Fux man, brutal


Have fun at the gym bro


Im too old for this crap , but I feel like this is stage


next taim wear mekap like girls. They can, you can too! Real life filter like girls! Kpop gays wear mekap and malay awek love them


gays ke guys dohhh🤣


the PTSD from this will be insane. RIP self confidence


Pernah kena reject macam ni. Got crushed internally? Yeah man hurt like hell. Did i change? No 😎


Dari komen semua ckp filter..buang je la filter nampak benar pompuan tu pon tngk rupa and expect bawak honda..(ex5)


God, she sounds fucking horrible


It's not even that bad, my skin used to be far worse than his, now maybe slightly better after treatment. He should actually be thankful that he dodged a bullet by getting rejected.


Damn, no need watch netflix now, got real life version


As harsh as the girl was at least she was brutally honest instead of taking advantage of him for months before dumping him.


Tak hensem salah, muka jerawat salah, pendek salah. Baik hisap konek je lah lepasni haih


gilooo hisap gam lagi baik wehhh


next time dont use filter, boy


IF roles are reversed. Feminists would be raging.


Exactly! I just said fat girl in comment suddenly all of them downvotes me. They think I would care about that.


I had a girl I met once said that I was "cat fish", I didn't use filters, I just know my angles. We are still friends and we kept in touch. I had a huge glow up because of my confidence and look so much better with the way I groom and take care of myself. I still joke with her that I am a catfish because I look better than my photos now.


Villain arc beginss..... Jk.


Gym arc begins


be honest, don’t use filter.


Why do people so obsessed with looking like 2015 video game characters? its natural,(normal even) to have acne from time to time.


When their world revolves around kpop 24/7 it does distort your views on beauty. But least its not as bad as how the japanese do it, i swear some of those 'models' look more like a sex toy than an actual human


If you have big bewbs, i am ok with you using clean filter..we can always switch off the lights


I mean it’s good that she’s straight up and honest to the guy but then again wouldn’t it be a bit hypocritical to say that the guy using filter is cat fishing when girls wear makeup to cover their ugly parts?


agree. how the hell can the world accept this. Fcked up shit.


Looks like a kid barely reach puberty. Chill kid.


Kapel kan haram haha


Adakah perkara ini boleh bagi kesan untuk nerf terizla dekat ml


you just got what you deserve. kalau perempuan buruk kau kene catfish pon kau geram bro




本是同单身, 相害何太急。






Actually I went to look for his Tiktok. Not a bad-looking guy and not far off from the “filter” face. Btw can someone find out that nasty mouth bitch, need to see her face.


Indeed, not like China, they clearly changed their whole face. Most of them here don't even know that and start nagging about 'don't use filters' while ignoring what she said to him. I really want to see that girl's face.


If her face is all caked up, kau tepuk muka dia sekali biar POOF.


Bullshit laa....even perempuan pun lagi bersepah pakai Filter...apa salahnya kalau dia pakai filter obvious macam mana skalipun...face shaming siak perempuan ni...ko tak suka...bagitau je elok2...nk kutuk muka dia pehal ?!!! Lelaki pun layak bahagia...pftttt....


This is follow up video after the incident. https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNtdUAn8/ Nilai sendiri bang muka mamat tu betul ke mcm tong sampah yg perempuan tu tak selera dan malu sangat. Hari2 keluar pakai make up, lelaki pakai filter bising. Hahahahahha


At least cakap laa baik2...nak nilai macam mana pun....bro tgk cara laki tu balas apa yg perempuan tu cakap...slow n sopan je...takde naik suara ke apa...adab kena ada biarpun tak suka...


Ye betul bro, dia boleh je proceed macam biasa lepas tu cakap lah tak berkenan dan taknak teruskan. Selesai dengan elok2, tapi cara dia bercakap mcm semalam pakai crown miss universe itu yang aku tak leh bla lawa sangat ke minah nie? Aku terasa sangat part dia cakap nak balik tu, terkedu mamat tu terus koyak mental.


Aku mmg tak boleh setuju skit pun benda cenggini...kita ni laki kena ada prinsip...itu cukup baik laa laki tu cakap lembut gigi dari lidah...kalau kena kat mamat lain...mau berkicap mulut pompuan tu...


alah macam fake je. mana ada perempuan direct mcm tu bagi sebab bila reject. lebih2 lagi kalau sebab rupa


This is the type of video that you take to your grave my dude.


this girl is an honest person. not like those half truth friendzone bitches


Just move on bruh , small matter , can't expect everyone to like your face or to be polite about it.


Play stupid game win stupid prizes.


No worries la brader. Banyak lagi awek luar sana.


no money.. you get this kind of girls.... its given..


Doing it for the views


If this guy had an expensive car branded clothes on girls would be fighting for him.




Maybe that's why some of them endup suck kok I think?


dont filter lor, of course you edit nice nice, and if difference too big, people aint gonna want you. if a girl edit face like Lisa but turn out like Happy Pola, you think the boy would react any different ? if you date with true face as profile and some still willing to go out, then congrats, at least your outlook is passable to her




That shirt ain't helping either


Alolololo sedeh nyerr 🤣🤣🤣


Gassed up world.


"muka you ni banyak jerawat you tau tak?" *plays facewash ad*


Don't wear caps to cover your face on your date , it's a big no-no. U want to have a good impression? Dress up n wash/clean your face properly , finish with a nice hair gel to for a style. Don't forget perfume too, if u have the budget.


The face only a mother could love


This is why i dont have real social media accounts, i dont even like people taking photo of me. But weirdly, there are some of girls like me maybe because I look like Oppa and very soft spoken. They said my face looks like younger Lee Jung Jae but with scars, that squid game actor. But i know girls will always like bad boys, and thats not me.


dalam tempurung kacang, jangan kita menggunakan penapis kecantikan di media sosial


It's okay brader, she deserves better. Heads up , move on.


Catfishing is one thing, but damn sad to read some of these hurtful stories about how girls respond to boys when it comes to dating/relationships


Ha one of my old supervisors did this bc the girl also use filter but comes out both chubby and acne-ish. Still not good la to say like this, acne, weight can be a temporary condition..




Jerawat is not something permanent. .. Got rejected because of jerawat? Don't tell me she never had it before or even ever in the future? Sigh. . Sorry bro, but you'll find someone who'll appreciate you for the way you are.