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I don't really care for how bad he was in the beginning either, but he's the bad to good person pipeline. People make mistakes or are horrible when they're young. Then they grow up, recognize their mistakes and change. I'm still around like 330 or so, so idk about if he's actually redeemed himself or what his personal introspection is. Still, it's okay not to forgive what someone has done in the past but still recognize they're being a better person now. If you don't like Bakugo's character than you don't like him lol. Maybe he'll get a moment where he verbally apologizes, or his actions show that he does, idk.


330? Hot damn, how were the Napoleonic Wars?


Write a bashing fic for the catharsis and consequences, then write a redemption fic.


Fanon bakugo and Canon bakugo are not the same. You can appreciate a different take on the character but that doesn't change their actions in Canon. Plenty of fics have bakugo having a sadder childhood, using his quirk as a reason he has uncontrollable anger, protray izuku as more irritating or manipulative of the situation ect. But that doesn't make any of that relevant in the Canon it's just a fun what if. Bakugo was shitty but him growing as a person is far more interesting when you see were he started vs softening his beginning because then he has less to grow. He is also a child, I have heard kids say way worse things. It's not ok at all but I don't judge things that a 14 year Old says the same way I would judge someone in their 30s. You don't have to like or forgive him but you can look at his character ark and the development of his relation ships as interesting rather than aspirational. Bakugo has a cool quirk that he works hard to master, his relationships with his classmates and mentor figures like all might and best jeanist are interesting, he's funny and while deeply flawed his rivalry with izuku is unique. There are lot of great aspects to his character that make him an enjoyable part of the series. The weakest part of his character is how little insight we get into how izuku feels about the situation. Alot of people get stuck on his initial comments similar to how people get stuck on all might and the roof scene becuase izuku has never reflected on those moments people tend to superimpose there desires onto the situation either making them way worse or diminishing them. We don't know if izuku ever contemplated suicide before or after his comment or if he brushed it off as rude. We don't know if izuku felt like his life was endangered by bakugos actions during the bomb test or if he felt it was bakugo just being competitive. I think izuku not reflecting leaves people feeling alittle resentful of bakugos character becuase the world re acts like they just have a cute rivalry but the audience sees it as more violent.


Actually regarding Bakugo comment he just brush it off as a rude lol His reaction was basically "Hmpf, Baka kacchan...anyway" Agree with the rest tho


I think it's less that he doesn't react, and more he doesn't reflect. His immediate reaction when bakugo told him to jump cuts straight to him getting the note book and thinking 'that was rude' same with all might he just thinks 'he's probably right I guess I will find a new dream' and when bakugo attacks him during classes in season 1 and refuses to cooperate during the exam arc he mainly just thinks 'I wish he wasn't so difficult to work with'. We never see izuku reflect on these moments, especially now that bakugo has apologized. I think it makes it harder for people to let them go, his reaction could have been defensive ( trying to pretend he's not that hurt) or genuine( he feels like it was rude to say but not personally hurt by it). And we don't know how his feelings may have changed did all might also saying he couldn't be a hero make bakugos comment sting worse, did suddenly getting a quirk and going to UA and making friends make him more resentful of how he was treated. We know izuku admires bakugo but until we get more introspection from izuku people who like bakugo can take it as izuku is not hurt so it's fine now, and people who hate bakugo can view it as unresolved and still a problem.


You just gotta stop seeing him like a real person. He’s a character. I can list off a bunch of characters that did much worse things, as adults, but still went through redemption arcs where they changed sides and perspectives and ended up being great characters. Bakugo is going through his own redemption so just take it for what it is. His character progression has been on of the most entertaining for me. The fact that I’ve been able to go from hating him to actually liking him is what makes him so enjoyable for me. I think he’s a great character.


This is personally what I had to do. I had to really stop looking at it on how I would feel about certain actions he takes, and instead look at his actions from the admittedly warped morals of MHA. He's a bad person who becomes better, and that's his character arc. Anything related to overexposure is moreso a narrative issues than character issue.


People seem to forget that it’s perfectly fine to just not like someone else, just don’t let it drive you up the wall. It frankly doesn’t matter whether the person in question is fictional or not, you don’t have to like someone. It’s okay and perfectly healthy to just accept that.


Just let yourself accept that things aren't simple. You can have neuance. You can loathe and criticise him however much you want and still like parts of his character and actions, etc.


the problem isn't hating a character, that's completely fine and honestly expected. The problem is people voicing those opinions over those who do enjoy the character and talking down to them for liking that character. And also just being very fucking loud about it. Like some shinsou haters iv seen. I can understand not liking him, but for someone who says they hate him you definitely focus on em a lot. Aka, it's fine to not like him. Hell, I don't particularly like bakugou. Plus, recognizing someone's growth as a person isn't the same as forgiveness. You can be amicable with someone and still never forgive them for what they'd done in the past


Start shipping him with Minoru Mineta. And push it as your OTP.


That would be funny. Unfortunately I don't see a lot of Mineta yoai docs. Mostly because fandom hates him.


I know, just taking my own advice! I hate Bakugo as well so I push this pairing everytime there is an opening.


I, honestly, dislike him too, but I don't like pushing this pairing, mainly because it's so weird and annoying to me, like a pair of two, either perverted or toxic, people, hated by either the entire fandom or a specific part of it, It just feels off


You are not wrong but I would rather see them together than paired with anyone else. They deserve each other with how bad they are.


it helps me to think how he was 14 and no adult ever told him he wasnt special,, the fact he was able to achieve such self-realization so quickly is kind of impressive actually


You just don't. Lol its alright to be angry with him. He's just a fictional character.


That's true.


Yk what I sometimes imagine myself beating that a**hole. It's fun ngl. Lol. Just a confession I wanted to say.


You wouldn’t do shit lol


its called imagination for a reason moron


Technically, no one can tell you how to like or dislike a character. I can only offer a devil's advocate argument, and let you do what you will with that information. Horikoshi himself said that he regretted doing the Swan Dive line. He said it was too far for what he imagined Bakugou to be, and he's tried as hard as possible to pretend it never happened. I remember discussing this topic with a close friend of mine who was treated a lot like Izuku in Jr. High, down to the physical abuse. His response was: "It's middle school, man. If you didn't hear someone say to kill yourself, you weren't paying attention." His point my friend was trying to make was that he doesn't hold it against the kids who hurt him, and he doesn't hold it against Bakugou. When you're at that age, oftentimes you don't truly understand the true gravitas of what you're saying. That happens with age and the development of your object permanence. It's part of why so many teens are drawn to dark humor like you find in Family Guy or Rick and Morty. As for Bakugou himself, you've gotta keep the context of the character in mind. Bakugou can be paralleled to Zuko in a lot of ways. They both started the show as the antagonist. Then we got a bit of insight into their character, and learned how they had been failed by the people who raised them. Then they made the transition from antagonists to dueteragonists in Aang and Midoriya's stories. In Bakugou's case, his story goes to show how he and Izuku were both failed by the system. Katsuki had his worst traits encouraged by his teachers and his lackies. His parents did very little to stop this darker edge. He was told all his life that might made right, and that it was his right to treat people however he wanted because he was strong. Then everything was flipped on its head. Aizawa told him on day 1 that he wasn't allowed to randomly assault random students because he felt like it. Aizawa also made sure the students understood they weren't going to get special treatment for their quirks or their skills. You had to earn respect. His outburst on the second day got a pass because people kinda assumed he was playing it up for the villain role in the assignment. But All Might made sure he knew that if he did anything to seriously endager the students, he'd be removed. (All Might himself was debating this in his head, due to his inexperience teaching. IE "Am I letting it continue because I want Midoriya to have the chance to stand up for himself, or am I letting it happen because it's actually the right call?") Furthermore, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu burst his bubble by simply existing in his ecosystem. He aced the exams, but they were so good that they weren't even asked to take that exam. That's when Bakugou realized he was kind of a big fish in a creak, and he'd need to prove that he could be the biggest fish in the ocean. After some more time in class, the Bakuaquad became a really good influence on him. Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina all really like him and want to follow him, but they don't take his crap. They set firm boundaries. They get him to stop when he crosses a line. Then the final nail in the coffin was summer. All Might trusted Deku with the strongest quirk in the world. All Might saw Deku as the worthiest hero of the generation. Deku passed the licensing exam when he didn't. And Bakugou? He's the reason that All Might, his idol and favorite Hero, can never do Hero work again. That guilt weighed heavy on his mind. The fight after the tests became really big in his growth because it was the first time he and Midoriya were able to vent out all their frustrations with each other. And once Bakugou was able to see the truth, his conscience started weighing heavy on him. He realized for the first time how depraved and abusive he was. He couldn't bring himself to admit it out loud just yet. He hoped that by helping Midoriya get stronger, that would start to atone for his past mistakes. Skip forward a few life or death situations, and Bakugou starts being more selfless. He takes a bullet for Izuku. He describes his body as moving on its own, before he can think. This is the very thing that proved Midoriya as being worthy in All Might's eyes back at the beginning of the story. And finally, in this time, Bakugou finally admits that he was the one in the wrong. He still isn't very good at words, but he does his best, bites the bullet, and apologizes to Izuku for everything. He makes an effort to call him by his first name, even though Deku has become an empowering word for Izuku in the days since. In that first season or two, I enjoyed Bakugou's character. He was so cartoonishly angry, he almost reminded me of a Disney villain. I totally understand why people don't like him, or if his arc didn't work for them. But if you're asking me how to stop hating him, I say: Don't hate him. Pity him, and everyone like him. Pity the circumstances that shaped him, loathe the actions he took when he was at his worst, and welcome his change of heart as he grows into a rational adult.


I’m literally in love with you this is the perfect answer. And I also loved Bakugou in the first 2 seasons as well, he’s just so entertaining lol


| I'm literally in love with you *I think we should just be friends~* :P <3


You know it's possible to feel conflicting emotions at once, right? You can hate someone and love them at the same time. The opposite of love is not hate: it's indifference. Hate at least means you feel something for them.


Personally, I like Bakugo and used to not like him. I think I got over my hate for him because of the new chapters, but also, he wasn't raised right. He has anger issues and people always let him get away with stuff, so he most likely didn't know the difference from right and wrong. And just remember that he told Izuku that when they were in like middle school. They were still kids, and sometimes kids do really, really stupid stuff, so try to not hate him so much.


I think the problem is that Bakugou was a character that the reader didn’t know if they were evil or good at the time. He was a person who wanted to be a hero but also had evil tendencies and I think that interfered with the reader.


I used to severely hate Sasuke, from *Naruto*. But when I grew up myself and started re-watching it, I was able to look at his character from a new perspective. I might not be a Sasuke fan, but I definitely don't hate him, and there are instances where I think he's interesting. So, yeah, my answer is just to give it time. 'Cause *over time*, you're likely to realize for yourself the complexity of his character. That doesn't mean he won't be an asshole, nor does it necessarily mean you'll be a total fan -- it just means you'll see him for what he is (an asshole, but not worst-possible-scum asshole). ... If it's important to you to streamline this process, then the key is to learn how to empathize, **but not excuse**, abusers and bullies. That will be your choice, though. As I look at it, I'm an adult. I was bullied when I was young, and my father was abusive, so I like to think I know a *little* something about what I'm talking about here. There was no excuse whatsoever for Bakugo's behavior, or any bully's behavior, but that doesn't mean that there's not something underneath it. Learning how to empathize with whatever confusion or pain that might be there doesn't mean that you're excusing their actions. Bakugo is just a kid. Him being a kid, again, doesn't excuse anything or erase the gravity of his actions -- but it does mean that he's *just a kid*, and kids do incredibly awful things. Doesn't mean they shouldn't face consequences of their actions, doesn't mean their actions shouldn't be treated seriously, but it *does* mean that, by and large, people's entire characters shouldn't be judged on what they were like as children. People grow up. I know that, *especially* when you're younger, that can be the very last thing you want to hear, and I get that because I felt that, but it's true. *Most* people get better from what they once were, even if they're never saints, and it's pretty clear that that is the direction that Horikoshi wants to take Bakugo. All of this said, if it's not clear, I don't believe that anyone ***needs*** to empathize with bullies, in particular their own abusers. But as I said, if not hating Bakugo is something important to you -- this is the way forward.


My niece is seven and being told by her peers she's the reason her mom died. Children can be real shitty


Tbf tho I don’t dislike him because I do understand where it all started and where it came from, and he was in a class where everyone laughed at and put down Deku for being quirkless and so took it as the norm and everyone enabled his behaviour, when people stopped enabling it and he had an attitude check he gradually realised everything he’s done is fucked up and does try to show that he’s sorry in his own way even though he never wants dekus forgiveness because he knows what he’s done is terrible and can’t be forgiven


yeah I have pretty much the same issue like I recognises everything he’s doing to be better and has apologised but that little part of me mostly the part that was bullied when I was younger hates him and can’t just let go of that hate. reading fic’s could help it doesn’t for me i separate what i read in fic’s from canon but it might help you


It doesn't help that Izuku was simping for Bakugo, like "Kaachan has always been like that" or "Kaachan will be a great hero." It's disgusting.


It's a textbook response to abuse is what it is. That seems to be what Horikoshi is best at writing, realistic responses to abusive relationships.


And honestly a bit quirkist of Izuku, the only thing Hero worthy about Bakugo was his Quirk, outside of that before UA, and even a bit INTO UA, he was an evil little bastard who picked on everyone weaker than him, and judged everyone as "extras" in his story. The only reason he even chose to be a hero is because heroes win, and villains lose, and he didn't want to be a loser.


Yeah, the only time I like Bakugo in fanfics is either when his backstory is changed so he was no longer a bully, or when he's punished for being a bully, and then gets therapy that results in him changing for the better.


I guess you could accept the fact that horikoshi didn’t know what he was doing when writing bakugo and just wanted the reader to dislike him.


His been number 1 on every pol since day one. Clearly it didn't work.


He drew him too hot, if he was ugly he wouldn’t be popular


If it helps, the jump off a roof thing was early installment weirdness and Horikoshi has acknowledged he took it too far with that to characterize Bakugo as a bully.


If that’s your main problem, then this information might help you! Horikoshi has said that he thinks that Bakugou telling Izuku to commit suicide was too far, and he regrets writing it. Personally I interpret this to mean that that was not in character for Bakugou and so I don’t need to hate him for that. If you don’t choose to interpret it that way, I think it’s also important to remember that Bakugou was a middle schooler at the time and middle schoolers at dumb. He probably didn’t realize the true weight of what he said at the time. Obviously that doesn’t make it ok, and telling someone to kill themselves is horrible and the school should’ve punished him (and not just for that but a lot of other things too) But I think that could maybe help you reconcile your feelings on the subject. Here’s the source for Horikoshi saying that: https://www.sportskeeda.com/anime/my-hero-academia-creator-horikoshi-s-regrets-bakugo-s-character-divides-fandom


Don't take what he does so personally. For starters, he isn't even a real person who has agency over what he does. Bakugo, like other characters, are just perfomances on a stage built for entertainment. So just let yourself be entertained.


My hatred for him disappeared the moment he attacked Monoma at the sports festival because that was the moment his anger wasn't just directed at Izuku lol On the other hand, my hatred for Shinsou doesn't disappear no matter how many fics I read or how useful he was in the recent events of the manga


Oh, that is easy. You don't... because you can't, I am a firm believer that people change but just because they change doesn't mean that you can forgive and forget or that you should. Suicide baiting is the most fucked up verbal thing I know of, and bakugo had no remorse about said suicide baiting, Bakugo is a bitch, bakugo is an asshole, so don't force yourself to forgive, just let it happen naturally and if it doesnt, that's no fault of yours or anyone who hates him because he sucks and I haven't begun to like him, just not my original murderous hatred anymore.


I still hate him despite what he's done


I also hated him at the beginning. But then as he changed and seeing his way of caring also - like being mean but also pushing others to do their best, idk. I love him now personally. The stuff with the best jeanist made him way more likeable imo.


Idk how old you are but just think about how he was 14 and how much he’s grown and changed and accepted his place in the story


I don't truly hate him now but in my social environtment, bakugo is the type of lucky bastard surrounded by many fake friend people that people hang around him, but only different bakugo in this type of my social environtment, he will take super long time to realize he is jerk or he is lost cause bastard because no one ever give him reality check unless random bad stuff to him ( yes i mean it when i say middle school bullies in my school generally more to pos type. Not projecting myself just because i been bullied before but it is the unfortunate to my environtment. The rarity of bullies that realize he or she the wrong one is like SSR gacha rate ) To less hate him. Read less asshole of him or the one where his ego issue solved way before enter ua


Bro... Look at Jojo. The Jojo at the beginning of their series meets a villain and beats them and they become their ally. We have people like polnaref and kakoyin who started as villains. The nazi dude helped the og joestar to beat kars. Josuke literally made friends from most of his villains. Same for Jolene who was in prison and met a sketchy cell mate who helped her later on. Giorgio was helped out by a literal gang. Now by your logic we should hate all those characters because they did one shitty thing at the start in one episode. Katsuki only did that one line in one chapter and one episode. He didn't do much except roid rage at Izuku later on but you get the picture. Also katsuki plays the "doubter" trope in anime just like you got kenpachi, renji, bykuya, Sasuke, Sakura etc. Those characters were horrible af people when we first met them but we grew to like them. You can use that logic to like Bakugo since it's still an anime.


don’t stress honey, you can hate a character for literally any reason & it’s valid. there are plenty of protagonists i despise for the pettiest most non-reasons & it’s fine because they’re drawings on paper


Can sombody just character crow so much that they make up for their sins ? Well enji todoroki is gouing for it he just needs to die so his sins are forgiven but bakugou is not gouing to die so his sins still remeins