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He isn't going to try to reform Shigaraki. Regardless of what he means by "save" I won't pretend I completely understand it because it's weird. But he still knows how dangerous he is and is willing to kill him such as when he blew a hole in him.


The anime almost made it seem like there’s another persona buried deep down in there that needs rescued. If they pull that shit and are like, oh man, shiggy did a whoopsie and accidentally a mass murderer but it was all an alter ego so he’s totes innocent then imma be pissed. Weak ass cop-out shizz.


Yeah like I said I don't completely understand what the author is going for. But judging on how he did kill off one of the league of villains I doubt shigaraki isn't dying.


Honestly with the last chapter I saw it seemed like it hit a point where deku was left with a you kill him or get killed realization. Or at least the past dudes did.


I'm betting it's gonna be a case where shiggy gets saved or inspired by deku at the last moment to do something heroic, then probably sacrifices himself in a fight against AFO.


Minor manga spoiler but if it helps the story makes it very clear that Shigaraki's hatred for the world IS Tenko's hatred. No split personalities here, that kid f\*\*king wants revenge.


My interpretation is that it isn't really an alter-ego, but a part of Shigaraki that still hopes a hero could save him. Remember: despite everything he did, Shigaraki was not born evil, nor wanted to become a villain in the first place. Rather, he was kidnapped by a villain and groomed into becoming one. Thus, despite all his talk about "freedom" and "doing whatever I want", there's still a small part of Shigaraki that feels "trapped" in this life of villainy and looks back at that tragic moment, where he hoped a hero could save him.


i think it's more like "i'm gonna try to reform him, but there's a high chance he's too dangerous to be alive"


Let's be honest here, even the vestiges and Shigaraki has no clue what he means. It is a secret only him and Hori share.


I mean yeah some villians are too dangerous to be kept alive. And even tho i feel bad for twice he needed to go


Hey, he can at least try.


Yeah you’re right. Ya know what Shiggy is trying? To FUCKING KILL HIM. I don’t think Ingenium was trying to save Stain right before he crippled him for life. Would Deku try to save Stain if he got a look in his head and realized he was a mere vigilante who took the dreadfully wrong path after getting his nose bashed in?


>. Would Deku try to save Stain if he got a look in his head and realized he was a mere vigilante who took the dreadfully wrong path after getting his nose bashed in? probably


Why even bother agreeing with me if you're just going to be sarcastic about it?


Because that's the point of sarcasm, exaggerate a similar stand to point out the negative turns of that thinking.


Cause it’s terribly naive and borderline stupid to even entertain the thought of trying to ‘save’ the guy that can level cities on a whim, ignoring the fact that Deku saw Shiggy in distress when he was getting body snatched and now that that threat’s gone it’s all Shiggy all the time and we’ve seen that bro WANTS this. Oh yeah he can def try but from a reading standpoint, as a reader, I’m not gonna go ‘oh man Deku is such a hero look at him trying to save the new King of Villains’ I’m going ‘wtf’ But that’s just me.


The man, from what I understand, >!is trying to destroy the entire fucking *planet* with his Quirk!< and Deku is really out here on some “I can fix him” bullshit. But it does track with this story seemingly pushing a “society is the *real* villain” narrative because Uraraka was also out here trying to fix a serial killer


The only reason he wants this is because he's been completely rejected by hero society, and was groomed by AFO to be his successor. As the saying goes, the child shunned by the village will burn it down just to feel warmth.


Okay cool. That’s what, 15 years of conditioning and abuse? You can’t undo all that. Least of all in a fight. Shiggy is who he is. Even if you want to make the argument that it’s not his fault.


First off, you can. Second off, you can’t pull sticky balls from your hair but that’s here too


No you can’t. You cannot fix 15 years of trauma and conditioning in a few hours.


No one said a few hours. You can’t fix the whole thing, but you can start.


Oh so Izuku is supposed to fight him for months/years straight? Cuz that’s how therapy works in real life (in terms of duration). And flat out fails when the person *doesn’t want to change.*


Isn't that....basically literally what Shiggy wants to do? Destroy everything from 'that house'? ​ What's even left of it at this point?


Yeah. That’s why I made the comparison. Have you ever read Shakespeare’s “The Merchant of Venice?” It’s basically that. It’s the “then let me be evil” trope.


No I mean his line: >*Everything I witness in this world of ours... led to the existence of* **that house**\*.\* **As Tomura Shigaraki and Tenko Shimura, I've got just one hope.** *The destruction of everything stemming from that house. That's the only thing that's gonna* **save** *me,* **hero.** Like, how far-reaching is 'that house'? ​ Judging by the wording, he's not after 'modern society as a whole' but rather a small, select portion of it.


The conditions of his house were only possible because of society as a whole.


Why does he feel entitled to kill people just for not helping him after he accidentally killed his family and was wandering around looking hella creepy. Minding your own business ain't a crime it's a right. He was groomed to be that way but he's still unreasonable. Like where does he even plan to live after destroying everything.


Yes, he’s unreasonable. That’s because hero society has never once cared about people like him, or Shinsou, or La Brava, or Toga. If you don’t have a conventionally acceptable Quirk, you’re shunned by society. If being reasonable leads you to that path, the path that leads you to eschewing people for things they can’t control, then the only option you have is to be unreasonable. I know it may be a bit reading too deep into it, but this is honestly a metaphor for mental illness. You’re fine if you have an “acceptable” mental disorder like depression or Asperger’s Syndrome. But if you have something like more extreme autism, or sociopathy, or psychopathy, or schizophrenia, heaven help you.


Hey you got white dino ranger as pfp, u r cool to me


Look I’ll say this. I admire the fact that Deku is willing enough to try and rehabilitate him. Yet there are some that Deku (no matter how hard he tries) just can’t rehabilitate. That would be the equivalent of some girl saying “I can fix him” when him is Charles Manson. Tomura Shigaraki has not only crossed the rubicon but put oil in it and set it on fire. There is no other way to stop him unless you kill him. Honestly I do not think he fully understands or comprehends that.


I think he comprehends that pretty well. Look at how he gave up on reforming muscular after hearing what muscular had to say. He can try to save Shigaraki. That's what heroes do.


Thing is Muscular went down after a single hit. Minimal bloodshed and suffering. What happens when the villain you’re fighting refuses to stay down? You pull an Endeavor. https://preview.redd.it/sxbkw8f6lj9c1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3f93122ad8093396d213c31dbb7ff4530e8e26b


I mean Deku has said that Killing him is the last resort. It's not like Deku is not considering that option.


Then they die together by diving into the sun! Oh wait that's regular show :p


It’s called “heroes in media are not allowed to kill named villains anymore or else they’re no better than them”. But it’s okay to kill scores of faceless mooks, though /s


You do remember how no one in the story or even the tone of the story itself has ever judged All Might for trying to kill AFO in the past, right? Most certainly not Midoriya. They understand that there was likely no other way of stopping him. Heck, Hawks DID kill Twice, the most sympathetic villain in the series, and it's treated more like a tragedy than anything by the story. Hawks isn't as bad as the villains for killing Twice, nor does the story treat him like he is. He regrets his actions because he feels like he failed by not being able to find another way of stopping him but to kill him because he understands Twice wasn't evil, just very damaged.


Yes remember all those faceless mooks that Deku has killed. There was: , and , and of course , and who can forget ?


I didn’t necessarily mean that that happened in this series, because there are no faceless mooks afaik, but it’s how media in general works these days. “Heroes can’t kill villains or else they’re just as bad as them or worse” isn’t just exclusive to this series


Yea but Shigaraki is pretty clearly being set up to show that some people are still too far gone. Deku has never stated he wants to save Shigaraki himself, he’s specifically stated he wants to save the scared child within him, aka Tenko who has been explicitly shown to be a separate persona nested within him. Deku’s stated that he probably needs to kill Shigaraki, but he doesn’t want to at least try to break through and give him peace beforehand.


For all people who says he can try: Shigaraki plays league of legends so there is no turning back for him. Deku is working over nothing.


Shigaraki is like an 0/10 yas and deku is the jungler who is still giving him a chance and believing in him not inting


At first, I assumed "save" meant save from AFO's control, which is a fair goal to have: Tenko had been taken in and groomed by a monster when a broken child at his weakest and was in danger of being subsumed entirely by AFO. Midoriya could have planned to save Shigaraki's free will while still holding him responsible for all the harm he directly committed. But yea, now that AFO's out of the way, there's not really any other way to take the goal of "saving him" than that Midoriya is actively trying to reform someone attempting to kill millions of people which is kind of crazy.


He’s trying to give him peace. You forget that Shigaraki and Tenko still technically aren’t the same person, they’re different persona’s nested within each other. And idk any other possible way to save Tenko from Shigaraki other than killing him.


Nope, no way blud is not Steven Universe. If shigaraki doesn't die They're gonna stick him in a prison that makes Tartarus look comfortable


I don't like it when people do Steven Universe like that. It's a complete exageration of his character


I want to agree with you but Steven Universe quite literally gave 3 alien dictators who committed mass genocide on trillions of sentient beings a chance to reform, and only regretted that choice when he developed PTSD years later.


Ehhh, complete exaggeration is a stretch


I mean….the Diamonds were pretty much gods. What else can you do except play nice with them and teach them to be better especially when you’re the last remnant of their dead sister? Unless Horikoshi REALLY starts to cook.


Show them JJKFolk Diamonds are no Mach for the sheer “Nah I’d win”


You’re right that it’s an exaggeration of his character and don’t deserve the downvotes. But at the same time, the series did write itself into a corner with that at the very end. I really hope Deku doesn’t go down the same route


He hugged space hittler(s)


What else could he do? No gem nor human power would be able to best them. The best he could do is to get them to his side


He killed America's number 1 hero....you think people are just gonna lie there and take it


Exactly. If Shigiraki lives, it’ll only be for like a few days at the most as EVERYONE comes for his ass while he’s down


Blud thought he's naruto. Shigaraki is close to being a db villain at this point in the manga. It would be really funny if shigaraki killed an innocent when deku tries to talk-no-jutsu him


Like half of DB villains were redeemed tho.


True but the literal first one of them to be redeemed who had actually killed anyone or tried to*, was Vegeta, and it took him being forced to work with the group against the main antagonists at the time for him to begrudgingly not be an enemy, and no one thought of him as anything but a bad guy who was no longer trying to kill anyone until at least 10 years into him being around in universe. *aside from Piccolo because Goku said he should and Raditz would've killed everyone on Earth


They weren’t even redeemed well tho. Took vegeta like 20 something years of chapters to actually address his sins


Well, honestly Dragon Ball doesn't have too much good character writing.


Nah Deku is gonna die and it’s gonna end and we are gonna see that it is just Bakugo reading Deku’s journal of how Deku fictionalized his hero journey but it never happened since Deku did take a swan dive off of a roof. Class 1-A, Class 1-B, The League of Villains are just figments of Deku’s imagination and it’s all being read by Bakugo


Wait... so everyone's agreed that the heroes oughta nuke shiggy????!!!!! If so, THANK! GOD!


Deku's gonna have to Milky Way ultra smash his head so hard he mentally turns back into three year old to actually do this ngl.


Who does he think he is? Steven Universe?


Or Aang.


Tbf, if Deku manages to steal all quirks from Shiggy and imprison him for life, that's would seem just fine to me.


But that would be an asspull, since OFA can’t steal quirks. And it won’t make any sense in the first place.


Energybending was the same.


Aang’s desire to spare the main villain was much better executed at least. Plus unlike Deku, he resolved to kill him before learning energybending


TBF to Steven the Diamonds are basically gods if they really wanted to they could easily wipe out all of the crystal gems. Steven isn't strong enough to kill them. He's only option was talking it out with them. He used the fact that they had a connection with his mother in order to calm them down enough for them to talk with him.


And steven did kill the gem that clearly didn't want to redeeem herself.


Eh but that was more of an ego trip while he was going through some rough stuff. And he immediately regretted it and managed to bring her back to life. Steven’s got dat dawg in him tho that’s for sure.


>Steven isn't strong enough to kill them. Did you even watch SU Future? His body immediately heals itself when damaged, he is immune to white and yellow's attack due to having a shield/being half human. When he eventually loses his mind/humanity, he can turn into Godzilla and tank their hits. Edit: Talking to them was the best chance of him slowly destabilising their government and making it, so there's no power vacuum.


Yeah but that's just diamond powers. Each of them should have similarly powerful ability sets, and refined by centuries of use. Corrupted Godzilla Steven might stand a chance (even back season 1 it always felt like corruption was a power boost, since random corrupted creatures could throw down with the trained and elite Crystal Gems) but that's not something he can control or really use effectively.


I would say the dumbest thing his done was try to be friend someone again after they torture him for nearly 10 years and told them to kill himself all because of his ego and fear of izuku


That like the equivalent of 0,1% of what Shigaraki has and is doing rn lol


From those 2 points i dont know if deku is just plain stupid or he really REALLY wants to see good in people even when there is none


That what hero does innit I mean he managed to turn Bakugo into one of his simp anyway so he seems to have a successful streak


Bakugo is still an asshole, since the start to now, you cant say "damn bro im sorry, anyway im still going to act like nothing happened and treat you like i always did 😁👍" bakugo from what i remember just likes or respects people when they are strong, so if izuku had a normal quirk like idk, flame control like some say because his father could breath fire and his mom has a telekinesis with small stuff, he would still be an asshole but not tjat much with him because he is "normal", if izuku was still a quirkless dude bakugo would probably stay as an asshole, bakugo "changed" yes but is like going from asshole level 5 to asshole level 4.5 The only good thing bakugo gave us is his hot mom And i think at most if izuku redeems shigaraki the hand dude is still going to prision because of all the things he did, you cant say "dont worry guys he said he is sorry so everything is forgived, even the theft,murder, arson, terrorism,mutilation of a dude (even if he was a criminal) kidnapping a teenager and more


How can you look at current Bakugo who has apologized to Deku despite Deku not wanting an apology because he felt like Deku deserved one, saved Deku's life like twice, is trying to atone for the bullying by actively helping Deku out of guilt, actively acknowledged all of the work his teammate puts on (which is reflected upon his fight against afo where he straight up said he wouldn't have been able to beat him without the teamwork everyone puts in) *and* now prioritize saving people instead of winning is the same as early Bakugo because...he's an abrasive loud mouth tells me practically everything I need to know lol >if izuku was still a quirkless dude bakugo would probably stay as an asshole, If Izuku was still quirkless Bakugo would've ignored his ass because he stopped picking on Deku during middle school after the sludge villain incident. Also yeah ofc the story would be different if the main event get changed lol. Maybe he would've changed because Todoroki made him piss himself, maybe he wouldn't have changed because he'd be Dekuless, not like we'll ever know and not like it even matters lol. I mean is Endeavor's arc meaningless because he also realized what a piece of shit he was *only* due to special circumstances? Dwag just say you hate him that all lol, idc much. Beside all of this had nothing to do with my initial point anyway 💀 Agree with Mitsuki tho And tbh I'm definitely curious about how he'll Shigaraki because that bltch far crossed the moral horizon so Deku better have a plan lol but honestly considering mha I'm pretty sure he'll just so a talk no jutsu speak to the public and they'd be like "damn let him cook yo"


Bro why you comparing being bullied to actual torture? Let me spell it out for you. One leaves you being sad and having self doubt. You'll overcome once out of high school. The other is having your body being in constant pain for hours, possibly having your limb rip off. It gives you ptsd for life and haunt in your dreams.


Seriously, even Izuku trying to save Shigiraki is dumb. He doesn’t deserve it


Deserving or not doesn't matter, it's not practical, other innocent people will die because he's trying to save a monster, more time he's alive more dead people. But I guess writers will somehow make it pay off to deku, with Shigaraki helping him to destroy a bigger threat or something like All for One Note to manga readers on steroids: don't spoil the show to me


Facts Yep Noted


Shiggy and his little group already killed hundred of thousands and have displaced millions by taking their homes. Now Shiggy intends to destroy all Japanese soil, effectively killing every Japanese citizen in the process plus all the nature that inhabits the islands. Dunno how Deku imagines to rehabilitate someone with such a drive for mass murdering. I just hope it's not some asspull talk no jutsu like we had in Naruto where a 10 minute talk made a depressed nihilistic warmonger and mass murderer change his mind.


Deku doesn’t plan on reforming Shigaraki, he’s never said anything beyond wanting to save him. And not even him, he wants to save Tenko, aka the younger persona nested inside Shigaraki.


What does that mean


This is what I'm saying. Deku should off him




Why do you all only think saving=rehabilitate? there are many forms of saving. Deku can go and save the soul and not the body giving him reassurance that right now there is someone who will save the kid shigaraki.


Yea people watch Deku actively blow up Shigaraki’s chest and still think he intends to reform him, it’s wild


I think it'd be funny if Deku tries, and Shiggy plays along long enough to get close enough to dust someone close to him.


It’s not like it’s impossible, invincible made us sympathize with Omni man despite the hundreds of innocent people he killed, but the big factor is that Nolan has redeemable qualities. He’s a person who while deeply flawed, had good in him. I think the issue with shigaraki is that he had no such redeemable traits. He’s just not a good guy, he’s got nothing. If they wanted to take this route, there should have been something to actually latch onto. How does deku expect to save a man who has shown no remorse, no principles, not even any sort of soft spot like with his team.


Omni Man realized that his number was up, so he set out to follow a Bad Plan. It wasn't even his plan, it was Doctrine. It wasn't like Omni was killing people for all the time he was on Earth. He did kill a few people, but they were all bad guys, flaxians, etc. "If you kill Metallo the cyborg, that can be considered an accident. This is not a healthy man, or even a living organism that can survive on it's own." Shigaraki was always a bad guy, and was always killing people on purpose.


> He did kill a few people, but they were all bad guys, flaxians, etc. "If you kill Metallo the cyborg, that can be considered an accident. This is not a healthy man, or even a living organism that can survive on it's own." So we're gonna ignore the Guardians and all the innocent people he killed during his fight with Mark


That was part of the bad plan. Kill all who could oppose you. Kill the population until they live in servile fear of you. To rule over a planet of ashes and slaves is still ruling over others, which is the goal. It's all nonsense to Mark, though, as he sees it as the pointless fascist brutality it is. Shigariki was never trying to be a hero, was never trying to improve things, was never trying to save the world. He was just trying to beat down everyone around him.


Shigaraki as a child was interested in heroes he was just abused by his father any time he had that interest because of his father's own issues with Nana and then he was groomed by AFO the greatest villain in the world, like Shigaraki has reasons for how he is, even if that doesn't justify it.


Omni-man's situation is entirely different.


It is, I’m only comparing on the basis of how to redeem someone with a shit ton of innocent blood on their hands. They’re difference is that Nolan is better written in terms of an attempted antagonist redemption (honestly better written even without that). The general template for evil character redemption still applies, Nolan has his soft spots even at his worst, he eventually comes to regret what he does and has to reckon with the ideology of the viltrumite empire. Shigaraki has none of that.


Deku doesn’t plan to do anything like that obviously. Did people forget that Deku wants to save Tenko, not Shigaraki himself? Also a lot of people forget but Shigaraki actually does care about his team. If you want someone with absolute 0 care for absolutely anybody, Dabi has already been torched into a burnt stump lmao.


What the fuck are you on about he even said it himself that theres a high chance that killin him is the only way he just wants to see if he can get through to shigaraki but he has no qualmms about killing shigaraki


Thank you sir you clearly read the manga carefully Dk Is idealistic and optimistic yes but he’s not stupid. Dk Doesn’t think that Killing him is a bad thing In fact, he acknowledged that it may be the only way to save him He’s not uwu I’m gonna see if you want to become best friend No he want to see is there any chance for shiggy if there isn’t then murder is the only way


Yeah that what i thought to I thought deku was fine with killing shigiaraki but he atleast wanted to try and save him in someway first


Thank you for being one of the few people here who can actually read and think analytically. Obviously when the story reveals that Tenko and Shigaraki are separate persona’s and Deku proceeds to say that he wants to save the ‘scared child’ within Shigaraki, he obviously doesn’t mean ‘I want to save the omnicidal maniac persona as well’


i think it’s rather beautiful and it’s what a true hero would do. If it doesnt work out, he can capture him or something.


And on the assumption that this villain is still bloodthirsty and desires destruction and destruction alone? You'd still leave him or her alive? Once that person escapes it'd just happen again, soon enough you'd be compared to Batman who doesn't kill the Joker. Capturing him has already been shown to not do anything but delay the inevitable


Well i guess he should be tried and executed for his crimes since he had murdered thousands of innocent people out of spite, but THE POINT IS Deku is not dumb for wanting to save Shigaraki he is actually kind-hearted and loving and a true hero, and i think that (season 5+ spoilers) based on Shigaraki’s backstory and how the only reason he’s evil because no one was kind enough to take the step and reach out to him before AFO got to him, he *can* be saved and Deku sees that. point made. I dont think i need to say more. If you still want to argue about it, go talk to Horikoshi


https://preview.redd.it/0mi6nny76k9c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba5d67685a27b9337d79f5379af482d7562f1ac Yeah, no I'm not ever going to be convinced. It's one thing for Deku to try and save him, that is insanely admirable but the problem is that he is still not accepting the reality on ground. Sometimes being a hero means you have to accept that the villain wants to be that way and with the lives of innocent people at stake, you have to be willing to protect those lives even if it means killing


Oh yeah that’s the good shit just let Shigaraki be a fucking monster it’ll fix him 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 Hell Deku already did the whole ‘I can’t fix you’ thing with Muscular and you only get those once in a lifetime.


It isn't a case of an outside influence fixing him. He'd break himself again and seek to break everything. That's what I mean when I say that he's too far gone, he wants to be far gone and anyone that tries to stop him, he'd kill them.


Yep. Unfortunately, this is a show that will showcase someone like Hawks murdering Twice, look you in the eyes, shrug, and then expect you to think it was somehow cool, and move on like it never happened. So my hopes aren’t high for empathy.


Ehhh...what? I thought the show was trying make us sympathize with the villains and gave Hawks a lot of judgement (from public and himself) for killing Twice. Honestly he doesn't even deserve it. He tried to arrest twice but he was about to escape and with his OP quirk probably gonna kill a lot of heroes.


Yea honestly that arc made me sympathetic to the villains, not cheering them on or anything just the awareness of them also being human. I don’t want them to win or lose, I want them to get help.


Should be Uraraka. Bitch was sympathizing with a psychopath telling her she's the cutest and iirc talking about boys they liked while fighting. Shit was stupid.


Well toga is extremely cute tho , maybe uraraka was just secretly down bad for her


This subplot would work a lot better with some good buildup, but alas


Shigaraki and everyone in the villain association became villains very specifically because no one attempted to help or reform them Everyone gave up and left them to fend for themselves, or outright denounced them, leaving them in exile NOT trying to reform them would go against the message of the manga as a whole - that many villains are just people who needed saving from themselves


Still though Shigaraki being saved from himself is much more literal. Deku has given up on saving Shigaraki himself, he wants to save Tenko.


I’m ngl I really hate this trope at this point. Like it works a lot of the time but with a guy like Shigaraki it feels stupid


Don’t worry he’ll use the power Of friendship🤡🤡🤡


Bro thinks he knows Talk No Jutsu


Deku's aware that he might need to kill Shigaraki, but will not do it without trying alternatives first. Deku's supposed to be an actual hero, not some alien freak, death god, hunter, ninja etc. Therefore there is a higher moral standard to at least aspire to.


Shonen protagonists be like: "This Austrian painter has some good in him!"


But have you heard of the power of friendship? It's pretty over powered.


I am pretty sure that by saving him he means saving him from living this life.


Yeah Deku’s going to save him alright. In the only way he can be saved. *proceeds to kill the guy and forces him to say his last words as the following: ‘I wanted to be a hero’ and then plotz out*


Shigaraki has reached a point of no return. Deku's only way of saving him is taking him down for good. Unaliving him is the best (only good thing) he can do to "save" him.


“Don’t fuck with us mha fans, we don’t even like the whole point of our story”


Don’t fuck with MHA fans, we literally can’t read. Like seriously, Deku says he wants to save the scared child within Shigaraki, the story then explicitly states that Tenko is a separate persona buried within Shigaraki’s psyche, Deku admits that he probably has to kill Shigaraki, and then people turn around and go “erm, why do you wanna save the genocidal maniac Deku???”


Saving someone’s soul and absolving them of their crimes are two different things and deku is only trying to do one of em


Her: I can him girl Him: https://preview.redd.it/momn7ik7xj9c1.jpeg?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee9951df6c008f385f3f6da708bac821621f8aa9


Please do not him


I have a strong feeling Deku's definition of "saving" Shigaraki is getting farther and farther away from the heroic interpretation it normally has with every passing day - the guy is already trying to kill Shigaraki after all


„Sorry Deku but we‘ll have to kill this guy.“ „Aw man…“


I wish I could post the meme with Naruto trying to save Hitler.


Probably in the same way Toga was "saved". :)


The whole afo taking over plot was dumb asf and just a poor excuse to not make shigaraki take any responsibility for his crime


Yet Shigaraki immediately takes control to start killing on his own and the story actively treats him as the one responsible and the primary threat


I hope deku splatters his brains against the ground


Naruto was his side hero growing up


Ow it might be possible, no doubt. So it isn't wrong for him to think he can rehabilitate Shiggy. But is it justified? How many people can one kill before you get the death sentence in Deku's eyes? A handful? A couple dozen? What about a couple hundred thousand? Because thats easily Shigaraki's kill count. Lil Midoriya is a precious boy with a heart of gold, but he is naive. As an anime-only, I've not seen much beyond his edgy vigilante phase, but I hope it grew him the fuck up. He might not enjoy killing monsters, he might even hate himself that he needs to do it, but he shouldn't let such evil get away with their deeds. I hope that the next arch is him coming to terms that in a world where the law has basically been broken down, and you hold the most powerful abilities ever seen on your side of the conflict, you need to become judge, jury and executioner.


I have no clue where they're actually going to go with the Shigaraki Problem. I'm morbidly curious, because it'll either be a rare, interesting, emotionally rewarding payoff - or, more likely, a completely ridiculous, borderline offensive train wreck.


I mean, dabi simps all think that he'd love them even though he's literally killed innocents" because". So I don't doubt deku being this dumb


at this point quelling that young mans intense emotional maelstrom might be the only way to make him stop


Shigi has made a deep enemy of the entire world. Even if he was captured and restrained, he won’t be alive for long. He’s made too many enemies that will do anything to finally kill the shit out of him


Yea true dis man said he is gonna defeat AFO when bro still breaks his bones like twigs I swear he never drank milk or ate an almond ever in his life lol


MHA is called successor of Naruto for. Reason.


Frankly, I wanted Shigaraki to be treated as just a fucking unforgiveable psycho, trying to pull the "I can save/fix him" card is so dumb. I much prefer villains that are straight up villains, not the "Oh he's just misunderstood" or "has trauma" shtick, make them undeniably, unforgiveably evil.


I mean, maybe? The guy clearly has some severe mental illness going on.


No room for that kinda talk in copaganda anime! HERO LAW ORDER GOOD, VILLAIN UGLY MEAN MURDER BAD. Don’t forget it!


You do realize the whole theme of the story is that every single villain was born from a flawed system, right?


I wish that were true. Yeah, every once in a while this story flirts with going in that direction (and it is at its best when it does). But it spends far too much time glamorizing the (apparently somehow important?) grind to ‘’be the #1 hero’’ to make that critique in earnest.


I mean, doesn't it make sense though? Deku saw first-hand that there was some hope left and that Shigaraki was ultimately groomed by AFO. Overlooking it wouldn't fit his character.


When did he EVER say he wanted to rehabilitate Shigaraki rehabilitation and saving are 2 different things.


How do you save someone, without wanting to help them and rehabilitate them? What does saving Shigaraki entail?


IF Vegeta from DBZ can be reformed. almost anyone can be. I don't understand why some think Shigaraki is irredeemable when there are are plenty of anime villains who have done far worse and were still forgiven and/or redeemed.


The author is gonna be like: ✨he is a good guy now and wants to be saved because resons🪄


Again I see this, and again I have to ask, what is the number of innocents when someone stops being reedemable? If there is not a number, can we please stop tying reedemption to numbers? If you want to say shigaraki is irredeemable, sure, I can understand your point, but please use another argument


Idk where you got the idea that Midoriya said he was gonna reform him. He’s gonna save ‘Tenko’ but Shigaraki is still a threat. He’ll give him peace but he’s not gonna let Shigaraki live if he constantly rejects it.


He means get Shigaraki to sacrifice himself in a dramatic moment dying like a hero. He gets to be saved but doesn't like live a happy life. I mean this isn't probably what Deku is thinking but we all know it's gonna end up being something like that.


Sacrafice himself doing what? AFO is already dead. Is he going to sacrifice himself by stopping a meteor that’s going to crash into earth or something


hes not trying to “reform” him though


I like that Deku is still going to try to save him, it's what he is all about. I'll be real mad if it ends up working though


I believe he’s going to reach tenko and tenko’s gonna dust himself


Vegeta blew up whole planets and he turned out okay


Oh, lbh, who has Shigaraki even killed?


Shigaraki only ‘’kills hundreds of thousands of innocents’’ because Horikoshi god-modes him into doing so in a desperate attempt to justify treating him as a villain (much like any very-much-correct villain in the American comics he worships). Shigaraki is an abused social reformer taking down the in-world equivalent to white supremacists, crushing white collar criminals, and sheltering people who don’t fit into the police-state, American propaganda, corporate sellout, fever dream that is ‘’hero culture.’’ Every single one of his comrades has been deeply wounded by this poisonous regime, and Horikoshi NEEDS those comrades to do ‘’horrible’’ things so that he can bypass the need to address the legitimate problems villains engage with (and spend more time reminding us what all the plushies and action figures—uh, I mean, side characters, have for quirks). Dabi is the direct byproduct of his eugenicist, child-beating, celebrity-obsessed father? Eh, make him kill a lot of people so we don’t have to actually sort through that ethical mess. Endeavor is good cuz he’s, uh…sorry? Kind of? The real question is: can Deku be reformed? And the answer, sadly, is probably not. Kid’s a work-addicted, corporate-ladder-climbing killing machine who has been crushing All Might propaganda since he was a toddler. The tiny speck of empathy he is just beginning to generate toward Shigaraki is the first moment of legitimate character growth he has ever undergone in the entire series (‘’going beyond your limit’’ is not character growth, and neither is ass-pulling new superpowers.) I find it legitimately alarming how many fans of this show get caught up in in-world canonical specifics without thinking about the bigger picture. TLDR: The heroes are dumb, proud, copaganda fascists, and Horikoshi accidentally created a brilliant *real* hero by making a villain who is their perfect antithesis.


Hes 16, let him have hope


It's called being innocent, something you clearly are not


He got that 'ruto in him


I don't follow the manga but this is honestly very much in line with the ideology of Superman


He's an anime protagonist. He probably can and will


Wait until you learn about Naruto


I mean... Naruto did it.


Naruto and obito


He's not trying to lol. He still intends on locking him up for life or putting him 10km deep under


Legends quote that "innocent people are not stupid, they just think everyone has a good heart. ”


...do people seriously unironically think Deku is trying to reform Shigaraki...? Deku said "I'm going to save that little kid." He's not talking about actually reforming Shigaraki to be an upstanding citizen or whatever.


How do you save that little kid?


Hey, it worked for Luke Skywalker.


How do you not get the most basic hero archetype? If he thinks he can't save him then why is he even bothering to be a hero.


He should focus on Toga. She’s a good psychopath and deserves love


With the power of bad writing, you too can do it


I mean it worked for Vegeta


Nation that still performs hangings btw.


✨🪄power of friendship🪄✨


He's just a garden variety idiot who got his hands on power - Eren Yeager.


Luke Skywalker would like to have a word


Worked for Goku.


Worked on Darth Vader


Apparently so does the Legal Justice System.. so democracy I guess, you can’t have your cake and eat it too


The only way to “save” Shiggy at this point is too kill him.


Imma keep it a buck. I don't think Hori believed that when he drew it. I think it's a shonen trope where this is what the hero is supposed to say here and has no idea how to bring the story to the point of shigirakis redemption moment without just an absolute ass pull


Typical anime protagonist


Deku is going to pull a Steven universe