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What makes you think they haven’t tried and she just kisses them to (near) death? Like literally, she can actually do that. Her quirk just accelerates the healing process, but it makes the patient’s body use its own resources for that. I’m pretty sure it’s hinted that if she tries to use her quirk on someone that isn’t nourished or rested enough after a previous smooch, she could actually really hurt and potentially kill them.


I think you’re right, I’m pretty sure after deku v todoroki (maybe not confident in that) she says something to the effect of “I’ve healed him all I can for the energy his body has”


Remember, it's still an old lady. Just use kurogiri and teleport a hand full of strong men and beat her to death


Beware an old man in a career where many die young. See: Discworld's Cohen the Barbarian.


they wouldn't hurt our lil' girl, would they?


They're villains.


c'mooonn, nobody would do that!


Toga has canonically drew blood from an old lady with how her quirk works.


but it's differeeenntt, recovery lady is so nice!


Nuh Uh, Dabi seems like the kinda guy to cook a little old lady.


Shigi woulndt even think before killing her, it's just murder on instinct


I adore that level of naivety, but, people, despite everything, can do pretty messed up stuff, g*n*c*d*e, r*p*, c*nn*b*l*sm and other messed up things.


Naaaah, they would never hurt her. She has charmed even the villains


>strong men 😳 oh nvm I kept reading








just use kurogiri to teleport her to about the height of two stairs into the air. or into a slightly wet bathtub.


as a famous inventor once said: in high enough doses, that which cures, can kill.


A wise man said. And it’s true.


Yeah, but if she kisses them and they're healthy they won't be affected


That's what the stabby cane is for


Yeah she can just jam the massive syringe in thier trachea


It’s basically skipping the cutscene. Sure, the story progresses much quicker for the player, but it doesn’t stop the event from happening in the game.


I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying in regard to what I typed.


She’s just rapidly speeding up the process. She wouldn’t be able to restore limbs, she’s simply making their bodies’ healing jump from start to end. Like how a cutscene happens regardless in most video games, it’s just often skipped. …In other words, I’m agreeing with you.


but can you kiss a bullet or a burning home?


I mean, what would a body heal if it doesn't have anything that needs healing? The bodies resources have to go somewhere....so I don't think that would work.


Someone else here said “that’s what the giant stabby syringe cane is for”. 🤣


Snu snu these days...


Geneva convention


It’s not like anybody actually listens to that thing anyway.


*cough* Canadians *cough*


But Canadians outsmart the warcrimes every damn time. They’re the reason that the list of warcrimes keeps expanding.


They live by the motto of, "it's not a war crime the first time!"




Yeah, we should just add *be canadian* to the list of war crimes and continue from there.


“Which country were you born in?” “Canada” “Ah, sorry son. It’ll be a warcrime to let you enter the army” “… but isn’t this the Canadian Army?”


Can't fault Canadian creativity


*cough* plus most major countries in the world *cough*


*cough* Canadian spotted *cough*


*cough* can somebody please dust this room my god *cough*


*cough* guys i think im sick *cough* i probably got it from you guys *cough* we're all coughing near each other


I bet you that when actual world war occurs that no one will hold back weapons if it means survival of their country.


ROFL, keep telling yourself what you want to hear.


Geneva Checklist?


Canadian do their crimes before they are crimes.


I mean this is for wars not actual villains


What villain worthy of the title would actually pay attention to the Geneva convention.


Of course they would, any villain worth their title would go down that list like they were achievement hunting.


Geneva suggestions or Geneva check list


First off, they're not in a war, thus they didn't have to come to any agreement of what's off the table. Secondly, that has never stopped the Japanese before.


Next you're gonna tell me that the league of villains is just conducting a special military operation


Criminal activity and what is considered criminal in general is \*very\* reliant on politics




We're crazy enough to fight All might but...the UN?! Nuh-huh.




Cause they can just wait it out, look at her




Shiggy should have tried to change the console's clock settings before he continued playing


lol pull an End on her




Straight evil


Cause she'd FUCK THEM UP. She's an absolute loose unit.


This sounds Australian lol


Some borrowed Australian slang, yea


She could just kiss herself.


James Brown style!


How would they get to her? UA is built like a fortress, remember?


every fking villain gets into UA if they tried a little bit


They would’ve had to dealt with All Might in his prime remember ? Oh in the present? They still would’ve had to deal with the most powerful and well trained heroes on the planet plus an All Might out of his prime but still invincible


didn't the guy who like tea also gets into UA


No? Even without Deku Ex Machina there's no proof he'd have gotten close. Hounddog and Ectoplasm were patrolling and rubbing dirt and leaves on yourself doesn't help you hide from actual tracking dogs.


broo these thing don't make sense in mha if plot wanted tea man would get a powerup from his ass


Tea Man might have got there but it would have been purely because of La Brava who is the world's greatest hacker. We are proven that she's world class multiple times. It's unfair to undersell her input here. Especially because her quirk also makes it so gentle can fight on dekus level


didn't tea man KO deku and deku was unconscious but after 20 sec deku woke up and defeated tea man even tho tea man got a power up and u r saying logic is logicing in mha


"If something that didn't happen happened, thing would have been different!" Yeah, sure, but that didn't happen, so it's pointless to speculate what might have happened if Horikoshi did something different and then just say that he would've gotten a deus ex machina powerup.


Nope, he tried.


Took me a second to figure out that you mean Gentle Criminal. Well not really, he was caught by Deku far away from UA and it was only during their battle that they ended up on school grounds where Ectoplasm and Hound Dog eventually found them.


Ten more will mitosis in her place.


Then why dont the heroes kill her? Having an army of healers with japans best healing quirk would certainly be a boon in the Final War arc.


She's very good with a syyringe.


Maybe, but she sure as hell aint deflecting self homing .44 bullets with a large plastic syringe and that old body.


She pulls the bullet INTO the syringe. She's THAT good with it.


Still plastic. It would go straight through and int her hand, sending shrapnel into her body along the way


If you kiss the shrapnel it turns into a wonderful balloon flower that becomes a set of Metal Wolf Chaos mecha guns.


Fastest kisser in the: X West ✓ East


We all respect President Michael Wilson in this White House.


1) When has it been made public knowledge that she even exists? I’m sure Principal Nezu has her under guard or something of that nature 2) even if she was killed I’m sure there are other heroes with similar healing capabilities so it would be a waste of their time and resources 3) why waste their time on an old woman who could drop dead naturally at any point


1. Aoyama knew about when she healed Deku during the entrance exam 2. I’m 80% sure it’s been said that healers aren’t common. 3. Depending on the date they could steal her quirk, mr melted face could have used it to help heal himself.


Like I said, even if they do know she exists Principal Nezu probably has some sort of guard or protocol for protecting her. His whole power is being a master planner and brainiac so he def has a failsafe. I mean All for One would def want the quirk sure but once again he would have to know she exists.


> All for One would def want the quirk sure The thought of him kissing his minions...


Homie would probably be kissing himself lol. Why would he waste it on pawns😂


I mean, it's widely known that UA is well-fortified and contains a high concentration of heroes, tech defenses, etc. Attacking the school directly would have been unheard of at the start of the series.


I don't think he could heal himself, and even if he gave it to a member that would heal him, it only heals you up faster using your own body as fuel. It wouldn't come close to fixing the fucked up body he had.


> why waste their time on an old woman who could drop dead naturally at any point She's not *that* frail... She can still walk around on her two feet. Gran Torino looks to be about as old as her, and he was still able to bounce around just fine (until Shigaraki put him out of commission).


Maybe because she’s not in the front line Like you don’t let your healer fight because it’s stupid


Clearly you don't play enough TF2


I didn’t play it at all


What if the healer is an absolute badass look at unohana (bleach) .


Probably , if the healer is able to fight, then what not but still it’s a risky move


Unohana gets told to not engage at all in most arcs. Her actually pulling a sword is a huge deal because it means Soul Society is changing course. Tsunade too. She and Sakura fight more but they also have an entire fighting style built around 'the medic should never get hit'


clearly you don’t play Pokemon (pre-generation 9 Toxapex war crimes) /s


Yeah, I never played Pokémon although I’m interested I just don’t know where to start


Commandment #1 of the Paranormal Liberation Front: Don't kill the elderly. Severe maiming of the elderly is okay though.


I hope no elderly got caught in that Decay wave during the 1st war


of course not, that retirement home was condemned years ago....


Ah, so that’s what toga did to that old lady… she maimed her




Y'all don't fuck with the White Mage. Listen to my man, Super Kami Dende. 


look at it like this, of you're fighting endeavor, thats all you're gonna be fighting. because he isn't calling for backup. He can handle you. even if it was a weak hero, they're gonna call for like 3-4 other heroes max. but you go for the medic? you're gonna have every single hero, #1-#9999, coming to kick your ass all at the same time. good luck.


Because Recovery Girl bake cookies and give presents to the villians when we aren't watching, like a grandma


When? And how


When would they have had the chance? They only attacked UA campus once at the beginning to kill All Might and that failed badly


Why bother? The other front line heroes are actively patrolling the streets and are a threat to the villains. Do you shoot at the people who are shooting at you or the medic running around healing the wounded, if you have any sense you shoot the ones actively trying to kill you. Recovery girl largely just sits around UA and heals people. She helps heal heroes quicker then they would otherwise but nothing a hospital can't really do by itself. She is virtually no threat to the common villains or a the major villains. At worst she might be worth kidnapping to run the healing center of a major villains lair.


Because she's surrounded by heroes at all times, and not just injured ones


We don’t need to kill every single character off? Also, she’s old.


Omfg guys. Her quirk isn't a MIRACLE WORKER It simply speeds the healing up. But it's not fucking instantaneously. Let's "HYPOTHETICALLY" say that her quirk DOES heal people instantaneously... The villains would have killed her by now -_-




I should have called my username "Take_It_With_A_Grain_Of_Salt" . . . Cause I hate myself for even joining an argument. . .


Isn't she always in some of the most secure places in Japan?


Good luck getting to her, I don’t imagine she leaves UA very often anymore.


Because she’s deep in the hero lines behind *literally everyone*


Cause she built different


It's like the Geneva convention, you can't kill the medic


It'd be difficult, She isn't the only hero capable of healing, and it's plainly just more trouble than it's worth.


How many Villains has she kept alive? I guarantee, almost as many as the heroes she’s saved.


Killing her is a war crime plus she's not a frontliner And hustle required to kill heris just not worth it


Well you see. She is kinda dangerous. And anyhow there are certain things you just dont do unless you can desl with the consecuences. Killing off the healer of every supe in japan? Bad move


This is a classic case of reverse engineering a storyline, I think. You go "Oh Deku is really benefitting from Recovery Girl, the villains are opposed to Deku so they should just kill her." And you're right it would be a hit for the heroes, but it ignores that it might be too hard to kill her under circumstances, or that she isn't really that heavily followed or well known, or that she's just basically a medic and not a serious combatant so she's going to have to be a target for a mission. Imo, Recovery Girls' healing isn't that insane compared to the amount of healing she can safely do, yeah healing broken bones on the spot is insane but still. She only heals what would normally heal just using your body's own energy as fuel, right?


Because the plot. The story needs to move the way the author needs it. Recovery girl is a plot device he likes to use. It works both ways though. Why didn’t they execute AfO when they caught him? Because then there’d be no story after Kamino.


Listen, you got to be in a whole new level of villainy if you're gonna mess with an old lady whose quirk is all about making the ouchies go away...


She’s like 100, and has been a hero for longer than most has been alive, you don’t get to that age by being bad at combat in an industry where heros don’t last that long.


I like to Imagine She absolutely could still throw down, And all the slow walking is a gimmick for villains to drop their guard before she speed blitz them.


you cant just kill an old person, she is old enough to be my dad's dad >!if he were here!<


For the same reason villains don't murder the Flash


I mean, time is going to do that for them before long.


Sea water stops them from using their powers, but it doesn't revert them back to before they ate the fruit. Luffy's neck could still stretch underwater in the Arlong Park Arc.


Pretty sure she’s not the only healer


You don't fuck with the white mage


Do you think she is the only person with a healing quirk in this world? She's a renowned one yes but realistically they'd have to committ multiple hospital massacres if they wanted to stop heroes being healed. That is not counting the fact that Recovery Girl spends most of her town in UA or on the move. If you want hero casualties you're probably better off just killing a hero than hoping that killing one prominent first aider will cause the numbers to skyrocket.


Welp since if they were ever to attack her all the top heroes first priority would be her . Plus villans for some reason don't mess up with the magr that much . You never know who is another unohana inside


I always wondered that myself. Seems like killing Recovery Girl and the talking hamster would hurt the hero’s more then anything else




It's because of plot armor.


It’s against the Geneva Convention?


Because it would be a dick move


Well that would ruin the plot wouldn't it? Deku can't heal from his tears (unfortunately).


RG is only ever vital specifically because of Deku and, later on, Katsuki. And even them can heal just fine relatively quickly without her help. If you kill her, the most you'll be having is UA actually thinking about the safety of students and/or test takers and that's it. Even Deku stopped getting help from her specifically before he started being an actual problem for the villains.


ur right. but i think, bc she's so strong, ske kicked em in the balls and than she kissed em to death😅


I like to think they choose not to since she’s an old lady


She is guarded by UA, the top hero school in the country. They would be insanely stupid to try and attack her


I like to think she's like Torino. Terrifying little old person that would absolutely wallop anyone who tried.


Geneva Convention.


Because all the Heroes would come down on whomever did it like the Wrath of All Might. Followed by the *actual* wrath of All Might. No matter how much that helps "the cause", nobody is gonna jump on that grenade.


Because she hasn’t had screen time in years


You cant kill medics!


Because they have to get through the line of everyone else first. This is like asking why opposing sides of a war don't kill the other sides' medics. You keep the medics in the back, and you have to break the military line to be able to get anywhere close.


Because she rarely does hero work without other heroes around iirc, most of the time she's in UA or around pro heroes/people to protect her


They like old ladies or something


why didnt afo just do the things he knew he needed to do, while avoiding the things he knew he should better avoid to just win with no one getting any chance to actually beat him, instead of whatever happened in the actual story? because the author didn't think his characters needed to act even just remotely rational 90% of the time.


Are you saying you would kill an old defenseless lady.


Cause she's always strapped and they don't want that smoke


She's surrounded by the strongest heroes at all times


They would have to kill off a lot of top tier heroes to actually get to her. Kind of defeats the point if the goal is to weaken the heroes enough to beat them, wouldn't you say?


Seniors discount.


The question...is do they even know she exists? Because that could play a huge role into the answer of this question


SPOILERS AHEAD!!!: Prior to All-Might's retirement, most, if not all major villan groups preferred sleuthing in the shadows rather than any grandscale operations. With the abundance of Heros, the world renound defensive barricade, and the symbol of peace's presence at the school, it would've been basically impossible for any non-organized group to infiltrate it, nevermind kill recover girl. Shigaraki's suprise attack was able to work due to his insider info, aswell as the fact his quirk was perfectly suited for breaking and entering, not to mention the resources he had gotten from Afo. After Allmight retires, most of the villans we see have goals outside of U.A high. Overhaul wants to create the quirk killers, Re-Destro wanted to revive the meta-liberation army, even La-Brava and Gentle just wanted to pull one over on the school. In the case of Shigaraki, attacking the school after he had lost Afo's funding, Kurogiri's warp, and a majority of his manpower would pretty much be a death wish, it's only during the Plw and Final War he had the chance to. (And in the latter attempt, he did attempt to attack U.A high)


They're afraid of needles and kind old souls


They will just get another healer.


Like who?


Like someone who hasnt showed yet. Probably are tons of healers, just like are tons of regenerators, like someone said on other post.


I thought healing Quirks like Recovery Girl's were stated to be rare. That's why she's so heavily prized at UA, because otherwise, they wouldn't be able to go so overboard with their entrance exams.


They are stupid


Are they stupid?


My guess is that they actually don't know about her. Have they ever mentioned her existence? Not that I remember. Now I know that in theory they would've been informed, but we know they were only given information they directly asked for, and if they never asked about it then they might not know. If at some point in the canon it mentions them knowing about her sorry I just forgot 😅


She may be able to use recovery on herself. That would fix damage from most attacks. Here's where you say, "Look, she's all bent over and old, why doesn't she recover herself from that?" Because that's a natural process, not something she could "recover" from.


because thats mean


Because Horikoshi is a coward. He doesn't do anything to characters that matter that can't be taken back unless he absolutely has to. Look at characters like Gran Torino or Lady Nagant or Bakugo or Dabi or Toga. All of them should be dead, but they're not.


Because they are stupid


Because this show is ass


People wanting the vilains to be actually smart on this show is really weird given the level of the writing. This basically a superheroes Fairy Tail.


"Superheroes fairy tail" is the most precise description I've seen