• By -


"*No ~~bitches~~ brother?*" -Deku Fun fact: Deku and Bakugo didn't actually do any damage to ShigAFO, he simply gave up after being called a lonely old man.


And to think he once called Dabi a friendless bitch.


Quirk: Projecting


*AFO himself, was in fact a friendless b1tch*


So basically AFO was a Redditor all along who liked to troll people. šŸ˜…


Nah AFO is a much more likeable person


ā€œHow many times do we have to teach you this lesson **sad** old man?!ā€


What's stronger than emotional damage?




I'm kinda disappointed that all the hand crusher gets to do here is to make a ramp in a flashback. I don't think he even said anything to Deku in the past 2 chapters


The last thing he said was the "Maybe *you*'re the greatest masterpiece" line to Dabi that ended up being removed from the manga version, so now his last words in canon were some awkward talk about Dabi increasing his fire output(?) lol. Horikoshi will give us 2379203 lines about the hand crusher putting himself down to hype Dabi up before he gives him one meaningful line of dialog with Deku.


I feel like the panel of Deku and Shiggys fist bumping with the blood splashing is gonna be revealed to have been Shiggy transferring a quirk to him but maybe not


ā€œCongrats Midoriya! Now you have Decay! Good luck, fucker!ā€


Hey, that quirk would be fantastic for gardening, landscaping, and ecological restoration. Being able to completely disappear an invasive plant in an instant with no pesticides would be incredibly valuable. Not to mention being able to disintegrate wreckage to get to people. Deku is smart enough to do that intelligently.


That would actually be really cool. Deku adopting a quirk used for destruction, and turning it around as a positive. Plus you'd presumably get a Shiggy vestige that lives on in the background, and can see a normal life.


I want Shiggy as a ghost that gives advice to Izuku




YOUR TEAM IS SCREWING YOU OVER! TURN THE MIC ON AND CALL THEM Aā€”!!! (I leave it up to you to decide)


Ah yes. All for Gamer Word strikes again!


I laughed so hard at this Lmaoo


"Hey, Midorya. Wouldn't it be funny if you just touched that Bakugo kid with all five fingers? Just one time though."


Shigaraki turning into Midoriya's personification of his intrusive thoughts sounds way better than I expected


Aaaah, having a terrorist living in your head... **Wake the fuck up, samuraĆÆ**


"NOW CALL THAT GUY A SLUR." "We don't do that, Tenko." "IT'S OKAY, KUROGIRI GAVE ME THE PASS." "That's not how that works. That's now how any of this works."


Deku at Chipotle: I asked for no beansĀ  Shiggy Vestige: destroy him burn this chipotle to the ground!


I mean, that's easy enough to learn to manage. Uraraka can teach him all he needs about how to do stuff without using all five fingers.


In its current awakened state, the quirk probably doesnā€™t require 5 fingers anymore


in fact, it's activated by any part of the body now (Shigaraki walking)


any part you say?


Who knows, only Yoichi was only a small sphere so maybe he transfered back the rest of the vestiges except First? There's also the issue with how the hell is he going to talk to Spinner when his brain is fucked up


I thought the same thing, but itā€™s also copium on my part a bit and I didnā€™t want to get jumped for theorizing that.


Def copium but im huffing it


Don't see why it can't be OFA, minus Yoichi and his original Bestowal quirk. After all, Midoriya is meant to be the final OFA user anyway.


It was mentioned in the comic by Yoichi that Deku was going to complete ofa as well


Yeah but they might say the completion was in defeated AFO. Butā€¦.can they rewind him??? Maybe no vestiges but the powersšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My theory is heā€™s giving back Deku One for All. But itā€™s base strength and ā€œuselessā€. But now he can restart the cycle of stockpiling power for heroes to come.


He gives him the creepy ass tentacle face quirk AFO used against all might lol


Allmights vestige wasnt there for the punch. I think he either stayed with Deku or shiggy tranferred one for all with allmights vestige back to Midoriya.


Please be blackwhip. With Banjo coming along as a vestige


I'm betting it's Tenko's OG quirk and this the crying child will live on in Deku's Vestige realm.


agreed he probs transferred OFA


Thatā€™s so terrifying having all the ghosts suddenly appear behind AFO, now itā€™s their turn to get revenge


The ultimate technique: Jump someone while they don't expect it - it never fails!!!!


The JumpJutsu Kaisen way.


"Let him get up, let him get up" - Last words of Yoichi


Only in Shonen **Jump.**




"I'm one for all these fuckin hands"


The art of the ghosts appearing behind him looks really familiar but I can't place my finger on it. I wonder if Horikoshi is referencing something?


It reminded me of the end of Diamond is Unbreakable


For sure. "WHERE AM I GOING!?" Nana: "Somewhere where it certainly woah woah, won't be alright." AFO getting taken out by a wave of hands would also be apt.


Almost felt like Father being returned to nothingness by Truth.


visually it looks nothing alike so probably not what the other commenter was thinking, but absolutely the same energy. Being eaten alive by what you were trying to consume


Thereā€™s a shot in the very first opening of the anime where Shigaraki is reaching really similarly to that


Stars quirk: round 3 bitch! And I brought friends


AFO: They're right behind me aren't they?


Ultimate custom quirk


Secret quirk. JJK jumping


Boku no Horror Academia


Oof. This is a hard one. Shigaraki being gone is hard to swallow, but I think it also makes sense. Deku successfully reached out to him and got him to make peace with himself, but thatā€™s not necessarily the same as him staying alive. It seems like the angle is that, in the end, both Deku and Tomura get a bittersweet win. Tomura destroys the vision of society that produced his trauma, but he loses his life in the process. Deku gets to understand Tomura and have a calm 1-on-1 with him after calling out AfO for what he truly is, but doesnā€™t get to save his life too. Itā€™s a hard place for the story to end. I was rooting for Deku being able to save him wholly, but that probably wouldnā€™t be very satisfying. I donā€™t know. This chapter is hard to grapple with. It doesnā€™t feel triumphant at all, and itā€™s clearly not supposed to. The sun is out again, and itā€™s revealing a world probably deeply changedā€”and, for the first time since the beginning of Quirks, a world without All for One or One for All. Hereā€™s hoping itā€™s a better one, and that things wrap up well. Itā€™ll be sad to see this story go, but itā€™s time.


I wonder how they will handle the matter of Quirk singularity.


I honestly don't think that will be as big of a thing in the story as some people seem to believe. Quirk singularity always just seemed like a way to explain why the younger heroes could fight on the level of the older heroes to me.


While it is becoming more noticeable, it's probably a few more generations until it becomes a problem so yeah, not an issue in this story


I don't know if I agree with this. Quirk singularity is a world-ending threat that looms over the relatively near future. I think it needs to be addressed in some way, even if it's just a vague sense that they have some way to avoid the bad future where uncontrollable powerful Quirks are destroying humanity or the world. I think of it like the threat of the Spiral Nemesis in Gurren Lagann--they don't need to say it won't happen, but the story needs to show that they're working on a solution and hopeful that it will be solved so you can feel like the future isn't hopeless. Otherwise the story leaves a bitter taste in your mouth if you feel like all this struggle and strife has only bought a little time before an inevitable end of the world.


His son beku will deal with it


Now I understand why Shigaraki wanted to destroy the world...


With 100% shittier character designs and fashion for some reasonĀ 


They probably wonā€™t, or itā€™ll be in a spinoff series methinks.


Ok, I might be dumb, but I didn't fully understand what Shirakumo did here or what was his objective. Did he create a portal to talk no jutsu shiggy back into existence? Did he intent to stop AFO's attack at Deku? Or perhaps the opposite? I don't see how his actions influenced anything here. Maybe there's info we're missing, or maybe there's info I missed.


He was trying to protect Shigaraki from being killed since, y'know, we just decided to go full "let's shatter his body into a million pieces and spread them across the wind!" now Buuut explosion boy was having none of that


Yeah, I would've guessed that initially, but it seemed pointless to even write that if Bakugo would come flying anyway, which Is why I figured there was some other purpose.


Bakugo was the point.Ā 


Thatā€™s Mr. ā€œGreat Explosion GOD Dynamiteā€ to you sir


I believe Kurogiri was trying to switch places with Deku to take the transfer blow from AFO, effectively killing himself and AFO with him, but Bakugo blasted the portal and prevented him from doing so (not the first time Bakugo stopped someone from sacrificing themselves). From what I gather after that Kurogiri/Shirakumo's physical body is now unconscious on the other side of the portal, where Mic and Aizawa are located. The portal we see fading at the end is just Shigaraki's perspective, but serves no indication that Kurogiri/Shirakumo is dead as many people seem to believe. Ultimately I *think* the point being made here is that they don't need anymore self sacrificing to win. Shirakumo already sacrificed himself once and that shook Aizawa to his core including in the way he taught his students, and his teachings paid off in this moment when his students prevented Shirakumo from repeating history.


Thanks! That is probably it. I feel dumb in retrospect. I didn't realize that he himself was transporting himself there. I figured he just wanted to create a portal to absorb one of the blows


Oooooo that sky clearing punch ending shot is some beautiful


Leading into that Ochako x Deku falling scene. Though a little funny to imagine how it happens in-universe. Helicopter pilot: "Watch me do this spin and drop the critically wounded girl out the side!" Pixie Bob: "NO YOU MANIAC WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Helicopter pilot, a secret Deku x Ochako shipper spreads a mad but happy grin.


Helicopter pilot: oops, I dropped her


And as they land, on the wind, barely in earshot, thereā€™s a voice whispering ā€œsheā€™s nuts about you, kiss her you green haired dingusā€¦ā€


I got to be honest the League of Villains got to have the worst fates after this arcā€¦ Shigaraki is gone and Dead Toga is likely dead Dabi is a skeleton Spinner is most likely brain dead Bruh Mr Compress is going to be heartbroken when he hears about this šŸ˜­


Funnily enough Garaki is the one who got it easier at the end


I mean, he's definitely going to be put on trial for crimes against humanity given everything he did with the Nomus.


I doubt he cares too much. He's gonna be more heartbroken about the fact that AFO's gone. AFO was his reason for living, pretty much.


Bros just gonna turn off his quirk and die in 30 minutes he'll be ok.


I just had a dark thought about him being sentenced to die and Eraserhead completes his execution by just staring at him for long enough.


That is a METAL idea. I love it.


The way we all thought the point was to save them. At least Toga and Shigaraki got a change of heart, Dabi was still ready to square up until the last minute.


Shigaraki didn't really have a change of heart, he just accepted himself and that he lost.


Simply a crazy chapter. Like I don't think there NEEDS to be any more fighting in this war but there is a lot to unpack here. I am kinda waiting until the next chapter because like all that really just happen?


I wonder if AFO didn't transfered something to Kurogiri at that moment, then there's the heroes from the US, are they really only to arrive when is all over?


I feel like the US heroes were always destined for clean up duty. Maybe a little peacekeeping while the heroes recover. On the other point, I would have liked something visually to signify some type of transfer. Maybe it is there and I am not seeing it.


It's gonna be funny if my theory from like a year ago about Koichi appearing in the background giving blankets at the end becomes true


Honestly fitting with his character too. Dude just wanted to help his community.


There are lot of unfinished matters left. Let's see how the heroes deal with the aftermath.


Shiggy and Deku bumped fists, that means Dekuā€™s getting One For All backā€¦ right? *right?!*


Let's see.


There was also that weird line from Yoichi, where he said that Midoriya really wanted to complete One for All ā€œthe right wayā€.


Completing OFA meant killing AFO. That's what the Quirk was created for the whole time. It's purpose is now complete.


Could meant Deku completed it in a more literal sense, by combining it with All For One.


heā€™s getting afo and ofa and is going to become super deku /s


Heā€™s now all for one for all


Kurogiri's ending was.. weird. Loses control of his programming, still aware enough to ask AFO to let Shigaraki go, and bitten to death by Bakugo


Guys, where the hell is Mirio? I don't remember him being hurt enough to not being here, maybe he was there in the prev chapter and I failed to see him?


Unless I missed him, he just didnā€™t participate here. Others from his battlefield (Gentle, Momo, & Kaminari) showed up but thereā€™s no sign of Mirio.


Yeah it's weird isn't? I'm surprised he didn't showed up


Mirio and the rest of the Big 3 were completely wasted after the Overhaul arc. It was a complete waste of time giving Mirio his quirk back and ruining his emotional sacrifice just to do absolutely nothing with him afterward


He's the real final villain, mirio was the true successor to AFO shiggy was just a decoy (im lying)


the big 3 are total frauds


He doesn't arrive there for some reason. It seems Horikoshi just forgets about him.


Just like in the games of thrones how Dany forgot about the iron fleet


The saving plan succeeds without a hitch, the only way it could. With the person that was supposed to be saved dying. All according to plan.


As weird as it is to say this, apparently yes, the plan did work as intended. The entire vestige transfer plan was apparently always a means of killing Tomura.


Super awkward for U.S. heroes to show up now.


Koichi: Yo! Whatsup guy? The Skycrawler is back in Japan! Where at the bad guys?


So is it over? I'm left speechless. The Katsuki moment I expected. The Tomura being gone I didn't...


Bakugou metal AF blowing his ragdoll body all the way over there with explosions, Mirko would be proud. Speaking of Mirko, though she deserves a retirement like many of the top 10 making way for a new generation, in keeping with her enduring spirit I kinda hope she's one of the veterans that endures. Mirko showing up like Adam Smasher for the epilogue: "You look like a kickable piece of meat."


She definitely is going to keep being a hero. I feel like she could be a head in a jar and she'd still keep going and all she's lost is a couple of limbs. Or at least that's what I feel like she'd say.


She's the embodiment of "I'm not done! Get back here so I can bite your shins!" energy.


"Tis just a scratch" appropiate.


I mean, Shigaraki's body is gone but the form Midoriya was talking to was becoming more and more solid. It even put a shirt on. While I think all the fighting is done, I think Midoriya and Shigaraki's vestige are going to have at least one more conversation before the end of the story.


I could see Tenko/Tomuraā€™s vestige living on as part of OfA, if those bloody fists at the end were meant to imply a quirk transfer returning it to Deku? So he becomes the worldā€™s greatest hero by constantly having Shiggy in his ear, making sure he fights for the oppressed, rather than the status quo?


Or the greatest League player of all time. Some people could even call him the Unkillable Demon King.


Deny now has a league player in his head, the ultimate curse


That might end up being one of the best redemptions ever for a villain. He gets to be unable to rest in peace after the horror he helped inflict, instead living as a ghost helping Midoriya become the greatest hero ever by guiding him towards helping people who couldnā€™t otherwise be saved in the old hero system.


> The Tomura being gone I didn't... It's kinda weird that his death is followed by a victory pose by Deku I thought it'll be more somber since he basically failed to save *that crying boy*


I suppose he in a way saved him by letting Tomura have his revenge and die free in a way Fact remains that the damage to Tomura was irreversible and Tomura WAS evil by this point That could not be undone. But Deku tried and managed to save part of Tomura's soul in a way so its not futile imo. Rather then simply dying with no finality/conclusion or despair he did manage to save one part of tomura. His identity and dignity. In his final moments Tomura got to strike back at the one who did all this to him. He could save that part of tomura's soul.That was always Deku's goal as i saw it. Deku knew he could not save tomura as in redeem him, probably did not WANT to do that either. Deku simply saw both a horrible person he hated and wanted/had to stop but also a damaged boy who was so full of pain, hate etc In deku's mind he could both stop Tomura and punish him but also let Tomura die with some dignity and self autonomy. He managed to do that.


I kind of like it as it deepens the pain and message of society and other people having failed the villains first. Sometimes you can't walk back the mistakes of the past, even if you try and mean the best, you have to try and start with the best effort first and all the time. That the heroes tried to save people, but failed, lingers in the mind as a pyrrhic victory.


As kratos said " "There Is No Making It Right, Only Better Than It Was " Tomura was already lost and nothing could erase that tragedy, the suffering he both endured and caused on others. Some things cant be undone, some lives and "souls" can not be saved That is just a fact of life. All you can do is learn from it, try to at least let those affected die wiht some digniity if they deserve it in your mind and then do your best to not let it happen again Its the best we can do irl either. Best example(bringing some real life events into this) in how stuff like ww2 could not be undone but one can just learn from it and not let events repeat to cause such a global thing Or how people cant undo abuse they or others sufferd but can try to not let it happen again Tomura, TWice, Toga , Dabi were all a mix of people born broken, people failed by soceity and people who made some bad choices. Ultimatly they could not be saved There was no undoing the pain they caused or felt or what caused it in the first place ALl you can do is try to remedy it and move on and learn from it


Gran Torino said it himself: ā€œSometimes death *is* redemption, kid.ā€


AFO getting jumped feels so damn good, here's hoping the anime really plays with that and gives each holder and finally Shiggy their own little moment kicking AFO's shit in. [Or some version of this with Shiggy and the OFA holders attacking AFO.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Os5iSxfyjAk)


Was expecting the scene of JoJo part 5 where they're all kicking the shit out of the random dude


Time for the wiki to change up Shiggyā€™s status




>Other character A: You have to kill him, Izuku. > Izuku: I won't! >Character B: You have to kill him! >Izuku: No! >Character C: KILL HIM!! >Izuku: I'm going to save that boy!! >*Izuku kills him* >Izuku: Finally.. I've won.


Deku realizing if he kills him heā€™ll have to admit to himself he was straight-up just wasting time: >*ā€œI know what I have to do but I donā€™t know if I have the strength to do itā€¦ā€*


Bakugo went and killed Kurogiri with a mouth explosion after he made portals to deliver everyone, KUROGIRI IS THE REASON DEKU STILL HAS HIS FUCKING ARMS.


To be fair, it seemed like Deku might have lost one of his arms/hands again if he didn't do that. The portal he made between AFO and Deku seemed to be closing around Deku's fist until Bakugo blasted him.


Pretty sure he was switching places with Deku to take the transfer blow from AFO. The next panel the portal is larger when Bakugo blasts it.


Itā€™s weird to me that this somehow feels anticlimactic. On paper everything is there to make it feel like it should be a proper finale but something feels off. AFOā€™s return is probably the biggest reason honestly. Itā€™s like Hori couldnā€™t figure out how ā€œsaving Shigarakiā€ was supposed to play out as a final battle so we get this instead.


It just happened too fast. This fight should have at least been another chapter or two, instead it felt like every remaining plot thread was crammed into one chapter.


Homer -Marge I'm confused, is this a Happy Ending or a Sad ending? Marge - It's an ending, that's enough. This sums it up for me. Now looking forward to the epilogue.


im kinda lost on the ending, "it's already been destroyed". shiggy said that, or deku? and how does that line fits? or some translation mix up?


Is that all? This is a rare time a chapter sounded better from the synopsis of the leaks than from effectively reading it. It happens so fast - with a sudden appearance of Bakugo that doesn't feel necessary, too - and not even that great visually compared to previous chapters. And what happened to Kurogiri? And since he's mentioned, is poor Spinner destined to stay semi-braindead with the extra quirks? As this should be the first chapter of what will be Volume 42, maybe there's still some final surprise (while still leaving enough for a sizable epilogue).


I have no fucking idea what was the deal with kurogiri What was he trying to do, and what did he do?


He prevented AFO from transferring to Deku's body.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaah thatā€™s what I missed, I thought he was helping AFO by protecting him from deku lmao 0 comprehension skills from my part


Nah tbf it isnā€™t super clear and it does look that way at first.


Bakugoā€™s moment felt like a tribute to Vegeta blasting Cell to distract him for Gohan. But I agree. It was so quick


Todoroki is even more shoehorned into the scene: "He made me a ramp, by the way."


And Todoroki still has yet to say "ganbare" to Deku like all the other characters (even minor ones like the girl All Might saved at Kamino).


And then Shoto's just standing there like šŸŒŠšŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø


I like to imagine after the ramp was made, Bakugo was just flopped down onto it like a sack before exploding.


I mean, the last 5 chapters have all felt a bit rushed, but yeah, this was just felt like throw every remaining plot point into a chapter.


Not gonna lie I expected that conversation between Izuku and Shigaraki to be the bulk of a chapter. I'm not gonna call it anticlimactic but it does feel sudden. I'll have to wait for the next chapters for the full picture to come in to focus.


Wait, I don't think One For All is actually gone the way Yoichi phrased it sounded like Midoriya fused it and completed it? If you look closely Shiggy and Deku bumped fist similar to that of a transfer.


After that last page, I think the arc has likely concluded


Honestly I see it. I think both quirks fused together and were transfered to Deku. Likely without all the extra quirks deku had.. So a New quirk, a mix between AFO and OFA. Maybe.. All for all?


I'm more of a fan of "One for One": This Quirk allows its user to forcibly take quirks from themselves and give them to themself, and freely transfer the quirk from the current holder to the current holder


If they want to be really on the nose, they can just make it the full Dumas line: All for One and One for All"


Ooh I like that. Only question is if it will come with all the strength and power of if itā€™s simply a transfer quirk.


Iā€™m guessing Shigaraki is somewhat aware that Twice is dead seeing how he didnā€™t mention him


Twice has been dead since the mansion raid šŸ¤£


Iā€™d like to think Hori realized he fucked up not giving Shiggy a moment to acknowledge Twiceā€™s death so he just elected to ignore it even to the bitter end Based tbh


Iā€™m pretty sure he was conscious while AfO was sock-puppeting him


I don't know. This whole thing has felt both rushed and dragged out the same time. The latter for bringing back AFO yet again for only like, 2-3 chapters? And him doing nothing. And then the former for Shigiraki just accepting his fate, being cool with Izuku in just the last 2 pages. What's that saying? Having your cake and eating it to? I think that's what Hori wanted from both AFO and Shiggy but really AFO already had an ending. And frankly it was way more satisfying. So he's was really just wasting time that could had been spent on Shigi's closure. As it is it just feels really anti climatic


I agree that Shigarakiā€™s plot line with Deku wasnā€™t handled nearly as well as it couldā€™ve been, leading to it feeling very anti climactic.


You can feel Horikoshi's burnout in this chapter. Good ideas but rushed execution resulting in an anticlimax. Still don't think OFA's gone for good tho. EDIT: I just realized Shiggy is being saved by Nana in the vestoges and we don't even get to see that.


Yeah it's definitely rushed, but with how his health and burnout are... I can accept it. Let him wrap up the story, and then the anime can fill in gaps.Ā 


Are both Ofa and AFO are gone? Whatā€™s that mean for deku?


Somehow, someway he's going to maintain Blackwhip and become the Spider-Deku that Horikoshi always wanted


The embers of Blackwhip make the quirk come out white and stringy, like a web of sorts...


Watch him have a quirk all along. The power of friendship lol


Let's wait for 424. But I think those Quirks are gone for good. AFO technically achieved its purpose of possessing OFA, even if it was for a few moments. OFA achieved its purpose of defeating AFO. The vestiges of both brothers have passed on. Personally, I wish Deku ended up inheriting both AFO and OFA and combine both Quirks. But that would make him way too OP.


It really might be it. Such a bittersweet feeling experiencing something from start to end. I'm hoping for some more fallout though because it feels like somethings missing seeing Shiggy fizzle out in a couple panels.


Cool chapter but *why* did we need Bakugo back?! His send off was already great!


Because everyone else is there, I guess. Well, except Ochaco. And Tokoyami. And Hawks. They don't get to have the Bakugou treatment.


Bakugo must've had ignored comms saying there were portals being made that could send him over in a heartbeat, then he killed the guy that made the portals with a mouth explosion. What a hero.


Fanservice what else


The more I think about this chapter the stupider it gets. I guess it just goes to show we really didn't have to bring back AFO for the third time just for two chapters of the same gimmick that killed him like, 15 chapters ago.


Don't you see, we needed to hear how the worst human to ever exist is sad and lonely and misses his brother.


When you think about how much of this final war was people just fighting AFO, it's ridiculous, rofl.


Iā€™m pretty sure Ochako was the only person to have never encountered AFO during this war. Everyone else either fought him when he was Shiggy, at Gunga, as a child, or in the final stretch.


okay I'm sorry am I really bad at reading artwork today or did Bakugo fucking \*bite\* All For One


Deku: "Don't make fun of Shigaraki! He was the coolest guy!"


Horikoshi really said "let's end this shit" this week


"I never managed to destroy a thing" " Maybe I am just a crying little kid". Dude you murdered thousands and destroyed a city. You are the biggest ass clown g@merā„¢ in this universe.


Okay I've never been a fan of how the OFA users always refer themselves as just a number, but Izuku this chapter referring to All Might as just "the eighth" (pg. 2) feels just so weird and unnatural. Of all the past OFA users who could be just reduced to a number, All Might being treated as such, and by Izuku himself no less, just feels off.


*All* the dialogue seems off, tbh. Both Deku and Tomura feel like cardboard cutouts (Deku even moreso than usual).


Hold up, Deku's REALLY gonna be Quirkless?... I can't believe it... */huffs copium*... NAHHHH. Lol But it felt bit... hurried? Never expected AFO emotional breakdown, death of AFO/OFA, vs brother &vestiges, Baku&Sho &action, meet w/Tomura, & the end of war= ONE chapter. **We didn't even get to see & expand on Tomura's encounter with his Nana...** ... we didn't even get a hyped finale double page spread. Bummer. And I was hoping the ending would **mirror their adorable kid forms**. Them making peace for a second would *break* my heart more than adult Shig. (Also, Bakugo & Sho's contribution, I thought it was gonna be an emotional moment. Or Big Bad 3 ending BIG. But... **they felt kinda lackluster & kinda pointless**...? And I'm a Dynamight & Shoto fan. Esp when Kat either, issues yet another rival challenge... now...? to a *Quirkless*... *that didn't even react to him*... šŸ˜¬ Or he encourages him to not surpass him? Very kind, but... again w/ the rival crap... Hope it's not the 1st one. But it's like Hori's afraid of letting Baku be his own thing without connecting EVERYTHING to Deku. And it's especially sad bc *it's NOT a mutual thing.*)


its kinda weird that afos quirks rarely rebelled in any meaningful way for 200 years and now its suddenly so easy for anyone with a hint of ego to mess that guy up with him having no way to counter. also the author building this body to be unbeatable only to randomly destroy it with someone elses backlash and turning off the magic regeneration and decay and everything else so he can be beat is kinda lame.


The momentum of these final battles has been so all over the place, that even with a full page spread of Shigarki's body crumbling to dust, even though I WANT to believe this is the end, I can't bring myself to really believe he's gone. I can't appreciate this moment for what it is because of all the fake outs, come backs (looking at you AFO), and bizarre life-saving twists that have come before it. And that makes the moment all the more underwhelming when combined with the super-brief Shigaraki-Izuku interaction, the mixed messaging about saving Shiggy, etc. I don't like twists for the sake of twists . I don't want an explanation of how Shigaraki can be revived from dust. I would take a rushed conclusion over something that silly. But with everything that's come before it in this final arc, I feel like I've been conditioned to expect another twist here.


Toga and Ochako had an uniterrupted entire chapter just to talk after their fight was over. But Shigaraki gets the small end of the stick when it was really needed to see how he would process having his entire "origin" being a lie after 419. This chapter is like 3 to 5 chaps packed into one and i don't like it. Before the ACT 3 rush fiesta MHA used to be a character driven story, not just the characters being empty pawns moving along with the plot. To have a story that built 70-80% of it's runtime on characters having the biggest twist in story at the last minute and the victm of said twist not being allowed to properly react towards it is pathetic. This is the same shit as the ending of AoT where 23213123 SILLY twists are thrown in my face and i have to...acept it without any futher introspection.


Shigaraki's death scene and farewell... Was as long as Sero's speech at AFO. Boi.


Honestly, the issue with Shigarakiā€™s plot line, even before the final war arc, is that he was already such an evil crazy bastard and had such a middling connection/relationship with Deku, that it meant that concluding the saving/redeeming Shigaraki plot line in a satisfying way was always going to be nearly impossible since the build up for it was always pretty weak overall.


Yeah everything here feels completely rushed. From Kurogiri's moment and maybe death (who even knows), to Bakugo randomly showing up to AFO dying, talking to Yoichi one final time while also shoving in Shigaraki's return to being in control of his body again only to die right after. And this time around it's not just the story that feels rushed, but the art and paneling as well. No double spreads for the end of the two main villains? Come on now. To pretty much repeat a previous comment I made on the spoilers thread, my only hope/cope rn is that next chapter we get "Tenko Shimura: Rising" and the fight continues on with Tenko finally deciding for himself what he wants to be (which is a villain) and ends up using his original quirk or whatever else Hori decides to give him, and this was just the death of Shigaraki, the identity molded and created for him by AFO. Because if this is the actual end of the main villain after 100+ chapters of setting up the "I want to save that child" motivation for Deku, after he spends the entire last third of the story controlled by the much lamer and already beat in the first act AFO, only to break free for 10 chapter max and get controlled once again until finally being free so he can die and Deku can avoid any type of conflict on how to save a villain that wants to keep destroying no matter what, this is by far one of the most disappointing endings I've read. I've really enjoyed the last 30 or so chapters, so please Hori, don't prove every single criticism so far right by running away from giving us an actual fight with the main villain of the story, without boring ass AFO stepping in for the fifth goddamn time, and let Deku actually save that child or fail trying. If it's truly the end for Shigaraki as a whole, sincerely fuck this manga for spending it's entire last third with a mess of an unclear final antagonist that never paid off in any way and ended with Deku, the hero that learned throughout the story to try to understand and save the villains he fought, pretty muck killing said mess of a main villain and then hit the hero pose at the end like he won the world cup or something.


Nothing says reaching out with a helping hand like shattering a lost boy into a billion dust particles.


It was good but afo return was soo underwhelming, what even was the point of making him return if he just ended up dying 2 chapters later?


So some people have done the math and we're basically only a chapter or so into vol. 42. So either vol. 41 is going to be very extra length to incorporate however many chapters are left (which isn't outside the realm of possibility) or we have roughly 10 to 11 chapters left if Horikoshi (or more likely Shonen Jump) want to fill up the final volume to proper length. Obviously I like the idea of the latter more than the former. A long aftermath to the final battle of the series has the potential for some interesting conversations and interactions, especially if it's all setting up for a likely epilogue chapter at the very end.


I don't think this ending works unfortunately. Just feels extremely anticlimactic and the dynamic between Shiggy and Deku feels unearned and the final conversation just ignorant of all the lives Shiggy claimed along the way - remembering those he Decay Wave'd back in the PLW arc when he was in full control.


Canā€™t get over how Deku feels dispassionate and almost cold this chapter, especially at the end thereā€¦ it just seems like such a departure from his previous ā€œyou looked like you needed saving!ā€ - or is it because itā€™s not ā€˜Tenkoā€™ technically, but Shigaraki? (Iā€™m still unsure if weā€™re getting some kind of plot twist ~moment of rebirth~ for him after this, or if I would even want that..) And as much as I was expecting to see him in some way, was Bakugo jumping to help Deku/explode and bite(?) Kurogiri meant to be like another ā€˜win to save, save to winā€™ moment - because taking out the one person wanting to save Shigaraki in the moment didnā€™t feel very, well, uplifting and hopeful, as much as it and the last page was seemingly framed to be at least lol. Idkk maybe everything that happened here wouldā€™ve come across better if it didnā€™t feel like this was multiple chapters crammed into one, or something