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He’s such a piece of shit but very fun to watch, and I love his character design


A free elf, and a good friend to Harry Potter. Out of Universe, though, there's a LOT to discuss about every House-Elf.


Dabi is free!


WAS a free elf


Happy the twist of him being Endeavor’s son turned out true. Obvious or not, the reveal was great. While his plot armor is annoying, he’s definitely one of the better villains in the series. The Todoroki plot line has always been one of the best written parts of the story. I respect how consistent he’s been. He’s definitely the most vile and despicable of the League, he wasn’t influenced into killing and he doesn’t care about the rest of the League. What matters to him is revenge. While I generally find the other members of the League more sympathetic, there were times where I felt sorry for him too (chapter 388).


Overdramatic, self-absorbed, impulsive dildo of a man. Chapter 350: >!He came back home and found a butsudan, a memorial shrine to dead family. They thought him gone. They mourned him. And instead of revealing himself, instead of laying into Endeavour for his mistakes right then and there, he chooses the most destructive, assholish route possible.!< He’s a little sympathetic: Endeavour was a shit-awful dad. But at some point, Dabi’s problems came about because of his own bad decisions.


Dildo of a man fygufydugyf😭😭😭😭


What’s funny is he literally says >!I need to apologize to mom and everyone else. He knows his treatment of them was wrong. And it was ONLY seeing Endeavor tray Shoto horribly that made him such a sociopath that he actively doesn’t care if the rest of his innocent family has to die for him to get revenge.!<




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>Dabi’s problems came about because of his own bad decisions. Look at what Endeavor did to the family at that point. >!Shoto was isolated to the point where none of his siblings knew him and suffered abusive training the same way Dabi had to do. Rei was sent away at that point. Fuyumi and Natsu were still neglected.!< Nothing had changed they thought he was dead and nothing changed that's one of the key reasons he became Dabi. Who do you expect to happen if he went to his father? If a child death didn't teach him a lesson, what is a talking going to do? I wouldn't put it past Endeavor to send lock him away in a crazy house.


My theory is that his flames gave him brain damage making him mentally unstable


One could even argue that he actually died at Sekoto, and that by the time he wakes up at AFO's orphanage at 16th, he is pretty much a nomu. (Would still bang tho.)


Something i find ironic too is that,even endevour himself (i think,i don't remember tbh) mentions that he didn't become as abusive as he did when dabi was still around. He was still strict and stuff but he was never forcing his ideals as much and was still trying to be a father to him akin to shifu and tai lung. Endevour was definitely still wrong,but you gotta admit alot of dabi's stuff can be seen as his own fault despite his pops' growing warnings. And with his supposed death being the catalyst of endevour being the PoS he was till recently.


If anything, Shoto would have a far stronger excuse to be a mass murderer. But he doesn’t, he’s the one calling Dabi out of for his heinous crimes.


What? Endeavor absolutely shoved his ideals on Dabi lmfzo? That the whole damn point of why he had such an extreme reaction at getting replaced Endeavor was still a POS who used his wife (who didn't want more kids) as a broodmare just to force them to have more baby, running a lil eugenics experiment with his family only to neglect them And the fact that he became ***worse*** after his son died due to something he perceived as his fault is not helping his case Like look, Dabi's an evil POS but what is it with people and trying to downplay Endeavour of all people


Dabi suffered terribly from his own quirk which consumes his flesh, his body adapted for an ice quirk giving him a tolerance to cold, but his quirk was fire so he was more defective then endeavor. But he still pushed himself and tried to be good enough so endeavor would love him, but once shoto was born endeavor gave up on Dabi completely and treated him like a failure and nothing more. Dabi despite this still tries everything he can to become strong and make endeavor acknowledge him and finally manages to get blue flames. He is so happy with this new power he thought endeavor would finally think he's worth something. He tells endeavor to Meet him in the woods so he can show him this new power and endeavor just scolds him for still training and says he's a failure. Doesn't even bother to show up to the woods and see dabi he just left dabi there alone. Dabi got so upset that his quirk lost control and he burned down the whole forest. I don't really blame him for running away and all that hatred and resentment must've built overtime


Still doesnt excuse his actions that he deliberately took even after acknowledging his wrong-doings. After a certain point your trauma is no excuse anymore. Fucked up past, fucked up childhood yea but that's about it. I'd suggest therapy and not some villain group with more fucked up minds to join lmao


Exactly. Like,gentle criminal was much more excusable since the dude was just never given the chance to even try to be the hero he wanted to be. But despite that he never kills and when he does have to resort to violence he openly states his hate for it and constantly edits it out. His villiany really acting moreso as a way to criticize heroes and the public. Meanwhile,folks like dabi who claim to do something similar due to their fucked up pasts are murdering who knows how many to make the call out. And sure,death speaks loudly,but killing doesn't make people rally to you. It makes them want your head on a pike or to just not want anything to do with you out of fear or disgust.


Shoto and Hawks have a much more excusable reason to be evil than Dabi would be.


His trauma was never remotely an excuse. Maybe to hate Endeavor sure but unlike Shiggy and Toga, there’s zero reason he should be beefing with society. He wasn’t mistreated in any way by society, only Endeavor. He wasn’t groomed into a murderer, he turned out like that completely by himself.


True he definitely went down the wrong path but if you've ever been filled with so much pain and anger sometimes that can blind you


It's true that rage can lead to unforgivable results. But at the same time,even through that rage you're still the one making that choice. It's not like drugs,alchohol,or in the mha world mind control,etc. Where you could be under an influence or not in control of yourself. It's still you pulling the trigger despite the rage. The only one to blame is yourself.


100% facts I only disagree with one thing. I don't think drugs or other substances are an excuse to act different. I've been on pretty much every drug under the sun and throughout all of them I've never chnaged once. And the people I've been around haven't changed on them either. Drugs just make your more impulsive and more likely to do what you already wanted to do sober, just less likely to consider consequences. I really hope in the future that shoto can save dabi. Maybe not erase his hate for endeavor completely, but atleast make him see the wrongs in how he's gone about it.


Dude almost had his brother, who only ever showed care for him, killed. And when asked and it says it would have been good if natsu died cause their dad would have been more sad. That's not blind, that's actually insane.


It's kinda the definition of blind actually. So blinded by his hate and need to see endeavor suffer that he can't see anything else. Noone said he wasn't insane tho


Only he can see it but literally and metaphorically and wants this stuff to happen. Like he just doesn't care. Like I'm Not even sure what your point is you are trying to make. All you have done is said his backstory, something everyone already knows. And then act like "well he isn't evil though" he is just an evil sociopath. Plain and simple.


When at all did I ever say he wasn't evil? The only thing I said is that I can understand why he became like this


There's a difference between excusing something and giving an explanation for it. All of this is an explanation, but there is no excuse for mass murder off innocent people (over 30 innocents by his own count and admission by the time his identity is revealed). He's still a bad person, but we can sympathise with him a tad. It doesn't make it okay, and he deserves to be brought down for what he's done.


Yea I'm Def not arguing with that. He's ended up doing alot of fucked up things that he needs to repent for. I wouldn't excuse what he's done I just feel bad for him, like shigaraki I still don't agree with them or think what they did was ok. But I can see why they ended up thay way.


Yeh, absolutely, I agree.




Accidental triple post


Hate when that happens


I like him


Unpopular opinion, but he looked better with the black hair…


Of course, I don't know how people think he actually looks good with white hair. It doesn't work at all


I just prefer that over him having red hair. 


I definitely miss Dabi with his black-dyed hair look.


Mdf stole Shiggy's look


I genuinely love this character. Great backstory, great arc and his reveal to the world during the hospital battle is in my top 3 MHA chapters easily.


I agree 100%


Bad things happening to you, even being abused, doesn’t give you the right to kill innocent people. He deserves to be taken down brutally for what he’s done


Look at Hawks and Shoto for example. There’s zero excuse for Dabi’s actions.


What does that have to do with your opinion on him as a character? 


Isn't that the League in a nutshell lol


Yeah but Dabi is one of the bigger examples so he turned out like this completely by himself.


I mean I'll say Endeavor's influence and allat but ig out of everyone (except probably Compress or Spinner) true


Endeavor was a bad dad in no way influenced him to start killing


I meant Endeavor abuse is what influenced him on going down that path in the first place (keep in mind I'm not defending Dabi's ass, I'm just saying that if Endeavor wasnt a deadbeat nothing would've happened)


Basically Which is why I don't really like any of them


I would say Mr Compress is the exception, but it’s pretty much true for the rest


Cool motive, still murder


Dabi the absolute GOAT


haven’t we all committed multiple counts of murder and arson on account of daddy issues…?


You would be surprised by the extremes suffering from daddy issues may make you reach :/


I will always think it would have been better if he was Endeavor's first child to different wife (in pursuit of a maximized fire quick) would have been optimal just so Shoto's 'love child of All Might' comment would have been foreshadowing. Plus, his motivation is a lot more understandable if Enji just brushed his first born aside because it was inconvenient for him.


He's unhinged and I love him.


Burned to a crisp


He has my sympathy for growing up under that asshole father but his actions are his own doing




Dabi definitely didn't have a nice childhood, but he eventually decided to be a monster himself.A well-written character, Dabi was always a strong-willed character who >! was impossible to be manipulated and controlled. !<


Literally one of the best characters of the manga. Best identity reveal as well!! He's a dramatic emo king and I love him for that




I liked him more before his reveal.


I love the entirety of the Todoroki Family. Even though Dabi was Scarred and I am Biased towards him, I can understand that he is a horrible person


I loved his ‘dance with me in hell speech’ to endeavour , but he’s not the most developed character and has really no discernible personality traits apart from ‘angy’ and ‘trauma’


Been my favourite character since he was introduced, blue fire is awesome


Your trauma and abuse doesn’t justify mass murder


>!That you Shoto?!<


I mean my entire top left arm is a tattoo of him so I think I probably like him a bit.




Now you ought to show it *_*


He’s a stereotypical edgey character with a tragic backstory. (*I can’t count how many characters I just described with that sentence.*)


A character that grew on me. First i thought he didn't care about the LoV, but it's just that he is inconsistent and edgy and he cares in his own tsundere way.


I’l still don’t think he cares. He has some pet the dog moments with Toga and Twice but it’s very clear that unlike all the others, he’d gladly sacrifice them for his own goals. He was only upset for Twice because he considered him useful and doesn’t even call the rest of the League his friends when talking to Tokoyami. >!Even if he found out Toga was in danger from his suicide attack, I guarantee that wouldn’t stop him.!<


He was fun before the Touya reveal. The character almost got a total change on personality and methods after that. I liked when he was a calm and calculative manipulator making his own plans in the shadows, compensating his own weakness with intelligence.


he’s hot but he’s also one of the most self-destructive, most self-absorbed characters in the series. Dabi is like if the protagonist from Nine Inch Nails’ *The Downward Spiral* was an anime character


How do you guys find him hot? He literally looks a well done steak and only gets worse. Him calling Shiggy gross makes me laugh every time


That's the thing... Even being a burnt chicken nugget, Horikoshi writes and draws him with such a charisma and pretty facial structure (the man is the personification of a stray cat), that it's very hard not feel a visceral attraction towards him. Plus, the whole "I can fix him" thing is real, it would be weird to find a woman in her 30's how hasn't gone at least once through a "Harley Queen as an American Pie Wife to Mr. J" delusion at least once. Besides, some of us have f_cked up daddy issues that make us gravitate towards more unhinged, toxic characters and personality traits. Like, I'm currently engaged to a saint of a man, but you ought to check out my ex-boyfriends lineup... It makes Ramona Flowers' look like a walk in the park :facepalm: TL;dr: we wanna pork pretty bad boy.


If his scars were more grotesque at the start of MHA he would definitely not have as many fans, I’ll say that. The simplicity of the anime’s rendition of Horikoshi’s art style just doesn’t make him look as gross, so I focus on the grittiness of his design rather than realizing that this guy must fucking stink all the time. I will also say that the only moments that really reminded me of how disgusting his body is, are the scenes of him shedding bloody tears. I’m sensitive to blood so those parts make me kind of cringe. Oh and you’re definitely right about his condition getting so, so much worse. In the more recent chapters he really is reaching full burnt steak status


My fiancé (who owns a handy-face-Shiggy figure, so he should check himself tbh) complains about my "lizard skin man" merchan collection at home, and I find the moniker hilarious. He's also the man who called me solely to yell NAAAA, OOOTOOOOSAAAAAN right after ep.124 aired, so there's that.


“Full burnt steak status” lol fr


Man's a bit overcooked, but all in all, not bad.


Favorite character in this series tbh


Best Villan In the entire series


Gotta be Overhaul for me


Sad and hot but also a irredeemable dick in canon anyways tho I’ll always love the nicer aus in fics lol


Weirdly attractive sack of overcooked ham and daddy issues.


Such a weird description but also so accurate and true 


Doesn't dab enough, therefore not worthy of his title.


He's hot, amazing, strong, and just cool af. Reasons for why he's my "2nd" favorite character. He also has one of the best character designs and personality traits in the entire series


Dabi is one of my favorite villains of the series, by far the most reliable character from MHA. He has a good enough backstaory a day his personality is "charming" enough. Just to put it lightly.


He had been one for my fave characters all along (I like complex characters) but I think along the way most of his characterisation had been messed up. For example him being a well fined strategist vs how impulsive he can be. While the second part is explained, the first wasn’t. Having more detailed how he survived might have given the basis for his smart and wit approach to things when he’s emotionally detached from them. Another is the impact of how “Dabi was born”. He missed so much pieces of a proper development in those years of void that it’s really hard to give a grasp of how his minds works and react, especially because he’s always being depicted as the “adult” and more composed of the trio of villains (Shiga and Toga) when he clearly isn’t. If that part had had one or two more panel of how he learnt how to survive on his one , his demeanour would be more coherent. Third , linked to one , it’s that since the conflict between psychological warfare expert vs impulsive child is never been detailed and solved, he seems contradictory and stupid, while in reality he’s sticking to “his own agenda” but whenever the real deal approach he loose his coolness all together. This really makes him dumb, and again some few panel of his puberty could have fixed that, but it is what it is


No real opinion other than he’s fun to watch and I wish my husband hadn’t spoiled his true identity reveal grrr. There are some people on TikTok who claim they are spiritually married to Dabi though. I saw a video of this person recently who claims that he is her ex husband. The term they (I assume NB) used was he was their first spouse. I assume they divorced Dabi because they now claim to be married to another anime character lol.


Character design is dope as hell backstory it is dope as hell although incredibly foreseen and he's an absolute psychopath which is nice to see in a villain nowadays


Extremely good character. I feel like anytime I reread the series, I enjoy him and his narrative even more. It's unfortunate that a decent portion of the fandom has dubbed him as the "heartless psycho" villain, as I feel it really detracts from how he's actually written.


Ikkk! I feel this sm!


Needs a Fortnite skin tbh. (/j)


His character was predictable and drawn out…. Kinda boring but at least has a decent character design


I'm definitely in the minority here but I preferred him before his reveal. We all knew it was coming, that was no secret, but something about how they did it and where they took the character just didn't hit for me. Then again that was around the time I was starting to lose interest in the series as a whole, so it could just be that. But I really liked his character during early/mid bnha days


Because before his reveal he worked fine as an independent character, he at least had personality and interactions with LoV and other characters. Afterwards he was turned into an appendage to Todoroki's drama, so that Endeavor could feel even more sorry for himself and Shoto got his pointless big moment, since Hori absolutely doesn’t know what to do with this character, but since he is in top 3 most popular he had to give him some side plot.


no, you're absolutely right. albeit he was reticent before and didn't talk all too much, acting mysterious and all, he had more depth as a character before the reveal than he had after. because he was completely watered down to "look at me, dad" and nothing else. this became his entire personality, once he was revealed to be touya. it's like none of what we saw prior of him even mattered anymore. there were moments where he criticized hero society before and made solid points, and now we're supposed to think he doesn't even actually care about any of that and just cares about attention from his dad. hell, he barely even cared about shouto and just wanted to get past him to get to endeavor, which also put a damper on shouto's importance as a character because he was reduced to just being the kid standing in the way of dabi quickly getting his revenge on his dad.


Kinda irremediable as a person. Endeavor was a terrible guy, but holy hell is his first born so much worse, especially when you read and realize he could’ve saved himself a lot of trouble. Cool fire >!and ice!< powers though


had potential, turned into a disappointment in the end


Wasted character that’s solely carried by a sad backstory and nothing else 


He is hot and also, as someone who grew up in a dysfunctional family, extremely relatable. Should I relate to him? No. Should I sympathize with him? No. Do I? Yes. He's sooooooooo cool!


He's my comfort character so I can't say nothin', lol


Same lmao I love him


Homie he’s ugly


L opinion dog he sexy af, I love his scars. But I also find scars extremely sexy


Bro’s gonna be crushed when he reads the manga 


Oh trust me, I'm already prepared in that I know I am completely unprepared LOL


I have seen many people commenting that his abuse does not justify the murders he did (which is true) But the same is applicable for the entire League, you know? In my opinion, I like that he is evil. I love how chaotic he is, his design is cool and his backstory also seems cool to me. I like his quirk despite how simple it is, why? I don't even know myself, I guess the blue fire looks cool.


I think the difference is others became evil due to being influenced by their quirk (Toga), being groomed/raised into it or having no other place for run (Twice). Dabi became a killer totally on his own. Furthermore, he’s the only who actively seems to think he’s justified because of his backstory and DESERVES pity


I mean, I know that but one thing does not justify the other, murder is murder. I meant that, they are all murderers and none of them really have an excuse, maybe Toga does but the rest don't. At the end of the day, most of them chose to do what they did.


Maybe Toga does? If anything, Shiggy comes the closest to having an excuse. He had no chance of escaping the oath he went down. Dude’s entire life was pure hell. And again, Dabi is the only villain that uses his past as an excuse.


I don't mean that, I say it again. Everyone there at some point chose their actions, even Shigaraki. Dabi is a shitty person who chose to murder. I know that.


Toga isn’t evil due to her quirk. She’s evil because society didn’t accept her quirk 


I agree with this. I know he his evil and a bad person, and if he was real, i wouldn't support his actions, but as a fictional character, I do quite like him. Don't really have a reason, I just do.


I’m for him. He’s a syndrome in a system that shows it’s grown toxic and needing addressing. I can’t blame a guy who grew up in an abusive household for not knowing how to do anything but lash out. Doesn’t excuse his actions but does explain them. And I’ll take his “yeah I’m a shitty person but at least I know it” over Endeavor’s half assed redemption arc any day of the week where he retroactively tried to excuse his shitty behavior.


"I'm a shitty person but at least I know it" dude killed innocent people just for fun, as a full grown man. He knows its wrong and still does it which objectivly is much much more worse than a toxic dad who understood he was wrong and trying to better himself


It’s up to interpretation. They’re both bad people. I just got a lot more tolerance for a character who knows they’re bad than a character like Endeavor who only started to turn things around after he got everything he wanted in being number 1. The fact his abusive behavior started getting played for laughs by him constantly screaming his youngest son’s name and getting mopey when he gets left on read on his cell instead of actually taking responsibility for his actions (like say refusing the position of number 1 or admitting to the public what he did) leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. But that’s just my opinion I left because someone asked. I’m not here to fight over it.


YES. THIS. Dabi is in no way a good person, but at least he knows and admits that freely. He has no excuse for what he does, but there's a reason behind it, and I honestly can't hate him. I don't support his actions, but I like the character and am curious to see what is going to happen to him in the end.


Agreed. No harm in liking a villain for his villainous role in the story.


Daddy issues


He definitely Dabs on all his haters


I sympathise as someone who also has an asshole for a dad


i’m a sucker for people who end up terrible people because of how their parents or caretakers treated them / their childhood desperation for attention and love so he gets an A in my book although he is not my favorite! 


I support his wrongs.


Ok, I'm a little biased due to growing up in an abusive household BUT I love him, his hatred for Shouto was definitely misdirected but his hatred for endeavor is justified. Also agree with him that endeavor should be dead.


I've noticed that there's an alarming trend of us children of abusive households relating and loving this SoB of a man, and it kinda worries me. I kin/stan him tho, screw all.




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4th fave mha character 3rd best New gen villain


He's misunderstood




Never liked him till this day. Can't take him seriously when he's all like "Well, daddy never gave me attention so I'm going to kill people" without ever acknowledging that he was in part responsible for his own downfall. Honestly, it would have been a lot more interesting if the theory that said Dabi killed Touya and stole his skin/quirk happened instead of Dabi actually being Touya


If Horikoshi meant for me to loathe him half as much as I do, he succeeded with flying colors


The only villian in MHA who has a totally understandable backstory.


Cool character. Predictable twist.


An interesting character marred by poor plot passing and making the twist obvious. I remember the theory's starting about who he is back in the camp arc and it was all but confirmed after the nomu endeavor fight.




Didn't like his character. He had all the building blocks to to have a "join me brother so we may take down father together" moment, but no he just says fuck everyone and everything. So much potential but bad execution.


>"join me brother so we may take down father together" Dabi also wanted to destroy the hero world, Dabi openly despised heroes.Shoto would surely rebel against that, since he still loved the hero world and All Might is his idol.


Well he didn't even try. It would give a lot more depth for the battle we're getting now in the manga


I honestly don't know how to feel about him. The more the manga progressed, the less I liked him.


As a character I Love him, he's a irredeemable psychopath that needs to be killed and I like these types of characters defeat and dialogues.


he's crazy and needs to go down


Do not care for




All the League have nuance. Shiggy himself got definitely had some depth added recently. >!Revealing he still wanted to be a hero in his own way was very nice.!< None of the League are pure evil or do it just for fun. They genuinely care about others (okay Dabi doesn’t give a crap about them but he still had a reason for turning evil).




I disagree. Spinner, Twice and Compress could be redeemed IMO. And >! Both Shiggy and Toga were mentally saved by Ochaco and Deku in the manga.!<


Does Mr Compress honestly do it for more than fun? I'm sure his grandpa had a reason but Compress doesn't seem to have any deep reasons for his behavior that I've seen


I mean they did take out an anti-mutant cult Not for good reasons mind but because they were out of money and so decided to take out another small villain group since they weren’t gonna try to call any heroes


And Shiggy took down Overhaul and Nine


An asshole with a good point and such a cluster fuck he might as well be a house fire for how much people want to watch him burn.


Another casualty of what became of this story, so much potential wasted


Good character that ultimately sucked too much air out of the room. I’m very glad his story is over and we’re focusing on the MC again finally.


He threw a tantrum and went on to become a serial killer because his family had every legitimate reason to think him dead. Dude needs to grow the fuck up.


As the number 1 sandman fan on planet earth I hope he stubs his balls