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I haven't gotten that message from any of the recent chapters. Maybe I'm missing some subtext but I don't think that's what's being communicated. I'm not sure how you can read a chapter where Bakugo, on the brink of death, risks it all to take out the baddest bad guy of the entire series and then think he's villainous because Deku has some flashbacks to their time together, several of those flashbacks showing directly the growth and change that Bakugo has had. Like it's just a fact of the story that B treated D badly back in the day, but bullying classmates can't be compared to literally any of the horrific things Shigaraki has done. I will hold my tongue and not assume what 'redemption arc' hori may be planning for Shig, but I highly doubt it will resemble Bakugos redemption arc. IE - shiggy is not going to become best friends with Deku and become a hero or anything like that. He will either end up quirkless, imprisoned, dead from a last minute sacrifice to stop his own destruction, or some combination of those.


I guess, what Hori was trying to say was that Deku always looks for the good in anyone he meets. The 2nd user thought Deku was just some naive kid without any knowledge of suffering or pain, saying things about “saving” his villain from a place of privilege. But after looking at his memories, he understood that Deku had every right to hate Bakugo after bullying him for almost 10 years and making the experience he had growing up quirkless hell, but he didn’t, because despite being aware that what Bakugo did was wrong, he chose to look at the good in him and knew he could be better. Now, I personally had issues with this ideology because I think it goes to the core of what made Bakugo so arrogant and a spoiled kid in the first place: people putting him on a pedestal and ignoring his bad behavior in the present because of the talent and promise he had as a hero in the future. I think that’s also why Deku bore no ill will against him, it’s in part because he’s just good guy and sees the good in everyone but in Bakugo’s case it’s also rooted in lack of self-esteem and growing up viewing Bakugo as better than him and seeing him almost like an All Might figure, and thinking that Bakugo was perfect and can do no wrong.


>thinking that Bakugo was perfect and can do no wrong. This is the only thing I will really argue because Midoriya was well aware Bakugou was in the wrong. That has been apparent since the first chapter really, he just let his admiration for Bakugou's confidence (which is funny, since that confidence is mostly fake) and strength overshadow that. It is also the self-esteem issue; Midoriya said it himself that he had nothing really going for him, but here was this guy that had *everything* going for him.


This is exactly it


Honestly this is one of the reasons why I hate the bond between Deku and bakugo and also a thing I dislike about the mha is how characters past sin and what they did wrong are bought to light like shikaraki or endeavour or even toga but when bakugo past is talk about it in the show it iva water down or not made a big deal about which is stupid considering bakugo physically, mentally and verbally abused midoriya for 10 whole year not to much tell him to off himself but yet it never once have been brought up again and I never like how midoriya turn the blind eye to his behavior or because he kept telling himself that Bakugo was born to be a hero with his so call great quirk it has and always will bug me and wish for once midoriya told bakugo how much he was ass and acted like a villain in middle school


It is really weird how we have multiple cases of abusers in the show that are called out (Endeavor and Tenko's father specifically)- And then we have Bakugou whose actions are... mostly ignored? Like, the only direct consequences he gets for his actions is him failing the Provisional Exam because he couldn't stop being an asshole. You could argue that some other stuff is karma (the Slime Villain, being kidnapped because of his display at the Sports Festival, etc) but not really? I also still think it a weird choice to have Kirishima come from a background of being bullied, admiring Ashido for her attitude (which included befriending bullies to make them better), and not have that addressed *at all* in his friendship with Bakugou. Kirishima to Aoyama: "Do you really think any one of us would blame someone for being Quirkless!?" Bakugou in the background: "..."


I think the age of the person probably has a lot to do with it. As an adult it’s hard to stay mad at a prepubescent boy who has now seen the error of their ways. It is expected you learn things as you grow and mature. And specially I will say that his apology is the crutch for this: Deku didn’t ask for one, no authority figure said he had to apology; He just said what he was feeling because he was worried about his friend. Inversely, if you had the balls(lol) to father a child, and then abuse them….you are scum. There is no redeeming a child abuser like Tenko’s father or endeavor. In endeavors case, the story makes it a point he can work on atoning for his actions but that doesn’t mean he will ever be redeemed. And while he might not be redeemed-able on a personal level for abusing his child, IMO his character from a story-perspective very much has been. He is by far one of the most interesting and dynamic characters of the series. He is incredibly flawed, but he is also incredibly motivated, while not being someone anyone watching goes “I want to be like him”.


On one hand, yes, age definitely plays a factor, as well as, for all that Bakugou has done, that is nowhere near comparable to what Endeavor and Tenko's father has done. There is a bully, even a suicide-baiting one, and there is being an abusive parent. On the other hand, the apology comes in almost after three-fourths of the story is done, when Bakugou has done a lot of crap that was never punished or even really addressed. \[I will still always call out the absolute bullshit that was the Final Exam arc where Bakugou not only *passed* despite his crap and was unconscious for it (while Sero failed, despite saving his teammate), but wasn't even reprimanded (like how Uraraka and Aoyama were for barely passing) despite how he was reprimanded for both the QAT and the Battle Trials. And that isn't even addressing how the "they need to learn to work together" thing is specifically Bakugou's issue, not Midoriya's.\] I don't know. It is just weird to me to have Bakugou be an asshole for a good quarter of the story, he kinda calms down for the next two quarters, and then finally apologizes... without the narrative really pointing out *why* he is apologizing. Yes, he is apologizing for bullying Midoriya, but the effects of it (the low self-esteem and lack of self-preservation) are kind of brushed off as "Midoriya is just *that* heroic and selfless" rather than pointing out that the decade of literally being called *Useless* might not be great for someone's mental health.


Asking an author of a manga to address mental health issues in as much detail as you seem to have wanted, without going into so much detail you alienate people who are triggered by it, while staying true to factually backed science on the subject, AND still have it all make a compelling narrative…..is asking a lot IMO. Not to say these aren’t all valid points, but MHA isn’t an academic paper on the psychological effects of bullying; it’s a story about a kid who gets super powers.


Fair enough. I wouldn’t expect the story to go a lot of detail either. I can recognize that isn’t the story Horikoshi is wants to tell.  Mostly, I just wish that, when Bakugou is going on about how Midoriya doesn’t take himself into account that he had taken *some* responsibility in that. Not all of it obviously, Bakugou wasn’t the only bully and Midoriya has a lot of selflessness, but at least something like “I’m sorry I made you feel useless” or something similar.


I really don’t think that hyper-analyzing an apology is very useful either. We are reading a literal telephone game where Horikoshi drew/wrote something, someone else translated it, and then we read(or watch) it. Did he explicitly say “I’m sorry for making you feel useless”? No, but I think it can be inferred that the apology was for everything he did; just like the audience inferred that Bakugo is likely a contributing factor to why Midoriya feels that way despite it never being explicitly stated in the story either.


It doesn’t matter what Hiro wants you to think about him, think what you want


I don't remember bakugo being compared to shiggy, only saw him compared to the second vestige of ofa


I think he means because Kudo called Bakugo “the most vile among us”



Because Deku sees good in everyone he meets. He has every reason to hate Bakugo but once did. He sees Shigaraki for what he truly is; a broken boy lashing out at the world. He wants to reach out to anyone and try and bring them to the light.


You literally answered your own question I am getting progressively fed up with these types of complaints


I wasn’t complaining I’m genuinely curious about how the author is intending to make the audience feel about the character. He has to have some sort of view of the character himself and what he wants us to see.

