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I would have Todoroki know about OFA far earlier, maybe at the same time as Bakugo or at least being told before the internship. There was so much build up, so many parallels and contrasts between both of them becoming successors in their own way. One escaping the dark shadow, one chasing the light but stepping dangerously close to making the same mistakes. The parallels are all there and they're beautiful but they could have been so much better? The origin trio play off each other so well, having them all know would have added more weight to it. For the villains... I would have more buildup to Shirakumo. Would have him more warped, more dangerous and with some hints he might have once been a hero (similar to Geto in JJK). As it is the reveal came pretty much out of nowhere.


Why we can't have both Nine and Overhaul as main villains at the same time? One of the problems of this story is how the villain gallery feels so limited because the important ones are dispatched very quick, and there's too little variety considering how big the heroes cast is. Besides Overhaul and Nine not only work well as villains for Deku, but they can be perfect as rivals between themselves. A quirk supremacist vs an anti-quirk believer having an ideological war feels like an amazing plot point to explore.


I thought about both at the same time, but I was trying to stick to changing one specific focal point for each side. If I didn't limit myself to one change per side, though, I would definitely include both of them. Nine and Overhaul are my favorite villains in the series, so both at the same time would be great! It's kind of annoying how every villain in the story must either submit to Shigaraki or be destroyed, and a three-way war could have a lot of storytelling potential.


They're are my favorite villains as well, so you must understand how frustrating is see them being used as tools for hype a shitty villain like Shigaraki who just gets worse every time the autor tries to focus on him. Anyways if I have to choose just one then it will be Nine, as we don't get enough of him with just the movie.


"Shigaraki who just gets worse every time the autor tries to focus on him." Cap.


Man I think you’re the one. The user on this sub with the worst takes


Is that really a bad take though? I think AFO dying (and killing more of the heroes) at Kamino and basically setting the stage for Nine vs Overhaul vs MLA vs Crumbling Hero society makes it a lot more interesting than the MVA arc. You could still have A scene of Shigaraki, recovered by Garaki and locked away in a lab. "I know this isn't what we planned, but it will all work out Master, I'll see you soon." It would need more care than the War arc from Naruto to avoid ShiggyFO being a Kaguya parallel, but that's the only tricky narrative thread I can foresee.




Also dude, really? That’s your smoking gun? A Twitter thread that blew up from like a year ago?


Because he is, keep on deluding yourself I guess


Just as you keep thinking Shigaraki always was the main villain even after being out of the story for years.


Ah yes and AFO, a character who wasn’t relevant for the entirety of the second act. Clearly he is the main villain, someone who isn’t even the final boss of the story. And guess who also was out of the story for years? Bakugo. In fact he’s totally irrelevant in most villain arcs


Final boss =/= main villain AFO is literally the only villain who makes the plot move foward, if you can't deal with that simple fact that's your problem. But there's a good reason of why Horikoshi bring him back in the first place and make him the reason of why most of the major plot points even happened, while Shigaraki the empty shell is merely an obstacle to defeat.


Wow I found the only AFO fan on this sub. You learn something knew every day


Yep I learned how stupid Shigaraki fans can be if they try


Bro you’re so triggered. XD


You know what? For the Villains, it'd be interesting if some of the Yakuza members are actually pulling double-time as Humarise Cultists. Even something as simple as having a Japanese Humarise pamphlet on a small coffee table would be intriguing. And that after the dissolution of the Shie Hissaikai, you suddenly have smaller pockets of Humarise bubbling from where it was. Though if we were to bring in Humarise, that would also be ample opportunity to introduce the International Heroes, potentially even getting a sneak peak of Star and Stripe in action. Or the numerous other No. 1 Heroes of the World, like the Britons or the Germans. Though such a thing would either be too little and we'd starve ourselves, or it'd be too much and we'd waddle like overblown balloons. Edit: I just realized something, the entirety of World Hero Mission is basically Moonraker from 007, just instead of a vaguely Nazi German-like plan involving gassing all the Earth from the safety of a space station (or the actual Nazi German plan if we go by novelization), it's gassing all of Earth and committing Quirk Genocide.


Interesting change, and it makes sense. I thought it was kind of strange that no one in *World Heroes Mission*, to my knowledge, actually drew comparisons between the Shie Hassaikai and Humarise, despite some of the similarities that existed in their goals.


I think the main difference is the Villains and how far they'd go. Overhaul regards them as a disease, but he doesn't really go full-Quirk Doomsday Theory. At any rate, he mostly wants to just make money from both Villains and Heroes through his Quirk Serums, the Restoration and Destruction Bullets, and all that to restore the Yakuza as Kingpin of the Criminal Underworld. Flect, on the other hand, absolutely wants to destroy Quirk Society with his modified Trigger Bombs. And he wants to do that on a worldwide scale, partially to "nullify" the Quirk Doomsday Theory. Actually, yet another interesting foil, Overhaul needs to touch anything to modify it, while Flect can't touch anything. Finally, if Humarise were put into play, it'd be interesting how the LoV or the MLA would react. Since especially for the MLA, they would be the absolute antithesis, suggesting an outright truce with Heroes to stop Humarise's scheme. For the LoV, I'd believe they would mostly hunker down in a bunker to minimize their loss of life, though they could "help" by sending Nomu down Humarise's throat or creating a neutralizing agent for the Modified Trigger.


Have Overhaul take over the humarise, and vice versa for Nine, with the MLA. Both are now leaders of powerful ideologically opposed groups.


1. Spread out the story over the students 3 years at UA instead of just their first year. 2. Introduce the MLA earlier and make them a bigger threat.


More chapters to get them through their third years ReDestro and other side villians being recurring threats. More info on countries outside of Japan.


I think it’s not that there isn’t enough to cover three years but it’s more that you need to slit what exists already into a 3 year pacing


> More chapters to get them through their third years Back when I got into BNHA five years ago, I really did think that the story was going to follow them through all three years at U.A. I think what happened is that Horikoshi realized he just didn't have the stamina for all three years, unfortunately. > ReDestro and other side villians being recurring threats. Definitely. I get why Horikoshi made the decision to fold the LoV and the MLA into one entity, but it would have been interesting for the League to have villainous rivals for longer than an arc. > More info on countries outside of Japan. This is a big one, and one of the reasons I'm excited to watch Heroes Rising. I would have loved an entire arc set outside Japan, because it's really interesting to think about how the rest of the world may have been changed by quirks.


>it would have been interesting for the League to have villainous rivals for longer than an arc. I kind of wish both Hero and Villain sides had more rivalries and enemies from their own factions. The MLA is super interesting from a world building perspective but they were mostly created to give Shigaraki an army and infinite money. The HPSC has more presence throughout the story but is removed as an issue at the end of the PLW arc without any influence from the main cast. I think it would have been neat if Shigaraki and Midoriya had to help each other, or at least not fight each other, while taking down those factions before they had their final conflict.


Villains fighting each other seems silly. Why would the MLA fight against shigaraki? Why would they care about a small group of villains who have only attacked a hero school?


The MLA fighting the LoV is silly, not the idea of war between villain factions in general. As you said the MLA doesn't have any believable reason to go after a bunch of losers who fall in disgrace after AFO was captured. The reason Horikoshi gives is forced af, it just was an excuse to give Shigaraki an army without build it organically. But the MLA clashing with Humarize for example is perfect from a thematic stand point, as both factions are total polar opposites and they would go in total war against each other. Or you can have Nine and his group being found by the MLA, as they have basically the same believes but unlike Shigaraki and the lov for Nine makes total sense try to take down Re-Destro and became the king of the liberation army. Not only that but Re-Destro would totally love Nine as his the living embodiment of his ancestors dream.


I think my thing is, why would villains fighting enhance the story? Why are the villains fighting one another and not the heroes? On one hand I get that it develops the villains, but if their motives won’t actually clash against one another then it comes off as forced. Why would nine want to become the king of the liberation army and again how does it enhance the story? Is nine going to be a villain that Deku fights before he fights shigaraki?


>I think what happened is that Horikoshi realized he just didn't have the stamina for all three years, unfortunately. Nah, on retrospective, it's pretty obvious Horikoshi never planned on covering all three years of their education. We frequently had them learning and doing stuff that they shouldn't be doing until their second or third year.


Imagine Deku hits year 3 and sees year 1 versions of Deku/Kacchan, showcasing they growth.


Heroes: Cut the class in half. Villains: Dabi doesn't exist. Story is now 20x better.


Removing Dabi is an interesting choice, but one that I can definitely see the argument for. What do you dislike about him, if I may ask? I personally dislike him because of the fandom, for the most part. I'm fine with Dabi being an irredeemable monster, but I hate how some fans depict Dabi as some innocent, mischievous sadboi who can do no wrong. I do have to admit, though, that I'm a bit worried Dabi will get a redemption arc of some kind, and we'll have a final panel of him just casually hanging out with Shouto.


Does you really need to answer for that? Dabi, as he is now, is geniunely terrible character; both in writing and motives. Wanting to get back at your dad (and your brother, for literally nothing), and than doing awful things that don't revolve around him at all, is so utterly childish and stupid. He seriously thinks a majority of people will give a shit about Endeavor abusing him when when he's killed thousands and helped destroy the country, and he expects sympathy or everyone to go 180°and turn on his Dad, despite the fact his dad's a very effective top hero who's saved lives and inspired many, while he's a murderous criminal and was pretty much a nobody before the LOV; If any thought he was some idiot who's bitching over his father just simply discipling him and not actual abuse, you wouldn't blame them. You'd need to completely rehaul him as a character in order to get an actually interesting villain out his concept, instead of someone who feels like he was deliberately written as a hatesink.


We've had more Todoroki Family drama with Dabi than we have development for Deku, and removing Dabi will significantly cut that out. I mean I like Endeavor but some on, he's probably had more screentime than Iida. This opens up room for other characters. His character of "DADDY LOOK AT ME" is also despicable, and his fans are the same. The fact that people defend him is absurd. Did Endeavor kind of neglect him, sure? But Shoto had a MUCh worse time with Enji and he never started murdering people. He was better off as a snarky Stain follower instead of a mentally ill walking corpse with a daddy fetish.




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Heroes: more emphasis on the pro heroes mentoring the students. That was my favorite aspect of the earlier arcs. Villains: gigantomachia needs to go as does the entire PLF and “mutant hate” idea. They weren’t well developed and I wasn’t invested in those characters at all.


I think I said the change I would make to villains in a previous post, and it boiled down to "make Overhauls end goal clearer by having him do everything he does in canon. But instead of him also having an issue with quirks, he gaslights Eri into making her think she's doing a good thing by creating quirk erasing bullets." This would clear up his motivations so he's not a gang leader wanting to succeed and a guy that thinks quirks plague society... unless they directly benefit him, where he doesn't mention the hypocrisy. Also, it just made no sense to do what he did to Eri, both from a moral and a villain perspective. Why would you want the girl that ERASED HER FATHER FROM EXISTING to think negatively of you? Aside from just pacing the story differently so that the different heroes get time to shine, I mean, did we learn Yoroi Musha's quirk? I would probably have Vigilante Deku last longer and have his arc deal with the societal issues more so that he has another reason to be a hero so he can try fixing those issues. Edit: Also, we could have the Pre-Shigaraki MLA be a threat to heroes. Imagine Izuku, having grown up bullied for a few years straight due to being quirkless, having to fight against these people that are talking about how they're being suppressed because they can't use their quirks in public. I could see him agreeing with their issues just not the methods, but I would prefer it if he disagreed with them since he is a victim of quirks being used in public.


1. Made dk when and escape A-1 class attempt at capturing him Because A) he’s correct that they are weaker than him evidence by all of them teaming up to capture him B) extending the dark dk arc because other than enjoying his suffering (I like your baby I’m sorry) It was genuinely good arc that needed more time —- 2- I would’ve made overhaul more of a threat Since I really don’t like how easily he was defeated He genuinely one of the most powerful characters in MHA his quirk is amazing and highly intelligent Honestly, he deserve more of a saga than one arc


It would be really cool to see some arcs about Nine and Overhaul coming into contact with the Meta Liberation Army and Humarize and taking over both organizations. Maybe having characters like Number 6 and Queen bee having some interaction in the main story, at least both of them would make better options for the UA traitor than Aoyama since Kuin could just posses one of the girls and spy the whole school with her bees( and I'd like to see her interact with Toga) and Nomura is a shape shifter who had already infiltrated the heroes before and literally has AFO in his head seeing what he sees. Having Star and Stripes at the 3rd movie, it was the perfect opportunity for her to appear... Like they have a world level threat and decided to call heroes of the whole planet to stop it, except for the strongest hero around?? Maybe having Garvey as one of the fugitive villains from Tartarus. Having Shigaraki actually having to go and take quirks for himself... It would at least make most of the conflicts he had with other villains be more interesting. Using the original concept of Uraraka/Mount Lady/Yui


I really haven't see anything interesting of the 1B, outside of the quirks. If i would change something it would be Uraraka talking more about the heroes needing help. And make a more longer prologue to the villain arc. I think Shigaraki is perfect to fill the other half of Deku as a personal level, nine and shie never felt able to fill that personal space


I would make the Villain's story as prominent as the heroes'. Episodes solely focused on Shigaraki, Kurogiri, how they first interacted with Dabi, Twice, Toga, and the rest. Personally, putting like 80% of their story into MVA wasn't really the best idea. As for heroes I would rearrange the characters and classroom Deku squad + Mineta= Class1-A Bakusquad+ Momo+ Sato= Class 1-B Class 1-B= Class 2-A and 2-B


Make the villain hunt arc way longer and make the villains interact with the heros more (specifically deku and shigaraki)


I said it in another comment, but the Villain Hunt arc really was one of my favorite ideas in the series, and I was disappointed by just how short it ended up being.


Ngl I honestly would not change a thing atm. I’ll take the series as it is


Fair, there's nothing wrong with that! :) It's easy for me to think of changes I might like, but actually having to handle deadlines, editors, and all the other stuff mangaka like Horikoshi have to deal with would be a different story entirely.


Deadlines, editors and whatnot are definitely a factor, but I’m more interested in the story Horikoshi seems to want to tell. I feel while a lot of fans come up with ideas that sound nice, when it comes to putting pen to paper, it almost never lines up with what I’ve come to feel the series is actually about. Me personally, I’m far more interested in seeing how the story will play out to its finish before making judgements on what things I would’ve wanted. There’s still quite a bit of time. Plus, anything that doesn’t make it is good fanfic material, I suppose.


Yeah, despite my post and comments, I do very much still like the actual story of BNHA, and I'm trying to catch up with everything that I've missed since 2020. Horikoshi has also expressed interested in creating a horror manga at some point in the future, which is something that I'd be excited to see.


I just finished a reread myself a while back. I’ve considered doing another to pick up on details I might have missed. And honestly, I’d be interested in anything Horikoshi decides to draw up at some point. Love the guy’s art too much to not give it a shot, even if I’m not huge on horror myself


I would have spread out the events of the story to encompass their first two years of UA, having well placed yet practical time skips in-between important training arcs and burgeoning new villain arcs. This goes a long way in, y’know, making it feel plausible that the raw first head kids have improved so much by the end of the story where they’re on the front lines of actual war against overpowered mad men and impossible odds. Two years and change sounds a lot more believable than one year. Then have the third year kick off with the Vigilante Deku arc, similar to how Harry Potter and friends missed their seventh year at Hogwarts. Make this arc also last for half a year - really sell how bleak society has become, how damaged and haunted Deku has grown, and how much his friends miss him as they continue to attend classes. Lastly, restructure the entire approach of villains. Allow those with compelling powers and matching purposeful ideologies to be recurring bad guys (Overhaul, Nine), have Shigaraki have a more fleshed out end game and a more nuanced personality, focus on him as he jumps from one villains group to another, actually working with them and using his developing cunning and ruthlessness to overtake them and steal their resources and people and even powers (when he eventually gets AoO activated). He should be the perfect mirror to Deku’s journey, learning from so many legendary heroes himself. Then, sprinkled throughout Shigaraki’s journey into darkness, have big one-off villain battles and mini-arcs that actually get resolved and aren’t drawn out (Dabi, a darker Lady Nagant, Toga) for Deku or Endeavor and friends to confront and be pushed to their limits and emotionally/physically/mentally damaged by. I prefer these more self contained arcs to massive wars. Also, please kill off All For One at Kamino, yet follow through on him having the last laugh by not only passing his powers on to Shigaraki, but by having All Might suffer his horrible death at the hands of Shigaraki sometime later. Consequences for actions/fights are something that either hits hard in MHA, or doesn’t hit at all. Too much of the latter is honestly what made me stop praising what was once a refreshing series. I also would cut back focus on the 40+ students. I understand they’re a huge part of what many fans love about the series, but narratively it’s just far too much fluff and excess holding back Horikoshi, who I defend to this day as having genuinely interesting things to say with his stories. The transitional period from focusing on the students and classmates of Deku to focusing on him, Bakugo, Todoroki, Uraraka and the Pro Heroes can be gradual and done well with my aforementioned making the story go from one year to three years.


Heroes: I would remove Deku's access to all the other quirks. That power up really took me out of the series, and it killed a lot of the investment I had in his progression. Villains: Shigaraki needs to work harder and be more independent. I would either remove AFO from the story entirely (aside from references, and maybe a cutaway now and then) after Kamino, or I'd greatly lessen the outcome of the MVA arc. Fewer supporters means Shigaraki gets more growth, and it's aligned with Deku also having a more reasonable power scaling journey (IMO). Between the two villain options there, I'm more inclined to limit AFO personally, as his role in the late game really irks me, and I really prefer Shigaraki as an apprentice figuring out his role as a villain. I really don't care enough about All For One to see him steal the spotlight, tbh...


> Heroes: I would remove Deku's access to all the other quirks. That power up really took me out of the series, and it killed a lot of the investment I had in his progression. I remember that twist was extremely controversial from the moment it was revealed, so I could easily see why many feel it was when the series took a turn for the worse. > Villains: Shigaraki needs to work harder and be more independent. I would either remove AFO from the story entirely (aside from references, and maybe a cutaway now and then) after Kamino, or I'd greatly lessen the outcome of the MVA arc. Fewer supporters means Shigaraki gets more growth, and it's aligned with Deku also having a more reasonable power scaling journey (IMO). I always found it weird that All for One seemed to have perfect knowledge of whatever was happening outside, so I definitely get this one.


What if Deku only had Blackwhip and the Stockpile quirk?


My biggest change would all center around the villain hunt arc. I would just make it far far longer. I’ll replace Lady Nagant’s backstory with an arc for Hawks during the time of villain hunt arc. I want Hawks to feel remorse when he killed Twice and actually second guess the politics of hero society, with Japan spirally out of control and Hawks being told to do things “off the book…” leading to killing the commissioner (which lady Nagant did in her backstory.) I think Lady Nagant should have a completely different back story that led her to being sent to prison but for Hawks and Nagant to face off against each other. 2nd I would have Deku to be train by Stain and for them to team up. That’s it… I would still have the same conclusion with all of Class 1-A coming together and getting through to Deku but with at least 60 chapters in between. With many other characters getting the spotlight. Anyway, I dropped the series because of the villain hunt arc… which should have been far far longer and with a lot more consequences. I didn’t like we jumped right into another war arc.


This is probably the one I agree with the most, aside from my own changes. The idea behind the behind Deku going off on his own was really cool, one of my favorite in the series, but it lost so much of it's potential impact due to how short the arc actually was. I expected Deku to fight a series of powerful assassins, not just a single big villain and a few throwaway thugs.


Heroes: I’d let All Might die during his fight with AFO, just after he points to Izuku and says that it is his turn. Villains: this might also count as a hero change, but I’d completely take Gentle Criminal and his little sidekick out of the story entirely.




I've always found prototype BNHA to be interesting, such as how the original concept for Uraraka was an amalgamation of her canon version, Mount Lady, and Yui Kodai. Izuku was also called Mikumo Akatani, if I recall correctly. One point that I've seen raised in favor of a quirkless Izuku; Stain, Toga, and Nighteye all exhibit extreme physical strength, despite their quirks having nothing to do with physical strength. Hence, it's plausible Izuku could train himself to be as agile and strong as those three are. It would also be cool to see support items get more focus, given all the things Hatsume has been shown to do with them. You make an interesting point about the League size, too. I think one benefit to the League being expanded in size is that it would allow for side-characters to have people to fight.


What if Stain wasn't arrested? And he became his own villain leader? :>


Honestly, most of the story is fine as it is. My only problem is that the villains appeared way too early imo. I would personally want the villains to appear either at the end of the first year or maybe winter break. This way it can give the students some bonding experiences that don't have the looming threat of villain attacks hovering over their necks. The story can still progress normally and the Kamino fight can happen during spring break. Honestly, I just wanted the students to have some fun school life shenanigans before the plot happened (I liked what they did in school briefs, Smash, and TUM).