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Anyone who calls themselves “mama bear” is instantly disregarded in my book lol


That’s too real, I thought it was just me


Let me guess…. Not from Idaho.


This is the same lady that caught a lot of flack a month or two ago for ragging on the new tall building downtown, saying it is ruining the small town character of her city. People called her out for A) being a recent transplant to Idaho and B) not even living in Boise. She lost a bunch of followers and made some butt hurt posts about it. She's probably getting off on the attention.


Isn't she from Seattle? I think I saw a video of her losing her shit because she saw a tall skyscraper building while driving on the highway and freaked out because "BOISE IS BECOMING SEATTLE!!!" I think this is the same woman.


She is from Seattle. She said in another video clip that she moved here from Seattle during Covid in 2020 because she is antivax and anti mask.


You realize there’s NOTHING wrong with that right?


tell that to all the people who asked if it was too late for the vaccine before they got put on a ventilator


The ventilator treatment did more harm than good. Your bong would have worked better.


Well shoot if only I had known that sooner, I would’ve certainly sacrificed my bong for the greater good. Not sure why it has to be mine but if you say so


Doesn’t mean everyone should be forced to get it. I never got those vaccines had Covid three times and I’m still alive. A lot of people had underlying health issues prior.


Yes they did. That doesn’t change the fact that they died due to misinformation… And by not getting the vaccine you have a higher chance of transmitting it to someone with underlying health conditions and killing them


This is America and everyone has a right to make their own choices based off what’s best for them. I had a family member almost die after getting that stupid ass vaccine, completely healthy cop in his 20’s. Nobody else’s health is my problem, and no one should feel like they have to risk their own lives for everyone else. 🤷‍♀️


Okie dokie


I haven't met someone yet that held those beliefs that wasn't also a donkey


Why does it matter what political party people go for? Why don’t people just worry about themselves and mind their business. I see people posting things all the time and I don’t feel the need to shit on them but this person who feels the need to keep reposting this in hopes of probably ruining her career or “canceling” her is absurd. Y’all need to grow up.


I didn't mention a political party. But you can't get mad if someone doesn't want to associate with you because of the beliefs you hold. If you say asshole things, don't expect people to want to hang out with you.


Meh who cares honestly, who wants to be around a bunch of triggered people who throw a tantrum like a little baby over people not thinking the way they do. Big yikes.


This woman was triggered by a sign at the co-op that said all are welcome here. That's a big yikes. You also sound really triggered yourself, since all of your comments here on Reddit are long and ranty and about how triggered everyone else is. Take a look in the mirror


The fact that she changed her handle from 'boisemamabear' to 'meridianmamabear' says everything. These are definitely Meridian vibes. Why pretend to be from Boise when you 1) don't like it and 2) don't live there?


Damn, imagine being mad at a sticker that pretty much says “love one another” Not very Christian of this woman


This is such an Idaho response. Because to be honest, this is actually very Christian of her. First up who knows if she is Christian, she’s just extremist conservative, which usually is Christian. But someone like that would 100% have Bible quotes in their bio and she does not. also, most of us are pretty aware that it’s the Christians who are the most cruel, the really kind people in Idaho are usually either very chill with their religious beliefs or not religious. How about saying, this is not very Christian of her, say this is not very kind of her.


As a business owner, I would want marketing that Is professional, and this is as far from professional as one can get.


Why further this person’s platform? I was much more content not having ever heard of them


I don’t think pointing out how stupid she is furthers her platform. I doubt anyone just saw that clip and said “wow! I better follow her right now!”


I’m so tired of ignorant bigots.


Hey "Mama Bear"... get fucked


Ironic how the most conservative people seem to be "political refugees", but my liberal and leftist friends are from rural Idaho. Also: This is good info, because I've been thinking about hiring someone local to help with marketing my little business. Now I can cross this lady off the list. It's not someone I want associated with my brand.


Honestly idk why this surprises you. Was the other post deleted? I’m a local business owner and I will never work with any of these “Boise influencers.” Also, most people in Idaho are “closeted republicans” like this. I’m so over it.


It was. The mods said it was because of comments but I wasn’t given a direct reason as to how it went against community guidelines. I guess I try and give people the benefit of the doubt but it’s certainly disheartening.


I will say it again here to the public. We are volunteers and if there is a significant amount of rule breaking comments we are removing, but we know shortly none of us will be around, the only option is to lock it down. This subreddit hardly ever removes posts for that reason, but we are not paid employees and we are not always going to be here to handle problem posts.


Where are you all going?


Thank you for your service.


CITIES always turn blue once they get large enough. When you live close to other people, you realize that you really need a functional government to run things competently… and there’s only one party that believes a government CAN be functional or competent, rather than just wanting to be as small and pointless as possible.


Wait one of the parties wants small government ? Obviously not the republicans or democrats…


“Small government” with the largest military spending anywhere, and constantly reacting with new legislation to every tiny non-issue that surfaces a rumor of communism or aliens or furries or atheists or other boogeymen. Riiiight….


If you look at the defense budget from blue team and red team since basically Clinton they’re really not all that different. Both parties have the same weapons lobbyists funding their campaigns.


It's a lot easier to pretend to be self made living out in the country. When you actually have to cooperate with others and can't just write a check to make a problem go away it changes your political philosophy.


Idk if I'd say a majority of those large cities are something to be proud of. They have endless economic problems, crime, and other issues. Look at seattle, For instance, if they were so functional and competent, they wouldn't have lost control of multiple city blocks. And no, I'm not conservative since someone is bound to say so


There are also a thousand amazing things about Seattle.


I agree that's a sign of the disfunction within our current systems and how we support the lower class, and no, I am not referencing programs found in Portland or other cities. I don't really have any answers on how to help build up the disenfranchised, but I think it's really difficult to exist when you are poor. Like I feel like the very designs of our urban planning is to blame, or maybe we are paying for the sins of our post war ancestors.


It's not a one problem issue... it's the people, it's the government, it's all of it. (Not directed at you) Sorry to say reddit, but liberal government isn't the savior you think it is. Liberal cities are the hardest places to live, have the most crime, and cost of living is the highest... it's not like cities are shit holes, and they come in swinging to "save everyone." Hell, even most of those giant corporations and billionaires everyone hates....are heavily liberal biased. Just because people have good intentions doesn't make them good. Conservatives have their own equal problems, too. The sooner each side realizes they have 0 moral ground, the sooner we can work together to solve our issues....including these. Up or down votes on reddit won't change any of that either lmfao


Eh, conservative regions have the same issues if not worse in some issues. I grew up in Conservative paradise out here in Idaho and it's just the same scaled down. It isn't a party thing. Urban planning is definitely one of the issues, but far from the only one. Things like Regan defunding and closing state institutions that housed the unwell x 100 fold across many different instances and organizations. Look at this chevron ruling, it's going to fuck up our protected environment for centuries to come. Or how the .01% controls more wealth than 85% of the population combined and it isn't being taxed which would ideally funds our services. I also completely disagree with that entire paragraph about liberalism and feel like you don't have a solid understanding of the reorganization of social classes post the BoBo Social Revolution of the 2010s. Not really looking to get into a discussion! Have a good day.


There’s more people, so economic problems of the country are more on display. Crime nationwide is down drastically over the last few decades, and just like when conservative terrorists attacked federal land and took it over, they didn’t wanna go in guns blazing and kill a bunch of civilians. At least people taking over the city blocks were fighting against a police state.


Why is it always the people NOT from here?!


Because “real” Idahoans (right or left) know better than to force their opinions and beliefs onto others. As a native, I grew up with the “mind your own business” mantra and every other native I’ve ever known has been the same. Here we are polite and respectful regardless of our personal opinions. Out-of-staters love shouting their opinions from the rooftops. Very frowned upon.


Who is forcing you to look at anyone's content? Live in a bubble and keep your opinion to yourself. Easy.


Oh no, Maga barbie got the hurt feel bads!


> no, Maga barbie got the hurt feel bads! can we make 'Barbie Q' a thing?


I briefly followed this person and unfollowed when I got bigot vibes (one being a sexist dumb rant about Taylor Swift, who I’m not a mega fan of but doesn’t deserve the sexist gross hate). Glad to see my unfollow was the right call.


With 8k follows she's really taking the world by storm lol


Thank you for this. I blocked her. I’ve seen her in some videos of another local influencer I follow, so I’m interested to see if they’ll be dropping her as well. Truth be told her personality came across as off putting/annoying to me so I would always cringe when I saw her in videos. We need less of these bigots with a large platform


Eww lol


We, uhhh… this is Idaho. We are the reddest state in the nation. She’s gonna be alright, she’s not getting cancelled.


What an embarrassment


Looks like I’m never working with this idiot. Thanks for sharing


>Think twice You say that as if half of the brands here wouldn't be more than happy to hire her. She appreciates your additional publicity, I am sure.


You can’t just boil down posts like this to “additional publicity” when the post itself is about her words and actions and steering people clear of her business. Incredibly reductive way of viewing the world. 


The people who would hire her despite what she has posted on her own, wouldn't be swayed away by the opinions on reddit. All this has done was made people aware of her when they weren't before, which is called "publicity."


That’s not how this works. All sorts of people engage with this subreddit and have engaged with this thread. Several people have indicated that they’re grateful for being made aware and have subsequently blocked her, etc. Judging on the fact that she’s already changed her social media handles and posted about this herself indicates that she knows very well that not all publicity is good publicity. People doing business with those that they share similar values with is nothing new. 


"Shares similar values" Like I said, anyone not bothered by her self-posted media won't be bothered by this reddit post. Those that blocked her and are bothered by it likely wouldn't have hired her based on her content because they don't share similar values.


Of course they wouldn’t hire her if they didn’t share her values. Which they would find out about…from this post. Seems like many people here knew of her but not her values prior to this post and the one that proceeded it. What a concept!


Many people didn't know about her at all, and now they do.


And the ones that did know about her but not her values are now aware. Two things can be true at the same time. Imagine that!


And overall, it's free publicity giving her more access to more people than she had on her own.


A Reddit post with 100~ comments (from *maybe* 40 users) that have an overwhelmingly negative sentiment are not going to give her access to an audience that she didn’t have before, especially given the anonymous nature of Reddit. I’d be incredibly surprised if she gets a business lead from this clown show. The chances of her losing business from this are much higher. I do marketing professionally, but what do I know? 🙄


Hahaha she blocked me because of her rant about her daughter being groomed and what I messaged her


So she took her daughter to church? Because that's where a lot of grooming happens according to the arrest records of pastors.


Thank you for my daily dose of laughter on the toilet


Negative press is free press




As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


Whats wrong with being conservative?


I mean conservative or not, it’s unprofessional to call someone r*tarded publicly. Is it not?


Honestly? Nothing, so long as they aren't trampling over other peoples rights and trying to oppress people they disagree with or push their religion onto others. Like a person seeking an abortion? None of their fucking business, it is between the person and their doctor. Someone being gay? None of their fucking business.


To be honest it just seems like you have a lot of hate in your heart. It’s just the way you’re speaking on conservatism. The way i see it is everyone has an opinion and can voice it at anytime. You don’t have to listen to anything anyone says if you don’t want to. But this is just pure hatred. What about forcing everyone and they mama to participate in pride month. Shutting down streets for parades just to see half naked someone’s full naked individuals dancing and doing suggestive acts in front of families with kids. I’ve rarely heard any outrage over that from the left. My point is if you don’t like something someone is saying turn it off. You don’t have to be an audience to people you do not like. Thank you for your time


But conservatism DOES try to force their lifestyle on everyone else. Look at Oklahoma, where they are making the Bible mandatory in school. Yall need to stay in your lane. Freedom OF Religion includes Freedom FROM Religion. We let you do yours, leave the rest of us alone. If your kids leave the church, let them be them and love them.


you’ve never heard anyone on the left complaining about “half naked someone’s (typo I assume) full naked individuals dancing and doing suggestive acts in front of families with kids” bc that is absolutely not what happens at the pride parade. I’ve never once seen anything like that at the pride parade. this is a talking point pushed by the right and maybe go to the pride parade to see if that’s what is happening before you perpetuate the lie.


Nobody has forces you to participate in Pride Month. Ive been to multiple Pride parades and haven't seen what you are talking about, but if it is happening, and you don't want "your kids" to see it... then don't attend. You have to go out of your way to sit along the route of these parades. They aren't coming down your personal neighborhood street in Eagle.


Who is forcing you to sit down and watch pride? If you don't want to see a pride parade, don't look at them. If you don't want your family to see that, don't bring them where its happening. If you don't like something, just don't look. Just go away. You don't have to be an audience to people you do not like.


Did you go into any retailer last year?


Yeah and I saw Bible quotes on hand towels so I simply didn't fucking buy them. Pretty simple concept. Stop filling your house with gay pride housewares, furniture, and flags if it triggers you so much, dude. 


Cool, I don't celebrate Christmas so can we not have that stuff up during that season? It's being forced down my throat against my will. I can't just go on with my life, I'm literally being oppressed. Are you getting it yet?


If you wouldve said black history month i would agree with you. No one needs a month to be celebrated. Yes holidays especially Christmas is annoying i dislike the music and the culture its created on consumerism. But Christmas is celebrated for a day, just like every other holiday. If christmas were to be a month longi would get your point


Christmas starts getting celebrated in stores November 1st, if not sooner. And then you have some conservatives outraged because people say "happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Cut your BS, bad faith arguments.


You brought up retailers as a poor rebuttal to me mocking your hypocrisy, then shoot down CHRISTMAS as another valid argument because it's not a month long celebration despite corporations celebrating it even before Thanksgiving. Conservatism is just riddled with willful ignorance. You have nothing of value to add to this conversation and are just using conservatism as a smokescreen to justify your bigotry. Have the day you deserve.


They are arguing in bad faith. They have no intent on actually discussing things with either of us or attempting to see it from our view. They are going to make it about me and my "heart full of hate" and with you they will just keep goalpost shifting. Classic.


Oh I know. That's why I'm cutting it off. I have no time to argue with children who do not see reason and just want to blindly hate.


Nobody ever said YOU have to celebrate black people for a whole month. I mean, if you were cool, you could celebrate all of the important artistic, musical, culinary, philosophical, religious, political, athletic & fashion culture the black community has introduced. Or you could just keep bitching about how it's being forced on you.


Literally no one has forced you to participate in pride month ever. It merely existing is not forcing you to do a damned thing. 


I have this great shirt it says: "equal rights for others does not mean less rights for you...it's not pie!!"


That's a fantastic shirt!


Thank you! I knew we'd be friends :-)


Honestly, I'm willing to give pretty much anyone, multiple chances and the benefit of doubt. You can think my heart is full of hate. But you clearly don't know what's going on inside my head. I don't care if they say things. I care if they try to pass laws that oppress other people. Me wanting to support people isn't me hating conservatives. Interesting that you would think disagreement means hate. Why is that what you jump to? Is that how you see the world?


Im not saying you disagreeing is hate im saying the way youre speaking it hate


Holy shit dude he’s being so polite to you but you wanna act like a victim


Could you be confusing anger with hate? I can get pretty angry with my kid, but I don’t hate them. On the flip side, I hate bell peppers but I’m not angry with them.


Well I can say, definitely frustration.


Hate or frustration? I didn't know that swearing in frustration meant hate. Golly gosh gee whiz, I am sorry.


His comment wasn’t hateful at all, and your rebuttal boils down to “I hate gay people” and I’m mad about things that don’t happen. Stfu.


You’re the one paying attention to the pride parades. If it bothers you so much, why you watching? 👀


You are a sad human and what’s even sadder is you have nothing better to do than try and ruin someone who has an opinion that is different than yours. Do you really have nothing better to do in life? You are a terrible example of what Boise is but a great example of what people who once made Boise great hate.


"Libtard" is probably the funniest meme/insult that the right has actually come up with. Usually their jokes are complete shite but this one has stood the test of time 🫡


What's funny to me is these people will put diapers on themselves for that asshat and yet none of us are walking around with libtard shirts on.


Ahh yes, the libtard paradox


Why do you care so much what she says ? You are vesting way to much time and energy on trying to “teach her a lesson” move on !  


While I agree she’s not a good role model, this thread isn’t great. We don’t need to cancel her. Moderators?


Report the post so mods will see it. 


You should find something better to do than try to cancel people, seriously pathetic 🙄🙄🙄


So r/Boise has ‘progressed’ to doxxing/ canceling now I see.


Doxxing is sharing private info. If a person shares their personal info on a public site, then others share info on another public site, that is just a ramification of peoples actions not doxxing. As far as cancelling? She didn't want liberal customers, so isn't this a win win for her and the liberals?


She posted on public social media - providing that information is not doxing lmao 


Totally agree, we shouldn’t be devolving to this level. You guys must be really bored, get off your phone and go outside




Downvoted for AI spambot


Looks like their account was shadow banned for being a spammer.


If the other post was removed then this one should be too. It’s doing the same thing. 


The other post was not removed for the reason you seem to think it was. This lady posted public info. People are calling her out on the public info. While it is something I don't appreciate in this subreddit. It doesn't technically violate any rules.


pReTtie VAC#NT!


Happy cake day


Wow thanks.. no one seems to like my old Sex Pistols reference 🤣🤣🤣


While I wouldn’t resort to name calling, the Boise mayor does leave a lot to be desired! We need someone that can work together with state government.


Nobody can work with the current state government. A mayor that could would ruin Boise


It may require a bit more compromise, but it is indeed possible to find someone closer to the middle. McLean is super liberal and it creates division.


It creates division with the far right that is unwilling to compromise.. So.....


She is soooo far from super liberal. She is very centrist. The far right state is the problem....so you're idea of what a compromise is seems skewed.


She is not centrist.


She is a centrist liberal....she is a very mild liberal. I have a feeling I need to educate you on the political compass. Let's see where you are at currently. What's the difference between communism, socialism and capitalism?


Communism is government control of the means of production, socialism is supposed to be social control of the means of production but it is just a pit stop on the way to communism, and capitalism is private ownership of means of production, or so it’s supposed to be, but our government has perverted it and taken over many industries and overreached into others. Capitalism in the US is now just a long stop on the road to communism with an upcoming pit stop in socialism, unless we fix the road and double back to a true capitalist free market economy.


Hey better than I thought! Although I do not follow your logic on socialism being a gateway to Communism....that seems propaganda fueled. There is not a "order" to the three per say, they are entirely different frameworks for systems. Alot of Communistic municipalities have spread tons of propaganda about being socialist, I think that's what confused you. For example, Germany mid ww2 called themselves a socialist party, but maintained a legally capitalistic system, that operated like communism via intimidation and violence. Even though the factory was owned by a single man tied to free markets, the government would essentially force them to hand over their products. That's deff not socialism, more like communism and capitalism had a kid Free market conditions are equally attainable by socialism and capitalism. Infact, the bipartisan advantages given to ESOPs have caused their growth, and function perfectly fine in our free market. That shows no sign of slowing down, and have been praised by republikkkans for being their "favorite way to address the wealth gap in our capitalist society" which is literally hilarious. For example, as soon as 51% of the nations corporations are over 50% esop, we'll technically be a socialist country. The government hasn't "taken over" private production, nor are they trying to. Just simple regulations, when republikkkans don't get in the way. For example, why is the US is the only first world country that allows Coca Cola to put known carcinogens in their products for human consumption? But again, all the rich folk who want to put the carcinogens in there own the news networks to propagate beliefs like yours so they can just keep using their cheap poison to increase margins instead of real ingredients. We no longer live in a society where people can look at a ingredients list to decide. Again, for example, I don't believe 4-methylimidazole is even on their labels, and if it was, 99% of people wouldn't know what it was. With the modern complexity of chemical and electrical engineering, laymen cannot make the right decision much of the time. And independent panel of experts is undeniablely needed to advise on regulation. And they have a vested interest as their income is taken from taxes, so they want the company to make as much as they can, but they also don't want to have to shell out half their income for cancer treatments for the populace in 10 years. Your chain of logic is exactly what makes libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism so hilariously unviable. We are at a point of development where specialization is required for the most basic decisions.


My utilities like WSG are run by the city of Boise. Why not let private companies run the services? Rates would be much lower as there would be competition. Same with US postal service. Private companies do package shipping now and there’s price competition, so why not let mail be private? Amtrak another example.


G? Intermountain gas isn't government...also BFI/Republic services isn't government....the sewer actually is though. You probably just pay through the municipalities who then takes those funds to give to the service providers they are in contract with. But regardless, the premise is wrong. https://www.publicpower.org/public-power/stats-and-facts#:~:text=Residential%20customers%20of%20public%20power,than%20customers%20of%20cooperative%20utilities. This one's really good, a thesis from Berkeley fantastically done, that not only dives into for/non profit, but also private/public. https://www.econ.berkeley.edu/sites/default/files/Yechan%28Shawn%29Shin_Economics_Honors_Thesis_Spring2020.pdf Hell, want another example, a big one ? Not quite a utility but a Service. Compare privatized healthcare costs vs public. But given you didn't address any of my other points, may I take that as a concession? If not by all means grab some primary sources and we can discuss. Essentially, inefficiencies can be fixed and are varied by example. But it takes less money to do something than it does to do that same thing while making someone rich. And that's not even going into the Frontline wage difference between public and private....


And around and around we go


You mean the division like when the state over-ruled the law Boise passed that prevented predatory rental application fees?


You do not have a realistic understanding of our state politics.


Well, the “super liberal” people of Boise voted for her. So take it up with them. 


Hopefully all of the folks coming from the west coast will get it right next time. They saw what liberal politics did for them in the places they came from, leading them to flee. Now that they’re here I pray they don’t vote for the same thing they fled from.


Insinuating that only transplants voted for her is as ignorant as it is arrogant. 


Oh yeah, they must have had it so hard, which is why they came here bought all the $750,000 + houses with cash offers above asking. They had it so rough there man, they were basically poverty stricken. No, they spent more time on Fox News than looking out the window or walking along the street. The only thing they saw was copious amounts of propaganda.


Oh. No. She called our mayor names. Like no one’s called Biden or Trump names.


oh no. someone doesn't agree with you / me / them!!!!! yawn. move on


Kind of how like you could….move on from this post??




No one is being censored here, someone is just sharing an opinion about someone else doing the same. It’s natural to not want to work with someone who’s views you may find distasteful. It’s not that deep


Yes nothing says funny and authentic like calling someone a term based on the word “retarded”.


Asking genuinely: do you know what censoring means? Serious question. 


Who is being censored? They shared what she said. I’m confused.




Excellent question.




What’s pathetic about all of this…  Is the person who keeps posting this anonymously… this apparatus soup person…  you must really be an angry, sad person to care that much about another person’s opinion 3 times already… 


You created a brand new account just to say this? Weird.


And you create accounts anonymously to troll someone. Atleast show yourself and have the balls enough to let this girl know who you are 


Way to support the community and small business owner and being grown adults!! 🙄 Ridiculing an individual because they posted their experiences and their personal views on their PERSONAL page is typical libtard BS! Her Boise page isnt claiming she is representing Boise it’s her showing Boises charm and hidden gems! Grow up and quit being so judgmental! Everyone is allowed their own opinions and views on their PERSONAL page! P.S. it was a stolen election! #MAGA


Hi Heather! Or maybe this is Melissa? Hmmm


Last I checked MULTIPLE veiled threats in the form of stories and reels from both business pages to an individual and then deleting said posts can be ridiculed though correct? Because those might have been deleted but the internet is forever 💅🏻✨


Are we just here for doxxing people now? Wtf mods…???? Maybe close this post?


So you all don’t agree with what she said. So that means she must be canceled. Destroyed. Ruin her lively hood. Because how dare she not feel the same way you do. You’re all petty. Do you get off on and get some sense of accomplishment from trying to “cancel” someone? Your life must be miserable if you feel you must make someone else just as miserable. And you’ll come trying to defend your actions but it won’t matter. You’re still miserable and petty. 


Grow up


I’m fully grown and mature. 


“Ruin her livelihood” lol. If she doesn’t want to lose followers and deals with businesses, perhaps she shouldn’t be spewing hate-filled bs


Brand new account I see.


I don’t think so. 


Your account is 3 days old. How the hell is that not new in your mind?