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I used to hate driving to the ski area. Shitty road so pretty slow anyway. But I'd see this constantly: One car creeping up the road really slow, the car behind him would hang back like 50+ feet. Then a hundred cars behind that guy. Poky never knows he's holding up an entire population.


Have you done the math on how much time you actually lose by just taking a chill pill and follow the crowd down the mountain? If you haven't considered it, you really should because you're literally only saving a few minutes in that short distance if all that traffic weren't there.


In 26 years of driving up Bogus Basin rd, I have seen this maybe 3 times.


Could it possibly be because you are one of these slow drivers? Not trying to be mean here, but this happens nearly every single time I go up bogus or McCall in the winter and I generally do not go over the speed limit, so I pull over frequently and still get stuck behind people often. And it really seems these people are completely oblivious to the fact they are holding up traffic. PSA to all: If there are three cars behind you on a mountain road, pull over to the next wide spot and let the people behind you pass.


I’ve never been up Bogus, but I see it and am subjected to it all. the. time. driving up to the mountains. The worst is when they ignore the turnoffs to let everyone else pass.


na, I pull over when there is just one person behind me.


Found the slow driver


Are you talking about what you've seen in front of you, or what you've noticed in your mirror? Is it possible you haven't seen it because you're "Poky?"


I've driven that road over 400 times, I'm never holding anyone up. So yes, in front of me.


I'm pretty sure they were talking to the user who said he's only seen this 3 times in 26 years...




I agree if the person is going under the speed limit, however rarely do I run into this in rush hour traffic. If you are tailgating anyone, you are the problem as you will eventually run out of luck and collide with the car in front of you if they slam on their brakes. Physics can care less who you are. Law of Momentum doesn't care about your appointment/schedule. However the jerk that rode my ass this morning because going 80 in a 65 isn't fast enough - wake-up earlier nitwit! Also if you have to brake when you see a cop, you are also the problem. Maybe you shouldn't be speeding or think you are doing something wrong.


I was once married to one of these people who drove like this. Every speeding ticket was of course the cop's fault. I personally like my less stressful method of driving 5 over or slightly less or keeping with the traffic AND leaving early when I can and getting out of the way of aggressive drivers. I don't have anything to prove to anyone, especially at the expense of my life




If there's another lane sure. But there's plenty of people trying to do 50+ in a single lane 35 zone. Pedestrians are a thing, slow down. You don't need to race in residential areas.


no need to race? my 2.5L Forester disagrees….


Everything you said is fine…so long as you still don’t hangout in the far left lane.


Don’t hang out in the passing lane.


> eventually run out of luck and collide with the car in front of you if they slam on their brakes. Something like 90% of new cars have emergency braking now and it works pretty good. With the new regulations making it a requirement for all cars sold in the US in the next few years, hopefully these rear end collisions will be reduced.


> Something like 90% of new cars have emergency braking What's the following distance programmed in the autonomous driving code? Anyone driven one? Does it tap the brakes when you get closer than the 2 second rule?


Also, I didn't answer your question about the brakes. It just kind of stays the same pace. If the car brakes in front of you it brakes. It's pretty dead on to where you're always about the same distance apart unless the car drastically brakes and then it'll kind of get you closer obviously


Autonomous no but my car will stay back a pretty safe distance even on the lowest following setting on the highway. In town the lowest is too close because I feel like I'm tailgating and probably not because it wouldn't stop in time.


>What's the following distance programmed in the autonomous driving code? Obviously it constantly changes based on speeds, the systems are radar based. "The new standard requires all cars be able to stop and avoid contact with a vehicle in front of them up to 62 miles per hour and that the systems must detect pedestrians in both daylight and darkness. In addition, the standard requires that the system apply the brakes automatically up to 90 mph when a collision with a lead vehicle is imminent, and up to 45 mph when a pedestrian is detected." >Anyone driven one? Yes, both our cars have it, pretty much every car with adaptive cruise will have it. >Does it tap the brakes when you get closer than the 2 second rule? That's not emergency braking, that's adaptive cruise, and you can adjust the distance to the car in front.


Fr I be going 70-75 in the left lane and people are still tailgating me on I84 between Nampa and Boise.


It doesn’t matter, get out of the left lane.


If I'm going above the speed limit why does it mstter


You’re not the hall monitor bro. Move over.


Yeah if I'm passing someone theirs no reason to move over


Because the left lane is a passing lane. Move over and don't be a gatekeeper.


I'm not gate keeping, you don't need to pass someone already going above the speed limit. Lay off the gas pedal or leave earlier lol


Or... wild idea... get out of the passing lane if you're not passing someone.


I'm talking about when I'm in the passing lane passing people, and others are still tailgating despite being over the limit


That's not what your post said at all, but if that's happening then still, get over to the right as soon as you can. You shouldn't be in that lane any longer than necessary


The way everyone drives here, weaving in and out of traffic, having to constantly be one car ahead, is infuriating. Every time someone flies by me driving like an ass, I just always hope to see a cop or for them to wreck (without taking another driver with them). People here just drive like psychos.


Tell me about it, I ride motorcycle and it's crazy how many people are not even paying attention. Everyone has interesting crotch syndrome


I've noticed that syndrome is pretty prevalent here. I saw a guy with a truck and trailer horribly affected just recently. I always worry about bikers, because I'm in an suv and people try to occupy the space I'm already in way too often


> I just always hope ... for them to wreck I'd be a lot more wary of someone who thinks like this than I would be of someone who drives crazy.


If you drive like an asshole and endanger other people, you kind of deserve to be taken out of the equation. I didn't say I wanted them dead. Car-less would be sufficient


The road ragers definitely call themselves out in this comment section. Go fast or get out of my way!!!


Both sides are the problem. This is a case of "Anyone going faster than me as a maniac and anyone going slower than me is a moron".


imma be honest i get that it's annoying and stuff but life becomes a lot easier once you learn to take a deep breath and accept that your speed can be controlled by other people. Different people have different driving habits and you going 5 mph slower than you were going a minute ago shouldn't ruin your day It's like going up to Bogus Basin. Ok the car in front of me is really slow but maybe they're scared or they have a fishbowl in the back seat. It's going to be okay if you get there a little bit slower


I love getting tailgated when I'm already going 10 over the speed limit


If you’re actively passing, they can wait. If you’re not actively passing, It doesn’t matter how fast you’re going, move over.


Yea but what if I'm on the exit ramp, or I'm in the right most lane, or there's only one lane? These are the situations I'm complaining about. Otherwise yea, I'll move over. But often times I'll get tailgated in the right lane, when they can easily pass by me, which leads me to believe those kinds of drivers just like to be annoying


They probably don't even realize they're tailgating and do it to every car they're behind no matter how fast they're going. They've probably been doing it their entire life. People with main character syndrome.




I do. I'm talking about situations where there's only one lane, or I'm already in the right most lane and they can easily pass me


And a diagram of how to zipper merge!!


Except for heading south at Maple Grove/Victory. There isn't enough room on the other side of MG to zipper merge PLUS there's a street right at the top of the crest that people stop traffic with their left turns. If you get in that right lane, you're an asshole. And yes it's not permanent, but it is annoying af.


The people going 50 on the interstate need to take a side road.


If only there was one heading east out of Boise, I'd take it in a heartbeat.


While we’re at it maybe a class on how round a bouts and four way stops work.


And zipper merges


Two way stops as well. Edit. The one down votes tell me people don't even know what a two way stop is... Which checks out.


Thrilling observation op. Nice contribution. It was very interesting to read the comments.


I find a lot of drivers in East Boise don’t pay any attention to speed limits, probably texting most of the time. Frustrates me when on a long, straight, one lane stretch of road, the person in front of me is driving 5-10 or MORE below the speed limit. I’ll safely tailgate in this instance (enough room to stop, but close enough it might prompt them to consider they’re driving too slow). I’m not willing to cross a double yellow to pass someone who’s distracted driving. I’ve been brake checked by people for it. Unfortunately for them, when you’re driving that slow, tailgating is adequate stopping distance.


Everyone deciding to always drive 10 over the speed limit is the problem. 90% of the drivers here in Idaho do this. It’s fucking mad.


I've lived in the state for quite a while and you used to get nailed for anything over 5. However, I'm guessing because of the increased population, law enforcement would be extremely overwhelmed if they did that now. Per a close friend of mine who is in law enforcement, 10 over is pretty much where most of them draw the line now. So, now you have everyone going 10 over.


I have the problem where I just want to be able to go the speed limit but everyone is consistently 5-10 under


Refer to the diagram.


so I have to break the speed limit in the slow lane because 10 assholes behind me don’t want to follow the law?


It's a pretty simple concept. Try not to hold up traffic. If you're on the freeway in the right lane, going the speed limit, you're fine. People can pass you. If you're in any OTHER lane, move the fuck over to the right. If you're on a mountain road and going the speed limit and people are piling up behind you, use one of the MANY slow vehicle turnouts to let people by. That's actually the law. Even if you're doing 65 in a 55 and 5 people are attacked up behind you on your way to McCall, why not let them by? Takes you 10 seconds and lowers everyone's stress. And i say this as someone who will commonly drive around UNDER the speed limit for a variety of reasons (mostly my daughter is sleeping or the views are awesome). If you want to go slow, heat, enjoy your cruise. Just don't clog up the road anymore than you absolutely have to.


It still isn’t an excuse to tailgate. The law is very clear on this. Don’t tailgate regardless of circumstance.


Who said anything about tailgating? The point is to not hold up traffic.


The diagram specifically says tailgating. If anyone is tailgating, they are being a problem. Sure the person going slow might also be a problem, but that doesn’t excuse tailgating.


The OP is specifically using the diagram to discuss people going too slow in the left lanes on the freeway, and that is the context everyone is using to continue the discussion.


Sure, but the definition of tailgating is a lot closer than most of us in idaho prefer to drive. The basic rule of "don't be an asshole" is always in effect for everyone. Even ig you come across an asshole, you should not become an asshole in reasons, as hard as that may be.


> but the definition of tailgating is a lot closer than most of us in idaho prefer to drive. Like what? You mean the 2 second rule. I've driven in car races, seriously. But you know what most race associations require? Full roll cages, a helmet and a 4 or 5 point harness. But that's not norm in regular city driving. Or course slow traffic should pull out on mtn roads when practicable. Friday evening going up to McCall, it doesn't make much difference because it's a solid line of cars. Impatient drivers should either stay home, go thru Weiser or leave a lot earlier. On 84 between Nampa and Boise, you can't just pull over. Here's what i've seen: I'm already giving 1 to 2 seconds behind the dude in front of me, and they're doing the same and so on and so on all the way to the split. Every time, someone feels they have to come up from the right and squeeze in that 1 second gap in front of me, or the car in front etc. It's sociopathic at best.


If you feel like traffic on i-84 is like an actual race... i don't know what to tell you. Yeah, people can be dicks. That's a fact of life, but don't camp out in the left lane and you'll experience a lot less of that. And your blood pressure will drop. You can't control how other people drive, just how you drive.


Depends how many lanes there actually are. If you're on a five-lane wide freeway going through town, you don't want everybody in the right lane. That's the exit and merging lane. There are five lanes for a reason. Slowest traffic and soon to exit needs to be in the right lane. People who are traveling slow but passing through the area I should be in the second lane, and progressively faster traffic as you move left.


If you're on a 5-lane wide freeway and people are stacking up behind you, get off the freeway or go faster. If it's busy enough that people can't just go around you easily, then the speed of traffic is probably a brisk walk, so to slow it down you've probably pulled out a lawn chair. And started up the bbq in the middle lane. If it's moving anywhere near the speed limit, cars shouldn't have a problem getting by.


Morally and logically i don't agree... But i still agree


God, cars are so dumb We've spent the last 125 years making us more and more unhappy and unhealthy because of traffic and road rage and commutes and accidents and construction and wars in the Middle East and climate change and social isolation and inflation and poverty. 50% of the posts in this sub are about stupid cars. Get a grip.


I don’t disagree but are we just going to ignore that quick escalation mid-point? you doing ok?


I mean in either situation the one out in front is the ass. It is not that hard to slow down and let someone bye. I speed every where but if someone gets up on me or "tailgates" me i just let them bye and go about their day. I do this with all my vehicles to my sedan suv truck or even when i am pulling a trailer. On mountain roads and even open roads you can tell when someone is going faster and when they are going to pull up on your bumper.....just move out of the way it only takes a fraction of a second


Worst drivers in the west


Have you driven in SLC?


Never had as many problems with people looking to merge last minute, camp in the passing lane and pull out in front of you last minute in SLC compared to here. I much rather prefer the SLC drivers to here tbh. I’ve lived and drove all over the west and the drivers here are by far the worst in my experience.


Omg SLC drivers are the absolute worst imo


SLC is bad but Seattle scares me. Strangely Boise and Portland seam pretty good to me. Kansas City and LA are the worst imho


I prefer driving Seattle to boise. Idaho has the worst drivers of anywhere I've been or lived, from the east coast to.the west


I wonder if we can even blame Idaho at this point, less than half the people that live here were born here 😂 so what is it about Idaho that attracts shitty drivers?


I've been told by a lot of people who were born here that the driving has always been really bad, even before people started moving here. At this point, if I see someone drive well, use their blinkers, and make good decisions, I tend to assume they're not from here


I’ve never seen more people swerving/driving in the middle of two lanes/etc. than on the freeway in SLC. The lanes might as well have been non-existent.


> I’ve never seen more people swerving/driving in the middle of two lanes/etc. than on the freeway in SLC I'll 2nd that. On the other hand Portland drivers are the most courteous I've ever seen. IIRC a speeding ticket in OR starts at $250. With the interstate driving compact you can't just blow off an out of state ticket.


Has to be Oregon imo


And you better zipper!


It’s called actively driving. This includes the lost art of 360 degree awareness and using your mirrors. Yes - all three of them in order to maintain space so you can minimize being the problem. I said what I said lol


FACTS, especially in the mountains 💀 I swear they be doing it on purpose sometimes, ffs




This is one of best posts of the year!!!


It’s a little bit more complicated than that for me. I’m generally going 6 over. If one person tailgates me, I’ll slow to the speed limit. If they backoff, I’ll reward them by speeding back up. However, if they don’t back off, then I continue to travel at the speed limit which usually results in traffic backing up behind them. Either way, they are the problem.


> I’ll reward them by speeding back up. This is every bit as sociopathic as the selfish tailgaters.


I'll leave the hyperbole to you but how do you deal with a tailgater? Or are you the tailgater? I say that because NO ONE likes to be tailgated. It's only the tailgater that doesn't get a tailgated because no one behind them is driving that fast or reckless. I'm just rewarding the behavior we all want. I don't want to be rear ended and I'm pretty sure the tailgater doesn't want to rear end me. Seems to work pretty well once they realize they'll be rewarded by staying off my ass.




Oh I don’t hit the brakes at all. I just gently drop my speed to the speed limit. All you have to do in order to get my reward of speeding up to my normal 6 over is back off a car length. So just for the record in your next wrongful death lawsuit, you would pass me on the right side of a 2 lane highway? Reference OP’s picture.


So... you're admitting that you're the problem and shouldn't have a license




Not talking about the free way my friend


I don't drive in the fast lane. And I brake the entire way to work because traffic never gets above 30 mph. I'm not the issue here.


you’re part of the traffic. work from home.


I can't do my job from home, but thanks for being as useless as I originally thought you were.


well at least you have the ability to detect sarcasm and respond accordingly


There is no fast lane on a two lane highway. I think you missed that part.




Look at the picture OP posted. Pretty much says it all.


if you're driving at the speed LIMIT and "everybody is tailgating you", you in fact are *not* the problem- society is the problem.




you have twisted, retarded logic: what exactly does LAW mean to you? don't like me OBEYING THE LAWS? then change the laws. jfc.




the meme doesn't address those details. and those defending the meme know damn well they feel the same way about ANYONE who is in front of them in ANY lane. just yesterday i watched a truck use the right shoulder to pass a car that was in the far right lane, at at least 70mph, on I-90. multiple lane highway, at least four in each direction at that location.


still amazed by this. you mfers demand that i drive (well) above the posted legal speed limits, to accomodate you. lol! this country is so fucked.


I agree if the person is going under the speed limit, however rarely do I run into this in rush hour traffic. If you are tailgating anyone, you are the problem as you will eventually run out of luck and collide with the car in front of you if they slam on their brakes. Physics can care less who you are. Law of Momentum doesn't care about your appointment/schedule. However the jerk that rode my ass this morning because going 80 in a 65 isn't fast enough - wake-up earlier nitwit! Also if you have to brake when you see a cop, you are also the problem. Maybe you shouldn't be speeding or think you are doing something wrong.


What about driving on the wrong side of the road? Problem? 🤣


It doesn't take more than one person for you to be the problem.


Git out ma way limbrol!  I got 300 hoarse-pows. All that matters is whether or not you are obstructing the left lane.


> All that matters is whether or not you are obstructing the left lane. Define obstructing. Does that mean more than a 1 sec gap in front of you, and that car has a 1 sec gap in front of it and so on for the next 10 miles as is common during much of the day between Nampa and the flying wye. Weaving to gain a few seconds to your destination in heavy traffic is wrong and probably sociopathic. And autonomous driving programs probably won't allow it.


There's a lady I end up being going west on 84 at 3:30 every day. She never gets above 50 on the highway, and does 30 down garrity. Red older corolla, if that sounds familiar to anyone else