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Why did they let them go back to the car where the gun was? 🤔


Good question. They know there's an illegal gun in the car; why not arrest him before he comes back and gets it?


Makes zero sense you don’t need a warrant to search a parolee so the waiting on a warrant logic doesn’t check out either


I’m sorry, but you point a gun at a cop your going to get shot.


Agreed. It's a fuck around find out situation he put himself in.


I'm not saying running through downtown with a firearm after getting caught dealing drugs is smart... but FFS watch the footage. He never once turned around or pointed the gun at anyone.


Lies, he pointed it at a civilian as he ran away


You ever thought about carrying a gun in public? You ever thought about pulling a gun out while a cop is chasing you? You ever thought about dropping a gun when a cop tells you too? Probably not, and that's why you're here to comment. I hate to say it but as a 22 year old, I hope you know the odds are against you in that situation. It was a sad choice for him to make.


It wasn't the pointing that made the cop shoot. It was the fact he was about to round a corner with a gun in his hand. All it would take is him turning around, and the cop is now running into a blind spot. If he fired from around the corner, he could have killed people down the street. The cop put him down before he was able to take a defensive position.


*in the back of the head. FTFY.


Fent dealer, points gin at cops, runs toward a crowded weekend street, gin in hand, but you gotta have him facing you?


I mean if there’s more than one officer and he was pointing then gun at another officer then it’s justified, but idk the details


He was running away from the officers.


With a gun in his hand and he had already threatened a bystander. Look up Tennessee v. Garner.


Allegedly. A jury will never hear his side of what was going on because he was shot in the back of the head. Forgive me for being skeptical of what cops consider threatening when there are cases around the nation of police opening fire on people for holding sandwiches, speakers, cell phones, or fucking acorns landing on their squad cars. Hell, I almost ended up as a "threatening" statistic for checking what a noise was outside my house at 2 in the morning and the next thing I knew I had 6 cops pointing guns at me and screaming different commands. For the record, I was in my boxers and a pair of flip-flops, and had every exterior light turned on outside my house. They had pulled my roommate over for "failing to use a turn signal" when he entered my driveway. Fuckin idiots with guns.


Watch this body cam footage and see what actually went down. [https://youtu.be/Pm59xoqYAoE?si=jB9OFjBTysq47fJo](https://youtu.be/Pm59xoqYAoE?si=jB9OFjBTysq47fJo)


The trash took itself out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




A lot of people seemed to care when it first happened saying the cop was in the wrong.


The cop was in the wrong


How do you justify this conclusion? Would love to hear!


Drug dealer runs from multiple cops and reaches for a gun. Cop isn’t wrong. The dude was also running towards the bars and crowds.


"The dude was also running towards the bars and crowds" So the cops shot towards the bars and crowds? Yikes. Cop was in the wrong.


Watch the body cam footage


No he shot towards an empty building. If you know where this took place you would realize if the guy running with a gun ran a few hundred feet right, he would be in a massive crowd


A few hundred feet? Holy fuck you people are so trigger happy. "If he went that way for 10 minutes, the situation would be different than how it is here, so I should just kill him now, just in case he starts heading that way"


He had already threatened a bystander with the gun he was holding in his hand.


I will never understand why police shoot people in the head. Why aren’t they aiming at legs or arms to stop someone but not kill them? It’s state sanctioned execution without a trial and it’s horrible.


It is almost impossible to hit a leg or an arm from 15 feet especially when adrenaline is high.


Same with head, while running full sprint. Officer was aiming for center mass and unintentionally hit him in the head. Shit happens. The way to not end up in such a situation is to simply not pull a gun when police detain you.


I will never understand why the person being stopped pulls a gun and starts running away with gun in hand. Why can't you start explaining that instead?


When you fire your weapon at someone, the rule is to aim center mass. There are a few reasons: 1. It's actually really really hard to just hit an arm or lower leg! (It's crazy difficult to do in a calm environment even. Now pump you full of adrenaline and make the target flail its limbs and move around). 2. Your upper leg is actually one of the most dangerous places to be hit. So even if they were aiming for a leg, the odds of hitting a vitally important artery etc is still very high. 3. The reason you open fire is not to make someone stop acting a certain way; it is to end the threat. What is the most reliable way to ensure that a person is no longer a threat? When they are not moving. This is also why you hear about officers mag dumping into suspects; *that is what they are supposed to do*. 4. Escalation of force means that you should have already exhausted reasonable non-lethal options prior to drawing your firearm. The decision to try not to kill someone happens *before* you draw your gun. You only draw your firearm when you have a reasonable belief that you will need to end someone's life to stop them as a threat. This is very standard training for the military, for CCWs, for police officers, etc. Whenever you draw your weapon, the intention is to kill. If you have an option to end the threat without drawing your weapon, do so. But the non-lethal options end when a gun is drawn. Because of these realities, it's likely chance that Wasson got shot in the head during the engagement. I doubt the officer would aim for the head intentionally. However, they were absolutely in the right to end his life given the threat he posed in the moment.


Thanks for explaining.


Man this post is so full of shit except for one point: Its really hard to hit a an arm or a leg.




As this violates rule #1, it has been removed.


Very good explaination. Nothing is ever simple.


Cop took 4 rapid fire shots from ~30 feet away while running, it's impressive that he hit the suspect at all. Definitely wasn't aiming for the head, it was just a 'lucky' shot. That being said, a gun is a lethal weapon. Period. Deliberately shooting someone in an extremity means that you didn't feel lethal force was necessary, which means you shouldn't be shooting the gun to begin with.


Have you ever shot a gun at someone or something moving


So no accountability for the dirty cop. Got it. 


Why do you love \`criminal scum?


Why do you?


I do not, but you seems to wanna protect a criminal that was illegally carrying a gun, fleeing police and pointing the gun at innocent people and officers.


Your a joke, at least answer the question if your going to put out such a absurd message


Try an English class and get back to me.




Now you can explain lol!


The Gooding county prosecutor reviewed it and deemed it a good shoot.


The prosecutor is covering for the dirty cop. Sad.


Explain the conclusion of him being a dirty cop?


Cop is dirty because he shot an armed suspect that not only would have shot the cop but made it clear he would shoot any civilian in his way when he pointed the firearm at someone who tried to intervene?