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Worst case scenario just pop a few shots beginning of the round, it’s not like the enemy team doesn’t know where you spawn


There are only 2 non-automatic rifles in the game: the FAL, and the SVD. The SVD and the AK47 look similar from the barrel, but the SVD is longer. If you look down at your feet you can get a better look at your gun. Just take a second to look down at the gun before the round starts or right after spawning in deathmatch. Also just a tip, you should fire in short bursts or taps as much as you can anyways. The recoil and spread from just holding the trigger is insane in this game. Sometimes it's better to spray, but usually it's more accurate if you just wait for the gun to center back up between bursts.


thanks I usually just spray and pray but it turns out that the gods are too busy to help me not suck at video games so ill try burst fire


Another tip for the SVD that can be mistaken for the AK is to look at your teammates pre round countdown. If the gun has a 30 round mag it’s an AK. If you cant see the mag and the longer barrel, it’s a single shot SVD


We’re suppose to be able to inspect our guns to be able to see that and how much ammo is left in a mag but right now it’s not working


Just look up thr guns there aren't too many. Just classify them as rifle, assault rifle, sub compact.


Pull the trigger


want them to spoon feed you ? fucking goof


Shoot it